Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI...
Todd Hayen Think for a moment about what you really care about. Let’s say you are an average working Joe or a partnered mother with three kids. You have...
J R Leach This is a tale of dystopic woe. A bureaucratic nightmare. A glimpse into the Kafkaesque sinkhole lurking at the heart of our automated society. It began...
Sylvia Shawcross Come with me now down this path. It is a path soft with the fallen frailties of the forest, rusted leaves and bits of seeds and twisted...
Todd Hayen About three years ago, before this Covid swill was poured down our throats, my wife pointed out an article in the Toronto Star about a proposal to...
Margaret Anna Alice A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at...
TE Creus “Hi, dude!” “Oh. Hi. How are you?” “I’m good. How do you like my shoes?” “Nice. Are those…” “Yeah. The original Nike Lil Nas X Satan’s Shoes,...
TE Creus The vaccine was a resounding success. Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among the vaccinated, but this was mostly among the elderly or...