GloboCap Über Alles
CJ Hopkins

So, how are you enjoying the “New Normal” so far? Is it paranoid and totalitarian enough for you? If not … well, hold on, because it’s just getting started. There is plenty more totalitarianism and paranoia still to come.
I know, it feels like forever already, but, in fact, it has only been a few months since GloboCap started rolling out the new official narrative. We’re still in the early stages of it. The phase we’re in now is kind of like where we were back in February of 2002, a few months after the 9/11 attacks, when everyone was still in shock, the Patriot Act was just a few months old, and the Department of Homeland Security hadn’t even been created yet.
You remember how it was back then, when GloboCap was introducing the official “War on Terror” narrative, don’t you?
OK, maybe you do and maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re too young to remember, or you were caught up in the excitement of the moment and weren’t paying attention to the details. But some of us remember it clearly.
We remember watching (and futilely protesting) as GloboCap prepared to invade, destabilize, and restructure the entire Middle East, as countries throughout the global capitalist empire implemented “emergency security measures” (which, 18 years later, are still in effect), as the corporate media bombarded us with official propaganda, jacked up The Fear, and otherwise prepared us for the previous “New Normal” … some of us remember all that clearly.
Personally, I remember listening to a liberal academic on NPR calmly speculating that, just hypothetically, at some point in the not-too-distant future, we might need to sacrifice our principles a bit, and torture some people, to “keep America safe.” I recounted this to other Americans at the time, among my many other concerns about where the post-9/11 mass hysteria was heading.
Most of them told me I was just being paranoid, or that they didn’t really care, because we needed to do whatever was “necessary” to protect Americans, and, in any event, “the terrorists deserved it.” Shortly thereafter, I started making plans to get the hell out of the country.
I mention that, not to signal my virtue — leaving the U.S.A. didn’t achieve anything, except for improving my standard of living — but to jog your memory, and maybe prompt you to compare that period to the one we are in now.
The parallels are overwhelming. The “state of emergency.” The propaganda. The mass hysteria. The mob mentality. The exaggeration of the actual threat. The police-state atmosphere. The suppression of dissent. The constant repetition of the new official narrative. The exhortative catchphrases and meaningless slogans. The confusion. The chaos. The existential fear. And so on. It is all so very familiar.
I’m referring to the simulated pandemic, of course, but also to the racialized civil unrest and identitarian polarization that GloboCap has fomented throughout the United States, and, to varying degrees, the rest of the empire. I’ve been covering the War on Populism and GloboCap’s “Trump-is-literally-Hitler” propaganda since 2016, so the civil unrest isn’t terribly surprising.
But, I confess, I did not see the fake plague coming.
Running the two psy-ops together was brilliant. The effect on people has been devastating. Everyone is either depressed or enraged, or in some stage of paranoid paralysis. Some have been so thoroughly terrorized that they are literally refusing to leave their houses. Others are lining up at gun shops. White people are getting down on their knees and publicly washing Black people’s feet in “symbolic demonstrations of forgiveness.” Condiments are changing their names. It’s like we’re all trapped in a gratuitously didactic Netflix zombie-apocalypse series set in the world of The Handmaid’s Tale, written, directed, and produced by Spike Lee.
The official propaganda could not be more Orwellian, nor could people’s willingness to go along with it. It doesn’t even have to appear to make sense. Doublethink has taken over. For example, most of the developed world has been in some form of totalitarian lockdown, and subjected to other police-state measures (like being beaten and arrested for not wearing a mask), for no justifiable reason whatsoever, for going on the last five months, but, according to the corporate media (and the millions of people they have apparently brainwashed), it’s only now that Trump has sent his Homeland Security goons into Portland that, suddenly, “democracy is under attack!”
But wait … no, I take it back, the Orwellianism gets even more Orwellian. According to GloboCap and its sanctimonious minions, that sentence I just wrote about Portland is racist, because nearly everything you can imagine is racist, or is a potential threat to the public health. Calling riots “riots” is racist. Silence is racist. Free speech is racist. Refusing to wear a mask is racist. The BLM protesters are immune to the virus, but other large gatherings (which, it goes without saying, are probably racist) all have to be banned.
Normality, as Americans knew it, is over, and it is never, ever, coming back, because white supremacy caused the pandemic. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland (where life has been going on without mass hysteria) do not exist. They have never existed (and, if they ever did, they were probably racist). Talking on public transportation is deadly. Interacting with children is potentially deadly, as are most other forms of human interaction … unless you’re tearing down a racist statue, or burning down a local family business, while wearing a designer anti-racism mask.
Seriously, though, just like in 2002, when GloboCap was still rolling out the “War on Terror” narrative, the facts are all available for anyone who cares. The falsification of Covid statistics and hospital capacity figures, the unreliability of the tests, and so on … it has all been repeatedly documented.
Anyone with a positive test result who later dies of any cause (including a fatal motorcycle accident) is counted as a “Covid death.” Anyone admitted to a hospital for anything who tests positive for the virus is a “Covid hospitalization.” And, I’m sorry to disappoint my liberal friends (assuming I have any left at this point), but systematic racism and police brutality did not suddenly begin in 2016.
What suddenly began in 2016 was a concerted effort on the part of GloboCap to put down a growing populist backlash against global capitalism and its soulless ideology. Yes, most of that backlash is neo-nationalist in character, but it also includes a significant number of old-fashioned lefty-types like myself, and a lot of other un-woke folks who aren’t quite ready to embrace their new identities as interchangeable human commodities.
We are experiencing the culmination of that effort (or what they hope is the culmination of that effort) to put down this motley populist insurgency, and ensure that it never happens again. GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. The lesson is:
“This is what you get when you fuck around with GloboCap. This is what voting for Trump, Brexit, and all the rest of that ‘populist’ nonsense gets you … global pandemics, civil race wars, riots, lockdowns, economic depression, societal collapse, chaos, fear. Go ahead, fuck around with us some more. We will make you wear ridiculous face masks forever. We will paint little arrows and boxes on the floor to show you where to walk and stand. We will bankrupt your businesses, shut down your schools, psychologically torture your children. We’ll inject them with any fucking thing we want. There is nothing you can do about it. We will make you get down on your knees and apologize for fucking with us, or we will stigmatize you as a ‘racist,’ sic our mobs of fanatics on you, and ‘cancel’ you and your entire family.”
This, essentially, is the message that GloboCap is delivering to disobedient populists (left or right, it makes no difference; GloboCap doesn’t care which political labels we cling to or slap on each other). It is our final warning to quit playing grab-ass, get with the global capitalist program, and start behaving and thinking as we’re told … unless we want to get locked down again, and ordered to wear things on our faces, and be otherwise ritually humiliated.
See, the so-called “New Normal” (i.e., the new ideological narrative that GloboCap is rolling out) is actually not that new at all … or, OK, the pathologization part is (and I’ll be paying close attention to that aspect of it), but, basically, it’s just plain old totalitarianism.
It isn’t state-totalitarianism, because our world isn’t ruled by nation-states. It is ruled by global capitalism. We are being reminded of that fact at the moment … and being shown what happens if we start to forget it.
Where we go from here is anyone’s guess. My hunch is, it is only going to get worse until they can get Trump out of office, which Americans are liable to help them do, simply to make the whole nightmare stop.
Once he’s gone, they’ll probably retire the fake pandemic, call off the riots, and stage some sort of international celebration of the Rebirth of Democracy, after which they can get finally back to the business of ruthlessly destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing the planet, sanitizing history, curing humanity of racism, hate, and other pathologies, and otherwise enforcing rigid conformity to global capitalist ideology.
Maybe they could get the Hamilton composer to write them a hip hop Deutschlandlied to use as a supranational anthem. They could call it GloboCap Über Alles … it kind of has a ring to it, doesn’t it?
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Quote”White people are getting down on their knees and publicly washing Black people’s feet in “symbolic demonstrations of forgiveness.”
This Hopkin character drops this sentence in, he is too cowardly to say that people standing up for something that is right rather than something that was wrong for a millenia is wrong because he knows that would be condemned but he drops it amongst a litany of other things that he posits as an attack on freedom. Instead he drops this sentence in as the cowardly racist innuendo designed to appeal to a mob that fit in with his – I am sure amongst racist Brexit Britain he has developed and found a kin. Perhaps he is the light American version of Katie Hopkins! This person’s bile is no different to today’s born again unwanted David Mamet – it should be given no corner. Maybe he thinks that people with values who are saying a racist past is not our racist future does not fit in with his idea of his white American past and sick idea of freedom. Please do not publish this racist nonsense. It does not matter what colour you are – it is what you stand for. Exactly what does this person stands for? himself and his racist bigoted oh how I left America as if Trump is any worse than the Clintons! Is there any difference between Theresa May and Boris Johnson – other than he is American they are the same! Perhaps the Off Guardian should read content and the implied content that are dropped in by such sorts.
you are an idiot
Your comment is quite expected. However, I think you will find you are the idiot as time goes on but it does not matter. Racism was unacceptable from moment one, attacking people against it says more of the writer and people like you and I am glad never to sit in your midst of the pile in which you fester and reside. I could find you equally represhensible but i wish upon you your own views of others and what you wish upon others.
The Billionaires who run the world are going to make everything better. Trust them.
never trust a steakholder:)
China and their bedfellows the Democrat party are desperate.
Here is a video from Chinese TV that shows what CJ Hopkins has said in this article and how the media, Democrats, the EU and China all desperately want populism to fail.
I also said this here 4 months ago on how they saw the rise in populism and needed a reset to which most on this site disagreed.
“True to form, the UK Government is employing a confidence trick to invite volunteering into compliance”
The disjuct between your writing and your photos is what gets my paranoia up. You look quite mature.
A tale of mask futility: I was doing some shopping yesterday on a pissing wet day and noticed a book shop which had been closed since lockdown started but which was now open. So, I thought I’d have a look. Went in, was told I had to wash my hands at the little dispenser, put down my shopping and brolley, and could hardly see because my glasses had steamed up more than usual with the mask. A guy in the shop said there was a way to wear the mask to stop steam. I tried it, got it wrong, had to do it again. Then went to look at the books and PING! One of the elastic straps on the mask had broke. I had no option but to leave. Gosh I wonder how many books they sold that day?!
giving money to shops promoting covid19 helps nothing. a serious boycotte will put a stop to this madness.
Here in Melbourne, one of the major supermarkets Woolworths (like Tesco’s) put out a statement 2-3 days ago saying that people not wearing a facemask will be allowed to shop in their stores. Within a day, they did a complete backflip and put out another statement saying its now mandatory to wear facemasks in their supermarkets.
Two of my Facebook friends went to different Woolworths supermarkets today and the staff called the police on them!
All major retailers here have adopted a ‘no facemask no shopping’ policy.
A great way to go out of business. Get woke go broke.
And all supermarkets in Melbourne have security guards at the entrance. Will be interesting the next time I go.
Oh, yes, give the Karen’s hell on friday in Sainsbury’s!
Woolies won’t go out of business, mate. They are too big and apart from Coles and a few Aldis, there is no alternative.
Add to that the fact their customers are shit-scared and stupid and it’s a winning formula for the ColesWorth duopoly.
Didn’t the UK Woolworths go into administration?
Different Woolworths. Just the same name. Aussie Woolworths is nothing to do with the American department store that existed in the UK until the parent company pulled it out.
In Aus, Woolworths is a supermarket. In the UK, it was a department store.
just find a fruit slall or outdoor market. there is coops that deliver organic fruit and veg baskets. supermarkets are part of the problem with their shelf life agenda and scale.
That would be a good idea Rachel, except for one slight snag. I’m in the middle of suburbia, nowhere near a food market or co-op. There are food markets in the neighbouring suburbs either side of me, but only with public transport as they’re too far to walk (kms).
There is a Woolworths supermarket 10 mins walk up the road tho. Sigh.
