Why I don’t believe there ever was a Covid virus

Mike Yeadon

I’ve grown increasingly frustrated about the way debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death.

Concerningly, almost no one will entertain this possibility, despite the fact that molecular biology is the easiest discipline in which to cheat. That’s because you really cannot do it without computers, and sequencing requires complex algorithms and, importantly, assumptions. Tweaking algorithms and assumptions, you can hugely alter the conclusions.

This raises the question of why there is such an emphasis on the media storm around Fauci, Wuhan and a possible lab escape. After all, the ‘perpetrators’ have significant control over the media. There’s no independent journalism at present. It is not as though they need to embarrass the establishment.  I put it to readers that they’ve chosen to do so.

So who do I mean by ‘they’ and ‘the perpetrators?  There are a number of candidates competing for this position, with their drug company accomplices, several of whom are named in Paula Jardine’s excellent five-part series for TCW, Anatomy of the sinister Covid project. High on the list is the ‘enabling’ World Economic Forum and their many political acolytes including Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern.

But that doesn’t answer the question why are they focusing on the genesis of the virus. In my view, they are doing their darnedest to make sure you regard this event exactly as they want you to. Specifically, that there was a novel virus.

I’m not alone in believing that myself at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’, but over time I’ve seen sufficient evidence to cast strong doubt on that idea. Additionally, when considered as part of a global coup d’état, I have put myself in the position of the most senior, hidden perpetrators. In a Q&A, they would learn that the effect of a released novel pathogen couldn’t be predicted accurately. It might burn out rapidly. Or it might turn out to be quite a lot more lethal than they’d expected, demolishing advanced civilisations. Those top decision-makers would, I submit, conclude that this natural risk is intolerable to them. They crave total control, and the wide range of possible outcomes from a deliberate release militates against this plan of action: ‘No, we’re not going to do this. Come back with a plan with very much reduced uncertainty on outcomes.’

The alternative I think they’ve used is to add one more lie to the tall stack of lies which has surrounded this entire affair. This lie is that there has ever been in circulation a novel respiratory virus which, crucially, caused massive-scale illness and deaths. In fact, there hasn’t.

Instead, we have been told there was this frightening, novel pathogen and ramped up the stress-inducing fear porn to 11, and held it there. This fits with cheating about genetic sequences, PCR test protocols (probes, primers, amplification and annealing conditions, cycles), ignoring contaminating genetic materials from not only human and claimed viral sources, but also bacterial and fungal sources. Why for example did they need to insert the sampling sticks right into our sinuses? Was it to maximise non-human genetic sequences?

Notice the soft evidence that our political and cultural leaders, including the late Queen, were happy to meet and greet one another without testing, masking or social distancing. They had no fear. In the scenario above, a few people would have known there was no new hazard in their environment. If there really was a lethal pathogen stalking the land, I don’t believe they’d have had the courage or the need to act nonchalantly and risk exposure to the virus.

Most convincingly for me is the US all-cause mortality (ACM) data by state, sex, age and date of occurrence, as analysed by Denis Rancourt and colleagues. The pattern of increased ACM is inconsistent with the presence of a novel respiratory virus as the main cause.

If I’m correct that there was no novel virus, what a genius move it was to pretend there was! Now they want you only to consider how this ‘killer virus’ got into the human population. Was it a natural emergence (you know, a wild bat bit a pangolin and this ended up being sold at a wet market in Wuhan) or was it hubristically created by a Chinese researcher, enabled along the way by a researcher at the University of North Carolina funded by Fauci, together making an end run around a presidential pause on such work? Then there’s the question as to whether the arrival of the virus in the general public was down to carelessness and a lab leak, or did someone deliberately spread it?

I also need to point out that the perpetrators have hermetic control of the mass media via a Big Tech and government stranglehold documented in part herehere and hereThat’s why they’ve found it so easy to censor people like me. If a story appears on multiple TV networks, it’s because they’re either OK with it or it has been actively planted. It won’t be genuine. They never tell the truth. I don’t think they’ve told the truth since this coup began and probably much earlier. Most so-called journalists have lost sight of what truth ever was.

I believe that the perpetrators (who could be all or any of Gates, Fauci, Farrar, Vallance, CEPI, EcoHealth Alliance, DARPA and numerous others) planted the controversy about the origins of SARS-CoV-2  because a little embarrassment of the establishment was a small price to persuade most of us that there surely must be a novel virus when there isn’t. (And they have got away with it to date.)

I have colleagues who do not believe what we’ve been told (i.e. that a virus has been experimentally constructed) is even possible technologically. I don’t have the background to assess that idea. But the rest hangs together for me in a way that no other explanation does.

To this point, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive Sasha Latypova, speaking with Robert F Kennedy Jr on his podcast of last Thursday, March 16, describes the extensive evidence of the contracts and relationships that were in place before the Covid era. Contracts were signed for billions of dollars in February 2020.

Not only would the required production never happen (from a standing start, to sign such a large commitment is ridiculous) but it cannot be done. She estimated that approximately one kilogram of DNA was required. There isn’t that much medicinal grade DNA on the planet at any one time. That’s because it’s hard to do, very expensive, wholly bespoke and difficult to store for long periods. Also, the amounts of any specific DNA sequence required and held in store by commercial suppliers would be milligrams or perhaps grams at a stretch. So it was always completely unfeasible, regardless of how much money was thrown at the problem, to have accomplished what they claim to have done in a short time.

Consequently, no other conclusion is supported by the facts than that it’s a huge crime, extensively planned. In itself, that rules out a natural emergence of a pathogen, unless divine providence occurred. Logically we’re left with a leak or, as I argue, a lie plus a PsyOp. The former may or may not be possible, but what isn’t arguable is that something like this could be done and would be likely to run smoothly, with a real pathogen. Almost any outcome but the one presumably wanted is likely if a pathogen is released. I can reach no other conclusion than that it’s fake.

In closing, I’m not saying people weren’t sick or that they didn’t die in huge numbers. I’m arguing only about the causes of illnesses and deaths. People were made sick and some killed by all the pre-existing causes, amplified by fear, resulting in immunosuppression and then a host of revolting actions. Note even the official overlap of signs and symptoms of ‘Covid-19’ and existing illnesses.

Notably, they chopped antibiotic prescriptions in the US by 50 per cent during 2020. They ensured large numbers of frail elderly people were mechanically ventilated, a procedure which, in such subjects, is close to contraindicated. Some were administered remdesivir, which is a poison for the kidneys. In care homes, they were given midazolam and morphine, respiratory depressant drugs which in combination are all but contraindicated in patients with breathing difficulties. If used, close monitoring is required, most usually automated alarm systems attached to vital cardiorespiratory monitoring, including fingertip monitoring for blood gases. That didn’t happen in care homes.

I believe the main reason for the lies about the novel virus is a desire for total predictability and control, with the clearly articulated intention of transforming society; beginning by dismantling the financial system through lockdowns and furlough, while the immediate practical goal of lockdown was to provide the causus belli for injecting as many people as possible with materials designed not to induce immunity, but to demand repeat inoculation, to cause injury and death, and to control freedom of movement. I’m sure they’re pretty content with getting at least one needle into 6,000,000,000 people.

Note that though an estimated 10-15million have been killed with poisonous ‘vaccines’, these are the but first of many mRNA injections to come. The indications are that ways to force you to accept ten more have been anticipated, because that’s the number of doses your government has agreed to purchase. Purchasing what? Well, it’s already been mooted that all existing vaccines are to be reformatted as mRNA types. If this happens, I don’t believe anyone injected ten more times is likely to escape death or severe, life-limiting illnesses.

Inducing your body to manufacture non-self proteins will axiomatically induce an autoimmune attack by your own body. Your disease will be related to where the injected dose goes and of course the consistency of that injected product. They’ve been horribly erratic so far. It’s not certain they ever could have been made and launched if they had been subject to the usual quality requirements and not granted ’emergency use’ authorisations. Of course, as we now know, the regulators played an important role beyond lying for the US military, the organisation which made the original orders for ‘vaccines’, and set all the contractual conditions for companies such as Moderna and Pfizer.

The chickens are coming home to roost right now in the banking system.

As I always say, I cannot know much for sure. I don’t have a copy of the script of this, the greatest crime in history. But, whatever Covid actually is, I don’t believe that what was called influenza disappeared conveniently in early 2020. It’s another lie. It’s what they do. It’s all they do.

To those who sense that all is not well but are unwilling to make the psychological leap to the diabolical world I believe we’re now living in, I point out the asymmetry of risk. If you follow the official narrative and I’m right, you and your children will lose all your freedoms and probably your lives. If you believe what I’m saying and I’m wrong, you’ll be laughed at. These options aren’t faintly balanced. A rational actor should cease believing what we’re being told. It’s not a safe position, keeping your counsel and your head down. It’s the most dangerous thing you could do.

Originally published by The Conservative Woman. Part of out Covid – Three Years On season.
Dr Mike Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology. He has spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, leaving Pfizer in 2011 as Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory. That was the most senior research position in this field in Pfizer. Since leaving Pfizer, Dr Yeadon has founded his own biotech company, Ziarco, which was sold to the worlds biggest drug company, Novartis, in 2017.


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Categories: coronavirus, Covid @ 3, latest
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A German
A German
Apr 6, 2023 6:23 PM

The other day I was attacked here because the theory of a virus modified by ccp and ecohealth seems plausible to me – under an article by Knightley that supports your theory. What is certain is that no one can know for sure. What is certain is that – in the end – it doesn’t matter.

Today I was standing in line with an elderly couple while shopping. No masks there. The woman asked me if it was right that from now on you don’t have to wear one. I said that I didn’t know and that they were useless anyway. Then they both told me that they had each been vaccinated 4 times and still got Corona. He 2 times, she 4 times. She then added that her husband had a previous illness and probably wouldn’t have done so well without the vaccinations. I then said that it was impossible to know, and she agreed.

They involved me in this conversation because they were completely insecure, like little children.

People’s problem is not that they don’t have certainty, but that they think they need it, that they can no longer deal with risks.

This life ends. Death is a fact, often illness too. Whether there are worse things? Everyone has to answer and decide for themselves.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 6, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  A German

Thanks you for this comment. Your statement – ‘in the end – it doesn’t matter’ – is so important and really chimed with Admin.

