The UK changed the definition of “case” to INCREASE Covid numbers. Again.
Kit Knightly

Yesterday Sky News and the Huffington Post and several other outlets all flared up near-identical headlines warning that …
Covid Infections Increase For First Time In Two Months
The HuffPo goes on to explain in more detail…
The jump is thought to have been caused by increases in cases compatible with the original Omicron variant BA.1 and the newer variants BA.4 and BA.5, according to the Office for National Statistics.
All the articles cite the Office of National Statistics (ONS) talking about Omicron and seem to consider this an explanation.
None of them mentions the fact the UK’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA) literally changed the definition of a Covid “case” back in February, making it almost inevitable cases would go up.
It’s all detailed in this post from the UKHSA site, helpfully titled “Changing the COVID-19 Case Definition”.
The article explains that the UKHSA will be moving on from the traditional meaning of “cases”, and instead counting what they call “case episodes”.
Meaning that, up until now, one person repeatedly testing positive for “Covid” throughout the pandemic was considered one “case”:
Until now, COVID-19 cases have been reported at the individual level: every positive test taken and reported by one person has been considered part of a single case record, initiated by their first positive test.
But from now on different positive tests of the same person will be considered separate “cases” as long as they are 90 days apart:
Positive test results that are 90 days apart (regardless of negative tests in between) will be considered as a separate episode of infection, and therefore the person is counted as a case more than once.
The supposed justification for this decision is “waning immunity” and the Omicron variant causing spikes in “reinfections”:
Although reinfections were initially very rare, we have seen the number rising slowly over the last two years, as immunity from prior infection wanes and new variants emerge. During the Omicron variant wave, the number and proportion of people being reinfected with SARS-CoV-2 has increased.
However, the inevitable consequence of this decision will be to make the case numbers go up. The press not including this in their story about the rising case numbers is – at best – astonishing incompetence.
In fact, making case numbers go up is literally the only impact it will have.
The UKHSA goes out of its way to point this out, highlighting that the change will have no effect at all on how they monitor infections, since they already treat new positive tests as new cases for the purpose of contract tracing, and have been doing so all along:
contact tracing has undertaken a very safe practice of following all positive cases, regardless of whether they were possible reinfections or cases of prolonged infection.
So, in short, whether or not the change is scientifically justified, it is a purely aesthetic one that will have no impact on anything, except to make case numbers look bigger.
And, of course, it’s not scientifically justified.
They have already stretched the meaning of “cases” well past its breaking point by defining anyone who tests positive as a “Covid case” whether or not they have any symptoms.
Now every single person who, over the past two years, tested positive on the useless PCR tests and was declared a “case”, can test positive again on the same useless PCR and be declared a new case.
Of course, messing with language to inflate statistics has been the modus operandi since the beginning of the “pandemic”. “Fully vaccinated”, “herd immunity”, “cause of death”, “vaccine”, “case” all have been subject to “updated” definition.
Clearly, this further torturing of statistics is about maintaining the flagging “pandemic” narrative.
Allowing people to become more than one “case” means the ever-increasing numbers of people rejecting the vaccines, masks and hysteria can be countered by the steadily dwindling number of NPCs who still religiously take Covid at face value.
It’s a desperation move. One that, hopefully, people will see right through.
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Who the fuck is still testing themselves?
Thats the ones that really need to get super vaccinated over and over and over until they either grow masks or they simply …..
Who is still testing themselves? Pound to a penny it’s absolute fuckwits who drive alone in their cars wearing face nappies.
Who really cares what they are calling it these days? Probably nobody.
Just because it was digitally printed somewhere on the internet doesn’t mean anything. It’s like when they print headlines like “everybody is talking about this”. Or “this has gone viral”. It’s wishful thinking, in the hope other platforms like OG will repeat the propaganda in the hope some idiots will talk about it during their drunken BBQ’s.
Further, who are the self elected individuals who believe they are in charge of defining the English language these days? I for one don’t change my language on command. I have dusty old Oxford that I refer too. I did not agree to change these terms, nor did I get the memo.
While i question the usefulness testing for the flu in the first case.. it makes kinda sense that each re-infection now counts as a new case.
Theoretically, yes.
Except these are not ‘re-infections’ – they’re just new positive results with the same pointless, anti-scientific tests that gave a positive previously.
