Another war of Northern aggression?

by Ilana Mercer Is it historically and ethically reasonable to equate Confederate symbols with the Nazi swastika, or is this just crude and simplistic propaganda of itself? Is the...


This is a film based on the book “Death of the Liberal Class” by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges. It charts the rise of the Corporate State,...

The Graun continues to pretend the RS rally in Kiev didn’t happen

On the day that Right Sector ran an anti-government rally in Kiev – an event big and alarming enough to even be reported by the Kyiv Post – this...

Avaaz: clicktivist heroes or Soros wolf in woolly disguise?

Avaaz, with a membership topping 40 million, is one of the princes of the clicktivist phenomenon. These virtual warriors for justice are everywhere and have been for a while,...

The marketing of perpetual war

by BlackCatte …The war is not meant to be won – it is meant to be continuous.…” – George Orwell, 1984 David Kilcullen has a message for us over...

The “radicals” are coming! The “radicals” are coming!

by BlackCatte The Guardian’s latest piece on the ISIS crisis continues to eschew analysis in favour of fear mongering, propagandising and racism. Three generations of a family who are...

Patrick Cockburn wants us to be very afraid of ISIS

what we get here from Cockburn could have come straight from a White House briefing. The "culpability" he accuses the US of is the usual hand-wringing faux accusation of...

Jonathan Freedland thinks it’s time to call evil by it’s name – we agree

It's at times like this that responsible news outlets need to be the voice of reason. They need to challenge such looming cynicism, and the narratives that underpin it....

ISIS is back – just in time to prove we do need the surveillance state after all

by BlackCatte Those of our readers who have been watching the BBC documentary about Operation Gladio we published yesterday, might find it interesting to watch the current roll-out of...

What would Orwell make of the Guardian in 2015?

Back in 2013, a not-too-bad article in the Guardian asked "What would George Orwell have made of the world in 2013?". The article didn't ask what Orwell would...

Is the Freedom Act a step forward or a cynical repackage with added tyranny?

We live in an age where image is replacing reality as the common currency in media and politics. Style and narrative have long ago triumphed over substance, and black...

Someone tell the Guardian that “evenhandedness between the oppressor and the oppressed is not justice.”

by BlackCatte The Guardian continues to do their admirable best on Ukraine, while completely ignoring new Israeli aggression in Gaza. The masters at GCHQ and Langley are clearly telling...

WW3 – this summer’s blockbuster?

what does this war-talk mean? Are Soros and the other oligarch-hawks too stupid/senile/insane to understand "nuclear war" as more than a punchline? Is it just sabre-rattling rhetoric? ...

The independent dares interrogate the orthodoxy on vaccines – elides the obvious question

The Indy could point out that even Cancer Research's own statistics don't seem to be telling the story they want to tell. The Indy could even ask the obvious...

Worldwide protests against Monsanto somehow pass the MSM by?

by BlackCatte So apparently “thousands of people across the world have joined together in a global movement, protesting against American biotech giant Monsanto.” RT is running this as a...

Remembering the Paris Commune

This week marks the 144th anniversary of "La Semaine Sanglante" - the final and bloody suppression of the revolutionary Paris Commune of 1871, by French government forces. It's timely...

The Rabid Mouse

According to Vineyard of the Saker the Ukrainian parliament is currently petitioning Mongolia for compensation for "the genocide of the Ukrainian people" by Batu Khan's troops...

How many times can one man die? The disputed killing of Osama Bin Laden

Are the recent revelations by Seymour Hersh the final truth about Osama Bin Laden's death or just another layer of fog and confusion in the already over-contested, under-documented and...

“What can the Lusitania teach us about MH17?” the Graun asks – and doesn’t stay for an answer

Post-Snowden, the Graun knows its place and knows better than to visit questions like these. The Graun knows – and tells us – that the only lesson the...

When did the Graun’s “Comment is Free” become “Opinion”?

by BlackCatte Some time over the last few months, while the hated new version was coming out of Beta, a funny thing happened at the Guardian. With almost no...