WATCH: Identifying State Crimes Against Democracy in Real Time

Kevin Ryan joins host Piers Robinson to discuss the definitions of  “Structual Deep Events” and “state crimes against democracy” (SCADs), the tell-tale signs common to incidents from 9/11 to Covid and the October 7th Hamas attack, as well as how to categorize different types of SCAD.

Most importantly, Ryan discusses how these signs can help spot a SCAD unfolding in real time.

This is one section of a three-hour symposium Genocide and Empire co-hosted by the International Centre for 911 Justice and UKColumn, and you can watch the entire programme here, or in separate parts here.
Kevin Ryan is a chemist, former laboratory director, and prominent voice in the 9/11 Truth movement. You can read more his work at his blog. You can also watch his testimony to the Toronto Hearings on 9/11 here, his video on the parallels between 9/11 and Covid here and his interview as part of our Covid19/11 series here.


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Categories: 9/11, coronavirus, latest, video
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Shire Watch
Shire Watch
Jan 26, 2024 3:28 PM

How about all the state crimes against farmers by the state and corporate powers bankrupting them and driving them off the land on the basis of the CO2 hoax & the alleged cow fart peril.

Look at what is happening in Germany with the protests or has this site like other so-called “independent” media sites turned into government-shill sites?

Search on bitchute under “German farmers”.

Jan 26, 2024 6:15 AM

This one goes out to the “Researchers” amongst us

MAY 2, 2022
Acting on Common Knowledge. #SITREP situation Report. “Of Course its true , This time out Loud”!

The story is not who owns Twitter or free speech its about using data as a prompter or manipulator of human actions.

The internet has become a huge exercise in forum sliding.

Jan 25, 2024 4:00 AM

Without the legal structure of our country we’re just refugees. The most important site on the internet, IMHO:

Fits nicely w this off-g article.

Jimmie Joe
Jimmie Joe
Jan 25, 2024 2:53 AM

German farmers block traffic for a week because they are being deprived of 0.9 (!) billion euros. The protest is kept quiet by the media. Ethiopia is treating itself to one of the most expensive government palaces in the world. When asked why the African country is still being supported with German funds in this case, the German Development Ministry has a snotty answer at the ready.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has defended the aid provided to Ethiopia to support the supposedly beleaguered country. The landlocked East African country should continue to receive funds from Germany, the ministry said in response to a question from MP Joana Cotar (non-party, German mother, Romanian father).


The parliamentarian had asked the ministry for a statement because it had become known that Ethiopia is having a government palace built for around ten billion dollars, which would correspond to around two thirds of the country’s annual state budget. Almost no other country has spent so much on such a building.

The palace is to be built on an area roughly the size of 500 soccer pitches. This would make it larger than Windsor, the White House, the Kremlin and the Forbidden City combined, Cotar pointed out. In addition to residential complexes, conference halls and artificial lakes, the plans also include a zoo. The construction of the palace is considered a prestige project by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. According to him, it will be financed by national and international donations.

The former AfD politician had asked the Ministry of Development whether they planned to maintain the payment of around two billion euros in aid in view of the construction of the ostentatious-looking seat of government. The Ministry’s response: “The German government’s development cooperation is based on long-term objectives and not on headlines.”

The traffic light coalition is keen to help consolidate peace in the African country and counteract further conflicts. It is also important to strengthen Ethiopia’s cohesion.

The development cooperation measures between Germany and Ethiopia include “projects for the modernization and adaptation of agriculture to climate change”, the promotion of the private sector and the business environment as well as more education and social security. The program thus makes an “important contribution to democratic development” in Africa. The German government therefore continues to see the payment of funds as sensible.

Jan 25, 2024 4:25 AM
Reply to  Jimmie Joe

The Ethiopian airline has up-to-date planes. Does it have the business to justify them?

Jimmie Joe
Jimmie Joe
Jan 25, 2024 7:40 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Probably they have even more modern
airplanes than Ryanair in the meantime.


Jan 24, 2024 11:06 PM

Believe in yourself, move on. Happy to hear about CJ.
Just move on, the more we are “told” the outcome lessens our ability to be human. We do not require the permission of others, be it State other.
We need to tell “them” the outcome.
Believe in yourself.
Be well.

Jan 24, 2024 7:41 PM

Once you watch SEPTEMBER CLUES it’s obvious that the media and government are propagating lies and manipulating our reality simply through repetition and CGI altered imagery.