In the end, whatever took place in 2020, it’s important we remember that 2 + 2 never equalled 5. We can split hairs about the whys and wherefores, but regardless, a wholesale rejection of the narrative was never dependent on knowing all the answers.

In our attempts to explain everything – to eliminate all risk – we can often get caught in the very same narrative spider’s web we’re trying to avoid.

The Best Soldier Schweik
The Best Soldier Schweik
Apr 6, 2023 7:06 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Rule of thumb in this age of smoke and mirrors:

If ‘they’ are talking about it, the chances are high that it doesn’t matter. It’s smokescreen, red herring, crock of shit. Don’t form your thinking, perception of reality based on the manure in the public space, form it based on what you actually see.

Apr 15, 2023 6:56 AM

I’d like to talk to the two that disliked your comment. Seem they disagree with people making up their own minds.

Apr 4, 2024 8:34 PM


Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Apr 6, 2023 8:02 PM
Reply to  A German

The mental state you allude to is part of the indoctrination program.
Living in a free society is risky. The government is constantly using mind control and influence techniques to make people fearful and RISK AVERSE. Turning to government for “safety and security” over freedom.

Bottom line is that many people just do not have the mental acuity to see through the manipulation. For some it could be just lack of experience, for others it could just be their permanent state of mind. Bottom line is that those persons will more likely than not be the ones that end up complying with all government demands, or dead.

We must always remember that we only control one person in this world, and that is ourselves. There will come a day for those that prepared, and are aware, that we are surrounded by drowning people. We will be powerless to save the vast majority, and we will have to protect ourselves from being drowned by them.

Apr 6, 2023 10:19 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Convid was just the cherry on the cake of ages of desertion, of messed up attraction to aimless trifles that gave taste to vulgar elements and unbridled strength to its baker.

There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark”

Apr 9, 2023 12:29 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Where is this free society you live in, or are you keeping it a secret because if it gets out millions will immediately flood its borders?

Apr 6, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  A German

It was very good of you to be so kind and gentle with this frightened elderly couple. Nice to read a comment like this.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 6, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  A German

I’m sorry but I respectfully disagree with whatever happened doesn’t matter. Without drilling down to the truth of the matter and exposing this, things will never change.

However, I certainly agree with you that it’s everyone’s choice to submit or not to any medical interference.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 7, 2023 3:58 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

If it was completely faked, I’m not sure why that doesn’t matter.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 7, 2023 12:39 PM

Details matter, sure, but wholesale rejecting something which doesn’t add up isn’t dependent on understanding every aspect of it, it’s enough that it doesn’t add up. That’s how I read the comment at least. Seems quite simple to me. 🤷‍♂️

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 9:13 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

My comment was sincere and not intended to be the experiment it ended up being.

As long as people have the upper hand who want to impose their one truth on others, there will unfortunately be no better society, regardless of what this one truth supposedly consists of.

People are never in possession of the final truth, and all knowledge is provisional.

That is the only truth of which one should be aware, in all humility and curiosity for future insights. He who stops asking questions is dead.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 8, 2023 2:00 AM
Reply to  A German

Your light flowing style of commentary is very easy on the eye of this English person thanks.

May 15, 2023 1:52 AM
Reply to  A German

People are never in possession of the final truth, and all knowledge is provisional.”

Bingo. This is the unavoidable consequence of the limitations and imperfections of every human.

I’ve been yelling up and down about this for at least a couple years now — as it’s both a prime basis for democracy and for modern science — but even most alt-folks simply cannot wrap their heads around its implications. (I even had Glenn Greenwald object to me on this in his blog on this at one point.)

Certainty is an insidious and powerful drug.

May 21, 2023 12:26 AM
Reply to  A German

Spoken like a true “it’s my truth” type person.
There is a right and a wrong.
There is a truth and there is a lie.
There is black and there is white.
In life there are absolutes.
We are all born knowing right and wrong. It’s only when we are steered differently, taught, indoctrinated do we go a different path.
And, in the end, we all have the ability to judge whether we choose to accept the dribble about whether “people are in possession of the final truth,” whatever the heck that means.

Jacob Jonker.
Jacob Jonker.
May 30, 2023 11:15 AM
Reply to  A German

The point is to understand how IT works-the whole shebang-, but… this is not for everybody and cannot be done in a hurry (except by the select who are born with a gift or a spiritual silver spoon in their set of cutlery. Things are more complicated than even the awakened may realise. It is never a given that a nation state which has a nation of people switched on and strong and capable enough to survive semi-independently, the best one can do at the best of times, will keep it up indefinitely. In the West, democracy is still in the early stages of being born. Technically, the majority always rules, but democracy proper is better than that. The electorates in the West were rolled, pure and simple. Most peoples in the West were never in any shape active in getting proper representation of delegation. The trade unions made the best effort, but they got on board with the establishment eventually. By and large, we have had a long period of gradual enlightenment which almost all of us have been able to keep up with. Now we are in a time of rapid development due to the historical causes and effects embedded in the present. This not all of us can ingest, let alone digest.
We are in a time of revelation, but there is of necessity inexorably a bifurcation in human society which cuts right across all boundaries and categories. The universe could not function if we were all alike and all in the same stage of human development. simply put, we are in a rapid in the stream of human spiritual growth. Many people will remain unaware of anything in the spiritual sense, but the rest can be divided into they who get it and grow into it, they who don’t get it but lose what few marbles they had, and then there are those few who knew all along how it works and will live and die in full knowledge of the role they played. It’s essentially a play, a universal theatre with humanity being unaware of it. We all have the individuation process to get through before we can be fully conscious of our functioning in the bigger scheme of things. Even as we communicate, care and share, to complete the realisation of how it works is a strictly individual journey.
The Secret Doctrine is a misnomer, but a good place to start.

Apr 10, 2024 9:53 AM
Reply to  A German

About only thing I can say for a boat full of reasons is – I wouldn’t want to live in the Germany of today ! On a 4 week trip to Germany back in 2016 wife & self noticed that German Citizens were very cowed & unsure of themselves. Since then, Germany from what I read has become a Country with NO freedom of speech – on a variety of subjects – especially their stupid gut wrenching support for Israel.

Schweik Supreme
Schweik Supreme
Apr 7, 2023 3:03 PM

You don’t seem to be wrapping your head around it. COVID, virus, pathogen, lab leak, PCR test, the whole fucking shebang don’t matter precisely because it was completely faked.

The PTB foisted a giant hoax on the world to have something to yap about, to buy them time to figure out how to transition the world to the next era, as the age of abundant prosperity bought on credit and cheap energy is drawing to a close. Well, it’s pretty much ended. There will be dorenavant less shit for everybody and the going will get tougher. Or so it seems.

What people should have done is to laugh the virus shit off right off the bat, to tell them not to try to be funny and shove it up their ass. Nip it in the bud. That would have been the end of it.

People should have worried about stuff that matters, namely the abovementioned transition and everything surrounding it.

Yet, even the self-designated owners of the truth, dissenters are still running at the mouth about this mother of all red herrings.

Wake the fuck up already! Vi-fucking-rus ain’t what matters!

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Apr 7, 2023 5:31 PM

‘What people should have done is to laugh the virus shit off right off the bat, to tell them not to try to be funny and shove it up their ass. Nip it in the bud. That would have been the end of it.’

Like Zionism, you mean.

Apr 15, 2023 8:49 PM
Reply to  Nick Baam

I did

Simon Cooper
Simon Cooper
Feb 17, 2025 2:33 PM

All hail this enlightened one here! There was no virus! Never mind all the, you know, evidence of the virus, this guy knows!

Apr 14, 2023 12:14 AM

because in the end, we all die…

Apr 7, 2023 6:55 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The way I interpret German’s comment is that not everybody has the necessary mental equipment to do such drilling, and so, for some people, the details of whatever happened cannot matter.
They just can’t grasp it, so it really isn’t a choice for them at all.

Of course it matters to us.
Those of us lucky enough to have inherited, or nurtured, the sort of intelligence that insists upon getting closer to the truth of important matters are in the same position as an accomplished mathematician or concert pianist:
Many people can do the necessary homework to pass their maths and music exams at school, but that’s no guarantee that they will really understand what lies under the surface of the subject. That requires talent and intense dedication.

Human evolution can’t be rushed, and people’s talents lie in vastly different directions, and so, to my mind, compassion isn’t only for the poor, the sick and the bereaved.
It is also for the unenlightened.

The unenlightened are not our enemies, although they may unfortunately end up being the “drowning people we will be powerless to save”, referred to by T. M. Frey.
At any rate, I hope that when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, we will all do our best to save what can be saved.

Apr 7, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Wardropper wrote:

The unenlightened are not our enemies, although they may unfortunately end up being the “drowning people we will be powerless to save”, referred to by T. M. Frey.

Although that may be the case, in the meantime it is up to the initiated to help “save” as many people as possible within their sphere of influence – all lives matter!

Apr 7, 2023 3:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Salvation is impossible on a planet where things have over the centuries developed to the point we’ve now reached: the point where a few maniacs have the wherewithal to destroy every living being.

Science – the truly Great Satan people speak of – has made it possible to poison the planet and all its lifeforms to such an extent that nothing can survive.

Just three things alone are sufficient to wipe all life from Earth: chemical toxins, electromagnetic radiation, geoengineering. And that doesn’t even include the nuclear horror.

Whenever I read or hear that “Science has given us so much!” I can almost see another nail being driven into our collective coffin.

Maybe two of each species couldn’t fit in Noah’s Ark; but every last member of every last species fits perfectly inside the coffin Science has fashioned from humanity’s foolish belief. With room to spare.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 7, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

Imagine if QWERTY+ had to be included!
The arguing and being offended would have pervented the world from being populated with animals, to take the myth’s tenets at face value.

But there it is: QWERTY+ cannot be rationalized; it is just self-annihilation.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 8, 2023 6:37 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard your all over the Planet You’ve nothing to worry about, even from outer space.

