Federal Judge Rules Pennsylvania Lockdown “Unconstitutional”
Kit Knightly

People take part in a "reopen" Pennsylvania demonstration on April 20, 2020 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)
A surprising ruling from US District Court finds Governor Tom Wolf’s decree that forced people to stay at home, limited the size of social gatherings and ordered all “non-life-sustaining” businesses to shut down to be in breach of the constitution.
In a rare win for the freedom in the days of “the new normal” Judge William Stickman IV sided with the plaintiffs – a collection of small business owners – against the state. And found the measures to be “overreaching and arbitrary and violated citizens’ constitutional rights”.
The state will appeal, of course, but the hope is that this ruling can set a precedent which will limit governmental over-reach and the surge of draconian powers being implemented to (allegedly) “combat the pandemic”.
Certainly, amid the wave of ominous utilitarian preaching in both the corporate and social media, Sticman’s ruling makes for refreshing reading. You can view the whole thing here, but this I will leave you with the best quote, taken from the conclusion:
Even in an emergency, the authority of the government is not unfettered. The liberties protected by the Constitution are not fair-weather freedoms – in place when times are good but able to be cast aside in times of trouble.
There is no question that this Country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every sort. But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as the foundation of the American experiment.
The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a “new normal” where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures. Rather, the Constitution sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency.
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Fmr. CIA Director Brennan: “I Am More Worried Today Than I Ever Have Been Before”
Sep 17, 2020
Former CIA Director expresses his concern over the stability of the country following numerous alarming statements from the president and his attorney general. Aired on 09/17/2020.
Nancy Pelosi today made a statement “clarifying” the Dem’s position on violent protests (see vid below). There are some suggestions that this might be a response to adverse, internal poll numbers. However, I think a lot of it is probably due to actions the Trump Admin has been taking over the last couple of weeks. See interview with Judge Jeanine:
Speaker Pelosi finally condemns riots and looting
Sep 17, 2020
Lead article referenced by Tim Pool:
Tim Pool
Sep 17, 2020
DOJ Explored Charging Democrats Over Civil Unrest In Portland And Seattle, Trump Has ENDED The Riots. According to several reports the DOJ was looking into charging Antifa and BLM Leftists with sedition as well as pursuing charges against Democrats who may have contributed.
Where the case is now we don’t know but charges may still happen. It seems extremely unlikely however that this will ever be more than a news story about plans that never came to fruition.
But many people have demanded that Trump, Bill Barr, and The DOJ do more to end the riots. Perhaps this was part of their plans to do as much as possible. Another move they made that perhaps ended the riots was deputizing Oregon State Police so that the Feds could prosecute the BLM organizers who were leading the riots.
It seems to have worked
Cancel Culture BACKFIRES On Antifa And BLM Leftists As Their Arrests Go Public, They Lose Their Jobs
Sep 16, 2020
Tim Pool
Antifa and BLM Leftists are anxious and panicked now that people know they have been arrested for rioting in portland.
Journalist Andy Ngo has been documenting arrests made by police in Portland and now the people arrested are facing karma. One man lost his job and while his employer claims it had nothing to do with the arrest an email they sent seems to contradict that.
It seems like for the longest time these people were acting with impunity mostly because the media shields or downplays their actions, calling them peaceful protests. Even in this regard they seem to be critical of Andy ngo just reporting on the arrests.
Does anyone know what’s going on in Idaho?
Three weeks ago we had this information:
I’v tried to connect to some local newspapers and sistematically got:
451: Unavailable due to legal reasonsWe recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time. For any issues, contact webmaster@magicvalley.com or call 866.948.6397.
(For example, trying https://magicvalley.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/idaho-senate-kills-unconstitutional-house-measure-to-end-little-s-emergency-declaration/article_f9ab6ae1-b33c-599c-8fec-c4625f909781.html)
I believe that the media are reporting as if the covid measures had not been annulled; but it seems to me that they have, in fact, put an end to the game.
Rather appalling blackout of this news.
Desperately trying to convince the entire nation that it never happened, perhaps…?
Surely somebody knows somebody who lives in Idaho…?
Make a note of that judge’s name. People like him have to be cherished by those of us who can still think.
Follow the money!
Fox News panel cuts off Newt Gingrich for blaming violence on George Soros
Sep 16, 2020
Raw Story
via Fox News
Fake left and fake right..
No, Bolshevism is real and dangerous; and this is what it looks like:
Oh, trust me, I am aware of that. I am from an ex-USSR country and communism effed us up for eternity.
There’s some background and a transcript at Breitbart.
Fox News Cuts Off Newt Gingrich After He Points Out George Soros Role in Electing Prosecutors
Fox News cut off former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Wednesday after he brought up the role of billionaire left-wing financier George Soros in funding the election of left-wing prosecutors in local races over the past several years. Gingrich argued that the rise in crime in many Democrat-governed cities was partly the result of the election of left-wing district attorneys who had received financial assistance from George Soros. But commentators Melissa Francis and Marie Harf attempted to silence Gingrich.
This is the NYT article referenced by Tim Pool; here:
The push to overhaul prosecutors’ offices was pioneered by the billionaire George Soros, who in recent years has backed more than 20 candidates, including Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, vowing to upend the way prosecutors have traditionally approached their jobs.
In Dallas, Mr. Soros has given more than $46,000 worth of polling to Mr. Creuzot’s campaign through the Texas Justice & Public Safety PAC. And the Texas Organizing Project, a grass-roots economic and racial justice organization that Mr. Soros also funds, has donated more than $190,000 worth of canvassing.
The effort aims to achieve a single overarching goal, said Whitney Tymas, who heads Mr. Soros’s prosecutor initiative, which is separate from his philanthropic work.
“We want to end mass incarceration. That’s our North Star,” she said. “We’ve won twice as many races as we’ve lost. We’re not going to win them all. But we’re really trying to, because that’s the difference between people unjustly sitting in jail or not.”
Billionaires and Bolsheviks for Biden
Laura Ingraham
Sep 16, 2020
Fox News
Twin forces are propping up the Biden candidacy
What does this FOX B.S. have to do with anything?….I have to agree, Biden’s backers are largely billionaires and warmongers….But Bolsheviks?….That’s pure fantasy.
Meatpacking Executives Drafted Trump’s Order to Keep Plants Open Amid PandemicHeadline Sep 16, 2020
When I read this kind of headline, it makes me wonder….Regarding the COVID hoax, do Off-G readers agree with Strumpf that meatpacking plants should remain open?:
“The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is facing criticism for fining a JBS beef plant in Greeley, Colorado, under $16,000 after six workers — all immigrants — died at the plant from COVID-19. Nearly 300 workers became infected. One family of a deceased worker described the small fine as a “huge slap in the face.” Last year JBS reported over $50 billion in revenue.
Meanwhile, ProPublica has obtained emails showing the text of President Trump’s controversial executive order keeping meatpacking plants open during the pandemic was based largely on language written by the meat industry.”
All plants should have remained open. Nothing needed to close, nothing needed to change, because there was not an epidemic.
Then what did these immigrants die of?….And what was it that infected these 300 workers?….Or are all the deaths and infections attributed to COVID everywhere in the world simply lies?
250,000 people die everyday, Life is a tenuous, precious position. Did you know January 22, 2020, marked the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in all fifty states? As the somber day passed, new analysis from National Right to Life estimates that 61,628,584 babies’ lives have ended through legal abortion in those 47 years.
I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say here….Are you saying that politicians have the right to decide what girls and women should keep or discard from their bodies?, which to me is a kind of rape…Plus you are mistaking “babies” for “Fetuses”….And I really don’t see what any of this has to do with human beings dying from disease….You confuse me.
It’s impossible for me to feel that an industry devoted to slaughtering animals deserves any consideration whatsoever. I also have no sympathy for the fur industry and weapons industry.
Indeed, these industries stink and I have no sympathy for the owners either….But we are talking about the workers who often have nowhere else to get jobs.
I’m not following you on that, Maxine. You’re putting all the responsibility on the owners of these slaughter plants, but not the workers? Isn’t that like blaming the military generals for corporate wars without blaming those volunteering to fight the wars?
It is the owners who make the profit from this industry….I would guess that no worker would take on such a ghastly job which probably pays them peanuts if he/she had a choice….I would also imagine that by the very nature of such work, the conditions must be hideous….They probably live near the plant and there is no other work near by….In such case, I find it hard to to put blame on them.
But I still don’t understand the cause behind the unusually high number of deaths and infections suffered by the slaughter house workers if it has nothing to do with COVID.
Unfortunately, many young American military volunteers are poor and uneducated and can’t get any other job….But of course there are sadistic types who join out of fondness for killing….And yes, these are as responsible as the generals.
“But I still don’t understand the cause behind the unusually high number of deaths and infections suffered by the slaughter house workers if it has nothing to do with COVID.”
I know, right? But the veracity of the numbers are questionable.
Yes, it could all be lies….But then why should we believe the veracity of either side of the issue?
I attach a link to a Daily Mail article today. I haven’t read the article and I do not suggest anyone else bothers. My reason for posting it is to highlight the photograph of Hancock ‘elbow bumping’, or whatever they choose to call it. I presume I am not alone in finding the expression on Hancock’s face particularly nauseating (admittedly probably little more than usual) because it really goes to show what fun he is having with his role in killing the UK economy and a significant number of the country’s inhabitants. He really does seem to be relishing the power conferred on him to be a complete and utter imbecile.
I would love for someone to take a poll, first of the citizens of Pennsylvania then of the entire US, to determine the public reaction to this ruling. I suspect the majority would be horrified by the ruling. I sincerely hope I’m wrong; but I truly fear I’m not.
I regretfully concur. Local mass-media aggressively promotes the Megadeath Virus of Doom Big Lies. The local newsradio web site has this headline; it doesn’t deserve a link:
New COVID-19 cases in Philly are lowest since March due to increased mask use.
I hope that my impression is distorted because I live in a location where most people seem to be afflicted with acute Good Germless Syndrome, but too many people still seem genuinely bamboozled and terrified by the Big Lie.
It is easy to assume when you see masked people that they are taken in by the propaganda. When you actually talk to them you find out otherwise– especially if you make a disparaging remark. Some absolutely LAUNCH when they know their opinion will be wecomed.
I once took a poll,
but apparently you have to pay for them,
so I gave it back…
(In new condition may I say)
Where did you take the poll? Lunch?
I trust that was before COVID-19. Otherwise, you may have contaminated it; so it would have been wrong to return it.
Besides which, I’m not buying the “new condition” meme. Even if you didn’t open it, once it leaves the polling place it is no longer “new.” Shame on you!
Howard, everywhere I go– and I go there maskless– I encourage people to tell me what they think about the virus & the political response to it. I estimate the response to have been 50 against the lockdown-mask-distancing to 6 who were either unsure or felt the response was justified (3 of the 6).
I’m in Central Coast California
The most common comment is “It’s all political.” Sometimes I get “They’re trying to bring in the NWO.” Six times I’ve gotten, “It’s Agenda 21.” Several have bewailed the lack of a leader to back to oppose it, and are personally willing to oppose it but are baffled how to do that.
I live in PA, and I don’t know a single person who respects the Governor or his draconian shutdown.
I’m glad to hear it.