So much has been analysed regarding the tests, it’s hard to believe that anyone thinks they’re legitimate anymore. Check out Dr Sam Bailey’s website and channel for clear information about the tests.
Old hat, people were constistently sending home tests in.
Perhaps The Selfish believe they are Special Treatment deserving who knows, the loudest usually are imo.
The FUN thing to observe is that the herds of MMS/3i’s do enjoy playing the “test” game!
Why do they keep behaving like is much funnier than the change in “case” def&count.
So, some twat (derived from the word “twaddle”) changes the perception of the word “case” and everyone is supposed to sucker for the ploy. The United Kingdom’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is populated by a useless gaggle of propaganda hacks.
They need to be dismissed from employment. AKA “fired” from their jobs…
New Zealand consistently (media and governement. Same thing effectively) print any test taken i.e rt-PCR, RAT, lateral flow as a “case”. Now that’s how you spread misinformation.
The fucknut Australian media call each test and infection.
More reason for more international pronouns days? … Allowing people to become more than one “case” …
The change makes perfect sense to me.
If you catch a cold one year, then catch a cold again the following year, you’ve had 2 cases of the cold; not one case with 12 months respite in between!
What strikes me is that it’s taken over 2 years for common sense to hit them. Maybe they’re running out of no-case people. Daily ‘cases’ were running at hundreds of thousands a few months ago. The cumulative total must be close to the total population by now.
Oh, the UKHSA made that change 4 months ago! How would that change then have any bearing on an increase in ‘cases’ today?
These people should be facing jail sentences.
Don’t forget to provide a hangman’s noose so they can feng shui their jail cells…
If you think that is bad, the media in Australia still claim a PCR or RAT is an ‘infection” even though no one is actually sick and almost all the ”deaths” are the triple and quadruple jabbed, the states do report these things but the fucking media ignore all facts.
They also ignore the long know fact that the labs have been putting up to 20 swabs per ‘test” calling them 20 cases if anything turns up and then redoing all 20 of them with PCR and calling them all cases again, which is why we suddenly leapt from 30,000 or so ”cases” for nearly 2 years to nearly 8 million now, but the media are useless.
In my own state they shriek ”four million cases today” at 1 pm but the 5 pm press releases has them all disappeared and more, – I mean it’s pretty clear to anyone who can read.
In WA they published the modelling and vaccine status of deaths WA COVID-19 data update ( it’s easy to see that almost all ”cases” and deaths are double and triple jabbed and in all other states the deaths are mainly the jabbed but they keep peddling more jabs.
The monopoly laboratories doing the PCR testing and the slimy importers of the RA tests in Australia have made a fucking fortune, at the taxpayers expense.
I wonder: Do they also donate to political parties?
They should all be fed to crocodiles.
Most of the labs are run by liberal party mates. The worst part though is our gutless whinging media who don’t report facts easily found.
Is it true that sharks only eat Australians….. you make your own beds. Now live in them or do something about it.
Nobody I know talks or even thinks about covid any more
the spell has been broken – it’s been consigned to the past
and I think they’ll have a very hard time trying to reimpose any restrictions, in the UK anyway
it only worked the first time by paying people to stay inside and clearly that is no longer an option
They can do one if they expect to be able to reinstate Convid fascism. Millions of us refused to take the knee to big pharma’s Golden Syringe last time; this time, there will be even more of us
The “take the knee” gesture replaced the old raised fist – at a time when they wanted submission disguised as courage and responsibility.
Hello mego: Your observation quite astute. “Taking the knee” is act of cowardice, nothing more. Raising the fist should be considered an obligation, not a right…
It’s getting a little boring now with all the virtue signaling entering into sport. They seem amendment to jam it down our throats. Singling out and shaming the ones who resist, sounds familiar.
These minions enter the pitch these days wearing rainbow armbands, taking the knee and doing the 666 gestures whenever the score. Embarrassing to say the lest. The working class past time has long been stolen in order to broadcast the latest propaganda.
On a positive note a crowd of under 16 kids booed the England team for taking the knee during a recent international vs hungary. So the propaganda is now loosing it’s effect. Not to mention BLM’s recent adverse publicity for siphoning off millions in donations and laundering.