Hope your day goes well👍
i found the place where there is roadside stall but there was only a few things available. good kilo of peppers for 5 euro. luckily a woman came and told me the italian vendor will be back tomorrow. she said he has real good quality so i think it will be worth the bike ride and better value for money. apparently the guy insists customers haggle. there is also a farmers market on saturday so i should be able to avoid the supermarket quite a bit. good habit to get into. all there was today was like a shed wit some food and a box to put the money in.
supermarket is shit. alot of the time the fruit is not ripe so i end up throwing it in the compost. they also seem to stock dodgy varieties that give extra shelf life but are not good to eat. when its in a plastic box it looks like a good deal but really its coz it is not ripe and they dont want people to feel how hard it is. when it does soften its coz it is old and rotting. i dont get how supposedly wealthy people dont even get something as basic as decent fruit. they dont realise the poverty. children denied such fundamental pleasures of life. if all you have in the fridge is fruit and salad it is pretty easy to eat raw so long as its ripe and tasty. they could do like the icecream van but with fruit instead. someone selling like that is not going to piss about with unripe stuff or price. they would just sell it before it went bad.
Glad you live in a geographical area of cosy convenience. So do I. Nice, innit? My cousin lives not a million miles north of us and they have to drive about 40km to get to a small general store that has a big barn at the back converted to contain all the bulk goods most of its customers need for their fortnightly or monthly stocking up. No farmers’ or outdoor markets for another xtykm. Whenever we see them I always tell them what schmucks they are for living in an inconvenient place like that but I have to time it carefully. He’s younger and bigger and now stronger than me and I have to scarper as soon as I’ve told him, so it’s dangerous to say that sort of thing while we’re sitting at their table or lounging on their sofa when all the doors are closed.
There’s a subtext hereabove: when are so many of you BTLers going to get over yourselves?
P.S. Apropos of which: pleased to see Trump’s now out of his Patriot’s closet. I understand that suddenly nobody’s allowed into the Oval Office without a Patriot’s mask and Melania can’t persuade him to take his off even while they snog. She seems to be quite piqued that he hasn’t got such an attitude when it comes to kissing Fauci barelips.
In Hong Kong, on the government Covid website, there is this question in the FAQs:
Basically, this implies that over 33% of us are going to die: A total lie, designed to scare people. Why would an egalitarian , true communist government do such a bad thing. Surely lying to your people is a capitalist hobby, so why would the nice communists in China be doing this? Should we trust them that they have our best interest at heart? If everybody gets Covid then the population of HK will drop to 5 million. Scary! No wonder they are threatening to lockdown HK because there were 8 deaths in the last month – FYI, HK has over 200 deaths per day on a normal day.
It’s saying that MERS has a mortality rate exceeding one third. However, stating “caused by coronavirus” does induce fear.
Particulary round here, with its 67% braindead before intubation rate.
Chuckle, is that you, Victor Meldrew on a roll.
Have a fine day, Robbo
In reply to why doesn’t Trump get rid of Facui he can’t since Who called a pandemic US comes under control of Health and CDC. American intelligence media explained it. That site exposes UK deep state through privy Council and pilgrim society and Queen golden shares
Neither the WHO or the CDC have any authority. They can only offer recommendations.
There are many many crisis in society, major and minor crisis, and crisis which are taken for granted, which with the means, the knowledge, technology and organizational power we have today could easily be prevented or made a lot less severe, or which at least could reasonably be on the table. Such things are often ignored until they can no longer be ignored. Sometimes the cures for such crisis are even relatively cheap and easy, and common sensical, requiring no more than simplicity. They are ignored because of interests contrary to these crisis, in terms of status, power and wealth and all minor forms of selfishness and cowardliness. If not ignored, if action is taken, they are often treated with means which make them worse or have all too significant negative side effects. Often no action is taken because of unwilling parties not willing to give up even smaller interests.
So, the preparedness towards enormous investments into alleged future and current dangers, like pandemics and alleged human caused climate change, and the preparedness of fast imposition of extremely transformative changes might rouse some suspicion in the skeptical mind.. to say the least..
So they are now all tumbling over each other to save each other, to be responsible, and the elites also at the very highest levels are all tumbling over each other to be big saviors.. to be big and responsible, while human history, including that of yesterday is mostly the proof of mass hatred, mass violence, mass corruption, abuse of power by those who have power, of mass selfisness, of mass irresponsibility etc..
This appears to mean that we have since very recently gone through an unprecedented sudden evolutionary humanistic leap, of all these destructive and negative traits changing into their opposite, does it..
Or rather, it is a collective psychosis, a pseudo experience of mass unity and responsibility which is of the most sophisticated deceptive character.
Coronajokes for the Coronahoax
Q What’s the scariest thing about Coronavirus?
A It hasn’t got any symptoms
you might have it, without ever even knowing it. oh, the horror.
The thing is it that it doesn’t exist.
“Nothing to fear except fear itself”
I guess the jokes on us for reading media and believing the unreal is real and so doing this creating more dysfunction.
Insanity is not normal.
Wanna hear a joke about covid? ah…you probably wont get it.
That’s why no celebrity or “popular” person has died from it.
‘It’s a silent killer.’ An acquaintance on email. Strange, I thought it would be quite noisy as a person coughed their lungs up.
Went to M&S today without any mask or face covering . Was hoping to be challenged but nothing materialised . Majority of staff were not wearing masks but instead were kitted out with the ridiculous plastic face shields . The checkout operators were not wearing either but they were protected by a sheet of perspex instead. So that’s alright then.
Full blown divide, rule, terrorise and fool, starts on Friday. At which point I suggest we start a legal but very, very visible marketing campaign to expose the tyranny
a sheet of perspex stuck down with sellotape in one shop i could not stop laughing she laughed also
serious note
a tv show called cowboy builders
and all shop during this madness would of made it this show
imagine calling some
yellow pages looking for pandemics specialists they come around and built perplex glass give you a face shield and lines of the floor
sanitized gel
their taking the piss
Just got back from Sainsburys this evening after visiting Lloyds pharmacy. Poor girl decked out in a mask – do you have to wear that all day I asked. Yes we are supposed to wear a visor too but the staff weren’t happy. How long have you been kitted out like I asked – about 2 months she said! Absolutely ridiculous. Yes on Friday the rest of the Sainsbury staff have to wear masks too she said. That should be interesting I replied. I might just pop in myself on Friday – the Karens in there will have a fit!
it is ruled by capitalism? yes the idiots who give money to pharma and cant be bothered to eat healthy. if these corporations had less customers they would soon lose power. pepsi look to be one such corporation sponsoring terror. thats the beauty it is so obvious who to boycott now they are out in the open.
In the real world if MacDonald and cola coke sponsoring sports ObesityOlympias there would there would be uproar imagine the papers media etc
instead they market sell to children no uproar thats inverted.
Police are called in to control TWO HOUR queues outside McDonald’s and one restaurant ‘is forced to close because of too many customers’ after fast food giant reopened
after the lock down
the drink is very acidic. course nobody cued outside mcdonalds. fake news. mcdonalds are closing down all over the place.
my eyes saw ques out side KFC
my eyes also saw loads of fruit vege left and all the Mucus-Producing Foods taken of the shelves by general public during the peak period of lockdown
probably they were told the… virus might be on the fresh produce. the cult has no shame. even when they have seriously obese people they tell them its genetic rather than to eat fruit and salad. that shows how the gene theory is from the germ theory scam. they will try to make some drug to effect the supposed obesity gene. it was this cambridge dude on bbcs clean eating docu.
if you compare with this video it shows the level of bullcrap yeo talks. its actualy real interesting story. this woman was like growing up on a farm but yeo thinks a salad and yogurt is a healthy lunch afterall the lady was a dr.
This is true. I saw huge lines of Americans at drive thru fast food joints. I live in a small too. Crazy. We aren’t all crazy though. We are preparing.
Imagine a person who only ever fights symptoms and never the cause. How pathetic. How sad I have to live among such people.
Cuz you’re better than?
It’s not about better. I don’t consider myself ‘better’ than anyone else. This is an alien concept to me. A rather juvenile and unnecessary concept. I am a part of every other living thing and they are part of me. Thinking I am a ‘better’ human can only cause hatred, war. The same as those who believe they are superior to us hate us and murder us with wars.
I do consider myself more awake, more courageous than some. And less so than others. It is not a crime to be discerning and to accurately observe reality. They are valuable assets, in fact.
David Korten had a great analogy for that: people working madly to pull babies out of the river until one of them went upstream to take out the bastard throwing them in. Paraphrased.
I’m puzzled over CJ’s final comment on Trump, since it’s clear (as with Corbett’s report on “Who Is Bill Gates?”) the covid tool will continue on and on toward the glory of total global ID and control by the corporations as “the
finalbest solution”–or it will stall and eventually fall apart given resistance, which hopefully is growing.So, CJ, it’s only going to get worse until Trump is out of office? Then it’s over? Trump could actually assure retaining the office right now if he would fire Fauci and replace him with somebody like Ioannidis, who would take a cautionary approach on “alarmism” and hysteria with the numbers, and which could enable a re-opening everything position–sports, the schools, bars and restaurants, and “making America get back to work again.”
If he would do this, I suggest, Trump would win easily in November. The very points we have been bringing forth repeatedly here in this forum would become public consideration. There IS resistance in the US to what’s going on. Recall that previously we’ve seen this resistance is similar to the breakdown in the 2016 election, in terms of Red State vs. Blue State designations on how the voting went at that time.
So why isn’t Trump doing this? Why is he using a strategy going against his instincts, which are apparently to resist masks and move to re-opening. With the election drawing near his numbers continue sunk around 40% approval vs.56% disapproval. It seems to me there are two possibilities on this. True, the numbers disparity here reflects 2016 with HRC supremely confident then devastated–but Trump’s charisma at this time is now up against a backlog of ineptitude and confused moves, including his current weakness in employing
brown shirtssorry, federal troops, in Portland.Why?
1) He’s tired of it. How enticing it must be to him to think of retiring to his wealth and an analyst’s position for FOX News. Trump as opportunist first, versus principled opposition to corporate designs on war and everything else, should be clear by now, despite that he managed to fool a lot of people into thinking he is a “maverick.” It seems to me Donald’s comfort levels just might be primary at this time, whereas entering into a horrific battle of Trump vs Dems, with his being labeled “squanderer of Americans’ safety” instead of “saintly protectors of the nation’s health,” risks a serious struggle that could, simply, be asking for far more effort than he’s willing to give. For one thing, it could seriously cut into his golf time.
2) No matter how well-meaning he is as “continuing maverick” he’s not up to it in terms of intellectual capacity to wage such a battle and understand how to coordinate the needed resistance. His maintaining Fauci, as he has maintained others such as Bolton, indicates he is a good deal slower and more confused on what to do than he wants to appear to be with his magnificent stable brain and all that, claimed in his first years in office. He is now talking about how everybody should indeed wear masks. He is not significantly differentiating himself from the Democratic Rules-Savior Position.
Anyway, whatever it is holding him back, and whoever wins in November, won’t make a difference to the Gates’ Vaccination and ID Program, now in motion for a decade or so.
You raise the question on every thinking man’s mind. Articles that zero in on this conundrum to flesh it out would be helpful.
The following article offers more food for thought and an opposing view to what I suggested above. It indicates the election battle at this time is between blue cities and red state outlying hamlets (again the Red State-Blue State split of 2016), with Trump’s deliberately cultivating a battle mentality to cultivate his tough guy and law and order image.
It also indicates that Trump is having a tough time in the polls over the virus, which could indicate why he’s shifted the emphasis to law and order. Moreover, Quinnipiac polling service has a good reputation.
The writer says:
Trump’s alarms about “angry mobs” and “violent mayhem” in Democratic cities might allow him to recapture some Republican-leaning white suburbanites and energize his rural and small-town support, analysts in both parties told me. But as I’ve written before, his belligerent tone simultaneously risks hardening the opposition he’s facing from the many suburban voters who feel that he’s exposing them to more danger—both in his response to the policing protests and his unrelenting push to reopen the economy despite the coronavirus’s resurgence.
In last week’s national Quinnipiac University poll, just over seven in 10 white voters holding at least a four-year college degree disapproved of Trump’s handling of both race relations and the outbreak.
Note also this article (appearing in The Atlantic) is mainstream (I found it at Real Clear Politics) and similar to another listed today claiming Trump is a wannabe dictator but weak:
If 7 out of 10 Americans are against reopening the economy then that also suggests my theory above about how to win the election is wishful thinking and based too narrowly on a few disgruntled skeptics, such as featured here at O-G.(My comments on his being tired of the office are of course entirely speculative.)
Then again, a poll based on white voters holding at least a four year college degree might not be the most reliable indicator of what’s going on in this country generally.
