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VIDEO: “Good rockets / War in Ukraine” (18+)
A video by musician and amateur filmmaker Artem Grishanov has gone viral on Youtube, providing a harsh commentary on the divide between Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s impassioned rhetoric about...
Gunslinger US General Readies for War with Russia
by Stephen Lendman at Freedom’s Phoenix America is run by neocon lunatics and gunslinger generals. Together they threaten world peace. Washington’s only enemies are ones it invents to wage...
Assange in ‘Newsweek’: How ‘The Guardian’ Milked Edward Snowden’s Story
The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man (Guardian/Faber & Faber, 2014) by Luke Harding is a hack job in the purest sense of the term. Pieced together...
Zakharchenko: Kiev’s DMZ proposals suggest mental illness
21st of April, 2015. Donetsk People’s Republic, Novorossiya. Proposals put forward by the Ukrainian authorities on the demilitarisation of certain DPR sectors suggest that they suffer from mental illness,...
The Saker: US needs a state of crisis in Ukraine at all costs
[…] The single most important actor in the Ukrainian crisis are the USA which has far more influence than the EU or any local political force. And the fact...
Man critically injured by Baltimore police has died in hospital
From RT A man who was injured while being arrested in Baltimore last week has died, just hours after hundreds of people rallied outside Baltimore Police Station to protest...
Does Monsanto’s “discredit bureau” really exist?
by Stephanie Hampton Reuters is reporting that Monsanto is demanding a sit-down with members of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)....
The Rouble Rebounds – reasons to be cheerful
by tutisicecream You might be forgiven for thinking that Russia is all washed up because of the rouble crisis, but you’d be wrong. Back in December last year, Russia...
Journalist and politician murdered in Kiev were on ‘enemies of state’ database — RT
Ex-MP Oleg Kalashnikov, who was murdered last week, is assaulted by Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov during a live TV debate in January (see video below). From RT The...
NATO Increasingly Surrounds the ‘Russian Threat’
by Eric Zuesse On Saturday, April 18th, the Commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, Ben Hodges, told Britain’s Telegraph that “There is a Russian threat,” and that “The...
German protests against TTIP
Reuters reports: Thousands of people marched in Berlin, Munich and other German cities on Saturday [April 18] in protest against a planned free trade deal between Europe and the...
DPR offers a new referendum
by Vaska Speaking last Thursday, DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko announced that the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) authorities are willing to hold another referendum on the status of the republic to advance the political...
Neo-Nazis bomb an Orthodox church in Berlin
by Vaska As Viktor Gruzinov, who first aleterted me to this event with his post on Google+ points out, this sort of stuff never used to happen during the...
Amnesty International: Suspicious deaths put Ukrainian authorities in hot seat
The killing of journalist Oles Buzyna on a Kyiv street this week was shocking enough in and of itself. According to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, the 45-year-old journalist – who...
Ukrainian website calls for deportation and internment of dissenters – Fort Russ
Dozens of activists were arrested on April 16 in Odessa; see video below with English subtitles. […] Fans of the Kremlin should be confined for up to five years,...
VIDEO: Mr. Poroshenko’s Recent Past
For those who may not have seen this mentioned in our mainstream media — how many of them ever referred to the positions Poroshenko held in the previous Ukrainian...
VIDEO: Oles Buzina predicting his own murder
Flowers at the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow in memory of murdered journalist Oles Buzina. […] Guys, my life is in danger. And I don’t know if tomorrow I’ll still...
VIDEO: Nazis march in Odessa, April l7
Sputnik International reports: […] A group of neo-Nazis organized a march in the Ukrainian city of Odessa to commemorate the death of Maxim Chaika, the leader of Ukrainian ultranationalist organization “Blood and Honor,” local media...
Orwellian doublespeak at New York Times
by Jim Naureckas The New York Times headline (4/15/15) paints a dire picture: Turmoil at Voice of America Is Seen as Hurting US Ability to Counter Propaganda But wait...
Polish General repudiates his support for Ukraine
Polish General Waldemar Skrzypczak supported Ukraine’s killings in Donbass, but when the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a law glorifying the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which had murdered his uncle as...