Apr 22, 2023 7:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

If you’ve ever had anything to do with animals, you’d know you need more than two, otherwise everything becomes incest, and things go sideways…Purity of the species comes in mixing the species, incest spoils the species and makes it turn to evil…

Apr 7, 2023 4:38 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I remember when Chris Witty said of lockdown that they were surprised they were able to get away with it I realised that, of course, there was no ‘new’ virus and the illness going about was the usual winter flu (which kills so many elderly people mainly because at the end of life in hospital or care homes they aren’t given antibiotics and are often put on end of life ‘care’).
The use of ‘get away with’ immediately implies wrongdoing. Why didn’t other people hear that and understand it was a scam? Beats me.

Steve Atkinson
Steve Atkinson
Apr 10, 2023 2:13 PM
Reply to  Jos

I thought that was Neil Ferguson who said that. Either way it’s a crass comment

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 15, 2023 10:34 PM
Reply to  Jos

I missed that statement.I started out with wondering in the UK why anybody should think 6′ and 2.0m are the same. As a building surveyor using both imperial and metric systems I knew we had a ‘problem’ with the so-called science.


Of course people didn’t double check gov.uk website either and realise it was all guidance despite the daily briefings.


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 8, 2023 6:15 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Yea bean sack who’s who’s going to listen to you dollie saddle jockeys.

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 11:59 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Of course, for the purpose of a judgement, the means are not completely ‘irrelevant’, but the motive is in the foreground.

The thing that has to be exposed relentlessly with its causes is that there are people who claim for themselves to be outside of any law and therefore to have the entire planet at their disposal, regardless of rightfully or wrongfully acquired property (for them this distinction does not exist!)!!!

It is nihilism, it is the so-called übermensch, who is to be judged and ostracised.

Whether he uses pur amorality (which is different from immorality) to turn others away from himself and the way he harms others – fraud and coercion and then murder with injections or murder already at the first stage with a viral bioweapon – is secondary to the extent of the crime, as it only deals with the means, not the motive.

Therefore, I disagree with you substantially.

For the victim, on the other hand, it is more important to understand his or her own error, i.e. how he or she was able to fall into the trap. Ridicosity and the carefree delegation of one’s own responsibility make up his guilt, and his lesson should be never to hand over one’s own responsibility to third parties without making sure that the other person can be held responsible for not keeping his promises.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 8, 2023 6:40 AM
Reply to  A German


Apr 11, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  A German

If you are being tortured, you do not ask ‘why’. You only want it to stop.

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 8, 2023 6:46 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Yes it DOES MATTER, because the masses will believe the next hyped-up germ and take more shots.

Apr 22, 2023 7:05 PM
Reply to  Proton Magic

Is it the masses, or is it just the media?

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 23, 2023 2:46 AM
Reply to  Joe

The media is controlled by and just reads a script (from Project Syndicate etc.), much is pre taped. Little is left to chance.

Apr 15, 2023 8:48 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

There is something called informed consent when it comes to medical treatments. When the information propandised is all lies then no informed consent exists and therefore your idea that it is their choice is nonsense.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 7, 2023 1:05 AM
Reply to  A German

Keeping the “Pandemic”/”COVID”/”SARS-CoV-2” myth at the heart of the mega-fraud of the last 3 years covers up the mass murders committed under the name of “treatment,” including the mass murders BEFORE there were any shots administered. And it keeps us vulnerable to future scams like this one, keeping fear alive. It does matter.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 7, 2023 4:02 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It matters a lot. And RFK Jr has officially announced his candidacy for US president. Looks like he aims to do for the health freedom movement what Bernie Sanders did for Our Revolution – bury it.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 7, 2023 3:07 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Below is what I posted over at CHD on the article announcing RFK Jr’s candidacy:

It is reasonable to point out that what the Democratic Party did to Bernie Sanders’ “Our Revolution” effectively killed left populism in the US for a generation at least.

In 2017 the Department of Homeland Security declared the US electoral system to be “critical infrastructure” (ostensibly due to a Russian threat that didn’t exist) thus with the stroke of a pen taking away the sovereignty of local electoral boards. This was a coup against democracy made by the deep state/shadow government. (See the work of Jacob Seigel of Tablet.) Only those candidates pre-approved by the deep state will “win” elections in the US.

No candidate that threatens the deep state has a snowball’s chance in hell to win.

Presidential campaigns are notoriously expensive and a bottomless pit for activists’ time. Both money and time would be far better spent doing what you are already doing. RFK Jr’s campaign could very well destroy the health freedom movement. Is this the best way to defend the cause or best way to bury it?

Apr 7, 2023 5:05 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Well said.

Apr 7, 2023 10:01 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I don’t know if it is a wise decision but I admire him for it. It will bring mass publicity to the cause. Other than the cost what is the harm in it? It may, of course, get him assassinated. Frankly I am surprised he is still alive now. In addition to a bullet there is always, of course, a plane crash…

les online
les online
Apr 8, 2023 11:36 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Robert jr has chosen the CBDC, going by his opening salvo, as the battleground…My guess is he’ll be smeared as an antivaxxer by the
DNR and corporate propaganda media (aka MSM), loud enough to drown out his (current) oppositional stance against CBDCs

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 7, 2023 6:17 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Thanks for reality.
When it was announced that BobJr2 was going to run for prez I immediately thought, “How long will he last?”
The MSM in the U$A will manufacture a false narrative of his life , along with willing prostitutes to make false statements about their experience with him, or some mental health issue, or outright pop him like his relatives…


Looks like he aims to do for the health freedom movement what Bernie Sanders did for Our Revolution – bury it.

Thanks for reality. This is definitely plausible.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 7, 2023 6:32 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

If one were naive about the nature of the US state/electoral system, an argument could be made that RFK Jr should run as a Republican as the Dems have demonstrated again and again that they are totally corrupt.

However, given RFK Jr’s family history he cannot be naive. So what gives?

Robert Douglas
Robert Douglas
Apr 7, 2023 10:22 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

If he does what Bernie should have done in 2016 (Bernie controlled opposition so he wouldn’t.) When the DNC cheat him out of the nomination, and he takes his support, and runs under the People’s Party banner as a their canadiate, or as a independant. Can’t run under the Green’s, or Libertarian as they are controlled opposition as well.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 7, 2023 11:21 PM
Reply to  Robert Douglas

There’s strong de facto evidence that as, arguably, the biggest name in the health freedom movement, with his buying into the “mistakes were made” and Lab Leak TM narratives, that he is also controlled opposition. Like the argument with Bernie, RFK Jr should not be running as a Democrat if he’s seriously independent. This has all the hallmarks of a movement destroying presidential campaign.

Apr 8, 2023 8:15 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

If you have looked at his book “The Real Anthony Fauci” you will know he is not controlled opposition. You shouldn’t conclude that just because he (or anyone here) doesn’t agree with you 100%, or because he chooses a different political strategy than you would. I presume he is running, not because he thinks he has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting the nomination, but to use his name to help get publicity for our shared goals: exposing the fraud of Covid, exposing the “control them all” mindset of world leaders. I say: good on him for his efforts!

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 8, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  mjh

I have read his book too. There are major contradictions in the book. E.g. there’s the long chapter on the “early treatment” protocols of docs like Peter McCullough, where the unsubstantiated claim that had those protocols been used hundreds of thousands of people could have been saved from dying of Covid. In another chapter (can’t remember off the top of my head), he says that the pandemic was a “dud”. It is hard reconcile those two positions. (You ought to listen to RFK Jr’s interview of Dr. Denis Rancourt, where he forces Rancourt to state his conclusions before presenting any evidence. Likely easiest to find on Rancourt’s website. The Defenders search feature sucks.)

Controlled opposition does not have to be witting. In fact, it works better if they don’t know. The CIA are experts at this.

If you have studied social movements in the US, it is easy to see a pattern. This goes back to the populist movements of the 1890’s where the People’s Party was subsumed by the Democrats and its reform programs dissipated. In the late 1960’s and early ’70’s again, most of its revolutionary energy dissipated in failed electoral campaigns within the Democratic Party (Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern). In the the 1980’s we saw two very popular populist campaigns stabbed in the back by the Democratic Party: Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition of 1984 and 1988. We saw the same pattern repeat with Sanders Our Revolution in 2016 and 2020. The people who got behind those movements were so crushed and demoralized that they ceased to be a political force. In fact, of the duopoly, this is the Democrats historic role. They are experts at it.

So my assertion that his campaign could destroy the health freedom movement is on solid historical ground. Your assertion is based hope that things this time will be different w/o any factual basis for thinking so.

There’s an old saying: The Democratic Party is where social movements go to die.

les online
les online
Apr 8, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

+ 100 %
In Australia the Australian Labour Party was “where social movements go to die”…Was – for we’ve now the choice: The ALP or The Greens is where social movements go to die…
(And The German Greens have become The War Party)

Apr 12, 2023 2:42 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

The v cult do not do science. Their narrative is to blame “antivaxxers” which means “antivaxxers” are indispensable to their tactics. The last thing they would want is to destroy “health freedom” when “antivaxxers” play such an important role to blame and shame. It makes no logical sense for them to destroy “health freedom”. It is the lynchpin of the V cults dangerous ideological weapon. What he might attempt to destroy is not health freedom but health itself. If you said health movement then I would be more comfortable. He is a snake. Simple.. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be talking freedom but warning. Compulsary warning. Sorry but our role here is to be the law. To censor. To coherce. To be everything we were told was wrong. We are the government now and we have to make the tuff decisions. Weigh the risks and benefits. Like Dr Yeadon said the most dangerous is keeping your head down. We have the whole deck on our side. The v cult are bluffing and calling us the joker. “Antivaxxers” they say. LOL.

Apr 12, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  Jane

The vaccine is warning and the virus is absense of warning. Rfk Jr is a superspreader only beaten by the likes of CDC and NIH. Not us. We are the biggest supporters of forced vaccination ever. If he won’t warn then legally we can shut down his DNS, his electric. Everything is at our disposal to save lives. Nobody will stand in our way. It is the law and law abiding citizens appreciate that RFK jr is a threat to national security. They will provide no service to dangerous misinformation spreaders. It is a social contract and the health and security of our civilization depends on the one stroke policy.

Apr 15, 2023 9:15 PM
Reply to  mjh

RFK unfortunately is demonstrably dead wrong on many things regarding this con job and these are not difficult things to grasp for someone in his position so he is either very stupid (he isn’t) or something else is at play here. Running for president at this point stinks.

Apr 22, 2023 7:07 PM
Reply to  Ben

You’d rather have Biden???