Jan 27, 2024 1:28 PM
Reply to  Researcher

No Planers at Pentagon research from ISGP

Personally, I am fairly persuaded by Dr Judy Woods’s Directed Energy Weapons Theory.
Building 7 Kind of makes the Plane or No Plane thing mute but of course, it is plausible and doable much more convincingly today to boot..

At the end of the Because …” The Media Lies ” ” Because CGI ” or ” Because Free Masonic gatekeeping schill” won’t get any argument home.

Here’s the big takeaway.

“Houston We Have a Problem”

The Power Elite Analysis “Mother Lode”. Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century. An Overview of the Elite Forces Controlling the World Economy by Michael L. Chadwick

– Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century.
An Overview of the Elite Forces Controlling the World Economy
by Michael L. Chadwick

There really is a “world system of financial control in private hands” that is “able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world.” I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs.

“Michael Chadwick, Introduction to “Tragedy and Hope”

Appendix B is about”The Official U.S. Treatment of Alexander Solzhenitsyn” On June 30, 1975, Nobel-Prize-winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn, at the invitation of George Meany, President of the AFL-CIO, delivered a speech in Washington, D.C.

“It reminded me of the great joy in reading The Yawning Heights which seemed so in congruence with the Covid 19 narratives of the Response to the 2019.2020 Flu season.

“The experiment was dreamt up by the Institute for theProphylaxis of Stupid Intentions, and carried out under thesupervision of the Brainwashing Laboratory, written up in theFundamental Journal and was supported by an initiative frombelow. The experiment was approved by the Leader, hisDeputies, his Assistants and by everybody else—except for afew holding mistaken opinions. The aim of the experiment was todetect those who did not approve of its being carried out and totake appropriate steps.

“A Must Read.

Jan 29, 2024 2:49 AM
Reply to  roger

ISGP is 100% disinformation. Judy Wood is 100% disinformation. This kind of disinfo is called poisoning the well, or muddying the water.

There’s no nukes, period. she’s there to support fake nukes, and fake deaths on the planes and empty buildings, just like CJ supports fake governments, fake leak orgs, fake imprisonment, fake trials, orchestrated wars, fake candidates; fake voting, fake viruses and fake contagion.

Wood’s faux assistant was involved in a faux shooting psyop. How intellectually deficient do you have to be to believe this laughable garbage?

Don’t respond with more cut and paste disinformation, it was rhetorical. You are the type of disinfo peddlar who thinks (or pretends) mass shootings are all real, and men really walked on the moon.

Jan 31, 2024 7:08 PM
Reply to  Roger

I don’t click your links. You are just another “coincidence theorist”.

PSYOPS cost less $$$. And since the entirety of the privately owned governments are based on racketeering and outright theft, by controlling human behavior through mass mind control – farming humanity then culling humanity – why wouldn’t they run psychological warfare and psychological operations that create more $$$ for THEM and more control for THEM?

A) Less cost, more control and more profit.


B) More cost, less control and less profit.

If you are running an enterprise, business, or an organization which are you going to choose? The answer is always A.

You don’t have an answer for simple logic, because you are a Mason. And as such, you support fraud, pathological lies and outright stupidity.

When the AI and algorithms determine you and your offspring are more money to THEM (the cartel that owns every government corporation) dead, you’ll remember this exchange.

Jan 24, 2024 10:19 AM
Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 24, 2024 9:29 AM

We live quite near a by-pass.

Walking down the road the other day I noticed how high the lamp post are on by-passes.

Mental note to self – excellent sites for gibbets

Jan 25, 2024 4:10 PM

the time approaches, one doth sense . . .

a lot of people have had enough. Yet, they still seem to take it out on each other . . : /

let’s see how Their conscription drive ends ; )

Sal P
Sal P
Jan 24, 2024 4:55 AM

Off-topic but important:


A bit of good news for a change.

Congrats and best wishes to CJ Hopkins.

Jan 24, 2024 5:27 AM
Reply to  Sal P

Acquitted to avoid the ‘oxygen of publicity’ or acquitted because ‘the law is an ass’?

Or both.

Jan 24, 2024 6:47 AM
Reply to  Sal P

I am sure we will hear what happened in the fourth reich (his words) above this line soon.