The question is whether people in general are getting sufficiently fed up with the covid-antics-show toward “Enough of this BS! Let’s move on!” Or, still hunkered down and cowering with fear due to MSM propaganda. Trump’s gamble with law and order might be more politically defensible, although risky, but not as risky as a full-on let’s open up and make the American economy great again campaign.
The polls are as trustworthy as they were in 2016, so they tell me nothing except what their owners want me to think.
I don’t think that Trump is basing anything on what the man in the street voter wants in the president. He is looking instead at the ruling class and their wants and, I think, squaring theirs with his own. If he wanted a landslide victory he would have staffed for America First and not Israel First; and he would have blown the whistle on the corona scam. Instead he only ever threatens to blow it and then, eventually, backs the oligarchs’ narrative. I see back room dealing going on in that and not in the citizen’s interest primarily.
And then there is Joe Biden. Not even the pretence of a serious candidate there, so what’s the message? Is the Trump vs Deep State just a narrative itself and they, the Davos crowd, are “all in this together” feigning opposition in a theatre act for us all while they continue to loot?
Whatever the case, stick with the truth; it’s the only victor in the battle with corrupt power.
Yeah, I’m certainly for that truth whatever it is . . . I’m sympathetic with your view. It’s feasible to me that Trump will play whatever for his personal benefit. That’s what he’s always done. It seems to me that with the dicey BlueState-RedState toss up, he might just win, with a genuine effort to disclose what’s going on, but I think he’s too much in with the Elite Culture to go that far. Supposedly they meet January 2021 to get the ball rolling on the “great reset”. It won’t matter who the president is. This is clearly what is going to happen or at least what they will attempt. I can kind of see it playing out like they say. Biden will come in and the lockdowns will be lifted and we’ll see a short period of normality as they start to put the next phase into place. This is clearly coming no matter who the president is. The billionaires didn’t agree to all this for no reason. They own the circus. We are supposed to pay the gate fee and enjoy watching the show.
And HRC is going to win in a landslide.
Fauci will be jettisoned like all the other big bros – when they run out of rope.
As even Bolton did.
The final nail will be Pompeo – Trump is saving him to the last. Then he will win again because he cleared out the swamp that has been against him from the beginning.
Don’t forget he has all the Russiagater coupgaters lined up for the perp walk over the next two months…
You’ll get a different opinion from MOA if you want, not the same as mine.
You seem to assume Trump is continuing with his supposed program to do it right from the 2016 election. I hope we do see the perp walk, it’s certainly dragging its heels, since we were promised results for last spring. But why wait on this Fauci? The man’s been inconsistent and confusing. Why these delays. Why delay on Bolton, clearly at odds with Trump with every news photo showing him grieving in the background. Why the foreign policy fuck-ups. Not that long ago Trump was a fourth dimension chess player and now he looks more like a kid with checkers.
Because the potus is not a elected king. The Executive has limited powers. Only supposedly full control over the military.
The president is Just a elected ceo of a board which is appointed by the Money and defines the National Interests for their various oligarchs.
These representatives are not necessarily the choice of the Executive in the WH. And they are not easily ‘fire able’ like on the Apprentice- unless they make massive errors – chock themselves as the rope runs out.
The election planners will play their cards in a timely manner.
You may be right about the coupgaters but we’ve been hearing about”sealed indictments “ and grand jurys for years . Durham may be on the case or just stalling like all the others , there was a comment recently about “ not wanting to impact the election” with the “investigation”
Barr is also suspect , he has made some good speeches but comes from an insider background .
They all seem to be playing like judge Sullivan and playing to run-out the clock .
Flynn’s lawyer is worth listening to , we need more women like this .
The key to most of the “resistance” is on the Anthony Wiener laptop .
Trump is running out of time . But we don’t know for sure whose side he is on ,
Fed personnel sent into states is an ominous sign of covid agenda creep .
Trump is part of the Problem.
US Presidential elections have always been a choice between Their two chosen Candidates. Ask Dr. Ron Paul or Tulsi Gabbard about it.
Divide the People, with a false binary choice, and Conquer.
Not sure I understand this comment. Was I saying Trump is not part of the problem? The flagrant way in which candidates have been finagled as players has become increasingly obvious and brazen. The interesting thing to me is that no matter how much Trump is part of the problem he has had a moment or two of being different and anti-Establishment. This is what saves him–the illusion he’s a maverick. It just might be enough to get him the November election.
The article’s assertion that this global pandemic is some kind of cleverly constructed revenge or karmic kick in the nether regions is typical of the kind of misplaced importance and credibility given to Trump. Trump is neither smart or important.His job carries weight as does his signature. But when he’s allowed to speak for himself and start throwing his weight around like a drunken John Wayne character he reveals his naked ignorance.This pandemic is data-driven. The predictions and results are. It’s a fanfare ushering in the age of Autocrats and Technocrats to take to the stage. Politicians have had there day. Trump and Johnson are like Laurel and Hardy.Johnson bumbles around like a stereo typically foppish Brit from a Jeeves and Wooster story.Trump is like some overly camp drag artist who thinks he can pout like Monroe and deliver one liners he thinks can frighten the rest of the world.He understand money. He understands property. He understands under-the-table dealings.He understand orders that come from Jerusalem.They both do.
Trump got in against all logic and all pundits predictions.He ran against Clinton.What a choice that was. Now he’s up against another oddball in Biden.The future’s bright. And definitely orange…
Don’t fool yourself into believing Trump has anything to do with this virus BS. It was being rehearsed for years.Years before he considered running for president. The drills and round table meetings began in 2003 and continued with at least 5 more by the time he came to power.It was on the agenda whether it was him, Clinton or Mickey Mouse.It was too big and important a deal to have the likes of him have a say. Obama laid the foundation around 2015 in a speech which was echoed later by adviser Tony give -me-more-pharma-millions Fauci. Look what happened when Trump strayed from the script and mentioned how effective HCQ was against the virus. Fauci almost had a baby on stage.He soon came out and said he ”definitely wouldn’t take it” if he had it.And that’s good enough to convince me that it’s a good treatment if he panicked that fast. HCQ and Zinc combination is still the most successful treatment.So much so that certain states have ordered pharmacists not to issue prescriptions for it and mess things up.
The pandemic was a plan to usher in global fear.Then to demonstrate the wonders of AI and technology as we celebrate how it will eventually predict the virus and it’s movements and we track and trace it then kill it.Hail Gates. Hail Fauci. Hail Dystopia. All in the interest of ‘protecting’ us from yet more unseen terrorists. I suppose we can relax a little as they can’t pretend ISIS are in our back yards any longer.They got bored and disappeared (replaced by ‘radicalised’ viruses).
No other reason would dare be offered up to chip all men women and children ( of the lesser races, ie- not super rich).No other reason would make it easy to bring about the universal acceptance of their control of our lives than the fear of our own demise.Once we embrace our new religion( technology of the state) we’ll be the robots.Not the AI. It’s far easier to dumb down and stupify humans than evolve tin and plastic.And that’s why the CIA chose a software magnate to front a battle against what we’re being told is a biological – based pandemic. Because it isn’t one. If it was we’d have impartial medical experts offering help and leading the fight.Not ones paid for by the architects of this nonsense. Note when real doctors start to talk sense that the media get the message to crank up the numbers and melodrama.
Deep state have been crafting this meticulously for 50 years. They upped the ante by fronting Gates with huge cash to go to Africa and practice on tiny helpless children under the cover of selfless philanthropy.And since he’s been meddling we’ve had a lot of headline viruses arrive over here in the developed world.The same world where his beloved Harvard have been working tirelessly on nano technology and the Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University have combined to organise how a pandemic would land, spread and give them a license to control. Trump ? Not even a small cog.
Are you saying that Bill Gates actually has a handler?
Who are they?
Fauci is in all the pictures. How many administrations has he been in his job ? When did the modern day pandemic’s begin to become disturbing ( HIV / AIDS / EBOLA ? Whatever this one is really).The CIA have held too much power for over 50 years. Fauci and Zuckerberg are billionaires. We know the trojan horse mentality of the covert movers and shakers. Facebook was all bells and whistles while, in reality, it was a spy tool for those who funded it( CIA).Facebook seems impervious to prosecution and beyond and above the law. Why would that be ? Any trial for impeaching our rights to what’s left of our freedom are no more than show trials.That’s evidence enough for me.It’s a surveillance operation. As was it’s offshoot Cambridge Analytica
It’s latest , or most recent, venture has been to introduce a crypto currency. Like the one’s being talked about once this mess of a pandemic is put back on the shelf and we have the so called ‘reset’. Gates made IT and computing user friendly around the world with his Windows and general geekiness.He looked too benevolent to be evil. And he wouldn’t really put a ‘back door’ in all the windows programmes surely.
He’s certainly not like that naughty Hitler chap with his odd tash and strange hand movements and shouty attitude.His Trojan Horse was to get to Africa and find a really large open air lab to see how certain vaccines and other meds will perform against each other.Just like those Nazi bad guys with their Zyklon B .We know what the company that manufactured that evolved into don’t we.It changed it’s hat and called itself Monsanto. The global poisoner of food.Biggest supporter financially ? Gates.
Two things that will slow a race down or kill it. Vaccines or a poison that will make the next generation sterile. Gates senior helped set up Planned Parenthood.He’s second generation eugenicist. Bill is third. So, between them, they’ve introduced programmes to make the plebs sterile or handicapped or dead.That’s our billionaire ‘philanthropist’.And now he has charge of a virus that is attacking human beings- not computers ? I don’t think so.
I agree with most of what you say, and gave you a vote up, but I tend to disagree about Facebook and the late CA. They are both somewhat off-message. CA’s supposed biggest achievements (and my view is that their influence was nowhere near as much as some would have us believe) are Trump and brexit. Trump and brexit are most definitely not Establishment picks. Facebook is currently under an immense financial attack, which Soros is behind. Soros is front and centre of the nightmare to which we are currently being subjected.
I agree. I don’t think there is a President since November 1963 that has not been groomed, primed and then accepted serving the American Script.
Yeah, the little girl in me wishes/hopes the upcoming election – and that will be quite a write-in joke – would result in a plandemic cease and desist, but I strongly doubt it. Unless I am not seeing another back story.
The hidden script is guarded by the hidden hands.Always has been.But, once you realize that it’s a protracted mind game that spans generations you have an idea of the opposition’s arsenal.With that you can organize your own.
Priming is a much used tool. Especially since television and radio arrived to join mass printing presses of the propaganda programmes calling themselves newspapers. The popular meme used among those who look at the alternative narratives and search for truth is ‘pre programming’.It sounds more ‘MK’ – related and sinister.It’s sinister enough without the re-christening. It’s priming.Themes may well be thinly veiled in Hollywood garbage or mainstream TV to prime us and make a later ‘shock reality’ easier to accept.But the ‘biggie’ has always been the NWO. The Illuminati. Or the Sabbateans; the free masons. The elite. Call it – and them- what you like.It’s only a label so we can identify the entity in control when we talk about it and them.
In all developed countries, elections always filter down to 2 major parties with a few alternatives for show or for the floating voters to waste their vote. It preserves the illusion of a democracy and that the people actually have a say.It’s bullshit.
The NWO has been in power for a long, long time.They install leaders according to the chess game they’re playing.There’s a reason they have so many secret societies and Bilderbergs. How can any democracy( genuine one) have so many secret societies for leaders and their comrades who tell their voters that they live in a free country; a democracy. Bi-partisan politics is an illusion . Part politics is an illusion. There’s one party running the world.But, country by country, they will occasionally swap who ‘wins’ and gets a term or two. Again, to sustain the illusion. Sometimes a government seem to favour the better off; other times they’ll be replaced by one that wants to champion Joe Worker.Neither reign long enough to cause a revolt.They switch just in time every time. Keep the mind game ticking.
The re-set ahead is based on the need to re-invent the way we use money.Billionaires can’t translate their worth into bills and notes because the money doesn’t actually exist. The bigger the number on your bank statement/s the more power and influence you have in the world.Could Gates or Musk really spend all their money if they tried ? Remember that cautionary comic tale Brewster’s Millions ?
Once we set the economy to binary and crypto, we’ll be ready to accept the new religion they’ve slowly but surely primed us to accept- ‘AI’. The technocrats are running the governments now.The virtual world is the real world.It doesn’t matter what Politicians studied at college( if they even bothered) or their knowledge of history or politics.That’s about to be wiped from the blackboard. It’s Jurassic.