Robert Douglas
Robert Douglas
Apr 9, 2023 10:26 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

After further review of RFK jr. past, I totally agree he is controlled opposition. I almost fell for it again. It is true that you can’t vote your way out of a oligarchy.

Apr 15, 2023 9:18 PM
Reply to  Robert Douglas

I agree

les online
les online
Apr 8, 2023 11:42 PM
Reply to  Robert Douglas

Can the Democrats afford to let him run other than as a Democrat ?
It could devide democrat votes allowing a Republican win…
Wasnt Ralph Nader accused of denying the Democrats victory, a few years ago, because he drew votes away ffrom the Democrats ?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 9, 2023 12:04 AM
Reply to  les online

When the Democrats lose, the last thing they will do is look in the mirror.

Apr 12, 2023 4:16 PM
Reply to  les online

If you are going to make that argument then can the republicans afford to let Dr Shiva run as an independent? https://www.youtube.com/live/-9_TjaoYkqk?feature=share

les online
les online
Apr 12, 2023 10:08 PM
Reply to  Jane

Can Kennedy afford to let him run as an independent ?
If he agreed to be Kennedys running mate (Vice Pres) – what
quicker way to the top ! Although i’m sure They wont use bullets again, as They’ve honed Their smear campaign abilities to perfection…

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 13, 2023 6:04 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Yeah… the obvious take that one is naive of the nature of the US state/electoral system is that RFK chose NOT to run as an independent. If the system wis so corrupt, why sponsor one of the corrupt parties thatr are THE SAME THING: Uniparty.

Apr 7, 2023 12:07 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

JS, I agree entirely well said!

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 12:08 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It is not the lie that makes us vulnerable, but the willingness to believe it against our own perception and even to be incited against those who do not believe it.

If it were not for the widespread claim to have to assert a supposedly universal truth against others, no lie could ever spread like this.

Moreover, there will always be lies. The goal is never to bring them to power. The means is to outlaw the suppression of arguments.

Apr 7, 2023 1:47 AM
Reply to  A German

There are two separate aspects to this comment as I see it. My comment here speaks to the first part which is the first paragraph.

Largely in agreement with the second half which is the bulk of the comment.

The other day I was attacked here because the theory of a virus modified by ccp and ecohealth seems plausible to me…

But there is no evidence for this and mountains of evidence that contra-indicate this as a possibility.

What is certain is that no one can know for sure. What is certain is that – in the end – it doesn’t matter.

We can’t know the moon is not made of cheese for sure, I guess, but we can know with a high degree of certainty based on the evidence. 

While it doesn’t matter much at all if the moon were made of cheese as our everyday lives would not be impacted either way, it really matters- A LOT- as to the story of some GoF (alleged CCP or other supposed US-led agency or whoever) as this is one of the ideological bulwarks for sustaining the fraudulent Covid Con and for rationalizing any and all sorts of future “Emergency Measures.”

Millions of people’s lives have been decimated by these fabrications and not dismantling these crackpot stories that are cooked up via propaganda systems keeps the embers of tyranny burning and keeps the doors for the Bio-Security Apparatus WIDE OPEN.

It’s all lies- selective beliefs in these lies or half hearted, vague, maybe, kinda, sorta waffling semi renunciations of stories from pathological liars who have killed millions with their lies is not helping matters.

It is also possible to know the impacts of any and all poisons (aka “vaccines”) one puts into the biological system- not good.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 7, 2023 3:59 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

As of this posting, A German has over 40 upvotes; this is not CHD’s Defender for God’s sake…I am baffled.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 7, 2023 4:07 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Me too. I don’t get it.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 7, 2023 9:17 AM

It’s about being magnanimous to a bamboozled, frightened old couple, Albert. And about not closing off ANY line of enquiry to the bright, detoxifying sunshine of truth-seeking. Get it now?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 7, 2023 3:43 PM

No, you don’t get what I don’t get.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 7, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Maybe because he/she is taking a non-dogmatic, agnostic approach?

Apr 7, 2023 7:41 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

well, there’s a hubris in there, and in other postings, despite a lot of them being very good.

that’s it.

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 9:19 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Now it adds to 61 …

Shows, that the aspect of free opinion is a valuable good for some humans ….

And what is YOUR problem?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 7, 2023 9:49 PM
Reply to  A German

Logical consistency.

Apr 8, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I think some people use VPNs to repeat upvote their own posts or downvote those they dislike.

Apr 7, 2023 12:10 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Maxwell wrote:

Millions of people’s lives have been decimated by these fabrications and not dismantling these crackpot stories that are cooked up via propaganda systems keeps the embers of tyranny burning and keeps the doors for the Bio-Security Apparatus WIDE OPEN.

Spot on Maxwell!

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 12:30 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I tried to explain in my previous two answers what is important for the victims so that they never let themselves be fooled into thinking something like that again. The event would never have been possible without the deceived, who blindly beating the critics!!

Another level is international law.

The fact that the CCP and the USA in particular are researching biological weapons is documented by RAND – since RAND also works with the Chinese secret service, I consider this to be reliable.

Therefore, the subject of international legal treatment must be the admissibility and compliance with the rules of such ‘research’ and less the question of whether something went wrong in this case intentionally or unintentionally.

From my point of view, it would also be urgently necessary to purify what is called science and to snatch it from the corridors of corporations and NGOs.

The same applies to the financial system and nutrition.

There are too many construction sites to keep track of, to lose yourself in the exemplary incident. If you want to prevent something like this in the future, you have to mercilessly disentangle yourself and set up your own structures.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 7, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Yeadon’s piece underlines neatly that things do not add up, which made this comment from @A German stand out to me. Because of course, we could all have started in this place if we had rejected COVID’s faulty premise as soon as it didn’t add up.

Sifting through the propaganda rubble, digging for the truth, is essential in terms of documenting and learning, or course, but it was never a requirement in order to fully reject the false narrative.

In that sense, the details don’t matter.

That’s what I took from the comment and I found it helpful. I feel this point has evaded some people. A2

Apr 7, 2023 2:07 AM
Reply to  A German

Probably the best comment I’ve seen here.

Apr 7, 2023 7:01 AM
Reply to  wardropper

For those who think I’ve taken leave of my senses, I elaborate above…

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 7, 2023 4:11 AM
Reply to  A German

Ya, it doesn’t matter what happened on 9/11 either.

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 8:46 PM

It is right to have your own thoughts about events regardless of the outcome and to tolerate the views of others.

Demanding that everyone share the same belief on the basis is what the mainstream does.

I believe that the diversity of different views is right and important, because only this diversity promotes intelligence instead of burying it under a NEW DOGMA.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 7, 2023 9:19 PM
Reply to  A German

Well that depends on what those views are now doesn’t it? For instance, I don’t tolerate the views of Joe Biden. Relative to this scamdemic, many of us feel it is important that it be exposed as the complete hoax that it was/is, i.e., which is what this article is about. You seem to believe differently in that it could have been a virus, but it was still a scam. To some of us, and you can see by the mixed voting, that doesn’t cut it and it flies in the face of the evidence. So your statements that “it doesn’t matter” and “no one knows for sure”, is not accurate to some of us and is detrimental to exposing the truth and preventing the bastards from doing it again. Truth promotes intelligence, diversity gets you transvestites.

les online
les online
Apr 7, 2023 6:21 AM
Reply to  A German

It does matter…That’s why we’re still arguing about ‘covid’. Too many are still not convinced…When The Facts That Matter threaten, they throw in the towel, walk away from the arguments declaring “It doesnt matter”.
Before buying out of the debate they try one last assertion “what is certain – no one can know for sure.” Thus in Defeat the walk away smugly feeling “Victorious, At Last !”
(In psycho therapy “it doesnt matter” could be considered a Resistance to therapy ?)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 7, 2023 2:46 PM
Reply to  les online

les online: Yup. Stockholm syndrome comes to mind…

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 8:53 PM

What is your problem with different opinions??

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 7, 2023 11:51 PM
Reply to  A German

Hello A German. Everyone has different opinions, and I don’t have a problem with that. Problems arise when the opinion turns into an action I may disagree with. Opinions don’t run the world. Finance runs the world…

Best regards.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 15, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  A German

The problem is not with opinions but with the truth. The truth is never relative but perception of it is.

Apr 27, 2024 8:21 PM
Reply to  A German

There’s a difference between an observation and an opinion. There are people who delve into the realm of opinion far too often – based on observations there was not a virus.

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 8:52 PM
Reply to  les online

See my answer to albert anderson.

The psychotherapist who imposes his view of things on the client is a dictator in disguise.

It is interesting that you frame the view you dislike as pathology. That makes you feel so unassailable and superior, doesn’t it 😀 .

Apr 8, 2023 8:19 PM
Reply to  A German

Friend, don’t respond to their nastiness with your own. Resist the temptation to do it. Keep up your wonderful upbeat tone. Don’t let the negativity get you down.

Apr 7, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  A German

False equivalency. Have ‘we’ been calling for people to be locked up for their personal medical decisions? See, there is a real difference between ‘us’ and ‘them.’

Apr 7, 2023 5:54 PM
Reply to  TRT

Yes, there is a difference. However, if we refuse to forgive when those who were completely duped by relentless propaganda come to their senses and finally see the truth, what then? Do we just throw those people into a camp, as the propagandists would have had them do to us? How would that make us any better? How would that demonstrate that we are serious about truth and the value of our human lives?

I do understand the anger at them though, completely. But I try very hard not to let that get the better of me, as that isn’t a solution either. That is never easy. The blame game is what our owners want us to play. As corny and trite as it sounds, we need to prove we are better than them and that when the formerly duped come to their senses, we won’t abandon them for being duped, but continue to help them see that giving up belief in the lies is the only way forward. Otherwise, we are allowing the psychopaths who put this in motion to watch us fight over bullshit while they destroy what makes us human.

Apr 7, 2023 6:18 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Who said anything about throwing them into a camp? Good lord. And I’m not referring to those who were merely duped. I’m referring to accepting the forgiveness (are any of them actually apologizing?) of those who wanted us persecuted by the ‘authorities.’ Regardless of the level of fear and hysteria, nobody should wish that upon another person under any circumstance.

