The New Normal (Phase 2)

CJ Hopkins

So, we’re almost a year into the “New Normal” (a/k/a “pathologized totalitarianism”) and things are still looking … well, pretty totalitarian.

Most of Western Europe is still in “lockdown,” or “under curfew,” or in some other state of “health emergency.” Police are fining and arresting people for “being outdoors without a valid reason.” 

Protest is still bannedDissent is still censored.

The official propaganda is relentless. Governments are ruling by edict, subjecting people to an ever-changing series of increasingly absurd restrictions of the most fundamental aspects of everyday life.

And now, the campaign to “vaccinate” the entirety of humanity against a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms or, more commonly, no symptoms at all, in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of the infected survive (and that has no real effect on age-adjusted death rates, and the mortality profile of which is more or less identical to the normal mortality profile) is being waged with literally religious fervor.

“Vaccine passports” (which are definitely creepy, but which bear no resemblance to Aryan Ancestry Certificates, or any other fascistic apartheid-type documents, so don’t even think about making such a comparison!) are in the pipeline in a number of countries. They have already been rolled out in Israel.

In other words, as predicted by us “conspiracy theorists,” the “temporary emergency public health measures” implemented by GloboCap in March of 2020 are still very much in effect, and then some. That said, as you have probably noticed, the tenor of things is shifting a bit, which is unsurprising, as GloboCap is now making the transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the “New Normal” roll-out.

Phase 1 was pretty much classic “shock and awe.” An “apocalyptic virus” was “discovered.” A global “state of emergency” was declared. Constitutional rights were cancelled. Soldiers, police, surveillance camerasmilitary drones, and robot dogs were deployed to implement the worldwide police state.

The masses were bombarded with official propaganda, photos of people dropping dead in the streetunconscious patients dying in agony, bodies being stuffed into makeshift morgue truckshospital ships, ICU horror stories, projections of hundreds of millions of deathsterror-inducing Orwellian slogans, sentimental “war effort” billboards, and so on.

The full force of the most formidable Goebbelsian propaganda machine in history was unleashed on the public all at once. (See, e.g., CNNNPRCNBCThe New York TimesThe GuardianThe AtlanticForbes, and other “authoritative” sources like the IMF and the World Bank Group, the WEFUNWHOCDC.)

But the “shock and awe” phase can’t go on forever, nor is it ever intended to. Its purpose is (a) to terrorize the targeted masses into a state of submission, (b) to irreversibly destabilize their society, so that it can be radically “restructured,” and (c) to convincingly demonstrate an overwhelming superiority of force, so that resistance is rendered inconceivable.

This shock and awe (or “rapid dominance”) tactic has been deployed by empires, and aspiring empires, throughout the course of military history. It has just been deployed by GloboCap against … well, against the entire world. And now, that phase is coming to an end.

The shape of Phase 2 is not entirely clear yet, but one can make a few logical assumptions. Typically, this is the phase in which the conquering force (in this case, GloboCap) restores “normality” (i.e., a “new normality”) to the society it has just destabilized and terrorized. It installs a new occupation-friendly government, restarts the economy, and otherwise begins the gradual transition from martial law to something resembling “normal” everyday life. It hands out candy bars to kids, financial aid to businesses, power to generals and police, and “freedom” to the shell-shocked public.

This appears to be where we are at the moment. As you’ve probably noticed, the corporate media, government leaders, and medical experts have been making noise about “the end of the pandemic,” or at least “the end of the emergency phase” of it. Suddenly, “some level of Covid is tolerable,” “Zero Covid is unlikely,” et cetera. This is happening pretty much right on cue.

Now that the vaccination push is underway, they are trying to temper the mass paranoia and hatred that they have fomented for over a year with some hope and a vision of a post-crisis future.

Governments are carefully relaxing restrictions, making sure we understand that if we don’t obey orders, wear our masks, get our vaccinations, and so, they will crack down on us again without mercy. They want to ease us into the pathologized-totalitarian future gently, so that it feels like we are being liberated, returning to some semblance of normal life, albeit in a new, more terrifying, perpetually-virus-and-extremist-threatened world.

For example, here in Germany, the government has decided to “return some freedom and trust to the people,” but they are prepared to lock us down “hard” again if they suspect we haven’t “used their trust wisely.”

According to the 5-Step Plan, bookshops and florists can reopen this week with a one-person-per-ten-square-meter limit, up to ten people can play non-contact sports, and five people from no more than two households can meet up (and, thus, also play non-contact sports), unless the “incidence rate” of positive PCR tests rises above 100 per thousand, in which case, back to “hard lockdown” we go.

Two weeks after that, on March 22, if the “positive-test rate” stays below 50, outdoor restaurant dining can resume, and theaters, cinemas, and opera houses can open. However, if the “positive-test rate” is more than 50 but less than 100, outdoor dining will only be permitted on a strictly pre-booking basis. (One assumes there will be roving goon squads examining restaurants’ booking records and ordering patrons to show their papers.) There are further Kafkaesque conditions in the plan, but I think you get the general idea.

Meanwhile, in the USA, although DC remains under occupation, the Capitol surrounded by razor-wire fences to protect democracy from an imaginary enemy straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, Texas, Mississippi, and a few other states are joining Florida in open rebellion, and allowing people to go out to eat, get together with their families and friends, walk around in public without medical-looking masks, and otherwise go about living their lives in a totally non-anus-clenched-paranoid fashion.

Notwithstanding the outrage of the Covidian Cultists, this development is not of great concern to GloboCap, as the coastal power centers are full-blown “New Normal,” and the liberals who predominantly occupy them have been transformed into paranoid, hysterical zealots who now dedicate a considerable amount of time to hunting down alleged “Covid deniers,” “anti-maskers,” “vaccine refusers,” “white-supremacist extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “libertarians,” dead “racist cartoonists,” and anyone else who won’t conform to their pathologized-totalitarian ideology, and obsessively trolling them on social media, or reporting their thoughtcrimes to the Reality Police.

This transformation of the relatively affluent, predominantly liberal, middle/upper classes, and the millions futilely aspiring thereto, into mindlessly-order-following “Good Germans” (or, rather, mindlessly-order-following “New Normals”) has also occurred here in Western Europe, and elsewhere throughout the global capitalist empire, and was one of GloboCap’s main objectives throughout Phase 1 of the “New Normal” roll out. This transformation has been in progress for quite some time, less dramatically and without a virus. It will continue once this virus is gone.

The “New Normal” isn’t just about a virus. The “New Normal” was never just about a virus. You don’t need a new “normal” because of a virus. You need a new “normal” when your current “normal” has outlived its usefulness to those in power, which, in our case, are the global capitalist ruling classes.

I’ve been writing about this for … well, most of my life, and publishing these columns for the last five years, so I’m not going to summarize all that here, but, basically, we’re living through one of those historic transformations of the structure of political power that we usually don’t recognize until after it has occurred … not just a “changing of the guard,” a transformation of the nature of power, how it is exercised, the beliefs it is based on, and the “reality” conjured into being by those beliefs.

This transformation began with the end of the Cold War, when global capitalism became the first globally-hegemonic ideological system in history. The roll-out of the “New Normal” is part of that transformation, not the whole of it, but an essential stage. We are transitioning from an ideological “reality” to a post-ideological, pathologized “reality” … a “reality” in which any and all deviation from official ideology (i.e., “normality”) is no longer a political challenge or threat, but an “illness” or “psychiatric disorder.”

I’m going to be obnoxious and quote myself, so that I don’t have to try to explain this again. Here’s a passage from a recent column:

A globally-hegemonic system (e.g., global capitalism) has no external enemies, as there is no territory ‘outside’ the system. Its only enemies are within the system, and thus, by definition, are insurgents, also known as ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists.’

These terms are utterly meaningless, obviously. They are purely strategic, deployed against anyone who deviates from GloboCap’s official ideology … which, in case you were wondering, is called ‘normality’ (or, in our case, currently, ‘New Normality’) … [t]he new breed of ‘terrorists’ do not just hate us for our freedom … they hate us because they hate ‘reality.’

They are no longer our political or ideological opponents … they are suffering from a psychiatric disorder. They no longer need to be argued with or listened to … they need to be ‘treated,’ ‘reeducated,’ and ‘deprogrammed,’ until they accept ‘Reality.’

As we shift from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the “New Normal,” the pathologization of political dissent will continue, and intensify, both overtly and subtlely. GloboCap and the corporate media will continue to warn of imminent “attacks on democracy” by imaginary “domestic terrorists,” as well as the old “non-domestic terrorists.” They will also continue to warn of imminent threats posed by exotic viruses, and “variants” of exotic viruses, and permanent “conditions” caused by viruses, and other threats to our bodily fluids.

Above all, they will continue to warn of the danger of ingesting “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories,” or any other type of unverified, unauthorized, un-fact-checked content. They will thoroughly diagnose the sources of such content, and exhaustively explain the pathological conditions these sources will clearly be suffering from. They will explore a variety of treatments and cures, and recommend prophylactic measures against potential exposure to these sources.

These multiplicitous “threats to democracy” (i.e., “terrorists,” “viruses,” “misinformation,” “racism,” “sexism,” “homophobia,” “transphobia,” “electoral-system scepticism,” “white-supremacist pancake syrup,” “premeditated pronoun abuse,” “oppositional-defiant-infant masklessness,” “vaccine hesitancy,” “religion,” et cetera) will fuse into a single Goldstein-like enemy which “New Normal” children will be conditioned to reflexively hate and fear, and want to silence, and quarantine off from “normal” society, or “cure” of their “illness” with government-mandated, “safe and effective” pharmaceutical therapies.

But whatever … I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m probably just getting all worked up over nothing. After all, as a lot of my ex-friends will tell you (through their multiple masks and prophylactic face shields), I’m just a paranoid “conspiracy theorist” spreading “unverified misinformation.”

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Apr 8, 2021 10:07 AM

Well i’d heard good things – but not read you before. Hope you reach this comment because i’ve been waiting for prose like this, fitted to a perspective like this (the ‘reality based’ perspective), for some time. Off to read your fiction. Peace.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Mar 23, 2021 10:50 AM

Peter Hitchens , Dan Hodges and David Icke walk into a Bar, Hitchens Says your Round, #Matchfixers don’t pay, Hodges says Not my round #GateKeepers don’t buy, David Icke says Well I guess that leaves the #GoalKeeper.

Excellent from C L Hopkins here.



Wolfgang Seidel-Guyenot
Wolfgang Seidel-Guyenot
Mar 19, 2021 9:22 PM

This ‘step wise restoration of normality’ in Germany is – as you have stated – a mere hoax. When the stores ‘opened’ in Wiesbaden where I live this week I went into “The New Yorker” in the centre of Wiesbaden to buy me some clothes. As I wanted to go into the store a friendly and handsome young ‘hand-waver’ stopped me by shrieking almost hysterically “Stop Sir, please stop Sir, You MUST not enter here without signing in!” First, I had to fill in a form with my name, address, email and phone number. Then I had to wait for another ten minutes before I was permitted to enter, because the store was “to full” (actually there were hardly any customers at all). When I was finally (after ages it seemed to me) granted access to the store the handsome young hand-waver told me “See Sir, now EVERYTHING is absolutely normal, just as is was before! But please only walk on the passages marked with arrows and avoid any contact to other customers” – No, nothing is – not to the slightest degree – AS BEFORE.

Big JiLm
Big JiLm
Mar 13, 2021 6:00 PM

“a lot of my ex-friends…”

I love it!

Mar 13, 2021 4:46 PM

When you think about it, their choice of a virus to be the instrument with which they will end the world as we have known it, and install an Orwellian nightmare of a global Police State in its place, is totally logical.

A virus is invisible. When you have control of almost all information and ‘news’ available to the populations, you can tell them anything you like about that virus – and there is no one who is going to expose whatever lies you tell.

A virus is the perfect tool, and weapon, to destroy the world as we have known it.

Even better if, while you’re destroying the world as we have known it, you and everyone in positions of power can make trillions of profits from that virus – by forcing everyone to take the fraudulent ‘Covid tests’ (patented by Bill Gates years before the long-planned ‘crisis’), and by forcing everyone to be injected with what will be a literally endless succession of supposed ‘vaccines’ – which will progressively change the DNA of humanity, in accordance with the ‘transhumanist’ agenda which Schwaub, running the Greet Reset, openly champions, as do many of the key oligarchs running the Corona and vaccine operations.

The horrifying thing is, there is absolutely no one standing against these utterly evil politicians and oligarchs, forcing this horror on humanity.

There is no one for people to rally around, to oppose this operation.

Mar 13, 2021 4:39 PM

It is not just that the ‘New Normal’ they are herding us all towards will be like Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ – but that they actually seem to be using these two nightmarish predictions of the future as their handbook on the the kind of world they want to create!

sam gyrus
sam gyrus
Mar 12, 2021 9:03 PM

since the covid test is a fraud then the whole pandemic is a fraud. The covid test uses cycle rates of over 30 producing 99.9999% false positives. Beyond that it is not based on isolated virus from sick people, it was based by Drosten on a spike protein from 2004 from regular sars. In short it has nothing to do with sars-cov-2 which has never been isolated or shown to exist in reality.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 7:24 PM

Best to “ex friends now” those that aren’t tuned in and on the same page. They later could turn into snitches for profit, etc. Dropout of 501c3 gov controlled churches, civic and vets org. they are useless. Get w/ trusted friends or family for Bible study and resources online. Stay uninvolved w/ groups in community they accomplish nil and are mainly social clubs and money pits.