Well, whatever it is, it surely is a spectacle.
It’s like reading about the primaries
Or like watching road runner.
Or like hearing about the deadly covid
All according to the same playbook where nothing truly happens. It’s a play with a number of stages, but the play never reaches the final stage. Meep meep.

I am sure that Hopkins did not act his play, but he surely was used as such. Good for him that he was acquitted. But bad for him that he was used as an actor. Filthy reich.

Or as Michael Stipe sang:

If you belieeeeve they put a man on the moon, man on the mooooon.

Jan 24, 2024 10:52 AM
Reply to  Willem

I’d call it scripted reality.

Jan 24, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Yeah seems as phony to me as anything I have ever read, anywhere.

Jan 24, 2024 4:12 PM
Reply to  Willem

I guess no one believes anything any more.
One of CJ s best things for me is this with Catherine Austin Fitts
Whichever side I am on I would be happy if CJ, Catherine and John Titus were allies.

Jan 24, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  Roger

3 Masonic controlled opposition together, talking 90% bs and 10% truth. That’s quite the dream team.

Jan 24, 2024 11:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I used to teach an informal course for psychiatric residents in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Palo Alto, trying to get them to think some of the thoughts that are in these essays. They would attend dutifully and even with intense interest to what I was saying, but every year the question would arise after three or four sessions of the class: “What is this course all about?” I tried various answers to this question. Once I drew up a sort of catechism and offered it to the class as a sampling of the questions which I hoped they would be able to discuss after completing the course. The questions ranged from “What is a sacrament?’ to “What is entropy?” and “What is play?” As a didactic maneuver, my cathechism was a failure: it silenced the class. But one question in it was useful: A certain mother habitually rewards her small son with ice cream after he eats his spinach. What additional information would you need to be able to predict whether the child will: a. Come to love or hate spinach, b. Love or hate ice cream, or c. Love or hate Mother? We devoted one or two sessions of the class to exploring the many ramifications of this question, and it became clear to me that all the needed additional information concerned the context of the mother’s and son’s behavior. In fact, the phenomenon of context and the closely related phenomenon of “meaning” defined a division between the “hard” sciences and the sort of science which I was trying to build. Gradually I discovered that what made it difficult to tell the class what the course was about was the fact that my way of thinking was different from theirs. A clue to this difference came from one of the students. It was the first session of the class and I had talked about the cultural differences between England and America—a matter which should always be touched on when an Englishman must teach Americans about cultural anthropology. At the end of the session, one resident came up. He glanced over his shoulder to be sure that the others were all leaving, and then said rather hesitantly, “I want to ask a question.” “Yes.” “It’s—do you want us to learn what you are telling us?” I hesitated a moment, but he rushed on with, “Or is it all a sort of example, an illustration of something else?” “Yes, indeed!” But an example of what?
Bateson, foreword An ecology of mind.
Existence is a psyop I guess.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 25, 2024 4:29 AM
Reply to  Roger

Sorry, but the Judge is clear in his final vote: Leftist no vitamine bs.

Jan 25, 2024 7:00 PM
Reply to  Roger

A proud Order Out of Chaos club member. In the military no less. A double dipper. I suggest you use punctuation and paragraphs in the next straw man anecdote.

Jan 25, 2024 8:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Its a cut and paste including punctuation from a book by Gregory bateson.
I think it illustrates the point very well, no strawman intended its a question of context
One mans psyop is another mans Cyclops.

Jan 25, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  Roger

You omitted the link and quotation marks. Aka plagiarism.

So you are an honest dupe, congratulating an unimpeachable, honest dupe who coincidentally happens to be an “award winning” (Mason) playwright, novelist and political satirist.

Nothing’s a psyop unless Roger Says. It’s like Simon Says, but for dupes.

Jan 26, 2024 5:42 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I have concluded that your intention is to engage in disruptive behaviour consistent with forum sliding recommended in various manuals widely available on the internet.
You yourself may well be a perpetrator of psyop type behaviour whether intentionally or through a double bind dilemma through some other system of logic, supported by your world view.
There remains the possibility that you may in fact be correct.
I do wonder if you do not know you are rather rude and wonder why you would detract from your own presumably sincere and authentic opinions with trifles.
I have commented here on Off Guardian for many years and read CJ Hopkins on his Consent Factory web site site this article is very early, many consent factory articles have also appeared here on OG.(are we to believe OG are useful idiots, or,are they in on it too?
My own sincere belief is that this interaction could quite possibly be with ELIZA like technolgy, in any event God Bless this wonderfull world and I wish you a good day.

