More “sudden heart attacks” …with a “climate change” twist
Kit Knightly

Anyone following the news cycle since the Covid “vaccines” rolled out has seen a simply remarkable uptick in the number of things that can reportedly cause sudden strokes or heart attacks.
Cold weather, hot weather, depression, various food, long covid AND short covid, new magical chemicals just found in the atmosphere, “post-pandemic stress disorder”, undiagnosed aortic stenosis and expensive electricity.
That’s not even an exhaustive list, it just goes on and on and on.
…and now we can add pollution to the rogues gallery, according to this piece from Science Alert, which headlines:
Tiny Particles in The Air May Trigger Sudden Heart Attacks, Study Suggests
On a similar theme, the Daily Mail headlined yesterday:
America’s growing wildfire crisis could lead to a wave of heart attacks, lung disease and cancer diagnoses years down the line, scientists warn
Now, we don’t need to break down these articles piece by piece, it’s perfectly apparent what’s happening here.
The Covid vaccines are either causing more heart attacks, or the people in charge are aware they might, and are prepping fall-back stories accordingly.
We predicted that would be an ongoing story this year back in January, and they haven’t disappointed.
The new wrinkle here is working pollution and wildfires into the narrative, and associating heart attack risk with environmentalism and climate change.
This provides fuel for the metamorphosis of “climate change” from an environmental issue into a public health issue, allowing them to talk about it the same way they talk about “Covid”, and perhaps treat it the same way too (climate lockdowns etc.)
This is classic narrative braiding, the practice of intertwining two separate propaganda narratives together so they reinforce each other.
I coined the term, just this moment, but it’s the perfect metaphor.
It’s beautifully efficient, really. The vaccine-associated heart attacks provide evidence that “climate change” is a public health problem, while “climate change” can be used to conceal the vaccine-associated heart attacks.
Covering up something they caused with something they invented, and propping up something they invented with something they caused.
Clever in theory, but rather transparent in practice.
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BigPharma and its partners in “government” have bottomless pockets.
While those opposing the slaughter have finite resources.
Will money prevail – or can decency and morality overcome evil?
“…but rather transparent in practice.” Indeed their lies are transparent and they’re cheap lies, too. But the old tricks obviously still do a good job. So unbelievably many people who fall for this most simply braidered narratives. There seem to be a minority of people who are able to look behind the walls of the narrative matrix and can clearly see through the network of lies but the majority is either unable to do so or they too see that it’s nothing but lies but prefer to pretend they would not notice.
Next they’ll be telling us that heart attacks contribute towards climate change. How inconsiderate of us. Tsk tsk.
Or: ‘I watch my cholesterol in order to protect your heart.’
If you don’t take that statin your digital ID will show red and you won’t be allowed to leave your home.
There is a great demand for the slime generated by self organizing nano metallics contained within the vaccines.. seems early death is preferred to oligarch tyranny
by many?
Mother’s Vaccination Status EXCLUDED From Neonatal Death Investigation
Mass Exodus Of Doctors And Nurses May Lead To Total Collapse Of The U.S. Medical System
Don’t forget Canada,as well.
The general health of the population would likely improve without those poisoners administering the toxins served up by pharma.
Anyone know of any whistleblowers who swear they saw members of ‘the elite’ not really getting their jabs?
Those administering the fake jabs would have been rewarded, and thus have become complicit.
Regarding Phony Climate Change’s Real Contribution to Death:
How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis
They’re criminals.
They’re liars.
They’re scheming scamming scumbags.
It’s up to us, the people who know this already, to wake up the people who do not.
One of the best ways to do this is to go to local council meetings and start making noise, asking awkward questions, naming and shaming the guilty and their crimes against the people. Stop giving them a free ride by not turning up to grill them and hold them to account. The beauty of this is that you not only get heard by the people with some clout in the councils, you get heard by local press, and local people who would otherwise NEVER HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. Take flyers and good information with you. Let the people know you are there to show them deep corruption infesting all levels of government.
Tiny pennies in my bank account have just very recently disappeared to British Gas…£364.85 for gas for the month and £164.32 for electricity
That is £528 for one month’s energy, in our house, whilst our grandkids haven’t been here most of the time (new baby)..we haven’t even switched on the central heating for more than 10 minutes a day, over about 4 days, when it got a bit cold.
I submitted my meter readings and a bloke came round a couple of weeks later to check them – we have hardly used any f’cking gas
And I see I get a rebate of £66?
That is over £6000 for a year
The full basic State Pension is £141.85 per week.
That is £7332
7332-6000 = £1332
The Council wants over £2000 for emptying our bins
So fuck it, I am getting the rotavator out, before the electricty goes off, and planting potatoes.
We intend to survive
We can scavenge too – the fields are still full of fruit
Fortunately we are close to a fresh water stream.
And none of us have been jabbed.
I get the distinct impression they are trying to kill us.
When the electricity goes off, which it probably will (check out Ukraine)
You won’t get any petrol or diesel.
All systems will break down
You won’t get any money
And you won’t get any food, and your mobile and the internet won’t work.
We’ll be O.K. (Spuds are dead easy to grow with a bit of cat shit – must get a new cat)
“Dig For Victory (1941) – British Home Front (WW2)”
“Tiny Particles in The Air May Trigger Sudden Heart Attacks, Study Suggests”
Neither my wife or I have been jabbed, and at least before this covid stuff, we were both pretty active and fit – she still is..but for several months, earlier this year, couldn’t walk upstairs without getting breathless.She is much better now, simply by changing her diet, but whenever she goes to the swimming pool which is typically twice a week..the next day she has a streaming cold…which lasts about 36 hours -then she is fine again.
Meanwhile, I am a lazy fat old sod, get out to the pub, maybe twice a month, instead of 3 times a week pre-covid + 6 camping festivals a year, and almost always within 24 hours of going to the pub, I get a streaming cold, but also sometimes chest pains, which I have never expereinced before in my life. these quickly subside if I keep calm and don’t do much exercise…Then I am O.K. again.
I realise this is just a sample of my wife and me of no statistical importance, but I think there is something else going on here, which is connected to the first reports of unjabbed women having major changes to their periods -their menstrual cycle – after having close contact with the newly jabbed.