Mar 12, 2021 1:21 PM

A Green Party politician has suggested a 6 pm curfew for men after the Everard case. Although no doubt extreme and unlikely to be introduced, it is a symptom of how authoritarian and restrictive “solutions” have become more feasible on the back of the Corona panic.

Mar 12, 2021 9:26 AM

So simple that even a child of average intelligence can understand.
Have you some poor battered unit of livestock in your family or in your social circle that still can’t get back on their 2 hind legs and walk like a thinking human once more because of the evil, unrelenting gubermint elitist covaids Plandemic?

Canadian doctors speak out against the covaids Plandemic.

Mar 11, 2021 10:59 PM

911: People were supposed to play at being cops and informants.
Rona: People are supposed to play doctors and informants.

Big Tech / Silicon Valley is not our friend.
Not sure if this also means technology in and of itself is hostile.
There are arguments that affirm this possibility, among which
the nephilim and Vril.

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Mar 11, 2021 6:17 PM

Sorry. You lost me at “don’t think about naking such a comparison”. Who are you to tell me what and what not to do?

Rahwa Tesfai Ghermai
Rahwa Tesfai Ghermai
Mar 11, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

Just go back to The Guardian then? The rest of us here love CJ HOPKINS. CJ Hopkins keeps us sane. CJ Hopkins is our buffer against the insane normals. CJ Hopkins sees the absurdity in these transparent propaganda lies. CJ is s e n s i b l e…

Jeroen Buis
Jeroen Buis
Mar 12, 2021 9:17 PM

I read the whole text, but agree with Kevin’s comment. This has nothing to do with loving Hopkins or not.
AND, Kevin wants the opposite of going back to the Guardian.

I agree with him that conparing vaccine passports with things the Nazi’s did is appropriate. What is happening is fascism and should be called out like that

Mar 13, 2021 3:32 PM

[CJ Hopkins keeps us sane. CJ Hopkins is our buffer against the insane normals.]

So from that you suggest that the earlier commenter’s questioning of something CJ Hopkins said is not acceptable?

That’s your choice. I prefer not to be a slave.

Rahwa Tesfai Ghermai
Rahwa Tesfai Ghermai
Mar 11, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

Keep u n t h i n k i n g.

Mar 12, 2021 9:27 AM

back to da junglebunny

Mar 12, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

Who are the rulers to tell us what to do and what not to do? Why does mankind assent to his own enslavement? There, fixed it for you. Your welcome.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  7.62x39

95% adults in the U.S. (worse in other countries) cannot think for themselves, must be told what to do, where to go by leaders, gov. and other gov. controlled groups (civic clubs, 501ce churches, etc.) Few have critical thinking skills overall or use logical thinking. They are stupid sheeple glued to phones and video games or social media. This is why hubby and I are non social hermits seeing few people thru the week incl running errands. 95% adults have no idea what this article means, what the World Econ. forum is or plans of agenda 2030.

Mar 13, 2021 3:37 PM

[They are stupid sheeple glued to phones and video games or social media.]

Suggestion: Use your preferred search portal and look up the term “bounded rationality.”

Maybe you will reconsider your quick judgement. Then again, maybe not.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 14, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  suddyan

I prefer”left brain disorder” term like others I know do. people live in their own tiny world only for themselves (self absorbed, nihilists). Stupid & shallow sheeple term used by some talk show hosts. Some people spend all non working hrs on phones and video consoles, sleeping very little.

Mar 13, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  7.62x39

[Who are the rulers to tell us what to do and what not to do? Why does mankind assent to his own enslavement? There, fixed it for you. Your welcome.]

You fixed nothing. And you blatantly side-stepped the point the earlier commenter was making.

And you’re welcome.

Janie Doebuck
Janie Doebuck
Mar 13, 2021 1:57 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

do you not get sarcasm???

Mar 11, 2021 4:01 PM

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the “New Abnormal” it’s that modern Liberals are herd animals. They don’t use reason or critical thinking skills, choosing instead to put their faith and their trust in certain “authorities,” whether they be politicians, bureaucrats or scientists, much the same way that herd animals put their faith and trust in their livestock farmers, even when they are
being herded en masse into pens.

Mar 12, 2021 3:39 AM
Reply to  Platov

liberals are fascist scum. they will be clapping and cheering while the actual dissidents are being held down and forcibly injected with Bill Gates’ mystery eugenics potion.

comment image

Mar 13, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

[liberals are fascist scum]

I am a classical liberal.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 12, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  Platov

As if any modern humans are more than herd animals …

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

I have known some shallow conservatives who are easily swayed like cattle. Some stay on the fence or become nihililsts.

Mar 13, 2021 3:40 PM

[I have known some shallow conservatives who are easily swayed like cattle.]

I have known some people who love stereotyping.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 14, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  suddyan

Assuming your friends are shallow conservatives-solution: drop the duds and move on.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 14, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  suddyan

How ’bout calling them sheeple then?? Someone called them air heads.

flashlight joe
flashlight joe
Mar 12, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  Platov

“…it’s that modern Liberals are herd animals.”

They have been brainwashed.

Read Chapter 6 (12 pages) of Mein Kampf to learn about the incredible power of this “spiritual weapon” called war propaganda, which can lead to “…results that are almost beyond our understanding”.

Read it and weep.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Platov

And many of these dumb idiots are college grads w/ masters or phd’s, they simply lack left brain functioning and want to “blend in” with 95% of adults who are likewise “livestock”. (social or business reasons).

Mar 14, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  Platov

And conservatives who believe in their dogma are no different? I personally am revolted by liberals now, but to act as if they are the only part of the problem ignores reality. How many conservatives put their faith in authorities the same way those other herd animals do? To me it is the same disease with a different flavor. Anyone who honestly thinks that getting rid of one faction or another will solve any of this is missing the point. Our owners don’t do party and they care not one bit about the raging arguments they stoke keeping ordinary people divided into meaningless ideological camps. While we fight each other they fly above our heads, laughing all the way.

Mar 11, 2021 2:10 PM

Good grief! Matt Hancock – ‘UK’ Health Secretary – now has his own page on the World Economic Forum! Serving his masters well, isn’t he? https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/03/matt-hancock-now-works-for-world.html

malcolm ripley
malcolm ripley
Mar 11, 2021 1:27 PM

Sorry but this is yet another whining article which does not offer any solutions. We need some ideas on how to fight this. One thing we do need is replacements for social media. Now I know of many BUT we really need two or three “popular” replacements that do not have baggage attached. For example, Parler had a reputation before Covid.

The replacement of Google is simple : DuckDuckGo which is also an app for phones.

I suspect that if dissenting voices can be herd it will spread and result in civil disobediance at such a level the “new oppressive” rules cannot be enforced.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2021 6:45 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

The whining articles ARE the solution. The more whining the better.

Mar 11, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Part of the process leading up to the solution.
But also we need to and should be aware there is no actual solution
just society being herded according to the hegelian dialectic formula.

(been listening to Anthony Patch, so that explains my answer)

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 12, 2021 11:12 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Whining newer changed much …

Mar 13, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

[Whining newer changed much …]

It does seem to get quite a few peole “cancelled,” though.

But I guess I must assume from your delightful insight that that is not much.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No solution on any articles incl Lew Rockwell, or Hagmann report (Brighteon), etc. unless there is a solution, which no one seems to have. Civil disobedience is a start, not complying with business shut downs, etc. https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/we-are-now-coming-understand-how-america-has-become-conquered-and-occupied-nation

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

Agree 100%. It’s high time we stop being fascinated by the enemy and what they are doing, stop filling pages and pages of prose describing in detail their “feats” and start focusing on the source of the problem, describing it in the right terms.

About social media, I’d go a step further; indeed replace social media, but why with another social media? What we need is step out of the passive digital communication into real, physical communication, more likely to get things moving, even slowly. The important thing is to start making the first steps in the right direction. Presently, we are doing none or those made are of no consequence to the system, and we must realize that. What is more natural, when humanity is faced with the prospect of its-now open-enslavement and possible annihilation than to get together and discuss the matter? Isn’t this to do with our survival? What is this fascination with our enemy, day in day out? Of course we need to be informed, but it’s been more than a year now and this plethora of information is now having the opposite effect: making us passive and addicted to this digital communication. This time next year we would be talking about the same things, or worse, because our enemy would have made several steps by then.

We must realize that we are talking our enemy’s language, that we are having breakfast, lunch and dinner at their table, and they like that. The more we talk about their “deeds” using their language, the more we complain, the more paternalistic they become towards us, directing our lives, under the guise of protecting us. In their delusion, they really believe that they have a moral duty to do what they are doing, and our complaining only gives them more justification, in their deranged minds, to tighten things up.

What to do with raving maniacs who believe, really believe, that they are some sort of saviours with sacred missions of saving us from us poor ignorant, by controlling our lives, making decisions on our behalf and try to put this belief into action, is to to tie them up and hose them daily with cold showers until they calm down and get back to their senses. Well, these maniacs have the director of the hospital in their pockets because they pay his salary; they have all health departments in their pockets; all politicians (what an execrable word!) are in their payroll. We live in a gigantic madhouse in which the real mad are considered sane and call the shots, and the sane are treated like mad.

We must realise our state of passivity, of paralysis; analyse how we got where we are, through several decades if not centuries. And we need courage to do it honestly. Only by realising our present state of paralysis that we shall feel the need to do what it takes get out of it.

We also have to make an autocritique of our connivance with the same system that is suffocating us, because we ARE accomplices of the system: The problem with most “opposition” is that it’s not radical, it doesn’t go to the root of the disease to extirpate the tumor; it doesn’t dare to because it feeds off the system; the survival of it depends on the survival of the system (what a paradox!). We are confused; on one hand we like, or at worst, we are indifferent to this system; we certainly enjoy the comfort it makes possible, even if we sense that “something is wrong, somewhere”; on the other hand, we don’t like it when it gets mad, when banks are bailed out; when wars are regularly declared in its name, and lots of people die as a consequence; then, we frankly get angry at it when economic problems reach our door (only then). We have a mixed “feeling” about the system we live under.

[That brings to my memory a line from the movie “Mussolini, Ultimo Atto”, in which Mussolini, played by Rod Steiger, says something very significant to his captors of the Partigiani. He says to them: “Sai una cosa, il popolo non può comandare.”, “you know what, the people can’t be in charge.” Though only a movie, that sentence got stuck in my memory out of all the other lines. It really shows that those in charge see us as without opinions, with contradicting opinions even (those who cheered passionately at Mussolini’s discourses were the same people that hanged him from his feet and stepped over his head), without principles, or convictions, incapable of deep understanding, of making reasonable and responsible decisions, and therefore always in need of someone to guide them. The truth however, as Alan Watt (RIP) has repeatedly pointed out, those in charge first break the cow’s legs, then blame it for not getting up. This is in tune with Rousseau’s conviction that we, as humans, are not created naturally as either masters or slaves, but these are created through violence by the first on the second.]

But in reality, the reason IMO is because we don’t know any better, or perhaps we do but that would mean freeing human nature. The problem is that, deep down, there is distrust in human nature that permeates us all and a belief that only a system that shackles human nature could allow our species to survive; there is fear of what might happen if humanity is left to itself, free from the constraints and uncertainties of the monetary and wage systems, (and the more constraints in fact, the better; makes sense in light of what’s going on today, doesn’t it?); these “lukewarm oppositions” are OK with the system, it only half-opposes its excesses. Well, History has proven that the system can’t help itself but expand and expand turning everything on its path upside down, inside out. Just think, if you are over 40, how things were 20 years ago and how they are today; even words changed meanings for goodness’ sake! So if we don’t go to the root where the real problem lies; if we don’t question the principles upon which our social and economic lives are built and be courageous and start discussing human nature and the system that shakles it, we might as well just surrender, because even if we succeed in refraining and managing the beast for a while today, it will only be temporary as History teaches us, and only at the cost of harsher and harsher human conditions to which we would have adapted by insensible degrees anyway. And so what is acceptable and what is not acceptable? Where is our line in the sand? And in the first place who are WE?

