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Progress and Potatoes
Sylvia Shawcross
Please note this is a humour piece which is not something people may want to read depending on the...
The Hug of the Smug
Sylvia Shawcross When you grow older it is almost arduous trying to remember what once was. I was trying...
Dr. Richter’s Diabolical Experiment
Todd Hayen Ever heard of Dr. Curt Richter? Neither had I. During the time in the United States where...
The Foolish at Night
Sylvia Shawcross The foolish-hearted people exist in this world more than we really know. The foolish-hearted people do foolish-hearted...
The Great Unvaxxed
TE Creus The vaccine was a resounding success. Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among...
YouTube and Patreon taking down The Corbett Report
James Corbett is likely not long for the YouTube world, having received his second warning his channel is on...
The Machine Stops
The second half of short-story double is The Machine Stops, by EM Forster. While technically more science fiction than...