The concept, whilst difficult to prove (though some claim they have) is about
The newly vaxed having massivley increased viral load pass it on to those they are in close contact with. It’s almost as bad, as beiing jabbed, when you haven’t been jabbed, simply by going to the swimming pool, or pub. This is only a theory, and maybe total bollocks. I still hopefully will go to the pub this weekend, cos there is a good band on. Our friends will be there, and further exposure should increase our natural immunity to going to even more funerals than normal for our age.
Meanwhile this is very powerful stuff..
There’s more “radiations” where you’re going Tony? Do you have wi-fi at home? Is the pub in a populated area? When you say cold, do you have the sniffles or just difficulty breathing… Does it feel like a regular cold? Just saying’ it’s all over the place, me too.
Talking about heart attacks!
excellent creation “narrative braiding” I will use it in my writing and commentaries.
Noticed this in today’s mainstrream media:
“COVID-19 deaths higher among disadvantaged people and migrants, particularly Tonga and Pacific Islanders”
and I remembered that in 2019 there had been a measles outbreak in that area, and:
“Since 1 October 2019, UNICEF has delivered 12,000 measles vaccines to Tonga. UNICEF later provided 6,000 additional doses of the vaccine cold chain following the success of the first administration. Through domestic and internationally coordinated efforts, 44,605 individuals under the age of 24 were vaccinated by January 2020.”
Did the measles jab lower immunity? I wonder if these two events are related?
Or is “any” jab related to excess deaths.
I do love “narrative braiding” but it implies that the strands are closely woven.
I see them more as disparate entities that come at you from left field.
Just when you thought you had the measure of one, another comes from a completely different angle and takes your legs away.
The switch from lockdown to climate crisis is a good example.
A genius mixing of impossible scenarios but all blaming you for your selfish behaviour.
The pinnacle surely reached in the claims that the 1000 + per week excess deaths were caused by the “climate crisis”
It must be the alien’s turn next ???
Some time ago met a lady at the bus stop. I didn’t have to ask what she thought about the covid mess. She volunteered that she had had such a nice son who lived with her. They were watching TV together. She thought he had fallen asleep, but no– he had died. He’d been vaxxed 3 days earlier; I didn’t ask whether it was 1st or 2d dose: She needed to talk about what a wonderful son he’d been so I just let her talk on while I listened. It was all I could do for her.
For God’s sake, where are the men of action?
Ohhh I better shut up
Perhaps you should have asked; been a woman of action. Perhaps I should have asked when I received a tragic email from a grandmother bewailing an inexplicable sudden death in the family (“the doctors are puzzled and the body is being held back for autopsy): “Was the child vaxxed?”
Of course sympathy prevented us from taking that action: probing the bereaved with those question. But it may have been a cruel kindness.
It’s the equivalent to when people ask me how I am today, I tell them, largely fine but my knee’s giving me gyp/sore back/sniffle/hiccups/need an eye test – they say “Are you sure it’s not covid?”
No, it’s not effing covid, how could it be I’m unjabbed!
Nick, but how could it matter whether it was the 1st or 2d dose? (She understood that it was significant that it was 3 days after a vaxx).
The moment she said he’d died I asked her how long after the vaxx– I only neglected to ask whether 1st or 2d, which I usually do when people mention side-effects, as a segue into cautioning them not to take more.
The “climate” nonsense “change” is a deliberate distraction, just like the “pandemic”, the Russian/Ukrainian war, the food shortage deception etc. All of the chaos is a planned agenda: They(the top people of the elite like UN, the billionaires, the not so Great Reset Klaus Schwab, The Young Global Leaders community) etc. deliberately “predict” future events and how can they do that? By chance and luck? No, by being actively involved in the planned future, they make the insanity happen, when the chosen/picked time occurs. The unification of church(Catholic Church), the governments(especially the United States) and spiritism is now a trilateral unity and they will use all their power to unite all religions, governments and all the people under one global government, under one global leader. Conspiracy? We must understand why this is happening in Egypt(COP27) now:
Even if You are a non-believer, atheist, believe in yourself, I can assure You, that strange things will happen and religion is used in the COP27 in Egypt these days, regarding the Climate Change nonsense. Examples of the religious intervention in the COP27:
“Monday November 14’th 10:30 to 11:00 am – Faith Leaders Share Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice
Tuesday November 15’th 10:00 to 10:30 am – Religious Figures Share Concrete Steps for Climate Action Within Faith Communities. Speakers include Bishop Andreas Holmberg of Stockholm, Rev. Susan Hendershot, president of Interfaith Power and Light, Dr. Fachruddin Mangunjaya, and Rabbi Yonatan Neril.”
Don’t be fooled and take care of Your future now and take care of Your soul, mind and mindset and be wise in the decisions in life.
This is not by accident, these things happens!
Regarding the UN involvement:
In the “center” of the United States 405 E 42nd Street, New York, You can see the headquarter of the United Nations. Despite the statements made by Andrew, the people running this “community” of madness, tells another aspect of “prophetic” origins. The end goal is to unite all nations under one world government, ruled by one world leader and it will happen, caused by the forces behind the people running the agenda. The framework for the future is established in this “community”, despite the mindset and intelligence we can achieve against the madness behind the “beautiful” words they use to their kind of unity thoughts. Why their agenda will happen is not by “prophetic” knowledge”, but purely implemented by force. They prepare the future to happen and they use their skills to let the agenda take place. The mixture to confuse all people in the world, is by uniting church(all religions under the catholic church), governments and spiritism. The agenda is, at the same time, a blend of non-scientific nonsense like the climate change, “pandemics”, chaos so all people willingly will accept/choose their disturbed cure. You have to make personal choices, which might compromise Your conscience – a deal with Your soul.
The UN is founded on these statements and it’s a very disturbing and dangerous path to follow:
“No human force will ever be able to destroy the United Nations, for the United Nations is not a mere building or a mere idea, it is not a man made creation. The United Nations is the vision-light of the Absolute Supreme, which is slowly, steadily, and unerringly illuminating the ignorance, the night of our human life. The divine success and supreme progress of the United Nations is bound to become a reality. At his choice hour, the Absolute Supreme will ring his own victory-bell here on Earth through the loving and serving heart of the United Nations.”
From Robert Muller’s book, My Testament to the UN.
The people behind the curtains is, without any doubt, the Roman Catholic Church, using all deceptions inside the education systems, governments, politics, and so on:
The unity of all people is the end goal and legislation/laws is planned and they will be implemented by force by the church(Catholic Church) and politicians. On September 2022 this was stated by Bishop Schneider:
“We’re not one of many religions, we’re the only one true religion, which God commanded to all people to believe,… There is no other way to salvation.”