For, a “WE” is desperately needed; there is only hundreds of millions of “I”‘s, each one of them moving independently of the others. How to build a WE? And first of all what IS a WE, and why do we seem to need it? Or not? And though obviously needed to counter the common enemy of each “I”, like a solid united mass, do we all want it? Who wants it? Who doesn’t want it? Why and why not? All these questions ought to be asked honestly, answered frankly.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2021 10:30 PM

A solid theoretical knowledge must therefore be at the foundation of any front of resistance if it wants to succeed in fighting and DEFEATING this system, if we agree on the necessity of defeating it, that is; not reforming it (again?). We, the ordinary people, must acquire a deep, solid understanding of this system WE, after all, are living under; be convinced in our bones by irrefutable historical evidence that it can’t help its devastating course and can’t be reformed, that it certainly makes steps ahead (never mind in what direction though), but for every one ahead, it makes two steps back; and shall inevitably lead to our enslavement and possible extinction as a species. We also need to know what kind of human community we aim for, and that certainly requires an understanding of human nature and the discussion of the apparent “dilemma” of the individual “versus” the collective. We must discuss everything honestly and openly. I’m sure we can start with a set of principles we all agree upon and build from there on. Our action must stem from a deep conviction, a deep understanding of the roots of our present condition but also from a sense of necessity; only then it has a chance. Otherwise, it is vacillating, changing with the wind, weak, easily bought up (isn’t everything today?), and ultimately sterile. We people must be at the same time the intellectuals. Throughout History, the intellectuals, the real ones, have always constituted a predominantly separate class apart from the general population; they lived different realities, had different interests, but the few times they united, the ruling class has trembled, because the brains and the muscles have united.

All of this is difficult because we have been asleep for too long, and suddenly we find out to our horror that there is no one to defend us, no party, no opposition, no politicians, no police, no army, no NGO, no government, no foundations, no laws, no supreme courts, no Constitutions, no nothing. Just about everything has been bought up by the current system. It is also difficult because it demands to make efforts of the kind perhaps we have never made: review what we always took for granted, attempt a self-criticism of our human way of living. But since when things worth doing were ever easy. The problem is, if we don’t start illico presto taking steps and organise in that direction, we or he next generation shall have to do it anyway at a later date (or perish), however amidst more severe conditions.

The good thing is that we don’t have to do everything all at once, and solid things can’t be built in a hurry. As the Chinese saying goes: “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Just starting discussing the matter, focusing on it and be persistent about it, is a significant step in that direction.

There is only us. It’s our choice.

Mar 12, 2021 12:19 AM

The future is analogue, the digital world is nothing but phantoms and deception. The best that digital can manage is the organisation of information, and having lived in the “information age” for the last couple of decades the one thing i have learnt is that information is over rated.
So much so that it is currently being used to turn people into their own worst enemies.

Mar 12, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  Paolo

You might enjoy this:

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 12, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Paolo

information is overrated?! Information and thinking is fundamental in a sane world!

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

So is doing and applying/acting to solve problems.

flashlight joe
flashlight joe
Mar 12, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  Paolo

“the one thing i have learnt is that information is over rated.”

Boy, you are right. I had a friend throw a bunch of numbers and stats at me as “proof” of the magic virus and its devastating effects. When I explained to him that I did not believe the numbers, he threw some more numbers and stats at me.

He could not fathom that numbers and stats could be wrong, mis-interpreted, or deceitful. Garbage in garbage out.

Adam Infinitum
Adam Infinitum
Mar 12, 2021 5:00 PM


Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 12, 2021 10:14 PM
Reply to  Adam Infinitum
Mar 13, 2021 4:46 AM
Reply to  Adam Infinitum

And grass roots organizing locally when possible. Going to ask my local government to override Agenda 21. This will automatically start to red pill people.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
Mar 12, 2021 12:42 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

Someone who is awake feels a responsibility to reach out. Everyone is different, every area we live is different. In Tn I started submitting letters to the editors. I never thought they would get published. After some steady success locally, I took out e – subscriptions to other cities. I have a college town that has published all 6 of my submissions. One never knows what can happen if we will just start.

Mar 11, 2021 12:55 PM

Excellent article.
I think Phase 2 is taking us towards first of all vaccine certificates / vaccine passports, and ultimately mandatory vaccination, either via legislation, or simply by default as airlines and venues refuse service to those without a certificate.
This seems to be rolling out now, by means described in the article, via classifying anyone who questions the narrative as a “conspiracy theorist”, and anything that deviates from the big story they are spinning as “misinformation”.
I just ran into a wall of censorship at Amazon Kindle when trying to publish my new book. Apparently I am not an “official source”. Their reason for my rejection: “Due to the rapidly changing nature of information around coronavirus, we are referring customers to official sources for advice about the prevention or treatment of the virus.”
The book’s title is “Vaccine Roundup”, which may have raised a red flag, I guess. However, the content of the book may be the problem. The subtitle is “Questioning the narrative: An exercise in critical thinking”.
I guess somebody doesn’t want any of us doing any sort of thinking for ourselves, or at least doesn’t want us reading such radical suggestions.
More info available at my website, where I’m giving free copies away to anyone who wants one. Just want to get the word out there:

Mar 11, 2021 12:10 PM

I have seen stickers for a group called “The White Rose” in North London. Any comments on them? Their site is t.me/jointhewhiterose

Mar 11, 2021 10:48 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Oh those dastardly far right extremists! At it … -again! =D

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Mar 14, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Do a search, very interesting info.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Mar 11, 2021 9:03 AM

The Covid WAR
War has three phases . 1 war preparation 2. The war 3. After war reconstruction.
What is the the purpose of war. As they say you should judge a tree by its fruits. That what actually occurs and not that what you were told would occur. So what happens during these three phases of war. in Phase 1 First people are told the reason for war. They are told it is vital a matter of national survival and anyone who does not support the war is a traitor to his own people. In Phase 2 The war is fought there is great loss of live. Vast resources are committed to fighting the war. Vast profits are made supplying what is needed to fight the war. Society is completely restructured to fight the war. In Phase 3 the reconstruction begins. Again vast resources are required and vast profits are made. The supposed debt the country has accrued in fighting the war can take decades to pay resulting in long periods of austerity.
People are glad the war is over that they have survived. They then have to endure the austerity that follows.
Phase 1 of Covid started with a test the 2009 swine flu pandemic. The preparations that were more in your face was the increasing climate change rhetoric. In 2019 in the UK the BBC and SKY the climate change lies and scare stories got bolder and bolder. The message was clear things could not continue there had to be a radical shift in society if we were to survive. We are in phase 2 and we have witnessed how society has been reconstructed to fight this war. So phase 3 will follow. Will it be like at the end of world war 2. When we had food rationing and poverty harsh austerity measures. Will it be like the hundred years war from 1337 to 1453 with repeating battles every year.
Will people eventually wake up and realise this war like all wars is based on lies.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Comparison between covid and war is not only valid but perfectly spot on. The propaganda around the virus is like war propaganda: the strident insistence on urgency and on how we have no time to ask awkward questions – and that, indeed, asking such questions, only endangers more lives etc. Plus, the matter of questioners being demonised as irresponsible “enemies within”. And, in the wake of this “unprecedented threat”, there is no measure too extreme to take and no sacrifice too great etc. Cue the fundamental rearrangements (read trashing) of all customary systems – now considered unnecessary luxuries etc.

This particular “war” though, is far more effective than previous whipped up bouts of hysteria in the sense that the enemy here is an invisible menace hovering in front of everyone’s face and necessitating masks (very visceral props that emphasise the continuing compliance of all the public). The divide-and-rule mechanism of the rulers now takes an extreme form – people must not approach each other and there can be no meetings of any noteworthy size. And the ensuing atomisation facilitates the dependence of isolated individuals on TV news as their main (only?) conduit.

Another big difference is that this is a curiously leisurely war in which the reconstruction takes place alongside the “battle”. Indeed, the “war front” has the odd characteristic of being everywhere and nowhere. It’s “right in front of you” and yet you can’t see it! And so this reconstruction takes place amongst the “carnage” which is curiously invisible.

Mar 11, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One major difference is that war propaganda usually tries to maintain morale -Covid propaganda often tries to undermine it.

Mar 11, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I’m afraid by throwing covid in with climate change, many people may end up with egg on their faces big time.

Should any part of the climate change scenario be proven accurate – which it will, as the Earth continues to warm and as methane continues rising from permafrost and sea beds and as the climate engineering catastrophe continues non-stop – then the covid scenario will be carried along on its coat tails.

And those who foolishly linked the two will find it virtually impossible to convince anyone the covid scam is indeed a scam.

The only rational way forward is to keep the two separate. It isn’t climate change that’s the scam – it’s the Green New Deal. Attack that, as the documentary “Planet of the Humans” has done. And leave covid out of it. It’s not a package deal.

Mar 11, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  Howard
David F
David F
Mar 11, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  paul

Oh dear ? Not really. They realised a while ago that “Global WARMING” was going to limit their BS. Thus “Climate Change” was born. Si it doesn’t matter : warming, cooling…..it’ll still get Greta moist.
They love this renaming lark : Polio to AFP, seasonal influenza/pneumonia to Covid.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Mar 11, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

The last time anything close to your predictions happened was in the period of the dinosaurs. During this period plants and animals grew to about 10 times there normal size. So not devastating for life. The climate change predictions made in 2000 for 2020 did not happen. The main fact to remember is in the past climate events killed large numbers of people. The same climate events now kill very few people due to good communication and weather tracking.
There are vast financial interests in promoting the idea of climate change as a need to reconstruct society. The great reset very much connects climate change and covid. What they could not sell with climate change they are now selling with a new label Covid.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Mar 11, 2021 7:55 AM

It seems to me the vast majority of people love the vaccines and will love the health passport even more. It will allow them freedom and deny it to those they see as selfish and possibly dangerous antisocial refuseniks.

When the health passport evolves into the universal digital ID which it inevitably will, they will love doing away with keys, passports, driving licenses, passwords and everything else required for identity. It will be a convenience utopía. 

A brief swipe of the digital tattoo on the back of your hand or presenting your forehead to the machine and you’re in.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Mar 11, 2021 7:58 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

This an excellent and chilling article about ID2020. Windows Central is essentially a Microsoft fan site.

‘Microsoft, the ID2020 Alliance, universal digital identification and you

Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods or services.


Mar 11, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Nice sweeping generalisation married to inverse propaganda proliferation.

An obvious technique.

Mar 11, 2021 12:19 AM

What an excellent article!

Rex Mutt
Rex Mutt
Mar 10, 2021 11:02 PM

Amid the extensive literature on the Stalinist dictatorship during the 1930s and the postwar period, the gap in scholarship on the Soviet leadership during the war years is particularly noticeable. This article fills that gap. Stalin’s war cabinet is characterised according to several criteria: first, the formal status of members of the leadership; second, the system of delegating authority; third, the functioning and competency of the structure of collective leadership; and fourth, Stalin’s loyalty to his top associates and the degree of their political immunity. The article demonstrates that the war years saw a relative ‘normalisation’ of the dictatorship. These important changes influenced the subsequent development of the Stalinist system of power and the evolution of Soviet authoritarianism after the dictator’s death.

Mar 11, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  Rex Mutt

Er a little off topic Mr Mutt! What the hell has Stalin got to do with all this? Duh!

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 11, 2021 6:41 AM
Reply to  Drooze

Not a very well programmed bot! Put the fourth industrial revolution on hold until you can get that sorted out.

Mar 11, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  Drooze

It is obvious that if you take the word ‘Stalin’ and ascribe each letter a numerical value associated to the inversely proportional ratio of the differential of Pi extrapolated through the quantum string defined by Mino and then divide this by the amortisation of Splort’s denominator you get: SARSCoV-2.

Mar 10, 2021 9:10 PM

Here is how they will take your private property through Agenda 21/2030 behind the scenes bullshit law making. This in Southern Alberta Canada, 2 yrs ago. See what the pandemic was designed to facilitate and advance…


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 11, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Hello ToyAussie: This video presents an accurate description of how rule of “law” often conflicts with Natural or Common Law. Many original Constitutions protected personal property rights as well as the Natural rights of the individual.

As discussed in the interview, this “council” law is written in direct conflict with the general precepts of the original Magna Carta. The mention of Agenda 21 only distracts from the significance of why this illegal twist in Alberta Law needs to be over ruled in civil courts…

I hope other readers see your link. Thanks for posting.

Mar 10, 2021 8:46 PM

Off topic, but one year ago tomorrow (11 March), WHO declared a pandemic. So let us unite tomorrow in the name of freedom everywhere with torches, candles. You will find details here:

(please excuse multiple posting, but this needs the widest publicity)

Mar 11, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Annette

March 11..September 11 (both NY one and Chilean one)..they’re actually taunting us into join the friggin dots.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2021 8:01 PM

The trouble with normal is it always gets worse!

Bruce Cockburn, 1981

Mar 10, 2021 5:59 PM

How can their be a ‘new normal’ if nothing was ‘normal’ to begin with?

Mar 10, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

The answer is because it’s a NEW ABNORMAL not a new ‘normal’ that was never really ‘normal’ in the first place.

Mar 10, 2021 6:57 PM
Reply to  -CO

So therefore the new abnormal is nothing new?

Mar 10, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Or we could say, plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose! Providing its abnormal.

Mar 10, 2021 7:22 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yet if: ‘the more things change the more they stay the same’, one would have to conclude the more things don’t change the more they must change.

Mar 10, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

As an example: the more I don’t change my underwear the more I must change my underwear. But what if someone is going commando? The circuitous argument unwinds.

Mar 10, 2021 8:45 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

The moral is either go commando or get new underwear!

Mar 10, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  -CO

Is it moral to go commando? And would the new underwear have to be normal?

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Mar 11, 2021 8:04 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Methinks you are getting your moral knickers into twisted logic. Get to the crutch of the matter: why front the boxer rebellion? Vive Les Sans Culottes!