The bigger, but more dangerous and subtle part of AI is the nano technology.That too is on the shelf waiting.That’s where we’ll be reset.Without your brain and mind functioning you’ll be rendered compliant.Too ‘gone’ to argue or resist.But it’s how it is.Gates is the king of Software and depopulation. He doesn’t know the difference between a pill and a scalpel but has charge of what we’re being told is a global pandemic.There’s a big clue in that.
We’ve been primed for decades through sci-fi in books and movies about the amazing phenomenon of Robots.How close to mimicking man they are.How they could take over.Logic as well as science tells us that’s stupid.Outside of fiction at least.But we could cause a man to be little more than an imitation of what he once was.A shadow of an evolved human .Or-a robot. All it would take is the implanting of chips.Make us responsive via chips.Like your phone is or your computer.But, until then, we’re a ‘software problem’ so the King of Software’s been called into ‘fix’ us.The ‘Trojan horse’ is that it’s to save us from the virus nobody has yet isolated and nobody can identify under a microscope. A virus that causes the host to present with altitude sickness symptoms no matter where they live.Could it be a vibrationary phenomenon causing it ? It can be done. If the right software people got involved. The kind who crusade to depopulate the planet and have chips implanted in them ‘ for the good of all’.
Here’s a plan that could work( because it probably has before). Come up with a date- let’s say October for now. Announce the vaccination.Then, stop lying about the virus and the soaring mortality rate.Then tell the world it’s safe to come out now Then you’ll be told it was the vaccination. It’s all in the timing see. Clever stuff…
There’s a reason or two that Bill and Melinda smile and gaze at each other like disturbingly unattractive high school sweethearts when they say the ‘next one’ will make us ‘pay attention’ while they show no fear whatsoever.One reason is that they know they and their loved ones are going to be OK whatever happens.Now all you need to work out is how they know then why no leaders have questioned his medical credentials.
Which all brings to mind what Catherin Austin Fitts has said – “there’s worse things than death”.
(very well explained, by the way, thank you.)
very welcome
Lmao, and you believe those polls like you did in 2016 when Killary was 97% of winning.
Trump has bigger fish to fry than just the leftist swamp Demorats and Rino’s.
China is a much bigger threat than fake Corona and Trump plays along because he realizes China has done far more damage and so have the corrupt politicians on both sides that have sold out America to CCP China. Trump is going to do it for America and realizes that this virus has killed maybe 10-20% of what the WHO says. Even the CDC says the numbers are greatly exaggerated.
And no he is not treating deaths as nothing as that is under control of the Governors who have done a terrible job especially nursing hones as Trump has done everything that has been asked of him by states and the CDC and nobody can dispute that.He shut the borders for international travel before anybody did and was called a racist by the left for doing so.
Trump is using the Democrats and Media to do his bidding and they don’t even know it like he did in 2016 and didn’t pay a cent in advertising compared to Killary and the Democrat Party. Law and order will win him the election even bigger than 2016.
Crush China and crush the leftist “progressive” corrupt deep swamp while using Corona.
2 birds with one virus.
I don’t know how you got the idea I believe the polls.
Polls, Poles & pole-dancers4PedpPell, chief treasurer of the Vatican Bank,
With Swiss Guard. I blame Catholics for the bad math & algorithms,
Today… 🙂
Didn’t you write this?
“So why isn’t Trump doing this? Why is he using a strategy going against his instincts, which are apparently to resist masks and move to re-opening. With the election drawing near his numbers continue sunk around 40% approval vs.56% disapproval. It seems to me there are two possibilities on this. True, the numbers disparity here reflects 2016 with HRC supremely confident then devastated–but Trump’s charisma at this time is now up against a backlog of ineptitude and confused moves, including his current weakness in employing
brown shirtssorry, federal troops, in Portland.”You said his poll numbers are down because of “ineptitude and confused moves” which you claim is unlike 2016? Saying that you have more confidence in the polls than Trump.
Did you forget his poll was down a lot more in 2016 and Killary was a 97% of winning and Trump had all the media against him.
The numbers disparity mean nothing, which I tried to imply–as shown by what happened to HRC. My main point is not re the polls, which I agree are not reliable, including the other one I mentioned as not reliable showing 7/10 white people with degrees all for the virus program underway, I sense (intuition) that Trump is not as strong now as he was in 2016 because the illusion he’s a maverick has worn thin due to his confused moves and weakness so far in office. As with the example that right now he’s not saying anything significantly different against the virus vs. the Establishment View of it and has caved on the wearing masks issue.. It’s possible he’s being seen more as a Poser than A Real Maverick. This is the point I was trying to make. You disagree, fine. tell me why. Let’s get into it.
A not so funny article… As usual, there are excellent reader comments…
Oligarchy, capitalism, socialism, and “failed” communistic systems are just handy social labels for the same ignorant phenomena. The real culprits are mankind’s fondness for land theft and human slavery. Organizational labels are only the accepted lies that cover up the mass slaughter of life and the ever increasing stench of industrial rot. Too bad…
Everyone following tribal leaders and yearning to belong to something “larger”. Life spent as a wasteful and infantile pursuit of social mirage. There will be no one left to clean up the mess…
Watching UK Column
Preparing for a challenging winter 2020/21
What I think it is saying is not just that they will be confusing influenza with covid.
But that they will be treating influenza and colds the way they are treating covid
So to protect people from influenza they will have to bring in the same restrictions as for covid. Maybe under the excuse that they can not tell them apart or by changing the message that existed for influenza. No doubt quoting the questionable 50,000 extra deaths in 2017/2018 from influenza.
How you can be removed from your home
3. Power to direct or remove persons to a place for screening and assessment 3.1 If, during the transmission control period, you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a person is potentially infectious, you may (under Paragraph 6(2)): (a) direct the person to go immediately to a place specified which is suitable for screening and assessment; (b) remove the person to a place suitable for screening and assessment; or (c) request a Constable to remove the person to a place suitable for screening and assessment
How your children can be removed
6.2 You may only exercise your powers with respect to screening and assessment under Paragraph 10 and imposition of requirements and restrictions under Paragraph 14, on a child in the presence of: (a) an individual who has responsibility for the child; or (b) if no such adult is present, an adult that you consider to be appropriate (such as a social worker, local authority key worker, relative or foster carer) having regards to the views of the child (Paragraph 18(4)). In other words, an adult must be present for any of these requirements and restrictions to be imposed, whether it be someone with responsibility for the child, or another appropriate individual having regard to the views of the child
Orwellian double think it is voluntary unless you refuse then it is compulsory.
Voluntary compliance
9.1 Schedule 21, Parts 1 and 2, have been enacted to allow the enforcement of sensible and proportionate public health measures if individuals are unwilling to follow this voluntarily. Individuals should always be given the opportunity to comply voluntarily with public health advice and it should be explained to them that following the advice will ensure they minimise any risk to themselves, their family and friends, and the wider community.
9.2 It is only at the stage where individuals do not comply with such advice that we would look to impose measures under Schedule 21, Parts 1 and 2. If this is the case, a written notice (if appropriate, following up an oral notice) would need to be in line with the specific guidance above.
Is it not time to have the right to remove MPs from their homes for demonstrable mental incapacities?
They could go voluntarily, of course, but they clearly need shipping to a loony farm if they will not go of their own free will….
I’ve been watching a Netflix series – “Dark.” It’s rather mind blowing. But I can tell you one thing for sure: after four months in a world being eaten alive by a mythical pathogen, I long for the peace and tranquility of Winden, Germany.
Sounds intriguing. I may give it a try.
An effective treatment for Covid-19 is here but no one in the mainstream will report on it because it doesn’t involves expensive drugs. Worse, it uses a vitamin!
Hydroxychloroquine + zink has been tried and tested to work and is cheap. Doctors and nurses in France all use it on themselves when they develop flue like symptoms. WHO cabal tried to discredit it by killing so many innocent people in their “trials” by giving them 6 times the recommended dose. Enough said.
‘Extremely caring’ great-grandmother dies with coronavirus
Elizabeth Rose Hendry, 84, fondly known as Rose, was described as ‘full of energy’ by her heartbroken family. She had 22 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren
Rose, of Cyncoed, who had chronic kidney disease and was a type two diabetic, found out in March that she had a cancerous tumour on her bowel.
“We were about to go and see the consultant to discuss her treatment but with Covid they cancelled it all,” said Haulwen.
No mention of covid symptoms but cancelled doctor appointment
Clearly another one for the fake covid numbers
…… and to cap it all, these people are getting it from hospitals ….
only, they are not … they are having statistics manipulated and a DNA swab taken for police records.
Capitalists? Or Oligarchical Collectivists?
The Best Enemies Money Can Buy: An Interview with Prof. Antony C. Sutton
In the book, “FLESHING OUT SKULL & BONES: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society”, there is an interview with Sutton who givers this advice:
He’s saying: “Do nothing”. Actually, he’s more emphatic than that. He says, “Don’t get any bright ideas”!
Is that it?
Sutton’s service was to expose beyond doubt that the Oligarchy establishes and finances all the variants of “capitalism” and “socialism”.
It is very relevant to the CJH article to hear what Antony Sutton says. It is clear that Oligarchical support for Nazism and Bolshevism went beyond “just business”.
It cannot be explained away as “if they don’t buy from us, they’ll buy from someone else”. Sutton demonstrates that the Oligarchy specifically put the Nazis and Bolsheviks in power and kept them there. Here is the guts of his interview.
Antony Sutton worked for the Hoover Institution when he had access to documents showing how American and British banks financed Hitler and the Bolsheviks, built up their industrial base and armed both regimes.
In 1933 Standard Oil financed and built Germany’s aviation fuel facilities, for example.
The initial financing of Lenin’s movement came from the Rockefellers’s Chase Bank, now Chase Manhattan, which transferred funds in Dec 1917. As claimed by William Boyce Thompson himself in the Washington Post (Feb 2nd 1918) – Thompson gave money to help the Bolsheviks consolidate, the cash coming from Wall St to pave the way for control of the Russian market and resources.
Why would American capitalists help aid Bolshevism? Sutton says this puzzled him for years and the only answer he could come to is a desire to have captive markets that are not rivals: Socialist states do not innovate. If they are wealthy a petro state like Russia can be an excellent market for western goods.
Russia is almost two times larger than the U.S. The last thing the U.S. wanted was another America. Better to encourage socialism because this would give the oligarchs control of the world market. Today Russia is largely a market for German, not American, goods.
In 1922 Russia had collapsed. Industrial output was about 10% of pre-Revolution levels. Millions were starving. Herbert Hoover channeled aid from the bankers to the Bolsheviks who controlled a very small part of Russia at the time. Thus the U.S. again helped to consolidate the Bolsheviks.
In 1923 Lenin launched his New Economic Plan. Practically every Russian industry was rebuilt by British, French, German and American specialists. By 1928 Russia had returned to the output of 1917.
In 1928 Stalin wanted to launch his five year plans. Gosplan, the Soviet planning agency, failed and the job was given to the Americans.
Albert Kahn Associates of the United States, the leading industrial architect of the day, created the first two Five Year Plans for Stalin. Albert Kahn brought together the top U.S. corporations to industrialize Bolshevik Russia: General Electric, DuPont, Ford, Curtis Wright etc.
The U.S. corporations provided all the hardware, even the factories. Ford Motor built the Gorky plant which produced the GAZ vehicles. The key player was Averell Harriman who developed the Georgian manganese deposits.
Armand Hammer of Occidental Petrolum received his first concession in 1922. His father was Julius Hammer who a founder of the Communist Party of the USA.
Bill Browder is an investment manager and investor in Russia. His grandfather was Earl Browder, General Secretary of the CPUSA during the 1930s and first half of the 1940s.
THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE OLIGARCHS AND THE COLLECTIVISTS. In some cases the communists and oligarchs are the same people.
After WW2 and Lend Lease, there was a continued transfer of industrial equipment to the Soviet Union. In 1948 Major Racey Jordan revealed that the U.S. had helped build the Soviet nuclear industry.
The U.S. supplied heavy water in 1944-45 and aluminum tubes, graphite and other essential components – Antony Sutton says Major Jordan was largely correct. So the U.S. helped create the Soviet nuclear threat.
The Soviets lacked MIRV, a guidance system and a huge advance in missile technology – so, again, the USA obliged. The Soviets could not make micro-miniature ball bearings and nor had the ability to grind the minute traces for the guidance systems. Bryant Grinder of Vermont was allowed to export grinders to the Soviet Union.