Ask yourself who the “Absolute Supreme” is, according to Robert Muller’s book and ask yourself how the pope of the Catholic Church can be the gate to salvation, if You read in the Scriptures, that the only salvation and forgiveness is through the Son of God.
It doesn’t matter whoever You are, where ever You live, what Your belief might be:
The agenda is almost knocking at the door at full global scale.
The Catholic Church is still a major player but completely subservient to the central banking cartel.
Yes, lots to argue with there—but, even with Obama’s Pope seemingly on the scene forever, and getting much face-time and perpetual public anointing, I don’t think the “Catholic Church” will become some kind of phantom “World Religion”. But it is an intriguing idea. Don’t forget , we have also been faced with fake-Catholics like the soon to be kicked to the curb Nancy Pelosi claiming to be true Catholics, in part to validate her all-stops-out Pro Abort position.
They’re all very hierarchical and the bankers want the church’s blessing/approval. The church needs the bank’s material blessing……. I’d say they are one parcel of rogues.
Do you seriously imagine Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi will be taking orders from the comical carnival barkers Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates?
Putin has signalled in no uncertain terms he’s not taking orders from anyone.
Who knows? Putin, as a mason has sworn a blood oath to obey the lodge master.
Oh, no, honey– the climate change hoax is NOT just another distraction. It’s an actual means to their entire NWO Reset. It’s a pretext that they’ve already begun to use to limit our use of energy (What could be more basic?) and as the excuse to track each person’s “carbon footprint” via digital money.
Why do nations even bother voting at the UN when just two nations, usually the US and Israel, can still override them? The UN is a joke.
Entire world votes 185 to 2 against blockade of Cuba – US and Israel are rogue states at UN
Right on brother. I love “narrative braiding”…I will be sure to use it in an upcoming article on my substack…and of course give you credit for it…it is brilliant…
Lets hope you mean by that what I hope you mean by that
This only works for people with street smart IQ’s lower than room temperature.
EPA has been harping about fine particulates for a while. I did a program on the benefits of prescribed fire at a burn conference more than a decade back. Basic message: Fire is good for natural areas. Burn them as often as possible.
The head of State’s EPA followed my presentation and was not happy. He went off on a fine particulate tangent. He quoted me and emphasized the costs to human health when following my recommendations.
Don’t get me wrong, I would like to see pollution handled in a better way but burning natural areas hardly qualifies as a focal point given all the human benefits of better maintained natural areas.
The obvious thing being overlooked is longevity and quality of life.
Everything has a cost.
The costs have been, clearly, worth it no matter how bleak the climate extremists/environmentalists make it sound.
Can’t get more basic than that.
My 30 something year old neighbor started whining about pesticides one day. I commiserated and then watched as his nostrils flared a little as I reminded him that he and I would probably not exist if not for the use of chemicals in agriculture.
To be or not to be…. I prefer answer be.
We can tell you eat chemicals.
Be specific. What did I say that is incorrect. By the way, I have degrees in Environmental Biology. 79/81.
My point is middle ground. None of us are right. None of us are wrong. Extremists are misguided and inexperienced. (Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance.)
We all have common ground on which we can strike a compromise. Leftist extremists are so deranged they are unable to consider a compromise.
Must be LSD? The idea of thinking things through and not being an extremist must be influenced by a chemical of some type?
My experience with lefties is this: Most are under the influence of something foreign.
A recent story by one of the Daily Wire podcasters talked about how so many Generation Z members have been diagnosed with mental disorders and are being drugged with some form of an antidepressant. Not making this up. Look it up. Don’t feel like helping with a link.
Baby boomers don’t have this problem. Sorry.
Worked my ass off all of my life beginng at age 6 when I tagged along with my older brothers combing highway ditches for bottles and lost money. I was working 60 hours per week at age 13 in my first hourly job. I chose work over baseball. At nine I was pushing grocery carts for little old ladies to get tips. I would make ten bucks in day with an average tip of 10 cents. I was nine. Figure that out. Other kids were playing. I was surviving.
Never was a time when I wasn’t hustling for money.
I’ve been around. I know the score.
Watching these privileged spoiled brats whine in the streets about climate change pisses me off to no end.
Grow up. Get a job.
Start a family.
Be responsible.
The sky is not falling.
“Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance”
Recent study on Utube says, the less a person knows the more qualified he thinks he is. Perhaps this explains the tendency toward simplistic extremism in complicated affairs such as politics and religion.
Must be right. It’s on Utube.
Definitely the norm. Misguided young people being led by lifetime extremists who never grew up and moved to the middle like most sensible adults.
Somewhere in their life their wires got crossed. Maybe it was drug use. Maybe they took an oath to never compromise and become their parents. Whatever it is or was, their employers never picked up on their character flaws.
Or maybe they were chosen by their employers because of their character flaws. Liberal university administrators who promote the brainwashing of the young and vulnerable.
Higher education working in concert with the MSM, government and the United Nations. Promoting the narrative.
I was there and taken advantage of when I young. Marriage, kids and responsibility put me on a better path to understanding. I can’t count the number of times I kicked Green Peace solicitors off of my porch as I exclaimed my embarrassment.
Land abuse (mining in particular). Acid Rain. The death of Lake Erie. Wetland loss. DDT and the interruption of Calcium production in birds. Crying Indians on TV. Spotted owls in old growth forests. Endangered Species. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Not hard to set alarms off in the underdeveloped brains of young people. It is irresponsible to teach young people that compromise is not an option and the world is going to end as we know it if there IS compromise.
This all or nothing attitude is destroying us.
Cat Steven’s Father and Son comes to mind.
And so do you. Everything around us is a chemical. Everything we eat is either an organic (carbon based) chemical or a mineral chemical (one of the 90 non-carbon elements on Earth) or a chemical combination of both.
Chemicals are like bacteria and other microbes: there are friendly microbes that make bread and wine and cheese and yoghurt, and help us to digest our food; and there are unfriendly microbes that make us ill. Same with chemicals: Friendly or Unfriendly?
Same with people: Friendly or Unfriendly? Perhaps there are too many Unfriendly People putting Unfriendly Chemicals in our food?
Must watch video by
Toxic SM-102 Shocking Connection to the Daddy of all Daddies
I found another crazy connection when researching a ‘debunked’ Moderna injection ingredient. 1. I think the ingredient *is* dangerous, and 2. BOOM! Eugenics again!
