JFK 60 Years On – Inside OffG’s Archive
Kit Knightly

Today marks 60 years since the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, and the last of any worth or note.
There is the expected flow of official story reinforcement, a dabble of sentiment, a little bit of “new evidence” which handily backs up the Warren findings.
Alt-media channels were even subject to it, with one “red pill” going around claiming “Oswald’s handler” was an Israeli and Jack Ruby was Jewish, which means Israel killed Kennedy. Factless nonsense, seeking to both reinforce the lie that Oswald was the shooter and tar JFK truthers with the antisemitism brush.
Mainstream articles try to tie Oswald to Cuba or the USSR, securing the decades-old fallback that “the commies did it!” and casting any US cover-up as an attempt to avoid a nuclear war.
That or they just flatly assert lies older than the brainless husks repeating them, like this one in TIME, where their “history reporter” doesn’t even mention the Church committee finding of “probable conspiracy”.
These are trifling attempts at propaganda, to be honest, listless and impotent, barely worth acknowledging let alone responding to. There’s no point in arguing with the authors because these are neither opinions they hold nor facts they’ve learned, they are hard-wired beliefs. Coded assumptions on which they build their model of reality.
You’ll never convince them to change their mind, their programming won’t allow it.
The truth is the argument is over and we won, the media will just never admit it. As I wrote in my anniversary post last year…
Let the media tell their empty stories to their dwindling readership, let their aging lies echo forever in hollow headlines. None of us believe them. We all know what really happened, and we always have.
Just as we did this past 9/11 anniversary we are putting together a reference page for all our JFK content.
This is a pet subject of mine, and I have written a long-form article, JFK and the War on Our Heroes as well as shorter pieces over the years.
The late Graeme MacQueen wrote a fine article for the 55th anniversary, detailing just three of myriad problems with the Warren Report’s “official explanation”.
For historical and political context, we have pieces on JFK and Indonesia, how US foreign policy changed after his death and his struggles against the US military-industrial complex while in office.
If you’re interested in reviews or recommendations for further reading and/or watching we have reviews of James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable, Oliver Stone’s JFK – Destiny Betrayed and The Assassination and Mrs Paine, all by regular contributor Edward Curtin.
James Corbett has done excellent open-source documentaries on the so-called assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, the files released by the Pentagon in 2017, and much more.
The old series The Men Who Killed Kennedy has dated badly in some areas, and heads down blind alleys in some ways, but is worth watching for anyone interested in the case.
When it comes to mainstream entertainment, there is Oliver Stone’s 1991 masterpiece JFK, and then there is daylight. Then there’s 2000’s Thirteen Days, about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and then there is more daylight.
A worthy double bill, neither of which has featured in our OffG Recommends series yet, but both almost certainly will if the world would stop with the calamities for five minutes and give me time to get some writing done.
You can browse our entire JFK archive HERE.
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Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Hello Everyone,
We appreciate the team and founders of this prolific and important website
We appreciate each and every commentator for your courageous points of view and your fierce belief systems
Let us continue to be guided by TRUTH and by the Extraordinary wisdom in the compelling body of work from Graeme MacQueen, Ted, Ed, Kit and so many, many others who selflessly give of themselves for the Greater Good
Together We Can Make Real Change!
In Solidarity
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
Wise words and good sentiments. And as the man said: “Every man can make a difference. And everyone should try”. Offguardian was firstly a haven for those whose comments were not allowed on the Grauniad. Just as in the Covid psyop, we found our own tribe of fellow thinkers, all decent, intelligent and delightfully eccentric – ergo they are independent minds who don’t need the herd’s approval. When once we thought we were all alone with our doubts, only to find there were thousands of us. We few, we happy few.
Thank you for your Conscience.
100% on Point!
The Secret Service Stand-Down
The agents protecting the rear of the presidential limo were ordered to break with standard procedure.
it was the HSCA that concluded JFK was probabky killled by a conspiracy, not the Church Committee
They are the same thing, genius.
“The Church Committee (formally the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) ….”
The Sins of the Father
The killing of JFK was a Kabbalistic slaying. Consequently, rather than looking for causal events during his presidency, it’s likely he was allowed to become president just so they could perform the ritual.
Although I think the umbrella was a symbolic calling card – indicating the who and why – I disagree with Guyénot over the notion that coincidence could be ruled out over the degree of improbability. If we assume Witt’s story to be correct, the point of the umbrella protest was to be clearly visible to JFK as the limo drove passed. Standing in Dealey Plaza next to the road, and away from the crowds, would be an appropriate place – and there were probably only a few places which were equally appropriate. Consequently, the chances of being there or thereabouts by coincidence may be as high as one-in-ten.