A German
A German
Apr 7, 2023 8:58 PM
Reply to  A German

I answered the elderly couple’s questions sincerely. This is not an expression of special kindness, but simply polite and self-evident. If they had insulted me savagely, I would have reacted differently. I try to treat people fairly and not as representatives of a collective.

Apr 8, 2023 1:23 AM
Reply to  A German

Uses the term CCP when it’s CPC

A German
A German
Apr 9, 2023 4:20 AM
Reply to  A German

Almost 80 votes in favour of free thought and free opinion in resistance, are a remarkable result.

Nevertheless, 30% indicate that they are against free thought, free speech – or even against people or nationalities. These 30% are the problem of the future society, because if you don’t share their opinion on another topic or they don’t like you for other reasons, they will be the ones to blame.

The 80 must therefore also be alert in the future to what 30% will want to force, coerce or manipulate them into doing.

That is my lesson from this spontaneous survey. It is not enough to be part of the resistance if 30% only want to replace the opinion we have all recognised as wrong with their own dogma.

Stay alert

Human values
Human values
Apr 9, 2023 4:02 PM
Reply to  A German

That’s how easy it is to create division and tyranny.

You made a post; you got it pinned. So it was privileged against other new posts. Your post got so many replies that it made it impossible to read any others. Everything here from then on was about you and your post. You’re so very important. Don’t you think?

Now you’re counting the votes. Who was on team ”A German”, who was on his ”freedom of speech” election tour and voted for freedom and other good things, and who were against it? It seems the team ”A German” won.

The ”voters”, however, weren’t informed what they were voting for and against, or that they were voting at all, but now you’re telling them! That’s how important you and your posts are, in your eyes. Your eyes are blind. Take a look at you. It’s not as pretty as you think. You’re not a victor.  

Human values
Human values
Apr 9, 2023 4:09 PM
Reply to  A German

And who do you think you are giving orders to? Your imaginary voters? To fight against your imaginary enemies, those who pressed thumbs down on your very important post that got pinned.

By the way, your imaginary friends and enemies they don’t exist. They are creations of your silly ego.

Jerry Bernini
Jerry Bernini
Apr 13, 2023 9:04 PM
Reply to  A German

In the end it certainly matters. Those who continue to straddle the fence do so because they can’t face the ego death of knowing they were fooled so easily and completely. No one wants to face the harrowing fact they he of she was played to the point in “beLIEving” in and fearing a non-existent threat.


Apr 15, 2023 8:45 PM
Reply to  A German

Of course it matters. It always matters because the truth always matters. Knowing that you have been lied to is important especially when decisions and actions are based upon that lie. Sick of this “oh it doesn’t matter” nonsense.

May 20, 2023 4:10 PM
Reply to  A German

Too many doctors and virologists have come forward and said that the Covid-19 virus has never been proven to exist and the PCR test was never designed to identify a virus. What people were getting sick from was a flu virus. What was killing people in hospitals was the death protocol they used to kill people and getting paid by our government $30 for each documented Covid death.
People died and got injured by the Covid-19 vax.
My wife and I are pure bloods….we are not vaxed. Only a fool would take that death jab.

John Manning
John Manning
Feb 25, 2025 8:56 PM

The emphasis within this article is at fault.

It should question whether or not there was a SARs epidemic, not whether or not there was a Covid virus. Covid is just a simplification of the name Corona virus. There have been over ten separate Corona viruses identified. They are real, as real as anything else humans name as specific entities.

Corona viruses are found everywhere we look. They are now considered to be responsible for as much as 40% of all respiratory infections. Therefore it’s easy to find a pandemic. They have been associated with serious diseases such as SARs and MERs. Whether not they were causative agents was never proven.

The rest of the story as Yeadon says could easily be a scam. The vaccines certainly were that.

As to “lab leak” versus natural evolution it has been calculated that converting bat corona virus to a human virus would take approximately 300 years in a laboratory, or else it might take 3 days and a lot of luck (probability 1 chance in 100 billion).

The whole story depends upon people understanding nothing about viruses. This is assisted by the reality that virologists know very little about viruses.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jan 3, 2025 9:10 PM

“The spread of COVID-19 misinformation in Canada cost at least 2,800 lives and $300 million in hospital expenses over nine months of the pandemic, according to estimates in a new report out Thursday.

The report — released by the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA), an independent research organization that receives federal funding — examined how misinformation affected COVID infections, hospitalizations and deaths between March and November of 2021.”

COVID-19 misinformation cost at least 2,800 lives and $300M, new report says
Jan. 26, 2023


“Four years and a second COVID-19 diagnosis later, Laurie said the events of the 2020s are still hard to believe at times. 

But these days, the couple say, life is pretty much back to normal.

“I don’t dwell on it at all,” Cheryl said. “I don’t think about it from day to day. I certainly don’t worry about it.”

4 years after N.L.’s first case of COVID-19, this couple recalls being part of an early outbreak
March 14, 2024


Do you need a spring COVID-19 vaccine? Research backs extra round for high-risk groups
March 28, 2024


“Quebec had 790 positive COVID-19 cases in the week of July 14, according to the latest data from the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). About 820 patients were hospitalized due to COVID-19 that same week, nearly twice as many since the end of April.”

Quebec renews COVID-19 vaccination recommendations for fall amid uptick in cases 
July 23, 2024


“Provinces and territories plan fall immunization campaigns aiming to protect people from severe hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19.”

Moderna’s updated COVID-19 vaccine for 2024-25 approved in CanadaSept. 17, 2024

Health Canada approves Novavax’s updated COVID-19 vaccine for fallSept. 19, 2024

“Guidance from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) strongly recommends updated COVID-19 vaccinations starting this fall for high-risk groups, including adults 65 and older, people living in long-term care and other group living settings, people with underlying conditions that put them at higher risk of severe illness, people from Indigenous and racialized communities, and those who are pregnant or who provide essential community services.

NACI said all other adults and children six months or older should also be eligible for an updated COVID-19 vaccination this fall.”

Pfizer’s updated COVID-19 vaccine approved, Health Canada saysSept. 24, 2024

Pardon this short Musical interlude … for Catherine Tait and the rest of the CBC

“Give it to me, give it to me …”

C + C Music Factory


“According to the World Health Organisation the latest viral panic – the infamous allegedly ‘new’ coronavirus is ‘stabilising‘, at least a little (see also MoA), though you wouldn’t think so from the fear porn currently being pumped out of every media orifice 24/7.” Catte Black

Coronavirus: finding the ambiguous reality behind the fear porn headlines

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet

40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid”

Liberals stay mum on CBC President Catherine Tait’s bonus approvalhttps://tnc.news/2024/08/15/liberals-mum-cbc-president-bonus-approval/

CBC’s Catherine Tait accuses MPs of trying to ‘vilify’ her

“Health officials are urging British Columbians to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccines soon as the fall respiratory illness season approaches.” 

B.C. residents urged to get vaccinated as flu season approachesOct. 04, 2024

“Initial hopes that COVID shots would stop transmission altogether didn’t materialize.

Updated COVID-19 vaccines roll out at pharmaciesOct. 04, 2024

CBC president accuses MPs of trying to ‘vilify’ and ‘discredit’ her, defends executive bonusesOct. 21, 2024

CBC president Catherine Tait billed for $1,000-a-night hotel to attend Paris Olympicshttps://nationalpost.com/news/politics/cbc-president-catherine-tait-expenses-paris-olympics

Winter Fundraiser: Help Keep OffG Alive

  1. Does the OffG president and or executives receive bonuses or “performance” or “incentive” compensation ?

Repeat after me: “The PCR tests don’t work!

Refuse ALL fear narratives

I Feel Alright

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 27, 2024 3:15 PM

“The ministry also highlighted the continued availability of free vaccinations against COVID-19 and influenza, describing immunization as one of the most effective ways to prevent severe complications.”

Dec. 20, 2024

Quebec health officials urge preventive measures to curb holiday virus spread  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-virus-health-holidays-1.7415411

“Since some people have been living with its symptoms for up to five years, long COVID will be a condition to watch next year from a health-care perspective.”

Dec. 14, 2024

H5N1. Ozempic. Toxic drugs. Here are the health stories we’re watching in 2025  https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/second-opinion-yearender-2024-1.7410395

“Simon Bacon, a professor of behavioural medicine at Concordia University in Montreal, studies COVID-19 awareness and vaccine hesitancy, and said tailoring messages to different populations and communities is important now.”

Oct. 04, 2024

Updated COVID-19 vaccines roll out at pharmacies  https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/covid-vaccines-1.7340420

“Michael Jackson, 55, has been sentenced for violating a custody order and refusing to return his daughter to her mother, who wanted to get the girl a COVID vaccine. Jackson received a one-year jail sentence, which he has already served, and two years of probation.”

Dec. 06, 2024

A look back at the case of a Sask. man who abducted his daughter to avoid COVID vaccine


Mother’s Day on Parliament Hill – Honouring Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

“No cause of death has been given.”
22 February 2022

Screaming Trees frontman Mark Lanegan dies at 57  https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-60487917

“Good, have I done good?” Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood

War Memorial

Uru in the Valley of Sleepers
Daniel. Quinn


Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 7, 2024 3:12 PM

“As the weather gets colder, respiratory illnesses increase. This year’s flu season is expected to hit earlier. The COVID-19 virus is still circulating and making people sick. Pneumococcal infections are also on the rise in Eeyou Istchee.
Fall is the season to update vaccination against respiratory viruses. People need annual shots or booster doses of certain vaccines to stay protected from viral infections through the winter. This also helps protect each other from severe illness and spreading viruses around.
Vulnerable people in our communities, like pregnant women, newborns, Elders, or people living with chronic diseases or a weakened immune system, are especially at risk of complications from the flu or COVID-19.

Vaccination helps protect our communities and preserve our healthcare system. Let’s keep our circle of protection strong!”

Fall vaccines now available against respiratory illnessesOctober 10, 2023


Townes Van Zandt, Waitin´ Around to Die

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Nov 20, 2024 11:46 PM

“The idea that this was an intentional action by some malevolent force, that’s also I think a part of, and closely associated with the lab leak theory, and one of the reasons that we continue to hear it today,” he said.

Where did COVID-19 originate? Saskatoon lab helps with genetic analysis that points to animal market

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 23, 2020

“The scientists are pushing aside athletes and other entertainers for the public’s attention as citizens try to navigate through unprecedented times.”