One of the funniest “narrative braiding” (great phrase btw) examples that comes to mind is one of the purported Bin Laden videos that came out had him talking about climate change and how it’s not an “ideological luxury” lol. Part of Corbetts history of Al Queda series which is excellent.
PJW interviewing Bin Laden daughter and she would vote Maga and so would her dead dad!!.
“narrative braiding” “I coined the term, just this moment”
LOL Creative and accurate. I’ve heard “function stacking” and “layering” but I like yours better.
Scared to take a shite now incase I get Elvised
I often get the phrase “Too much time on your hands” when I tell people stuff like this.
Think about that for a minute.
It’s true that I have a lot of spare time and I use it to look at stuff that interests me.
Why others find that so reprehensible is a bit of a mystery.
If a normie said to me ” I’ve got proof that Sir kneelalot is not a useless twat” I would say “Wow, that sounds really interesting. Tell me about it and maybe send me some links. If you can show me he’s not a useless twat I might even vote for him”
Contrast that to the response you get when you point out a provable fact that goes against the agenda.
Amen brother
(Guaranteed remedy for chronic high blood pressure (which as we know leads to an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks)).
The photo is exposing exactly what’s going on – Why ask for “Covid” amnesty, when the people behind the “pandemic” told the inhabitants, that the chemical injections and restrictions was for the better good for all….
Nice one. But not enough room for free-fall in that model.
I’d recommend an extra 10 metres in height, although the basket may have to be placed a little further away…
At any rate there’s certainly no amnesty on my calendar for the foreseeable future.
Consequences are the best teachers in the world.
Let them learn the hard way. It helps the knowledge to go deeper.
Amnesty = Please pay for our long term care without rubbing our noses in our stupidity.
The question I ask myself is whether people are that gullible? I’d rather not answer that.
What alt-right stooge Ben Shapiro said about the vaccine back when it actually mattered (unlike his recent reversal and desperate attempts to save his “alt” credentials):
Louis Farrakhan turned out to be a pillar of sense: that’s how upside down the world’s become.
Farrakhan gave Michael Hoffman a platform Hoffman wrote a book about white power never the less he has written many books.
HoffMan was allowed a platform to millions of people via the live stream and audience of nation of Islam.
HOFFMAN is a regular on Farrakhan audiences.
would Christian’s do this ?? actually they censored the podcast they did with Hoffman about usury and church it was low level podcaster as the Jesus lot would never give him a big platform.
He is to dangerous to there audience and Hoffman is a die hard Christian and even in his own community has censored him.
Would the unchosen lot do this.
would they f*ck.
Ben shillpo has never ever been credible, he is fully owned by the Oligarchy and intelligence services.
His ilk were known as the ‘smarty alecs’ when I was at school.
Excellent memory for statistics and a quick, aggressive delivery of his logical conclusions.
But no moral fibre at all.
Very early on – late 2020 – the message from Farrakhan was “Do not take this medicine” i.e. the covid vax – but for reasons of corporate not medical mistrust. That is, he called for “black scientists, doctors and engineers to create our own vaccine” (the quote is very close). So – a typical black nationalist thing to say: Don’t take big (((white))) pharma vax – let’s make one ourselves.
However – several months back I happened to find I think official vax guidance issued by his org – The Nation of Islam (NoI)- and that had dropped any reference to the black vaccine and was clear: do NOT take the covid vax. It was in no way covid-skeptical but went on to recommend other health approaches. NoI has long urged blacks to adopt healthier life styles.
US African Americans had by far the lowest rate of Vax uptake of any ethnic/racial group – 65% officially – probably much lower. NoI and Farrakhan are fringe groups but both enjoy very high levels of – so to say, arm’s length – respect and admiration in the black community.
The US government went out of their way to create and target pro-vax propaganda specifically designed for African-Americans. They knew full well our community was aware of their long history of abuse, torture, mutilation and experimentation using us as Guinea pigs. See Harriet Washington’s Medical Apartheid The Dark History of Medical Experimentation from Colonial Times to the Present. The overlords were primed to counter the “vaccine hesitancy” their long history of disrespect, abuse and criminality has engendered. Louis Farrakhan merely reminded people of this long tradition of evil.
Edwige, you seem to be a bit of an expert in the numbers. Do you see any significance here – or anyone else reading this comment? I have to say I can’t help feeling it’s all just coincidence … but there’s just a slight niggling feeling it’s not.
There is a post about the reporting of Kary’s death here – and when I started googling I found the post below:
Fauci critics, Kary Mullis and Terry Michael, both died of “pneumonia” on August 7th two years apart.
”Kary B. Mullis, a biochemist who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering a way to analyze DNA easily and cheaply and thus pave the way for major advances in medical diagnostics, molecular biology and forensic science, died on Aug. 7 at his home in Newport Beach, Calif. He was 74.
The cause was heart and respiratory failure brought on by pneumonia, his wife, Nancy Cosgrove Mullis, said.”
Terry Michael was also a vocal opponent of Fauci
”Terry Michael, whose career of more than 40 years in Washington took on the role of journalist, press secretary, educator, and political commentator, died Aug. 7 at D.C.’s Providence Hospital from complications associated with pneumonia and a stroke, according to his sister Kirby Presswood.”
They had to get rid of high ranking individuals that would trash the scamdemic narrative. Cartoonist David Dees was another obvious victim.
I’d never heard of him. Just watched this touching short doco on him. He was suffering from cancer so I doubt he was a victim … but who knows.
I was a little irritated when the film maker, Brad Abrahams, questioned him about Sandy Hook and the “parents” and David didn’t question him right back about the “parents”. What amazes me is how people who believe Sandy Hook think that thousands upon thousands would have the temerity to call it out as a fake unless they were 100% certain. I mean, unless they’re psychopaths people aren’t going to say as cool as cucumbers that it was staged unless they’re certain … and nothing could be more.
Shapiro is an absolute areshole.
Thanks for that….I always found the ascendancy of Ben Shapiro a bit hard to take, not least b/c of his machine-gun delivery—I have not looked to him for any guidance or truth-telling on the subject of Covid…a kind of culture of self-congratulation has gathered around him for years, the same kind that once collected around Ann it’s not a stretch to think of him as controlled opposition. Looks like one’s stance on Covid is the best litmus test for trustworthiness we will find “anytime soon”.
I don´t know why they bother. I made a compilation from different sources of close to 70 news items reporting on “sudden deaths” or weird illnesses that occurred in just over a week.
