WATCH: Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!
You don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future and you don’t need secret, anonymous sources to know what the globalists are planning to do.
Don’t miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James peels backs the curtains on the open conspiracy and details what’s likely to happen in the coming years.
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the stoyline of a novel i read some time ago was about a young , up-and-coming politician from a southern USA state: he was a smooth talker, had charisma, was sellable; he was destined to occupy the White House.
his minder set about trawling through the guy , and his familys, past to ensure there was nothing Back There that could be weaponised. They found Devestation ! The pollie was one sixteenth part Negro
Thankfully the pollie has a very wise spinmeister who advised ” Dont try to hide it. Dont try to put spin on it. Hang it out in the glare of the midday sun. Voters wont believe the truth, they never believe the truth. They always think you’re trying to hide something ”
what nowadays is called mis-direction..
When an neoliberal influenced Australian politician says he wants to impose income management on those dependent on government Social Security payment, wants to reduce the number of Social Security pension and other schemes for the sake of ‘efficiency’- which means age etc pension cuts – i believe the pollie. .Most unfortunately think it’s misdirection…
James is right: THEY have told us Their Plans for Us, You’d Better Believe It !
As one wiseman once said ” better my own disorder than anothers order”.
James has a face that would look good on a “Big Brother IS Watching YOU !” poster ?
…or better still, the face of Goldstein on a Big Broth ‘wanted’ poster ?
Listen, I hear the western USA “cracking”.
Get away from there. “I’ll say again, I’m not a friend”
Some retard bitched about Mendel?
Q hum.
With all the ‘health’ stuff going on, I had not paid attention to the people picked by ‘Biden’.
What a team!
That’s correct, we don’t need a crystal ball and we don’t need Qanon or whatever other mostly oligarchy manufactured distractions any longer. I’ve been at this, i.e., reading alternative media and educating myself on real truths, since shortly after 9/11. I retired a few years after and have had the time to research politics, geopolitics, real history, wars, imperialism, oligarchy, etc. That, along with my previously bred anti-establishment streak originating from growing up in the 60’s in the US, caused me to reach certain conclusions fairly early on (maybe about 30 days after Obama took office when it all finally sank in).
Now, I don’t need to know anymore. I already know what we’re up against, it doesn’t need to be defined any longer. It’s the rich. It’s always been the rich. It’s the way humans roll. Ask Aristotle, he knew, ask Plato, he knew, ask Eugene Debs, he knew, they/we knew this all along. Why do we keep trying to figure it out, it’s already been figured. It’s always those with the wealth who have the power.
It’s time to try to do something about it. That’s where the energy has to go, not just from readers, from writers, from everywhere there are people who know the truth. We have to take the power. It may be impossible, but it’s time to try. If not, we’ll just follow the bouncing red ball until we all die.
It’s not the rich, it’s the psychopaths (I prefer “evil” but take your pick).
Not all rich people are psychopaths, and not all psychopaths are rich (military, cops, politicians, nurses, scientists, “journalists” etc.).
As the coronahoax is making abundantly clear, rich psychopaths can’t accomplish squat without millions of equally evil order followers and sellouts around the world.
I absolutely agree that it’s time to do something about the predator class–aka enemies of humanity–once and for all.
Well, that’s kind of like the argument about cops, or the military or people who work for the military industrial complex. Depends on how you view it. Like, “it’s just a few cops, the bad apples”, or, it’s not those in the military, they’re just taking orders”. Or like you say, “not all rich”. I try not to parse anymore, if you’re in it, you are it. It’s a hard line, but I believe We the People are going to have to take a hard line. It’s a class war, and if they want to be on our side, then be rich no more. Can’t have it both ways.
I think most people will opt for being lackeys, even slaves, to the rich over creating a world where there are no rich. It is the underbelly of humanity; and it isn’t going to change.
The problem with having a class war, or any war, is that most people will choose to align with whichever side they think will win. Because most people have no real beliefs, they are unable to critically evaluate the options.
In the fourth grade (in the 1950s), I realized that conscription was wrong. And that started an odyssey, so to speak, which has led me to question almost everything society holds dear.
I don’t personally know anyone else who sees things the way I do – or who actually researches things to try and determine what is reasonably true and what is patently false.
Many people who frequent this site would rather think it is all caused by the “lizard people.” The ruling class has always tried to create diversions (or psy-ops as we’d call it today) from what they do. It has always been a class war.
“Not all rich people are psychopaths, …”
How did they get rich then?
Oh and that Sonatina…
Ironic, isn’t it? When the potential for a future is severed. Desired none. It means I have to start nuking things, like, in the scary way. Not just virtually. Even more ironic, imagine, whores searching for a customer.
One day less for me, one lifetime less for you.
But hey, I did mention that. Instead of like, wearing masks, censorship and trying to push that qlippoth narrative of yours, you could’ve just asked me to stop considering you.
Though since that’s not a choice anymore…I mean, you have clubs, I got spades, even shovels, for those diamonds and hearts you can never reach.
I mean, obviously you’re not gonna post this, but yeah, that’s your problem.
Which of these songs is better?
I kinda just change the spelling a bit. I did mention tremors, right? You fucks should be scared. But it doesn’t matter, because at the timescales I function, you’re already dead.
Hey “Researcher”, remember when I told you about plants magically spawning Aphids when it’s dark, low phosphorus, high nitrogen?
It’s a ‘big deal’, plant DNA found for the first time in animals
Plant DNA found for the first time in animals, bizarre study reveals
Watching you and research exchange comments is like watching a puppy play with a clockwork toy. He hasn’t realised your not real yet.
Ask Corbett what he thinks about universal healthcare in the USA….the biggest crime against the American people, or against any people for that matter, in a century. His answer: He links it to state sponsored eugenics and ‘health rationing’, He is really not on your side.
Every issue of our day, even in Europe today, is a trip down the rabbet-hole of American Empires neurosis, and mental disorders, seared out of the fusion of Puritanical Christianity with murderous greed, given birth on a sea of mass genocide of indigenous peoples.
This mental illness, that is American ideology, affects us all now, more than ever as it is channelled though the optical cables of the internet. From the pantomime around the demonisation of racial politics to the insane obsessive faith in the markets and the false claims of material spiritual fulfilment.
We in Europe are now living in another peoples insanity. The insanity of American ideology and weird sociopathy, violence and death wish culture, are all all played out in the heads of our now vacuous, uneducated culturally isolated youth and lost individuals.
