Why I'm Ashamed I Voted Remain

by Stephen Durkan, via XXY I voted Remain on June 23rd, 2016, and now I am ashamed of it. Weird, is it not? Especially since, being Scottish, I should...

The Coup d’État Was against Kemalists

by Mehmet Perinçek, via Defend Democracy Turkish historian and political scientist, former political prisoner in the case of “Ergenekon,” Mehmet Perincek comments on the unsuccessful coup attempt in Turkey:...

A letter to Boris

by Paul Robinson, Irrussianality, July 16, 2016 Dear Boris, Our paths have crossed intermittently over the past four decades, at school and university, and then when you were editor...

Brexit: A Different Democracy, A Different Future

by Christopher Black, via New Eastern Outlook The historic Brexit vote marks a victory of the working people over the capitalist elites who have used the European Union as...

9/11: Bush’s Guilt, And the ‘28 Pages’

Eric Zuesse On Friday July 15th, as the national newsmedia were either on vacation or preparing for the opening of the Trump National Convention on Monday the 18th, the...

MH17 Inquiry: "About what was the BBC quiet?"

The 3rd episode in the ongoing investigation by the group known as “MH17 Inquiry.” This episode presents a curious puzzle that might remind astute readers of some similar ongoing...

Koch Brothers Now Supporting Hillary Clinton

by Eric Zuesse On July 20th, a Republican U.S. Senator lost his main financial backers for having urged Republicans to vote for Donald Trump instead of for Hillary Clinton....

Eagle is downed, but not by sexism

by Philip Roddis Is there a prize for the most featherheaded Guardian analysis of Labour’s crisis? In the face of fierce competition over the months since Corbyn’s election, I shortlist...

Turkey Between Two Fascisms

by Jooneed Khan, via Global Research, July 19, 2016 [ President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, elected in 2014 and whose AKP party swept back to power with 52% of the...

Post-failed-coup geopolitics of the Turkish situation

by George Ades After the “chilling” of relations between Russia and Turkey following the downing of the Russian jet over Syria, Turkey suffered the effects of an economic embargo...

NATO, Back in Business at the Old Stand

by Patrick Armstrong, via Sic Semper Tyrannis Spare a thought for the travails of NATO drones over the past couple of decades.  About 25 years ago I was in...

MH17 crash site memorial service

Given the fact the mainstream media have all but ignored this, and especially in light of the disgraceful misrepresentations of the citizens and militia of the “rebel” territories in...

Guardian's Corbyn survey

by Seamus Padraig Here we go again! Ever since Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership of Labour last September in a record-breaking landslide victory, the Blairites have tried every desperate...

Fraud Alleged in NYT’s MH-17 Report

by Robert Parry, for Consortium News Forensic experts are challenging an amateur report – touted in The New York Times – that claimed Russia faked satellite imagery of Ukrainian...

Ukraine as a Threat to European Security

by Pyotr Vorobyov, via Strategic Culture On 28 June 2016, ten days before the start of the NATO Summit in Warsaw, hackers from an international collective known as Anonymous published a...

Wall Street Angry that Trump Says Restore Glass-Steagall

by Eric Zuesse On July 18th, Rob Nichols, the President of the American Bankers’ Association, which is controlled by the mega-banks, struck back against Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump....

Colonial trading stations instead of factories in Ukraine

by Michał Kozak, via Financial Observer We’re posting this article by Poland’s Michał Kozak to provide a glimpse into what EU’s economic reporters have to say about the industrial...

Obama Prioritizes War in Europe Over War on People of Color

by Eric Draitser, for CounterPunch President Obama’s true priorities were on full display this past week as he attended the NATO Summit in Poland’s capital of Warsaw.  For while...

Washington Is Politicizing The Olympics Again

by Paul Craig Roberts, July 17, 2016 Washington and its Canadian vassal are trying to use a Western media-created Russian athletic doping scandal to ban Russian participation in the...

Brexit: A Workers’ Response to Oligarchs, Bankers, Flunkies and Scabs

by James Petras, July 14, 2016 Introduction: The European Union is controlled by an oligarchy, which dictates socio-economic and political decisions according to the interests of bankers and multi-national...