Mind you that I included only “famous” people, public figures or those sudden deaths© and health scares that happened during live events (f.e. various people going to hospital during a concert, or a man dying while being interviewed on TV). I didn´t include anyone under 50, not even a few cases of murdered children, to avoid the “it is rare but it has always happened” discussion.
As you can imagine, everyone I sent the list to ignored it, came up with some of the most stupid theories a human brain can formulate, shouted at me that I am a dangerous misinformation spreader, and/or laughed at me for losing my time (apparently spending your time in denouncing and trying to halt a global scale genocide is “silly” and a waste of time).
There is no doubt in my mind at this point that if Bill and pals came out on TV and spell it with all the letters that they want and are killing us all, the majority will come up with some twisted way of justifying it/saying it is not true. They would show up next day to the place labelled “slaughterhouse” and look at us like if we are insane for not queuing.
“That everyone is dead since they said they would kill us all doesn´t prove that they want to kill us, it is a very complex thing, do you have any peer reviewed© paper? Don´t all Italian children love gardening? Didn´t those 100 million Americans watch TV before sleeping? You are crazy!”
On the question of why they bother…
My hunch is that it’s the unbelievable money at stake.
Some people have never been shy about gambling with other people’s money.
And other peoples’ lives.
If you ever wanted to see this live, turn on tonight Tim cast, U>K column, Jabba hut jone,s G icke, Riche allen, Tucker cia etc etc each day, they will have out of dates news articles and of and running feeding the fools the disinformation out of date irrelevant nonsense under the guise of alternative in actuality, it is intertwining up to 5/10 + separate propaganda narratives together so they reinforce each other.
Each night one of the examples I have given will be mentioned by all of them intertwining separate propaganda narratives to keep you in a loop da loop.
Eventually like the pseudo populism movement, which had the immigrants as scape goats hint hint you will go out and vote and just like the banking bailout in 2008 many will re believe in the system as that is what they feed you, each night.
Give it a year or so a new referendum or bollocks to get you to engage. Italy already fallen for it, I seen it 3 time in 13 year. so boring and predictable.
Rest assure tonight you will be feed intertwining propaganda narratives together so they reinforce each other under the guise of alternative.
Prove me wrong.
I got that UK Column can only be on focus for details of MHRA and NHS (& it’s X).
What exposed them was item on bird flu. Then they added ‘swans were seen dead’. King big ears now owns all swans. Then they said ‘health security Dept and Defra warn it could spread to zoo penguins and mammalian seals’
Uhm. This bird flu is the foot and mouth scam again. Confirmation of a single POSITIVE PCR results in all fowl being slaughtered and burnt. Say 1 out of 5,000?
It’s BS. They tried it on earlier this year and slaughtered an old man’s entire mixed flock with him saying ‘none were sick’ ‘none had died’.
But UK Column were selling Bird Flu Fear!
My “study” suggests we are being lied to on a monumental scale.
Our own study, the only one we can truly trust
That’s what Buddha said too.
My favorite (the only one I’ve retained or know) from Budd here, is “Don’t do anything, even if I told you to do it, if you don’t understand it first” It has eliminated for me a couple of his other quotes… 😀
Been fact checked and 101% accurate by experts on the matter ;0)
I have said it before but another repeat can’t hurt:
Since the beginning of Scam-19 not a single person I know has died
last autumn after his second “vaccine” my friend’s 28 year old son fell ill and he’s still is.
I loathe the modern world!
Your anecdotal evidence of death from RNA Vaxx toxicity may be significant: The Canary in the Cage.
Same as my own anecdotal evidence that Covid-19 was no more lethal than the common cold. I asked a similar question: “Who do I know personally — family or close friend — who has died of Con-19? Answer: 0.
I can only state one thing: a steep increase of brain strokes due to a overdose of antivaxxer or Rushist propaganda consumption or a combination of both resulting a FUCKED up brain. You can only lock up these people in psychiatric institution to save the rest.The orange MAGA moron, the Moscow Nazi mafia and this website are the best proof!!
Wrong Guardian..
Thus spoke Albert
“Right On!”

“Take the Cull Juice.”

“Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.“
I look forward to your memes here. And search for them every time on Off-G.
Thank you. With all this heavy crap we read every day, a good meme lifts my mood.
“Nazi Boy and the Reich want you dead!”
“Aktion T4 Redux”
From your Link:
“The goal of the Nazi Euthanasia Program was to kill people with mental and physical disabilities. In the Nazi view, this would cleanse the “Aryan” race of people considered genetically defective and a financial burden to society.”
Spoken like a true beast.
Couldn’t this bugger’s post languish forever in the “pending” purgatory ?
Long observation suggests that the alleged spam-detecting software operates on the “only the good die young” principle.
That excludes me then as I’m not an antivaxxer, nor is the mRNA drug a vaccine.
Funny it took the demented, pedo, sniffer to provoke war by manipulating the third rate comedian and the Democrat party with FTX laundered crypto though.
I would credit the Republicans with this situation but only a socialist could concoct it.
We had to be saved “at the speed of science”, where narrative braiding became the journalist tool of choice. Also meme collaging has been a pretty useful method of creating a fantasy from reality.
I note in a similar respect that Luke Harding has another book released [different topic but same techniques as Kit is talking about] on Ukraine. Apparently “Invasion” has been written from Harding’s frontline experiences, but when I Googled his reportage I could find nothing. So I guess frontline is to be taken as deadline, as in publishers deadline…
NB: Apologies for mentioning Kit and Luke Harding in the same sentence.
“We had to be saved “at the speed of science””
In my admittedly limited experience, good science is painfully slow.
I guess they meant – at the speed of ‘the science’.
« Narrative braiding » : jolie trouvaille !
An important message for all you no-longer-happy campers:
Keeley Hawes in a party of bourgeois Brits who jaunt off to a Spanish island for a holiday subjected to a terrorist attack that kills a number of them and leaves Hawes to solemnly intone for what seems like hours on “the day it changed forever” and how “we can never go back” whilst we have endless “poignant” juxtapositions of the happy before and the terrifying now.
No more holidays abroad!
Note how this gritty drama was produced by the same propaganda unit who gave you this:
Note how the warning is only coming via the “entertainment” medium so far. Wait till Operation Gladio starts up again to ensure the masses get the message.
Graud salivating over impending genocide:
“Europe faces ‘cancer epidemic’ after estimated 1m cases missed during Covid”
Note how this too is an “epidemic”.