With no cultural references, no history, no understanding of how even to think. And no understand of anything that is happening around them. Welcome to the hell of American materialism taken far too far.
There is no reason to worship at the alter of material goods, it was a choice, it was an American choice, not ours, but we are being subjected to this ideology as it shreds our culture & our civilisation to pieces, It is the demon that debases everything, cheapens everything, returning home after hundred of years to live out its destructive conclusions.
Marxist dictatorship? So Americans will be getting ‘socialist’ universal healthcare then? free university education, an increased minimum wages, free school education, free childcare, state pensions, free training, job security, free one years maternity leave, better working conditions, minimum 6 weeks vacation time …… NO…oh…not very Marxist then.
No, nothing’s really free. One way or another, we pay for it.
Its really about allocation of resources. Yes, you pay for it, everyone does, but then you’re currently paying for the huge imbalance of wealth, the bloated defense budget and so on.
The trick politicans work on you is to maintain that the current imbalance is the natural order of things. Your work produces a certain amount of value. Your employer exists to effectively resell that work at a profit. Fair enough, they’ve got to make a profit to stay in business. Where things get out of whack is that the amount you get for you labor is systematially shrunk and at the same time what you do have left over is taxed to provide all the stuff needed to keep society running. This makes you uneasy when more is to be provided because its coming out of your already not too great take. But in reality all we need to do is ‘rebalance’ the take slightly — somone has to make do with one less mansion, executive jet or gold toilet and a bunch of others get health care. (The irony here is that the rebalancing can prove to be more efficient — profitable. Its the same mindset that says paying Trader Joe’s grocery workers a decent wage is better for business than other companies fighting against even a minimum wage.)
The rest of the world has most of these things: socialist’ universal healthcare, free university education, an increased minimum wages, free school education, free childcare, state pensions, free training, job security, free one years maternity leave, better working conditions, minimum 6 weeks vacation time. The USA has none of them.
Yes and those programs are sending those countries deeper into debt. Socialism sounds good until you run out of other people’s money (Thatcher).
US debt is the same as europes. check before you speak
In reality, reality is different.
free access to…..
I won’t get all sematic, seems there’s those running around giving down votes for any comment they don’t like. Weak ass chicken sheets imo.
semantic, geesh.
Dependence on Government Makes You Free
Under Communist rule you get all these things, officially. But in reality they are not existent or do not work properly.
So as long as the politicians and newspapers tell the people these things exist, the people will believe them! Most will not notice that they are missing or completely dysfunctional.
You used to get all these things in ‘mixed economy’ Britain. Most people now aren’t old enough to remember what life was like ‘before Thatcher’, they’re told it was horrible and so on so they actually beleive it. Any trickery occurs because what was a reasonsable standard of living or medical care in the 1950s seems a bit primitive now. (They work the same trick with communist countries — comparing 1950s Russia with our modern world……not good…but its nothing to do with communism.)
Are you really so dumb that you think only communist states have all of those things?
are you really this slow???? IF [and it is a very big IF] any of those things come to light, they will perhaps suit the likes of YOU. You will have the free school/ university education that your overlord deems fit, the medical care that they deem fit [i assume you have NO issue with pharmaceuticals/ vaccinations/ medical models] and the work and travel that are allowed…. and only if you obey like a good little boy.
I say to you- i hope you find what you’re looking for in this little utopia.
I’m finding it hard to understand why you people think billionaires avoiding international tax obligations is a good thing? Are the oligarchs our friends suddenly ? we can see they are Corbett’s friends. You do know that these tax laws will never effect you ……right?
The most wonderful & useful thing about the Corbett ‘globalist agenda’ is that it is everywhere and nowhere, it is everybody and it is nobody. It controls everything and it controls nothing, It is invisible and impossible to pin down.
It was clearly as useful to the third Reich as it is today to the USA, where Adolf blamed all Germany’s economic hardships on a conspiracy of International bankers (‘juden’ bankers). The ‘globalist agenda’ is the same trick, but played on us by a new Corporate fascist state, who blame international ‘something’ for their wows. Not American Oligarchs of course….they are the heroes!….international things……are to blame.
Too bad Hitler was right…
The wonderful thing about Corbett’s ‘globalist agenda’ is that it is everywhere and nowhere, it is everybody and it is nobody. It controls everything and it controls nothing, It is invisible and impossible to pin down.
It was just as useful to Hitler as it is today to the USA. Hitler blamed all the hardships in Germany of the 30s on a conspiracy of International Jewry. The ‘globalist agenda’ is the same trick played by a new Corporate fascist state, who blame international ‘something’ for their wows. Not American Oligarchs….they are the heroes!….international things……
Hey “Warrant” and “Derick” maybe try agreeing who will say what before you both go and say the same bullshit?
they block it, I repeat it. You too dumb to work that out? ….maybe get another job…you’re not suited to trolling.
Polly looks at the transfer of power in Tanzania following John Magafuli’s death — the latest African politician to die of Covid (how many Western politicians were carried off by Covid?).
The new president Samia Suluhu Hassan is the product of the Open University of Tanzania, financed by the Rockefeller and Gates foundations, and the UNESCO Grift Programme. Funding has increased exponentially since 2008. The university is run out of Tedros’ Ethiopia.
Her husband, Hafidh Ameir, seems to be directly plugged into the international AIDS moneypot, apparently working for TakAIDS. The money comes from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) set up by Anthony Fauci and run by Deborah Birx — yes, the same people who run the Covid task force.
Upwards of $90 billion has flowed from the U.S., via U.S. embassies and its allocated/audited by the UN Grift Programme, which does not disclose how it disburses the money except that much of it goes to Bill Gates. He creates vaccines and, through his for-profit Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, that money comes back to him.
Dr Hafidh Ameir, the Tanzania commissioner for TakAIDS, also works with G:ENISIS Analytics, which is partly funded the University of Manitoba, home to Canada’s only Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) virus lab, and the BMGF. G:ENISIS Analytics is about behavioural economics, and the first team in Africa to change behaviour and improve decision making, in below-the-line marketing campaigns for banks, insurers and pension funds.
Public Health Mafia Eliminating Opposition? Magufuli is not the first! — Polly
Hello Moneycircus: Once again, you are quite correct. Ms Hassan has been well prepped for decades, and her handlers are as stated. >
Genesis Analytics – Economics-based Consulting (
Genesis boasts about their ability to spin education into whatever desired shape, for whatever the agenda. Note the chosen name for the operation… Same apple. Same game.