Mar 11, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill


Mar 11, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

In an abnormal situation abnormality is the norm but it’s up to you to decide whether or not new underwear would be normal or abnormal in that situation! Abnormal situational ethics.

Mar 11, 2021 8:54 PM
Reply to  -CO


Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Mar 10, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

great comment!!!!!!!!!

Mar 10, 2021 11:24 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

It is implied to mean natural but simply means conditioned adaptation. No?

Mar 11, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  Binra

Is it not natural to adapt to the conditions?

Mar 11, 2021 10:50 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

You do not adapt to ‘the world’, as a passive imprint of its conditions, but learn to ‘see’ it through narrative definitions that are your current core beliefs. This conditioning will be experienced AS conditions, AS outside you, but has the meanings you are giving it. This giving of meaning is YOUR responsibility, but it is given over to ‘power in the world’ as the sense of survival within locked down meanings that distance you from awareness of what you are truly giving and by which set the measure of your receiving.

Social reinforcement is then ‘getting’ from others FOR a sense of self-separateness.
Adapting to the conditions can thus be a program running automatically that does not allow the conditions of being still, and knowing who you are and what you are. Giving and Receiving both.
Garbage in; garbage out, applies.
No matter how many adapt to lies they do not become true.
But if the lie is believed to protect you from overwhelm of terror, pain and loss, will you choose to adapt to its dictate?
In a sense we are the People of the Lie – in terms of lidding over denials and redefining ‘normality’ as NOT looking there. Thus we have protected narratives that are serving a purpose in maintaining a split mind against its own condition. The split is then projected out and away from self as narratives or covers stories by which to survive the game of musical chairs or ever diminishing returns of a negatively defined self, world, society, economy.

You may not understand what I offered if your identity and world depend on NOT understanding it. But there is a key here in terms of questioning the meanings under which you think, perceive, speak and act. You know the use of language is weaponised such that ‘cases’ or ‘pandemic’ are redefined ‘officially’ to switch meanings. You can see the manipulation of ‘meanings’ in the open.

Well it goes all the way deeper in that there are layers of ‘meanings’ that effect a distortion and even reversal of truth in the minds of a learning and adaptation to a Great Projection. What brought you ‘here’? Who are you? Where do you truly come from? Did you simply come here to die?

My sketch here is to you own freedom. As one with my own.

The ‘controllers’ are setting the new conditions – as the means and will to do so, and we are adapting or becoming conditioned – whether we jack up their mRNA shit or shout in the kettled and divided deprivation of any real voice.

But the means and the way they are achieving this is revealing a mind control that reiterates something we are already doing to ourselves – that they run on or feed on. Just as we may observe that we ‘run on’ patterns of ‘getting’ what we want from relationships under a mask of joining, without any real intimacy or joining – but under mask of virtue that signals symbolic identity of joining.
The level of mind that receives and gives definition to life is not the same as the conditioned personality perception and response to the result of the current definitions.

So reading the true conditions or terrain is not at the level of the screen of results, but in the heart of a wholeness of self that gives and receives truly, rather than through a glass darkly. In practical terms this is listening and sensing presence to which thinking shall serve if and as required.
We are ‘led’ by the nose by a ‘thinking’ which SEEMS to have a will of its own. Not least because we give our life to it as our sense of self and life, protection and control. The recognition of Universal Will is truly felt as the already Movement of our being – not the override of narrative cover stories.

But no one can exercise a responsibility they are hell bent on escaping by getting rid of it to others and world – in the theme of ‘You/It made me do it!’
If you WANT to live that theme, you are free to choose to do so, but you will not know the truth of your freedom in the attempt to limit, deny and get rid of it.

We are being shown we are ‘hypnotised’ – if we are willing to see. We can miss this if we only see everyone ELSE as under a spell. That is how the cover story operates; by flagging our unconscious patterns onto others and world. That is what denies us, and yet that is what we can recognise as a reintegrative acceptance in place of actively masked denials.

I write the movement of the journey – not just a social response, and so of course to the themes in play and not to you specifically. How you choose to respond is your freedom, but may be already assigned to a learned adaptation. The condition you are in here may be unique rather than ‘already known’ and so you mat turn up – bring yourself present – to learn anew.

If we do not want to live as robots or lab rats, maybe we have to find the ‘quality of life’ to truly live from?

Mar 11, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  Binra

‘Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…’

A Course in Miracles

Mar 13, 2021 9:52 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Yes. But taking things out of context may lead to partial or incomplete and erroneous results.

“This is A Course in Miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. This Course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

     Nothing real can be threatened.

     Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.”

I might add that our ‘curriculum’ is the unlearning of a mind and world made in error or ‘mistaken identity’ that could be seen as the result of a course in grievances. We all already know how to operate the mind-lock of lack, fear, grievance and attack – and mask it as virtue!
As if love is remade in our broken image is become a holy war. If holy is of Whole, then war is attack on wholeness. BUT… where will we stand outside and apart of Wholeness unless we are first attacked and split off by an alien or ‘other’ ‘will’.

In Upanishad I recall the phrase; ‘where there is ‘other’ fear arises.
The Course teaches the recognition and reintegration of ‘other’ to ‘Brother’. This has no meaning at the level of the mask of self differentiating distance for a private mind of control.
But is the nature of the basis of all relationship, trust and communication.

Projection could thus be seen as attempted ex-communication of the feared and hated. A sort of inner cancel culture by which to protect the mask of polarised difference against the re-cognition of an underlying commonality. When we extend the qualities of being, we do not become a doormat, but a witness to an integrity of being – rather than a masking of virtue signalling – or an anti-mask that makes a virtue of attacking perceived errors and evils in the ‘other’.

Thanks for the moment of resonance!

Mar 11, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Its a new even shittier normal

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 10, 2021 4:54 PM

RIP Alan Watt

From his website:
Our hearts are broken. We grieve the loss of Alan Watt who left this world on 4 March 2021. His tireless work to share his knowledge of this System we are born into and how it has wrought the horrors we are living through now, is his priceless gift to us.

Hear this:
“Truth is Eternal and cannot be compromised… Hearing and understanding TRUTH leaves one with a dilemma, for it DEMANDS change, beginning with You …and even your closest relationships may go down the drain, yet that is the price demanded in the past, to-day and for always…
We are spirits descended into matter for a purpose. Understanding this is the meaning of the term “having life, and having it more abundantly.”
This does not mean accumulation of products. It means “doing that which is true.”
Truth is eternal. It cannot alter. Only TRUTH Will MAKE You Free.”
Quote from Cutting Through, Volume 1 by Alan Watt

Coming Show:
Sunday, Mar. 14, 2021 – Alan Watt — Redux
“Cutting Through the Matrix” with Alan Watt — Redux
(A Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk From the Past)

RIP Alan Watt March 4th, 2021

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 10, 2021 8:15 PM

I can’t believe he passed away! RIP Alan Watt. One couldn’t even find him through a search engine in which he is “mistaken” for Alan Watts. One of the very few REAL persons that spoke simply like one would with a friend over a cup of coffee.

Genuine people have a hard time coexisting with falsehood and hypocrisy, and tend to withdraw from this fake and shallow world.

Mar 11, 2021 1:30 AM

Genuine people easily comprehend falsehood and hypocrisy and tend to enjoy humourously dismantling fake and shallow worlds.

But only on days ending in a ‘y’.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

They do that too. Alan Watt sure did.

He is in a better place now.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 10, 2021 8:33 PM

I’d seen his name here and there, but didn’t know of his work Lost. Just checked out his website then, thanks for the link…

Tyrone Baird
Tyrone Baird
Mar 11, 2021 11:20 PM

Anyone know the cause of death yet?

Mar 10, 2021 4:46 PM

No offense guys but the new normal is what YOU make it to be. It’s a collective CHOICE. Where I live [url=https://https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?105803-The-Breatharian-Path-The-Science-my-own-Journey-and-the-Ramifications-for-any-Human]name[/url] is the norm.

Mar 10, 2021 4:07 PM

UK Column News – 10th March 2021

Latest UK budget small print confirms £15bn top up to Test & Trace, on top of original £22bn. Comes from “Covid reserve” worth £55bn which so far has disbursed:

  • £20 million for people who can’t afford to self isolate
  • £700 million on schools “catch up”
  • £1.6 billion on vaccines
  • £37 billion on digital ID Test ad Trace

The London Economic, Mar 5, 2021 – Test and Trace bill to pass £37 billion after quiet Budget cash injection

“Test and Trace has come under frequent criticism since it was launched last April, with its outsourcing of essential services to firms like Serco and use of £1,000-a-day private consultants coming under scrutiny while it failed to deliver contact tracing rates seen as crucial to stopping the spread of Covid-19.”

Meg Hillier MP, Commons Public Accounts Cttee asks if this is a permanent agency or a temporary fix. “Either way, the taxpayer deserves to know more about how effective it is, pound for pound.”

UKC: Gov set up an agency but most of the service is being provided by SERCO. How much is just creating future careers for politicians who will end up with board positions on SERCO?

Officials say public cannot film “government establishment” which appears to be car park.
Joint Biosecurity Centre busy hiring locally-based Test & Trace staff

Alex Thomson: the only analogy to the Joint Biosecurity Centre is JTAC, the Joint Threat Analysis Centre, based at Thames House and drawing staff from the three main intelligence services and police specials. JTAC is a team drawn from the intel services. The Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) seems to be the same concept, not a new intel service but drawing from them.
JTAC doesn’t have bases around the country. If JBC was invoking a ban on filming it probably was using the Official Secrets Act 1989. If we have a de-facto intel agency with bases around the country then it would be a fourth intelligence agency. There is no way of fitting it into the current intelligence framework.

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, vaccine specialist who has worked with GAVI, BMGF (Gates Foundation) warns that vaccines may be creating new strains and could have devastating consequences.

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the erroneous human intervention (vaccine) is not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could think of few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.”


  • Large parts of population could be wiped out
  • New infectious strains are very unusual in natural course of pandemic
  • Reports of people shedding virus after jab: the vax is turning people into carriers
  • Something is wrong and out of control: the vaccines are not inducing immunity
  • An investigation is urgent
  • Valid risk that vaccine is making things much worse

Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche

Patrick Valance, Chief Scientific Officer: “models show 30k people will die” same as flu season.
Doesn’t know who the vaccine saves or doesn’t or whether it works.
PM Boris Johnson separately has said a new surge is coming, more VARIANTS OF CONCERN™.

Mike Robinson: he seems to want the toughest possible lockdown but admits the data doesn’t support it.
Alex Thomson: body language, unblinking eyes, flat intonation suggest forced attempt to stress things he didn’t believe in

Family was feeding children, working on Zoom. UK testers stamped feet demanding immediate PCR test.
Mike Robinson: more intimidating than illegal — you can say no.
Alex Thomson: it sounds like council officials, were just insisting, using pressure, so the council was not claiming greater powers.

No documents for 12 days between Sep 2018 and Jan 2019 when barristers were consulted but for which not a single paper has been published during the inquiry.
Records of meetings between Nicola Sturgeon, her permanent secretary Leslie Evans and Scottish Gov legal counsel about the investigaiton into Alex Salmond “cannot be found”. Records “don’t exist”, says the official finder and loser of documents, John Swinney.

Land put out of production, set aside under post-Brexit rules
Funds for improvement
Tier 1 Sustainable Farming Incentive
Tier 2 Local Nature Recovery
Tier 3 Landscape Recovery
UKC: Former Environment Minister Michael Gove based policy on false claim that soil had to be preserved as there were only 30-60 harvests left.
Misuse of word, “sustainable”. It is not about sustaining farming but shutting it down.
Policy will make UK even more dependent on food imports.

Alex Thomson: Britain has not been self-sufficient for 300 years but EU’s new farm-to-fork policy, or food security, suggests that if nations don’t promote sufficiency, it is time for local producers to take up the slack.

Brian Gerrish: These policies are being pushed under cover of Covid, without debate and while people are distracted.

DRCF launched in June 2020. Involves:

  • Competition and Markets Authority (Licensed to Kill)
  • Information Commissioners Office
  • Financial Conduct Authority

“Work Plan” involves responding strategically to industry and technology
Joined up regulatory approaches
Building shared skills capabilities

Mike Robinson: This is the Fusion Doctrine, not one regulator of free speech but four regulators. Not a forum but acting like a coordinated single network.
Alex Thomson: Regulators of regulators, will also have regulators, nesting the levels of regulation as an alternative to common sense.

Police milling around park, asking people what they are doing in the street, collecting addresses, attacking people, Then demanding people stop filming.
@ 01:05:00 https://youtu.be/aAHz1p51j0M?t=3953

The Sun: Girl, 10, tasered by cops with 50,000-volt stun gun ‘is youngest in UK’
The Sun excuses police: Criminal age of responsiblity is 10.
Tasers were drawn (not necessarily used) on children under 11 on 29 times in 2018-19.

Ex-Met Detective Mick Neville quoted: “The use of a Taser on a primary school-aged child is extremely rare and disturbing. A weapon like a hammer or shears in the hands of a 10-year-old could be as deadly as in the hands of an adult.”