The “take the knee” gesture displaced the old raised fist. That was convenient time as they wanted submission – disguised as courage and cooperation.
It’s all covered in an X files episode.
Literally verbatim.
Crispr technology, gene editing, depopulation, corporate take over.
“Where are we gonna put the goalposts today team?”
“It doesn’t really matter boss. They’ll swallow any shit we serve em”
There exist a known audience effect in psychology.. called the backfire effect.. Simply stated ‘once a belief is created and is established in the mind [affects about 60% of humanity], the subsequent presentation of evidence that refutes, challenges, or otherwise requires such belief adaptive minds to reconsider that established belief, the strength of the belief is enhanced, and the evidence is no longer considered.. Caution, if you explain to a world is square believer that the facts show the world to be round, because the believer may have you hanged tar and feathered or jailed for being a heretic.
Marketing science discovered another audience effect: the personal belief of the audience member as to the truth quality of the presenter (as opposed to prove it to me type minds) determines whether or not the audience adopts narrative and its supporting contents (as in the evening news on channel such and such). If the presenter is believed to be creditable, then what he or she says is creditable (the news commentator is a most trusted source in belief adopters) <= the narrative and the supporting details in the content by-pass due diligence processing (wait, see and learn more) and are immediately adopted into the mind of victim audience members. The source of the information has as much or more to do with the belief adoption in susceptible minds than do facts and due diligence processing of information from a trusted source <=suggest to me that leaking information contrary to repeated main stream fake narrative and false supporting facts, is part of propaganda engineering. It probably seeks to use backfire effect to enhance the imprint created by narrative and supporting facts in the minds of backfire effect victims. Remember MSM is privately owned.
A third well known marketing effect is the impact of subliminal (not at the level of perceptual awareness. The famous sale of pop-corn in a movie theatre scenario.. we every 25th frame in the movie suggests to the audience they need of popcorn tripled and the effect seem to last on subsequent visits by its victims for the
next times the victimized audiences attended a movie at the same theatre.
UR job Johnny is to find a effective way to counter the above..not o just observe its impact. The due diligence audience, needs to defend itself from the belief adopting audience.
The alt media crowd might be the last hope, to overcoming the impact of mind control technology in allowing the private corporations to prepare the nation state governed masses for a wwIII likely to wipe 99% the today’s population off the earth: Nuclear war!
Are you up to the task?
Not any more… people are waking up. By the way, there seems to be a problem with this site voting controls: impossible to register comment approving votes.
Little billy gates fits my definition of Useless Eater, so do all politicians. They dont produce anything …
Cherryripe chocolate bars have shrunk, further. The local supermarket has the latest shrunken version on “Special” for “50% Off” at $1. Before this latest shrinking they were usually $1.50, not $2…
Big Brother didnt change the definitions of words, Big Brother merely stripped critical terms of their politically incorrect meanings, made it easier for the common folk to think…
Humpty Dumpty told Alice that not only were definitions important, but also “WHO decides, that’s who !”…
The ‘covid’ pandemic terror campaign relied on changed definitions for its success… Like the PCR “tests”, the new definitions were the campaign’s weak points – unless you were distracted…
A horse born into captivity, schooled early to wear bridle & bit, and to respond to jerks to its reins, likes to think it is free. Delights that its racing name is Freedom…
Post-covid freedom is like the Cherryripe chocolate bar – shrunken…
All the lollies in the supermarket lolly aisle are made mostly of water, sugar, and colouring. They’re like politicians. They come in different coloured packaging – Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Green. And like the sugar in the lollies, they are all bad for your health…
They shrank the Toblerone too. And it doesn’t taste the same as thirty years ago.
We need to lock everyone down again and wear three masks and breathe through a straw and gargle with kerosene and pull our socks inside out and hide under the sofa and clap for the NHS and salute Bill Gates and shout Heil Fauci five times a day and praise Pfizer and give thanks to Moderna and vote for Joe Biden and stop eating meat and ride a bicycle upside down and grow bugs and order strawberry pizzas online and march for trans rights and ban plastic and worship Klaus Schwab’s cat and buy only fair trade cronuts. Because WE CARE!
We shouldn’t fetishise antibiotic and hormone and fat filled burgers. The muzzles are made of plastic and are destroying the environment.