Since I’m solitary, even quasi-reclusive, my sense that most PA residents have succumbed to Good Germless Syndrome is based on a few obedient, fearful relatives and the people I see at the local shopping center.
It isn’t just that the latter wear masks, which as Penelope correctly points out is by no means a reliable indicator of their attitude towards Gauleiter Wolf and the draconian restrictions. It’s also a “body language” perception– a certain grimness about the eyes, and a tendency to sort of shrink away or hustle past without making polite noises if someone comes “too close”.
I need a haircut again, so I’ll have to ask my haircutter about it. When I was finally able to get a haircut after the long shutdown, she agreed with my cautious criticisms of the scamdemic, and said that she and her family concluded that it was a scam early on. I wanted to kiss her, but of course the Health Department would shut the place down. 😉
I’ll be thrilled if it turns out that my pessimistic perception is merely an artifact of my skewed sample.
Not that “public reaction” is a reliable guide to what is right and wrong…
The Constitution was fortunately not framed by members of the public, but by people with a heck of a lot more knowledge and experience than your average TV-watcher.
This judge speaks the language of the Constitution, and to my mind the only alternative to his ruling is to abandon the Constitution – which would undoubtedly thrill some of the US “authorities”…
Mind you that the constitution is not the product of the people, but the product of an historical elite who created this constitution. The people are never big enough to think of such all encompassing principles, and parties among the people themselves, during the war of the people against the people called democracy, have ever since constantly been trying to erode the constitution. Even various parties among those who now make an appeal to freedom have been occupied with slander, gossip and mud throwing in relation to those politicians and philosophers whose works stood at the basis of their freedom.
Joh, absolutely not. The constitution is revered. It is a small group of academic activists who would alter the constitution and who fling mud on the founders. Many of these think tanks, etc are creatures of the Deep State.
Interestingly Prof Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi pointed out on youtube a few days ago that forcing people to wear masks and fine them if they didn’t was a violation of the German penal code
He mentions it is explicitly mentioned in the law that the violation is particularly reprehensible if the imposition is made by someone in authority like a politician. Up to 5 years in prison.
Surely we have something similar in this country? Where the hell have all the good, honest lawyers gone or is that a stupid question?
It is a stupid question.
Lawyers don’t just “sue the government” because of perceived grievances.
They need an actual client who has been aggrieved, and who is willing to pay the lawyer to represent him or her, or that person’s business.
Finally, not every measure implemented by our state governors has been illegal, even if we find them distasteful or intrusive or in our opinion unnecessary. They are given broad powers in an emergency.
ha ha…moron. A lawyer owns his own firm/business. They can represent themselves. They have a grievance. They have lost an awful lot of money and their freedom. Or are you so thick you cannot comprehend that?
“Finally, not every measure implemented by our state governors has been illegal, even if we find them distasteful or intrusive or in our opinion unnecessary. They are given broad powers in an emergency.”
Errgh…no they are not you moron
Every act has been unlawful as the virus does not exist.
In Tom Renz’s Ohio filing against Governor Mike DeWine, both the Constitution and issues of fact/science are asserted.
Okay first, calling me a “moron” is unnecessary.
Second, after 30 years of practice, this is the first time I’ve heard of this:
It’s often said of defendants in criminal cases, “a man who represents himself has a fool for a client.”
Next, what’s even the point of this insult:
Finally, I’m not clicking on your spam link, which from your post seems to be another nutball’s court filing, not an actual statement of why lawyers haven’t filed lawsuits on their own behalf.
Ever think it might be because as a lawyer I’ve read the emergency authorization act passed decades ago by my state’s legislature, and I’ve read my governor’s orders and concluded that his orders don’t violate any statute or constitutional provision?
Why don’t you file the lawsuit yourself if it’s so easy? Or do you want someone else to take all the time and do the hard work for you so you don’t have to be bothered?
Take your name calling somewhere else. It has no place if you want to have a civilized discussion with me.
Yes, the Deep State prepared the ground well, by passing emergency authorization acts– that doesn’t make such legislation constitutional. The “Patriot” Act passed in the aftermath of 9/11 is clearly unconstitutional: It simply does away w our rights. That’s why the renewal of the Act is always so quietly done.
Wise observation ahead—-
“A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.”
—Abraham Lincoln said that after a cheese and onion toastie.
This is a truly hopeful happening. In France attempts are more tepid. Still, in Strasbourg, some citizens had brought the case that mask cannot be asked to be worn where there is little crowd and at times when there are few people out. The court had ruled in their favour. The government had overturned that ruling and reimposed the mask at all times and everywhere. Then the latest is that the court has once again overturned the government’s overturn. So its like ping pong.
This is also only for Strasbourg. There is a class action for the whole of France coming up against making the mask compulsory everywhere in more and more regions. I would encourage anyone living in France to join the class action…
Only a massive upheaval and/or a justice upholding the basic common laws or the human right laws can get us out of this.
Maybe the tide has turned.
Lancaster protesters held on whopping $1 million bail each on riot charges
Sep 15, 2020
A Pennsylvania judge threw the book at several protesters accused of rioting — by setting their bail at $1 million each — in wake of the police shooting of a knife-wielding Lancaster man. Lancaster police nabbed a dozen people and one juvenile for staging the riots around 3 a.m. Monday in clashes that culminated in police deploying tear gas at the crowd.
long overdue ….
Un miracolo.
I’ve said it b4 and I will say it again.
PUNTO UNO: The only way to beat this coup d’etat is by standing up and demonstrate until the cows come home infront of all ur local pairlaiments. IE: In Italy just the other day in Rome Piazza della Repubblica a small demonstration with a few well known actors and civil libetarians from the old school left were there . More and more of the medical and medical academicians are talking and writing pier r/v documents in Italy . More and more people from the medical fraternity are coming out . “Il Virus e clinicamente morto” This Virus has no legs ,steam umf. Like Kit Knightly has stated and also other websites( https://muchadoaboutcorona.ca/old-fashioned-flu/)The common cold /flu is more lethal than this psy-op.
PUNTO DUE: The unwarranted deaths of other maladies ,increased suicide rates,increased mental health issues,anxieties. etc .
PUNTO TRE: the total destruction to the general economy with particular note to the small c capitalistic adventure that are failing and are being swept under the rug . Further more allowing greater concentration of wealth to well u know who. The largest wealth gap exceeding the Gilded age.IE Just in the last few months circa three the 0.01 percent just got 26per cent wealthier. Not my stats UN Us Italy EEC UK e “compagnia bella”.
PUNTO QUATTRO: Using their legal system and forwarding multiple writs against the state will allow discovery hence data figures stats , economic outcomes ,general wrecking of the general mental health of the general public and the killing of the general economy for we the disposable individuals. This above mentioned case my dear fellow readers is a Barrister/solicitors dream come true. It will be harder for any of the 5 eyes to continue with this trajectory. Why because the five eyes have all, the same legal system British Civil Law and not the Justinian system that the French Italians and the Spaniards have hence same system same arguments. IE: The justifications for the present actions under the 5 eyes countries is based on the premis that actions of this nature are for the greater good for the benefit of the greater community. Strike one for the State. The data demonstrates that countries Like South Korea Japan Bellarus Sweden and most scandenavian countries did not initiate and legislate such fascistic health statutes and have the same lethality rates as those of the 5 eyes is more than enough to get some Judges with a conscious around these countries( might come with the same verdict) . Legal precedent is a bitch.
DOCIUS IN FONDEM; U still think we defeated fascismo during the second world war. Mussoliini is laughing in hell as I write.
Pace e Bene
Here’s a subtitled video of Dr Rainer Füllich setting out the details of and reasoning behind a class-action suit being brought against governments and PCR-test manufacturers and sellers:
Looks extremely interesting but the English sub-titles appear to have done a runner!
It works for me after clicking the CC icon bottom right of the video screen. Have you tried that?
Thanks, Toby. I’ve learnt something new! 😀 That’s great.
This seems by far the best course of action suggested so far, and maybe humanity’s only chance.
Encouraging song:
(mushroom at the end = vaccine…?)
It is unconstitutional and unlawful as well.
To have made these bizarre, tyrannical restriction and punishments that were synchronized and imposed by the central banking govts they would have had to:
1) prove there was a threat and
2) present justification for imposing the restrictions
They failed to prove threat and did not provide justification.
The Sars CoV2 is only computer generated from bovine dna and human dna ….its not real.
The rna sting we call “corona” is in the human microbiome( virome) of healthy people and was found by virologist studying it not to to be cause of disease.
Thanks for that brilliant link about the virus isn’t real or new. Breaks it down the fraudulent science
A week ago I figured it out, they want to inject the whole world with chimp DNA repeatedly to engineer a subspecies. Here is Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (2018):
This is an Israeli, so tell them to take that fucking vaccine and shove it up their asses. We will do what they do, and we will have spies and commissions to watch.
This guy has a fucking husband, by the way. Get a load of him. His book is complete tripe, idiotic sweeping generalizations with no substance, as is typical of his race.
He is really projecting here. You can see what kind of world he is hoping for. Yes typical of his race.
It’s a very original theory. He ought to give the übermenschen and untermenschen names. You know, maybe “Eloi” and “Morlock”. 😉
That would be fitting. One can sense he is salivating over this imagined future. Sick. No one else could even write that shit.
Finally, a win for our side…Supreme Court get ready
A little factoid from the US as of Sept 6th: In 2020 the total death number in the US versus 2017’s total death number was 952,398 shy of hitting 2017 death toll. That amounts to 33.9% left of the total to equal the 2017 numbers. With 118 days left in the year which is 32.3% of the year left it looks like a similar outcome to 2017.
Essentially the US would need 18 weeks at current death rates to equal the overall death toll from 2017. There are at present 16 weeks remaining.
However, the stat is even more interesting in that here in 2020 the overall population is higher than it was in 2017 so as an overall percentage of population this year’s death total is even lower than stated above.
No pandemic.
Yes. I realized all they’ve done from country to country was swap the flu death attributions to covid when I checked the week by week stats from this year to last year on the CDC site.
There was a slight increase in the total all cause deaths for about 6 weeks immediately after the lockdown but that was from the murder by ventilation and neglect in nursing homes.
Yes. Further, from 2014 to 2017 deaths increased by ~187,000. From 2017 to 2020 deaths are projected to increase by 5% or ~141,000. Apparently having a pandemic saved 46,000 lives
you can get a more accurate idea of the total death numbers if you compare the first 6 month of let’s say previous 4 years , 2020 will be just middle of the road
Do you have that data handy?
This became apparent in Australia a while ago. It seems Flu deaths have almost disappeared this year. That’s how they’ve been getting the numbers along with the deaths in the nursing homes, of which, the large majority of deaths in Melbourne have been in nursing homes.
True. There is no all causes excess deaths in WHO defined 2019/2020 (October 1 -September 30) season , as I predicted in May clarifying what at that time alarming for many and exploited by MSM fear mongering as unprecedented, weekly excess deaths meant (not high value of peak was telling but small total area under curve).
It was epidemiological non-event even if we count all deaths as COVID deaths. In reality not more than 10% of official COVID deaths had anything to do with lethality of any seasonal infectious respiratory diseases, viral or bacterial. In fact adding 20,000 pre mid March ILI (Flu like) deaths and approximately 15,000 after that gives us 35,000 dead in line to mild flu season.
