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VIDEO: “Slavyansk is a crematorium”

61-year-old resident of the Slavyansk, Yekaterina Len, in a ruined house Captured video of drunken Ukrainian soldiers bragging about destroying Slavyansk in the summer of 2014. Let’s blow up...

New Law Lets Poroshenko Seize Assets at Will

The Verkhovna Rada in Kiev today approved the bill on Martial Law, which now makes it legal to detain and intern foreign (Russian) citizens just for owning the wrong...

VIDEO: Tell that to The Guardian

VIDEO: Newspaper vans attacked by Right Sector in Kiev

Vesti reports on an incident today in Kiev involving the newspaper itself: On Thursday, April 9 there were attacks on the vans that were transporting part of the circulation...

VIDEO: Crimea – the way back home (with English subtitles)

Anyone interested in the Russian POV on the “annexation” of Crimea should watch this film. Is it the final word and full story? Of course not, but it’s an...

Stephen Cohen: A humanitarian disaster of the first magnitude

Part 4 of Stephen Cohen Lecture, “The Ukrainian Crisis: A New Cold War?” on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies...

“Suitcase! Station! Russia!” — Right Sector throws official in the trash

The Ukrainian newspaper Новое Время reports: On Thursday April 9, Right Sector activists pulled the Chief of Justice in the Ivano-Frankivsk region Vasily Kavatsyuka out of his cabinet and...

Ukraine ‘Disappears’ Regime Opponents

Guest post by Eric Zuesse In Odessa — the same city where the Ukrainian civil war started on 2 May 2014 with a massacre of opponents that had been...

The Maidan Retroactively Criminalizes Itself

By Anatoly Karlin, The UNZ Review The following leaflets are being spread in Slavyansk, a once focal point of the Donbass resistance that was recaptured by Ukrainian forces in...

FAIR: US media were already running with police fantasy when video exploded it

Michael Slager stands over the body of Walter Scott, whom he has just killed. Adam Johnson, at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), considers the way officer-involved violence is...

VIDEO: Tell that to The Guardian

Newsweek: Kiev secretly admitted “suicide” of Party of Regions officials were murders

Newsweek reports: […] Melnychuk was a prosecutor in the southern port town of Odessa, governed by Kolomoisky ally Ihor Palytsia. He is just one of at least eight officials...

VIDEO: “My face is my ID”, lawlessness in Kiev

The Ukrainian “Road control” non-governmental organization published a video proving the outrage committed by representatives of self-defense of Pechersk district of Kiev. These gangs are now controlling a large...

Look Who’s Trolling: Khodorkovski Bets $5m on Propaganda

If color revolutions throughout the former USSR have something in common, it is the smoothness with which they bring your ordinary “comrade oligarch” to power, courtesy of the US...

Ukraine to sign cooperation memorandum with NATO

Ukraine Today reports on the latest development in the relationship between the Kiev regime and the Western military machine. Ukraine looks to be making its next steps towards closer...

Pianist punished for daring to challenge political orthodoxy in Ukraine

by Thomas Walkom in the Toronto Star. Surely it is enough that Canadian politicians have taken sides in Ukraine’s bitter conflict. All three major parties in Parliament agree that...

Five years on, the US ‘collateral murder’ of journalists in Iraq matters more than ever

From Stop the War Coalition If the content of the video illustrates the violent arrogance of power, then the leak of the video illustrates the potential power of dissent...

US ‘Disappointed’ by Support for Venezuela over Sanctions

byTeleSur The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Jacobson was not pleased by the reactions of Latin American countries to the U.S. stance on Venezuela,...

Century of Enslavement: the history of the Federal Reserve

Essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand some of our unacknowledged, unexamined realities. The Fed runs our lives to an extent most of us could never imagine. But...

VIDEO: “Come back only as guests”

16 Ukrainian soldiers have been released from captivity in occupied east Ukraine. The troops were released by Russian-backed militants late on Monday in the town of Marinka, near to...