In the Vietnam war U.S. pilots spotted American trucks on the Ho Chi Minh trail: these were made at Ford’s Gorky plant and supplied by the Soviets. The USA was supplying both sides in the Vietnam war.
In the early 1970s while the war was underway the U.S. was still supplying the Soviet auto industry.
Fiat of Italy was a front for the U.S. handled by Gianni Agnelli, principal shareholder of Fiat, who sat on the board of Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. Fiat supplied industrial equipment to Kamaz trucks – industrial equipment that Fiat did not make itself – because Fiat factories were supplied with American equipment. Thus Fiat was simply a cover to divert attention from the fact that during the Vietnam War the U.S. was building the Kama River Plant which at 36 square miles, was the largest car plant in the world. Construction lasted from in the late 1960s to the early 1970s.
Of the Soviet merchant marine 60% of hulls were built abroad and 80% of diesel engines were made in the West – mainly from Sulzer of Switzerland, Burmeister & Wain of Denmark. The remaining 20% were built in the USSR with technical advice and equipment from Fiat and Burmeister & Wain. In other words, without Western help, there could be no Soviet diesel engines.
Financial aid to the Soviet union reached $40 billion outstanding by the 1970s in order to buy industrial equipment.
Antony Sutton exposed this in the mid-1970s after which his publishing contracts came under pressure, news agencies were instructed not to interview him, and subsequently the Hoover Institution accused Sutton of plagiarizing his own work that he had done for Stanford University. Later he was told his research went beyond what was welcome and should be confined within more narrow boundaries. In 1975 Sutton left the Hoover Institution.
None of which answers the question: “What do we do?” – a question clearly and unambiguously answered by Sutton as “nothing”.
I see your intial statement was
The implications are curious. Apparently it isn’t specifically “an oligarchy” that rules but “Oligarchical Collectivists”. Implications: the collective IS the oligarchy. So I presume that the only thing that the masses can do about this is to rebel INDIVIDUALLY. We musn’t join forces since that would be “collective” (and presumably make us part of the oligarchy?)
Sutton’s point is that the system will self destruct. I share his view. That’s not the same as doing nothing. He had a deep knowledge of the violent lengths to which these Oligarchs and their Corporations will go. These Oligarchs are mental dwarfs. They are making a big error thinking they are bigger than nation states and that they no longer need to pay taxes or work within the legal bounds of statehood.
I suggest the Oligarchs are collectivist in three ways: They want collective, monopoly, no tender, universal government contracts – as we see with the pharma vaccine contracts right now.
Secondly, they are an Oligarchical Collective in the sense that they have more in common with each other than with the rest of us. Thirdly, they use collectivism as bait and switch: they know humans hanker to be taken care of, then they present collectivists as the enemy just to ensure we don’t get too keen on the idea.
I am no judoka but one strategy would be give them what they want: their Oligarchical Collectivist paradise – we end up in collectivism but with the satisfaction of seeing them turn on each other as the tall poppies get culled.
Einstein’s definition of idiocy: doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different outcome: Bolshevism, Italian Fascism, Nazism, Communist China… here they go again in all their boneheaded Rockefeller Dunning-Kruger stupidity.
The other is to throw ourselves upon the gears. As Solzhenitsyn put it:
Sutton also said that oligarchic collectivism could only be overthrown if “a majority finds the moral courage and the internal fortitude to reject the something-for-nothing con game and replace it by voluntary associations, voluntary communes, or local rule and decentralized societies.”
That is not doing “nothing” and it is not a call for individualism; it is in fact very similar to what James Corbett advocates.
you misunderstand. the distinction being made is between a system where the ruling class bases its economic and political power on private ownership, as neoliberal capitalism is alleged to be, versus the kind of system that prevailed above all in the former USSR, where the ruling bureaucracy certainly constituted an oligarchy, but did not assert personal property rights over the various parts of the economy, instead managing it collectively in their mutual interest, and disregarding the interests of the majority of society, as the private capitalists also do.
approximately the same distinction can be observed in European antiquity, where the ruling class of the Athenian city-state owned their slaves as personal property, whereas in the rival Spartan city-state, the slaves were the collective property of the ruling class as a whole.
The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: From the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests
in mediaeval Europe, the agricultural land and the peasants who worked it, were assigned by the feudal hierarchy to individual barons and landlords, who managed it as they saw fit, as long as sufficient profits flowed upward to their overlords. by contrast, in Imperial China (possibly also India), agricultural production depended on large-scale irrigation infrastructure, which had to be built and managed on a state scale. the mandarin ruling class were not individual proprietors, but state bureaucrats and functionaries. Karl Marx described this system as “the asiatic mode of production”, a theory which the later Chinese and Russian stalinists found rather embarrassing, and tried to conceal.
the specific term “oligarchical collectivism” is surely due to Orwell, in 1984, where it describes the political-economic system of Oceania and its two (alleged) rival super-states. the system is recognizably derived from stalinism, but in an even more extreme form. the excerpts from the novel’s oppositional text, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, can be read with profit, even though it is alleged to have been written by the Party, as a form of controlled dissent.
THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE OLIGARCHS AND THE COLLECTIVISTS. In some cases the communists and oligarchs are the same people.
Ron Unz — The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath
I personally walked through the cemeteries where the leading Bolsheviks were laid to rest – reading the names on the gravestones. I have no doubts. My estimate is upwards of 80% and bearing in mind that many names had been “Russianized” that could even be an underestimate. Yet it remains a touchy subject. The son of a KGB officer of the same origin would only reluctantly agree.
This report from 1928 is interesting in context:
Kevin MacDonald — Stalin’s Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
Sutton’s work on the oligarchy of monopoly capitalists (as opposed to free-market capitalists) was invaluable. One only needs to look at the membership/participant lists of the Council on Foreign Relations (particularly its board of directors), Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and more recently the World Economic Forum to understand who constitutes the global oligarchy. Their ultimate goal has always been global totalitarianism and neo-feudalism and they’re clearly in the final stages of their plan now.
Very good.
Did you miss granddaddy Bush? His son the CIA chief? and his protégés- the Clinton Rodham kids of Arkansas, who were hothoused by way of running the Cocaine Importer of America operation under him?
Yes there is also at the other end, the beginning, who set up Ford er al with Investment Capital? Where did that money come from? Who did Woodrow Wilson work for?
The questions are important. And they are all about following the money – as usual.
Thanks for the great summary. I wonder if there is anything like a sequel to this on the privatisation of the USSR. It is always portrayed as the collapse of the Soviet Union, but in these terms it looks more like global restructuring.
Sutton didn’t live to see the rise of China. The same technology transfer and wall street funding happened there. They didn’t even try and hide it.
No, he didn’t. He said that the “bright idea” not to get was that the system would fall by your weight and not by its own.
Sutton did not say “Do nothing” he said doing your part was enough.
He could not be more right.
So what is this “your part” which nevertheless cannot generate any “weight” since the system will fall by its own weight?
You nailed it: Sutton is saying that you have a part to play in a work which never depended upon you for its success.
But this truth is not a contradiction but a paradox; paradox being, not a contradiction, but only a seeming contradiction.
That is so because oligarchy vs. the people is a spiritual battle.
And that means it is a God vs Satan battle.
Satan lost; God wins always. He permits evil because man’s will is free, but God’s will is never stymied by it.
And the point is that God doesn’t need our help to win; rather, we win our freedom in choosing to witness to him in our actions.
Someone likened our role to God’s as that of a child to a loving parent who is making something. The parent doesn’t need the child’s help, but knows the child needs to learn the ropes to reach his human potential and out of love allows him to “do his part” – say, add an egg to the making of a loaf of bread. The loving parent is delighted and the child is no less thrilled to participate for not being integral to the work.
That’s called humility and children don’t have a problem with it.
Small wonder then that Christ Jesus said “Unless you become as little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
We alive in the world at the present moment, could we not know better that it is not the kingdom of heaven we have entered?
The kingdom of heaven starts here anytime we assent to “act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.” But at the same time, God has seen to it that the seeds of evil, if you will, have their own destruction built-in to them. The work is his; the timetable is his. Patience is called for, as Sutton says.
You can assent to oligarchy as God or have the real One. There is no third choice. The former will attempt to coerce that assent; the latter, never. The former is alive with panic; the latter is asleep in the boat as the storm rages, so unafraid is he.
To repeat, God has no need to coerce our will because he has no need of us to execute his plans. It is we who have need of him. All evil (like that well outlined in Hopkins’ article) pays tribute to that fact – just backhandly. We are all looking for someone to save us from the danger which threatens on every side. He’s right here, closer to us than our very breath.
Look how many millions they killed in their world wars. They are extremely dangerous. He is saying quietly pass the message. Know that they are the enemy. Protect yourself. Not a good time to live in the cities.
hi – don’t know if you have seen today’s UKColumn but it highlights some of the possible things in store for the population over the next six months in the uk as the ‘fear’ is ramped up with the impending ‘second wave’ on is way – well worth a look – very detailed skullduggery afoot
here’s a specific link to “Preparing for a challenging winter 2020/21 – the Academy of Medical Sciences” (whoever they are?)
Bill Gates connected?
Another great article with an alternative explanation of the Covid phenomenon
Makia Freeman discusses a new article by Stefan Lanka on the myth about viruses and the danger of vaccines
The CV19 virus is the messenger that we are at the end of an era and entering a new one… We are entering the age of Aquarius, which is all about realising our sovereign, spiritual identity more fully, and in that field of consciousness we are able to co-operate with others in a benevolent way, in service of the well being of humanity and the environment of Gaia…
We are at the end of the age of Pisces, which as been a classroom of learning about authoritarianism… It appears to be getting stronger and the institutions of authority seem to be on the verge of totalitarianism… But they are actually facing their demise, and that’s why they are going all out to lock people up into paralysing fear… So as to try and remain in control.. But nobody is in control… That’s an illusion, and it’s the illusion which drives violence in all it’s manifestations..
We truly need to dig deep and align with our soul power… Call it what you will, through any cultural label… God.. Allah.. Brahman.. Tao.. Great Spirit… It matters not… What matters is that we confront our existential fear and make peace with it… Truly… Not just conceptually..
It’s the great initiation at the end of an era…
We don’t have to fight the beast ‘out there’ we need to make peace with our own fear and stand strong in our power, support each other with essential presence and in practical ways, and follow the guidance after learning the lessons around how we’ve all been complicit, in relation to the way in which we’ve lived out of alignment with Natural Cosmic Law, and as a result, contributed to the environmental vandalism… Beginning with the human body we inhabit.
The planet is entering a high vibrational photon belt and the dark forces which have gripped and strangled Gaia won’t be able to hold on for much longer… Their violence is a behavioural pattern, which emerges out of deep seated insecurity…
They’ll be gone soon, but for sure it’s going to be a messy ending and a messy birth, but a glorious future awaits those who will make it though..
Those who make it through will be the ones who align with Cosmic Law, in service of humanity and the planet..
Add more to the list….
With you on every point and engaged as fully as possible…
Likewise. Thank you for posting and giving hope.
Hope and support are sorely needed in these dark days. I shall be ‘sloganising ‘ my mask in the hope that this will empower other like-minded souls to do the same. Then the mask no longer becomes a symbol of repression but one of resistance.
Powerful change right there.
Can’t we just wait for the”high vibration photon belt”™ to do all the hard work for us?
No: bad human beings- our “elite” class- are making life miserable for 90+%
of the humans on earth; and that has nothing at all to do with misdirections
like “high vibration photon belts”.
God. That commenter and “rachel” should get together
Sure hope you’re right, Captain. I’ve grown old waiting for the Age of Aquarius to get here!
Ha ha… We entered at summer solstice, but it’s not as if everything is just laid out on a plate.. We all have to do our inner work and take responsibility for embracing and integrating our shadow and in doing so we have the energetic support to evolve more fully.. We have to do it for the generations to come.
Longtime reader, first time commenter here. Your comment, Captain Spock, resonated with me but I’m coming from a different frequency.
“They’ll be gone soon, but for sure it’s going to be a messy ending and a messy birth, but a glorious future awaits those who will make it though..”