And, don’t forget, there were no fraudulent death reports in 2017 either.
You don’t understand! This means that the lock-downs and masks and distancing is all working and, by logical extension,if we continue with these policies and a few more vaccines, immortality is only ’round the corner. BoJo has already announced a triumph over disease!
PAX TRUMP Continues: Qatar Gulf Rift.Bahrain.5 More. End of Forever Wars?/
DAVOS: Manifesto To Socially Engineer and Experiment On Humans/
Medical Doctor Warns of Medical Tyranny/
Podesta Also Wargamed Food Scarcity
“The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a “new normal” where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures. Rather, the Constitution sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency.”
“The First Amendment guarantees all Americans the opportunity to freely express themselves. This fundamental freedom includes the right to distribute literature and discuss a multitude of views—even views distasteful to most people. It also protects the right of the people to engage in lawful picketing and the right to peaceably assemble. It is critical that a free society value and honor a free marketplace of ideas, a diversity of opinion, and free expression. Without free expression, no democratic society would be possible.” https://www.rutherford.org/issues/free_speech
I’m sure the constitution has become a thorn in the side of the ruling class who intends to utilize the increasingly powerful militarized police force to squash outrage. This will especially be the case, as extreme wealth and income inequality intensifies resulting in the US sinking further into a poverty ridden neo-feudal state.
So violent assembly of BLM are illegal, unconstitutional…
The BLM protests and other political groups were probably hjacked and funded to create chaos justifying the need for a police state. Notice how in the Pacific Northwest more whites were protesting than blacks.
In addition, several nutcases were arrested for starting fires.
200 Belgian medical doctors calling out this corona hysteria for what it is- 200 Belgian Doctors against Corona Hysteria
Superb comprehensive letter covering everything that is wrong with the, all but, universal handling of the ‘pandemic’. I fully expect the German anti lock down movements (legal and medical) to come up shortly with something very similar.
Key extracts:
Belgium (where I live, as a Dutchman) maintains a very authoritation and bureaucratic official culture. Authoritarianism is still weaved in the culture, even the use of the Dutch language by the Flemish is characterized by authoritarianism (they use old words which the Dutch have got rid of). Belgium even maintains to some extent a small aristocratic culture, though degenerated in the course of democracy.
As an anecdote, a while ago there where some Belgians who came to collect some stuff at my house, they had to wear masks, so I started a conversation, I asked them whether the mask wasn’t a burden when doing relatively heavy physical work. So one of them, noticing that I was Dutch, wearing no mask, immediatelly got relaxed and put of his mask, and the other followed later on. They did this because they probed that they would not have much to fear from a Dutch man, but among their own people, there is a culture of reporting people to authorities, or their bosses.
So Belgium is another situation than the US, there is a divide between an official authoritation culture and the so called ‘ordinary people’, but there is also a culture of reporting each other to authorities, so that they do know who to fear and who to trust, so a lot of them chose the safest way. The Corona scare makes this situation more pronounced.
Thanks for sharing this.
Off-Gradian… must be a different platform to Off-Guardian.
I will tell my pet sheep to avoid it.
Though my pet Kea will read everything.
Keas like to read.
Did we dream this ruling?
Call us American Dreamers then, with MLK as a most memorable drum major dream maker.
You would have to think judge got the memo from WHO, but chose to rebuke it anyway?
How odd, for one of today’s USAmerican justices to swim against such a stream. (I was about to post NatGeo’s interview with Bill Gates, trumpeting his news that the bogeyman bug had “set back the fight to end world poverty by years” and years — Ergo, vaccines; but I’ll skip it while savoring this ruling in its stead.)
A number here have said the courts –still– present the greatest bulwark against such a con as Gates and known associates. What else?
Be certain the puppet masters have long ago planned a response, and will be pulling the usual strings, elsewhere, other than this court. Shouldn’t this be headed, express delivery, to SCOTUS?
He gave a strong defense against any and all of the perps, really, with a simple argument. It will no doubt develop into a battle of “dueling duties”, though.
But, how can you protect health while destroying jobs at an even much greater clip than “saving lives”?
A stretch. Bug-free refugee camps?
You folks in the UK have likely already seen this:
REVEALED: NHS Test and Trace top team includes just one public health expert
I find this opinion to be refreshingly, if not gloriously, free of weasel words. Great judge. Not afraid to rule decisively, and with a deep connection to principles of liberty.
My particular favorite passage, so conspicuously at odds with the widespread sentiments of the media, is the following:
This should be intuitive, and deeply-felt by every working American, yet the Media have persisted in setting up the grotesque doctrine that the desire to make a living is “putting the economy before lives.”
This bizarro-world mainstream perspective of course covers up the truth: to prevent people from making a living puts corrosive fear before life itself.
My pet Sheep says the Economy is a fiction perpetuated by Universities funded by the establishments that fund them.
Then again my Sheep never went to University, though it was engineered there in the Biology department, but they needed funding from the Finance department which was led by the Economics department. You can just imagine the ‘silo’ management styles entwined in that spaghetti bolognese of bureaucracy……
My Kea says “Squaawk!” which literally translates into:
“Macro-economics is as much a fiction as some extra-governmental agency scaring people that microscopic aliens are out to destroy the world.”
My pet Kea never went to University either, but his ancestors have watched Humans for millennia.
Cute shtick.
You got a glow-worm bit too?
Thank you for complimenting my stick on it’s appearance. It has recently been on the cover of a few prestigious magazines such as:
‘Modern Stick’, ‘Sticks Today‘ and ‘Popular Sticks of the World Revised’
Though it is very shy and humble and mainly just hangs out with it’s mates on the forest floor.
Also, if I may be so bold as to suggest you don’t use a glow-worm bit when using your power drill. They look pretty at night but really aren’t designed for use by the home handyman.
Won’t make any difference at all. The demonic government will disobey immediately and permanently. Demons don’t obey orders. In a sane country the federal level would take steps to stop governors and mayors from mass murder, but this is not a sane country. Trump wants all of this chaos. He wants the lockdowns and riots and masks. If he didn’t want it, he could have stopped it a long time ago. Presidents have OFTEN intervened to stop evil governors.
So how do you think he could do so within the limits of the constitution?
And within the limits of wanting to live another day?
I live in Pennsylvania; here’s part of an e-mail I sent to a fellow COVID skeptic yesterday:
I immediately wondered if [Ohio anti-scamdemic activist] Pam Popper has already “taped” this week’s videos, because I know she’ll happily report this development.
Not having a reservoir of optimism, I’m gratified but can’t get too excited. I think that the official scamdemic momentum is still going strong; as we know all too well, whether because of ostensible “spikes” or a manufactured “second wave(s)”, governments are still ratcheting up the draconian restrictions.
In the US, the Democratic Party is determined to hang the Megadeath Virus of Doom around Trump’s neck, in hopes that this festering albatross corpse will drag him down and leave the Oval Office Throne to be occupied by the triumphant Ghost of Joe Biden. Its gubernatorial Gauleiters and the lesser Democratic officials, e.g. big-city mayors, will resolutely defy any judicial signals that they need to clean up their extra-Constitutional, extra-legal acts– at least through the election, which they’ve already planned to vigorously obstruct and contest.
So I assume that our Gauleiters will still retain, and reserve the power to escalate, said draconian restrictions. And I think that most of the judiciary will back them up.
As the article mentions, Gauleiter Wolf predictably responded with defensive indignation, and is appealing the order; a link is unnecessary, but here’s a local (Philly) headline:
Wolf administration to appeal ruling calling COVID-19 restrictions unconstitutional; says orders ‘saved lives’
Of course, as the recent James Corbett video published here discusses, the rationales for the present rogue-state bioterrorism (here, “rogue-state” applies to the USA’s political territorial subdivisions) are the same as the original “Global War on Terrorism”, 2001 Edition. Thus, the diverse justifications can be boiled down into “the end justifies the means”.
I would be delighted to see a full-court press succeed on both civil-liberties and commerce grounds against the COVID regime’s New Abnormal. Unfortunately, the notion of the judiciary as a “last, best hope” to check tyranny is idealistic at best. It’s well known that in the Nazi regime, German courts submissively went along for the ride and gave Hitler’s policies the color of law.
In the US, lawyers commonly observe that ascending to the bench is not a mark of either superior judicial intellect, integrity, or personal courage. Judgeships are explicitly political offices, and like district attorneys and other prosecutorial posts attract mostly ambitious, narcissistic, self-serving careerist hacks.
So I fear that legal challenges will, at least initially, be deflected or nullified by ignorant, conformist judges inclined to give the political autocrats broad leeway in ostensibly “solving” the manufactured Megadeath Virus of Doom crisis.
The appeal will likely lose as the Appellate Court tends to be conservative. However, at the SCOTUS, Roberts does not like to make rulings that are controversial. Roberts will most likely vote with the 4 liberal Justices and so the ruling will be overturned.
Roberts can surprise both ways, but he’s earned zero trust from that day in late November 2000 when he participated in the Brooks Brothers Riot at Miami-Dade Courthouse to halt the Gore-Bush Recount, later snuffed on a Sunday by “Don” Scalia.
His having heard and voted in Citizens United and removed all restraints from corporate donations, such a hideous black-robed felony, you would have to assume anything he does is strategic for all the wrong reasons. A Show Chief Justice.
Caveat Lector.
Ever the cynic, I take as a rule of thumb that appeals courts exist, in part, to rectify inappropriate and unseemly outbreaks of justice in the lower authorities.
Oh that’s good…
Anyone who believes that Off-Guardian is exempt or not part of the tyranny being rolled out in every other part of the country needs to wake-up. Look at the censorship here for gods sake it’s worse than the Guardian.
There is no body, site, organisation on ‘our side’. All those that purport to be on ‘our side’ are just pushing an anti-democratic, far-right agenda to create a ‘popular’ far-right dictatorship. I can guarantee you will be cheering them when they arrive with their guns.
The people behind all of this are the military and police, who already live under little fascist tyrannies, so are happy to extend their way of life to the rest of us.
Hey, I’ve had a comment of mine removed. And I saw a comment from someone else removed. But there’s no way that you can equate that with tyranny, unless you wake up every morning wondering which tiara you should wear that day.
You are already cheering your own censorship. What the hell is wrong with you people ?
lol I’m not cheering, I wrote that I thought it was wrong for them to do that. But calling it, “tyranny”, when tyranny results in oppression, imprisonment, torture and murder, is ludicrous. An annoyance is not tyranny.
You are also posting as ‘Jackie’. Please confine yourself to a single ID and try not to troll so obviously.
I am posting as every tom dick and harry untill you apologise.
Whats so hard? you slandered me. that hurt, I have been a contributor here since this scamdemic started and there you turned on me, no evidence no proof, just an ill founded idiotic suspicion which you decided was factual, well fuck you and then fuck you some more,, say sorry and we can part ways. Keep the act up and I will piss you off proper ,,,, wait and see, your choice.
You don’t appear very rational… Now that we would be watched… Duh… Sometimes I see my posting on sites as a bit suicidal… but we have to express ourselves God dammit… exchange a bit… This place is really my last hope to do that… I’ll just have a more relaxed grin on my face when they come for me
Lol you guy(s?) sound just like spoiled trans activists
What was so wrong with your comment that it was removed?
