Stephen Cohen on the 25-year lead-up to the current crisis

Part 2 of Stephen Cohen Lecture, “The Ukrainian Crisis: A New Cold War?” on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies...

NATO is lumbering towards war….

by BRIAN CLOUGHLEY in CounterPunch The German city of Frankfurt is continental Europe’s largest financial center and host to the country’s Stock Exchange, countless other financial institutions, and the...

America’s Safari to Nowhere

By Michael Brenner Senior Fellow, the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Professor of International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh The United States is heading over a cliff in the Middle East....

Toronto Symphony drops pianist for challenging the Imperial narrative on Ukraine

We don’t know which “Ukrainian media outlets” were so offended by Ms. Lisitsa’s bold commentaries on events in her native Ukraine, but we can guess.  In any case, let...

Esposti: “Imperialist fantasies: UK policy and the bloody legacy of Iraq”

Emmanuela Eposti, at the Middle East Monitor, suggests that there is a serious disconnect between UK public opinion and the damaging foreign policy pursued by its political leaders. In...

Stephen Cohen deconstructs “the historical fallacies and political myths” behind the current crisis

Part 1 of Stephen Cohen’s Lecture, “The Ukrainian Crisis: A New Cold War?” on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies...

VIDEO: “The Ukrainian Crisis: A New Cold War?” — by Prof. Stephen Cohen

Over the next several days, we’ll be publishing the full transcript of Prof. Stephen Cohen’s February 5 speech on the major international crisis today, i.e. the events in Ukraine...

U.S. Launches Yet More War Games In Estonia

byStop NATO Estonian army units on Monday began military exercises with the U.S. Air Force, Baltic news portal has reported. “Within the framework of the exercises, the military...

Ukrainian political analyst: Snipers must kill journalists from Russia

Yuri Romanenko expressed his aggressive thoughts during a discussion at Harvard, but his US partners did not support him Fairly well-known Ukrainian journalist and political analyst Yuri Romanenko, head...

Forbes: Poroshenko offered Putin to take Donbass

At a meeting with the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on March 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian leader Poroshenko invited...

VIDEO: European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure

From 2014, but still highly relevant. Udo Ulfkotte, one-time editor of The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung talks about the alleged control of western journalists by the intelligence agencies. I’ve been...

Bairns Not Bombs: Hundreds say no to Trident in Glasgow rally

From RT Over 2,500 protesters have hit the streets of Glasgow for a ‘Bairns not Bombs’ demonstration, calling for UK’s Trident nuclear weapons program to be scrapped. The rally,...

Czech President: My Door is Closed for the US Ambassador

Czech President Milos Zeman issued a sharp retort to the US ambassadors’ criticism of Zeman’s plans to attend the 9 May Victory Parade in Moscow. In an interview for...

Poroshenko: “War is the health of the state”

Well, actually, Randolph Bourne said that. And Petro Poroshenko is no Randolph Bourne. But the truth of Bourne’s observation can certainly be seen in the embattled Ukrainian president’s frank...

Another cri de coeur from Soros

by Vaska In his tired, rambling, repetitive screed for the EU to apparently save Ukraine from itself – or, more accurately, as one realizes reading between the lines of...

Iran Holds Out, Yemen and Donbass Burn

By El-Murid, Russia Iran has something to be proud of and something to celebrate: it preserved the right to develop its peaceful nuclear program, albeit under 10 years of...

DPR: Kiev Plans to Terrorize Rebel Areas

Subversion and Recon Groups instructed to wreak havoc in Donetsk While Ukrainian authorities give their secret services an SS revamp, the leadership of the Donetsk People’s Republic released a...

US to start training Ukraine extremist forces on Hitler’s birthday

In case anyone doubts the exquisitely-refined sense of timing and symbolism of the Empire’s war machine, this insight from Adam Johnson, at AlterNet, may help ease the doubt. Emphasis...

Who has purchased Amnesty International?

By Paul Richard Harris from Axis of Logic Amnesty International’s reputation was built on standing up for victims. While sometimes outside viewers might have thought the victims were getting...

Love for Libya: 2011-2015

From Media Lens Islamic State’s horrific mass beheading of 21 Coptic Christians last month forced a reluctant UK media system to return to Libya, scene of saturation news coverage...