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Kiev spills it: Rebels control access to Debaltsevo
Militants did not allow a OSCE mission to enter Debaltsevo to monitor the ceasefire, said Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign...
Debaltsevo from “springboard” to “cauldron”
With my emphasis. Admittedly, when “the mousetrap” began to shut, everyone began to shout about the need… the need...
Ukrainians duped US Senator Inhofe into supporting military aid to Kiev
Buzzfeed reports that a delegation consisting of Ukrainian members of parliament, a paramilitary leader, and one Georgetown professor gave...
How to surrender
As it happens, my computer froze completely as I was trying to post this in CiF (after a couple...
Yarosh dixit
I posted this in CiF a while ago: Yarosh from his hospital bed while the Minsk negotations were (are?)...
The Minsk Deal Which Isn’t
So a deal seems to have been announced. Was one reached, however? Leaks of draft documents and Putin’s smug...
WSWS: “Spiegel Online warns of nuclear war”
While any sensible and reasonably-informed observer might think that increasing tension and conflict between the world’s most formidable nuclear...
Two Gates of Hell and the Crisis in Ukraine as a Gateway to the Crisis of the Empire and Its System
This is a very interesting post from June 2014 by Vladimir Suchan in his blog Logos politikos: “Here is...
Ukrainian Woman Denounces War & Conscription
If anyone is wondering why Kiev is having trouble mobilizing troops for its ongoing attacks on the people of...
Kiev’s Bloody War Is Backfiring
And the War Party is pushing to prop up their Ukrainian sock puppets, says’s Justin Raimondo. ‘When Ukrainian...