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The story of Charlottesville was written in blood in the Ukraine

by Ajamu Baraka, August 16, 2017, via Black Agenda Report Some of the neo-Nazis President Obama helped put in power in Ukraine carried Confederate flags. U.S. society has been moving...

Thinking about Venezuela

by Philip Roddis, from Steel City Scribblings One reason Maduro is despised by the opposition is he refuses to follow the neoliberal economic prescription of austerity, privatization, deregulation, etc....

The Battle of Charlottesville?

by Jon Jeter, August 14, 2017 Mothafuckas just gonna have to be mad at me, I don’t give a fuck. This right here be some bullshit. Is Trump a...

North Korea: Will World War III Kick Off This Week?

Neil Clark writes in RT Will World War III kick off this week because of the bellicose actions of a buffoonish leader with a dodgy hair-cut and his sinister...

The de-Putin-Nazification of America

by C.J. Hopkins, from Counterpunch via <a href="http://” target=”_blank”>The Unz Review Sometime circa late July, as the hundreds of thousands of de facto vassals that cater to the needs...

How Jeremy Hammond Missed the Bigger Picture on Cyberterrorism

by Carla, For years, cyberterrorism has been on the periphery of our vision. While most know what the phrase means, the alarm surrounding the issue is minimal. On...

The Real Reason Washington is Worried about North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrives for the opening ceremony of a newly built residential complex in Pyongyang on April 13 [2017]. Photo: Reuters   By Stephen Gowans in...

Reuters Suggests But Can Not Find "Iran's new route to Yemen"

by Bernhard at  Moon of Alabama, August 1, 2017 The Trump administration is filled with people who, for whatever reason, hate Iran. These people are attempting to break the “nuclear...

Seymour Hersh Cracks ‘RussiaGate’ as CIA-Planted Lie — Revenge Against Trump

by Eric Zuesse During the later portion of a phone-call, by the world’s greatest investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, Hersh has now presented “a narrative [from his investigation] of how that...

Venezuela Regime Change Project Revealed

by David William Pear When the U.S.A. wanted a regime change it used to be done in secret by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), especially when that country had a...

The New York Times Pushes Propaganda War Against Russia

by “Publius Tacitus”, via Sic Semper Tyrannis, August 1, 2017 There is no longer any doubt that the New York Times is nothing more than a willing cog in...

Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars

by Robert Parry, via Consortium News A savvy Washington observer once told me that the political reality about the neoconservatives is that they alone couldn’t win you a single...

How the World May End

by John Pilger, via Consortium News, August 4, 2017 The U.S. submarine captain says, “We’ve all got to die one day, some sooner and some later. The trouble always...


by James Howard Kunstler, via Clusterfuck Nation, August 4, 2017 Russia hysteria has become a full-blown national psychosis at a moment in history when a separate array of troubles...

Abby Martin Meets the Venezuelan Opposition

Empire Files, July 30, 2017 Abby Martin goes on the deadly front lines of the anti government protests in Venezuela and follows the evolution of a typical guarimba—or opposition...

America Declares Economic War Against Europe

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at On Friday night, July 28th, U.S. President Donald Trump said that he would sign into law the increased economic sanctions (passed by 98-2...


by W Stephen Gilbert Last Christmas, as you do, we received the usual batch of greetings cards from people we’re only in touch with at that time of year....

Venezuela Under Siege by U.S. Empire

by David William Pear, July 20, 2017, The Real News Network It is all about the oil. Whatever else one hears about Venezuela, it is all about the oil. That...

How Prison Labor Is the New American Slavery

by Sara Burrows, June 13, 2016, via Return to Now If you buy products or services from any of the 50 companies listed below (and you likely do), you...

China: World’s Leading Defender of Human Rights?

by Kevin Kennedy, May 20, 2016, “Your question is full of prejudice against China and arrogance … I don’t know where that comes from. This is totally unacceptable,” Was...