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Brexit: Parliament Tethers Britain to a Failing Experiment
Kit Knightly
Brexit isn't going to happen. Left or Right - Lexit or Rexit - it's over. It's time to make...
Europe: The cracks are beginning to show
Frank Lee The NATO build-up 2014: The expansion of NATO in the late 20th and early 21st centuries had...
WATCH: MH17 — Call for Justice
Bonanza Media Bonanza media investigative team of independent journalists conduct exclusive interviews with one of the suspects in the...
Ukraine: Far Right Parties Unite for Parliamentary Elections
Avis Krane, via Essence of Time Six ultra-right and extremist organizations have formed an alliance led by Ukrainian nationalist...
EU Elections are Proof of Europe’s Decay
Andre Vltchek Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad...
Discuss: European Elections
The European elections are here, and Theresa May’s political future hangs in the balance. As it seems to have...
Debt is the Hidden Issue in The European Elections
The citizens of the European Union are called to vote this week for the European Parliament. It is not...
Putin Now Thinks Western Elites Are ‘Swine’
Dmitry Orlov via Russia Insider An article I published close to five years ago, “Putin to Western elites: Play-time...
The Orientalism of Western Russophobia
Last year marked the 40th anniversary of the publication of Edward W. Said’s pioneering book, Orientalism, as well as...
From Baghdad to Finland and All Across the World: What’s the US Up To?
We are publishing here two articles on this subject from Helsinki Times, dated December 29, 2018 and January 1,...
The mega war game “Trident Juncture 2018”
This is the second of the two articles we are publishing today on NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercise...
Military Escalation in Europe Is Like Runaway Train: It’s Time to Slow It Down
This is the first of the two articles we are publishing today on NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercise...
The Defining Year Was 1991: The Demise of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union
by Marcus Papadopoulos, via Global Research Whilst there are no golden ages, it is abundantly clear that the world...
Catalan Independence and Media Hypocrisy
Kit Knightly 1.3 million people marched in the streets of Barcelona on the 11th of November. They were protesting...
Antifa in Theory and Practice: Storm Troopers of the Neoliberal War Party
Diana Johnstone >Fascists are divided into two categories: the fascists and the anti-fascists.” Ennio Flaiano, Italian writer and co-author...
Three candidates for Sicily: A signal for Italy
by Giulietto Chiesa, October 9, 2017, via DefendDemocracyPress In Europe someone is trying to cheat voters by shrugging off...
Baltic States Sacrifice Economy on Altar of Politics
by Adomas Abromaitis Making negative statements concerning Russia, the Baltic States set Moscow against themselves and force it to...
The 6th mass extinction is a product of capitalism — not population growth
by Barnaby Philips via RCG Every particular mode of production has its own special laws of population, which are...
The story of Charlottesville was written in blood in the Ukraine
by Ajamu Baraka, August 16, 2017, via Black Agenda Report Some of the neo-Nazis President Obama helped put in power...
What is Needed is a Progressive Vision of National Sovereignty
by Thomas Fazi, via Green European Journal The last year has seen the Right and extreme Right capitalise on...