Hiding the prosaic looting & theft by the American empire as something else, like aliens, lizards, ancient families or as a ‘Globalist cabal’ … typical of the NSA’s psyop.
Everything that happens in the age of American illusion, is simple theft, because that is all the USA ‘believes’ in….it has no vision, it has no agenda, it has no goals, it has only money as god and it prays to the angles of greed and envy. America just steals and robs.
If the US elites need to torture or kill you to do that, then they will. They have been doing it around the world for decades…..there is your proof if needed, look at its ‘form’……they did it in Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Afghanistan, Chile, Guatemala, Vietnam….etc…. they destroy with sanctions or via attacks then rob and loot the resources of that country, directly or via the IMF, a US CONTROLLED INSTITUTION. The only thing new about this COVID scam is that they are doing it to their allies on a massive scale.
Oh…. but they are doing it to America too! …..You cry….yes they are……and the American elites have no more enjoyable pleasure than to engineer their own population into total poverty and desperation, like they have been doing for the past 50 years. This is not new….none of it is new, it is just accelerated and banded differently.
Hello Warrent arrest: “America” declared independence from European oligarchic and royal family controls for very good reasons. Too bad the American revolution had already failed by 1812… Thank European bank “loans” for the results…
If you actually studied history,,,,, you’d understand that all things “global” originate within European banking cartels and trade houses.
Ask yourself who originated the first commercial insurance conglomerates, and where are they are currently addressed…
Ponder the shifting roles of Hapsburg empire friendlies in the 1800’s… Who won???
On this “is it the globalists or is it the USA?” thing….
Only one of these arguments is saying don’t look at the other one. Those who think it’s the globalists are hardly denying that US corporations and the US deep state are very major players in all that’s unfolding. Specifically, Corbett has produced a lorryload of copy on, for example, the Rockefellers and the alphabet soup agencies. All that’s being said is that these might have something of a deeper and wider context – that, for example, the CIA was formed by Wall St bankers and their stooges and might be as much concerned with their interests as any other considerations.
It’s the “blame the USA” side that says ignore any other interpretation, that it is a distraction and you shouldn’t research or even think about it because you’re being led down the wrong rabbit hole.
The worst that can happen with the globalist approach is wasting some time on what turn out to be minor players; the worst that can happen with the USA approach is that one completely misses the forces driving things.
Could the CIA get multiple world leaders to use the phrase “build back better” and the MSM to push the new normal? Certainly. Could a globalist network do the same? Certainly. There clearly is co-ordination going on wherever it’s coming from.
Great comment.
My only observation would be that I don’t believe there is a genuine “globalist or USA only” argument going on.
The “USA only” position is being pushed by a tiny minority of posters (quite possibly or even probably the same one with multiple names) in order to falsely elevate the ‘idea’ to the status of ‘talking point’.
I;m not convinced that anybody could be stupid enough to believe that the USA runs the world, so I have to assume it is deliberate obfuscation in order to sow division.
800 military bases are just decoration, please move along, nothing to see here. History is a lie, empire is a lie.
Of course there is absolutely no evidence at all of any international conspiracy other than the common interests of Corporations towards minimal regulation and monopoly. That is not a conspiracy. . BUT Every day you see evidence of US empire conspiring to achieve strangleholds all over the world . EVERY SINGLE DAY. I c an only assume you are a bit dim or lying, if you claim have not seen that evidence.
Assume whatever you like.
Ambitions of empire do not equate to dictating how the world works.
Incidentally, history largely is a lie, or as Napoleon put it, “a fiction, agreed upon”. I won’t enquire as to how you didn’t know that.
I find staggering levels of wilful ignorance here. Or as we call it…NSA trolling.
That’s the most sensible thing you’ve written so far.
Take a bow Derick, or whatever you happen to be calling yourself at any given time. When you’re done bowing, you might want to read up on blind spot bias and projection. Then take a look in the mirror. What’s the weather like in Maryland/Cheltenham at the moment?
”blind spot bias and projection”
I enjoy it the most when dumb people try to be clever. So at least pretend….please.
Do you write your own material? A career in television awaits you.
Like “money”? Or covid? Or any viruses? Or NASA, maybe SpaceX bullshit? Or men who claim to be women? That sort of thing?
Exactly like those sorts of things.
There is far to much evidence opposite to what you posit here.
No Gas Lighting, Please.
Evidence? Gaslighting?
You’re doing a fantastic job. Keep it up.
The world IS RUN by Fiat U$A Dollars, or the U$A will kill or regime change ANY COUNTRY that wavers from the Global banking Cartel.
It is always, FOLLOW THE MONEY!
This is true but only so far. The U.S. is the financial power due to the dollar’s status as reserve currency.
The OSS/CIA was never populated by particularly bright individuals. Perhaps a student of the U.S. university hierarchy might aver so, if you trust rankings. Some were of that class brought up to speak French or Italian. But mostly the OSS/CIA was just loaded. Suitcases of money beat a well-enunciated argument any time.
Richard Werner’s book Princes of the Yen shows how the U.S. reconstructed pre-war Japan with a twist, predictably naming the ruling power the Liberals, though sheer weight of dollars by suitcase.
The OSS/CIA built the European federation the same way. It bought and owned the leading proponents of the European movement.
In Italy it didn’t need to offer cash. It merely returned control of the country to the mafia which Mussolini had expelled. (The CIA have a viciousness which is not really American, just as the behaviour of Mi5 would be called unBritish by the people if they knew. Their ethics and the interests to which their antics build, speak of another employer.)
This is nothing new. The Bolsheviks and the Nazis were the upscale by comparison with the Japanese and the Italians. The U.S. oligarchs opened bank branches for them in Moscow and even set up the Bank for International Settlements.
This in no way contradicts the argument for globalism. It merely acknowledges that as the proprietors of the reserve currency, the same families who owned the Federal Reserve could buy any country and recreate it in their image. It also shows, by following the money, that the OSS/CIA is merely a consequence of the reserve currency, if not of the Federal Reserve itself.
The Panama Papers were interesting. They contained almost no American names. Now, given that the U.S. has the paper riches, you would expect Americans to feature prominently in tax avoidance, offshore exiles and shell companies. This obvious fact eluded the inbred Luke Harding of the Gwaridian. We know through FACTA and other laws the U.S. leverages its control of the reserve currency to the max.
