The Rabid Mouse
According to Vineyard of the Saker the Ukrainian parliament is currently petitioning Mongolia for compensation for "the genocide of the Ukrainian people" by Batu Khan's troops...
How many times can one man die? The disputed killing of Osama Bin Laden
Are the recent revelations by Seymour Hersh the final truth about Osama Bin Laden's death or just another layer of fog and confusion in the already over-contested, under-documented and...
“What can the Lusitania teach us about MH17?” the Graun asks – and doesn’t stay for an answer
Post-Snowden, the Graun knows its place and knows better than to visit questions like these. The Graun knows – and tells us – that the only lesson the...
When did the Graun’s “Comment is Free” become “Opinion”?
by BlackCatte Some time over the last few months, while the hated new version was coming out of Beta, a funny thing happened at the Guardian. With almost no...
The Indy tries to sell NATO as a bringer of peace, but no one is buying BTL
by BlackCatte The Independent bravely stepped up to the plate yesterday to try and sell the tired, discredited meme of “NATO as defender of freedom” to its readers. But,...
Does ISIS really smuggle “$3M worth of oil” into Turkey EVERY DAY?
BlackCatte Part 2 of our series “Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS”. Part 1 is here Last summer, quoting either David Cohen, the “US Treasury department’s undersecretary...
The Graun thinks shallow & slightly racist “humour” is cool
by BlackCatte Well the Graun continues on its own bizarre bid to bury its credibility and sink its reputation as a serious outlet. Their article When Tsipras meets Putin:...
Five years on, the US ‘collateral murder’ of journalists in Iraq matters more than ever
From Stop the War Coalition If the content of the video illustrates the violent arrogance of power, then the leak of the video illustrates the potential power of dissent...
Tim Garton Ash: “Ukraine is a toxic failure – but let’s blame Putin.”
by BlackCatte The reframing of recent history is a venerable practice long used by governments and corporations to cover their various acts of monstrosity, greed, duplicity or cowardice, and...
Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS: #1 – those Toyota trucks
Catte Part 1 of our “ISIS” series. Part 2 can be seen here ISIS. Murky, masked, terrifying Bad Guys. Islamic hardliners, doing unspeakably ghastly things in faraway sandy places....
The Guardian is airbrushing fascism again…
by BlackCatte …According to the CiF contributor “Mr Russian” the Guardian does a crucial little snip in its translation of an article first published in Russian in the Novaya...
VIDEO: Prof Stephen Cohen: “This is the worst International crisis since the Cuban Missile crisis…”
by BlackCatte For the past several months Stephen Cohen has been warning the world about a potential catastrophe looming in the standoff between NATO and Russia. The political and...
The western media are fiddling while Minsk2 burns
It looks as if Minsk2 is in a lot of trouble, due to what Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes as a “glaring breach of the first steps...
Guardian-watch: The referendum that never was
by BlackCatte The Guardian’s slide from liberal, informed media outlet, to crass, Ministry of Truth propaganda-sheet, gathers pace every day. Yesterday, for example, came this offering: Vladimir Putin describes...
What “community standard” did this comment breach? #3
This comment was censored by the Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did it breach? Comment removed from: “The Women Fighting on the Frontline in Ukraine” Does...
The Guardian’s Latest Attempts at PR for the Ukraine Nazis
This profile of the females in the infamous Aidar Battalion appeared on the Graun front page today, though it didn't stay there long, being swiftly removed and hidden away in...