Humans evolved on cooked meat.
Zane, sounds like you’re confusing Covid, meat-eating, bicycle riding, banning plastic, etc. with a political lean. Covid has nothing to do with any of the others. Just because some kooks may think they all align together, if you think it does also, (regardless if you are on the other side of the spectrum or not), then it sounds like you’re a bit kooked too. Sorry to break it to you.
I highly suggest you leave psychoanalysis to the professionals. 🤓
Freud was a fraud as are his disciples.
Hello Zane. Don’t forget to genuflect and kiss the Dons ring…
I’m afraid I didn’t go to Oxbridge…
My personal favorite is from a meme S Cooper dropped here a while ago: Stay Home. Save Lives. Eliminate All Risk from Life. Remain in Bed Forever.
Aha! Yes, good one. Some people are beyond help.
I don’t get it. I’ve been working for the nhs seeing patients throughout the “pandemic”, face to face without masks, never used hand sanitiser or social distancing, I’m un”vaccinated”, and I’ve never managed to become a covid “case”. Now maybe that’s because I’ve never undertaken a lateral flow test, and I’ve not done a pcr test when I’ve had a sniffle or tickly throat. Turns out I couldn’t catch “covid” if I tried. Wonder why that is…
Testing positive doesn’t mean anything since the PCR method manufactures sequences of the human genome and dozens of bacteria sequences.
It’s fraud.
As my imaginary Yiddish grandmother might say: Cases Schmases. It’s all a load of bull.
Moneycircus has a good article here:
He says,
Perfectly true. And how subtly it was done. For decades we have been hearing about “The Earth” as some kind of deity. And it’s supposed to be some kind of delicate system whose balance we are not supposed to disturb. And we have all sagely nodded our heads to this ….
… And yet with a little thought, it’s an obvious con in that “we” – as in the vast majority – make very little difference compared to the array of belching factories and production lines over the decades. Oh sure we buy their products which they indoctrinated us into doing. Were we supposed to “clean up” after them i.e. after we had compulsively grabbed all the stuff we had been trained to compulsively grab?
If they truly believed all this “planet in trouble” stuff, they would have shut down their production lines themselves. And indeed it’s interesting that when the ozone layer was supposed to be collapsing due to aerosol cans, they suddenly appeared with stickers declaring these cans were “safe for the ozone layer”. Well that must have been the fastest reseach and re-development package ever!
Of course it was all crap. The environmental scare mongering, like the constant warmongering and declarations of imminent nuclear holocaust, was purely for the purpose of mind-fucking the public and softening them up for change.
The standard “Marxist” response to the above would be that it fails to understand that there are different forces at work and that not only are the competitive factions of the capitalist system not unified but there are various separate figures who also complicate the picture – scientists, academics, various committees etc. This may have led to a detailed argument at one time but spring 2020 and the awe-inspiring merging of every faction behind the covid juggernaut has made such argument unnecessary. We have had the most unmistakable demonstration of how this present system of ours really works i.e. there is a central unified power. And all the interminably reiterated words and phrases (Left. Right, Liberal, Conservative, Fascist, Communist etc.) are simply tokens to be used by this central power in whichever way seems most effective for controlling the masses.
Well, that’s one name for them, a ‘central unified power’, or ‘c.u.p.’ (that just keeps giving, or, more like, taking)….
Yes, we definitely need a snappy and descriptive acronym for the Centrally Unified Neo Totalitarians of the WEF
perhaps someone could suggest one?
Iain Davis suggests the “Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P)”. See here:
Oh please please PUHLEEEZ! Can we stop this “incompetence” nonsense? If someone kills someone, it may be due to an accident and therefore be considered “incompetence”. If they kill again, it might just might also be an accident and therefore might … just might be so considered once again. But if they kill 3, 4, 5 … 100 … 1,000 etc. then the only explanation is that they are not incompetent but very very competent! i.e. at killing people and killing them deliberately!
“You should never attribute to malice what is explainable by stupidity.”
Maybe failing to consider malice as a motivation is a form of stupidity?