The Umbrella Man, the Sins of the Father, and the Kennedy Curse
Laurent Guyénot
November 22, 2019
I first heard of the so-called “Umbrella Man” from a commenter to my unz.com article “Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?” (thanks again). It is one of the most puzzling pieces in the JFK assassination file. An intriguing introduction to it is this short interview of Josiah Thompson filmed by Errol Morris for the New York Times, on the 48th anniversary of his death (see below).
This film is interesting because, besides presenting the facts accurately, it illustrates the kind of “cognitive dissonance” they can produce, leading reasonable people to believe an implausible but harmless and comforting explanation, rather than a more logical but deeply disturbing one. In that case, it seems that normally programmed brains will reject vigorously, as unspeakable and therefore unthinkable on the conscious level, the notion that John Kennedy’s assassination can possibly have anything to do with his father’s appeasement policy in 1938, despite the fact that that notion has been deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind through the twin Jewish mythemes of “The Sins of the Father” and “The Kennedy Curse”, as illustrated by those two books [so titled].
The “sins of the father” is a not-so-subtle reference to Exodus 20:5 [opening quote]. Chief among Joe Kennedy’s sins was, of course, that “he was a documented anti-Semite and an appeaser of Adolf Hitler” (publisher’s presentation of Kessler’s book).
The “Kennedy Curse” is a quasi kabalistic attempt to explain how the Kennedys were “on a fatal collision course with reality” because they “made the fatal mistake of thinking of themselves as divine.” By implication, their assassinations are to be blamed on their “self-defeating behavior” (publisher’s presentation of Klein’s book).
Taken together, those twin hasbara refrains evoke a notion of divine punishment. JFK and RFK were punished for the sins of their Jew-hating, Nazi-loving father. Mind you, it was Yahweh who took vengeance, not Israel!
The Umbrella Man fits so perfectly in this mythic narrative! The problem is that myths are not supposed to incarnate themselves so patently in physical reality. The implications are here too disturbing: for no reasonable man can believe that Yahweh supernaturally inspired Louie Steven Witt his “bad joke” (as he called it when interviewed by the special House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978). Then who inspired it?
Such a question is off-limit for Josiah Thompson’s mind. So he simply decided not to see anything “sinister” in the weird fact that he relates. He not only takes Witt’s explanation at face value (“this is just wacky enough, it has to be true!” in other words, credo quia absurdum), but assumes that the strange behavior of the Umbrella Man and JFK’s assassination are unrelated, and happened precisely at the same time and at the same spot by pure quantum physics coincidence.
The Umbrella Man at Dealey Plaza – Kennedy Assassination
Short Film by Errol Morris starring Josiah ‘Tink’ Thompson
Testifying before the HSCA, Witt [the umbrella man] said: “I think if the Guinness Book of World Records had a category for people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing, I would be No. 1 in that position, without even a close runner-up.”
The umbrella man is lying. Whatever you or someone else come up with of stories and conspiracy theories, I will continue the believe Lee Harvey Oswald did it because I believe in my government!
The promise of a peaceful ,democratic, equitable America died the day JFK was assassinated.The CIA irrevocably poisoned the body politic that day.
60% of the Public did not believe the official story at the time of his murder.
A new documentary has just been made;What the Doctors saw.This is a good synopsis :
77 days after JFK was assassinated The Beatles arrive in Amerika on Feb 7, 1964.
No coincidence that phoney “Beatlemania” came along to distract and diffuse the public at large from this world changing event.
Kit, your article is still keeping us behind door #2, the conspiracy to kill JFK. What killing of JFK? where’s the body? Where’s the MSM filming JFK in the best place-Dealey Plaza? Why is the SS running way behind the car and allowing him to be in an open car? Why is JFK in a motorcade to begin with? How can he protect the country if he can’t protect himself? Vietnam was more important than JFK, his faked death put the country in just the right demoralization to let them run full speed into Nam and steal billions from our treasury. JFK just went underground to run the country from Martha’s Vineyard.
He probably went to a pacific island and needed money to live out his days in secret there, ergo skimming some vietnam money.
The first body is buried with an eternal flame above it, you cant fake these things, you can fake the history after it though, but only if the population is gullible enough to believe it, as yours seems to be.
See this
it’s quite clear what happened, and Bobby too.
Its clear to no one, but you.
The Secret War Against the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
Today no war has been declared – and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.
If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger”, then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.
It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions – by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match. . . .
Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war. In times of peace, any discussion of this subject, and any action that results, are both painful and without precedent. But this is a time of peace and peril which knows no precedent in history.
