Ukraine receives first batch of US Humvees

Kiev (AFP) – Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday took delivery of ten US armoured vehicles, two days after American lawmakers voted to urge President Barack Obama to provide...

“Cynical Banderas”, War-Deprived Right Sector and the Langley Partisans

As much as some would deem it a fatal political disability, Petro Poroshenko’s empathy skills are undeniable. Shedding an honest tear for an SBU agent killed by Kolomoisky’s thugs,...

ColonelCassad: Kolomoisky’s Over

Crimean blogger ColonelCassad claims 1. Kolomoisky’s standoff with Kiev is largely over and Kiev has marginally strengthened its slipping grip over the country. The attack on the Dnepropetrovsk fiefdom...

Bloomberg View: Obama Snubs Nato Chief as Crisis Rages

By Josh Rogin, Bloomberg View President Barack Obama has yet to meet with the new head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and won’t see Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg this...

Kolomoisky Taped Threatening “Naftogaz” reports that Ukrainian journalist Sergei Leshchenko has posted on his Facebook page an audio recording in which a man sounding like Igor Kolomoisky, allegedly threatened the head of...

Arming the Kiev Génocidaires

by Vaska The US House of Representatives has now voted to urge Obama to provide Ukraine with military equipment Kiev wants for its genocidal campaign in Donbass.  The wording,...

BREAKING: Poroshenko Fires Kolomoisky as Dnepropetrovsk Gov

President Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree dismissing the Dnepropetrovsk region governor Igor Kolomoisky, the official site of the Ukrainian Head of State announced. The President granted Kolomoisky’s request...

Russian aggression, or a war no-one cares about?

Or how the term “Jingoism” came to life by Harry J. Bentham, Probably no regime has sacrificed more of its soldiers towards distant and irrelevant conflicts than the...

An Anti-Kusturica Breed of Love: Blackout, Whitewash

Entertainment key to Russia’s propaganda success, West bets on a double blindfold Despite the Graun’s claims to the contrary, the last time I checked everyone in our small detachment...

Kiev gives “Ukrnafta” back to Kolomoisky?

The oligarch’s security men were “protecting” the company, weapons were “pneumatic” The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine registered a draft law offering parliamentarians to cancel the amendments that led...

Assange: US trying to drive wedge between Russia, Ukraine for years

The U.S. has long been trying to drive a wedge between Russia and Ukraine, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks said in an interview published on Monday by the...

Gubernatorial elections in Gagauzia, Moldova — Or, whose imperialism?

Gaguazia, an autonomous region of Moldova, is currently facing a very interesting political moment in its relations with its federal authorities.   Geographically, the region lies in the southern part...

Has OffGuardian been deemed off-limits on the Graun?

We were emailed yesterday by a reader who told us she had tried several times to post a link on the Guardian to our ongoing reportage of the Kolomoisky...

What “community standards” did this comment breach? #10

These comment were censored by the Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach? Comments removed from: Fifa’s Sepp Blatter says 2018 World Cup in Russia...

Kolomoisky Admits Donetsk and Lugansk “Republics” Viable

In another jab at Kiev’s leadership, Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky announced that the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic have proved themselves viable and that their leadership can win an election...

The West’s V-day Shame

by Brad Cabana, RockSolidPolitics There is something so bizarre, so inhumane about Western countries boycotting the parade for the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Germany in World...

Ukraine oligarchs ‘top cash contributors’ to Clinton Foundation

The more we learn, the more interesting the relationships between Ukraine’s oligarchs and certain representatives of the US political elite appear.  Of course, we can hardly be surprised at...

Harding’s Psyops War in Ukraine

By George Eliason, Global Research If you are a journalist writing about or a person concerned about issues like Free Speech, read or write in alternative media or news,...

“More and more people are coming to recognize Russia as the victim of a certain foreign policy of the West”

Just a week ago, on March 15 to be precise, the Belgian French-language weekly “Le Vif” carried an interview with Xavier Follebouckt, a geopolitical expert and research assistant at...

Poroshenko reprimands oligarch Kolomoisky

In the wake of Igor Kolomoisky’s night raid on the national pipeline operator and his subsequent verbal assault against a journalist, Petro Poroshenko expresses displeasure with the appointed governor,...