GoingDirect Paradigm

I have stopped working on this mindmap the links that do not work anylonger can usually be found on the way back machine internet archive.
Such as

Bourgeois resolution. A poem


Calliopsis or Magnesia where poets
slave to familiar rhymes and themes
Not golden or silver words but workmanlike
fashion hymns of safe iron and copper.


Globalisation Un-Entangled. (A FOUND POEM, CIPHER OF GLOBALISM )


Eliza with Rogerian inscrutability
hears the confession of the mal-contents
A mirror held up before cosmetic application
Globalisation and Internationalism confused
despotism´s nature is to abhor any say
save that of its own momentary pleasure;
it annihilates all intermediate situations
between boundless strength on its own part,
and total debility on the part of the people.
Our education can be Our? our, government.
Our reason can be our Judge, of the rivals;
Globalism, Authority, coercion and competition.
or Nationalism, Internationalism, Cooperation.
Are we to have free will and democracy
Will we have determined authority
A struggle of ideals an ancient quarrel
Parmenides or Heraclitus navigators both


Usury Hells Fuel and Mans oppressor.


the year was 1249 and the Captain on board ship ship was Marco Polo…”
”We lived in venice when Marco Polo returned
He told of Kubla khans riches.
Khans riches flowed from a strange Alchemy,
Money from Trees, Bark from Mulberry´s.
Denominated and sizes, under seal of the Khan.
Fein deafness to the khans bark on pain of death!
They serve as good as gold, a fraction of the weight.
All foreign merchants sell to khans monopoly,
the merchants trade with paper in the kingdom”
Such power as this with a twist of usury,
we innovate Marco Polos discovery.
Creating the money but not the means to meet the usury
all wealth guaranteed to flow back to the issuer.
Money newly grown on trees, with usury sportingly absent.
Surely a creature who´s Bark is not worse than its bite?
kings now borrowed for rivals to smite.
Bankers became emperors. Usury were the real fangs.´´


The courtiers of the Exchequer address the king;
We economists beholden as we are to the princes of usury and as the false prophets of usury.
We fit the horse foot to the shoe that suits us best. It matters not that the horse becomes lame and less furlongs are ploughed. As we deny the poison in our own usurious medium. We also deny that what ills our patient, could be from any panacea concocted in our own alchemists crucible.
Our unit of account, that is to say this store of value.
Not to leave unsaid, this medium of exchange.
Our scarlet pimpernel which no one quite pins down.
We say; ”we give you something , always the same
fungible with each the other. The one whole. Held in safe keeping, returned. What we call these claims or, definitions of claims. These bundles of demands, is money.
Insinuated into civil intercourse,
ubiquitous in the machinery of community,
deployed as a lever and pulley in affairs of state.
A measure of nothing, conjured to divine what’s important.
Counsel for the people charge usury of its crimes.This baron abstract that claims fruit.
This heavy invisible burden,
a yoke. Fashioned in language,
felt but never seen.
inflicting scars as deep as any lash,
claiming lives as real as any canon.
This nightmare device of imagination.
Who are the slayers of this mythical dragon?
Quiggly shewed the tragedy, little hope it seemed,
blind faith in capitalisms harlot. That babylonian whore.
At first a mere money trick for ragged trousered philanthropy. With usury, take away whats not even yet been paid. Ruskin would see wealth as that which is valuable in the hands of the valiant. Real goods sustain and wealth succours. Usurious money is but an unmade claim and worse. No banker has earned that newly minted note that hangs discordant in the air, as apt to rob as to pay.
How obscure this obscurant cult of mammon.
What smoke screened hall of mirrors.
How obese and gluttonous the leviathan of usury.


Linked on the Mindmap.

The Going Direct Paradigm


Monopoly through WEF


FIRE, ( Super Imprialism)

Neo-Con v Neo-Lib. MIC-OGAM-FIRE. Commodity-Chartilist-Credit. G7-BRICS-BIS. BIG TECH = MIC =Technocracy= NEOCON. Vs Neo-Lib/OGAM= Brics Vs ? “Romani ite domum”

MARCH 31, 2022


New World Order emerging in the fog of Ukrainian war
by Thierry Meyssan
The war in Ukraine is only a bloody pretext, devised by Washington, to exclude Russia from all international organizations, weaken the European Union and, ultimately, preserve Anglo-American domination over the entire West. Don’t be fooled!