Bill Gates: it’s just a cold that impacts the elderly 🤷♂️😡🥴
The PCR test is not merely “inaccurate” and “useless,” its use in this situation is absolute fraud. It was never calibrated with an actual virus which had been isolated and purified, as admitted by Victor Corman and Christian Drosten, who co-wrote the paper which served as the protocol for the test. This was pointed out by the team of scientists which wrote the Corman-Drosten Review, And it’s of course the consequence of the alleged virus having never been isolated and purified. Till the resistance incessantly point this out, it will be yesterday’s resistance, confined to moaning about “a mismanaged pandemic” (the actual title of RFK Jr’s Fauci book’s first chapter) and “inaccurate tests” and “exaggerated fears.”
We shouldn’t talk about cases.
We should talk about excess mortality
It’s a difficult topic for OffG, I noticed.
Denouncing the bullshit has value, but not much more than Karl Rove once explained in a ‘frivolous’ moment. I am sure you know the quote…
Willem, What’s your point? There were NO excess deaths anywhere in 2020 (apart from some Western countries where they committed mass murder by means of Rendizivir and Midazolam). The excess deaths came in 2021, after they rolled out the kill-shot, sorry “vaccine”.
In Australia where we locked down and locked in millions of healthy people the deaths were down by 8,000, nothing at all happened in 2021 and only this year since jab 3 started have the deaths started. Even then there are fuck all.
As I expected. The ourworldindata website has made their graphs quite unreadable of late. In this case (all-cause excess deaths), they offer p-scores or cumulative deaths. The one graph they do have for raw deaths ends at 2021-01-03. Ha ha!
As someone who was born and spent half of my life in England I’m a bit sorry about the state of the place and, in particular, what passes for “HM Government”. Its become the epitome of “Lions led by Donkeys”, an expression coined during WW1 to describe the disparity between the bravery and spirit of the men in the trenches and the outmoded, class bound, uncaring thinking of those who led them. This is the modern England — a country with many educated and great people that’s had the misfortune to continually vote against its own interests, not just now but essentially in the whole of living memory. England specializes in the “low information voter” led by expert propagandists as sheepdogs corral sheep. Its also very good at the heavy handed crackdown when the masses show signs of pushing back, the only distinguising feature being that it never applies force randomly, its highly selective about who and what it targets (thus maintaining the illusion of ‘freedom and democracy’).
Recent governments have dropped all pretense of caring and competence. They’re unashamably upper crust, superior and they know it. They don’t feel they need to maintain a veneer of egalitarianism so they’ll literally say or do anything that they think will convince those low information types to go with the program. They’ve also got a neat trick for hanging on — Boris might be a major incompetent (not that he cares) but the threat of Liz Truss is enough to keep any dissidents in line!
Until we hold them accountable, they will continue to lie to protect themselves and their credibility. Crimes against humanity. Every executive authority involved: Government, Media, Education, Big Pharma, Medicine, etc. They are all complicit and culpable for crimes against humanity.
Not crimes against humanity. WAGING WAR on humanity.
Here’s the missing trial site news link with the CDC’s own numbers. Does anyone read any longer?
Compared to the majority of modern medicines these vaccines are both cheap and safe. If you live in the US you’ll see a lot of advertising, often directed at older people, for new medicines (“Ask your doctor about XXTTTTXXXXX”). They are obliged to give some information about side effects so its either printed in very small print or garbled if its a radio or TV ad. Most drugs are seem to be immunosuppressive and display an interesting range of side effects (up to and including death, of course). They also tend to be rather expensive.
mRNA vaccines are on a different plane and they, like the recent cancer therapy that’s been trailed with spectacular results, are exactly the sorts of drugs that the pharma industry can’t produce economically. For them what they need to sell are palliatives for long term diseases, things that you take for life “at $$$$ per year”, not something that prevents or cures. The profit in mRNA isn’t going to be Covid vaccines, though – the therapy is like antibiotics, it has very wide application — quick and easy to make, relatively safe to use, the sky’s the limit!
“Relatively safe to use” ????
How do you know they will not precisely create long-term diseases that can only be ‘managed’ with more toxins and will make life hell for their victims ?
The horse has already bolted … ‘They’ have been doing this for ages. Why do you think they are trying so hard to ‘defend’ Ukraine and Porton Down, Fort Detrick … amongst the many others? We’re dealing with psychopaths who have no respect for law or humanity … For confirmation of this take a few minutes to listen to Klaus Schwab or AlbertBoula and do remember Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace laureate who started more wars than any other US POTUS.
