Petro Poroshenko has just stepped on his western supporters’ narrative of a glorious, free and happy post-Maidan Ukraine, by rather embarrassingly banning a whole slew of people from setting...
by Bryan Hemming Here’s a Freudian insight into the mind of the average Guardian journalist. Although today’s article headlined: “UK warship will be used to ‘board, seize and divert’ refugee...
by BlackCatte Corbyn’s best endorsement, both of his integrity and his potential power, is the media hate being poured on him; and his best – in fact his only...
Yesterday in the Guardian Nick Cohen could be found using his talents to shill for more lovely humanitarian war. Nothing odd about that. The MSM almost always shills for...
Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour leadership election. You probably heard. He wasn't supposed to win - he wasn't even supposed to run - but he did it. Not only...
by BlackCatte The Guardian is unraveling. Having tried to manage its own readers with draconian moderation, it now admits even that policy is a humiliating failure and – today...
Catte Black Luke Daniel Harding (born 1968) studied English at University College, Oxford. While there he edited the student newspaper Cherwell. He worked for The Sunday Correspondent, the Evening...
by E.F Nicholson Whether we like it or not, our ever increasing participation in the world of consumption allows us to be sliced and diced by advertisers into increasingly...
As we predicted the ghastly tragedy of little Aylan is now unquestionably being exploited with psychopathic cynicism to re-launch the call for war in Syria. The lies about chemical...
by Joaquin Flores via Russia Insider Chinese leadership knows what China can do, has done, and what it represents to the world. China apparently felt it unnecessary to ‘over-project’...
by BlackCatte The Guardian is currently providing us with a good example of what is often called the “problem-reaction-solution” method of controlling public discourse. Step One: Find, create, emphasise,...
by BlackCatte Dear Guardian editors, especially the Anonymous Perpetrator of Sunday’s Guardian view on Ukraine – While this is just the latest on the conveyor-belt of state-promoted Stalinist ‘alternative...
What Corbyn actually said… Some women have raised with me that a solution to the rise in assault and harassment on public transport could be to introduce women only...
Just a brief glimpse of the ongoing narrative creation and control as revealed by the front page of the Guardian. So, what do we have here? 1) Despite the...
My greatest problem with the Graun's propaganda is that it's bad, and yet thinks it isn't. Even more so than the lamentable coverage of Russia and Ukraine, the...
by LeanToTheLeft A response by CiFer “LeanToTheLeft” to the Guardian article “Israel’s hawks can’t dodge blame for this day of violence” “Israel’s hawks can’t dodge blame for this day...
by BlackCatte The Guardian’s latest piece on the ISIS crisis continues to eschew analysis in favour of fear mongering, propagandising and racism. Three generations of a family who are...
what we get here from Cockburn could have come straight from a White House briefing. The "culpability" he accuses the US of is the usual hand-wringing faux accusation of...
It's at times like this that responsible news outlets need to be the voice of reason. They need to challenge such looming cynicism, and the narratives that underpin it....