Testing the logic by mirror image, it suggests the power of the U.S. is purely financial. Take away the dollar and U.S. power crumbles.
Hence the rush for hard assets: mining, farm land (Mr Gates), control of food supply, water (Bolivia) and rare earth minerals (Mr Musk in Bolivia) and the current rush for the Sahel region, comprising a dozen countries across the middle of Africa.
Rockefeller and the industrial titans are like the most recent pop bands. Ask the people to rank greatest albums ever and Rockefeller and the Pops will be near the top. But there are older and more established players. They were and they are and they are not going anywhere soon.
What a disappointing load of nonsense, strung together in a desperate fashion. No proof No evidence, just utter rubbish. Just saying things does not make them true.
It’s quite easy to find parallels for this argument.
In the 1900/10s the Edwardian British had a cult of the male but it wasn’t the Great British Male who maintained the empire (he was a footsoldier)… it was the bankers who carefully manipulated capital flows.
“It’s grand to be an Englishman in 1910 / King Edward’s on the throne; it’s the age of men!”
Today the U.S. sees the celebration of the military and agencies in the same way. The tragic irony of the U.S. is that no organization has done more to undermine the American male than the CIA. However, the CIA may yet succeed in defending the country’s bankers. See again, the parallel with Britain.
This is because the CIA answers to private commercial interests like the Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve families while the OSS/CIA imported the Frankfurt School and Austrian/German psychology, creating the Columbia U technocacy-shrinkocracy. Given the unacknowledged Germanic roots of the USA, this was perhaps inevitable. Americans sure like shrinks.
If it were a great comment it wouldn’t need a fluffer.
Great comment.
Hello Edwige: I think you’ve pointed out the obvious. The goal of propaganda is to produce multiple interpretive conflicts in order to cripple intellectual discernment. When successful, the core of the conflict is obscured, and any debates regarding underlying issues are rendered null and ineffective.
It is always one side against the other, or may incorporate multiple enemy protagonists. It freezes the victims in place whilst instigators are left free to carry out their agenda.
Well said. A couple of points to add.
Corporations are now supra-national not merely multinational. The biggest of them pay barely any tax, anywhere. In the U.S., individuals account for 95% of federal taxes.
This means Google, Amazon etc are American in name only. If there is an American empire, they are not part of it.
Yet, Google and Amazon work with the U.S. alphabet agencies. Does that make the corporations American, or does it simply reflect that fact that the CIA is supra-national, too? Does it mean that Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook work not just with U.S. intelligence interest but with those of multiple countries? This is a rhetorical question. Look at the British presence in G,T and F, particularly. Read Whitney Webb for the Israeli angle and Polly for the 70-year connection of the Maxwell family with publishing, data and networks, and British, U.S. and Israeli intelligence.
Who would have an interest in perpetuating the myth that these corporations are American? Why does Hollywood have to work so hard to uphold the image of the CIA, FBI and Naval Intelligence as fighting “for the little guy”? Did Hollywood run out of ideas or is it running propaganda for someone?
Who runs Hollywood? The old euphemism was “cosmopolitans” which meant people with loyalty to no particular country because their network was global. That is not a semitic trope. If it was once true of the Amsterdam-Johannesburg-Tel Aviv nexus, it is much more true of global corporations today.
Don’t forget Germany. Remember that before WW2 the aforementioned nexus identified with Germany. After WW2 the NAZI intelligence effected a reverse takeover of the nascent CIA (the bolting on of the Gehlen network and the mass import of Germans to the former OSS that had facilitated the NAZIs in the first place.)
Who runs owns the media? The military and intelligence agencies of several countries clearly have huge sway but they don’t own it. So by definition there is an alliance, peaceful or tense, collaborative or competitive, that operates around the world
I hardly need mention China except historically, where the Rockefellers have been active for 100 years. It has been a globalist operation for 200 years.
Final point: empires do not go away. Even the Portuguese retain huge “soft power” influence. The Dutch, French, Belgians, British and others retained significant control of resources in their former colonies.
The idea that the world is unipolar is a fig leaf, as is any post-Bolshevik division between Russia and Israel or the former and China. It’s not only war that employs deceit.
Setting countries aside, public private partnerships have taken control of assets. Many services like military or prisons, hospitals or data are run by behemoths like Serco that straddle the globe. The concept of the corporation is not even 150 years old, but it has changed everything. Even royal families, if they intend to survive, are forced to become corporations. Nations are very much on the back foot.
Turning to the personnel. A couple of examples: Secretary of State Blinken has a deep Epstein connection — his stepfather was Robert Maxwell’s consigliere for decades. Blinken himself attended the same Dalton School run by Bill Barr’s father, where Epstein taught.
Biden has hired a bunch of ZuckerClones, including the one that handled the $400 million dollar intervention by the Zuckerburg-Chan foundation in the key swing states that delivered the overnight surprise Biden lead while counting was “suspended” in the early hours of Nov 4th.
Look at the number of appointments with Monsanto connections. Can you be sure the above report to the “empire”?
It feels almost childish having to write this; it is so evident. That is the purpose of the chameleon’s endless burp of “empire, empire”. In countering his fetid exhalations he misleads us into covering old ground, reinventing the wheel.
Let us end this debate. Let the chameleon burp but ignore him.
”where the Rockefellers have been active for 100 years. It has been a globalist operation for 200 years.”
What crap, where do you get this rubbish? It is laughable.
You’re really pushing the boundaries of eloquent debate today.
Great comment.
sometimes you just have to call it what it is.
You’re doing really well today. Keep it up.
Good comment. Of course Americans play a central role in the globalist establishment, and the US oligarchy is an integral part of the global ruling class. CIA operations serve transnational oligarch interests rather than any American ‘national interest.’ However, there are many CIA employees who probably believe they are working for their country.
CIA employees are working for their country. Have you never heard what Snowden said about his role as a CIA officer? He was engaged in the murder and blackmail of businessmen for US & corporate interests. Who do you think he was working for?
This wilful stupidity is very boring.
No, US corporate interests are NOT the same as the national interest. They are private interests, and these corporations are transnational, not national.
What a silly thing to say. Prove it!
Prove their agenda, prove their power, prove their collective organised might, Prove it !