In case my comment above reads as being aggressive, it isn’t meant to be!
Mine are proper agressive, they have fucked me right off, question everyone should be asking is why are they doing this?
My guess given the 9/11 fest is they have been paid off, hence all these idiotic articles that will scare any newcomer looking for covid facts away, I will tell people to look at the articles before august this year as everything after that is dodgy as and rumour mill has it they took the money.
fuck em,, they are acting like the real graun back in the day.
They are all just following orders. And to be sure they don’t care about you/us, they are hard core military or police, probably American, so they really hate us.
Expose their censorship and corrupt message but don’t get angry.
You are also posting as Roberto, Yule, Jimmy, and numerous other troll accounts. Please choose a single ID
Making him/her a sock-puppet not a troll ?
Can you not create an option?
leaning on the one-size-fits-all Eff-ing-Bomb gives you so away. That word, believe it or not, is a go-to psyop.
You think the PTB are paying us to run 9/11 articles? 🤦🏻♀️
I want in on that action. I can dig some out of a dusty drawer.
What a load of old bollocks. Cobblers to you Jackie or Sunset or Argentine or Roberto or whatever your name is. Offguardian has been paid off? Hilarious🤣🤣🤣
Remember that article OffGuardian posted a few weeks ago with a painting in it? And OffGuardian wanted only positive comments? I gave my view of the painting, and that’s the comment they removed. I didn’t say anything bad, but apparently it wasn’t positive enough for them.
In all fairness, I think admin had a thing for the artist… Hey, people here are bound to be emotional… (and they so are)… Why do we want to see admin as God… a human need for the absolute? Are there rules on this site? (I never check)… But it would be “democratic” to know admin’s reasons when they remove a comment… Like in an argument with a “partner when they ignore a comment of yours but wouldn’t give a reason… how much time of my life have I waisted seeking these… I’m basically here for you guys, that is a fact… That being said… I’m glad I saw this particular article (like others to be frank), stupid CBC didn’t even mention the Pennsylvania ruling. I’ve been looking at masked school children for an hour, instructing us how things are not so bad… Experts also answered 4 year olds questions about the virus, and cooperative and “concerned” masked parents were aloud to speak on TV… Teachers were hysterically explaining that 12 children per class is the only way to keep them appart and save lives. Please lets do everything possible to keep this place alive… I’m sure this is saving my life… count our blessings.
Oh there were also a couple of bits bashing systematically the president of the next country… like every fucking day since he was elected… never heard anything good about him… he must be super human then… less often right than a broken clock… that would be super universal
I am a lapsed Democrat (like my lapsed Catholicism), and left leaning my whole life. It would never even occur to me to vote for a Republican. (back when I thought there was a difference – LOL)
But the constant 24/7 badgering of the present Commander in Chief has made me sick to my stomach. Even if you hate the guy, have SOME respect for the office.
Since 2016 a whole industry has been built around attacking this guy. Stephen Colbert was moved from his brilliant original format to a late night spot which is pure vilification. Along with John Oliver’s show (another very funny fellow back on John Stewart’s show), and the rest of them.
Saturday Night eat him aLive became unwatchable.
I don’t mind a good political fight, but this was just more-than-the-usual mean-spirited and demoralizing. Which I guess was the point.
‘Cuz I’m demoralized.
Hope i didn’t sound preachy, u sound resigned, lol
No, you were fine:)
our rules governing comments are here…
Which you routinely ignore Winston ?
Your description of the present classroom situation sounds like the makings of a Key and Peele skit.
As horribly sad, despotic, dystopian, draconian, tyrannical and insane as the present classroom situation is.
But no one is complaining on TV, how’s that (that was a sarcastic comment)
My posts are no longer permitted it appears , “Awaiting for approval” , lost in cyber space .The limits of dissidence in England is narrowly defined indeed , the so called left always devouring its spawn..
The spam software had dropped about 8 of your comments into the pending folder. I have now released them all. I have to say this a lot. I wish people would just be a little patient. Unless your comment is racist, trolling or empty and excessive abuse it will be published.
To the extent that Off-G admins become familiar with recurring commenters, I think y’all (US idiom) know that I don’t post offensive comments– except to those who find long-winded, anecdotal, chatty, and/or would-be witty comments offensive– or engage in flame wars. I’ve only had a few comments mysteriously pended for approval, possibly because of word count, and I don’t feel that urge to repost them under different usernames, so I don’t really have a snarling, rabid, righteously outraged dog in this fight.
But after restraining myself from jumping in where angels fear to tread, I feel compelled to point out that the “spam software” problem needs to be resolved. I couldn’t be more sympathetic towards the difficulties in grappling with the pernicious, vexatious, and iniquitous conundrums built into computer/Internet transactions and software. So I know that talk is cheap, and I trust that if an effective solution were readily available you would’ve already implemented it.
But surely you must see that the “dodgy spam software” explanation, even if the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, must reach a point of diminishing returns. Frequent repetition makes it into something like “the dog ate my homework”– more accurately, the dog ate your homework. But no worries, it will eventually spit it back up intact!
And frankly, even the plea to commenters to be patient in the knowledge that delayed comments will eventually be published also reaches a point of diminishing returns. FWIW, I think that when Internet comments forums first came into existence, from the geek designers’ perspective comments were seen as the virtual equivalent of “letters to the editor”; writers wanted to get something off their chest, and the “editor” accordingly completed the implied bargain by publishing it. (Leaving aside that in traditional print venues, only a selection of letters are printed, so there’s no implied guarantee that every letter will be published.)
Put slightly differently, early on there was a top-down distinction made between comments forums and “chat rooms”; the former were conceived as relatively static, the latter as a dynamic discussion. But as comments software and computing speed improved, that distinction quickly eroded. All this to say that, for better or worse, nowadays comments threads are more like real-time discussions; thus, comments delayed are comments denied.
I’m posting this reluctantly, in part, because I notice that the admins’ frequent reiteration of the mysterious problematic spam software explanation implies that the status quo is as good as it gets. That is, I’ve never seen any mollifying or comforting indications that “we are working on a fix”. I’m forever carrying on about the toxic streams of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) that technobarbaric culture imposes on ordinary unprivileged humans. The quirky spam software is an unfortunate uncertainty (and doubt) generator.
If the Off-G techies are truly stymied by the spam software, I think that if you announced a special fundraiser to obtain New! Improved! spam software it would be successful. And if this comment trips the “awaiting approval” trapdoor I promise I will only smile and patiently await its appearance. 😉
I’m puzzled by what nefarious plan you imagine would entail cunningly throwing a lot of comments into pending so we can have all the fun of letting them all out again. 🤷🏻♀️
The software in question is Akismet which is native with WordPress. It does a pretty decent job of catching the tons of spam that pour in every day, so some false positives and pendings are acceptable. But sometimes it starts being temperamental or selects certain posters (especially if they repeat post their comments). It’s a nuisance – and of course people get annoyed and blame us and sometimes become very rude and entitled.
A lot of sites don’t bother conscientiously checking the pending and spam folders. We do. it’s a tedious 24/7 job.
You’re welcome. 👍🙂
PS – we don’t have ‘techies’ – there are four of us – two editors and two admins, that’s all.
I have a sneaking suspicion that if I sent you some money my censoring problems would abate somewhat ? However am old and poor , I comment as a form of entertainment . Most of these blog sites eventually ban me and or disappear. I do often agree with this sites positions on other topics , your failing attempts to blunt the covid panic /global reset /war on death have been exceptional !
Fuck off.
I don’t get paid for doing this and I have no clue who donates to OffG and no way of finding out – even if I wanted to.
My complaint is that you appear to use your spurs a lot when riding the 9/11 hobbyhorse ? Your professed belief that it was an inside job is astonishing given your claim that truth is sacred on OFF G . Why would spam software be so sensitive to anyone offering a different view on the 19 year old 9/11 inside job mythology ? I rarely got “binned” until I disagreed with you on 9/11 . Now all my comments are reviewed or disappeared.
Militrolls should take special care to ensure they get their vitamins. Sitting in a chair at a desk doing defence of the realm all day is awfully bad for one’s posture, and the biggest enemy is not Russia but thrombosis. A’curatna
You keep trying to threaten me, indirectly. you are so funny.
I’ve never had a comment removed nor held back awaiting approval. Not once. All my comments make it through the moment I post them. I am 100% certain that if I posted the same comments in any of the MSM sites, nearly all would not have seen the light of day. Don’t confuse moderation with censorship. I know full well it’s a fine line but from my experience here I wouldn’t classify the admins here as a censoring lot. If they were I’d be out of here.
So you are lucky. Sadly, they ‘hold back awaiting approval’. Here one time they did it with me:
Why do I picture you in shorts with an apple for the teacher?
Really, suggest you try and post anything on the Fraudian or any other of the establishment friendly ” pandemic ” sites and see if either your comment is allowed or attacked by any of they trolls working for Brigade 77, Integrity initiative or the myriad of other security/ establishent financed organizations!!!
“ ..it’s worse than the Guardian.” It seems you have not been paying attention. Firstly, your comment would not even have been allowed on the comments section. Secondly, it would be irrelevant what you tried to post once your card is marked you would have been blacklisted. Thirdly, you appear some what confused since this site is one of the few that actually challenges the establishment narrative about the “ pandemic “. As a former CIA Director once said “ once we have people confused, we know we are succeeding “. Fortunately, many on this site are not confused !!!
3 of my mocking responses to 9/11 truthers were censored/not posted on Monday, as regularly happened until the Guardian banned me It appears Admin 1 is very fond of the inside job theory and is unable to countenance that the Saudis may have initially acted alone to further their own interests.
hilarious. You should be getting paid for this stuff.
Have you considered preventive suicide?
TikTok U.S. becomes another part of the deep state… another brick in the wall… oopsies. Couldn’a have been a conspiracy so must’ve been sheer random happenstance.
I guess all those nursies had better make sure they’re dancing for the right team.
TikTok set to become a standalone US company to satisfy White House
I was so happy to see this! Others have been challenging these orders for months now so the real question is why hasn’t a ruling like this come up before? I would like to see this get to the Supreme Court here quickly with the hope that they would strike down and put severe limits on what state Governor’s can do when a supposed health crisis pops up. There has to be a red line.
This person writes a good story about the ruling also:
Federal Court Holds “Stay-at-Home” Orders and Mandatory Business Closures Unconstitutional
Stacey Rudin
– September 14, 2020
Supreme Court already passed on doing anything to help back in July.
They are a captured court. I’d like to believe something can be done through the court system but it will be a very steep hill to climb. I bet Robert’s has a control file on him.
I’m afraid that placing importance on honest court rulings is misguided, for, as the only good news should be counted those for you which you make an effort, with a clear-eyed view of the situation. The situation where the most powerful circles have a program, and if courts block it, they’ll do all that is in their powers to change the courts. After all, what is their alternative : Big Pharma’s liabilities are $140 trillion, the Epstein case is in the spotlight, and the rise of a multipolar world almost inevitable.
I’m worried lockdowns are being used to deliberately destroy the economy, to create poverty in order to breed fascism, as happened in Germany.
Poverty breeds fascism, and the ruling class will always prefer fascism over socialism.
And the Left has gone AWOL.