A new star is born: Canada’s chief medical officers offer clarity in age of coronavirus

Columbus and Other Cannibals
By Jack D. Forbes

“Celebrated American Indian thinker Jack D. Forbes’s Columbus and Other Cannibals was one of the founding texts of the anticivilization movement when it was first published in 1978. His history of terrorism, genocide, and ecocide told from a Native American point of view has inspired America’s most influential activists for decades. Frighteningly, his radical critique of the modern “civilized” lifestyle is more relevant now than ever before.
Identifying the Western compulsion to consume the earth as a sickness, Forbes writes:
“Brutality knows no boundaries. Greed knows no limits. Perversion knows no borders. . . . These characteristics all push towards an extreme, always moving forward once the initial infection sets in. . . . This is the disease of the consuming of other creatures’ lives and possessions. I call it cannibalism.”


Columbus and Other Cannibals
The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism
by Jack Forbes

Steve O'shea
Steve O'shea
May 2, 2024 1:22 PM

What concerns me is not the “Gates, Fauci, Farrar, Vallance” of this world but the evil behind them.

Johannes Kreis
Johannes Kreis
Apr 8, 2024 7:16 AM

There is a positive test and then there is the panic. As Dr. Wodarg in Germany had pointed out, without the test we would not have known that there was supposedly a pandemic at all.

But there are also the many “asymptomatic infections”. That is, the test is positive, but the person shows no symptoms. Thus classically, that person is healthy.

It is the test that defines a person as ill. That was the same with SARS(1), MERS, BSE, various swine and avian flus, back to HIV. It was with HIV that the virus-panic-industry started.

In Germany in 2020 and 2021, that is during the peak of the putative pandemic, the hospital occupancy as well as the rate of employees on sick leave was at a minimum, the hospital occupancy was even at a historic low. And in 2020 there were no “vaccines”.

All the viruses from the last 40 years, HIV, MERS, SARS(1), monkey pox, various variants of H5N1 (avian flue), various variants of H1N1 (swine flue), they all share at least 2 essential ingredients: they all supposedly stem from a zoonosis, that is a virus jumped from an animal host to a human host. And they are “diagnosed” by PCR. Most people declared ill by the “test” remain without any symptoms.

A deadly zoonosis every 4 – 8 years, creating each time a putative killer virus, that is the heart of the virus mania and what needs to be protected to preserve this very profitable business model. This industry does not work without this singular event.

In case of HIV at least 13 almost simultaneous zoonoses in central africa around 1930 from at least 3 different spezies of monkeys and apes are required according to the zoonosis hypothesis. How likely is such a unique event given the last billion years of evolution when this highly singular event did not happen?

The Wuhan lab theory of SARS-CoV2 is an attempt to preserve on the one hand the believe of the general public in science and what science supposedly is able to achieve. However, viruses that kill the host cell can’t replicate and become extinct very quickly. On the other hand the lab theory is meant to preserve the zoonosis hypothesis that lies underneath all of these fakedemics. If this hypothesis is damaged in one fakedemic it is damaged in all of the fakedemics in the last 40 years.

The zoonosis narrative may not be damaged, because if there never was a zoonosis in any of these fakedemic, from what did all the HIV patients (not AIDS patients!) die in the 1990? That is the one thing we know. They died from 1500mg AZT (Zidovudine) per day(!) over month. AZT the wonder drug that was too toxic for chemo therapy.

The fakedemic theater for SARS-CoV2 worked so well because it was exercised and trained many times, zoonosis, panic, wonder drug (or wonder vaccines) and big profit. One understands these mechanisms only if one sees SARS-CoV2 in the context of the other fakedemics which all happend according to the same script.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jun 26, 2024 3:57 PM
Reply to  Johannes Kreis

This is the best and most insightful post here. Yes, it all starts with the test: the test, not our own symptoms or lack thereof, informs us if we’re sick. This is a disaster in the making as it takes the responsibility for our own health away from the individual — even without any symptoms it can be decided that we are “sick” and in need of a particular treatment.

Grahame Greene
Grahame Greene
Mar 8, 2024 10:18 PM

Really, this is not the Black Death we are dealing with. What we are dealing with are recurrent seasonal ailments such as flu. In a bad season there would be a pathogen which affects the old people and perhaps a number of younger people who can ride out such symptoms. And, believe or not ‘old people’ are more likely to die of natural causes.

Moreover, these interludes are rare enough and I have been old enough – 79 – to see every winter and note that a mini-epidemic might well make appearance before exiting the cycle.

Just take Cod Liver Oil, Zinc, and Vitamin K2Mk-7. It will do you a treat.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Feb 7, 2024 12:23 PM

Dear Mike

Many thanks for your excellent post. As you may remember I have said since 2020 that it was all a psy-op. There was no novel virus and there was no lab escape.

Your point about the Queen and others clearly not being afraid was such an obvious clue that everybody should have seen. There were so many other clues. Some people were aware of what was going on well before me but I managed to turn my thinking around in 2 months solid research so that by June 2020 I understood what was going on and that virology/germ theory as currently understood is a fraud.

The powers that be re-branded the ‘flu; ‘flu cases and deaths from/associated with the ‘flu dropped like a stone as recorded by the ONS in the UK. COVID 19 took its place instead.

I have considered this all a big IQ test. That people have not cottoned on to the most basic of clues shows how truly stupid they have become.



Kind regards

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Dec 26, 2023 10:16 PM

How come the more middle-aged are the most vulnerable to the official bullshit. If you are young you don’t give a fuck; similarly if you are old (like me) it’s a similar response. I am 79 years old, walk and around the park for two hours every day, and have been doing to since I was 25 or thereabouts. Whatever happens I am not about the change my routine. Next time the powers-that-be tells you to take the medicine, just tell them to shove it.

John Manning
John Manning
Jul 23, 2023 5:18 AM

Like Dr Yeadon I too have a degree in biochemistry and a career in medical biology. My first job was manufacturing viral vaccines. My Father had a significant role in the WHO project to eradicate smallpox. A campaign that achieved its objectives with a worldwide vaccination program. I believe vaccines are one of our best medical technologies.

Corona viruses were first identified about 60 years ago. There was no political motivation behind that work. Just scientific endeavour. Since then Corona viruses have been linked to infections ranging from the common cold to pneumonia. The appearance of Covid19 looks to me like a normal evolutionary process. Its continuing evolution to milder strains is a pattern seen in other virus groups.

So what is frustrating for me is:

  1. The continued inference that it must have come from a laboratory
  2. The continuing story of it being a hoax
  3. The repetition of failed strategies to combat the disease
  4. The belligerent enforcement of vaccine use (when it is obvious it doesn’t work)

There are some very simple analyses that can be used to show vaccination is a mistaken strategy. Firstly it has been shown that people can be infected more than once in a short period. A vaccine will never create greater immunity than a natural infection. Secondly there are the current hospital statistics. A recent report in New Zealand showed that the people hospitalised after a Covid infection had exactly the same vaccination status as the general population. Therefore vaccination made no difference.

It is not hard to work this out but it seems nearly impossible to change the minds of regulators and politicians. Ignorance rules.

People looking for conspiracies in this matter should note that opportunism is not conspiracy. Politicians are the worlds primary opportunists. Consequently seeing similar behaviours across the world is not necessarily conspiracy.

Aug 25, 2024 3:57 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Having predicted what the WHO would do, in 2014, ( having studied 2008 in 2004, correctly ) and having witnessed 200 nation states agree on ‘The Medecine’, simultaneously, I have to inform you that for an educated person, this comment of yours is just so incredibly ignorant of external financial factoring, that you can only be Profiled as incredibly Naïve ! Fact.

Opportunism ? No fucking way. 100% planning. You just NEVER knew where to look and what indicators to study, other than your corrupted unprofessional ‘profession’…
Have you still got the Flu ? Does it exist ? Did it ever exist ? Are you ashamed of this comment, professionally speaking ? I have so many questions for you, but…
Obviously, baby steps. . . You need help.

“Similar behaviours” ? Identical & utterly coerced ! !
Q: by WHOm ? Who funds the WHO & UN ? WTFU.
WAKE THE FUK UP ! Your ‘opinion’ on this matter, as any category of Doctor,
Is herewith invalidated. My friend, welcome to ‘Hanging Doctors Street’. (The title of a Bulgarian Artwork in Sofia, in 2012, thereabouts… where were you, when Dr. Mike quit Pfizer ?).The nature of your thoughts cannot be compared to Dr. Mike / M.i.c.
Do you see ? 18 months later, were you confused ? You are wholly psychologically prepared for whatsoever you are told next by WHOmsoever… you lost touch.

Jul 20, 2023 10:07 AM

Half truths are half lies, sort of worthless when attempting to discern objective reality.

Being aware of the limits of the rational process and how easily flawed it can be is helpful in determining what is what.

All one has to do to get to the bottom of this particular rabbit hole is to continuously ask, if they’ll lie about this, what else might they lie about, and when did they start?

What was the first one upon which all of this was based?

Considering the number and magnitude of the obvious lies it’s a pretty safe assumption those pushing the agenda don’t have a red line whereby they say to themselves, “can’t lie about that one”

Smart guy said this…

It’s a lot easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.

This does matter if there is concern for the welfare of others.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Jun 29, 2023 3:53 AM

Amen, Dr. Yeadon, amen.

May 22, 2023 9:00 PM

They picked a class of Virus known as Coronavirus, which is the same genotype as the virus that causes the symptoms we have associated with the Common Cold for the past 100 years. In the last 30 years they have purposefully redacted this information that used to be published in the AMA’s Encyclopedia of Medicine. The last USABLE AMA Encyclopedia of Medicine was the 1989 edition which still had technical terms in it. The most recent and last published, renamed COMPLETE encyclopedia of medicine has less technical detail than the 1989 version, but is slightly Thicker overall. The virii genotype details are removed and the only reference to the common cold is that it can be psychologically Induced.