It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second obligation – an obligation which I share. And that is our obligation to inform and alert the American people – to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need, and understand them as well – the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that we face.
The President and the Press
Delivered in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961.
Three questions:
A) Who is the “we”?
B) What and who is the world-wide “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”?
C) Is there a solution to the dilemma described by JFK?
Three good questions which I have also pondered. WE = legitimate authority, opposed by Illegitimate entities, like CIA, WEF, WHO, CFR, MIC, Big Pharma, MSM etc.
The last one is tough. Ultimately, we have to find courage in truth, respect all of Human Life, respect all of God’s creation, live by a moral code. The old Ten Commandments were perhaps an attempt at the answer, but the majority even then worshipped a golden calf. Whether complete fiction, there is great insight into the Human condition.
Thank you!
My answers (which I’ll discuss later) are largely based around the understanding of human nature that’s presented in the following talk by Bill Cooper.
Bill Cooper
Hour of the Time
“I Have Had It – Enough of This”
On the gradual realisation and acceptance that the masses are not interested in “waking up”.
Sep 27, 1995
YT Channel: AWResistance
The monolithic and ruthless conspiracy are the banksters.
A) Who is the “we”?
The “we” implied in JFK’s speech consists of the people who value freedom, truth and independence of mind. They are the people who Bill Cooper thought he was addressing when he originally provided truthful and pertinent information regarding the reality of government and society. However, as noted in his broadcast (#707), Cooper later discovered that such people are a small minority of the population.
Most of the people who have ever fought for truth and freedom were really concerned about some special interest. For instance, they wanted to practice their own religion, but had little problem with imposing that religion on other people.
B) What and who is the world-wide “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”?
It includes the ultra-wealthy families and globalist bankers (i.e. the Illuminati or whatever name they go by). But it also includes a vast army of little helpers – most of whom don’t consider themselves to be part of a Satanic hierarchy. These are also described by Cooper and hinted at by JFK.
C) Is there a solution to the dilemma described by JFK?
The underlying premise of JFK’s speech is that if We The People were to be supplied with the proper information, we’d somehow wake up and demand appropriate change. I suspect that JFK had a similar understanding of human nature as Cooper and therefore considered this premise to be seriously flawed. Consequently, this leads to the subsidiary question:
D) Given the reality of human nature, what sort of change is possible and how can it be effected?
Was it the banksters again?
“On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy with the intention to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. This matter has been exhaustively researched by the Christian Common Law Institute through the Federal Register and Library of Congress, and the Institute has conclude that President Kennedy’s Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.” (JFK vs. Federal Reserve)
No. Check out James Corbett’s explanation of this.
Some documentation could have been altered after signing and Kennedy might not have fully grasped how the chain of docs cancelled each other out or otherwise. If he was killed for taking on the Fed, it would be understandable they’d cover their tracks.
If he was killed b/c he wanted to interfere with the laws of nature, that its self would cover some tracks.
NOV 23. 2023 to NOV 22, 1963
Thankyou for this article KIT and for all the very.important and crucial links to the Murder of our Beloved President John Kennedy especially the article by Graeme MacQueen and others who nail the SHAM Warren Commission Report which we all know was committed by our depraved US Government CIA etc etc.
New Feature Documentary by Barbara Shearer “What the Doctors Saw” is fiercely compelling and points to two bullets coming from two directions and more etc
I was not yet born when JFK was murdered but many HS named after JFK each year they Honor and Remember JFK with Deep Appreciation and Adoration
A poignant reminder was when JACKIE O cried out “The Government is killing all the Kennedys” she vocalized this Devastating Truth after RFK was also murdered by US Government
Our Government murdered JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King. (Read Graeme’s
Brilliant Analysis) Malcolm X and so many other Notable Names Worldwide and they murdered so many other decent honorable everyday Good Americans
“LET us ALL Continue to EXPOSE the TRUTH to HOLD them ACCOUNTABLE”
In Solidarity
With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
Its NOT a Conspiracy Theory STOP using that Word.
Its PURE Objective Critical Facts and Anyalsis combined with Real Evidence
Dont be a Dumb NUMB American!
Why does my spell check Not work
Correction VIGILANTE
Why did they stop w/bob? If it was a true movement they would have continued the practice, nope, something else was going on, trust me.