That is how the US overruns third word countries, takes possession of their assets, normally through debt. like they are doing to Venezuela. Now they are doing it to their own allies to loot all their companies before the dollar is worthless. Look at just happened to ARM.
Who controls New York controls the US. Who controls New York?
Look at (what) just happened to ARM.
Can you reference this?
I think the migrant crisis was used for the same purpose. I suspect the aim is to create, stoke and inculcate racism and a racist backlash — and then either build on the racism or in a kind of post-fascism, create the racism and then throw it back in the people’s face. Either way, the people are diminished, suppressed and then enslaved.
Have you heard of Steve Bannon? of course that is what the immigrant crisis was about. It helped create racism in the UK to make Brexit happen.
We exist in a world where the vast majority of people are not naturally racist. But the state creates and promotes racism in order to crate a switch to whip the public’s back. To spur support for the endless wars’ while creating a few bogeymen for our two-minutes’ hate.
It’s much more to do with the UN than it is with Steve Bannon. He is barely significant. If you doubt, look at the UN’s nonsensical statements about migration.
Wanna help migrants? Stop bombing their countries.
Instead we have brainwashed just-out-of-schools lining up to welcome migrants at train stations and the poor loves haven’t a fecking clue about the endless wars.
I have a bunch of nephews and nieces of exactly that calibre.
That’s because all white people are evil, and have to shut the f**k up, and white silence is violence.
Yes Sue the same Bannon who has now been arrested alongside three other cronies for perpetrating a massive financial fraud on one of these crowdfunding websites. They err, appropriated most of it for themselves!
The globalists want to destroy the nation state, the national culture (and the family).
To this end they will flood the nations with migrants (don’t blame the migrants they are just being used).
Political correctness, hate speech etc. are there to thwart any vocal opposition to this plan.
Exactly. The NGOs are being paid to assist illegal immigration.
And that’s a side benefit to the war creation. Drug wars. Real wars. Flood Europe first with Baltic state immigrants. Then Middle East and African immigrants.
In the US, they destroy the South and Central American countries and assist the drug cartels to flood the US with gangs, crime, drugs and illegal immigrants.
The UN and the central banks (cabal) want to shift the blame away from their economic policies and the failure of crony capitalism and put the blame on immigrants.
It’s ironic that here in USA people will rail against immigration when it was the USA that caused, or at least had a heavy hand, in creating and/or contributing to the chaos in their countries to begin with. (and chaos is putting it mildly, I know)
The driving force behind all of these disasters is human overpopulation which in 1960 was 3 billion and is now 8 billion , causing rapid depletion of resources and massive pollution of the air/water/soil, rapid climate changes , and probably a real plague for which covid has become a test run.
The driving force is the fact that for 500 years the West Imperialist powers have exploited, plundered and denigrated the rest of the world such as Africa. Moreover, the incessant avarice of a small group of individuals, such as 26 billionaires who own more than 50% of the world’s population has caused more destruction to the Earth by their wanton greed. This has been accelerated in this last 40 years by the nebulous ideology of Globalisation. As Gandhi said “ there is enough in the world for everyone but never enough to satisfy greed.”
Exponential population growth did not occur until after WW2 a product of capitalism to be sure. Western Imperialism ended with our defeat in Korea circa 1950 , it is simply a political fiction these days .
Before the British Empire conquered the Indian Sub continent in the 19th century, Bengal was one of the wealthiest places on the planet as was Imperial China in the 16/17 th and mid 18th centuries. Thanks to plundering, turning millions into opium addicts and arbitrary economic Western Imperialism the economies of these places descended into abject poverty.
Malthus over 2 centuries ago was already expounding the theory of population growth long before the Rockefeller foundation was promoting eugenics to combat explosive, in their ideology, of population growth.
Population growth has been happening since the neolithic period long before WW2 I might add and long before the notion of capitalism existed.
Since the end of WW2 the USA has invaded either directly or indirectly over 54 countries around the world, ranging from Guatemala, Chile, Panama to Libya, Iraq and stealthy controlling the economies of many third world countries as outlined in the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Therefore, your premise does not stand upto scrutiny.
Your response is a an exercise in obfuscation or just off point ? In 1960 global population reached 3 billion In 2020 it will reach 8 billion . That Malthus predicted that human populations will always increase to exceed the food supply/resources was prescient, but incomplete in describing the effects of emerging capitalism at the time.
“Thomas Malthus was an 18th-century British philosopher and economist noted for the Malthusian growth model, an exponential formula used to project population growth. The theory states that food production will not be able to keep up with growth in the human population, resulting in disease, famine, war” .
Note the key words exponential formula to project population growth.
Note also the other key points “ that human populations will always increase to exceed the food supply / resources..”.
To quote George Kennan ( head of the US State Departments Policy Planning Staff ) said in February 1948 “ we have about 50% of the world’s wealth, but only 6.3% of its population “.
At the moment it has about 25% of the world’s wealth and over 500 billionaires and that is just one country without taking into account all the other billionaires and trillionaires in the world.
Meanwhile, according to Oxfam “ Eight men own the same wealth as 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity “ 16th January 2017.
As I said your original statement does not stand up to scrutiny and I see you have conceded the point that “ Western Imperial ended with ..defeat in circa 1950”
More off point statistical minutiae to support a political position , why bother ? In 1960 there were 3 billion of us today there are 8 billion increasing by 80+ million per year , most of them starving , not what can be rationally considered sustainable growth ?
I see you can’t accept factual evidence which proves that it is not the Increase in population which has overwhelming caused the problem of lack of resources for the overwhelming majority of the people’s of the earth but the distribution of its resources.
Ie 8 people have more resources than the bottom 50% ( 3,6000,000,000) people or 25% of the world’s resources overwhelming held by 500+ people in the US.
Its interesting who promoted in the 20th century the notion of population growth control, the Rockefellers and other US billionaires.
Before the war it was known as Eugenics and these Billionaires financially supported both the Eugenics movement in the US and also in NAZI GERMANY.
It’s the same families of these billionaires and their supporters after WW2 who are promoting Eugenics by it’s new title Population control.
As I said previously, your original statement doesn’t stand upto scrutiny and I see you have agreed with me by your refusal to defend your original position that Western Imperialism did not end in 1951 after the Korean war.
The ultimate aim is the destruction of the white race, the only race that stands in their way.
How easy it will be to rule the earth then.
Nope, haven’t gone AWOL. Leftist right here replying to you, Eyes Open:)
Thank goodness! 🙂
That is how the US overruns third word countries and takes possession of their assets & resources, normally through debt from the IMF and sanctions, like they are trying to do in Venezuela.
Now they are doing it to their own allies, like the Uk and Europe, to loot all their companies before the dollar becomes worthless and no longer has any real value. Look at what just happened to ARM.ltd, the UK just lost their most important technology asset to a US company, we are being asset stripped.
Yes, case in point Israel where Bibi’s back is well and truly up against the wall with the Fraud/corruption investigation against him. Cue in second lockdown.
where would we be without the american experience?????????
is OG now an american publication?????
Britain is just another State in the American Empire;)
I thought it was the other way around 🙂
Without our ‘American experience’ we would be free.
Yes the NSA run this site now.
Is that so? Well, I’m glad to know. I thought they were just listening in.
Any of them care to comment?
More recently the federal-judges were asked to decide on how the covidmeasures were causing severe environmental changes due to the lack of bacterias other species need to survive, this really is a one way ticket to the morgue here is the report.
This report addresses the environmental and economic benefits of the coal refuse reclamation to energy industry alongside climate and pollution policies.The coal refuse reclamation to energy industry is unique in the energy sector. These plants are able to use coal refuse that was discarded decades ago to gen-erate power using circulating fluidized bed technology (CFB), which means they can source their fuel from the hundreds of legacy waste coal piles across the Commonwealth.While these plants do burn coal waste and release the pollutants and carbon dioxide associated with fossil fuels, the process also helps rid the Common-wealth of waste coal piles which contribute to particulate pollution, acid mine drainage and other environmental and health hazards. The alternative to this successful public-private partnership would be for Pennsylvania public agencies to take on these remediation projects directly using federal and state funds. However, this would come at a higher cost to the taxpayer and these sites tend to be a lower priority for federal funds. In 2020, the Joint Legislative Conservation Committee held hearings and informational sessions to understand how the Commonwealth intended to strike a balance between the remediative services the coal refuse to energy industry provides and the current initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emis-sions (GHGs) and pollutants.The events brought together experts and stakeholders to provide Commit-tee members with a complete understanding of the picture of the industry, the role that Pennsylvania’s agencies play and the impact of regulatory fac-tors such as state and federal tax credits and carbon markets.exeCutiVe Summary
2enVironmentalandHealtH impaCtSCoal refuse exists in piles around the Common-wealth, frequently containing over tens of mil-lions of tons of waste coal each. The DEP’s in-ventory has catalogued 772 existing coal piles, but the full number remains unknown.The combined area of the piles is over 8 thousand acres. They are often incapable of supporting vegetation, making them unstable and unsightly. They are also a source of dangerous pollutants like aluminum, manganese, iron and volatile par-ticulate matter that can be dislodged by rain or wind.Runoff from coal refuse is acidic and can kill or drive off aquatic wildlife and vegetation. Besides decimating waterway ecosystems, this water is un-usable and dangerous to humans as well.1Lightning strikes, arson and accidents can ignite a pile, filling the air with smoke and uncontrolled carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. All of these fac-tors combined can make a community unlivable – causing long-term health problems and lowering property values.1 – Pennsylvania. House. Joint Legislative Conservation Committee. Hearing on the Status of the Coal Refuse Recla-mation to Energy Industry. Feb. 2, 2020. (Statement of Patrick McDonnell, Secretary, Department of Environmental Protection).exeCutiVe Summary
3GoVernment-ledremediationOne way to address coal refuse is to have public agencies and organizations use state and federal funding to remove the piles. This was the case in the Barnes-Watkins site in Cambria County. The project took 4 years and removed 1.3 million tons of refuse.1The refuse that was usable as fuel was tak-en to the newly opened FBC facility, Seward Generation Station, owned by Reliant Energy. The unusable refuse was moved to a nearby disposal site where it was stabilized and veg-etated using ash from the generation facility.The project funding was broken down as:• $4,284,157.86 from a DEP Aban-doned Mine Lands grant, which dis-tributed federal funds from the fed-eral fee on underground and surface coal mining;• $90,000 from Pennsylvania’s Grow-ing Greener funds;• and $202,575.82 from the Cambria County Conservation and Recre-ation Authority, who was paid $0.25 per ton of fuel refuse by Robindale Energy Services.2While the process was lengthy, the final re-sult improved the water quality of the West Branch of the Susquehanna so dramatically that it met the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Comission’s (PFBC) Naturally Reproducing Wild Trout Water criteria – a designation that only 3 percent of Pennsylvania’s water-ways receive.2induStry-ledremediationThe main benefit of an industry-led solution is funding. As private companies. “Sorry to Kit as he was one of my heroes here, ah well, perhaps he too can use his noodle, look at what his staff are doing, make them accountable and we cant part ways, I predict sleepless nights for me until an apology is made, I have lost absoultely lots due to my on the ground activism, friends, some family have become so distant with this, I don’t preach to the converted, what the point of that? I am in the supermarkets, making remarks, playing anti lockdown songs in my car full volume, I am the one who seeks out social intercourse to englighten and try to wake people up, it is not easy, I contribute to my local rag as its the people around me who need to start moving on this, I have worked against this act since day one, and this labelling me as one of the brigade idiots has hurt me, if one is shocked at my behaviour, then they will know how I felt to read that grotesque comment by admin, Sort this out, or the posts that will take up everyones time will get longer, more sophisticated, I can do this all year, you? And whyat makes you exempt from saying sorry? Now back to this bollocks of a post…. refuse reclamation to energy facilities generate their own funds by selling their electricity, remov-ing most of the burden to taxpayers.They do claim the Coal Refuse Energy and Reclamation Tax Credit, which has an annual cap of $20 million, as well as credits as a Tier II Alternative Energy producer, which has a weighted average price of approximately $0.25 per credit.3In addition to being more economically via-ble, the plants also generate coal ash which the industry returns to the pile site for rec-lamation purposes. To date, the industry has removed and burned over 200 million tons of coal and restored over 7,000 acres. It also employs 3,000 Pennsylvanians, pays $18 mil-lion in taxes and stimulates the economy with over $350 million in direct expenditures.31 – Pennsylvania. House. Joint Legislative Conservation Committee. Hearing on the Status of the Coal Refuse Recla-mation to Energy Industry. Feb. 2, 2020. (Statement of Heather Smiles, Chief, PFBC Division of Environmental Services).2 – Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection BAMR. (2010, April 15). Barnes-Watkins Refuse Pile Reclamation Project. http://files.dep.state.pa.us/Mining/Abandoned%20Mine%20Reclamation/Abandoned-MinePortalFiles/2010Nomination.pdf.3 – Pennsylvania. House. Joint Legislative Conservation Committee. Hearing on the Status of the Coal Refuse Recla-mation to Energy Industry. Feb. 2, 2020. (Statement of Jaret Gibbons, Executive Director, Appalachian Region Independent Power Producers Association).