Cancer “vaccines” are coming (or in a few cases are already here – with disastrous consequences).
OG, the quality of your artwork is becoming outstanding. Where do you get these exquisite contributions. This is better than MSM
To nail this, we need numbers attached to batches… then we can go out and shout it out of our lungs
The increase in cancer rate will be blamed by some ‘fall out’ of a nuclear power energy station (found out much too late by agencies) after which all ‘nuclear power stations’ (I have my doubts on whether nuclear power exists or if it’s another sort of power, like hydrogen power, but that’s an aside) will be shut down leading to an even bigger energy crisis. Also food will be destroyed because of nuclear fall out, leading to hunger, etc.
And then, since the cancer rates don’t drop ‘limited nuclear war in Europe’ and ‘dirty nuclear bombs’ elsewhere (blamed on evil Russia) will further create energy and food crises, since by then it will be absolutely forbidden to negotiate with the evil Ruskies.
Pharma will step in and give us pills and shots that will prevent us against ‘fall out’, leading to even more illness and deaths, which is another way of saying (as with the vaxx), that the medicine works!
Oh, man, isn’t covid the gift that keeps on giving for anyone whose business is in storytelling? The possibilities to further milk the ignorant population with nonsense stories are endless!
You can’t have a proper surveillance state without ample and cheap energy. This can only be provided by nuclear power plants.
So now they’re destroying “Green Energy” by propaganda and “classic” energy by gas and oil shortages. And wasn’t Riley Waggaman reporting that Russia provided the USA with much needed uranium? sanktions-pranktions?
I see a resurrection of “clean reliable and affordable” nuclear energy. And this time there will be no opposition. Because “bloody nearly frozen to death last winter”.
Yes, I believe they like nuclear and that it will make a big comeback (along with fossil fuels) when it becomes evident to the huddling masses that solar and wind are woefully insufficient, by which time they will have made a killing through energy transition akin to those they’ve made and are making with vaccines et al and arms for Ukraine.
Nuclear power stations “need” water for cooling so there’s a narrative in place for shutting them down and blaming it on droughts.
They need diesel for shutdown, cooling while shut down and restart.
I’m beginning to wonder if government support for the climate agenda has an interesting sub text.
About 10 years ago I watched some senior guy from a UK Nuclear agency announcing that plans to convert the UK to full nuclear power were going very nicely.
I figured it was consigned to just another hollow claim from a guy clinging onto his job as the green/renewables/COP bandwagon rolled into top gear.
However, a few years ago plans for 16 Rolls Royce Small Modular Reactors were announced, the first to begin in 2030, far too late for anything to help society right now. The rollout of the rest would take decades and the country requires hundreds of them.
More recently, certain subsidies for renewables has been withdrawn much to the anguish of the turbine manufacturers, the operators and the greens.
The other day I noticed RR had upped their initial proposal of 16 SMR’s to 30, no time frame or start date given though.
The greens hate nuclear, for no sensible reason, however the EU has recently designated both nuclear and gas as ‘green energy’.
Perhaps that nuclear official ha been been briefed to an agenda not being released by our government officials to the public.
As the meme said: “heart problems linked to everything except that thing we made you get”.
Any study which doesn’t even consider ‘that thing’ as a possible cause should be labelled ‘misinformation’.
“Trioxides are even more reactive than peroxides – which have two oxygen atoms attached to each other, making them highly reactive and often flammable and explosive.”
From one of the links.
I keep getting amazed at the outrageous shit being pedalled by this media in its newfound joy in evacuating its bowels after finding it can get away with anything at all. “The Science” is clearly a non-stop carnival of credulity.
The slaves are still required to wear masks!
Posted by u/ADdreaming
ULTRA Redpilled 42 minutes ago
Why are Klaus Schwab (and Bill Gates) at the G20 Summit? Why are they participants on the same level as leaders of sovereign countries?
Why are Klaus Schwab (and Bill Gates) at the G20 Summit? Why are they participants on the same level as leaders of sovereign countries?
Exactly this……these two represent no one’s interests,only their own. G20/ Davos/COP and so on……. anyone attending these things does so not for the good of mankind.
Perhaps they were invited to watch fellow “ringer” Zelensky’s 20-minute prerecorded video address to this august assembly.
I do realize that despite Ukraine not being a G20 member, Zelensky has become the Western bloc’s mascot; they never miss a chance to showcase him as he performs his repertoire of rhetorical tricks– all variations on the theme of sitting up and begging. 😖
For the life of me i can’t remember voting for Klaus (anal) Schwab and his f*cking Great Reset. Who does he think he is God all bloody mighty.
Klaus % Bill Gates are only doing what they are being allowed to do. Ditto Zelensky.
… The other ‘leaders’ are there for window-dressing.
I noted how they’re all wearing Mao jackets. Kind of like wiping your nose in the fact that they’re essentially CCP puppets.
TPTB destroy the west’s industries and transfer them all to China. TPTB mandate poison for the West’s populations and armed services (no mandate for UK as overly compliant anyway). And In CCP’s history they’ve never shied from dispatching their own. See UNESCO assisted one child policy. TPTB demand oil, gas, petrol and diesel be phased out in the West. But not in China.
If you can’t see the CCP has been playing at asymmetric warfare your blind. What other country (outside west) is CCP’s main adversary? Russia. That’s why Russiagate even though the Dems/UK Govn’t cronies actually in bed with China.
Klaus’ wife. See Kissinger and Chuck Schumer’s wives.
I’ve heard they are technically at ‘B20’, a congregation of corporations, that since a few years back parallels G20, in order for Herr Schwab to convey his messages instantly to the participants.
Pollution: we haven’t heard that in awhile. Now it’s back with a vengeance it seems – and being blamed for things all over again.
Also, too many people are noticing the so called “chemtrails” and looking into the issue for it to be hidden much longer. So the pre-damage control sets in, beautifully dove-tailing the uptick in heart related problems caused by the “vaccine” with whatever’s in the air.
And who knows: maybe breathing in nano-particles of aluminum et al 24/7 might actually have an effect on a body’s health.
The point is: in a modern military-industrial society, no one ever needs to invent causes for health issues. They are legion.
Like the man said: You pays your money and you takes your choice.