Brian Gerrish: this man is a fool or can’t think for himself.
Alex Thomson: a girl of 10 is half the height and mass of an adult. Nothing like the same threat as an adult. Besides, the girl’s anger was almost certainly aimed at someone she knew.

UK Column News – 10th March 2021

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2021 8:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the erroneous human intervention (vaccine) is not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could think of few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.”

Rockerfella Foundation & U$ Army, 1918: Creation of “Spanish Flu”.


History regretfully repeating itself.

Mar 11, 2021 7:33 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I think its about time that the sterling work of the sage committee and spi-B and all the other alphabet agencies were given much appreciation for the arduous tasks they have undertaken during this crisis (note how many of the fuckas got honours in the new years list for ”services to covid”) and to assist i believe every single member of these fucking committees should have their names and home addressess published online so people can thank them personally.

Wheres anonymous when you need them ?

Might make the bastards think twice about the advice they so gleefully dole out when they realise the population of the UK knows where they live

Mar 10, 2021 3:43 PM

I see that Spain has announced vaccine passports to go from 19th of may. I wonder how long before the first legal challenge to this comes? Surely having your freedom to be mobile removed because you have refused to consent to a non-mandated,trial phase medical product is against our rights? Any opinions?

Mar 10, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  Nick

My opinion, depending on the jurisdiction there will be a number of legal angles. But the state have tools at their disposal to counter. The judiciary is controlled on matters relevant to the state’s ability to rule.

Looking at the English judiciary, it looks anemic at best, corrupt and complicit at worst. My brother is a high ranking judge. I have to say, I’m thoroughly ashamed he is part of my family. Not because I think he is corrupt, but because he is silent.

Mar 10, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Loverat

He has to be… Until a case concerning this is brought before him, or, until he retires from the bench

Mar 11, 2021 7:05 PM
Reply to  Nick

Don’t go there.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2021 3:06 PM

All the carping in the world will fail to halt mercenary covid hustlers and their hired thugs. Civil court actions are the only way to prevent implementation of the “Reset”. The entire agenda is premised upon proclamations of “emergency powers”. These “powers” are revocable.
Notice of Civil Claim
Uploaded by the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy
Notice of Civil Claim | Influenza | Infection (scribd.com)

“In its response to the COVID-19 virus, the government has invoked extraordinary executive powers predicated on unsubstantiated scientific and legal grounds with catastrophic consequences for British Columbians. In doing so, the defendants have overreached their authority under the ​ Emergency Program Act, ​the ​Public Health Act, and have ​infringed on ​Charter r​ights in a manner that does not accord with the principles of fundamental justice.
This is a class action brought on behalf of the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy against Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia and Dr. Bonnie Henry in her capacity as Provincial Health Officer for the Province of British Columbia.”
Please direct all inquiries to [email protected].

Mar 10, 2021 3:55 PM

I am in BC and the media has been radio silent on this. Do you know what is going on with the court case? I read the claim and it’s not going to easy for the government to dispute the plaintiff’s arguments, the most important one related to the never ending state of emergency. In one year our deaths per million are only 270 with an average age of 86. We are lower than every state in the USA yet kids still can’t play competitive sports (no cases have been associated with this), we technically can’t have social gatherings, and we have to wear the hideous masks indoors. I dearly hope the courts can help.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Roslyn

Notice of Civil Claim: # S210831
Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy

Posted on CBC. Not suspended… yet!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  Roslyn

Hello Roslyn: This case is quite new, so courts processes are not as yet published. Below is an advised statement regarding unlawful coercion in both governmental and civil settings. >

Your Rights to decline a Vaccine in the context of Employment
Oral Statement by Constitutional Rights Centre
March 8, 2021
Your Rights to decline a Vaccine in the context of Employment – YouTube

Mar 10, 2021 2:56 PM

This actually reassures me, because as long as there are people like CJ and me none of this will ever happen

Mar 10, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  node

It’s been happening for over 12 months, and the monsters responsible for it, will be amazed and delighted at their success. What makes you think they are going to stop? Their Agenda is to kill most of us off. They have successfully managed to brainwash into a state of abject fear, at least 75% of the people I know. The vast majority of them are still completely brainwashed, and are likely to remain so, even when they get extremely ill, and over the next few years die in vast numbers, not as a result of COVID, but as a result of the vaccinations, specifically designed for this purpose.

If you want to stay alive, well and grow old, Just say No.

Eat a healthy diet, get lots of exercise, and increase your Vitamin D, especially in winter, when there is very little sunshine.


Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 10, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Don’t forget at least 2 grams of slow-release Vit. C per day too, Tony.

Mar 10, 2021 7:28 PM

I prefer broccoli, but my wife has bought them too, which is just as well as I can’t stand oranges.

Mar 10, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Fresh lemons straight from the tree my friend. Super-duper!

Mar 10, 2021 2:39 PM

Inbreeding causes problems, right?

So let’s look at the particular inbreeders:

Middle easterners,
Americans (I mean the non europeans, asians, middle easterners, africans),
South East Asians,
Eastern Russians and northern russians.

Okay? All of that is degenerate. And the more inbreeding is involved, the more degenerate it is. An example of that is stagnation, environmental unsuitability, adaptive limitation and genetic recession (essentially chromosomal misfolding, I dunno the words for that) with commercialized agricultural crops..

If you read the bible carefully there at the beginning, the first thing it suggests is women are degenerate, fractional functional rejects of man, which are of course, functional rejects from God. That’s pretty rad hey? Then, already, there’s a suggestion of Eve being a whore by associating with “the big snake”. Where was God in the mean time? And maybe Eve is talking shit (that supposed knowledge)? Anyway…pretty soon after that, you’re told to breed and farm.

Good deal, right? I mean, if you have a sheep farming monopoly.

To put it another way, I ain’t fucking humans, that’d be disgusting.

Mar 10, 2021 2:55 PM

Maybe that inbreeding is why eden isn’t so much eden as it is e-den. You noticed how 216 (6*6*6) wolves were killed in 60 hours, of 60 minutes, of 60 seconds? I also mentioned you should probably make communities of pyramids that aren’t as visible.

Mar 10, 2021 3:16 PM

The problem with large pyramids, poiiting up, you know, your typical monolithic hierarchies…where you require everything below you to sustain you, where you had to trample and carry no weight, is that when the foundation shifts, you better not look, it’s a LONG way down.

So, just asking, are you tending to the ceiling of hell or the floor of heaven? Because hell is a place where the ceiling keeps on getting lower.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2021 3:48 PM

Heh… If you’re not going to fuck humans, what kind of beast are you going to fuck?

God didn’t get pissed because Adam and Eve had sex or ate an apple. He got pissed because they both lied about why they did it... Read the original text.

Mar 10, 2021 4:34 PM

You have no source, so. Me? I get pissed off at idiots not noticing the obvious stated suggestions, including subjugation, a sort of misogyny and fucking around to promote industrial slavery because they fucking sold their souls and try to associate as sycophants.

Mar 10, 2021 4:51 PM

What I know of the bible is that it’s BULLSHIT, and any similar projections are BULLSHIT. It is not even worth reading past the first suggestions.

Mar 10, 2021 5:54 PM

Not entirely bullshit…. Just bedeviled by ersatz editing and questionable interpretations by some entrenched religious sects.

Oh if only the Great Library in Alexandria was still intact and the Inquisition/crusades had been averted.

Mar 10, 2021 2:24 PM

The video’s obviously designed to make one do a Hitchens… but the Comments clearly show many people are seeing through this:

Mar 10, 2021 6:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Queuing for the death shot. I always underestimate the stupidity of the general public.

Mar 10, 2021 6:45 PM
Reply to  Edwige

same video was posted on a dance magazine site as police turned up thinking it was rave

Mar 10, 2021 2:19 PM

Is it okay to kill, or risk killing, large portions of the human stock?
Perhaps if Prince Philip, Bill Gates and Boris Johnson go first — and have their dullard heads separated from their necks.


Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, vaccine specialist who has worked with GAVI, BMGF (Gates Foundation):

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the erroneous human intervention (vaccine) is not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could think of few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.”


  • Large parts of population will be wiped out
  • Bioweapon of mass destruction
  • New infectious strains are very unusual in natural course of pandemic
  • Reports of people shedding virus after jab: the vax is turning people into carriers
  • Something is wrong and out of control: the vaccines are not inducing immunity
  • An investigation is urgent
  • Valid risk that vaccine is making things much worse

Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche

dr death
dr death
Mar 10, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

most of these imbeciles in pop culture pushed this neoliberal nonsense onto teenage idiots now those teenage idiots will be pushing you into the pits.. good luck ….

Mar 10, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  dr death

What about post-neoliberal liberalism?

Mar 10, 2021 2:11 PM

London March 5th Lifesitenews reported that in the UK 35 cases of deafness and 25 cases of blindness have now occurred after people have taken the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. The numbers derive from the “Yellow Card” vaccine reporting scheme, the British equivalent of America’s CDC VAERS reporting system.

Since mid-december and January 2021 the UK YCS has flagged a combined 191,832 adverse events or side effects effects from these vaccines, ” of varying degrees of injury”.
Unfortunately, we tend to think in these situations that the adverse events and side effects only apply to OTHER people and NOT us, but how wrong we could be!

Mar 10, 2021 6:26 PM
Reply to  -CO

Deafness and blindness. The mRNA must be crossing the blood brain barrier. I wonder how long it will be before the bioethicists eugenicists are expounding that those with a disability or injury from the synthetic pathogens should be euthanized on the grounds that they can’t adequately contribute to the stakeholder capitalism model in our new green global tyranny.

Mar 10, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Perhaps they truly believe that the synthetic pathogens will do all the euthanizing work for them!

Mar 10, 2021 7:51 PM
Reply to  -CO

It’s entirely possible. A fast acting cancer could be the end result of these shots. Yet we humans do have this pesky habit of surviving even after their best efforts at annihilation. Their plan appears to be, propagandize enough to take the initial shots and then “update” until death is achieved.

Mar 10, 2021 1:58 PM

They consider you a murderer if you want to visit grandma or grandpa, or if you don’t wear a mask or don’t keep distance. But they destroy country after country.
Afghanistan: “THE TRAGEDY OF AFGHANISTAN HEALTH CARE” – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2021/03/09/the-tragedy-of-afghanistan-health-care/

They consider you a murderer if you want to visit grandma or grandpa, or if you don’t wear a mask or don’t keep distance. But they destroy country after country.
Afghanistan: “THE TRAGEDY OF AFGHANISTAN HEALTH CARE” – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2021/03/09/the-tragedy-of-afghanistan-health-care/

Mar 10, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  Joerg


S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 10, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  Joerg

“They consider you a murderer”

“Who is they? You are not a murderer, are you? The first mistake is giving a rats ass what those ass holes opinion of you is or about the lies, calumnies, libels and slanders spread about you by those moron zombie pods and sleazy/slimy corporate fascist mobster psychopaths. In any case ‘F them.’ Time to educate, organize, mobilize among the living.”

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

But, they still are Branch Covidians.
And one needs their ‘head on a swivel’!

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 10, 2021 1:12 PM

If there are to be vaccination passports, how about the option of being given Covid-19 to gain immunity rather than taking the “vaccine” which is more dangerous? I know which choice I would make.

Mar 10, 2021 1:38 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

The problem with that is, they can’t give you Covid19, because it doesn’t exist…

Flu like illness exists, and the transmission of that is also quite hard to predict…

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 10, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Willem

I agree. But I can still demand, if you say it exists, infect me with it to give me immunity and then give me a passport.

Mar 11, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Netanyahu is on camera with the disgraceful Danish PM (I believe it’s her), showing us how you can enter a gym [dramatisation]. He effectively points out that you will only be able to enter such places showing a passport in which it is stated that (i) you have got the “vaccine” OR (ii) you have passed and recovered from the “illness”.
That seems to give us proles a little gap. Us proles, because we are salaried workers, when we get the sniffle, are mobbed into doing the “test”. It happened to me, and given that I had to travel to my wife’s country shortly after (mandatory “test”), I went along with the “protocol”, and tested “positive”.
But immediately comes to mind that this whole situation, as CJ Hopkins tirelessly and brilliantly depicts for us (and Bill Gates confirms everytime he can in his interviews) is just the first successful episode of many to come. One can therefore easily conclude that this option no. 2 (having had the “infection” and having recovered from it) is a little bit of carrot in order to accept something which is utterly unacceptable.

Mar 10, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Wrong choice. Just say No.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 10, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

You are absolutely right, but if it reaches the stage where I can’t shop for food without a passport, I’d rather be infected with the disease itself (demonstrably reasonably harmless if it exists) than get the dangerous untested “vaccine”.

Mar 10, 2021 2:23 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

When I have suggested this great idea, I have been told one of two things: you can get again or there are other varients. How absurd.

Mar 10, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

You can’t be infected by something they can’t find. I believe there are a number of rewards around for anyone who can actually isolate and purify a virion. Nobody will ever claim those rewards because infectious exogenous entities are fictional.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 11, 2021 8:16 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

What I am really getting at is that this demand makes sense within the officially sanctioned narrative and so might be a good slogan to organize the masses around, even those who buy into the official narrative. The beauty of it is that it cannot actually be done if there is no such thing as Covid so it chips away at the credibility of that narrative.