“Talk about cen­tral­i­sa­tion! The credit sys­tem, which has its focus in the so-called national banks and the big money-lenders and usurers sur­round­ing them, con­sti­tutes enor­mous cen­tral­i­sa­tion, and gives this class of par­a­sites the fab­u­lous power, not only to peri­od­i­cally despoil indus­trial cap­i­tal­ists, but also to inter­fere in actual pro­duc­tion in a most dan­ger­ous man­ner— and this gang knows noth­ing about pro­duc­tion and has noth­ing to do with it.”

Jan 26, 2024 6:59 PM
Reply to  Roger

Your persona, CJ, and all the other proponents of false authority that propagate this site filling the comments below or above the fold with obvious lies, are reprehensible, immoral and dishonest.

If that offends you, then sit with that discomfort.

Lies and propaganda are an affront to the intellect of all the readers here, whether they realize it or not.

I make all my claims or statements using logic, reason and deduction.

The hypocrisy of authors or commenters here pointing out immoral behavior of others, but never taking personal responsibility for their obvious collusion and participation, borders on the absurd.

The authors and “commenters” or “personas” not only allow or condone the immoral, criminal and violent acts of governments to continue unabated, but seek to actively distract from the real issues the inhabitants of the world face, by continuing to propagate lies, hoaxes and the psychological warfare of the authorities, who specialize in social engineering through repetition of lies, mass mind control and disinformation.

I made very clear in my original comment on that other COURT APPEARANCE thread, I was skeptical than anyone who is an author here, who also doesn’t acknowledge the hoaxes and scams, and also believes elections are real, or other obvious scams like “Wikileaks”, is not genuine.

I do not believe that they are merely brainwashed, spellbound ignorant dupes. They have access to the same information we all do, exposing the methods and means for the present and past tyranny.

Regardless, as either (dupe or shill) they are indirectly or directly, wittingly or unwittingly working for and assisting the criminal authorities you call governments.

That goes for all authors anywhere throughout history who never question nor bring up the Hegelian Dialect, nor do they question the immorality and unlawfulness of false authority and criminal governments. These “governments” are all obviously centrally controlled and privately owned.

Govern = Control. Ment = Mind.

Government is Mind Control.

Never once in the history of any so called government have they ever represented the will or welfare of people. Nor have they ever been democracies. The ability to vote does not equal democracy.

Consequently. I see most of the authors in the alt media sphere as envoys of the false authorities: Controlled opposition.

I don’t have to respond to you in a manner you deem appropriate.

Rather, you were extremely rude implying first I need to “behave” castigating me, then implying I am delusional if I have a different take on the psychological operation or psychological warfare that took place with CJ Hopkins (whether he is witting or unwitting) or if I dare disagree with the conclusions or opinions of what I consider to be controlled opposition authors at OG who appear perpetually duped by obvious hoaxes. That perpetual blindness calls into question their words, actions and behavior.

If that conclusion offends your delicate sensibilities, I don’t care.

If someone is NOT rude, NOT using straw men or false equivalencies, NOT misrepresenting my statements, NOT ignoring salient points, NOT attacking my character or intentions, NOT using ad hominem, or NOT gaslighting me, I will respond politely.

If not, then I will respond to them as a mirror of their own behavior. For every action there is also a corresponding reaction. It’s a universal law. It’s also why we have tyranny instead of freedom.

I do not exist as anyone’s teacher, educator or mentor.

It’s not up to me to provide proof for my opinions and nobody else here is subject to that kind of scrutiny. Just the very few who challenge the consensus. Meaning, just because my views or opinions don’t COMFORM TO YOURS, I don’t owe you or anybody else a damn thing or even an explanation.

The authors and commenters here who never (tacit omissions) examine the immorality and unlawfulness of government or authority, are the main problem we face as a “society”.

The founders here at OG, I don’t take any issue with them whatsoever. I find their words and opinions insightful. I don’t have a problem or criticism of OG. They provide an uncensored platform and allow criticism and critique of their authors in the comment section so I applaud them for that and don’t speak to their intent.

I can only take each author (many of whom are obvious Masons and former journalists) and their words at face value, on an individual basis and objectively evaluate the kind of propaganda they are pushing, as I did in my original comment on the COURT APPEARANCE thread.