Looking at the SARS and MERS that came before event 201s scamdemic, neither of those precursor attempts killed more than 1000 people each around the globe. Its unlikely, given that detail, that suddenly there emerged a killer cold that was gonna depopulate the planet. Its also of note that social media has been stood up right around 9/11 and had time to attract that which would be on it and making use of it into habits of interacting on those venues, so that those who were on them had already picked who they thought told the truth and who they’d defer to should something come up where they might be required to Think about it and make up their own mind. Most people that deferred didn’t bother doing any research on their own, they just wanted to get the jab and get back to the things that mattered to Them, not realizing if their health tanked, not much else would really matter.

The cold is real, but the threat to self is .002% if that. It really depends on the age bracket ones in as the older one gets the more susceptible to upper respiratory infections one becomes. I don’t think that means one needs to take vaccines, but I do think that means one should do ones own research and perhaps modify ones diet to account for health giving benefits of eating some things and not others.

I’d argue that in the end it totally matters as they who perpetrated this Series of Engineered intentional events did so with the intent to REDUCE the worlds populations and in the process enrich themselves and their cronies who signed onto the STAKEHOLDER Capitalism pledge of the business roundtable in 2019. They agreed to put the Agenda over profits, which is why you see corporations going “woke”. Its about splintering the American people so they divide and infight instead of come together to hold the corrupt inbred influence peddlers to account and remove them from the positions that enabled these GLOBAL ANTICS to play out as they have so far to the WEF’s/UN’s agenda 2030 being accellerated. If we don’t take the time to find out who did it and hold them accountable, there may not be a next time where such will be feasible as we’ll be to far down the totalitarian path to step off it.

It doesn’t help that they totally stopped enforcing all LAWS and pretend that that means the LAWS on the books aren’t enough to keep everyone secure. If they would return to enforcing them and holding people to the existing LAWS we’d need no further laws put in place, but the play is to do exactly this. This way they will make new overreaching laws and then Over-enforce beyond the letter of their bastard laws screwing whoever they want in the national public while always being protected by the now entrenched version of JUSTUS.

Lacking a return to accountability with prosecutions for the criminal, be prepared for the second American revolution.

Rikki Tch Tch
Rikki Tch Tch
May 22, 2023 2:39 PM

Covid 19 is the common cold. The deadly jab fake injection is the disease. Take 1 you’re sick and compromised. Take 2 and your immune system begins to totally collapse . Take the boosters and cancer rampages through your body. All of that is FACT.

May 21, 2023 3:01 PM

Dr. Yeadon, I have always agreed with you on all of these things; Diamond Princess Cruise ship quarantined in San Fran Bay Feb 2020, 3,700 people on board, 800 ‘tested positive’, and 15 died = 0.4% fatality rate = the flu. Funny how the ‘flu’ fatality stat, usually at 40-80K in America per year, went to near zero in 2020/21… Not.

Keep on, keeping on Doc!

Mike Brooks
Mike Brooks
May 20, 2023 7:16 PM

Ha. Shows what you know. Those people falling if chairs at nuckear power plants, spasming and dying on camera. The dead that keeled over on sidewalks, little men in Shute hazmat suits picking them up in meat wagons heading for the morgue. The hysteria. Millions, no Trillions of deaths. Long lines getting shot at fairgrounds where you had to park snd exit in you car for half an hour, least you shed your mortal coils, whatever. The hay day of Covid was February 2020 and, in spite of dementia brought on by the mRNA shots,?it stil remember…sort of.

May 20, 2023 5:40 PM

“If you believe what I’m saying and I’m wrong, you’ll be laughed at.”

I would submit that IF a person truly believes this – that is, making the “psychological leap to the diabolical world [you] believe we’re now living in” – he would immediately go about rearranging his entire life. Selling retirements assets, buying gold, “prepping,” generally. So I would say that genuine belief in the coming New World Order – or whatever it’s called – comes with considerably more risk than mere humiliation.

If you’re wrong – and I’m not saying you are – whole swaths of citizens will have “checked-out” of civilization in one form or another, as we’re seeing all around us today (the homeless, the preppers, the intentionally childless, drug-addicted).

If I had to guess, I’d say that most Americans and probably most Brits are aware that COVID was a globally-orchestrated psy-op of some kind – perhaps even the virus itself a hoax, as you suggest – and are now hedging their bets. Risk mitigation has been the greatest challenge for my family since this awful era began in 2020. Do I take the shot to stay employed? I did. What about my children? No. Do I sell out, buy a farm and install a wind turbine? Crypto? Gold? Its been the ultimate exercise in hedging one’s bets.

By the way, I loved your article. You (obviously) know a helluva lot more about pathogens and vaccines than most people. So, to your postulate about the virus itself having never existed, I say: “Maybe?” “Probably?” In the end, is it enough for me to cash out my 401K, buy a farm and put up a wind turbine? Not yet. Notably absent from these incessant calls for citizens to “wake up!” is pragmatic advice concerning what in hell we are to do about it.

Because belief – real, concrete belief – that we’re living in a diabolical, end-times sort of world, effectively means cashing in one’s chips and running for cover. I’d say that’s a bit costlier – and infinitely riskier – than being “laughed at.”

maga-force stv
maga-force stv
May 20, 2023 5:01 PM

Seems to be written a bit hastily and jumps around too much for me, particularly between an RFK podcast and large contracts, very disjointed. I would like to have seen citation on the PCR test, Covid gene sequencing and reference genetic material, etc…

May 20, 2023 3:43 PM

the real deaths (not bogus fault assignment) ramped up AFTER the clot shots started. As noted, the flu magically disappeared for a few years. Yeah. Sure it did. The RT-PCR test will trigger on flu if you do the test “right”.

Then there was the deliberate false positives from too many amplifications (the CT number). Even the Criminals and Demented Clowns Posse finally admitted that only about 6% of the dead died OF the virus (or some virus like flu) versus those who died WITH the (any) virus.

The masks are incapable of stopping airborne viruses. The smallest mesh available to the public is the N95 medical grade respirator (not the one at Home Depot used for dust). The viruses were measured with scanning electron microscopes and 0.1 to 0.16 microns, or half the size of the filter mesh.

May 6, 2023 10:29 AM

Mr Yeadon, how much money have you made since/during the covid crisis for your ‘knowledge/insight’ using your undoubtedly valuable previous Pfizer job title in the process?

I ask as looking through your tweets over several years you seem to have shifted your views. Why?

Papi Phonic
Papi Phonic
Apr 24, 2023 4:03 PM

After working in TV media for over 25 years I have to admit I chuckle every time I hear a news or TV item stating that there have been ‘many news reports’ on such and such. Even Lord Blinkin loves to do it. Of course, the ‘many’ reports are often the same report repeated many times.

Apr 23, 2023 11:21 AM
Apr 23, 2023 6:02 AM

There will always be an element that cannot believe a ruling class could be so cruel as to discount them as human beings and will deny, even violently, such a suggestion. There is little we can do about that except to prove the ruling class wrong and if we fail at that, then understand that we must go our own way and let our survival speak for itself or trust that our martyrdom eventually does the same.

Apr 22, 2023 6:55 PM

Yes, I also must agree with this as the common cold just disappeared, but the most interesting part is that they used the same news story of people dropping dead in the supermarket that they used during SARS. And then to have vaccine lotteries??? Yes, it smelled bad from day one…

Apr 20, 2023 10:27 AM

An affectionate greeting from Spain to all those responsible for this magnificent website.
Certainly, to this day, we still do not have the isolation, purification and in vitro interaction of the supposed viral pathogen. It has only been arranged by sequencing in an in silico computer simulator.
Technically, logistically, and scientifically, it is impossible to generate a global pandemic through the escape of a virus from a laboratory, rather it is the narrative of a novel or a Hollywood movie.
The only way to generate a real pandemic is through inoculations with the gene experiment (known as the covid vaccine), as we are unfortunately observing and have already been warning about. The consequences are being terrible as we are seeing.
Also remember the inappropriate and iatrogenic protocols during the Plandemic that left so many deaths and pain and that they attributed to the supposed bug.
For all intents and purposes and with all the evidence on the table, it seems more sensible to establish that all this covid is more due to purely political, economic and social issues, the starting point for the 2030 Agenda.
Greetings from the Spanish insurgents, we will continue fighting for our rights and for freedom.

Apr 19, 2023 3:15 PM

Everything Mike says makes sense except for the fact that lots of people got sick with a novel pathogen with unique symptoms and signs. This needs to be explained to make his argument complete.

May 20, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to  John

And that this illness with somewhat novel symptom conbinations is correlated with a test that yields positives (in my case anyway) only when suffering these symptoms (or afterwards).
How are we to explain these RAT tests? For there to be no novel pathogen, then they must be detecting the usual flu. But I have not experienced the odd smell loss before in a respiratory infection. My coffee tasted strange for a few weeks afterwards.

Apr 13, 2023 2:57 PM

I have known from day 1 that it was all manufactured BS. There never was a “Coronavirus”. It was a standard flu winter like any other.
I suspect that people like Rand Paul are in on this. They want us focused on “WHERE” did “IT” come from so the next time another “PANDEMIC” comes along we can all be shuffled into our houses again and locked down, but “damn it, we’ll find out who released it this time!”.
It’s all a shell game. This is how it has always worked. It is much harder to lie bald-faced to people than it is to give them a red herring to chase after. So they give us red herring after red herring so we stay focused on the distraction. This is a well-developed psycho-warfare tactic.

May 20, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  TrueFaith

Been getting flulike respiratory illness my whole life. Never had a dry cough with loss/reduction of smell/taste that lasted for a few weeks after the main symptoms were cleared.

Apr 11, 2023 3:55 PM


Charles Wright
Charles Wright
Apr 10, 2023 2:54 AM

Doctor Yeadon, please consider this. Remdesivir was used in New York and China to create deaths and simulate the spread of a deadly virus. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/remdesivir-was-used-in-new-york-and

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor
Apr 9, 2023 6:24 PM

Hello. Your article doesn’t agree with the messages I received from my Falun Gong friends in Wuhan telling me a bio weapon was just released and was being sent to quell the Hong Kong protests. That was January 2020.