Mar 10, 2021 1:06 PM

The Emperor’s New Virus is totally INVISIBLE, except to the BRAINWASHED. It is truly an/the? APOCALYPSE/APOCALYPTIC because it CLEARLY SHOWS, REVEALS where most of the population are AT. This is UNCOMFORTABLE, TRAGIC, maybe, but MUST BE CORRECTLY RECKONED WITH.

Mar 10, 2021 1:04 PM

Whenever someone tries to impose something and make claims about it.

With the 100% truthful scientific method (God’s law), you have to know EXACTLY what it does and be able to disclose that. The onus is NEVER on the critic.

For instance, if you tell me 5g is safe, BEFORE you get to even think of imposing that, you will have to consider how you lying about it will result in your banishment. “Random” things happen hey, like for instance, you tried to put up a 5g tower and now there’s a financial crash (of specifically your bank account) because you’re a stupid malicious cunt.

Mar 10, 2021 1:27 PM

I won’t commence with my play. I am tired, weary, wary and I fucking despise your systems and constant projections, need to advertise, imposition, fraudulence with malevolent attempts at futile theft and begging for forgiveness. No more phases of ANY projected normal.

I *choose* to not exist. I *choose* to not associate. I *choose* to never be a part of your deceit.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 10, 2021 12:46 PM

Watching American tv shows pretending some great pandemic happened is excrutiating

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 10, 2021 2:13 PM

Yeah. I’m in my 60s now but living here gets harder with each passing year – intellectually, financially, and emotionally. Most things are a fraud or a lie to a certain extent, if not completely false or fraudulent. Many people are delusional or filled with hate that they try to hide. Nothing really works well, from meager government services to physical infrastructure. Entertainment is generally horrible. Most people are struggling financially to varying degrees and that makes them constantly tense, defensive, and nervous. Crime – violent and non-violent – is common. I wouldn’t advise anyone to immigrate to the US.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 10, 2021 6:27 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Welcome to the USA’s collapse-of-USSR moment, Jimmy.

Mar 11, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Here’s a local newsradio headline story today:

Number of kids shot, killed in Philadelphia 3 times greater than this time last year

It’s true enough that newsradio journalism is not distinguished by thoughtful, in-depth reporting and analysis. So it’s about par for the course that there are some perfunctory quotes from local officials suggesting that (irrational) conflicts arising from “social media” exchanges may be responsible for this dismal circumstance.

But in this and umpteen other stories about various forms of social discontent, there is never even a suggestion that the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic’s New Abnormal is a Pandora’s Box that is wedged open, and (like in the original “Ghostbusters”), functions as a portal for assorted evil spirits to escape into the world.

There is a passing mention that kids being “out of school” gives them more opportunity to get into trouble; I’m sure the authorities agree that homicide is more than traditional youthful “mischief”, but the article doesn’t drill down to explore the reason why kids are out of school in the first place.

There have been many articles that report on various woes and difficulties arising during the scamdemic. But they either attribute the woes to the Phantom Menace itself, or– as here– ignore the possibility that the draconian lockdowns, COVID-related changes to everyday life, etc. cause a free-floating malaise that, pardon the expression, triggers irrational, random heinous behavior.

Mar 10, 2021 12:33 PM

The estimable CJ is looking at the “virus” in isolation!!

The UK government sponsored a team of academics working out of Cambridge to produce a report on the measures necessary to combat “climate change.” The report is called Absolute Zero and can be downloaded here: https://ukfires.org/absolute-zero/

In the report we can see many of the restrictions currently in force under lockdown are precisely those recommended: reduced use of cars, reduced consumption, a ban on air travel and shipping to name just a few.

So why have the billionaires suddenly gone eco – even 1960s/70s hippy…? Could it have anything to do with the rise of China and its current trajectory towards global superpower, thus replacing the US empire?

A ban on air travel and shipping among countries under de facto US hegemony would severely impact China, Of course financial globalism would continue but physical goods globalism is to come to an abrupt halt.

Mar 10, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Physical goods’ restrictions are of course for us the profane masses, not for the oligarchs. It’s also obvious how hard they’re working to keep migration going during “the pandemic” (e.g. see Klein’s interview in yesterday’s Fraudian identifying negative attitudes to migrants as one of the three biggest problems in the world today).

Much of production can be re-imported into the West. Production was exported to China because of cheap labour costs but with a likely explosion in production by robots this will decline rapidly as a factor. That’s if there’s much production going on at all in “the circular economy”.

I find the argument that promotion of green ideology is a vehicle for maintaining US hegemony unconvincing. For example, why would they tank the oil industry if US power is in large part based on the petrodollar? That makes no sense.

Mar 10, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The same argument could be made for the so-called OPEC oil price increases in the 1970s. Surely that would hurt the US economy. Sheik Yamani, the Saudi oil minster of the time, admitted to the Observer newspaper in 2002 that the idea was Kissinger’s and the US would never have allowed it had they not had a fiendish plan. The oil price rise put the developing world in debt, slowed the rise of Germany and Japan and all those surplus petrodollars could be recycled through the City and Wall Street and lent at good interest rates to struggling economies. Brilliant. See William Engdahl (Century of War) and Peter Gowan (The Global Gamble).

Mar 10, 2021 6:12 PM
Reply to  Molinos

In your world, supranational orgs don’t exist, debt based slavery isn’t real, birth certificate bonds aren’t traded on exchanges owned by the banking cartel, who also don’t own the entire energy sector including oil.

This America hegemony-empire farce was a psy-op. It’s outlived it’s usefulness and now the world is being transitioned to the global governance we have had all along. Every hundred years or so there’s a currency cycle and whoever has control of the strongest currency also appears to be the seat of power. It’s an illusion to hide the levers of control which are global in nature and entirely monetary.

Think of countries as laboratories. Think of the citizens of each nation as lab rats. Each country is given various experiments to carry out whether social, political or economic and the behaviors of the citizens (lab rats) are studied and put into databases and computer models. Everything is war gamed. Full spectrum dominance was achieved long before WWII. It was achieved with organized religion and religious wars.

The Globalist psychopaths move their capital around the world to control geopolitics and make nation states appear independent or warring. They moved the money out of the US 40 fucking years ago and poured it into China and emerging economies. Rothschild and Rockefeller have been controlling China since the 19th century.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 10, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Molinos

There’s a simpler hypothesis, M, put forward by Dmitry Orlov: Crash economies pronto to avert for a while the looming energy crisis; which is going to crash economies anyway, but much worse if we don’t clap on the brakes on energy-use right now, to ease the severity of the crunch.

Everyone with two working brain cells can see that there’s a big economic crisis in the offing. The gangsters-in-charge have decided that it needs to be a controlled demolition, to avoid it being an uncontrolled one. Because of the energy crisis – completely unsolved, and drawn out in time – there is no option for no demolition.

It’s just a hypothesis, but a likely-seeming one…

Mar 10, 2021 12:28 PM

Instant Karma.
Australia’s Health Minister Greg Hunt Hospitalized Just One Day After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine

Absolutely no mention that he’d had the stab in the MSM. They’re keeping it quiet. But big fuss about Ghunt, as he is popularly known, being hospitalised as he’s the third minister to go on the sick roll in quick succession..the other two had Australia’s Health Minister Greg Hunt Hospitalized Just One Day After Taking COVID-19 Vaccinemental problems Maybe the first big name casualty of the Australian roll-out


Considering they’ve just abandoned the Astra Zeneca stab in Austria after two vaccine related deaths, and it’s definitely on the nose in lots of European countries, it seems a bit foolhardy for the Australians to be pressing on regardless.

Mar 10, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  busterdeals

I’ll believe that story when I see his chart and admission records. Until then, it’s just another psy-op.

There is zero chance that any politicians have been given the CovAIDS de-pop shot.

Mar 11, 2021 12:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

‘There is zero chance that any politicians have been given the CovAIDS de-pop shot.’— Sounds like a psy-op statement

Mar 11, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  busterdeals

Oh the blessed irony.

Mar 10, 2021 12:22 PM

Uh, I’m only going to mention this. Sorry, your projections of “normal” is invalid.


Mar 10, 2021 12:44 PM

Nice video. Good to see you got out of jail again. You should do another one.

Mar 10, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

How about no?

Mar 10, 2021 12:50 PM

As Dean Clifford says, if govt is derived from the people, any supposed law they use, is derived from you.

So…that means, in essence, you make the law, or remind them that those laws they suggest don’t apply to you. *BUT*, they’ve been delegating without your informed consent, the creation of supposed laws. Those laws, are YOUR laws. Change them.

Though, see, with VOTING for them, and supporting them…you kinda implicitly allow some of that. Essentially, omission is what’s used to lie to you, and delegation is the means which they use to get YOU to do things they want. They try to distance themselves from their malice, understand?

Inherent with that, is the use of money, for abuse.

Money cannot create anything, it is itself a derivative, at best a thought. It requires something REAL to even represent it.

Thus it is FUNDAMENTALLY destructive. The more it is used, the more entropy results.

I can take an apple, and I can derive an abstracted concept of money (which needs something to represent it, too) FROM that apple. But I cannot make an apple with money.

Now, in a transformative sense, money isn’t necessarily horrific, but due to the delegation related to it, it is similarly omissive regarding realities of what it involves.

You buy a smartphone, it’s very convenient. It certainly wasn’t so convenient for the slaves that had to construct that, so that someone else gets more money.

And I’m just saying, I have limited output, by my choosing.

Mar 10, 2021 1:15 PM

Essentially, much like the germ theory bullshit, excess money is toxic, and it promotes deficient essentials.

That system is sick, and dying, and you cannot fix it with more toxic shit.

The first thing to understand is that you DO NOT OWN. If you then choose to be possessive, all kinds of hell await.

Shit, even the two dogs living with me, are not my pets, I did not go around looking for them, wanting to own pets. One is here from the streets when he was a puppy (and he’s ~20 years old now), the other adopted from abusive owners.

Mar 10, 2021 4:30 PM

Keep posting on here.
Good to hear ana alternative deep view..

Mar 11, 2021 12:34 AM

Oh dear.

You need not adhere to a law that is unjust.

Money does not need anything real to represent it. It is a fiat currency worth only what you negotiate with another party per a sale and purchase (transactional) agreement.

Money is a technology nothing else.

You can make an apple with money by buying an apple tree and planting it in land you purchased.

You buy a house, it’s very convenient to live in. It isn’t so convenient to get a mortgage (bearing interest) derived from fractional reserve banking practices which makes you a slave for the next 30 years so that someone else gets more money from your slaving in a job you despise…. etc

It is all relative.

Debt = Slavery

Dolphins are nice.

Mar 10, 2021 11:57 AM

Welcome to the wonderful world of Human Capital, Digital Identity and Conditional Cash Transfers.

This is happening folks and this vid is well worth a watch.

Mapping Power and the Global Take Over ~ Alison Hawver McDowell

We’re on the farm!

Mar 11, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

If your head is spinning after watching the first video. This one will snap it into clarity.

Human Capital Finance Israel
The Digital Nations inc Israel are the test bed for our future.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 10, 2021 11:01 AM

I have not seen this article mentioned here, and websearch also suggests that it’s been completely overlooked. To remedy that, I am posting it here (I hope it’s not too long). It’s from Counterpunch, in October. The reason for posting it here, now (months later), is that it is hard to believe John McMurtry (The Cancer Stage of Capitalism) wrote it, and it will be of interest to those who are familiar with his work.

October 9, 2020
“Fake Covid-19 Pandemic:” Refuting the Conspiracy Theory Gone Global
by John McMurtry

The idea of a ‘fake pandemic to create economic chaos’ is not just an ‘extreme Right’ cry of militant anti-staters, libertarians, Trump rallies and malcontents. It is proclaimed from the Left by a world-renowned critical economist and the usually ahead-of the curve website of which he is founding editor – now called Global Research News.

I responded with concern to the suspect claims being made on the site. “The extreme right are running the anti-Covid-19 movement from the start so far as I have seen”, I wrote my admired colleagued Michel Chossudovsky, “and GR appears to join them from the left, especially since its expertise too does not come from infectious disease knowledge”.
I then wrote the text of the following communication to follow up his call for ‘a debate’ on the issue. Since the logical fallacies at the heart of the ‘fake pandemic’ argument contribute to the deaths mounting from dismissal of pre-cautionary practises against its virulent spread, it is a life-and-death matter to expose their invalidity.

Isolation of the False Conclusions
All well-informed people can agree on these facts of the Covid-19 crisis. The leading corporate rich have vastly profited from it, and the most vulnerable populations in the tens of millions have been stripped of their very livelihoods and prospects of secure life. This is the nature of the ruling disorder – to capitalize on any crisis to deepen its bleeding of the public even more than before. It happens again and again, as ‘shock doctrine’ has long recognized.