You have not a single piece of evidence.NOT ONE, for an organisation that you claim supervising the entire world. You are a cheap fantasist.
Your comment doesn’t even make any sense as a reply to my comment about transnational corporations. You’re talking to yourself. It’s gibberish.
You’re where I was at in my understanding of the world about 20 years ago, with a focus on generic “US imperialism” informed by left gatekeepers. So I would consider the possibility that you aren’t a troll if it wasn’t for your eventual bellicose responses and constantly-changing names. However, please keep posting. As a previous poster stated, some of us find it very useful for discernment purposes.
Anyway, there are a million pieces of evidence for the existence of a transnational capitalist class/global ruling class. You can start with the official websites of Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum and explore from there. One can even find scholarly works on these organizations and conferences if so inclined.
In the words of David Rockefeller himself:
“Some even believe we [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
David Rockefeller. Memoirs (New York: Random House, 2002), pg. 405.
You are a fantasist. You fill your ignorance on economics, politics, History and geopolitical with ridiculous stories dreamt up by some Alt-right CIA propagandist, 20 years ago and repeat them like they are true…..pathetic. You are a victim of Alex Jones and his far right BS.
Repost as this video is so important
Mar 30, 2021 10:37 AM
Please take a look at the latest from Reiner Fullmich
I can’t help wanting to write to him and tell him to be quick about it.
Every day that goes by gives the extremely experienced fraudsters more time to craft more spanners to throw in his works…
One of their most effective spanners is precisely to stall for time – for years on end – until nobody cares any more…
But I have no doubt that he is aware of that concern.
In order to be successful in bringing these crimes against humanity to light, and having them proved beyond all doubt, Dr. Fuellmich has to construct an absolutely watertight case.
A mighty weighty responsibility for him and fellow lawyers and expert witnesses, and surely an extremely time-consuming undertaking.
In terms of numbers of casualties and the trajectory of history, this case trumps the Nuremberg Trials.
Whatever the outcome, the world population will owe him and his team an enormous debt for their courage and efforts in ‘doing the right thing’.
Stop rollout of untested vaccines petition to UK Parliament
a tad tardy already
Ah well, spam check has ruined my fun again. I propose a new acronym based on an earlier exchange.
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to les online
I also read “microplastics used in the manufacturing of Covid face masks contain a number of chemicals, including the penis-shrinking phthlates…
Hey, broadcasting that fact might be one way to get guys, at least, to stop wearing those idiotic compliance-symbols.
Mar 29, 2021 11:07 PMReply to Reset the Diaboligarchy
Alas, if they’re wearing one of those, there may not be any genitalia to begin with..
Mar 30, 2021 11:04 AMReply to ToyAussie
Shrunk Penis Covidians – has a certain ring to it
Mar 30, 2021 11:05 AMReply to Corarden
We can call them SPCs for short, as our own OG generated acronym
More than three links automatically gets spam-checked 🙂 A2
Ah, ok, thx, btw it wasn’t me that just downvoted your comment Sam ( smiley)
We have a couple of looneys here, who sometimes spend a whole day downvoting everything.
Just a distraction, of course.
”penis-shrinking phthlates”
I think their penis was already small before they wore the mask.
I hope when you grow up the penis on your head shrinks.Just for your sake.Mithering fool.
The US have a special ‘climate change envoy’ because they will evangelise the imposition of expensive energy & unnecessary regulations on the rest of the world, which the USA will not apply to themselves, to give themselves an economic advantage and to ‘Make America Great Again’. As they take the opportunity to inject massive corporate subsidies into their own corporations with tax payers money, as part of their long term policy of wealth redistribution UP to the wealthiest.
Welcome back.
New name; same tired old bullshit.
I hope you keep posting, though. It’s always instructive to be able to see, first hand, the talking points the enemy wants to promote, the people you want to demonise, the division you to create and the agenda to which you adhere.
Even though you do tend to clog up the thread with your nonsense, I hope you ignore the down votes and keep on going, thereby demonstrating what it is we’re fighting against.
I have always posted for US trolls. Nobody else. You’re welcome.
Somebody anagram this fool.Hes all over the shop.
Arse rents in there.
And war arse tent.
Going to go out on a limb here … italics from here on in?
You must have a smile on your face all day behind your mask.Well fucking done.
No mask, smile yes.
You have many masks I think.
Brutal cop with a letter left over fuck off you smarmy shit.
A strange response to a comment on climate change? are you having a stroke?
Like his defence of international tax avoidance, above, it is funny how corbett’s views on that the biggest genocide in history, the denial of healthcare to a vast number of Americans is in total agreement with Corporate America, who also believe the peasants should die or go bankrupt rather than have universal healthcare.
Thats right, for this crook universal healthcare = Eugenics and “death panels”. It doesn’t take long to work out who he is working for, when he uses Right-wing talking points in combination with outrageous fantasies of eugenics to hide and perpetuate the denial of decent universal healthcare in the USA.
Who do you think pays for “universal healthcare” The Tax payer obviously, of course big business wants universal health care they’re the ones lobbying for it ! Its Free Money to them ! the NHS here in the UK costs on average £1800 per person per year, for a in many cases a 1 star service. fully comp healthcare insurance on average costs £1200 and thats usually for 4 or 5 star service, with a healthcare provider and an insurance company making a profit ! Where do you suppose all that money the government steals from its citizens goes, why despite its buying power does the NHS pay over the odds for the drugs it pushes on its patients ?
And by universal healthcare we of coarse mean Government gets to decide who lives and who dies healthcare, DNR’s are placed on the elderly and those with learning difficulties in NHS hospitals on a massive scale without the consent of their families, Every time my Mum went into hospital they placed a DNR on her, even after they asked me and I refused to sign it, they still signed it behind our back anyway ! And to add insult to injury they had cause the cognitive issues they based their DNR justification on, by administering heart medications which we repeatedly told them caused her cognative issues, but they repeatedly ignored these reported side effects and tried to blame them on dementia, thats how good the f***ing NHS (universal government healthcare) is ! Be careful what you wish for !
Truly the most stupid, economically & politically illiterate comment I have ever read.
Good morning to the NSA!
Yay Go world government down with freedom down with choice those things are evil hey, lets pretend the NHS bosses aren’t robbing us blind and providing for the most part criminally poor service.lets pretend big business isn’t colluding with government, Next you’ll be telling us theres a dangerous virus on the loose that we all need to surrender our liberty for, or maybe Carbon dioxide the thing all life is made from is destroying the planet you utter utter utter cretin !