“Read Graeme MacQueen Critical Research on MLK “The government that honored him then shot him in the face” the title is not exact but you will see why KFK, RFK, MX, MLK and others were murdered by our own Government, they rarely change their MO, diversions with their main stream media arms aiding and abetting their crimes”
If you want a deeper understanding
King-Kill/ 33:
James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II.
and if you want your mind blow try milesmathis guest author version of the JFK story,
if you want the tesco reduced to clear section on JFK your in the right place. 😂
22 11
like war ended on 11 11
The new alt media lot couldn’t see a pattern if it smashed in the face.
Now, I would think, since almost everybody in the world believes that Oswald didn’t do it, then the JFK conspiracy theory must be a false flag–because, by definition, everything everybody believes is a false flag–and so Oswald must be the lone shooter, because the conspiracy theory is a conspiracy to make us believe conspiracy theories.
I mean, this is the logic of the last 20 articles–that whatever people believe is wrong and the opposite is true. Or something like that.
But surely you’re not trying to say that the mainstream supports the lone shooter theory. Not for the last 20 years or so. I would say that the conspiracy theory is the mainstream theory. And so the non-conspiracy theory must be the truth.
Now I’ve confused myself. Thank goodness nobody else is confused on here!
The never ending “whys” are confusing enough.
An addendum for my “pending” comment (first time for me in “Pending”): the Zionist connection was starkingly obvious in the neo-cons and Zelikow in particular. Zelikow is the genius who conceived of 9/11 and then was put in charge of the “Investigation”. Zelikow cut his teeth in his fraudulent ‘editing’ of the Kennedy tapes. His thesis was on the creation of myths but sadly – for him – his fingerprints are everywhere.
To add to that list, Mr. Knightly, the movies –
“Executive Action” made in the early 70s, about the assassination planning of a President (obviously Kennedy) Very very eery. Produced by industry people that did not believe the official story. Unbelievabley blatant. You’d never get it made today.
“Seven Days in May”. Great movie with Burt Lancaster, Frederick March, Kirk Douglas, based on the book with same title, written by a Washington journalist who knew all the insiders in Kennedy’s administration. This is the book Kennedy, himself, talked about, and was excited when told about the forthcoming movie.
They had to pull commercials for the movie because it was to open just around the time of the assassination.
James Corbett talks about the movie at length, with clips, in his recent JFK Lancer talk, which is featured on his website. Good stuff.
Of course there are the other chestnuts, “Parallex View” and “Three Days of the Condor”. The older I get the spookier these movies seem. So prescient.
President Kennedy never foresaw that the chickens would come home to roost so soon, Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they always made me glad. — Malcolm X
Another Emperor done in by his fellow warmongers, war profiteers, and war criminals.
Same shyte. Different day.
Next news…
Prescient remark by Mr. X.
Where one stands on the JFK Assassination is the ultimate Litmus Test of integrity and OffGuardian passes with flying colours. However, I would keep an open mind on the Zionist links as suggested by the Guyenot film. There was one part in Jim Douglass’ “JFK & The Unspeakable” which springs to mind: when the Kennedy family were left to wait several hours on the 8th floor (?) of the Bethesda Naval Hospital during the ‘autopsy’, one staffer bizarrely reminded them that it was from there that James Forrestal had ‘leapt’ to his death. James Forrestal (as I recall) was no ‘friend of Israel’ and became convinced that he was being followed by Mossad agents. It is an obscure link I admit. However, who actually runs the CIA aka Capitalism’s Invisible Army? I always thought it was the CFR, but who runs that? Ultimately it is Big Business and Bankers so presumably the notorious Rothschilds, founders of the original Zionist movement. As another commenter also pointed out, JJ Angleton was a Mossad mole. And Silverstein owned the WTC.
On a final note, before we all get too forlorn about the Kennedy assassinations, just recall that JFK did not live in vain: he saved the world from nuclear war in 1962 and that ought to be his epitaph. “One man can make a difference, and everyone should try”. I believe that Kit (and his team) have and are making a huge difference. Venceremos
Good comment, but 9/11 and Covid are at least as important in terms of litmus tests, which OffG also pass easily.
Agreed. However, because of my understanding of the way things are (cemented finally by James Douglass’ “Unsspeakable”) I have more critical antennae. I had no thoughts on 9/11 until Kim Hill (Radio NZ) excoriated the gentle and polite architect founder of AE911. It was her venomous attempt to silence him which caught my attention i.e. no smoke without fire. Covid was a cakewalk: when my late wife told me about people dropping dead in the streets in China. I asked her, in all her nursing career, had she heard of any illness which acts faster than a bullet and conveniently, on camera? Returning to JFK and the Establishment cover up these last 60 years is the best history lesson available. As Henry Ford said: History is Bunk.
Thank you for your Conscience and keep Up that Critical Antenna!
