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Ukrainian paratroopers block Right Sector base

Ukrainian volunteers of the ‘Right Sector’ battalion shoot in response to sniper fire near Pisky on Oct. 29. European Pressphoto Agency   UNIAN news agency reports: The Head of...

Ukrainian ombudsman demands “Peacemaker” site be closed

Oleg Buzina’s file at the Peacemaker site (screencap above) was taken down after he was murdered in Kiev on April 16. reports: In Ukraine, the law “On protection...

War-Crazed Western Propaganda Machine Rages at Its Growing Insignificance

by Joyce Nelson at CounterPunch via Russia Insider In mid-April, hundreds of U.S. paratroopers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade arrived in western Ukraine to provide training for government troops....

Kiev Rehabilitates Nazi Collaborators

by Vaska A little more than two weeks ago, on April 9, the Kiev regime supported by the U.S. and the increasingly less enthusiastic E.U. passed a new law...

Pyatt and his Fakes

Geoffrey Pyatt — US ambassador to Kiev – continues to post fakes on his Twitter as “proof” and “evidence” of Russia’s military involvement in Donbass, this time claiming that...

Syriza Sidelines Varoufakis To Appease Eurogroup

Paul Mason of reports on Syriza’s reshuffle of its team negotiating with the Eurogroup. To be clear, Mr Varoufakis remains in charge of the finance ministry, and of...

VIDEO: Right Sector attacks protesters in Zaporozhye

Fort Russ translation of a Rusvesna report: A rally, held April 26 in Zaporozhye, ended with a mass brawl. At noon, about 40 residents gathered in front of the...

Babies born with diseases in DPR fell nearly 50 percent

Oksana, a hostel director, holds a baby at a hostel for refugees from the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, whose houses have been destroyed by shelling. Photograph: Valery Sharifulin/ITAR-TASS Photo/Corbis...

VIDEO: “It was authorities who mudered Buzina” — Victoria Shilova

Victoria Shilova, member of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council and leader of the Antivoyna (antiwar) movement, is under investigation by the SBU for releasing a video opposing the military mobilization...

Cartoon: Drone condolences

Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Cagle Cartoons TomDispatch writes on his FB page: A Steve Sack drone cartoon that’s apt. I’m an editor, of course, but I don’t usually...

Russian Finance Minister: “Ruble too strong”

 […] The Russian ruble has become too strong, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said Friday, commenting on the measures taken by Russia’s Central Bank at the end of 2014 — beginning 2015. “What was...


by Amit Singh at Consented When we digest the news in the UK, whether it be on the TV, radio or in the newspapers, the authenticity of what we’re...

Confrontation with Russia a Mistake

Magdalena Ogorek, the presidential candidate for the Democratic Left Alliance of Poland, has called for the lifting of the sanctions against Russia and for a normalization of relations between...

Canada Represents a Reservoir of Support for Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

by Vaska Canada is the leading state sponsor of neo-Nazi armed terrorist units fighting in eastern Ukraine. Canadian support for the most right-wing elements, including neo-Nazis, in Ukraine would...

OUN battalion refuses to join Ukraine army

A volunteer of the OUN Battalion during a ceremony before being sent to eastern Ukraine, near St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine, 17 March 2015. [Demotix] […] The volunteer...

VIDEO: Nataliya Vitrenko – Military junta instead of European values

Ukrainian Politician Nataliya Vitrenko [leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine] talks about a law recently passed in Ukrainian Parliament, which effectively dismantles the Constitutional system in Ukraine...

EU Wages War Against Russian News Agencies

Sputnik International writes: […] why does the EU feel so uncomfortable that Europeans have started to read alternative sources of information? Isn’t it a good thing that people have...

Ukrainian Army asking Donbass self-defence to open fire at Azov battalion

Ukrainian servicemen from the “Azov” battalion escort men detained at a site of battle with pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. ©Reuters/Osman Karimov TASS reports:...

Anatomy of a hatchet job: Regarding Women Cross DMZ in CNN’s Situation Room

By Gregory Elich in Monthly Review A television news program opens with a clip of marching soldiers, an obligatory image when the subject is North Korea. A voice-over intones:...

Majority of Europeans distrust MSM coverage of Ukraine conflict — RT

The majority of Europeans – UK, French, German and Greek residents among them – distrust mainstream media coverage of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, a recent poll targeting over...