There are many readers here who are aware of the level of hoaxes and psychological operations that occur everywhere, all the time, and that includes “so called” alt media.

You attempting to imply equivalence with an analogy that has literally nothing to do with my critique is dishonest.

My critique is based on simple logic; that if an author or COMMENT PERSONA is unable to discern between hoaxes, psychological operations, psychological warfare, other types of propaganda like pushing faux economic binaries, and yet ALWAYS ignoring objective morality and the truth, then they can only be either untrustworthy or duped.

Either way, their opinions are largely irrelevant to me, as I don’t take them seriously as someone to debate, I don’t believe I can change their mind, and I don’t see them as an ally in searching for truth, or providing viable solutions to the worldwide tyranny humanity has faced for millennia.

Since your comments and responses here support controlled opposition gaslighting, hoaxes, psychological warfare and faux binaries, I have to assume you too, are an Order Out of Chaos cult member or a completely, brainwashed, mind controlled individual incapable of repeating anything but the lies of their worshipful masters, or controlled opposition faux heroes.

Frankly, I don’t care which type you are. My money is on the former. You always circle the wagons around your faux heroes, who you also fawn over as if they are some great intellect or cultural icon.

Your nescience, or willing ignorance is the kind of banality of evil that Arendt referred to in her writings on the worldwide coordinated military operation of WWII that included hoaxes, mass murder and terrorism all planned for and coordinated by all the “governments” and military in each country against their own populations.

Consequently, I find anyone who knowingly and actively discourages absolute truth and freedom for humanity, to be disingenuous, untrustworthy, rude, gaslighting, venal, sociopathic and as immoral as the faux authorities who commit democide on a daily basis.

Is that clear enough for you, Roger?

Jan 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Crystal clear, needless to say it is clear we do not agree. You are quite mistaken to the point of absurdity, this is not something which I will trouble myself with.
I was listening to a debate between doomberg and some energy equities analyst earlier he said this regarding his definition of oil.
“I am always happy to defend what we have written. I will not feel obliged to defend what you thought you read”
Funny that I thought of that when I just read your latest message.


The carbon currency end game unfolds as a confluence of economic Myths Directed by a no longer invisible hand seeks to bring in a techno Feudal surveillance state.
Creorder out of Chaos

Jan 26, 2024 10:07 PM
Reply to  Roger

On the doomberg debate, non of the scenarios discussed talk about the sabotage of Nordstream 2.
Who do you think did it?
Why do you think they did it?
Did it happen?
Doomberg seems pretty well informed why would he not mention it.
a, because it didn’t happen
b, because he doesnt know it happened
c, because Psyop?

The Nord Stream Pipeline
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now


Vol. 36 No. 8 · 17 April 2014
The Red Line and the Rat Line
Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels

Finally these two videos on my Bitchute channel.


same damn tricks in the same damn way, in some cases with the same damn people . Gwyneth Todd WW111


SAME DAMN TRICKS IN THE SAME DAMN WAY, #NineEleven to #NordStream #AugeanStables

Manufacturing Conflict. Mind War Games mind war. A road map of the mind map of the well trodden path. Google is not your sensei.

The bitchute channel and web archive not the grub street journal are both curated or were curated by me.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 25, 2024 2:35 AM
Reply to  Researcher

So which bits are bs and which bits are truth, Ruth?
Struth, I can’t tell the difference. Could you spell it out please?

Jan 25, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  David Ho

Read some books on propaganda, social engineering, hypnosis, NLP, mass mind control techniques. Then study esoteric and occulted knowledge.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 26, 2024 12:04 AM
Reply to  Researcher

That does not answer the question at all. It seems you have no idea and are just making noise. What parts are bs and which parts or not? Are you capable? If you can’t answer it becomes obvious you lack the education to do so and everything that you say is complete bullshit. People can see this in every comment you have posted so far.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2024 7:10 AM
Reply to  Sal P

“Only the Epoch Times and a few freelance journalists, including myself, were present to cover the event.”

So the entire matter will be dismissed as “conspiracy stuff” for the “marginal media”.

Jan 24, 2024 7:22 AM
Reply to  Sal P

“At the end of the hearing, the judge left the courtroom wearing an FFP2 mask”

Great news , in a fictionalised satire the real world judge could not have presented CJHopkins with a greater gem of pompous absurdity.

Brilliant news.