For more on the Zionist connection to JFK assassination, see this reporting by Sam Husseini:
I was in the W,ai rose supermarket on Chiswick High Road, and somebody started shouting ‘Kennedy’s been shot,’ I can’t remember what I felt, but maybe surprise.
I was getting ready for work & had the radio on.
“Shots rang out; the motorcade sped on.”
–Oh for heaven’s sake, some crazy Texan firing a gun in the air, I thought.
“It’s reported there was blood on the president’s head.”
–Oh, please dear God, don’t let it have been a Negro that did it. (We were right in the middle of the civil rights struggle.)
I was already politically awake, political conspiracy was a common and unashamed belief.
In company with many others, by the time of the announcement of John Kennedy’s death, all our suspicions of the CIA and TPTB had come forward.
No one believed Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole assassin; rather we chose to believe he was the patsy. When Jack Ruby killed Oswald, belief in conspiracy became nearly universal.
When Ruby was incarcerated virtually incommunicado & died of a “fast acting cancer” the belief in conspiracy among the public hardened.
Only Dorothy Kilgallen got in to see Ruby and they killed her– but that’s another story.
I suppose there’s no one who fails to remember what he was doing at the moment of the murder of our last real president.
Fourth grade. Had just returned from lunch.
Sister Angelita, the principal, tore open the classroom door
“Sister, put the television on, the President has been assassinated!”
I looked over at Jimmy, the boy sitting in the next aisle
“What’s “assassinated”?”
“He got killed!” He either said “stupid”, or just looked at me like I was. Meanie.
My dad was a tough tough labor union guy. A democrat through and through.
I saw him cry twice in my life. Kennedy’s funeral was the first. Sitting on the hassock in front of the TV.
I cry now. 60 years later.
A bullet in broad daylight. WIth his wife beside him.
They were telling us pure and simple. We are in charge. NO ONE is expendable.
Nothing’s changed.
“how US foreign policy changed after his death.”
In fact, its most basic features did NOT change. JFK’s foreign policy team, namely foreign policy advisers McGeorge and William Bundy (both brothers had been JFK friends since childhood), and George Ball, Sec of State Dean Rusk of the Rockefeller Foundation, Sec of Defense Robert McNamara, former chair of Ford, all of them members of the Council on Foreign Relations, all stayed on. Somehow the policy changed? US policy toward the Soviet Union did not change, the detente continued, though it encountered a big pothole in October ’64 when Khrushchev was ousted by Leonid Brezhnev, but the latter eventually resumed course and was to meet with Richard Nixon in 1972, opening things up big time.
Brazil’s leftist government was overthrown in April ’64, a project initiated under JFK, and the Alliance for Progress/AID, with its financing of police training and funding of anti-central government state governors, coordinated by the likes of Dan Mitrione, CIA agent/AID official. This was thanks to John McCone, the CIA chief selected by JFK, upon the advice of brother Bobby. Indonesia’s president Sukarno, whom JFK hated (per Bobby) was overthrown in October ’65., after years of CIA planning. US policy toward Europe, Africa,…. did not change.
Vietnam? Yeah, JFK realized that it wasn’t crucial for the Empire, didn’t wanna get involved, while a faction of the ruling elite did want that, and acted to remove him, aided by Cuban exiles whom he pissed off and the Chicago mob, which pulled muscle to get him elected by winning Illinois for him in 1960, a favor to his dad, their friend, only to have him and Bobby go after the Mob once in office. A small change in the overall details.
Last thing we need today is more Kennedy mythology. We see how the latest incarnation, RFK Jr, who was being promoted on this page, is an adherent of Israel’s genocide, lauding the Zionist entity as “America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East, waging our fight against BRICS.”
And just wait till Jimmy Carter croaks 🙄 He’ll get the same mythological makeover.
It only shows, that neither the Emperor, nor Empire, has any clothes.
How can there be a “faction of the ruling elite” when they’re all in it together?
They’re all pursuing the goal of maximum accumulation of their own chunks of capital. They cooperate when it suits them, especially in repressing the working class on a global level and national levels as well, while keeping sharpened knives in their back pockets for situations in which their interests clash.
On a global level, that’s how WWI and WWII happened. You don’t think the elites of the warring sides worked together very well till the start of the shooting, and in many ways even during it? Same thing happens at each national level as well. There was a faction of the elite which was heavily invested in the military production sector, and didn’t care so much about the careful globalization efforts being made by the likes of JFK.
And so, what, then? The elite are all in it together only they’re not? Or the elite are not all in it together only they are? I’m confused again. Good thing nobody else is confused.
