WATCH: Who Are These Russians And Why Do We Hate Them?
In his film, Regis Tremblay examines the history of US-Russian relations, talks to ordinary Russian people, deconstructs propaganda and attempts to answer the question – Who are these Russians?...
The biggest threat to U.S. national security is the U.S. Government
A dictatorship does not represent the public but only the aristocracy that, behind the scenes, controls the government. Jonathan H. Adler, Professor at Case Western University School of Law,...
Oceania is at War with Fascism
CJ Hopkins If you’re a critic of global capitalism (sometimes referred to as “globalism”), I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you. The good news is,...
The US Midterms – discussion thread
The United States of America is going to the polls. Will it be a fair election, or will it be rigged? Who will win? Does it matter? Is Putin...
Jeremy Hunt and his war against ‘fake news’
Kevin Smith INTRODUCTION I thought it would be helpful to explain my general perspective on the media and the endless warmongering by our governments. One of my observations about...
Pipe Bombs: Frantic Denunciations of the False Flag Concept
Graeme MacQueen Onto the 24-hour reality show that is U.S. politics, 15 package bombs recently made their entrance. The devices were sent to vocal opponents of Mr. Trump, most...
The People vs Artificial Intelligence
In the fertile Arkansas Delta lies a small town called Cash. Its name is an Anglicized version of a nearby river, Cache, which in French means “hidden.” A cache...
WATCH: Meet James Corbett – Political Extremist!!!
James Corbett uses recent coverage of his documentary Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve, to highlight one of the dangers of relying on YouTube (and other...
The Quiet Imperialism
Frank Lee reviews Beyond US Hegemony by Egyptian economist Samir Amin, who died earlier this year. This work was first published in 2006, but has been remarkably prescient in...
“Scrutinising the media: Fake news, censorship, and war” – Nov 4
A reminder that the event “Scrutinising the media: Fake news, censorship, and war” is taking place tomorrow, Sunday Nov 4, Lincoln, UK. It promises to be an interesting and...
The New U.S. Strategy in Syria is Bound to Fail
Firas Samuri The leading analysts repeatedly stated that the U.S. has failed to overthrow President Bashar Assad. Recently, The National Interest reporter and researcher, Doug Bandow, has made sure...
AUDIO: “It’s the Empire Stupid”, Episode 37 – Edward Curtin
In this episode of his podcast, Philip Farruggio talks regular OffG contributor Edward Curtin about the current relevance of the movie “Network”. [spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=16114673″ theme=”light” autoplay=”false” playlist=”false” width=”100%”...
India’s Farmers Plan Mass March to the Nation’s Parliament as Agrarian Crisis Reaches “Civilization Proportions”
Colin Todhunter With over 800 million people, rural India is arguably the most interesting and complex place on the planet. And yet it is also one of the most...
The mega war game “Trident Juncture 2018”
This is the second of the two articles we are publishing today on NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercise being held October 25-November 7, 2018. by Manlio Dinucci, October...
Military Escalation in Europe Is Like Runaway Train: It’s Time to Slow It Down
This is the first of the two articles we are publishing today on NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercise being held October 25-November 7, 2018. by Arkady Savitsky, October...
Spooks and the Masked Media
There are innocent and guilty actors populating the American stage. Unlike the naïve children who joyously revel in the costumes they don for Halloween, unaware as they are of...
Fact-Checking the Establishment’s “Fact-Checkers”: How the “Fake News” Story is Fake News
Max Parry It would be an understatement to say that during U.S. President Donald Trump’s term in office, the issue of truth and falsehoods has been a central topic...
The Putin-Nazi-Terrorist-O-Matic
CJ Hopkins I suppose it was always just a matter of time until the global capitalist ruling classes and their mouthpieces in the corporate media combined their two main...
NATO’s Nazi Beginnings
by Robert S. Rodvik, 21 June 2012, VoltaireNet Who gave NATO the right to rule the world? This author elucidates how the Western elite, many of whom were Hitler...
The US-Led Genocide and Destruction of Yemen
“Only God can save our children”, say Yemeni fathers and mothers as they can do nothing but watch their children die, try to comfort them in...