Narrative braiding … yes, I wonder where else it applies other than climate change and covid. I’ve not changed my mind on man-made climate change being a genuine phenomenon – yet – but although we see the problem in their Problem > Reaction > Solution manipulations as generally completely manufactured I see no reason for them not to capitalise on a genuine problem and what better to braid … a genuine problem with a completely fake one?
The vax death denial truly does beggar belief, it truly, truly does. Even though young people in the developed world – unheard of until now – are dying in their thousands – hello, hello, hello, hellooooooo – young people dying suddenly – people are still in denial.
What also beggars belief is how few people with celebrity status are calling it out. Surely, some who don’t need to worry about money or where their next job is coming from or even if they do – why so few? It’s ridiculous. In Australia, right-wing commentator who I generally tend to not agree with to put it mildly, Alan Jones, 80, and very rich, was sacked from Sky because he came out against the lockdowns, not, unsurprisingly, against the claim of a virus in the first place but just against the lockdowns.
Matt Le Tissier (who I’d never heard of as I’m not into football) seems to me to be the ONLY person of celebrity-type status who essentially calls the whole thing out. People such as Denise Welch and Carol McGiffin do to a reasonable degree but they don’t essentially say the whole thing is a hoax as Matt does. Never heard of him but what a great goal-kicker and hats off for having the guts to call this out and suffer sacking by Sky!
Mark Crispin Miller keeps up constant publication of “died suddenly” cases.
Died Suddenly film streaming Nov 21st – trailer
From music, the only people who’ve called it out are Van Morrison, Right Said Fred and Ian Brown (ex-singer of The Stone Roses). Mike Stock of Stock, Aitken and Waterman has joined them recently.
Ones like Eric Clapton who was complaining about vaccine side-effects soon showed their true colours – in his case by playing ‘God save the Queen’ when she “died”.
Far be it from me to refute the 97% consensus that mankind is the sole cause of a changing climate however, straightforward arithmetic puts the problem in perspective.
This calculation, uses only internationally recognised, factual data agreed by the IPCC no less.
Assuming increasing atmospheric CO2 is causing the planet to warm:
Atmospheric CO2 levels in 1850 (beginning of the Industrial Revolution): ~280ppm (parts per million atmospheric content) (Vostok Ice Core).
Atmospheric CO2 level in 2021: ~410ppm. (Mauna Loa)
410ppm minus 280ppm = 130ppm ÷ 171 years (2021 minus 1850) = 0.76ppm of which man is responsible for ~3% = ~0.02ppm.
That’s every human on the planet and every industrial process adding ~0.02ppm CO2 to the atmosphere per year on average.
At that rate mankind’s CO2 contribution would take ~25,000 years to double which, the IPCC states, would cause around 2°C of temperature rise. That’s ~0.0001°C increase per year for ~25,000 years humankind contributes to natural processes.
Even if one assumes mankind is responsible for more than 3% of CO2, substitute it with anything up to 50% (a ridiculous concept that mankind emits 50% of the planets CO2) and the term is still over 1,000 years.
Celebrity status is a bit like political popularity. Whilst celebrities don’t need the money, it’s undeniable most of them are workaholics. Additionally their natural narcissism demands they remain popular.
I have little doubt, therefore, that they like politicians employ polling organisations to judge the publics perception on their popularity ratings judged on a variety of subjects including their political position and views.
When there is sufficient public opinion against them it’s time to come out with an appropriate statement like “I was against it all along but the MSM wouldn’t publish what I told them to” or something equally pathetic and akin to Rishi Sunak’s miserable statement that he was against lockdowns all along.
The loudmouth, impatient mass murderer proponents of the “safe and effective” mRNA injections are all of a sudden dead silent when it comes to responding to the gigantic never-before-existent blood clot formations found by embalmers in the arteries of deceased mRNA recipients..
Does the cat got your tongues, you mass murderer Fascist eugenicist freaks?!
New report out of Switzerland shows every individual who took the mRNA substance suffered some degree of heart damage.
Showed that mRNA injected people have uniformly higher troponin levels than their unvaxxed peers.
Troponin is a type of protein found in the muscles of your heart. Troponin isn’t normally found in the blood. When heart muscles become damaged, troponin is sent into the bloodstream. As heart damage increases, greater amounts of troponin are released in the blood.
The current level of damage being done by these poisons, which is voluminous, will look like a walk in the park compared to the long term consequences of these barbaric injections.
Part of the “new normal’ will be people all around you getting sick all the time and having their lives foreshortened.
Troponin levels are how they diagnose if someone’s had a heart attack.
Interesting. Maybe this is the study in question?
They are already trying their hardest to downplay the uncomfortable results.
From the interview of the author of the study (not the actual study)
“we measured a marker called cardiac troponin in the blood of employees of the University Hospital three days after the booster vaccination. If the level of cardiac troponin rises above the normal range, this is an indication of damage to cardiac muscle cells. We also wanted to test how long such damage would last.
We recorded elevated cardiac troponin levels in a higher percentage of vaccinated individuals than expected. From the previous passive observation of severe cases, it had been concluded that around 35 out of 1,000,000 vaccinated individuals would develop myocarditis. In our study, we found evidence of temporary mild damage to cardiac cells in 22 of the 777 participants – 2.8% instead of the anticipated 0.0035%. So there’s slight damage to heart muscle cells in almost 3% of the cases, which shouldn’t be overestimated, but also not ignored.
You say “temporary” – how long does this damage last and how dangerous is it?
I have to emphasize that this is a mild effect. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue and possibly pressure on the chest, but as I said, they are rather mild and non-specific. We performed further investigation in the study participants with elevated cardiac troponin levels. On the following day, Day 4 after vaccination, cardiac troponin values were back in the normal range in around half of the 22 affected individuals. This marker is extremely sensitive – with other methods such as MRI we wouldn’t have been able to detect any damage to the cardiac muscle, as it only becomes visible once the damage there is about three to five times greater.
It sounds like the mRNA is responsible?
Not necessarily. More mRNA means more viral protein and thus a stronger immune response. So we can’t yet say whether it’s the higher dose of mRNA or the more severe reaction by the immune system that’s responsible for the damage…….”.
Isn’t the logic just beautiful…?
“So we can’t yet say whether it’s the higher dose of mRNA or the more severe reaction by the immune system that’s responsible for the damage”
“So we can’t yet say whether it’s the higher does of arsenic or the constant projectile vomiting that’s responsible for the damage”
But say something like that to the Schwabbians, and you will be greeted by that special blank stare indicating an enormous genetic hole in the brain that prevents the assimilation of valid analogies.