‘’Dragon’s Den star Rachel Elnaugh lifting the lid on the Pandemic Hoax’’
I don’t agree with all she says about 5G etc…. but god bless her for trying.
She nails it on all topics.
It’s cute how she seems to only just be walking up to the fact politicians are bought and owned. But at least she is. The best question would be who this is coming from, and why.
True awakening happens more rarely in people who’re busy in regular life, making money etc.
The US constitution is being ripped to pieces. This brave judge mentioned in the article above belongs to a minority. As the Flynn case shows the judicial system in the US is corrupted to the bone.
The whole administration in the US seems to be totally corrupted. Today I was shocked to learn that even a coup d’etat by top military people is now openly being considered.
I just read where Mattis stopped Trump from trying to assassinate Assad.
A coup? Who cares? The regime/administration is totally corrupted, like you said. The war party is running a Trump vs Biden election–war-monger rapist vs war-monger rapist. A coup would just be another TV show in the U.S.
@sharon marlowe
Yes, I don’t like trump either: He ruined Bolivia, tries to ruin Venezuela and Iran, is heading on to destroy Syria. He cut taxes for the big corporations and cut support for the poor and homeless, This is why in the end I don’t really understand why the deep state and big parts of the judicial system and parts of the CIA and the high ranking military hate him.
BUT: I must say that I totally disagree with your evaluation of what we see in the US, when you say: “A coup would just be another TV show in the U.S.”
Quite to the contrary, a putsch would destroy all what is left of justice and democracy in the USA, it will lead to civil war and – even worse – to the possibility of a military show down with China or Russia (because a dictatorship by the military always has to escalate things). Also as we learn in the video above, like in Turkey, once the military made a coup d’etat the rule of the military has to last for decades and decades, because otherwise those who had overthrown the government would have been taken before court.
The choice between voting for Trump and have him for four more years and for having a military dictatorship is the difference between day and night.
The USA as we know it would cease to exist.
I wonder why four more years of Trump helps to stop a military dictatorship from happening, if this is what you believe? What happens, in your mind, after the four years are up?
I posted a reply to you, Jorge, but it’s in detention right now. I’ll wait a spell before reposting it:)
The deep state and the ruling class hates Trump because he’s not an imperialist like his predecessors or the Democrats. If Clinton had won, there would have been multiple wars by now.
Trump’s not innocent either. Americans will be disappointed when he lets them down.
But the President doesn’t run the country anyway.
I am sick of hearing about if Clinton had been in. Nobody knows at all what would have happened or what she would have done. The fact is Trump has destabilised the USA and the world to the point we are on the brink of disaster.
Trump has destabilised the illusion. Obama dropped 26,000 bombs via drones over 7 countries during his tenure. Clinton has voted for almost every US war/intervention.
Democrats and Republicans are different sides of the same coin.
Hi Eyes Open. For me, the issue is, whatever Obama or Clinton did nor did not do, they are both at least sane whilst Trump is a completely out of control megalomaniac who has seriously destabilised the world. He is the President, it is solely all down to him and nobody else.
Wrong. There’s no difference. It’s all fake.
“having a military dictatorship …
The USA as we know it would cease to exist.”
True. However, remember: there might also be a downside.
Oh – OUCH.
None of the perps hate Trump other than for show. Look at 2016, the Koch’s, Mueller, McConnell, all gave him raspberries then. THIS JUST IN: They were all reading cue cards.
You know what’s interesting/spooky to me – what “civil war” are people talking about?
A civil war would necessitate an uprising, wouldn’t it/
Well, except for the faux BLM/Police brutality scripted excursion back a few months, I don’t see who’d be rising up.
The 99% of masked people I pass everyday?. (I don’t really “pass” them because they run out into the street)
The majority of citizens who have accepted seven months of tyranny with more to come?
Seven months of this insanity which, still, every single day, leaves me wide eyed with wonder.
Are those the people you think would have anything to do with a civil war?
Nah. not happenin’
Don’t you realize the HATE, which has spread like these forest fires in CA?
Yes, about 80 years ago there were a lot of Germans, who followed the “Fuehrer” to the word. They were clean and orderly.
But they were full of hate!
Nowadays they all have their opinions – but they do not discuss anymore!
Instead they become hostile to you if your opinion differs here or there from theirs .
Didn’t You notice that?
Coming US election they will go at each others throat!
Yes, I get your point, Joerg.
I just mean that I see so many people each day that don’t seem to mind this insanity at all. I don’t see them rising up to do anything except put another sign in their front yard.
But I get your point.
Yes please
Trump is a puppet. Politicians don’t control policy. They’re salesmen.
Mattis creates a fictional narrative as “Trump the dictator.”
It’s get-out/the vote time in the US.
These fictional narratives aren’t real. They’re stories.
No argument from me, Researcher:)
Huh-uh Researcher!
You’ll be changing your tune when Biden gets trump in his patented “Hair-Stroking Headlock,” but then Trump does a “Yuuuuuge Reversal,” finishing Creepy Joe with an off-the-ropes “MAGA Suplex”!
That’s when you’ll realize their bitter rivalry was real, and that Trump is a True Champion.
You’re gonna be embarrassed for doubting so long.
Linda McMahon tag teamed Kellyanne ConMeh.
First debate being held at Case Western-Cleveland Clinic.
Popcorn ready.
Talk about cue cards.
Trump is no puppet he is a dangerous megalomaniac who tramples over democracy, invades countries illegally, steals international assets – the problem is the puppets are the clowns that surround him, they stand by and do nothing whilst he continues to act like a deranged orangutang.
He’s a puppet. All presidents are controlled by the people who put them there behind the scenes. The central banks, the security apparatus and the corporate interests.
Obama did exactly the same thing Trump does, he just never announced any of it publicly.
Differences in style and delivery only.
Sorry Researcher just cannot agree with you. Trump is a megalomaniac. Obama was a very different President and a far more stable person with the ability to analyse and to think things through. Trump? Dangerous, Dangerous, Dangerous.
As John Whitehead stated in the 3rd Justic Rising (9/11) video – all of the bills that come before Congress are written by corporations.
And who are the coup-er’s?
Is there a bunch of down-to-earth honest to goodness Constitution believing do-gooder’s that I don’t know about?
Otherwise, same corruption different knee.
The “coup-er’s” must be on TV because I haven’t seen them, Judith;)
Right. I wish they’d do a dance video on tiktok or something.
You watch tiktok, don’t you??? :):)
These people are stupid!
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Michael Flynn’s 4th of July message:
Fiction for the evangelicals.
It appears to be a largely Christian movement and perhaps there is a preponderance of evangelicals. But they’ve recently brushed aside a much-hyped, Bolshevik revolution (follow above link); and they’ve got the NWO deep-state in a major panic. See:
Who’s Afraid of QAnon?
Q is NSA. So is Anonymous. So is Antifa. So is BLM. So was Occupy.
They didn’t make that Microsoft Patent NWO 606060 for nothing. And HR 6666. It’s an end of times narrative.
No, it’s effectively NSA vs. CIA, and that’s admitted by both. Of course, there’s the theoretical possibility that it’s all a LARP; that the NSA and CIA are controlled by the same oligarchs and it’s all put on for show. But nobody is able to present a credible reason as to why they would bother going through all the charade when there is no effective opposition coming from anywhere else. If they are effectively the same, and the existential war is fake, they could simply implement 1984 and cut out all the crap.
See Covid911 as the third attempt at the Satanic Reset:
I think the show is orchestrated to drive us all mad and ready to comply.
If they just came straight out with 1984 while we were all living our wonderful normal lives and the high school hockey season was about to start, they might get a little pushback.
Plus it’s probably kinda fun watching an entire world go mad.
Y’know – like how you watch an insect writhe before you actually sqaush it/
“they might get a little pushback”
“like how you watch an insect writhe before you actually sqaush it”
Yes, it’s happening in Melbourne right now, and it’s why I think they could go straight ahead and implement 1984. It may be different for populations which have memories of overt oppression, but the spontaneous opposition coming from people in “liberal” nations is too weak and ineffective. It just creates the excuse for making the police even more brutal.
Good point.
Well, I’m going down fighting.
Off-G used to be one of the best Leftist sites online, insightful articles on numerous subjects….Now it’s all about COVID stuff….I don’t know about your other readers, but I miss the old Off-G….What’s going on?
Err, this ‘covid stuff’ is rather important in case you haven’t noticed. The most important thing affecting the world globally I’d say. So it is good that at least one excellent platform focuses mostly on it
This ‘COVID stuff’ is rather important. The most important thing affecting the world in almost every way. So it is very good that at least one excellent platform focuses mostly on it.
I have only ever known it as a vehicle for the US alt-right. A ‘posh’ Alex jones.
I don’t like how OffGuardian speaks about the Left, but it is not “alt-right”. The main alt-right publication, “Breitbart”, is a Pro-Trump, zionist rag. OffGuardian isn’t like that.
Your ‘posh Alex Jones’ remark leads me to believe that you’re an official conspiracy theorists–you like your conspiracies explained to you by the State Department;)
I have only ever known you as a troll with a one line alt-right meme.
The world’s being systematically destroyed in the name of ‘coronavirus’. WW3 without bombs. Unprecedented destruction.
Banned from meeting more than 6 people. Politicians inciting neighbours to snitch on neighbours. Mandatory face masks. Cancelled medical treatments. Mass unemployment. Police brutality. Curfews. Promises of draconian surveillance for the rest of our lives (Covid-Pass etc).