You’ve never heard of contradictions? Seriously? Ever read the book Trading With The Enemy, Charles Higham, 1982, about US corporate trade with Germany up to and during WWII, while at the same time American planes were dropping bombs in Germany and US ground forces were fighting German ones en masse? Likewise the UK. A gang of rapists are in it together, but quite ready for knife fights to determine the order in which members get to go.
“The Corrupt Protect the Corrupt”
Including the “New Frontier.”
We know what happened and who did it; they know we know, but can’t admit it. So the mockingbird charade continues.
‘Operation Mockingbird’
Yeah.Jackie did it.
Poor Jackie. She fled the USA to marry Onassis
Was he her protector in those turbulent times, she may well have had nobody here with enough clout to Shield her from bullets Etc?
There is a woman behind every incident. A man’s world wouldnt be killed into nothing without a woman or a girl.
Reacting without acting, to their constant stream of calamity, war on all fronts, exterior and interior, is what keeps them manufacturing calamity. Their life blood.
Some fun for coincidence theorists:
1) The phrase “grassy knoll” appears in ‘Alice through the Looking Glass’. (I trust everyone is well aware that those books are not just harmless children’s entertaiment by now).
2) It’s common knowledge that two famous writers, Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis, died on 22/11/63. Also dying on that day (if in a different year) was writer Richard Connell, author of ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ where the elite hunt human prey.
3) The first Moors Murder occurred the day after the JFK assassination.
I also recommend checking out the Frank Sinatra film ‘Suddenly’. Not only does it show the President assassinated by rifle-fire at distance but it contains the murder on the street of a police officer. The film’s other main lead actor Sterling Hayden had been in the OSS.
This appears to be the first major “Nov 22” event – and it includes elements of the “curse” and “sins of the father”.
Pastoralis praeeminentiae was a papal bull issued by Pope Clement V on 22 November 1307 to all Christian monarchs. It ordered the arrest of all Knights Templar and to seize their properties on behalf of the church. Clement was forced to support the campaign against the Templars by Philip IV of France, who owed them a great deal of money and had initiated the first arrests against the Templars on 13 October 1307.[1]
Despite the papal request, not all the monarchs complied immediately, most notably, Edward II of England who at first refused to believe the allegations, but later carried out the order.
Following the arrests, a period of trials was sanctioned against the Templars, enforced by torture and pain-induced confessions.
Philip IV (April–June 1268 – 29 November 1314), called Philip the Fair (French: Philippe le Bel), was King of France from 1285 to 1314.
In 1306 Philip expelled the Jews from France, followed by the total destruction of the Knights Templar the next year in 1307.
Philip was substantially in debt to the Knights Templar, a monastic military order whose original role as protectors of Christian pilgrims in the Latin East had been largely replaced by banking and other commercial activities by the end of the 13th century.[39] As the popularity of the Crusades had decreased, support for the military orders had waned, and Philip used a disgruntled complaint against the Knights Templar as an excuse to move against the entire organization as it existed in France, in part to free himself from his debts.
His final year saw a scandal amongst the royal family, known as the Tour de Nesle affair, in which King Philip’s three daughters-in-law were accused of adultery. His three sons were successively kings of France: Louis X, Philip V, and Charles IV. Their rapid successive deaths without surviving sons of their own would compromise the future of the French royal house, which had until then seemed secure, precipitating a succession crisis that would eventually lead to the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453).
Philip suffered a cerebral stroke during a hunt at Pont-Sainte-Maxence (Forest of Halatte),[47] and died a few weeks later, on 29 November 1314, at Fontainebleau, [aged 46].
Discussed here:
‘The Huxley’s Brave New World Order’ [Series 1]
Ep1 Echoes of the Huxley’s Sheep Farm Meet The Flockers
Sheep Farm Studios
Premiered Apr 5, 2023
Series 1 is in 4 episodes. Series 1 is an introduction of sorts and not specifically about the Huxley family rather series 1 shows the synchronicities and links back to the various Huxley’s and population changing events. There will be 4 2hr+ Episodes released in two formats as ‘Podumentary Presentations’ [YouTube/Rumble] and Podcasts [www.sheepfarm.co.uk]
In Ep1 Echoes of the Huxley’s will discuss the connection between the first summer of love in 1967 and the second summer of love between 1988-89 in the UK, the use of LSD & MDMA/ecstasy and their use in mind control. We will also cover the use of symbology that was used like the Smiley Face, used in many influential cultural changes, like Nirvana, The Watchman & Emoji’s.
We look at significant happenings on the 22nd November, like Blackbeard the Pirate’s death, Margret Thatcher loses power and many more. The rise of the Fabian Society with founding links in the Huxley family.
sheepfarm. funny guys
History is fun!