Messy is certainly one way of putting it. These elitist, social-sculpting oligarchs, however, are in perfect alignment with, and very much paving the way for, The One. The things I’ve read of the new age are quite terrifying for us non-mystic “sub-humans” who won’t evolve. A portion from one source writes:
“One of the main tenets of New Age thought is peace, goodwill, and the unity of all humanity. Remember, the Age of Aquarius is to be the Age of Oneness. In context with this idea, the term cleansing is quite disturbing. A number of books make reference to those who are laggards when the New Age reaches its maturity. Various New Age writers consider these resisters as eventually the only hindrance in allowing this global spirituality to occur:
‘Remnants of the Fifth Root Race [untransformed humanity] will continue to survive in the initial stages of the new Cosmic Cycle, but unless they increase their awareness or consciousness to the Higher Mind and the tempo of spirituality, they will be removed from the Life Stream of the Race.20
‘Unity-motivated souls will respond to His [the New Age Messiah’s] call, their inner drive for spiritual world unity will synchronize with higher energy. People opposing the recognition of the Christ may struggle intensely, but it will not be prolonged. The Christ energy by then will be so strong people will be dealt with according to their own individualized karma and their ability and desire to assimilate this accelerated energy.21
‘The final appearance of the Christ will be an evolutionary event. It will be the disappearance of egocentric [lower self], subhuman man and the ascension of God-centered Man. A new race, a new species, will inhabit the Earth—people who collectively have the stature of consciousness that Jesus had.22
“Even Alice Bailey herself, who personified New Age consciousness, backs what these three quotes imply:
‘The new era is coming; the new ideals, the new civilization, the new modes of life, of education, of religious presentation and of government are slowly precipitating and naught can stop them. They can, however, be delayed by the reactionary types of people, by the ultra-conservative and closed minds. . . . They are the ones who can and do hold back the hour of liberation. . . . these must all be brought under the power of death.’23”
The New World Order, the Great Reset, the Great Spiritual Awakening, the Second Coming all use similar terminologies. And I too worry I’m a laggard, or worry for laggards in general as there are a lot of people in the spiritual community who come across as alpha males and females who say they aren’t leaders but act like them sometimes and often are very business orientated, into making lots of money and are into crypto currency and push it, ‘it’s going to happen anyway folks, he’s how to bring abundance into your life, we’ve got the world’s best remote viewers on board to read future market trends, we’re not doing it for ourselves, we’re doing it to help you as this is the Great Reset…’
Also the spiritual movement uses phrases such as the universe is a matrix, it’s like a computer, we are all going to have downloads and our consciousness will be upgraded, a bit too close to the merging of humans into AI scenario that is playing out at the moment for me.
Some of them are very vain considering they have supposedly left the ego behind. Many have had their teeth done and I can’t focus on anything other than how big and white their teeth are and how they are too big for their mouth.
‘Captain Spock’: deluded, or just more dissembling?
“high vibrational photon belt..”
yeesh / junk
Too many magic mushies
“ This is what voting for Trump, Brexit, and all the rest of that ‘populist’ nonsense gets you ..”
With that CJ Hopkins finally takes of his urbane europhile Yankee mask.
Both Trump and Brexit were financed and coordinated by the US billionaires with their CEO du jour – Bannon and his aides such as Fartage.
Mere extensions of the cfr/Rhodes fronts of centuries.
As for the grand plan of 7 countries in 7 years occupation of MENA and Ukraine – I was involved in publication of that plan in 2002 – and instantly a ton of CIA front company and lawyers landed on our heads demanding our halt! But that’s another story. I mention it to show that CJ wasn’t ‘alone’.
I know US finance capitalists (such as George Soros) financed the Remain campaign, but I am unaware of any US billionaires financing the Leave campaign. Would you care to name them?
Honestly Steve, it isn’t too hard to look up for yourself.
Just follow Breitbart and you get the Bannon link to see the Mercer’s father and daughter.
Does this mean you are not going to tell me which US billionaires financed the Leave campaign?
Meanwhile, in this dimension, we’re still waiting for Brexit to happen … four years later!
The United Kingdom has left the European Union.
I’d say CJH was being sarcastic there. Or rather, he was saying that this is what we are supposed to believe.
You think?
And not voting for Trump or Brexit you have the EU, UN and CCP. Good luck.
In all of this drama one person’s name has never cropped up – except when I have mentioned it – Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS. What is his role in all of this? People can research his background. The NHS is central to all that is going on. The science and the nonsense continues.
I have just heard from the consultant I am in touch with for the treatment I am being denied ( by the healthcare profession) that the time that the private sector is co-opted by the NHS is due to end in August but is being considered to continue to March 2021. If this occurs the just how many people will have failed to get treatment/ died as a result of this scam?
Killing people to save lives is the regime mantra – and it has to stop – and we are the only ones who can do it!
also do and it does the opposite
not rocket science……….
Old insane, in the membrain, lol…
A good article by CJH but I don’t see how minting a new noun, globo-capitalist, helps to pin down the protagonists. Capitalism has long been used, like ‘free markets’, as a cover for vested interests. The word has become propaganda. Capitalism if it exists is a rare beast as likely to be found in the wild as the real communism “that’s never been tried”.
The biggest clue should be the Cold War that pitted capitalists against communists. CJH would be the first to admit that the western security state cannot exist without an enemy: ask why and we discover the culprit.
The cave-dwelling terrorists, the mustachioed men with weapons of mass destruction under their cloaks, the Pearl Harbor moments, are all structured to create an enemy where none (or a much less powerful rival) exists. To whose benefit?
The paradigm of capitalism vs communism is mostly false, like so much else that we’ve been told. Anthony C. Sutton showed that behind the stage show, the oligarchs were trading hungrily as if the Iron Curtain had as many holes as Swiss cheese.
If those were capitalists, they had no ideology. Nor did they care for free markets.
A better term would be finance capitalism but even that misses the point that this is oligarchy.
After WW2 the U.S. corporate giants decided the economy must remain on a war footing because a) no level of civilian production could match the profits to be gained from militarism, b) war allowed them to reshape society in their image and c) the ‘war economy’ justified the continued expansion of the security state, namely the CIA and FBI who were founded as muscle for the bankers/lawyers to defend and expand their wealth and interest.
Here we must face the reality of how the U.S. was founded – not to pick on the U.S. but because it is the “beacon” of freedom and capitalism. If the paragon falls short, so do all other countries. Nor do I diminish the U.S. Constitution as the greatest attempt The Enlightenment produced to structure a lasting form of just and representative government.
There were however many would-be aristocrats and autocrats in colonial society whose attitude to wealth was that of the merchant adventurers, primarily the Dutch and British “India companies”. Theirs was a brutal, baronial wealth grab at the point of a gun. This brutal mindset was shared by Thomas Edison, front man and assassin for J.P. Morgan who in turn was likely a Rothschild front. Woe to any inventor making the lonely journey to register his patents in New York, such as pioneer of the movie camera and projector Louis Le Prince who vanished after boarding a train, shortly before Edison filed suit claiming he was the first and sole inventor of cinematography. J.D. Rockefeller’s cornering of the oil market, the market manipulations of Carnegie, Mellon, Baruch and Vanderbilt were equally brutal.
The seizure of patents continues today: see Michael McKibben who claims his software was stolen to make Facebook – and Martin Armstrong the economic forecaster, who spent 11 years in jail while refusing to hand over his predictive software to the courts. Echelon, the predecessor of Prism was revealed by the EU in 1990 as an NSA tool for corporate espionage. When a rival enters the airplane business such as Sukhoi, you’d better be sure your plane doesn’t crash on its first public demonstration as did the Superjet 100, especially if your business partner is Boeing. If you plan to trade oil for gold instead of dollars, you’d better make sure you don’t announce it publicly as did chairman of the French oil giant Total, Christophe de Margerie, who discussed exactly that deal with Russia’s prime minister, then got in his plane and blew up.
Sure, it was all due to a bottle of vodka here or there, a stuck gas pedal, a fall from a moving vehicle. How something so simple can change the course of corporate history: Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice, the shame is ours.
Have you seen any sign of capitalism yet? The capitalism that you are taught to love and serve, cherish and defend?
French politician Louis Blanc coined the word capitalism in 1850, as the “appropriation of capital by some to the exclusion of others”. At its simplest, it is the accumulation of capital as a third means of wealth extraction alongside labour and land.
The word came into being as industry began to rival agriculture as the source of greatest wealth. Land being fixed, capital was fungible. Five years either side of 1850 the British made incorporation legal (rather than a one-off charter) and instituted limited liability. In just over a century, the corporation has acquired the rights and agency of the individual, without the moral restraint. Amassing untrammeled power the corporation became more powerful than the people and now stands above and independent of the nation state.
These corporations remain, as power and wealth always has, in the hands of an oligarchy.
Capital is merely a tool, a lever – or if it is withheld, the point of a gun. There are two candidates for the origins of capital: the Templars and Medicis if you follow that line of research – and the merchant adventurers, traders like the East India Company. Many of these companies engaged in those traditional means of wealth extraction, labour (slavery) and land (colonies).
To cut it short, the EIC was the first corporation, founded 1600. These ‘incorporations’ wrangled charters to engage in mercantilism and arbitrage. They created new markets for tea, sugar, chocolate, pepper, nutmeg, slaves and opium – and exploited the price difference between different countries under an exclusivity contract enforced by private armies. “By 1803, at the height of its rule in India, the East India company had a private army of about 260,000—twice the size of the British Army.”
Four hundred years later we have turned full circle as private companies occupy oil-rich lands protected by their private mercenary armies. Countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were invaded, their functioning governments dismantled and not replaced. Not having to deal with a national government gives today’s oligarchs the freedom to slice and dice the world’s natural resources as they see fit.
The trade has barely changed. The most profitable industries are war, human trafficking and narcotics, legal and illegal. Then still extract and ship raw materials, with the modern addition of oil and gas.
There is no space here for the concept of capitalism – nor is it needed to explain what is happening. Imagine the frock coats and ruffs of Elizabethan England as a cartel of powerful oligarchs and their merchant adventurers pore over maps of the world’s mineral wealth. There you have it.
Continues with links here:
Standard Oil ceased to exist in 1911, so I doubt the Nazis were involved–IG Farben, perhaps, but not the Nazis.
Good point. I’ve looked into it. Although the main company was split up into 34 smaller ones, some still bore the name of the parent company.
It seems to have been Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso, later Exxon) that did a deal with I.G. Farben covering petrochemicals.
There are references to patents that Standard Oil made with Farben in 1928 and in 1942 there were hearings of the Truman Committee on the Standard Oil-Nazi patents-pool.
With a twist that I haven’t yet read: The secret pact of Standard Oil with the Nazis and why Adolf Eichmann was silenced
Good work.
Anyone who says, “I am in favour of free speech, but…” is lying: they are opposed to freedom of expression. What they are in favour of is free speech for them and those who agree with them and censorship for anyone who disagrees with them.
So anyone opposed to GlobalCap needs to realise that the greatest obstacle to its total domination and subversion of the demos is…. Donald Trump, as this ex-leftist and Guardian exile has been saying for the last 5 years. But leftists spit and riot endlessly at such opinions, not over GlobalCap. Looks like their vision and hate have been very successfully harnessed. If they bring down Trump, leftists will be the best tools ever for saving the swamp.
Gee Whiz, have not seen such an example of ribald parody since Sacha Baron Cohen’s “fifteen minutes of fame” came to an end.
Good article. Perhaps though the problem is with humanity. Until we change for the better how we act and think as a species then nothing can change, there are many false paradigms we need to wade through and discard.
In your dreams/nightmares. From where I’m standing, the coroavirus scam is falling apart at the seams. The British government has even had to introduce a law to force people to wear masks in shops as so few were doing so.
The scare tactics won’t work a second time. What we’re seeing now is the ‘deep state’ trying to prop up the narrative to protect the politiians and journalists who have been lying for them. Here in the UK we’re being told so often it hurts that it isn’t upper class toerags like Johnson and Cummings who have been undermining the UK, but Russia, China and the EU!
But I suspect it is too late, and that it is not governments that have a shock up their sleeves but the public. My guess is we’re going to see major political change and the old order overturned. Let’s hope it is peaceful.
Come to America and you’ll see the COVID scam NOT falling apart but growing stronger by the day. All across the country, politicians are falling over themselves to convince their constituents they are 1000% “in this together” and that they are fully committed to “flatten the curve.”
And where’s my proof of this? It’s in the fact that the likes of Tony Fauci and Bill Gates are not laughed off the stage whenever they open their mouths. Until such time as these two spokespersons for COVID-19 become the laughing stock of America, the scam is alive and well and living inside the vast majority of Americans.