If you have never been interested in political history or economics there is no reason for you to understand them. The problem comes when you pretend you do.
You think that the bulls*** fairy tales you hear on TV about big government good, freedom Bad is “political history” do you ? Are you not familiar with the concept of lying and collusion ? How old are you sweet pea ?
‘Globalist agenda’….. really? Driven by US funded think-tanks, US military, US funded and dominated international bodies like the OECD, UN and WHO? ………..that doesn’t look very international to me…
So there is NO international/globalist agenda other than the US corporate neoliberal roll out, that is about US economic hegemony, that is not an international agenda, only the US gains and their puppet states.
Venezuela is being brought down by US sanctions in combination with local wealthy who fund Juan Guaidó, a CIA puppet, to be put in place to give the US oil companies control of their massive oil reserves. Thats not a globalist conspiracy, that is a US conspiracy based in US interests.
Corbett exists to pursued you that the USA is not driving the current world agenda. If you don’t know they are behind it, then you won’t know who to fight. Especially relevant to US citizens who exist in a political vacuum totally confused.
It is an astonishingly stupid fantasy to push, given that every day the news is full of US political and economic blackmail aiding their interests, from DoJ billions in bank fines, blackmailing Germany over Nord-stream II, sanctions on so many countries being systematically destroyed and US extortion via the IMF and we are supposed to believe that a bunch of swiss bankers have as much say in the world direction than US oligarchs. Astonishing crap. This story is Published by the CIA to keep you stupid.
Yeah thats why they’re moving all their Jobs to China and allowing mass immigration and stirring up racial divisions within their country, and pushing policies which look suspiciously like Cultural marxism / communism (international socialism) and signing up to every United nations dictact and global tax going, smattered with the occasional controlled opposition push back from the likes of Trump to make it look like a democracy
What has moved most manufacturing jobs to China in the past 20 years was US greed. Who said US empire wasn’t stupid, their own ideology has destroyed their own economy.
”Every Empire contains the seeds of its own destruction.”
They woke up in 2016 and tried to regain ground with Trump, but it failed miserably.
Do you have any idea what socialism is? …………none at all. you are ridiculous.
Though the ideas had roots in the English Levellers, and Diggers, from around Ollie Cromwells’ time, they coalesced into Socialism during the imposition of industrial capitalism; it’s rapaciousness,and destructiveness of established forms of social security….Socialism was essentially ideas about establishing protection / security against a socially destructive force…
That politicians moved in, used it as cover for their ambitions does not negate the idea of general security it sought… Unfortunately the term is now used as ideological weapon against ideas one dislikes… (i recall reading in an article by one contributor to a Communist Party of Australia journal in 1986
to stop using ‘socialism’ because it had lost it’s meaning… The Situationist International advised that ‘to abandon such terms on the ideological battlefield was to supply The Enemy with words / weapons to use against you…I often
hear, playing, in the background of my thoughts, thane russells “i want security” (1965 UK)…
i dont favour the Nanny Superstate the globalists are imposing…but the Vast Majority want Security at any price…The only Revolutions that ever succeed are those that provide better security than the current security arrangements…Should the process unfold, hot on it’s heels chase the
counter-revolutionary bolsheviks, ready to rein it in, crush it, when it begins to flag….
Expose known crimes that are already in common knowledge to gain credibility.
Use that credibility to pump out pro-neoliberal ‘small government’ propaganda to help the Corporate powers that you claim you are ‘attacking’. Use some truth to push lies, typical CIA methods.
I can understand why you would think that, but understand one basic truth Big business LOVES big government !
The power to force citizens to buy its products by Law ! A complete monopoly where they dont have pay workers a full wage (doing it for the workers / immigrants / ethnic minorities / environment) and only have to provide minimum product (bread and water) at maximum price ! All by Law and no freedom of choice ! Big government is just corporate bosses rebranding themselves as for the people and giving themselves absolute power over peoples lives !
Big business hates big government because it can control them. That is why they sponsor people, like you, to lobby for small government and deregulation.
grow up ! government is big business THE BIGGEST ! only wide eyed 5 year olds, who watch punch and judy shows waiting to see if Punch gets his comeuppance buy the s*** they watch on TV about benevolent governments trying to reign in the evils of Freedom ! Theres only one group of people paid to lobby forums like this and its well funded Marxists groups and BLM activists like you, who get special dispensation to tear down statues and cause violence at legitimate anti lockdown anti vaccine protests to give the establishment at weak excuse to crack down on our liberties all paid for by Wall street ! the filthy crony capitalist (socialist) parasites !
Lol. Are you just out of college. Big business can easily own politicians and therefore, governments. Everyone has a price. Your outlook is totally naive.
From the Biden CFR article:
“At the same time, free speech cannot serve as a license for technology and social media companies to facilitate the spread of malicious lies.”
A new rule in sophistry – firget everything that comes before “at the same time…. “.
Biden’s biggest crime is that he was elected to deliver a $15 minimum wage, $2,000 ‘Covid assistance’ to every person, student debt forgiveness and to make some serious steps towards Universal healthcare.
All these policies are universally popular amongst the Democratic voters and even demanded by the general population. Yet he has totally betrayed his voters and refused to deliver any of them. Corbett does not want to discuss what benefits you, he wants to discuss the governments attempts to trace international tax avoidance, and other distractions as an agent of the Corporate Oligarchs.
Corporate Oligarchs receive tax, if there was No tax and no government legislation (lobbied for by the Corporate Oligarchs), there would be no Corporate Oligarchs ! Any tax they do pay or will ever pay is just a small percentage of the money they received from Government, who stole it from the people via the medium known as Tax !
Tax is a snake eating its own anus !
They pay more tax than they receive in grants in most cases, you are talking crap.
Oh so they do pay tax and they don’t steal from the tax payers, make your mind up ! It sounds very much like you’re defending these corporate criminals, so you love corporations now is just the dirty peasants you want to pay more tax ! You were just pretending to hate your friends in big business to reinforce the idea in peasants minds, its virtuous to pay tax and surrender our God given freedoms to big Government ! You big government con artists are very transparent !
The consumer pays all corporation tax, the employee pays most income and expenditure taxes.