The IQ in such specimens is below average, but their self-confidence is through the roof.
Also see the Professor’s reply supporting the recommendation that heart patients should get the jab – presumably because of the much more terrible covid.
Whether express or implied, “Better safe than sorry!” is like rhubarb pie for the prefrontal lobes– once swallowed, it really cleans you out! 😎
“The IQ in such specimens is below average,”
Not always. I know a dozen PhDs in Biology and Physics with the same “special blank stare” on this subject.
Yeah, woke up this morning and my climate change was really playing up. I’d go to the vet to get it looked at but I don’t like medical cos play.
Responsible for more deaths than David Duckenfield?
My guess is that most Premier League players had the medic dispose of the jab down the sink. This option is not available to the plebs who have to get their stamp at a mass jabbing centre. Note how the deaths peak is correlated with the campaign to get athletes jabbed. The campaign was ramped up at least a month before Klopp’s statement – as indicated by the 99% figure.
Jurgen Klopp: Liverpool manager says vaccine is ‘not a limit on freedom’
Oct 3, 2021
Klopp says “99%” of his players have been vaccinated. . . . Klopp said he has not had to convince any players to be vaccinated. The German says he was jabbed to protect not just himself but “all the people around me”.
“I don’t understand why that is a limitation of freedom,” he said. “Because if it is, then not being allowed to drink and drive is a limitation of freedom as well – but we accept that.
“I got the vaccination because I was concerned about myself but even more so for everyone else around me.
“If I get it and suffer – my fault. If I get it and spread it around to everyone else – my fault and not their fault.”
Caption: Athlete collapses and deaths chart from 1st January 2021 to 14th November 2022.
The drink driving analogy reminds me of Winston Churchill’s retort to a woman who accused him of being drunk: “Yes madam and you’re ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning”.
Only “relatively” in the case of Churchill!
They say politicians tell porkies once in a while. But generally, drunkenness and ugliness are completely different conditions, which ought not to be compared. Neither should drunk-driving and concerns about the agendas of organised crime.
Yes, drunk driving is so like an experimental, irreversible medical intervention. The analogy reminds me of bovine excrement.
Turdhill was a cunt.
I’d always quite liked Klopp, until that point.
This is another example of the campaign to get sports people jabbed.
Sep 13, 2021
Rugby authorities urge Premiership players to get Covid-19 vaccination
Professional Game Board has set 85% player vaccination target
Clubs will be able to relax Covid protocols if target is reached
Sep 15, 2021
Sale Sharks issue threat to players over ‘selection and future employment’ if they refuse the Covid jab, over fears of stars being blocked from travel and playing in Europe
Sale Sharks’ players have been told they risk their spots if they aren’t vaccinated
Director of rugby Alex Sanderson laid out the consequences for reluctant stars
Sanderson said Sale are close to the threshold but will follow up on second jabs
I bet Worcester and Wasp’s players are delighted they accepted the jabs on penalty of losing their jobs if they didn’t comply…………
The campaign was international, and other than Djokovic, probably the best known refusenik is Kyrie Irving. As noted above, sports people at that level could have got the medic to dispose of the jab down the sink; and thereby avoid all the hassle.
On October 12, 2021, the Nets’ general manager Sean Marks announced that Irving would be ineligible to play or practice with the team, due to the New York City COVID-19 vaccine mandate, until Irving is vaccinated.[140][141] Despite remaining unvaccinated, on December 17, following a large number of players lost to injuries and health and safety protocols, as well as an inordinate minutes load on Kevin Durant and James Harden, the Nets announced that Irving would return to the team as a part-time player for games outside of the New York area and Toronto.[142] On January 5, 2022, Irving made his season debut, recording 22 points, three rebounds and four assists, on 9-of-17 shooting in 31 minutes in a 129–121 victory over the Indiana Pacers.[143]
On February 26, Irving scored a then season-high 38 points with five rebounds, five assists and two steals in a 126–123 win over the reigning champions Milwaukee Bucks.[144] In February 2022, New York City mayor Eric Adams announced that the city would be lifting its vaccine requirement for indoor activities on March 7.[145] However, Irving remained subject to a different workplace vaccine mandate that remained in place.[146] In a public statement, Adams said that making a specific exemption for Irving would “send the wrong message” to other people employed in the city.[147]
On March 8, Irving scored a then season-high 50 points on 15-of-19 shooting from the field and delivered six assists in a 132–121 win over the Charlotte Hornets. He became only the second guard in NBA history (after Michael Jordan) who would have multiple 50-point games while shooting 75 percent from the floor.[148] On March 15, Irving scored 41 of his career-high and Nets franchise-record 60 points in the first half, grabbed six rebounds, delivered four assists along with 4 steals on 20-of-31 shooting from the field, including eight three-pointers, in a 150–108 win against the Orlando Magic.[149] On March 23, Mayor Adams announced that the city would be relaxing its COVID-19 vaccine mandate, allowing Irving to play at the Barclays Center.[150] On March 27, Irving made his home debut against the Charlotte Hornets, scoring 16 points in 41 minutes, in a 119–110 loss.[151]
On April 12, Irving, in his first play-in appearance, scored 34 points and dished out 12 assists in an 115–108 win over the Cleveland Cavaliers to secure the 7th spot for the playoffs.[152] In Game 1 of the first round of the playoffs, Irving scored a game-high 39 points along with five rebounds, six assists, and 4 steals in an 115–114 loss against the Boston Celtics.[153] Irving was fined $50,000 on April 19 for middle finger gestures and profane language to fans in Boston during Game 1 on April 17.[154] Brooklyn would go on to lose to Boston in four games, and Irving was swept for the first time in his career.[155]
Scientific study= government propaganda. RIP SCIENCE
Most of the funding comes from capitalists, not government.
“Covering up something they caused with something they invented, and propping up something they invented with something they caused.” Exactly Kit.
But the more lies they tell, the more likely they will trip themselves up and the more people will wake up.
But I admit, their propaganda teams do have good imaginations.
Let’s hope they get twisted up in their increasingly necessary ‘narrative bradings’. You can fool some of the people some of the time, most of the people most of the time, bu you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Now you can fool all of the people all of the time when everyone is a phone zombie and lost in their own world.
Ppl still taking the boosters.
Quite remarkable considering the information now out there.
Even the MSM has reluctantly had to admit to some deaths and injuries but the sheep still line up…
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
-Mark Twain