Jan 24, 2024 8:27 AM
Reply to  Sal P

Great news! His summation is brilliant and of course the finishing touch of the judge walking out with a FFP2 mask, not having really understood a word of his summation but proving his point wonderfully!

Just going back to the video, I would say that it verged on a bit of academic waffle for something that mostly is quite instinctual, i.e. you feel it in your gut when something is fishy, that’s how most people felt about covid without having to do much analysis, likewise for the 7/10 false flag. You start with your gut and then you do your research.

Jan 24, 2024 9:47 AM
Reply to  Sal P

What I just read from the link confirms, it was a show trail.
that Sells the agenda of the holys of the holy.
which conveniently is hot topic again and suit this narrative since they’ve liberated the anti vaccer Nazi’s in Palestine.
I am surprised Nukes wasn’t mentioned.

You must believe in that history or else.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 24, 2024 12:29 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Are you suggesting that the whole thing was bit “theatrical”?

Jan 24, 2024 7:33 PM
Reply to  mastershock

The Gaza-Is-Ra-El moving people off land plan is a coordinated operation.

Jan 24, 2024 12:41 PM
Reply to  Sal P
Jan 24, 2024 4:05 PM
Reply to  Lu1

I am genuinely interested, what do you mean, i read the link and still do not understand?

Jan 24, 2024 7:32 PM
Reply to  Roger

It’s a psyop.

Jan 25, 2024 6:52 AM
Reply to  Researcher
Jan 25, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  Roger

Lol. If you believe all the obvious hoaxes and psyops CJ, Fitz et al etc, push, then you can’t determine what’s real or fake.

I’ll bet cold hard cash you also believe in Contagion. Communism vs Capitalism, Constitutions, Elections and the Buy-Bull.

Jan 25, 2024 7:06 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh I see “Because Psyop”!
As with all, “Because ……..” Fill in the panacea that explains all ills , types of answers this leaves me non the wiser.
The granularity at this level of obscurity has no effect in sustaining the bigger lie, perhaps there is some “precog predictive data” to be gleaned from we dedicated followers of fashion. We gardeners of weeds in the small print of the aftermath of an already expended big lie.
Because Psyop, I see do I feel a why coming on.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2024 7:19 PM
Reply to  Sal P

The judge plays every trick in the book.

She claims the “acquittal counteracts your (Mr Hopkins) statements that you live here in a totalitarian state”. (See – our compassionate decision to let you off proves we’re the good guys!)

She sensed “a certain arrogance in his statement ….only he would have understood it, everyone else is stupid sheep” and (the ultimate thigh slapper) “you may already have something totalitarian about you” (It’s you that’s the problem and not us!)

She appeals to this notion that sensible people are “convinced by scientists”. Because …

“After all, it was a completely new situation.” (Well, isn’t it always?!)

And then the inevitable culmination:

“She herself was the granddaughter of Nazi victims ……” (Yes I was there! I know all about it! There’s nothing you can tell me!)

Etc etc etc

Jan 24, 2024 7:37 PM
Reply to  Sal P

So it was staged. Zzzzz

Jan 24, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Brilliant, Great News. Thank you Ms Velasquez. I like many others here am a subscriber.
The jackboot evaporated.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 25, 2024 4:24 AM
Reply to  Sal P

Why did the thumbs up reach 33? Just asking. I smell fish.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 24, 2024 4:31 AM
Jan 24, 2024 9:57 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

A brilliant podcast, but it was clear for me by 2016 that the results were manipulated. Previous to that I always tried to hide from American politics.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 25, 2024 2:46 AM
Reply to  Jimmie Joe

So what are these links about? What is interesting about them? Why should I bother to look at them? What’s in them? Do they have anything to do with the discussion? Have you just completely wasted your time by not providing any introductory material to why you provided the links? No one is going to look at your links. Why should they?

Jan 24, 2024 12:17 AM

We have been manipulated into masochists.
The propaganda of persistent pain just keeps coming.
Drip fed, doped and distracted, we are putty in their hands.

“Give us more pain”
“We are bored and purposeless”
“Shopping is fun, but now we’ve got too much stuff”
“Travelling is fun, but now we’ve seen it all”
“Show us the new threat, the new enemy”
“We enjoy the pain, it fills our spiritual void”


Jan 24, 2024 3:13 AM
Reply to  Johnny
Jan 23, 2024 10:58 PM
The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 23, 2024 10:46 PM

Thank you very much for this exchange; very instructive. At about the 8-minute mark, Kevin Ryan laments that “’Conspiracy theorist’ term is used to deter others from investigating historic events; it implies that criminal conspiracies among the rich and powerful are impossible or absurd.”

