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Syria Bombing Exposes Cracks in American Facade
Yesterday, the USA committed what is - essentially - an act of war against the legitimate...
Jill Stein Proved Me Wrong
by Kevin Ryan My last blog post was wrong. As of a week ago, it does matter who is...
9/11 & 28 pages of treason
by Joe Giambrone You probably didn’t hear from your corporate media that those 28 pages concerning Saudi state support...
The Tyranny of 9/11
John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his...
15 Years Later, Obama Extends 9/11 ‘National Emergency’ To Justify A Perpetual War On Terror
from MintPress News Late last month, the mainstream media took little notice as President Barack Obama extended a 15-year-old...
On the physics of high-rise building collapses
neither before nor since 9/11 have fires caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise—nor has any other natural...
Incontrovertible – the “truth” about 9/11
Philip Roddis As part of our “9/11 fifteen years on” series, Roddis tells us why 9/11 “conspiracy theories” tend...
Conspiracy Theory in America
As an opener to our "9/11 - 15 years on" we're sharing this extract from the book
Behind the Bolivia Miner Cooperatives Protests and the killing of the Bolivian Vice-Minister
by Stansfield Smith The Bolivian cooperatives protests and their August 25 killing of the Bolivian Vice Minister of the...
The 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact & Imperialist Propaganda
In it's unscientific, unhistorical effort to equate Communism with Nazism, the bourgeois propaganda presents the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as a...
Selling imperialist propaganda in an anti-imperialist wrapper
Why are Counterpunch and the Socialist Worker choosing such a time to present a piece...
Turkey’s New Relationship with Russia…and Assad
by Eric Zuesse This is the first of our twin articles offering different interpretations of the current political situation...
Greatest threat to peace? No contest: a response to Pepe Escobar
by Philip Roddis In a Sputnik article last month (republished here) Pepe Escobar sets out a useful appraisal of...
VIDEO: Manufacturing Civil Unrest: is the US now targeting its own population?
Truthstream Media provide devastating evidence, using only a compilation of MSM footage, of the decades-long pursuit of regime-chage in...
Rebuking the "no-fly" zone myth over syria
by Andrew Korybko With much speculation – not to say hysteria – currently in the alt media that Russia...
Pentagon-backed "moderates" allow 100s of ISIS fighters to escape
by Kurt Nimmo at Another Day in the Empire Fox News reports: A couple hundred vehicles of Islamic State...
BBC, CNN, Guardian et al need to face the agenda they are being used to serve
After the recent revelation that almost every major news site has been promoting unverified video and eye-witness testimony originating...
MSM promotes dodgy docs as well as child-exploitation in drive for war
by Catte Overshadowed by the recent attempts to create a faux media storm out of an unverified video produced...
Well, that didn't take long…
by Kit The past two weeks, the ten days following our article predicting a marked increase in a pro-Syrian...
Zika is not yet proven to cause anything but a mild cold – but don’t let that stop the hysteria
As Miami sprays Naled over its own populations, and GM mosquitoes are poised to be launched over parts of...