“Compared to the majority of modern medicines these vaccines are both cheap and safe.”
These vaccines are completely unnecessary from a health standpoint. They are completely safe if one never takes them.
Irrelevant. Why the fuck is anyone taking them?
Pharma-crim codswallop. High on the NCR junk is we??
“cheap and safe“
are you deluded or actually evil?
shame on you
It all follows right along with the FDA or was it the CDC [perhaps both for continuity] that changed the definition of a vaccine. Today, they may have changed the dictionary definition of “rare” as in the number of cases of Yanks who have had myocarditis as 40/M with over 200M injected sheeple. Do the math. That’s far from rare! What Dr’s. Peter McCullough and Robert Malone have been saying for well over a year is panning out as correct. These jabs are hurting folks and should be withdrawn. How does one pay off nearly 200 countries’ health agencies?
Hello JohnOtvos: Your question: “How does one pay off nearly 200 countries’ health agencies?”
Simple. You arbitrage Bonds and other usury instruments within an artificial banking system. Easy-peasy…
Who gives a flying fuck? It’s obvious that they’ll come up with any underhanded shit their rather intellectually deficient (why the fuck can’t they bring in something more creative – this shit is so boring!) selves can think of. Everybody is a case! Or, better still, everybody is an endless number of cases! Every-fucking-body is an asymptomatic carrier, has all the fucking variants, quadruple mutant, the whole hog. Whatever.
What does it matter what the government says? FFS, they’re the enemy. Wrap your head around it. The establishment is after you! Stop being offended, upset, put off by anything they say. Stop incredulously complaining that democracy isn’t working – it isn’t, it’s an illusion. It’s completely inverted. Stop whining that the media are lying. They are. They’re no good fucks, bastards in the employ of the establishment.
Fuck them all.
Get ready to divorce yourself from the establishment, the normie society. If you want your freedom, that is. There is no other way. Considering that they’ve shifted their covert ways of shafting people into an over assault on their asses, they mean business and they obviously intend to go all the way, wherever it is.
They took the gloves off, so should you.
Take off a few fucks and that was well said…..
“Get ready to divorce yourself from the establishment”
Nobody gets to live outside the fence. It might inspire those inside.
There will be no “live and let live”. This is for all the marbles. At least to them.
I can take the gloves off, but they have all the power. They control politicians, bureaucrats, the media. I feel somewhat defeated. For me, A highlight was the Canadian trucker convoy. It gave people hope. But they were effectively shut down by the politicians. It’s very discouraging.
The truth is that they have shit.
We The People have all the power. Look at the sheer number of us. We – the freedom loving kind – are many, they – the scheming usurper kind – are few.
They’re not particularly smart and they’re committing lots of faux pas. The monkey-bullshit or the regurgitation of COVID being cases in point. They should have long moved on to killer hornets and the aliens! Just kidding. Except for the most obdurate imbeciles, people will, one by one, come back to their senses and refuse complying, resist, oppose, and flush them down the tubes.
It will take time, possibly a long time, but it will happen. They’ve been working hard to put the occidental civilization to a state of consumerist oblivion for eons, and as much as we’d like to see people snap out of the sheeplish state of mind pronto, it’s unrealistic to expect that it will happen.
But happen it will. We just have to diligently work toward that end, toward taking Klaus “Anal” Schwab’s advice to “use zis unik vindow as an oppozunity” to bring on change, which, unfortunately for Schwab (incidentally, schwab means cockroach in my mother tongue) will be a kind of change different from what he had in mind, one that will involve giving him a giant kick in the ass so as to propel him into orbit (of the fucking Milky Way that is).
Hello Jacques: Heh, heh… How do you really feel? Your posts are refreshing. No holds barred. Excellent!
Case as in nutcase…
Even in Chine they are getting pissex off. Maybe that was the plan all along- revolution against CCP!?
The plan all along is to control every aspect of our lives
I look forward to them trying to control the hefty backlash which will one day crack their skulls.
Tyranny has always ended that way.
You’re a lot more positive than I am. Some sort of justice must occur, but I doubt that I live to see it.
The CIA isn’t that smart.🤓