I don’t think anyone in 2024 can deny that conspiracies by the rich and powerful happen. The issue IMO arises only when, a) it is asserted that all adverse events are the results of conspiracies; b) that all conspiracies are the works of the same group of rich and powerful, which in turn suggests that, c) the conspirators form a monolithic group acting in lockstep above all other groups and reaching the world over.

Back to listening…

Jan 23, 2024 9:02 PM

So, if we may believe the expertise of mr Kevin Ryan, the “SARS-CoV2” virus has been isolated and identified, finally? Using the rigorous Koch method? Please, show me the proofs…

Jan 24, 2024 8:46 AM
Reply to  Gerard

It has. It’s just they forgot to share with you their “scientific” definition of “isolation”. Which is to add things like monkey kidney cells, bovine serum and many other things. Then they poison the cells and starve them, etc. This is isolation apparently.

Just like the members of the “Bar Table”, “The Science” uses english words they seem to think they can change the definition of willy nilly. But we should not worry our tiny little minds about it, it’s far too complicated for us to understand.

This fictional bullshit needs to end and it will when people stop giving it support and breath.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 25, 2024 4:58 AM

Notwithstanding what you and others are saying I will continue to believe in my government because they have university degrees from Yale, and you have not!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 23, 2024 6:33 PM

Ryan and Robinson are involved in some rather nefarious activity trying to undermine AE911Truth.
Erasing AE911Truth: International Center’s Ted Walter urged Leroy Hulsey to abandon the organization that funded his Building 7 study, Craig McKee, 1/21/24.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 23, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Rather strong. Should we be careful what we say?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 23, 2024 8:25 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

We? This was not written by either you or me. Is what Craig McKee says rather strong? Yes, but the stuff about Ted Walter is quite evident. Ryan and Robinson need to account for this given Walters’ prominent role in the Center. My humble opinion. I’m an AE911Truth signatory (one of the architects and engineers with degrees who have singed its petition) and a contributor.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 23, 2024 10:23 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

(one of the architects and engineers with degrees…)

I guess they covered the use of quotation marks? 😅 You might want to use them in future, it avoids exactly this confusion 😉

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 27, 2024 3:04 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

16 people must have written very confusing dissertations.

Where do all the grammar Nazis go when you need ‘em, eh? 😅

Jan 24, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

So you never watched September clues? You should…

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 23, 2024 6:27 PM

Exposing more deception. Must watch:

The Great Taking – Documentary

“David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.”

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 23, 2024 8:10 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk
underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2024 11:55 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Not even the system, gets spared in the end.

j d
j d
Jan 24, 2024 2:01 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

“The Great Taking with David Rogers Webb”: https://home.solari.com/the-great-taking-with-david-rogers-webb/ from Catherine Austin Fitts at the Solari Report

“Persuaded that Mr. Global has now created a global mechanism to assert creditor rights over all securities, David lays out his case in The Great Taking. David bases his analysis on statements made by regulators as to what they can do. Carolyn and I still cannot document the legal pathway behind these statements. I believe that much of what David describes were mechanisms created to keep the collateral bubble going. David points to changes in the Uniform Commercial Code that we do not understand—more research here would be invaluable.

We do not agree with David’s analysis of money velocity. Centralization and criminality remove trust from the system, bringing on a drop in money velocity. Growth without inflation is more than possible, but it will require a change in the governance and central banking systems. Where we do agree is that the central bankers intend to strip us of our assets and property rights. If the central bankers achieve financial transaction control, they will indeed be able to engineer a “great taking.” The pandemic destruction of small businesses and family income was simply a small taste of what will then be possible.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 25, 2024 5:16 AM
Reply to  j d

So the conclusion is Cat and Car confirm the Central Banks Great Taking of small family and business assets and property rights, which is the important part for us.

So a life lived without digital slavery will be a life without any connection to Central Banks.
Is this at all possible when they own it all?

In many cases you could previously make an agreement with most governments about for example an area with especial status like the Amish or the Mohicans, but is this possible with Central Bankers and their well known horny preference for ugly wars and Maui cases?