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Synthetic mRNA Covid vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis
With a “vaccine” based on untested technology, and safety trials still ongoing, is it safe to take the shot?...
5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine
Kit Knightly
It is a rushed and untested vaccine, made using unprecedented technology, with no legal recourse should it do you...
WATCH: The Future of Vaccines
If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will...
5 Burning Questions About the New Covid Vaccine
Kit Knightly
With the newest phase in the Covid19 roll-out set to begin, it's time we addressed the five biggest questions...
WATCH: The Jab – How the WHO Faked a Pandemic to Sell Vaccines
This brilliant short video from the Children’s Health Defense concisely summarises the corrupt tragedy of the H1N1 vaccine, and...
WATCH: Just a Little Prick – Part 1
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, looks at how Bill Gates now influences every aspect...