“Accomplished fingers begin to play. Their eyes mid many wrinkles, their eyes, Their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay.” WB Yeats, Lapus Lazuli The old man in the Irish cap sat...
There are two types of people in this world: the introspectors and the exospectors. Well… there are actually three if you count the people who have no spect at...
“I use the words you taught me. If they don’t mean anything anymore, teach me others. Or let me be silent.” Samuel Becket, Endgame Before he went to Rockaway Beach...
Along the high street where I live, there is an advertisement on the side of one of the bus shelters. It features a woman, heavy-set and pictured from behind....
Sylvia Shawcross It is cold again at night and the raccoons that reach their little hands up to the bowl of food are not there under the porch light...
Edward Curtin Despite calendars and clocks and all the mental gymnastics we use to control life and time, surprises are at the heart of existence. This may seem like...
Todd Hayen Here’s another weird thing I think is going on. Like most things I observe, you have probably observed this too, and probably way before I first thought...
Sylvia Shawcross The Canada geese are honking now in great swathes in the sky riding currents to where the water will not freeze over and there are bits of...
Edward Curtin “Method, Method, what do you want from me? You know that I have eaten of the fruit of the unconscious.” Jules Laforgue, Moralités légendaires The other day my wife...
Edward Curtin “A treasure stumbled upon, suddenly; not gradually accumulated, by adding one to one. The accumulation of learning, ‘adding to the sum-total of human knowledge’; lay that burden...
Todd Hayen The rape of the natural world is the phallic-like invasion of scientism. With its intent to rip out nature’s secrets and mysteries through the masculine assault of...
Todd Hayen I remember a time when people were left to their own devices when determining what to pay attention to and what to ignore. Remember “Bat Boy?” A...
Geoff Olson I visited with a distressed friend recently. “I feel I don’t know enough,” he said with a pained expression. “I want to understand fully what’s happening, but...
Edward curtin It is comical how easily one can be ignored for pointing out that new technology is dangerous and fetishistic. So-called “smart” cell phones are a prime example. ...