And so, did Philip the Fair employ Huxleys? Or did Huxleys employ Philip the Fair? I’m confused again. Good thing nobody else is.
‘Factless nonsense‘ – you mean Jacob Rubinstein wasn’t Jewish?
Well thanks for at least explaining why we should never expect any real insight into the numerous Zionist connections around the Kennedy assassination – from Lyndon Johnson (whose mother was Jewish) to Dimona and Ben Gurion, Arlen Spector, Mark Lane, Cyril Wecht, Permindex and all points in between.
Just more distraction away from who were the real perps similar to 911 and its ‘truth community’ who just like JFK researchers will tolerate any outlandish theories as long as thet don’t mention any with connections to a little country everyone willingly ignores.
Or possibly the Israel/9-11 connection was itself a distraction? The biggest taboo, receiving the least coverage in official and officially-unofficial circles to my mind, has always been that it was an inside job, which it simply must have been once you review the evidence. If we’re claiming Israel can infiltrate the US to such a degree then, really, we’re blurring sovereign boundaries so much what even IS the ‘US’ that people refer to as being ‘infiltrated’? A2
Its a fair question perhaps but only to those who believe they live in a ‘democracy’.
Israel has run the ME state dept. for years. Bibi is on record as are other Zionist leaders documenting how they control US policy. In whose interest was it to fight 7 wars in 5 years and now itching to get involved with Iran? Certainly not the average American.
You would have to be myopic to think otherwise.
As to the degree we can only speculate but what other nation could launch an violent attack on a US navy vessel, murder its sailors attempt to sink it and not only would the US ignore it but willingly cover it up?
Who could get away with stealing nuclear materials then lie about it and still not suffer no sanctions? The one thing Israel isn’t is accountable and that alone illustrates the extraordinary power it has.
Interesting that it was Mr Johnson as President and from a prominent Zionist family who covered up the USS Liberty attack for which no one was ever prosecuted. He actually having an affair with a member of the Irgun at one point.
Its clear and has been documented by Quigley, Sutton and many others that a transnational level exists far above any normal ‘democratic process’ and arguably always has been. The rest is window dressing for the masses.
Perhaps that was the conspiracy Kennedy was referring to in his speech to the Press Association in ’61?
Or possibly it involves people of many nationalities and religions.
Cuban CIA assetts and riflemen.
Italian mafia and hitmen
Israeli officials not happy about Dimona
Texas oilmen, down home Christians, who just hated the Kennedy’s.
Lemay, Leminster, Dulles, et al.
It was a united nations of not nice people..
You jogged my memory I wrote this probably 1980 and we used to do it with 2 of my bands. It was a bit wasted on your average West Country disco-type audience. I used to announce it as ‘Three Political Assassinations in Four Verses.’
‘Dealey Plaza Blues.’
Yes, it sounds more appropriate to the sixties than the 80’s.
What a performance. Thanks!
OK so here is the electric version of ‘God and Mom and Apple Pie.’ (1979) I refused to sell the song to quite a few people. It’s the reverse of ‘Dealey Plaza’ in that it’s primarily an acoustic number. You can find that on my channel, and quite a lot of other things too.
The US is an Israeli satellite. Sovereign boundaries my foot.
AIPAC. NUMEC AFFAIR. USS Liberty. Mossad’s March for Israel Rally,Washington DC. Biden: “He has Israel in his heart. He actually gets it. He gets Israel.”
Get it Sam?
I don’t quite get it, no. Doesn’t quite add up for me. Seems a little pat. People say Israel is a US satellite, and others say the US is an Israeli satellite.
Israel is a convenient whipping boy for London and Washington.
Like the Doos during history only were allowed certain jobs as tax collectors, issuer of usury loans, gold and diamond traders, slave traders, whipping boys for the British Royalty, to free first of all The European Royalties for guilt when their own populations got angry on the too heavy taxes and too inhuman conditions.
All dirt London and Washington do in ME are done with Israel as middleman and blamed on Israel.
“Liberty” killing American Navy servicemen was done by Israel after order from Washington.
The 200 Israeli bombing of Syria per year are done after order from US/UK.
In exchange Israel get sacks of money, weapons and “safety” from their superiors.
Its too complex to grow into the religious side of it, but generally its convenient for coward populations too, to have a vulnerable scapegoat.
Otherwise they should face the reality that it is their own Royals and their own leaders who are exploiting them and killing them.
‘By their actions ye shall know them.’
Howzabout Israel employed the US to do it? That covers both bases.