You need to tell US corporations who spend billions on lobbying for tax cuts, they will thank you for your …………….wisdom?
International tax avoidance is a problem. Are we opposed to a tax grid?
You oppose the international tax grid if you are a billionaire or in Corbett’s case assisting the oligarchs. All these alt-right ‘freedom fighters’ are working for the neoliberal roll-out and oligarchs who gain from it. From tax avoidance to freedom of speech in one sentence…..priceless dishonest crap.
Do you really think that governments will use extra tax income to look after ordinary people?
Do I really think that Corbett works to block international tax cooperation for his Corporate masters? yes I do.
The UK left the EU for the sake of Corbett’s friends to protect them from tax transparency being imposed by the EU.
And who do you think runs the EU? The ‘little people’? Are you aware that Brussels is the only city on earth with more registered lobbyists per capita than Washington DC?
Lizards of course, or is it Elvis?
Those rules aren’t being ‘imposed’ by the EU. The UK had already adopted them since the UK helped draft them with the OECD. The EU is a late adopter. There will be some additional rules e.g. to counter some of the loopholes opened up by the EU’s own rules allowing freedom of movement for capital. The BBC and Richard Murphy (both quite keen on the EU) have acknowledged this.
The UK has not introduced the New EU laws on tax havens. It was due last year. These laws would have blown apart the whole City of London scam.
this article is wrong.
“These laws would have blown apart the whole City of London scam”
Wow! So I guess Citi, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman, HSBC, Deutsche and all the rest would have been destroyed by the organisation they campaigned for? Bit embarrassing for them.
Incidentally, member states decide the criteria for including tax havens in the EU ‘bad list’. This is why none of their own territories appear in that list (or, if they do get added then they are soon removed again). This helps explain why people like Richard Branson are so keen on membership of the bloc. With the UK out of The Club then there’s a much better chance that the BVI, Cayman Islands etc. will end up on that list and will stay there. Which is surely a good thing?
The EU’s rules will not be written into UK law, so the City can continue to hide international cash in off-shore tax havens, this is their USP and they have succeeded in getting what they wanted. The EU can blacklist who they like, the UK will not stop using them.
So why did all the international financial institutions in the City campaign to remain in the EU? Was it some kind of double bluff?
There are banks and there are depositors……go and look it up.
no…….. you don’t understand the City’s USP
Hats off to James Corbett, but I’ll admit I only made it about halfway through the presentation, not because of Corbett, who is thorough to a fault, but because I have somehow developed attention deficit disorder when it comes to delving into the details of the coming tyranny, which is just oh so predictable anyway.
Let me provide the bottom line (for the pajama people):
“You’re being lied to, cheated, robbed, injured, diseased, killed, brainwashed, and lulled into submission by a cult that you’re an enthusiastic, but unwitting, member of. Oh, and the cult is led by unelected globalists who want to eliminate 90% or more of you. Sorry to break the news. Waking up’s a bitch, but living under the boot of tyranny is a whole lot bitchier.”
Who are the ‘unelected globalists’? where is their power base?, where do they meet, How do they control? and what is their leverage? Remember central banks create money out of thin air, they are un-buy-able and that US generals control the largest most powerful military/agencies in the world.
I see zero evidence that such a ‘Globalist’ organisation exists. Far from being ‘awakened’ I think you are being shut-down with falsehoods, and left barking at the moon.
Lol. Do you really think the coordinated global response to ‘covid’ would be possible without its planners having global reach? Do not all the most powerful companies have global reach? Wake up.
You answer no questions yet continue to speak? odd that. it is Almost like you know you are lying.
Hello Tike: 100 up votes from a guy living in pajama land.
I’m having a hard time deciding whether Corbett is eloquent or whether he’s performing rhetorical masturbation.
This trend of posting videos instead of arguing their point in writing is as bad as anything else. Not only few have the time to watch the whole thing, and it’s not exactly easy to skin a video as one can do with a piece of text, but also, the narrator keeps going on and on and on, which he/she probably wouldn’t were the stuff be put on a page because it would look ridiculous. Writing ideas down has the beneficial effect on having to fine-tune one’s point, which is not necessarily the case with videos.
He is defending international tax avoidance, so it is perhaps better for him that he doesn’t write it down.
Hello Jacques: Rhetorical masturbation and practice takes more time to erect itself in a video… Tantalizing, yet redundant. Corbett says very little, eloquently…
Who’s got an HOUR to watch a video – and still do other things ? This video thing has got to stop – -OR at least offer a Transcript for the readers. It would be much appreciated.
This is a GREAT site & I enjoy coming here & your coverage of Covid is excellent.
At least Vernon Coleman has a transcript of all his videos so you don’t need to lose an hour watching videos. Good ol’ Vern!
I believe Corbett does offer transcipts of his videos. Did you check?
I prefer the videos to actual articles on some of the forums. I look forward to reading on Offg, but I like videos on other platforms.
You can just listen to the video while you do something else: clean your bathroom, wash dishes, fold laundry, etc. Rarely is it necessary to actually see Corbett talking to get his point.
At any rate, that’s what I do.
Boy, he sure chews his words, chew those words,boy !
Good books like good documentaries or films require time and patience to grasp fully the contents. However, it seems, as Curtin pointed out, the ability to concentrate more than 10 minutes to be a dying art in the age of instantaneous access. People may forget but there was a time not that long ago when it required a lot of time plus effort to research something using things called books and real libraries or correspondence such as writing letters. Perhaps, if some of the critics of James Corbett relearnt these skills, they wouldn’t want instant gratification!
There is a difference between concentrating for more than 10 minutes on a succinctly lain out subject matter and an hour of running at the mouth, repetitive statements, ostentatious use of pretty words presumably pulled out of Shakespeare’s ass, and so on.
This video lasts nearly an hour! While reading what he has to say might take 5-10 minutes. I don’t have an hour to dedicate to one guy. There are other people who have interesting things to say, and there is a limited amount of time I can allot to each of them. Plus, I have a life to live …
Bottom line … It’s too fucking long …!
And your views on the contents?
How’s your day in the office today, Agent Spook?
How is the most boring man in the world doing today ?
