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don't mention Gladio…
by Catte The alleged “terror attacks” are happening thick and fast in Europe right now. France has suspended its...
Assad the tyrant?
by Philip Roddis, May 23, 2016 I know men and women of intelligence, courage, independence and good intent who...
Chilcot: Internal memos show Syria may have been on the agenda since 2001
The Chilcot Report was released On Wednesday, and a hard copy can be yours for just £767 (though I...
Obama’s “Humanitarian” Bombing Campaign “Against” the Islamic State (ISIS)
by Prof. Michael Chossudovsky, for Global Research Almost 2 years ago, August 8, 2014, Obama launched a bombing campaign...
Trading Places: Neocons and Cockroaches
by Robert Parry at Consortium News Neocons want a new Cold War – all the better to pick the...
Bernie's Capitulation and Hillary's Syrian War to Come
by Garry Leupp, via Counterpunch In his quasi-concession speech last Thursday, broadcast without a live audience (probably due to...
Syria: French Academic Exposes Left-Wing Charlatans as Harbingers of Terrorism
by Bruno Guigue, 21st Century Wire Following the death of a prominent leader of the Arab-Lebanese resistance, murdered by...
British Troops Enter Syria and Libya to Ensure That War Outlives ISIS
by Dan Glazebrook, via CounterPunch The Normandy landings, launched 72 years ago this week, saw the opening of a...
Why Raqqa
by George Ades The priority on the battlefield in Syria has shifted from Aleppo to Raqqa (so called capital...
War Criminal Blair Warmongers for Ground Invasion of Syria and Iraq
from New Eastern Outlook In an ideal world, Tony Blair would have been tried for war crimes years ago,...
It's about time to unmask the Axis of Evil: 23 million Syrians are besieged
by Mark Taliano, via American Herald Tribune The West and its allies are perpetrating unspeakable yet well-documented crimes against...
Huge Numbers of Dead and Wounded as Terrorists Rain Missiles down on Aleppo
by Silvia Cattori, translated by Vanessa Beeley for 21st Century Wire The missiles raining down upon Aleppo since dawn on...
VIDEO: The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
produced by Hands Off Syria.
Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels
by Eric Zuesse The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books («Whose Sarin?» and «The...
Aleppo Doctor Attacks Western Media for Bias, Censorship and Lies
by Vanessa Beeley, for 21st Century Wire When the US and NATO war of aggression was launched against Syria, Dr...
Syrian Elections Prove Again That Washington And Its Presstitutes Lie Through Their Teeth
by Paul Craig Roberts Today (April 14) Syria held parliamentary elections at 7,000 polling stations, keeping the voting open...
Soros-Obama-Merkel-Erdogan Win Control of Europe
by Eric Zuesse On Friday, March 18th, a combined effort by George Soros, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, and Tayyip...
VIDEO: Robert Stuart's presentation on BBC's "Saving Syria's Children"
In his presentation for Frome Stop War, Robert Stuart provides an overview of all the many pieces of evidence...
UN Hypocrisy as WFP Drops Food for Daesh
by Vanessa Beeley, for 21st Century Wire “The UN World Food Program (WFP) aids for the restricted Syrian civilians...
Leaked telephone transcripts show Turkey is helping ISIS in Syria
Vaska Further proof of ties between the Turkish military and ISIS terrorists operating on the Syrian-Turkish border has been...