Certainly a Covid-19 Excess Profits Tax should be imposed to help pay for its astronomical costs. Canada’s New Democratic Party is already rightfully demanding this.
Yet the facts of system-wide exploitation of the Covid-19 crisis do not show that the disease itself is fraudulent. No public infectious disease expert anywhere in the world substantiates it. It is a fatal as well as fallacious claim because its consequence is to repudiate the only preventative measures that are known to work against the disease that disables, hospitalizes and kills ever more vulnerable people. More deeply, the Covid-19 deaths themselves – now more than 213,000 in the US leading the world and still climbing – are in effect denied.

The Core of the Fake Pandemic Argument
The argument Michel Chossudovsky presents – simplified in his terms – is that Covid-19 is a “fake pandemic to create economic chaos”. Yet this amply documented case only shows the spiked disastrous effects of the capitalist disorder for the poorer majority of the world, and payoffs and power for the elites. All can agree on these consequences. But this does not provide evidence of a ‘fake pandemic.’

Only one infectious-disease fact is provided from which to infer this conclusion – namely, that “the standard PCR Test applied in relation to Covid-19 does not detect or identify the virus. What it detects are fragments of several viruses”. This fact also cores the argument for the ‘fake virus’ elsewhere.

We can all accept this fact, too. The research knowledge is clear that there is ‘no gold standard’ test for the new Covid-19 Virus, including the PCR (polymerase chain reaction testing). The most advanced infectious-disease knowledge seems to be that if “PCR and anti-body tests are combined at point of care, their reliability can be hugely increased.”
Yet to conclude from the inadequacy of the PCR that ‘Covid-19 is a ‘fake pandemic’ is a deadly non-sequitur. Just because this test for the disease is so far inadequate alone does not remotely mean the widely fatal disease does not exist.

Understanding Cause and Effect
What is fatally overlooked are the most basic facts of far more deaths than in previous years from viruses, only one of which viruses is new – Covid 19. This excess death rate in the US is graphed over five weeks from the beginning.

When there is abnormal and very significant deviation of deaths from the seasonal average, a cause is properly sought. If we define cause as a non-redundant member of a set of jointly sufficient conditions, the non-redundant or norm-deviant cause is Covid 19.
Whether or not the tests detect it accurately does not change the fact that there are tens of thousands excess deaths occurring in varying exponential rates across the world unless social prevention reduces or eliminates them.

Moreover, no other causal hypothesis for all these excess deaths has been defined. Nor has any explanation of why societies following or not following the prevention techniques correspondingly reduce or increase this abnormal death rate.

All of this relevant reality is left or selected out of the ‘fake pandemic argument’ – the tell-tale operation of propaganda. In further established fact, the death-rate declines or rises in correlation to social masks, hygiene and distancing or not. Yes ‘economic chaos’ can result from interventions such as ‘economic lockdown’ to ensure against disease transmission. This lockdown method itself is certainly open to question, and less total and socially targeted methods like Sweden’s may work better in the end. The evidence is still unfolding. But nowhere has it been shown that Covid-19 is a ‘fake disease’, nor does this claim logically follow from any evidence that exists.

Community Solidarity in Response Alone Works
One can completely agree with the gross system injustice of all. It remorselessly selects for the ruin of millions of lives of the poorer majority. But despite this ‘covid-19 injustice’ virulently harming the least most, rises and falls of the excess death rate nonetheless follow in accordance with social response to the virus as real, not fake. For example, the death in Canada has been 1/20th that of the US per capita, and the Northern Saskatchewan Cree 1/4th of that, and Cuba more effective – all of them treating Covid-19 as real and deadly if not stopped in transmission.

Community solidarity in ensuring cooperation in the rules of masking, distancing and quarantine is the common feature of lives being saved rather than lost across the world – including societies not run by the corporate rich profiting from the pandemic.
None of this is explained by the hypothesis of a ‘fake pandemic to create economic chaos’. It refutes it. In simple logical terms. the counter-hypothesis of a ‘fake pandemic to create economic chaos’ does not follow from the facts, even those selected by the argument itself.

The Logic of Scientific Method
Any hypothesis is scientific only if there is evidence that can count against it (the falsifiability criterion). What evidence can count against this hypothesis of ‘fake pandemic’ to show it is not a closed circle?
None has been presented anywhere.
The unseen consequences of the ‘fake epidemic’ claim being believed and the known ways to stop it being dismissed are that the excess death toll keeps rising with the vulnerable suffering and dying most.
In one sentence: The false conspiracy theory proclaimed right and left as ‘freedom from the deep state’ drives the very death and suffering spiral it claims to stand against.

Mar 10, 2021 11:24 AM

The error in his thinkingin my opinion involves the healthcare system. He says nobody has offered an explanation but it isn’t true. There has been a lot of conversation around limiting healthcare services during covid. DNR orders and denial of care to Dementia patients. You can see that in Cuomo’s response. Sending sick people back to nursing homes and not spending resources on necessary healthcare to extend life. This was easily accomplished by isolating the elderly. Without family intervention and family subsidizing care the sick and old wete left at the mercy of strangers. In NYC they also started out intubating everybody with covid. Even the young. Supposedly this was done to limit spread in the hospital but they literally killed people this way. People not getting health screening and denial of care. Many healthcare workers were laid off as the US became mostly a covid operation. Average age of death is near 80. Is this be ause covid kills mostly the elderly? Or is it because we quit caring for the elderly properly? Or a mix of both? Could this explain the wildly different results between countries? Simply whether their healthcare services remained functioning in a competent manner. This certsinly is being discussed by GBD doctors for instance. I specifically know people who work in healthcare who took their elderly parents out of nursing homes for fear of this. They did this at the start as they shut down visitations. They knew better.

Mar 10, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  goldhoarder

Certainly no one seems to mention the lockdown policy of throwing very ill people,with hospital acquired infections,into the care home system then locking them in with no follow up care,drove the excess deaths in April and may. Certainly in UK,looks like it was as high as 66-70%. Countries that didn’t follow this policy did much better(states in USA as well). This part of lockdown policy did real harm and could have been easily prevented

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 10, 2021 11:26 AM

You’re surprised by this? I dropped CounterPurge four years ago, after the last election when they went ballistic and starting firing all their best writers. Now all they’ve got left are the blue-no-matter-whos and (like the author above) the Corona’s Witnesses.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 10, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I do not and never have been a reader of CP. I found the article via websearch. Are most people here unaware of John McMurtry??? This article, and McMurtry’s postion on CV-1984, are surprising because:

In Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market As An Ethical System, 1998, he examines the underlying value system of the global market and claims that it constructs the opposite of the “free and democratic society” it claims to bring about.

In The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, 1999, he claims a propensity of human societies to assume the social order in which they live as good however life-destructive they may be, focusing on financial capitalism as displaying the hallmark characteristics of a cancer invasion at the social level of life organization. He conceives “the civil commons” as a social immune system.

In Value Wars: The Global Market Versus the Life Economy, 2002, he criticizes capitalist scientific technology, transnational trade apparatuses, NATO wars, and an expanding prison regime as symptoms of a “new totalitarianism cumulatively occupying the world and propelling civil and ecological breakdowns”, and proposes constitutional standards of a “life economy”.

McMurtry has previously supported 9/11 conspiracy theories to explain the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. In one lecture, he drew comparisons to the event of the Reichstag fire and argued that the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) has been lobbied for and exploited by multinational corporations.

dr death
dr death
Mar 10, 2021 11:57 AM

presumably the dyslexic imbecile that scrawled this diatribe is an alphabet man…

‘I’m sure of it’……….

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 10, 2021 12:52 PM

The purpose of covid is speculation. There could be economic reasons for sure but from the looks of it more likely the goal is psychological abuse to instill a Chinese style subservience to a dictatorship or technocracy. lockdown is a pyschological torture techique as is masking and the long testing swabs, gun shaped thermometers etc. It is all designed for psychological impacts by terrorists, serial killers and genocidal maniacs. That it would cause deaths should not be at all surprising. If they wanted to propose lockdowns as a life saving approach they could have done experiments on a small number of people to see if it worked. Testing them out on a global population would be ridiculous. No doubt they did do experiments but the experiments were not to see if it saved lives but to see what psychological impact they would inflict. how much demoralisation could be caused. how many children could be prevented from being born etc. This is probably the main thing they are after is the destruction of the birth rate. By beginning in april the impact would only show up 9 months later and not in 2020 data. It would give them the maximum amount of time possible before the data would be published (if indeed it ever will be published if these maniacs are still around). If it is the birth rate they are after and other such more sinister motives then they would obviously put out a controlled opposition narrative, hence the space was flooded with “great reset” propaganda to distract from such more sinister goals.

Mar 11, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

‘…Chinese style subservience.,..’ ?

Racist much?

Would you say English style subservience? USA style subservience? Vassal state style subservience? Organised religion style subservience?

And human beings are becoming extinct, have you noticed? We need lots and lots more of them. So they can be encumbered with debt and so forth.

Covid does nothing (of course because it doesn’t exist) but the bureaucratic pseudo-scientific responses to this fiction of do.

Other than these few minor distracting points you make some very astute observations.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2021 2:17 PM

comment image?v=1475518080

Mar 10, 2021 2:40 PM

A few threads ago I put up a quote from Dr Rudolph Steiner which read as Follows:
“Soon after the year 2000 has been written, a law will go forth from America whose purpose will be to suppress all individual thinking. This will not be the wording of the law, but it will be the intent”.
Steiner wrote that in 1916 and the picture above sums up our current situation does it not?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  -CO

Hello -CO: Indeed! Our current situation took well over 100 years to implement. Civilians continue to drink the kool-aid of peace at any cost…

Mar 10, 2021 3:58 PM

Yes Paul – peace with oppression truly make strange bedfellows!

Mar 10, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  -CO


Mar 10, 2021 2:20 PM

I’ve never heard of John McMurtry and I know why. Another cryptocracy shill in academia. How surprising. Counterpunch is 99% propaganda that supports the false left-right paradigm and the false communist-capitalist con of debt based human slavery through the banking cartel mafiosi.

The scientific method is never used in virology. It’s only used in the hard sciences, not biology.

Mar 10, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

But remember each particular science has its own specific methods and doesn’t necessarily use the so-called scientific method in general despite the fact that it may think otherwise – that’s when things can become problematic for science.

Why is that ? It’s because the scientific method in general is based both on methodology and epistemological principles that derive from philosophy that cannot be proven in and by science itself because they are the very conditions that make such ‘science’ and the scientific knowledge process possible!

There is no way out of that except to reject Aristotlean logic, which for so-called ‘mainstream science’ and it’s method is unthinkable!!!!!

Mar 10, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  -CO

Many of the conceps deployed in mainstream biology, virology, physics and chemistry for example are behind the times and are holding back scientific progress – compared to the occult (hidden) Scientific discoveries that have been made such as free energy devices, Priore’s healing machine, quantum potential technologies, cold fusion and so on.

Mar 10, 2021 5:27 PM
Reply to  -CO

Chemistry and physics are completely different from biology. Hard sciences require evidence not just stories theories and are based on principles of logic.

I don’t reject the entire field of chemistry because toxic compounds created by PhRMA cannot treat the cause of illness but only mask symptoms. Nor do I reject all physics because physicists have been used to perpetrate frauds and psy-ops.

Chemistry (and physics) could be used to explain biological processes but is not being used correctly because those in charge of the funding and the research have no interest in discovering truth but are obfuscating, because germ theory and contagion was utilized and monetized by governments in collusion with corporations (public private partnerships) to extract wealth, control and compliance.

Biologists concoct stories to explain phenomena because they don’t understand molecules or atoms. They have no conception of electrical fields and no background in quantum mechanics. They can’t explain biological processes from a mathematical point of view or using chemical analysis. They use insider jargon and obscure nomenclature to make their work appear inaccessible to those outside of their respective fields.

What’s hidden is discoveries that governments have gone to great lengths to hide from the public while simultaneously disseminating various frauds that have been perpetrated within scientism. That’s the difference between science and pseudo science.

Mar 10, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Evidence obtained via experiments or tests is interpreted and evaluated within the context of the particular scientific theory in which it is specified. Reference can also be made to other complementary theories and concepts that are relevant.

If the scientific theory is wrong and the experiments and tests which are also based on scientific theory (and dependent on it) the evidence they produce in scientific practice will not be reliable. This applies to all sciences even chemistry and physics – they all rely on theory and cannot function as a science without it.

I therefore agree with most of what you say

Mar 10, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  -CO

I forgot to mention that those who insist on criteria based on rationalism or empiricism (or a muddy mixture of the two) as a means to evaluate the validity of evidence, theories and scientific knowledge they do not appear to be aware that these are philosophical doctrines and are NOT SCIENTIFIC – hence the hypocrisy in the condemnation of new evidence based theories and technologies that mainstream science using it’s so-called ‘scientific method’ of evaluation doesn’t like.

Mar 10, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  -CO

Any system can be created, diverted or exploited to suggest false results or conclusions if fraud is involved. The occultists want to steer humanity away from the natural, spiritual world and towards artificial concepts which are unhealthy and harmful.

Logic was used to invalidate truth and validate lies. It was used by evil people to perpetuate more evil.

In my opinion it comes down to intent. They (governments, the media, the scientific and medical community, NGOs, corporations) are deliberately selling 2 + 2 = 5. This is a constant theme. Black is white. War is Peace. Tyranny is freedom. Etc.