The difference is of course your opinion to others. Moreover, many a novel, many a book, many a speech that I have either read, watched or listened to did not begin bring all the strands together until some time into it which lays the ground work of what the essence of the. subject is about. For example, many years ago I watched a German series called Heimat that lasted over 10 hours in total or a documentary called the Shoah which again lasted well over 10 hours they were in 1 hour segments or a film that lasted over 4 hours and reading books that are 700 pages . Unfortunately, many people have lost the art of patience which is one of the reasons that the wool is frequently pulled over peoples eyes they only look at the headline or listen to the sound bite. The propagandists know this hence why so many are duped!
He’s just insulting to someone with high intelligence. It’s like he’s aiming at average people. Meh.
“Good books like good documentaries or films require time and patience to grasp fully the contents.”
True, but great ones grab you almost immediately and just get better from there.
I have no problem concentrating for long periods of time if the content is worthy. Corbett is capable of producing great work** but this video was a poor effort. He rambles on for 8 minutes before he even starts addressing the topic at hand. Unacceptable. It shows a lack of respect for his viewer’s time.
**For example: YouTube > The Corbett Report > Videos > Sort By > Most Popular… Most of the videos with 400K+ views are well worth the time.
I’m only interested in a creator’s best efforts. If a book or long video doesn’t grab me within the first few pages or minutes, I play the percentages and move on.
Good is the enemy of great and life is too short for anything less, especially if it’s free or inexpensive.
Oh come come, many a classical novel did not really come into its stride until a chapter or two. Therefore, it is not necessarily correct they “ grab you immediately “. Corbett has been producing excellent podcasts, videos for 13 years plus long before many people looked into the reality of what is happening beneath the surface.
Moreover, he has researched and delved deeply into topics which have only had scant attention from others. If you are only interested in a creators best efforts, you are censoring yourself. Cliches are no substitute for solid graft, painstaking research which is what Corbett does.
A life built on restriction of choice narrows the broad tapestry of life. It’s not free to him is it or do you always expect free lunches to be haute cuisine!
I wrote, “grab you almost immediately…”
You quoted, “grab you immediately…”
You discredit yourself when you misquote someone.
“Corbett has been producing excellent podcasts, videos for 13 years…”
Which is why I wrote, “Corbett is capable of producing great work**” and then, in the very next paragraph, showed those who may not be aware how to quickly find most of his best work.
“If you are only interested in a creators best efforts, you are censoring yourself.”
Strongly disagree. Time is arguably life’s most precious resource so you censor yourself when you waste it on a creator’s “good” because it prevents you from finding the “great” that others have to offer.
Plus, you risk finding yourself in an echo chamber, or worse, going down the wrong rabbit hole when you go deep instead of wide. Only after you’ve gone as wide as practically possible can you best decide who or what to investigate further.
“A life built on restriction of choice narrows the broad tapestry of life.”
Agreed. Which is why it’s more important to go wide than deep except for those exceptionally rare creators who have an extremely high signal to noise ratio.
Although Corbett’s best work is excellent, his signal to noise ratio is not.
“Oh come come, many a classical novel did not really come into its stride until a chapter or two.”
Most crap novels do not start strong either, which is why I eventually gave up on novels unless they come highly recommended by people with similar tastes to mine.
IMO, most of the “classics” are overrated so it’s usually hard to separate the proverbial wheat from the ‘crap’ in a timely manner.
I’m not a respecter of titles or reputations so I have no time to plod through works where the creator is too arrogant, self-indulgent or clueless to understand the importance of starting strong.
Hmm, if you are relying on others to recommend novels, you are doing what many others do rely on other people to do your thinking. The reason why classics such as Dickens, Tolstoy etc are reread over and over again is because they are so good. If they weren’t, they would fade into obscurity. You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine but I would hazard to guess yours is a small minority.
I forgot to respond to this…”It’s not free to him is it or do you always expect free lunches to be haute cuisine!”
I had written…”Good is the enemy of great and life is too short for anything less, especially if it’s free or inexpensive.”
You discredit yourself again, this time with such a poor response to a clear statement. If that was the best you can come up with, it would have been better to leave things unsaid.
Again your interpretation to my response to your statement, is your opinion and you are entitled to that. However, whenever I have come across a personal attack to paraphrase Thatcher if all they can do is throw abuse at you, they have no arguments!
Decades ago I heard a specialist state that the human brain cannot concentrate for longer than 11 seconds, tops, before it must take a tiny break.
The break is short enough for people not to notice, but I found that to be an interesting, and surprising, fact.
But that snippet of information came to my ears so long ago that I would now be equally surprised to hear that those 11 seconds were not now only 3…
That’s about the time that elapses before I see people’s attention wandering away from practically anything they’re doing these days.
Only the creative arts, including philosophy, provide an environment conducive to, and sufficiently inspiring for, the cultivation of a higher mental sustaining capacity.
Mere facts don’t cut it.
I find that interesting too.
Well, the notion of the dumbing down of the population through the Prussian tote learnt regurgitation of facts, the decline in critical thinking has been well established.
Really, I have been rereading Professor Antony C Sutton’s work the Trilogy about Wall Street. His books are a masterpiece in research which paved the way to exposing the pernicious orchestrated manoeuvres they had on politics, finance and war.
Therefore, I would differ that it is only the creative arts that are conducive to patience. His books are Wall to Wall to facts hence why they couldn’t debunk him.
As he said “ persecuted, never prosecuted “
Prussian rote learnt…
I will look into Sutton’s work. Thank you.
I just found the very short physiological concentration span I heard about surprising.
As I said, we don’t notice because the break is so short, but the break is there – even if one finds a large book absolutely riveting.
Where the imaginative arts differ is that it is no longer a question of holding a single thought in one’s mind – or sticking it into a memory compartment – but of experiencing something which often timeless, and which constitutes its own world, where there is no pressure to finish one’s contemplation within, say, 11 seconds.
In that sense, I am not really talking about patience.
To use rather metaphysical language, it is more a question of working with something which IS, rather than something which HAPPENS…
But it’s complicated territory, and I don’t mean to imply that the arts are in any way ‘better’ than logic, science, or any other academic pursuit…
Well, Sutton used multiple areas and multiple levels to endure that the reader not only understood the historical, social, political, economic and military consequences of the subject but also to critically examine how it effects the present plus future. Arts, imagination, logic, critical analysis are all linked to the mind and ultimately to the spirit of mankind!
Whoa, steady on their Captain.
Bit quick off the mark there old boy, hadn’t you best go get a coffee before starting your day?
Hint, it would look more genuine if you were not the very first comment.
Whose captain…?
Oh, theirs…