Kit Knightly writes:
This paragraph must be written by someone who either hasn’t studied the Israel hypothesis, or someone who has, but for whatever reason wants to misrepresent it. Either way, for a ‘pet project’ it shows poor form to say the least.
As mentioned elsewhere already in the comments today (and many times under previous JFK articles here) Piper’s book is free to read at Unz Review for anyone who is not put off by Kit’s accusation of ‘factless nonsense’. Laurent Guyenot has picked up where Piper left off and produced a book and film (watchable on Rumble, ‘Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedy Brothers’).
It is fair enough if one doesn’t agree with this particular theory, but any time someone writes off a theory a priori with broad brush denunciations like this it raises a red flag for (and should for anyone). There should at least be page in the archive explaining where Kit disagrees with the theory and refutes the evidentiary trail which claims to support it.
Why not link to it. You could link to Piper’s evidence. It’s very easy to say ‘go read the book’, I’d say a trifle lazy. Many a time I’ve ploughed through a 60 page ‘Covid’ study because someone said ‘go read this, all the answers to your covid doubts are there’.
It’s definitely good form to share our acquired knowledge generously, rather than treat it as some right of passage, or a medal worn by the most widely read. Therefore, please be more specific. If it’s free, you can link to pages, or even quote from it here. Let’s give to the community, help them judge for themselves. Thank you. A2
Link to Unz page (seen BTL at Offg many times):
It is a thirty plus year old book that has had several updated versions, so hardly a recently circulating meme, as Kit seems to suggest. It is a book length argument, so as I would say to anyone in challenging the Oswald theory to ‘go read a book’ I feel justified to say the same here. Its called studying the subject and prevents people from cherry picking or making misrepresentations , like Kit has done here in this article.
Also of note, Martin Sandler talking about his book which looks at the JFK letters (‘ The Letters of John F Kennedy) said,
‘I will tell you that I found articles, not in any crackpot publication but in very sophistiacted publications saying, forget Lyndon Johnson, forget the CIA, forget Fidel Castro, the Mossad killed Kennedy because they were so upset about what he did to Ben Gurion’
Sandler’s study of JFK’s letters would seem to corroborate Piper’s theory.
Link to short clip of Sandler including this quote.
Guyenot’s film:
The believers believe and the non believers don’t believe, and never the twain shall meet.
Until _ _ _ mortality threatens.
Knightly writes:
“Factless nonsense, seeking to both reinforce the lie that Oswald was the shooter and tar JFK truthers with the antisemitism brush.
Oh really? Knightly can go off and watch Laurent Guyenot’s
and then come back and repeat the bit about “factless nonsense.”
But he should also have a look at why James Jesus Angleton of CIA got such praise from Israel at his death or how it was that the producer of the Oliver Stone JFK film that Knightly appears to venerate was none other than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnon_Milchan.
And that it just where the “circumstantial evidence” starts.
But the point of running a limited hangout called: “rogue elements alone of the US govt did it” for 60 years now is to keep the perps concealed.
Sad how both Kennedy Truthers and 9/11 Truthers (except Christopher Bollyn, but after having his arm broken for him, he fled the USA) have so much blue and white wool over their eyes.
As if the Lavon Affair of 1956, (among many others, some revealed by Mossad man Viktor Ostrovsky in his books 30 years back) had never happened.
The Israel/Jewish connection is the missing piece of the puzzle that Kitt wants to avoid. He should also read Mike Pipers book – Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy.
Not to mention the Dancing Doos in a street nearby just after the assassination.
Every MSM article, Interview of Fire Brigades, alternative media have been suppressed and eye witnesses have been silenced of this fact!
Everybody who cant see this connection are duffers.
Your sarc is vicious, sir. 😅
https://www.bitchute.com/video/PHvOLv5hzDeC/ can’t see that one
‘The Russians did it!”
red heads did it you nose those pesky folks
the oirish
just kidding
khazarian mafia via permindex or permendex
It was Corbyn, stoopid. 😉
Didn’t see this comment when I posted. I have made basically the same points above.
50 reasons for 50 years is a good collection of jkf info I always thought free on utube too
just my opinion
More Limited Hangout
I would recommend again Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgement though his analysis is incomplete. The bankster’s hatred of the Kennedy clan started with Joe Kennedy sr’s opposition to the bankster’s WW2. It is a victory for the bankster’s that Joe’s grandson has turned into a warmonger supporting the merciless ethnic cleansing of the region they decided was theirs.
yes sir that is all you need to read
everything else is zion wind and fog
Joe Sr favored Hitler, that’s why his opposition. He himself was deeply tied to the banksters.