The deliberate destruction of the economy will create poverty, forming a breeding ground for fascism. No one will come out well from this scenario.
The Left should be fighting against this with urgency.
But you can believe there’s a public health issue playing out if you like.
Fascism was the intention all along, way before COVID….But yes, the COVID excuse pushed it on.
I find it interesting that both the Right (Thrump & gang) and Left (eg, here at Off-G) are pretty much on the same page in opposing the conventional response to COVID.
A plandemic.
All the normal political discourse has been swept aside.
Not without reason, their reason.
I came here because the “COVID stuff” and was glad to see there was other stuff. Covid is the priority as it should be. Everything about humanity is at stake because of it.
The sad thing is no-one has identified covid-19 yet and no-one has managed to locate antibodies for it in plasma… trying to make a vaccine for it would be akin to finding a needle in a haystack…unless the haystack belongs to Bill Gates
I’d say that OffG is the only Left site to actually call out the COVID lipstick pig. All other Left sites are too busy shagging that pig.
Maybe I am mistaking what you mean by “Left site” because Offguardian is by no means the only site that is calling out covid. Not by any means.
I discovered Offg by watching an interview with Kit Knightly on Corbett Report. Corbett has been calling this out from the beginning – and has been calling out the technocracy side for years.
I read Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Children’s Health Defense, Jon Rappaport, Pam Popper, daily. They have all been calling out the covid/vaccine fraud.
But, again, maybe I am misunderstanding your comment.
By “Left” site I mean those who espouse socialist or communist views – or, given the relentless rightward swing over the past four decades, even those who recommend some kind of restrained capitalism. My previous “go to” site was the World Socialist Web Site who have not only fell under the spell of COVID but who are frothing over the scaremongering to an even greater degree than the MSM.
The most puzzling thing is that previously these Left sites quite rightly expressed mistrust of the MSM for the perfectly logical reason that, as Marx said, the ruling ideas of any age are the ideas of the ruling class. How so? For the simple reason that the ruling class own the age including the age’s means of communication.
Now it seems glaringly obvious to me that the MSM have been leading the scaremongering. And so, the only way these Left sites can maintain their oppositional stance is to claim that the MSM wasn’t scaremongering enough! And that consequently the lockdown wasn’t severe enough. One Left commenter even put the word draconian in scare quotes. As if to say, there wasn’t even a real lockdown!
Why did the Left so eagerly accept the claim of this virus’s deadliness? Indeed, the eagerness cannot be emphasised enough since the entire Left case is that the MSM are underestimating the virus!
Oh, I see. I never read the WSWS site. But I know a lot of Offg readers have expressed your sentiment.
Underestimating the virus? They must be living on the North Pole.
Off-G attracts a whole bunch of christian nationalists, brexiters, etc.
You’ll need more than that to get me to shag that pig.
That’s a trick question, right?
Best Fabian socialist sites defines Off-G better, as i discovered the hard way becoming a target of Admin1 aka big brother , as happens to many others who attempt to widen the discussion here..
This topic has come up a number of times over the last few months in the US and it really is a matter of opinion. The consensus from what I’ve read is that state and county health officials have wide discretion to set rules of conduct in a declared public health emergency. This may vary state by state but locally this judge would be quickly overruled — the debate really isn’t about the rules they set as to whether the health situation is a bona-fide emergency.
What I should ask people who are bothered about their rights being curtailed by what they regard as arbitary government action is why they haven’t been making any noise about other arbitary governmetn actions? The Federal government has been interfering with trade and commerce in an arbitary fashion, also under the guise of a national emergency (because, beleive it or not, we’re constantly in a state of emergency, have been for years). The latest manifestation is the impending ban on the TikTok application but there are other bans designed to disrupt the flow of goods and services. You’ll hear stuff about “Chinese this” and “Russian that” but it actually involves other trading partners, its really a matter of who get’s Trump’s ear whether trade in Canadian aluminum or French cheese if impacted. Yet, not a peep — somehow its completely unacceptable to ask people to modify their behavior for public health reasons, it being a total imposition for governemnt to ask them to do this, and yet its perfectly acceptable for government to interfere with trade relations, to pick winners and losers on the flimisest of pretexts.
“somehow its completely unacceptable to ask people to modify their behavior for public health reasons,”
Because Covid is a fake scamdemic, so more and more people every day are coming to the realization that they got hoodwinked by a captive media in cahoots with questionable medical people constantly fanning the flames of fear. They have apparently succeeded well with you.
You make a good point re other areas of ‘life’ being unfair and behaviours/opportunities curtailed, apparently without a squeak of protest from the masses. I’m assuming you don’t really believe covid is a ‘public health crisis’ and were simply drawing a comparison to make your point.
The difference this time is the unprecedented (except for possibly 9/11, and even that didn’t reach today’s levels) wall to wall media hysteria in support of draconian measures being introduced. Furthermore, the fact that they are being rolled out across the globe at the same time sends a very specific message to ‘the masses’, ie it must be real because everybody else is doing the same thing.
The measures vary widely from place to place. I am somewhat amazed by the Iron Heel approach taken in the UK and some parts of Australia – this would really piss me off if I lived there. I live in California where we do take the virus seriously but the approch has been to seek cooperation from the population, not dictate to them. (This doesn’t stop a handful of locals from actively seeking confrontation but as this particular group are a fairly obnoxious bunch of evangelicals who are always looking for an arena to get martyred in they’re definitely an outlier.)
Media hysteria is just the need to make a living. It needs headlines and clickbait. We’ve got serious wildfires in large parts of the state which have covered large areas with smoke and ash, seriously degrading air quality and creating a different sort of public health emergency, one we’ve not expereinced for decades. Like with Covid we’re advised to take appropriate precautions if in an affected area but as with everything else there’s nobody standing over you with a stick. (Even our ‘mandatory’ evacuations aren’t enforced — they’ll eventually find your body.)
As for the economic toll, that’s difficult to judge. I’m retired but I’ve actually been working through the pandemic. Most people I know have also been working although they’ve had to modify how they work. The effect on employment is really Nature’s way of showing us underlying weaknesses in the economy — we like to pretend that employment is low and so on but the reality is that a lot of people are underemployed at best, they’re surplus labor but instead of government recognizing this (and maybe also admitting that you can’t rear children part time) we’ve just kept sweeping the problem under the carpet. Maybe we’ll now try to fix it for real?
What does rearing children have to do with it?
In the US parenting is regarded asa part-time enterprise that shouldn’t interfere with the adult’s ability to work as many hours as they are physically able. This situation is symptomatic of an economy that’s been running on wishful thinking for years now; all Covid has done is make the problem obvious. Child-rearing is key here because it constrains people, as parents they have limited flexibility, they absolutely have to look after their offspring, so they represent the fault-line down which society fractures. We’ve fudged and fumbled, using school as an informal child care service (even though its continued to be organized and scheduled as if there’s a parent ready, willing and available to look after them at a moment’s notice) but the reality is that its the main Covid fault line. The only way many of us can survive is to convince ourselves that this doesn’t matter, its a conspiracy and so on, because we have no way of coping with the alternative — our income can’t cope, our living spaces can’t cope, our education system can’t cope, it all comes apart at the seams. This isn’t the fault of the virus or some elaborate scam but rather indicative of how badly we’ve allowed our society to become organized.
That’s what child rearing has to do with it.
Of course parents are absolutely obligated to look after their offspring above all else….But they should have thought of this before they had them.
I’d like to email this judge a
doubletreble measure of his favourite tipple. Can it be done? Are we there yet?Cheers!
In Tbilisi, Georgia, the schools have just been shut down. They only opened on 2 September. They were closed after two weeks, currently until the beginning of October but nobody believes that.
Georgia has has a very low number of Covid cases… over the summer it racked up 12 deaths.
I suspect the UN, WHO is picking off the smaller countries first. This could also be related to the CIS (ex-communist states) in order to isolate Belarus which, like Sweden, has overcome Covid by simply defying the WHO.
That’s what’s really going on…
Left and Right,
as the media-programmed bandy about ( much the same as defining sports teams ) is utterly irrelevant to them.
Apart from perhaps a little light domestic comedy between degustations.
Just ask any free-thinking Pukeko, on a mild day, with a light breeze blowing off the Southern Ocean…
They run Nepal to the ground:
The WHO are offering generous cash prizes to those lucky PM’s, Presidents who pick the right box. It’s not a hard choice, it has New World Order written all over it.
The WHO, with all their nonsense, won’t rely on facts, which are dead on arrival, when hard cash will get them the same results. They now have plenty of that thanks to our lord and saviour….Bill Gates. 🙂
Any chance of closing in on Russia won’t be missed by warmongers in the west. It wouldn’t have escaped attention by the Russia admin either.
There’s no Covid ‘pandemic’. The WHO changed the meaning of the word ‘pandemic’ and there’s no proper test to test for it. The statistics are being fiddled.. None of that skulduggery would be necessary in a genuine pandemic.
The Murphy-Virus in New Jersey, Governor Death (“Grandma and Grandpa Slayer”) and the DeBlasio-Virus in New York, as well as the Newsom-Virus (Nazi Nancy’s idiot nephew by marriage) in California NEED TO GO, THE SOONER THE BETTER!
Nope… why waste resources to keep those scoundrels and terrorists alive in a prison?!
That site is great but the figure in the intro that uses 1/3 as the figure for deaths of the elderly/nursing home is way, way off. It’s minimum 50% and once the dust settles and the figures are finally accrued it will be 60%. This is why the median age of the “Covid Death” is 80 plus.
These figures are purposefully being kept from the public/fudged and where the data is good it is in the 60% range.
The end of life is a lengthy painful and disgusting process in the west where health care is for profit and the citizens are not allowed to check out when they choose. Old folks homes are a form of slow motion abattoirs.
Too late, the economic damage is already done, the Corporations have looted the economy. The barn door can now be closed and the illusion that the constitution counts for something is preserved. The American illusion is maintained.
Sorry, couldn’t resist it.
a bad day for are old folks
a bad day for are children
a bad day for are nurses and doctors
many more victims will clog up the hospital
deny the medicos the ability and time to develop
new dance routines
how can dance athon go on in hospital
with customers everywhere this is a safety hazard
it does not matter that covid crown and virus does not exist
it does not matter that germ theory was a louis pasteur banker
what is important is low vitamin d
staying away from the sun
low vitamin c
and staying home for the 5g microwave radiation bakeathon
Still not asking dem questions yet?
the filthy luchre everyone they say has their price,
what’s the going price for the soul of a well intentioned activist
who has been wronged and the word needed to fix it unsaid?
If I hurt someone by accident, I say sorry sir, miss, young child
I dont run away and I dont hide and pretend I never did it innit.
you wait your time will come when they put you in with the kiddy fiddly crew.
cus thats how I see those guys with all those trombones+1.
awesome post btw.
“…the manner in which Defendants’ orders divided businesses into “life-sustaining” and “non-life-sustaining” classifications, permitting the former to remain open, and requiring the latter to close, fails rational basis scrutiny.”
Of course! The entire thing, from lockdown to social distancing and mandatory mask-wearing, has been completely irrational. From this, we should move towards financial compensation to the masses of victims of these unconstitutional policies, as well as indictments and jury trials against against the orchestrators of this crime against humanity.