Mar 10, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes the dark forces wish to steer humanity (or what’s left of it when they have completed their occult agenda) on an entirely different course of evolution.
Unfortunately, most people haven’t a clue of what’s really in store in the long term. Fortunately, I won’t be here by then and I feel sorry for what problems they will have to face. But there’s still a small window of opportunity to prevent what’s in the pipeline if the right sort of action is taken Now.

Mar 10, 2021 4:07 PM

Ignore Counterpunch. Reading it now is like looking through the zoocage bars at frightened animals. I was a devotee when Alexander Cockburn was at the helm. What a free thinker, completely unafraid of working through problems with such old fashioned tools as common sense and history. What remains is that sycophant Jeffrey Sinclair, a middle manager obsessed with his own survival to be of further use to anyone.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 10, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  resetempathy

As I remember – when I still gave them any attention – CP in A. Cockburn’s time was a steadfast denier of the obvious fact that 11/9 was a false flag, and the collapse of the three WTC buildings were obviously controlled demolitions. I gave up on CP about then.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 10, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  resetempathy

I ignore it completely. Article came up via websearch.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2021 4:46 PM

The McMurtry article has not been overlooked at all. It was mentioned on OffG soon after it appeared and I already critiqued it. On rereading it now, it seems even more dismal than it did at the time. It stands as a by-the-numbers example of the Left smear campaign against covid skepticism e.g. he slaps on the guilt-by-association right from the start. And it is truly dispiriting to see that the tactics used to usher in the con of 9/11 and which McMurtry himself so acutely diagnosed are the same tactics that he now falls for as in,

“The idea of a ‘fake pandemic to create economic chaos’ is not just an ‘extreme Right’ cry of militant anti-staters, libertarians, Trump rallies and malcontents.”


“The extreme right are running the anti-Covid-19 movement from the start so far as I have seen”

Covid, like the official account of 9/11, is automatically presupposed and alternatives are straight away introduced as “crazy alternative theories”. Only this time round, these alternative theories are instantly branded as “Extreme Right Wing” etc. And how interesting that this allegedly Left figure is talking about “malcontents” i.e. the old label used by the Extreme Right to denounce Leftists.

And there is the emotional blackmail:

“Since the logical fallacies at the heart of the ‘fake pandemic’ argument contribute to the deaths mounting from dismissal of pre-cautionary practises against its virulent spread, it is a life-and-death matter to expose their invalidity.”

i.e. If you don’t believe people are dying (which is the very matter being disputed) then you’ll cause more people to die (so you better accept it without dispute!)

And how on earth did such a brilliant critic of capitalism sink to the level where he could grind out this excruciatingly dogmatic ex cathedra line:

“All well-informed people can agree on these facts of the Covid-19 crisis.”

And then there is the hypocritical non-sequitur against an alleged non-sequitur:

“Yet to conclude from the inadequacy of the PCR that ‘Covid-19 is a ‘fake pandemic’ is a deadly non-sequitur. Just because this test for the disease is so far inadequate alone does not remotely mean the widely fatal disease does not exist.”

So the fact that the test for the disease is inadequate does prove that the disease exists?

And where would we be without that old reversal of the burden of proof:

“…nowhere has it been shown that Covid-19 is a ‘fake disease’, nor does this claim logically follow from any evidence that exists.”

COVID skeptics are being asked to prove a negative!

McMurtry is another dismal casualty to the covid cult.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 10, 2021 9:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And how on earth did such a brilliant critic of capitalism sink to the level…

Precisely why I reposted the piece (again?) here, though, bizarrely, people I assume to be intelligent have downvoted the comment as if posting it somehow indicates agreement with it! (I have never read CP, and only found this piece via websearch looking for recent articles by McMurtry.)

Anyway, thanks for your comments, George! Any chance you have a link to your previous comments to the article?

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2021 9:15 AM

My main comments about McMurtry are here (I don’t know how to link to specific comments, but you can do a word search on this page):


As you will see, some of it I copy/pasted into my response to you.

Considering McMurtry’s response (along with that of almost every Leftist voice) to covid, I came to the conclusion that there had to be an element of “Left preparation” behind the virus i.e. that a “Left angle” for the covid script had already been set out in advance. Indeed, it was Philip Roddis who first gave me an indication of this – in a negative sense i.e. he wasn’t aware of it himself but I became aware of it through his own comments. And indeed, I fell out with him over it and sort of made up but that whole “relationship” has now ended.

As I have said before, the Left position seems to be based on two presuppositions: first, that covid has to be truly the big deadly world threatening virus because the Left have, it seems, been waiting for such a viral apocalypse. This came as news to me. You can certainly argue that capitalism, as a reckless system that cares only for monetary profit and will therefore submit all other considerations to such profit, is a dangerous system and may very well produce a planet wide biological catastrophe. But this hardly proves that the MSM presentation of covid is accurate.

Second, that, since covid has been declared the biological “comeuppance” of capitalism, to oppose the covid tale is to side with the Right as capitalist apologists. Whereas the first presupposition is shaky, this second one is downright aggressively dishonest. It absolves the Left from looking at the covid matter by simply dismissing all covid scepticism as being fuelled by the Right. And indeed, it is the Right who have been permitted to be outspoken about scepticism – so much so that I feel that too is part of the psy-op. It’s the old “pincer movement” that would banish all “conspiracy theory” from the Left – this time conspiracy theory specifically linked to covid.

As I said, I think all of this brand of thought was rigged in advance and so the Left consists of two factions: a tiny amount of “spooks” or intelligence operators guiding the script and a much larger faction of “useful idiots” just going along with it. And how could the latter refuse? They have been given an irresistible tale of capitalist doom, spelling out the end of that much hated “No Alternative” neoliberalism and substituting a new “No Alternative” in the war against covid.

Ironically the Left (and McMurtry is an example of this) can clearly see how much of a killing the rich have made out of covid but they conveniently overlook that bit as “opportunism” cashing in on a (totally separate and coincidental) catastrophe – which is a very old script.

One big embarrassment here is that, to swallow all this crap, the Left must not only overlook the aforementioned “cash in” but also the curious fact that the entire ruling class dominated mainstream media are right behind the covid epic. They excuse this by trying to make out that decades of protest groups (XR, Occupy BLM etc) have now swayed the governments into a Dickensian moment of redemption etc. The WSWS tells us that wildcat strikes in Europe forced lockdown etc. “The people” want to be in lockdown etc. It’s such a blatant contradiction of what everyone can see that it only goes to show how desperate the Left are for any indication of “revolution”.

I feel as if I have been “orphaned” by these Left movements now and I now visit OffG, Global Research and a few others – even Right Wing sites and the “lunatic fringe” e.g. David Icke who, for all his wacky reptilian sci-fi fixations, has come up with very perceptive comments on e.g. how Italy was used as a spring board to launch the great covid zombie franchise.

The past year has certainly woken me up to the realisation that there is no opposition within the entire visible media spectrum. Covid is the script, the only movie in town. This will go on and on and only isolated internet users can currently comment accurately on it.  

Mar 11, 2021 8:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t know how to link to specific comments…

I don’t know if this feature is available on mobile browsers, but on a desk PC or laptop, if one mouses to the right of a screen name (comment header), a “link” icon appears; click it, and it sends the individual comment permalink to one’s clipboard.

I don’t know if this is the comment you had in mind, but here’s the link I copied from “Great Viral Debate” thread: 


Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 10, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I performed another websearch looking for your critique here, and once again came up empty handed. The only potentially meaningful result for a search of this site in October was this one:


and there is only one brief mention of McMurtry by you there.

Mar 11, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The left ought to be the natural abode of “malcontents” in a capitalist society.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 10, 2021 7:02 PM

What would this CP writer say to the worldwide organisation of doctors, virologist, epidemiologists and other appropriately-expert witnesses who are insisting that there is NO global health emergency, NO pandemic. That all-causes deaths are a bit on the high side this past two Winter flu seasons, but not extraordinarily so? Are they all wrong and he’s right? Or is he just full of it, like so much of CP’s doctrine-driven output these days. Like WSWS’s.

Mar 10, 2021 10:22 PM

All those points above have been repudiated. Just reed OFFG.

I will only relate to existence or nonexistence of. COVID disease caused by SC2 virus infection which question can be only settled by .. fulfillment of Koch/Rivers postulates that include purification and isolation of virus before culturing in VERO or other human and non human cell lines.

This is a quote from flagship Chinese paper published early February 2020, and then referenced more than 5000 times in peer reviewed scientific journals as proof of existence SC2 viral infection causing COVID.

“A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019” [Wuhan Study December 2019-January 2020]


“Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.”

The preliminary indication (based on four patients from Wuhan) without any required by Koch postulates proper isolation of active virus or critical animal studies where animals are deliberately infected and then dissected to confirm organ damages are directly due to infection, were taken, against Chinese authors explicit statements to contrary, as proof of existence and causality between SC2 Viral infection and COVID disease that at that time was not even defined as Chinese authors related their analysis to patients officially diagnosed as suffering from long known in Wuhan area so called unexplained (by known viruses or bacteria) pneumonia (UP) or otherwise known as Environmental Pneumonia (EP).

The lack of isolation of SC2 virus was confirmed by CDC study:


“The article section with the subheading “Whole Genome Sequencing” showed that “rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end”, that the CDC “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 10, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Kalen

I give up. People here obviously have no idea who JM* is, and my reason for posting that (note: it was NOT because I agree with any of it!). Clearly, in an information warfare-saturated environment such as this, it has come to be expected (i.e. engineered) that anyone can shift to a position 180˚ opposed to a previously (or even consistently) expressed one and no one is surprised: after all, “so many commenters are prone to these wild opinion swings.”

*except a small handful of commenters, most notably George Mc.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 12, 2021 2:42 PM

Venezuela reports 1,378 deaths from Covid. I see nobody challenging that stat. California is of roughly comparable population (40 million v. 30 million), and we have 54,000 Covid deaths? Japan is over 3 times the size of California, and they have 8,000+ ?

Quite a disparity.

Lies. Damned lies. Then there are statistics.

Mar 10, 2021 10:53 AM

The W.H.O. admits that a polio epidemic in Africa is “vaccine-derived”:


I guess Sudan will have to join India in being crossed off Bill Gates’ list of possible holiday destinations.

Mar 10, 2021 10:48 AM

”They will try to create the reign of scientific intelligence, the most aristocratic, despotic, arrogant and elitist of all regimes. There will be a new class, a new hierarchy of real and counterfeit scientists and scholars, and the world will be divided into a minority ruling in the name of knowledge, and an immense ignorant majority. And then, woe unto the ignorant ones.”
Bakunin 1880

They have most definitely tried! In some sense they’ve succeeded. But all the “ignorant ones”…is it really so? Is our woe guaranteed? Or is it just the msm and your own particular milieu surrounded by ppl with big vocabularies. I’d say this despotic class is pretty desperate judging from the 24/7 wall to wall propaganda and the many reports (like sparks in a pitch black underground tunnel) of rejection and non compliance around the world. Non-intellectuals aren’t buying this garbage.

In the US 77% can’t work from home, to my untrained sociological view that puts the branch covidians at somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30% (just like Nazis % of support). Maybe less. Consider that it takes only 5-10% of a population for successful revolution.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2021 10:44 AM

Revisiting the terror campaign of a year ago, it seems even more ridiculous than it did at the time. Did a doctor really say, “unconscious man dies in agony” – as if checking to see if anyone’s paying attention? And that little diary of death from the Daily Mail with – shock horror! – people crammed into tube trains and …well nothing really. We are invited to be appalled at the simple fact that they are crammed into tube trains.

And what about the comments underneath e.g. “Turns out Universal Basic income doesn’t kill the economy: pandemics and corporate greed does!” Is that one genuine or part of some dummy posting army?

And I see that Michael Moore is proving his continued value to the glamorous Left outrage section fulminating against the Texas “covid defiance” – as do the WSWS (who are still urging on their own two-minute hate sessions against Trump/Goldstein).

But the single most devastating development for me has been the “new media” (which I know is just the old media now revealing its true nature). This media is now utterly totalitarian in its very presentation i.e. it relates one story and one story only. There is no dissent although there are occasional utterly pathetic “disagreements” about utterly insignificant details e.g. the designs of the masks which that good old pantomime Left will dispute with self-righteous wrath for as long as it takes till the next phony argument emerges. And this totalitarian nature of the media is what permits them to say anything they want, as stupid as they want, as self-contradicting as they want and no-one can argue with them because no-one else is allowed on the media!

Incidentally – from the few seconds I could tolerate of today’s mainstream TV news, I heard about how, in the US, it’s the Democrats who support the vaccines. The Republicans don’t. Now since the Republican contingent of the US is presumably large, I am led to wonder yet again if the vaccines are that important other than being a means of transferring funds over to the private sector, providing a prop to issue passports, distracting the population, and creating a further divide and rule effect.

Mar 10, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc

MSM? Haha

Mar 10, 2021 12:11 PM
Reply to  Shin

Just a joke George! context and what to think of it.
Anyhoo, i’m dropping three 3 painkillers with a couple diazepam.
Should be right to go in about 8 to 10 hours!

Mar 10, 2021 2:15 PM