Little different in Australia.
Forty years of dumbing down the flock, so hardly surprising…
And little different where I am in Canada. There is no requirement to wear a mask – but constant bullying in the newspaper. Two letters to the editor today, one calling mask refusers “self-absorbed,” “obtuse,” unable to bring themselves “to behave like mature adults”; the other ridiculing us for believing that our civil rights allow us to “infect anyone who [we] come in contact with,” possible killing them. Yet they didn’t print my brief, respectful letter stating (and explaining) our actual minuscule COVID mortality rate compared with the one touted in the paper. And, of course, it has never presented the results of actual studies of the efficacy/inefficacy of mask wearing.
What I simply cannot understand is this level of intolerance and shaming without having made a sincere effort to find data, not opinions, supporting one’s animosity.
What one needs to say to these idiots who attempt to shame others into joining them in their tom-foolery is “Sir or Madam: I was not put on this planet to place your well being above my own. Wearing a mask is detrimental to my own health. Sorry that reality pits my health against yours.”
“Laughed off the stage” would be gratifying. But the thought triggered a memory of Mark Twain’s writing about unpopular stage acts: I would prefer that the laughter and jeers be accompanied by a fusillade of rotten fruit and eggs, and as many dead cats as may be found.
I hear you, Howard. I’m on the Central Coast of California, and the sheep-like
behavior here is *worsening*, despite only a few deaths even being attributed to the Dreaded Pathogen (all elderly, and all with co-morbidities). Pervasive and
persistent propaganda works.. I’m very sorry to say.
What a dark time.
There are just 2 kinds of ruling authority: governments which control the people (via dynasties, empires, autocracies etc, throughout human history), and governments which are controlled by the people (democracy, a tiny modern period). I hope you prefer the second; however flawed in practice, it’s so much better when ordinary people can peacefully remove failed or hated rulers and elites via the ballot box. Germans and Russians had no way to unchoose Hitler and Stalin. Imagine the horror avoided had they been able to. Prior to Brexit, British voters (and politicians) were also the subjects of an unremoveable, unelected ruling elite in Brussels. Remainers sought to defend this elite and its power by keeping them sovereign over the UK. By this reasoning, however weak they may be in other aspects, Boris and Cummings are in fact empowering ordinary people over those seeking to control and exploit them, provided their Brexit is real. Could or would any rival politicians deliver what British people have constantly voted for? If you care about power to the people, your hostility is misguided.
There are just 2 kinds of ruling authority: governments which control the people (via dynasties, empires, autocracies etc, throughout human history), and governments which are controlled by the people (democracy, a tiny modern period). I hope you prefer the second; however flawed in practice, it’s so much better when ordinary people can peacefully remove failed or hated rulers and elites via the ballot box. Germans and Russians had no way to unchoose H-tler and St-lin. Imagine the horror avoided had they been able to. Prior to Brexit, British voters (and politicians) were also the subjects of an unremoveable, unelected ruling elite in Brussels. Remainers sought to defend this elite and its power by keeping them sovereign over the UK. By this reasoning, however weak they may be in other aspects, Boris and Cummings are in fact empowering ordinary people over those seeking to control and exploit them, provided their Brexit is real. Could or would any rival politicians deliver what British people have constantly voted for? If you care about power to the people, your hostility is misguided.
It’s laughable reading about Russia and China alleged influence in the elections in England and Scottish referendum
Why would they?
If they want to watch the UK suffer all they have to do is do nothing and just sit back and watch as the UK has managing to destroy itself by the incompetence of the political leaders.
Boris, Sturgeon and co are unfit to run their local fish and chip shop never mind their countries.
> Boris, Sturgeon and co are unfit to run their local fish and chip shop never mind their countries.
True, but they’re *not running* their countries. Who benefits from the perma-chaos?
I hope it is anything but peaceful.
The nasty pieces of shit behind this should be swinging from lampposts, for God’s sake.
They are uncaring scum and deserve to be dealt with as such.
If tables are to turn, then let them be upended and thrown across the room…
Brilliant piece, full of the truth that is so absent in these “new abnormal” times. I may need a place to escape to in these times of fear and insanity here in the U.S. I have fond memories of East Berlin from attending the International Congress of Mathematicians back in 1998.
Anyone who knows history knows that nothing possibly could be worse than living under totalitarian domination. There is no competing consideration (not that this fake “democracy” has had even the most cursory debate over values and priorities since the mass terror propaganda campaign was launched) which would be worth running any significant risk of further escalating the police state, mass social compulsion and technocratic dominion.
Of course that last word, Dominion, is the key word here. The entire terror-lockdown campaign bases itself on the idiotic premise of Dominion theology (today encountered more often in its modern “secular” form of scientism/technocracy) than Man can control Nature. That’s the only way one can be so arrogantly stupid as to think your governments and corporations and their media can control a pandemic-level free-ranging virus.
No, the bug has long been out of the barn, perhaps for years now, and you can’t put it back. Covid-19 will do whatever it will do. (So far all the evidence is that its overall effect on the physical health of humanity will be relatively mild. As for mental health…) The virus will complete its natural cycle. The only thing lockdowns and superstitious rites like masking and anti-social spacing can accomplish is to drag out the inevitable while adding a long list of artificial, deliberate evils.
What else would you expect from these governments, corporations and their media and other institutions? They’re committed to evil power goals at every point, and from day one their one and only thought about the Coronavirus is how to use it as the best pretext yet to try to impose totalitarian control and domination. That’s the one and only practicable goal the system has here.
But as for controlling the virus, Gaia laughs at them and at all the zombies that follow them.
A very good analysis of the pysops and scams that have been perpetrated on the people over at least the last 20 years. A lot of people who have been researching this for a long time pretty much hold a similar analysis. The problem is now as ever what can we do as people or individuals do about it?
In to that has come the problem of Trump. I agree with the sentiment that Trumps election was ‘part of a populist revolt’ which he tapped into. I also believe the Q phenomena is a good way of exploiting that postulating as Trump being ‘savior’ of the republic.
The same rhetoric is being repeated now with Trump being the only option to save the republic against the Deep State, Biden or Hildebeast when all the evidence points to Trump being just as much a part of the swamp and the rest.
As if to confirm that Trump has now made the call that Americans should all be wearing mask and extraordinarily wished Ghislaine Maxwell ‘well’.
There is an only ever has been one Savior and that is Jesus Christ. All else is rats fighting in a sack.
That is the problem with humanity asa whole; always looking for to be saved and rescued rather than taking responsibility for its own shit.
show us the evidence that Trump is part of the swamp rather than its most feared enemy, please
I haven’t the time to dig out those links now but Trump’s connections to Epstein, the Clintons and the cabal go back years. He was hanging out with JE back in the 90’s and I think it was Epstein who even introduced Melania to him and has deep ties to both Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Trump was also funded by people including Adelson, the saudi mafia including Bin Salman and has connections with Wexner going back years. He was bailed out by amongst others Wilbur Ross part of the Rothschild banking dynasty who just happened to be Trump’s pick for commerce secretary. His links also with the Russian Jewish mafia go back years and have been well documented and those links include links to Bibi linked to the same network of corruption. Bibi is under investigation as we speak.
You dont get to where Trump is by being clean. The Q psyop is just part of this lie. Really part of his the make Israel great again campaign.
After nearly 4 years of being presidency and the 55K sealed indictments, claims of we have it all etc. etc. no one has been arrested at any serious level no has been jailed from the swamp and no one will be. Trump has also failed to bring the troops home has started wars although probably less than the Killary would have.
The whole of American politics ISs the swamp – it is beyond redemption. It is a mirror of 2 evils.
A long but good analysis here , also some good links :-
over target ?
me too.
To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
here’s another short but good read:
“Eventually, people have and do come to their senses, but it is as Mackay said: people “go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”
Gut gesagt, CJ …
Alles nur geklaut… we’re all living in America,
Where politicians Kowtow to corporate dictatorship.
Not Trump; name a corporation that supports and funds him. Also name another modern leader who got poorer rather than richer thanks to his powerful position. Trump has lost 3-4bn of his 8bn personal fortune. By contrast, leftist hero Obama, who said on various occasions that ‘inequality is the defining challenge of our time’, became a multimillionaire and reportedly owns at least 6 mansions. Corporations still love him.
Eighty one steel columns and two whole seconds freefall,
With Steele Dossier,
On the table, or naff’off… you wanna’ talk seriously?
Milosevic desperate to misrepresent, once again, blatantly trolling with intent & paid purpose as agent provocateur controlled opposition, bent on revenge after much frustration, now reinVents himself as Corporate Village idiot, incapable still of answering a single question … even on WTC7 or computer modelling.
Yawn, get a life and answer the question. Simples.
Get over yourself and grow some.
I have to say many of us could have provided this overview of the state of the planet – but it doesn’t actually get us anywhere. We don’t really know where the storm is coming from. It’s difficult to counter an attack when you don’t know who the enemy is. The only thing Johnson has correct is when he said ‘Stay Alert’ – but for what? These are miserable and trying times for humanity … and they’re going to be ever so costly as they continue in terms of being alive, in terms of finance and in terms of culture ……. there is no love here
> The only thing Johnson has correct is when he said ‘Stay Alert’
Hypervigilance just wears us out. As you say, “for what?”.
So I don’t agree that he “has it right”.
I was ready to share this, but I also disagreed with the conclusion.
Trump is a fake news populist.
He says what the people want to hear, but does what the global caps want.
‘America is number one in ventilators, we’re getting that vaccine out at warp speed…’
‘We’re arresting and detaining random people on the street in Portland in unmarked vehicles… Just like in Iraq!’
On and on… Sure the people think that they voted for populism.
All they got was a mix of Hillary, Bush and Obama… I was amazed when people were still loyal to Obama to the end… People appear to be more loyal to Trump…
Trump wasn’t/isn’t an ideal candidate .
People get branded as “populist” voters but most Trump/brexit voters don’t recognise it that way and most are far smarter than they are given credit for .
Trump didn’t appear out of nowhere , he’d been talking about a presidential run and maga for decades .
Whether he is for real or just the demolition man time will tell . He actually has limited powers and the mass of embedded functionaries ranged against him .
which ever side one is on , one has to admit he’s endured more resistance and personal abuse by supposedly “liberal” critics etc than any other leader within modern times .
I had a bet at 100-1 on Trump winning and was laughed at -thats how serious the intelligentsia took him , but not because I had faith in him rather I understood the mood of his supporters who had at last a candidate outside the uni-party , a street fighting Ron Paul .
It’s a huge undertaking for a 72+year old , it’s a miracle he hasn’t been forced out and he is basically fighting for survival so bs headlines are the best he has at the moment .
At least what comes out of his mouth is unfiltered. He still talks utter shite but it’s a relief from the smarmy disingenuous Obama. Trump has been entertaining. I don’t get anything from politics or politicians but if they can make me laugh, well that’s something.
That’s a fair point, and one that I’ve often made myself. Just one thing troubles me though: if Trump really is their man, then why do they want him gone so badly? Or do you hold that all of this weird stuff–Russiagate, Ukrainegate, COVID-1984, Antifa, etc.–is just a bunch of reverse-psychology?
Also, why has he almost completely shut out the globalist establishment from his administration unlike every other president since WWII?
Well, I wouldn’t go that far. Plenty of Goldman-Sachs people in his cabinet.
proof that the ‘random people’ aren’t leftist rioters and looters, please.
Maybe Trump earns such voter loyalty because he’s for real, because he opposes the corrupt Washington establishment AKA swamp which ordinary Americans so hate? You could try naming another western leader who got poorer rather than richer through his position; Trump has reportedly lost 3-4bn of his personal 8bn fortune. You probably know he also donates all his salary to good causes each month. Compare all that to leftist saint Obama, who became a multimillionaire from his presidencies, who famously said “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money”, but who recently bought his 6th or possibly 7th mansion. I know such information may stick in the gullets of many other ex-Guardianistas here, but can they falsify it?
To be fair, Trump is still probably 20 times richer than Obama, if not more.
Surely you’re missing the point, Rhys, that Obama got rich through being president but Trump didn’t?