But what we will get is that Judge Stickman was a Trump appointee, and therefore TDS will ensue. TDS has been the “new normal” even before the plandemic.
Every business sustains the life of the people who work in it.
I’ve a better ONE…
Enjoy the show…
Could you explain what you posted, Voz? It’s over my head.
You can read the replies to YeahBut!
Along those lines, Sharon, “TDS”?
Total Damn Shite? I’m trying to figure it out. I’ll be embarresed when you explain but I choose humility for two-hundred.
TDS stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome–where some people afflicted with that condition ignored the tens of millions of people the U.S. has displaced, crippled and murdered during their attacks on sovereign nations around the world for at least the last two decades, and seem to have awoken from their ignorance to Trump being a special kind of horrible. When of course he’s just a very familiar horrible if they had paid attention even a tiny bit.
YES!!!! Drives me crazy!!! I want to start screaming about every stupid, dangerous, unconstitutional thing that’s been going on for years!!!
But this guys said the P word so we’re all marching in pink hats????!!!!
Hillary Clinton called Monica a bimbo!!! That’s feminism?????
Oh god, don’t get me started. And I’m not a Trump supporter. I wouldn’t vote for ANY of them. But come on!
What does this mean
It basically is another evidence of the FRAUD OPERATION COVID really is.
Till this day there isn’t a single scientific paper demonstrating the existence of a new infectious viral particle capable of causing pneumonia and eventually kill the infected subject.
The PCR technique shouldn’t be used for testing purposes, much less when a “GOLD STANDARD” does not exist:
from “Interpreting a covid-19 test result” at BMJ 2020;369:m1808 doi:10.1136/bmj.m1808 (Published 12 May 2020)
This happens because the failure of the 1st phase!
In reality they are just using regular FLU/PNEUMONIA cases to pretend we have a “pandemic”!
But hey… That’s just me, a regular moron slave, talking!
He’s saying that one of the genetic sequences somebody was using to detect COVID-19 (specifically to detect the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase component, through which the virus reproduces) is naturally present in the human genome.
I’m not a molecular biologist but I think that might not be significant, because you need two primers to amplify a genetic sequence, to match each end of the sequence.
It’s tough going in the comment sections when I need a molecular biologist to understand comments anymore 😀
You just need to read a little bit to understand how the DNA copying machine works! No need for a college degree…
You’re definitely overestimating me, but this is interesting:
“In reality they are just using regular FLU/PNEUMONIA cases to pretend we have a “pandemic”!”
If true, then China should verify it. Or Russia, or Sweden, etc., I won’t hope for it from the U.S. Britain, or France, that’s for sure.
China/Russia/Sweden should verify what?!
On all the other fake pandemics of the XXI Century the disease used was… Yep “pneumonia”! Always a special kind of pneumonia of course.
Oh, I meant some country out there should verify that the alleged new virus is actually pneumonia. I mean, how can every country on earth act like it’s something new when it isn’t?
There isn’t a virus.
How can every country be in on the scam?
Because this is a re-engineering of the economy and society in conjunction with a mass depopulation agenda agreed upon by the UN.
All nation states have agreed to this agenda and we, the people don’t get a vote.
The virus is the pretext to bring about these economic, societal, technocratic and structural changes.
hmm… but there’s going to be countries that don’t agree with the re-engineering–I mean has the UN ever had every member-State agree on something? Especially something negative?
I would say “yes”. At best it is just the go along to get along (or vice-versa?)
At worst they will lose funding, standing, grant money, debt forgiving, etc?
There’s never been complete agreement at the UN for something negative. And a concerted effort to wipe out billions of people is something quite negative. I don’t believe Researcher’s theory at all. I believe some very powerful/influential people would like to wipe out billions of people, but no way would every country on earth, or even the majority of countries, would “go along to get along” with such apocalyptic thinking, Judith.
Well, there might not be complete agreement, but would that stop something from happening.
I am thinking about what Daniele Ganser was saying about the UN on the 9/11 Justice Uprising video. I am paraphrasing, but there is a declaration, or charter of the United Nations and one of the first
policies is that no nation is allowed to attack another.
I will have to look up the charter to be exact – but he made the point that no nation is supposed to attack another under UN policy.
But look at all the attacks that have happened.
I understand you point, but I’m not sure I agree.
You kind of lost me there, Judith. How is the fact that some nations–like the U.S. and its allies–break UN charters mean that all nations would agree to wipe out billions of people?
Governments are not democratic and they don’t represent the interests of the welfare or the people in case you hadn’t noticed. They are a control mechanism that have used people as labor and capital, to exploit them as consumers for profit and control in order to benefit a tiny few.
If governments cared about human lives would they be locking everyone down right now and removing people’s independence, their homes, their businesses, their livelihoods, their ability to travel, their ability to congregate, to protest, to lawfully assemble, to enter a store without a mask?
Governments globally have enacted the lockdown measures, therefore your theory that governments wouldn’t agree to something negative is contradicted by the realty of what has already occurred.
Again, please provide a link to the alleged 2015 UN agenda that was agreed upon. I would very much like to see this.
Yes they would and they are doing it. The reality of the situation contradicts your claim.
“Reasearcher” and the rest of the depopulation agenda preachers are sadly misguided by the very common belief that death is a bad deal.
It’s a denial strategy to avoid the much more depressing reality, which is that a life as a deliberately crippled slave is a fate much worse than death. We know absolutely nothing about death.
Note than it is illegal to attempt to take your own life, and euthanasia is illegal in many countries.
They consider as their property and we’re worth a bti more (barely) alive than dead.
That’s a novel view, AlmondSon. Very interesting:)
The Agenda was agreed upon unanimously in 2015. It’s framed as “sustainability” goals.
The UN is a front for the central banks, government and corporate rule.
Then can you provide a link to this, the actual agenda agreed upon?
A simple WWW search gives you that!
No, Voz. I had this silly notion that I was looking for an agenda to wipe out billions of people agreed upon by all member States of the UN. What you linked me to was this:
Where’s the billions being wiped out thing they all agreed upon?
Under the present MAIN SYSTEM owned and controlled by the SRF & Billionaires, the only way to achieve those 17 goals is a massive reduction of the Herd size.
I mean just think how old you’re and for how many years you hear this bla bla bla of ending poverty and hunger?
And you “think” that now in +-10 years They will be able to do it?!
Those are “goals”, not demands which have deadlines to be met at all cost. You’re just loopy.
The year when the SRF & Billionaires decide to go forward and start to plan what we are witnessing today was 1999!
Just look at Belarus and Sweden, which will very likely also be punished in the near future for not FULLY obeying the SRF & Billionaires Orders via WHO.
That’s a rhetorical question, right, sharon?
What’s the only way to achieve “No poverty”?
What’s the only way to achieve “Zero hunger”?
What’s the only way to achieve “Good Health and Well-Being”?
So, using your ‘logic'(?), when anarchists say they want a world without governments, they’re really saying they want to wipe out most of the people on the planet. Right? I mean, that’s a way to achieve a world without governments is to have very few people to govern.
Sharon, I don’t know enough, (should research further, and will), but Ithink I understand the above references to the 2015 Charter. I have heard James Corbett and recently two other people (but would want to check exactly who it was) talk about the “sustainability” double-speak of UN.
There is a theory that “sustainability” is just another term by the powers that be that sounds good but is just another one of their control mechanisms, behind the very noble ideals and goals.
I will try to find some references..
I was not talking about that agenda myself, just that there seems to have been a lot that has gotten by the UN. You have a point in that all the nations do not necessarily agree on an action, but then USA went ahead and invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. I think that in theory the United Nations is a wonderful concept, but in reality I’m cynical.
I’m listening to the latest Corbett report video right now, coincidentally, Judith:) I’ve followed the UN quite a bit since 2008, with one of the highlights for me having been when Muammar Gaddafi’s last speech, I believe, at the General Assembly in New York suggesting that the UN should be moved out of New York for obvious reasons, and that no member States should have veto power. If the UN was a democracy, then Israel would have been censured many many times, because the most member States vote to censure Israel for their crimes against humanity, but the U.S. always vetoes those resolutions.
I think it’s disingenuous of Researcher and Voz 0db to claim that all the member States of the UN have agreed to wipe out billions of people. No, actually they’re straight up lying about it. That UN Charter was approved by the member States, not the exact opposite of it. If Researcher, Voz, and/or James Corbett want to believe that they all signed up to murder billions of people, then they’re making fantastic speculations which are not rational. It makes no sense. It’s an extremely dark view with zero evidence.
Again, it is clear that there have been and are powerful/influential people who are psychopaths, where murdering masses of people are no problem for them to fantasize about. But it is a lie that all nations on earth signed up to implement such a project.
Sorry, SEF, but I don’t open random links without an explanation given about what the links are supposed to tell me.
Please… modern slaves that “think” about anarchists really do not want to be RESPONSIBLE!
So forget that… And what is the correlation between “no government” and “wipe out most of the people”?
And in the end that doesn’t make sense! If you say “few people to govern” you’re assuming that a government still exists.
Anarchism is a goal, a hope, a dream. That we can all get along in the end without being managed by leaders. Why is your “thinking” such a dark mess?
In this case the primer 5′-3′ is the one that starts the synthesis of the cDNA, so if you have one primer with a sequence that matches the sequence present in C8 then you can have at the end a positive test, but not for alleged RNA “SARS-CoV-2”!
A single matching primer on its own would start the synthesis of a complimentary DNA strand, that is true, but the new DNA strand wouldn’t then be picked up by the complimentary primer in the subsequent thermal cycle, so you wouldn’t get the exponential growth with each cycle that’s characteristic of PCR. You would get linear growth, because in each thermal cycle the unwanted DNA strand would be synthesised once by the single primer. With 30 cycles you would end up with 30 copies instead of a billion (2^30) copies.
for complimentary read complementary, sorry 🙂
The point being that the 30-40 copies of a DNA strand from human chromosome 8 would seem unlikely to count as a positive test, because whatever detection method is used (fluorescence from chemical markers?) would be set at a level to screen out that kind of very low-level noise from linear amplification. Partial matches like that must happen routinely; given that individual primers are only around 20 base pairs long it’s likely that most of them have one or more matches in the human genome.
You just wrote why PCR is not a testing technique!
Well, you can then make that same line of thought to the other primer! If one is from a human chromosome then the other one also won’t make it far…
It’s not “somebody” it’s just the “Pasteur Institute”, Paris, France!
Judge William Stickman is a recent Trump appointee.
So what, he’s right
And correct.
Good to see a federal judge giving huge numbers of Democratic State Governors something to munch on, even if he only has jurisdiction over one of them.
Hopefully it will give federal judges all over the US the gumption to do likewise.
The more rulings like this, the better.
Can some small businesses in the UK sue ICSM as well please, naming Neil Ferguson as a specific defendant along with whichever trustees/governance officers might reasonably be culpable for one of their tenured staff providing such cataclysmically appalling modelling guff to HMG?
I am with you all the way.My speech is not up scratch since my stroke by am getting there. Keep up the good work!!!
Mike Hurley
Thank goodness at least one court has some brains.
Ah but we’re only keeping you “SAFE” say the public servant politicians whose sense of realty does not extend beyond the four walls of their hi-tech offices.