Apr 12, 2023 10:14 AM
Reply to  Paul Taylor

As Yeadon’s piece said, they probably figured out they don’t need a real virus to carry out the stifling of the demonstrations. They just need to make people BELIEVE there was a real virus. A real pathogen could be too much and too unpredictable of a threat. Look at HK now. Still masked despite the government having made them “optional”.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 15, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  Paul Taylor
dale glander
dale glander
Apr 9, 2023 4:16 PM

Thanks to Covid ( I am unvaxed,never got sick ) I will never get a shot of any kind ever in what is left of my life and I am in the upper 1% health wise. My diet and exercise have made a huge differance.I am 66 yrs old,5’11”,162lbs lean. I take no meds and my last doctors visit was 9 yrs ago for a required job physical..

Apr 9, 2023 11:45 AM

The CCP / CPC has wrecked it economy plus national public standing in China over this scare crow. They lost much more than gained. Could be their additional fear that US ‘Eco Health Alliance’ (hahaha) had put a racial twist in their Wuhan DNA soup. Turned out to be not so 3 years later. Still they believed Covid to be true.

Next biggest losers: the WHO /Gates & co. Credibility now -273. Close runner ups: the CDC NIAID, the Lancet.

Apr 9, 2023 6:25 AM

Excellent, Mike!!! Thank you for this perspective.

Terry Oldberg
Terry Oldberg
Apr 9, 2023 3:15 AM

Under the “no virus” hypothesis, what is the cause of the 40% increase in all cause mortality among Americans of working age?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 9, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  Terry Oldberg

Is that 40% age and population adjusted? While there was raised excess in the US this was on a par with 2004. Not earth shattering.

Pre-jab excess mortality, it is argued, was due to institutional manslaughter resulting from curtailed healthcare, ventilating patients unnecessarily, high doses of toxic ant-virals, forced isolation of elderly/frail, imposed DNRs, failure of eldercare, and raised fear levels due to hysterical pandemic coverage. Denis Rancourt has done some very compelling research showing raw excess mortality didn’t behave as expected were it a spreading disease. ‘Covid’ mortality appeared to observe state and sovereign borders, which is impossible.

Post-jab I think it becomes more complicated. Kids were at statistically zero risk before the jabs. The VAERS data needs proper investigation.

At no point are we talking about catastrophic or even shockingly high excess deaths, however.

The ‘virus’ hypothesis suffers from the fact that all the data is corrupt due to the tests not testing for a specific disease, also that ‘Covid’ symptoms are completely generic, ‘Covid’ diagnosis was financially incentivised and doctors were instructed to add ‘Covid’ as cause of death wherever possible etc.


Apr 12, 2023 10:16 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thank you. Brilliant.

Apr 9, 2023 2:17 PM
Reply to  Terry Oldberg

Tests, panic/hysteria, nocebo, ventilators, sedatives, antivirals…

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 15, 2023 11:35 PM
Reply to  Edim

and stupidity.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 15, 2023 11:34 PM
Reply to  Terry Oldberg

Stupidity. Taking a poisonous vaccine and thinking that was good for ones health is very stupid.Thinking one had to close one’s business because of a fake virus was very stupid.

I call it a severe outbreak of Stupid 20. We are now beyond the Moronic variant if that were possible.



Apr 8, 2023 10:28 PM

This had something to do with it …


IOW, Gee, how do we sell more “vaccines”.

Apr 8, 2023 9:18 PM

Welcome to the club Mike!

I had this pegged from the moment it was hatched. If you understand the perps, who they are, etc., then ANYtime they hatch something, it’s easily identifiable.

Problem is, most people refuse to accept that what they’ve been taught all their lives, whether in school, via media, pols, pastors, etc., are largely lies or rooted in lies. So they drive on not wanting their egos to suffer.

We’ll go down like that unfortunately.

Apr 9, 2023 7:25 AM
Reply to  Ronin

Mikey has always been in the club. How else did he managed to be a internet sensation that quickly.
From the same production company that brought you rebel media in davos.

Apr 8, 2023 5:30 PM

The Virus and the VAX were/are a 2 part bio-weapon.
No one has ever looks at the “virus” in a petrie dish.

Peter Sawchuk
Peter Sawchuk
Apr 8, 2023 4:06 PM

This is the most sensible theory I’ve heard since this blatant takeover began. Either that or Covid was a miracle cure for the flu. Our big mistake is in not believing how totally diabolical these people truly are.

Mattina Vaslovik
Mattina Vaslovik
Apr 8, 2023 2:30 PM

Dr. Yeadon finally says what I was sure of at the very outset of the scamdemic. There is no virus, and never has been. The globalist elites have never made any secret of their depopulation ambitions, and shortly after the announcement of this “pandemic” we have Klaus Schwab telling us it provides a narrow but opportune window to remake the world order in accordance with his Great Reset. On his website is his chart for that, and at the very center of it is COVID19. Also we are told that the CCP had ordered the immediate destruction of the original specimens of “the virus.” How convenient! The media around the globe rapidly ramped up the scare, governments locked down and jabbed their populations, imposing ever more draconian restrictions on them, and the vaccine passports were imposed, an excellent vehicle for a global social credit system on the model of the Chinese communists, who Klaus Schwab so adores. BTW, he has said that his Great Reset must include elements of Marxism. Well of course it must! Then there were the tests for the virus, first the PCR test, which produced around 95% false positives, as if there could even be a valid positive. When that was discredited they came out with the antigen test, which when I looked into it does the very same thing as the PCR test, so it’s just a rebranding of that. All of this with the approach of our general election here in the states, and as we know the Left and the globalists were desperate to bring down Trump. The scamdemic gave them the means to do that with multiple means of cheating and hiding their cheating. I knew at the outset I was never taking the jab or their bogus tests, and I remain unjabbed and untested. I have still yet to see that anyone anywhere has ever isolated the alleged virus, there is no electron micrograph of it anywhere, nor will there ever be, you are not allowed to question it. I’ve lost friends for my views on this, and one man I worked with for years got his first Moderna booster and was dead 3 days later. Now they are putting the mRNA “vaccine* in our food too. They are deadly serious about reducing the global population to a more manageable number of serfs, owning the world and assuming godhood over us, as the livestock they manage at their pleasure.

Oh, and I mistyped my name and cannot change it, it’s Martina Vaslovik

Apr 9, 2023 7:26 AM

Spin us a Yeadon took over a year and half to come to that conclusion.

May 20, 2023 8:13 PM
Reply to  fertility

slow learning dr.

Apr 8, 2023 1:11 PM

This is probably your most important article on covid. As biotech engineer I agree with Michael completely, but let me add an additional layer: the ‘there is no such thing as a virus’ crowd. There are some guys in the ‘truth’ community very aggressively pushing the idea that ‘there are no viruses at all. The incessant emphatic and often belligerent attitude of its proponents, added to the curious personalities of its main figures let me to the same conclusions than Mike. The normies believe the lab leak, the injudicious ‘truthers’ believe no viruses exist at all. Looks like both narratives are ushered to hide that covid never existed at all. Further to consider that apparently several governments have been requested to, and failed to provide proof of the existence of SARS-CoV2. Even FDA said they never had access to an isolated virus (lost the link), and that there was only two partial sequences, one from Canada and one from China, and the rest of the sequence competed in silico (made up). The story predates the current Fauci scandal, and goes back to Li-meng Yan. So, when I started to listen to those resolute adamant definitive declarations that no virus at all exists, it made me conclude what Mike concludes here.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 8, 2023 2:35 PM
Reply to  lucis

Great comment, thanks. A2

les online
les online
Apr 8, 2023 12:02 PM

Tell me
The Difference Between
“It Doesnt Matter”:and
“The Science Says”…
And why Lockdowns
and ‘Lockdown Your Brain’
are so remarkably the same…

Apr 8, 2023 11:43 AM

Ever feel like arguments are being rehearsed for a debate that’s done, if ever started, as reality is rushed along by the reset? What’s up next? Hard to keep up. 9/11 redux: another conspiracy theory laid to rest. The virus that never was, indeed.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Apr 8, 2023 11:38 AM

What gets me is when this Covid Hoax came along is why people believed it.
It was only ten years since they were investigating the 2009 bird flu and swine flue hoax.
Do they not remember being told that this was going to kill us all.
I remember a news reporter telling me that by August tens of thousands could be dead.
Not that I believed them I remembered this from the BBC
There were also other lies about pandemics and crazy predictions from Neil Ferguson in between.
There is saying lie to me once shame on you , lie to me twice shame on me.
Yet no matter how many times people are lied to they still fall for it time and time again.
I call it the goldfish memory that they rely on to get away with there scams.

Apr 8, 2023 10:40 AM

Dr Yeadon,

Your words (videoed in your garage I believe) early on in the plandemic were entirely consistent with my gut feelings at the time that the entire thing was a preplanned outrage and we now know a monstrous crime. Your understanding evolved as more and more of the unbelievable truth came out and has also been totally consistent and reliable. That includes your conclusion summarised in this essay. Many thanks indeed and I am certain that one day your words and refusal to be silenced will be fully recognised. I won’t forgive the individuals who participated in what is likely the greatest crime against humanity every perpetrated, and I won’t forget those who spoke out against it. You were probably the earliest person with insider knowledge that I can recall, and it was a very important statement in frightening and bewildering weeks and months. I thank you.

Apr 8, 2023 6:44 AM

Norman Tebbit once said, “That’s all right as long as government is benign”. I can’t remember where or when he said it or what the discussion was about, but I clearly remember him saying it. I suppose it was one of those moments of intensity that writers talk about. Of all people, I thought at that time and it depends on what one considers benign.

It seems to me now, after this test of hoi polloi compliance, that some people – many, in fact too many, in my view – will go along with anything that people they perceive as official tell them to do. I often wonder if we’ve just witnessed a global type of Milgram experiment. Maybe we should see this as a crossroads in human history: Does sovereignty lie with the people or not? If it lies with the people, it’s like a garden which can sustain us in many ways, albeit needing constant care and attention. Otherwise, it will end up like a midden. Are we sovereign individuals or do we just follow the herd? Dr. Yeadon has shown his true colours these past few years.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 8, 2023 4:01 AM

Has anyone posted the link to La Quinta Columna’s conference where Ricardo shows the contents of not only convid vaxs under a microscope in real time but others too including local dental anaesthetics. It’s truly horrific but the poet Aaron Garcia Peña’s speech at the end is the first uplift of hope I’ve had in years.

Highly recommend (I dont post links so I hope its ok like this)

Apr 8, 2023 2:51 AM

The bioweapon is the cure, not the disease.