It’s a David vs Goliath story. A former local newspaper reporter, Robert Stuart, is taking on the British Broadcasting Corporation. Stuart believes that a sensational video story about an...
Robert Stuart News and opinion website The Huffington Post has written about my campaign to crowdfund a documentary about the 2013 BBC Panorama programme Saving Syria’s Children. Keith Allen...
Robert Stuart, who has done great work analysing the BBC’s Panorama: Saving Syria’s Children, is working on a documentary on this subject. Working with producer Victor Lewis-Smith and actor/director...
Most of our readers are now more than familiar with the bizarre events surrounding the BBC Panorama program Saving Syria’s Children. But a further twist to the story seems...
The evidence for some form of fakery here is now undeniable. Not only are some of the major players shown to be previously involved in pro-western regime change narratives...
from UKColumn We’ve talked about this topic many times on OffG, but at a time when “fakenews” is a hashtag, it’s worth returning to this most egregious and worrying...
As the push for catastrophic intervention in Syria and other acts of equal insanity are being supported with ever more media hysteria, based on ever more dubious, implausible narratives,...
a short video concerning the BBC’s possibly fraudulent “Saving Syria’s Children” documentary Given the increasing hysteria of the media’s current reporting of the situation in Syria, which may well...
In his presentation for Frome Stop War, Robert Stuart provides an overview of all the many pieces of evidence he has collected that point to the BBC falsifying reports...
This is our second look at the work of Robert Stuart, concerning the controversial BBC Panorama documentary "Saving Syria's Children. " When did the alleged chemical attacks actually occur?...