The Elective Affinities of Hillary Clinton
by Liciana Bohne, via CounterPunch God has not been preparing the English-speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-contemplation and self-admiration. ....
EU Unmasked: After Brexit, Plans for Full EU Superstate Revealed
by James Corbett, June 28, 2016 Well, that didn’t take long. The graphite was hardly dry on the Brexit ballots when TVP Info, a Polish broadcaster, leaked a 9-page...
America’s Oligarchs Support Clinton Almost Unanimously
by Eric Zuesse The results are already in, even before the official campaign-finance final figures will become available after the election. Though a large percentage of the people funding...
Did Germany Just Blink?
by Don Quijones, for WOLF STREET A most unusual thing happened in Europe this week. In a rare climb down, Angela Merkel’s government decided not to push the European...
NATO’s War on Russia: Someone Is Playing Us
by Christopher Black, via Defend Democracy For 17 months, since the Minsk Agreements were signed in February 2015 to try to bring peace to the eastern Ukraine the Kiev...
Don't suffer in silence. Kremlinitis can be cured.
by Danielle Ryan Are you currently following a radical path? Are your friends and family becoming increasingly concerned? Do your views occasionally diverge from the mainstream? Do you ever...
Britain’s Incorrigible Warmongering Towards Russia
by Finian Cunningham, via Strategic Culture The long-awaited Chilcot Inquiry into Britain’s role in the Iraq War (2003-2011) was published in July with much criticism leveled at the government under prime...
Hillary Clinton: a letter to America
by Philip Roddis, August 3, 2016 I’ve seen numerous FB posts by liberal American friends saying it’s vital to back Hillary. It isn’t, and I’ve Facebooked several times to...
Justifiable Trump Concerns About Election Rigging
by Stephen Lendman He’s the unexpected GOP nominee, an outlier, Hillary the establishment candidate. She’s Wall Street’s favorite, paid millions of dollars in speaking fees in return for serving...
How competitiveness became one of the great unquestioned virtues of contemporary culture
by William Davis Widening economic inequality is the topic du jour, but the trend of growing wealth and income disparity has been underway for several decades. How did mounting...
Readers of Canada's mainstream media mock latest "Russia did it" stories
by Roger Annis, New Cold, Aug 2, 2016 Following the lead of its counterparts in the United States, media mainstream in Canada has joined the latest anti-Russia assault,...
America’s Recent Achievements in the Middle East
by Eric Zuesse Here are before-and-after pictures of what the U.S. government has achieved, in the Middle East: What’s especially interesting there, is that in all of these missions,...
The Power of “Nyet”
by Dmitry Orlov, July 27, 2016 The way things are supposed to work on this planet is like this: in the United States, the power structures (public and private)...
Corbyn: blowback at the not-OK Corral
by Philip Roddis, July 26, 2016 Millionaire Labour donor Michael Foster wants to reverse the NEC decision and seeks a [high court] declaration that, under Labour party rules, Corbyn...
Olympics Used as a Cold War Tool
by Margaret Kimberley, Freedom Rider The United States and its allies are determined to wage war by other means against the Russian Federation. Ever since the fall of the...
My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools
by Margot Kidder, via Information Clearinghouse There is something I am going to try and explain here after watching the Democratic National Convention this evening that will invite the...
The Guardian’s master of cognitive dissonance
by Jonathan Cook, July 30, 2016 Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian proves himself once again the master of cognitive dissonance. He berates the progressive left for its failure to match...
“Gulen-Gate” Islamic Terrorists at the Democratic National Convention
by GH Eliason Why are known terrorists at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia? Doesn’t the Secret Service vet people that are in the same building as the President...
MH17 Inquiry: In times of war, does the law fall silent?
The fourth part of the series devoted to revisiting the tragedy of MH17
Is Europe Doomed By Vassalage To Washington?
by Paul Craig Roberts, July 27, 2016 One Ring to rule them all . . . and in the darkness bind them.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings...