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about OffG's 9/11 section
Due to the amount of support and attention our 9/11 fifteen years on section on has been getting we’re going to keep it running until at least the end of this...
Reforming the EU – Waiting for Godot
by Frank There is a human tendency to cling on to cherished beliefs even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There was a time, during the...
WATCH: The Toronto Hearings on 9/11 – Kevin Ryan
In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present new and established evidence that questions the official story of 9/11. This evidence was...
The Tyranny of 9/11
John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices.” Edward R. Murrow We’ve walked a strange and harrowing...
9/11: One Woman’s Personal Recollection
Allison Gustavson Ascending from the Wall Street subway station a few steps ahead of me, a woman’s heels click-clacked purposefully up to street level. Channeling an entire way of...
WATCH: The Toronto Hearings on 9/11 – David Chandler
In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present new and established evidence that questions the official story of 9/11. This evidence was...
WATCH: The Toronto Hearings on 9/11 – Graeme MacQueen
In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present new and established evidence that questions the official story of 9/11. This evidence was...
9/11: perspective of a retired firefighter
Greg Bacon I am a retired career firefighter, having served over 20 years on a FD in a medium size Midwest city. During those years, I was on many...
The Rise of the Police State and the Absence of Mass Opposition
by James Petras and Robin Eastman Abaya, 2012 Introduction: One of the most significant political developments in recent US history has been the virtually unchallenged rise of the police...
Guardian "Facebook fact-check " on 9/11 – every bit as poor as you would expect
Catte Black The Guardian is no better at telling the truth about the nature of the 9/11 debate than about Syria, Ukraine or indeed anything. Its recent bid at...
"The Third Tower": a critical view
from 9/11 blogger On July 6, 2008, BBC released a documentary examining the collapse of World Trade Center 7, on September 11, 2001. The film purported to “solve the...
Larry King and Donald Trump Follow-up: The Guardian keeps on lying
Following our story regarding The Guardian’s coverage of Donald Trump’s interview with Larry King on RT, we feel the need to point out the increased dishonesty on this issue....
BBC Conspiracy Files: "The Third Tower"
What do explosions sound like? First broadcast in 2008, this is another in the BBC series “Conspiracy Files”. It sets out to debunk alleged myths and misconceptions about the...
Neo-McCarthyism in the Media: Donald Trump, Larry King and RT
by Kit Larry King is an old man now, 82, and has been doing interviews for decades, including 25 years doing his nightly show “Larry King Live” on CNN....
UN Team Heard Claims of ‘Staged’ Chemical Attacks
A widely touted U.N. report accusing the Syrian government of two chlorine-gas attacks relied on shaky evidence and brushed aside witness testimony that claimed some incidents were staged, reports...
WATCH: Noam Chomsky on 9/11
There happen to be a lot of people around who spend an hour on the internet and think they know a lot physics, but it doesn’t work like that....
Exposing US-Funded "NGOs"
by The New Atlas From Moscow to Myanmar, US-European funded organisations undermine the essential work of genuine NGOs. A nongovernmental organisation (NGO) is described as a not-for-profit organisation independent...
The Great 9/11 coverup
Eric Zuesse Did you happen to notice that after more than a decade of the ‘news’ media’s demanding publication of “the missing 28 pages” (which turned out actually to...
Do we need another 9/11 conspiracy theory?
Kevin Ryan The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were a turning point in world history. We have been told that these attacks were planned and implemented by nineteen...
What Women Want
by W. Stephen Gilbert A recent front that has opened up against Jeremy Corbyn is sex. Having exhausted their disdain of his global responsibility for anti-semitism, jihadism and homophobia,...