This article does an excellent job of presenting the scope of the scams we are living under, and providing links to corroborating material. But when it comes to the role of Trump, populism, and the potential effects of the upcoming election, I fear he strays into unsubstantiated opinion. The ‘state of emergency’ is not a response to populism. Rather it is a long-planned step toward the new society being prepared for us. Trump is not holding back any ‘deep state’ agenda but is rather playing out his assigned role of infuriating and radicalizing the left. He is thus accelerating the pace of the ’emergency measures’, not slowing them down.
That’s a plausible hypothesis.
Trump is either friend or foe of the corrupt DC establishment/swamp and its destruction of a meaningful democracy that represents the interests of ordinary working Americans. We really don’t want to smear someone who opposes unaccountable elites like we do, right? So have you got any evidence at all to suggest that the unprecedented hostility and opposition to Trump by the entire Washington elite, Wall Street, the social media corporate giants, academia, Hollywood, Congress, much of the security agencies, and their very loyal MSM is actually only a smokescreen to protect a very useful tool?
Methinks @Nick thou constuctist a man made of straw. Of course 99% of those on the left genuinely fear and despise Trump. And I suspect much of Trump’s insensitive brashness is native to his character & previous TV experience. That’s why was chosen for the role. My view of the American scene, and you may disagree, is that actual policy is decided in high circles, and so-called ‘politics’ is theater designed to garner desired responses from the population regarding those policies. Similarly our so-called public discourse / media is owned by plutocrats and has the mission not of informing, but of generating narratives with the same goals as the political theatrics. In evaluating the role of Trump, one needs to look at the outcomes in the public sphere, which are primarily divisiveness and the radicalization of the left.
Your mysterious ‘high circles’ intrigue me, as does the claim that they somehow ‘chose’ Trump. I find persuasive another, much simpler argument. Republican voters, long sick of a party increasingly subject to big capital, to neo-cons and their endless warmongering, and to ‘progressive’ values they reject, foisted Trump onto the elite by ensuring his shocking victory over the usual lame RINO stooges in the primaries. Trump was the great outsider who knew DC corruption and secrets intimately, the independent anti-politician beholden to no-one. What’s more, he is obviously not controllable by the deep state, which has been desperately trying to remove the huge democratic thorn in their side ever since November 2016. You may recall the Russia hoax, the fake, corrupt impeachment process, the endless sexual smears etc. Did you see the naked disdain shown for Orange Man Bad by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the entire Democrat party and its media machine? The evidence that the system despises Trump, and that he is the rebel taking it on is constant and everywhere. No leader has ever confronted such unhinged hate and opposition. Love him or hate him, calling Trump a poodle is naive. To see why the DC and Democrat establishment so fear him, watch his amazing performance at the Al Smith dinner back in 2016 (
You also urge us to evaluate Trump in terms of such ‘public outcomes’ as divisiveness and the radicalisation of the left. But those are leftist reactions to Trump, and so allow us to evaluate them instead: the left stand revealed as bigoted, undemocratic, violent, anti-American and highly intolerant. Not Trump.
If you doubt the existence of ‘high circles’ then I totally understand how you reach your conclusions. You might want to dig a bit deeper into history. And here are a couple of quotes that you might consider:
“Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
– Woodrow Wilson
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and over economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it”.
—David Rockefeller, ‘Memoirs’, Random House, New York, 2002, page 405
You are certainly correct about why downtrodden workers in the red states voted for Trump, and certainly correct about the full-spectrum assault on Trump by the corrupt & hypocritical Democratic party and the leftist media. But I suggest that if ‘higher circles’ didn’t want Trump in office they could have prevented it in a number of ways. In fact the media did a lot to promote Trump during the early campaign, among his potential base. And Trump may play the role of a political outsider, and be treated as such by the left, but he is totally part of the corporate establishment. If he were genuinely trying to make America great again he would have hired good media consultants and presented his ideas and himself quite differently as President. Instead his every utterance and tweet is designed to alienate everyone but what is called ‘his base’.
Okay. What is GloboCap?
I’m pretty sure, from the content of the article, that it is global capitalism. Why are we calling it GloboCap? (I couldn’t edit my comment. My comment disappeared when I clicked ‘edit’.)
GloboCap funds GloboCop. Only, thur’ bankrupted morally & financially.
Follow the money…
The lesson after 2008 was “Socialism for the Rich”…
Never to be permitted ever again, let banks fail was our conclusion.
Just ask Joseph Stiglitz: so here we are.
GloboCap initiates Reset.
COVID terror and outrage. MOTHER AND INFANT ARRESTED for violation of unconstitutional COVID decrees AND SMEARED IN SOCIAL MEDIA.
From ABC:
LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — A Kentucky couple under house arrest after one of them tested positive for coronavirus and refused to sign self-quarantine papers [but they did not oppose quarantine], they are now being attacked on social media.
Elizabeth Linscott tested positive for COVID-19 but without showing symptoms. After receiving the results, Linscott and her husband, Isaiah, told WAVE-TV the health department contacted her, requesting she sign the quarantine agreement, but she refused.
Later that week, the county sheriff greeted Isaiah at their front door, after Elizabeth said she received a text message stating that because she didn’t sign the documents, it would be escalated and law enforcement would be involved.
“I open up the door, and there’s like eight different people, five different cars, and I’m like, ‘What the heck’s going on?’ This guy’s in a suit with a mask. It’s the Health Department guy, and they have three papers for us – for me, her and my daughter,” he said.
Elizabeth and Isaiah were then fitted with ankle monitors and ordered to stay at home near Louisville. If they travel more than 200 feet, law enforcement will be notified.
The couple said they never denied self-quarantining. They just didn’t agree with the wording of the documents. Elizabeth also said that even without the ankle monitor, she had planned to be cautious..
“So, no, I wouldn’t wear a mask. I would do everything that I could to make sure that I wouldn’t come in contact with other people because of the fear that’s spreading with this. But no, I would have just stayed home, take care of my child,” Elizabeth told GMA.
Elizabeth also said if she needed medical care, she would have let health care workers know she was infected with the virus.
“We should not be put on an unlawful house arrest,” she said. “This should not be happening to anybody, especially anybody who doesn’t agree with it.”
They are coming for us.
See how ABC conflates coronavirus and COVID-19? Almost anyone can test positive for coronavirus at one time or another. Around a third of all common colds are thought to be caused by human coronavirus.
It’s a self-perpetuating market for pharmaceutical cartels.
Imagine how it’s going to be next autumn-winter. They’ll round us up = Roundup = under Agent Orange (Is that some kind of a sick joke?) = Monsanto = Bayer = I.G. Farben (1/4).
After the founders, the Rockefellers, the next largest stockholder in Standard Oil was I.G. Farben, the giant German chemical company. This investment was part of a pattern of reciprocal investments between the U.S. and Germany during the Nazi years. (You won’t find this information on the main Wikipedia pages for Farben or Standard Oil, of course).
Who historically has driven the vaccine/population project that Bill Gates now fronts? The Rockefellers.
“..around a third of all common colds are thought to be caused by coronavirus”
Sorry to be a pain MC, I agree with your comments except for the position on the virus.
I believe that if it were not for the entire germ theory paradigm we would not be in the mess we are now in with the political, economic and social dramas that we have experienced during the last six months.
As I understand it this is how I see the virus.
‘around a third of coronaviruses are caused by impure elements that trigger an internal healing crisis…aka the common cold’!
The big issue is that we have been indoctrinated to believe that a coronavirus original or novel, comes from external sources, when a virus really is generated by the internal healing system and performs vital processes towards homeostasis.
It is upside down and impossible to grasp and was for me too, but truth is gradually outing.
livings has put up a very useful link:
Another useful link is:
Sorry that was meant to be livingsb.
People say the virus comes from Wuhan, having been stored and studied at its institute of virology. The researchers only sought coronaviruses that would infect humans directly, as this evidence shows: “Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor”.
Yes people say lots of things about viruses.
no the colds are alleged to be caused by viruses by the very same people terrorising everyone. in the old days they alleged demons infected people.
There is no virus mate. Please inform UK Column they need to attack the fundamental, germ theory, before they lose all credibility. Get Andy Kaufman on as a guest… Even Del Bigtree had him on the other day. We cannot beat this if we are not all on the same page and attack the big lie.
Trump supports us against them
Trump supports no one but himself and his oligarchic brothers in crime as they helped themselves to $6T in “free” money from FED and US Treasury. He recently suggested that not wearing face mask is unpatriotic and often wears it in public. He joined the herd in COVID psych op as his polls are faltering.
Another excellent article .
Right on schedule another “Russia !” diversion from HMGovt security forces , just to keep the confusion going .
Another motivation for the ongoing mayhem which doesn’t get much coverage is the need to keep the lid on the Anthony Weiner laptop contents . The exposure of the depravity and corruption routinely pursued by our “leaders” would be the end for most of the ruling elites world wide .
Neo-feudalism… The whole capitalism/Marxism boat has sailed, we’re going medieval baby
Well said @Mlkr – a critical insight I haven’t seen anyone else express. Capitalism and Marxism are both economic agendas oriented around the question of who owns the means of production. The world being prepared for us is all about controlling the means of distribution. Not a system about economic activity, but a system of rationing and quotas.
Yup everything is being bought up, these few people who are in the process of owing everything the laws and rules don’t apply to them or they just change them…
No. Marxism is a political system and agenda that can only come into existence after the capitalist economic system has developed. The two things are fundamentally different; state control and legal or social coercion are not necessary for capitalism, which actually means freely-agreed trade for mutual advantage, and thrives without Marxism. But Marxists cannot thrive without a preexisting economic system to take over and rule. Their labour is to control and ‘redistribute’ other people’s labour or wealth, not to produce it themselves. When Marxists talk about controlling ‘the means of production’, they mean take control over the ordinary workers and businesspeople that built the free market economy, like your family and your business. As you might guess, I abandoned Marxism because it is a coercive, elitist system for exploiting workers, the very opposite of what it always promises. It’s a scam.
I agree with most of what you say about Marxism, and perhaps I over-simplified the issue in my earlier statement. But as regards capitalism I must disagree with you. You describe a market economy, as described by Smith in Wealth of Nations. In his model all actors are small; there are no monopolies, and no actor or cabal can determine market prices. Capitalism is the opposite of that, where economic dynamics lead to concentration, cartels, and monopolies. I think David Korten makes this distinction very cogently in his book When Corporations Rule the World.
I fully share your concerns about advanced capitalism and its nefarious effects. But the key point is that Marxist inspired political systems can in no way be equated or exchanged with the economic system which must always precede them, the capitalism on which they depend both for their material existence and for their ideological purpose and identity as leftists. I also despise the hypocrisy of Marxists preaching equality to non-Marxists, so often the dumb proles they need to justify their self-appointed role as our enlightened saviours. Neither can Leftists face another terrible truth: equality must ultimately and always be enforced by a superior elite which knows what’s best for us all. That creates the most unequal of societies, one totally divided into rulers and ruled, as in 1984 and many real nightmare regimes over the last 100 years. They must all ultimately deny democracy lest the plebs vote leftists out of power and their revolution gets reversed. That is an unacceptable fate for elitists pretending to be egalitarians. I argue that this elitist, ultimately coercive nature of ‘tolerant’ leftism is what we most need to expose, combat and reject. The once noble movement to which I proudly belonged has betrayed us most terribly, another reason why I now fully support what Trump is doing.
I’m glad to see you agree about advanced capitalism, and I totally agree with what you say about Marxism Nick! And we are in danger, because a version of Marxism is being prepared or us, by the ‘high circles’ that really do exist. We can see it being sold to the left as the American system, the founding fathers, and historical monuments are all being demonized. Not that a bit of demonization isn’t called for, but the context of what is being sold instead outweighs that. I’d rather have capitalism with its defects, rather than a micromanaged control system, because under capitalism we at least have a considerable degree of freedom to pursue our own path in life, though the system is largely stacked against us. Yes Trump says things you and I can agree with and are glad to hear, but the way he goes about it is in fact totally counter-productive.
Yep, its digital feudalism unless we stop it or die trying.
9/11 and after, IMO?
The CIA had a secret Saudi Islamist fighter technical training on US soil going on. A few of these guys went AWOL on targets and did 9/11.
This unplanned mess was warped and twisted into mass US domestic surveillance.
Wuhan virus and after?
This virus though under study nearby, went AWOL in Wuhan.
This unplanned mess send China in well rehearsed regional lockdown, while the virus naive West messed theirs up mostly. The CCP happily let foreigners fly out all over the planet soon after.