Fact-Checking a “Fact-Checker”: A Response to HealthFeedback.org
Rosemary Frei

IOmage source: Columbia Journalism Review
On July 12 an organization called Health Feedback posted a review of my and Patrick Corbett’s July 2 OffGuardian article on the bombshell revelations of Bulgarian Pathology Association President Dr. Stoian Alexov. They stamped it “inaccurate.”
This article is a refutation of Health Feedback’s so-called fact-checking. I show why Dr. Alexov’s statements, in fact, fit the evidence, and punch plenty of other holes in Health Feedback’s claim that our article is “clearly wrong” and has “very little credibility.”
Health Feedback’s review is fatally faulty right off the top, when the review’s unnamed author mistakes my co-author Patrick Corbett for James Corbett of The Corbett Report: the screencap at the top of the review is from James Corbett’s June 16 interview with me.
The review also takes a swipe at outlets that reposted our article: it notes Media Bias/Fact Check dubbs GlobalResearch.ca and Australian National Review “conspiracy websites.”
But Media Bias/Fact Check has long been launching bogus attacks. And in addition, the Media Bias/Fact Check website says it has “chosen the IFCN [International Fact Checking Network] as our standard fact-checkers because they all abide by the same rules. This is important, as the standards are high.”
Note, however, that IFCN is funded by the likes of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (see below).
By the way, there’s at least one other article claiming to debunk our piece: a July 8 article by Lead Stories. Facebook uses the Lead Stories review to try to block people from reading our July 2 piece. I focus on Health Feedback’s review here because it’s more detailed and covers the same ground as the Lead Stories piece.
I’ll just mention a couple of things about Lead Stories. First, it belongs to the IFCN (still more on the IFCN very shortly). And when Lead Stories’ co-founder and editor-in-chief Alan Duke and his buddy Perry Sanders started the company in 2015, Duke was ending his long career with CNN – which isn’t exactly known for its factual reporting. And Duke shows his blatant bias when, in this article on Lead Stories, he blames COVID-19 deaths on people who don’t wear masks or social distance, and says “misinformation can be deadly.”
Let’s now take a quick peek under the hood of Health Feedback. It bills itself as a “non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to science education.”
Its advisors include nuclear-power booster and MIT professor Dr. Kerry Emanuel. Another advisor is Thomas Malone, who’s listed as a founding director of the Center for Collective Intelligence.
The Center is funded by, among others, Wall Street giant JP Morgan and pharma company Takeda. Takeda is developing antibody-based therapies against COVID-19.
Health Feedback’s parent organization is Science Feedback, which claims to be “non-partisan.”
Science Feedback apparently is “certified through the non-partisan” IFCN and joined Facebook’s “fact-checking program” in April 2019.
At 21:57 in the video, and in this link in the show notes, of The Corbett Report’s June 19 podcast episode exposing the glaring conflicts of interest in the fact-checking industry, host James Corbett reveals that IFCN’s major funders include George Soros-backed organizations and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Also, Health Feedback is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO)-led project called Vaccine Safety Net. It “provides scientifically based information on vaccine safety” to counter “unbalanced, misleading and alarming vaccine-safety information.”
Its Advisory Group members range from Cherstyn Hurley, Immunisation Publications Manager for Public Health in England, to Catharina de Kat, a member of the WHO’s team that answers media inquiries regarding COVID-19, to Dr. Jane Gidudu, Vaccine Safety Officer at the Global Immunization Division of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The WHO is a public-private partnership, with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation being a very major funder and large vaccine manufacturers also providing large contributions.
[Note: If Donald Trump does pull the US out of WHO, the Gates Foundation will be their biggest single financial supporter – ed.]
This is just one of the many ways Gates’s strategic contributions give him and big pharma the global leverage to push vaccines, antibodies and anti-virals on billions of people in the pursuit of profit.
While we’re following the money, note that AstraZeneca sponsored the May 8 European Society of Pathology (ESP) webinar that’s the subject of the May 13 interview of Dr. Alexov that was the focus of our July 2 article.
AstraZeneca is one of the biggest players jockeying for the lead in developing and selling vaccines against COVID-19.
Also, the company will not have financial responsibility in many countries for injuries and deaths from the vaccine it’s developing against COVID-19 — and which it’ll deliver billions of doses of, starting as early as December, without having to first show the vaccine is safe or effective.
This indemnity reportedly is being granted because the company, which is the UK’s second-largest pharmaceutical firm, “cannot take the risk” of compensating people for the “side effects” they experience from the vaccine.
Among the major backers of the AstraZeneca vaccine are the US government, the UK government, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Therefore it’s plausible that the company, possibly joined by other powerful players, pushed the ESP leaders to distance themselves from Dr. Alexov’s revelations. (A statement by ESP leaders attempting to disprove Dr. Alexov’s assertions is included in the review; in the error list below I show evidence, including quotes from ESP President Dr. Holger Moch, that Dr. Alexov is correct.)
AstraZeneca also funded the ESP’s June 25 webinar that I discuss below. Furthermore, it was one of the three top funders of the ESP’s annual meeting, known as the European Congress of Pathology, in 2019. And it was a major sponsor of the 2018 congress.
Without further ado, here’s the list of errors Health Feedback made in its so-called ‘fact check’ of the main eight ‘claims’ Patrick Corbett and I made in our July 2 article.
Error #1 – Claim 1
In the section on Claim 1, the Health Feedback review states that Dr. Alexov made the revelations described in our article “during a [May 8] webinar organized by the European Society of Pathology.”
Health Feedback repeats and extends this falsehood a few sentences later: Dr. “Alexov made his remarks at a ‘consensus of participants’ during the ESP webinar – with the implication that his comments were accepted as part of the scientific or medical consensus.”
We, in fact, wrote that Dr. Alexov made his revelations in a May 13 interview (bolding added for emphasis):
Dr. Alexov made his jaw-dropping observations in a video interview summarizing the consensus of participants in a May 8, 2020, European Society of Pathology (ESP) webinar on COVID-19.
The May 13 video interview of Dr. Alexov was conducted by Dr. Stoycho Katsarov, chair of the Center for Protection of Citizens’ Rights in Sofia and a former Bulgarian deputy minister of health. The video is on the BPA [Bulgarian Pathology Association]’s website, which also highlights some of Dr. Alexov’s main points.”
Error #2 – Claim 2
The section on Claim 2 in the review states that it’s false that no monoclonal antibodies for the novel coronavirus exist.
In our article we wrote that:
Among the major bombshells Dr. Alexov dropped is that the leaders of the May 8 ESP webinar said no novel-coronavirus-specific antibodies have been found.”
The review article asserts that:
This is false. Several published studies report the discovery of antibodies that bind specifically to SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, as well as antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in people who had been previously infected[1-4].”
The review also cites another study to try to bolster their position that there are novel-coronavirus-specific monoclonal antibodies (Reference 10, which they cite in the section of the review on Claim 4).
Health Feedback also obtained a statement from ESP President Dr. Holger Moch, ESP Director-General Dr. Raed Al-Dieri and ESP Secretary Dr. Aurelio Ariza. The ESP officials write that their statement summarizes the official position of the ESP, “which is not responsible for the claims and opinions of its individual members.”
The ESP trio’s statement addresses monoclonal antibodies and detection of the virus by saying:
Monoclonal antibodies able to identify different components of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are certainly available. They are used by pathologists to demonstrate the presence of the virus in body tissues with immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence studies.
“Other techniques (such as in situ hybridization and RT-PCR [reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction) can detect viral RNA in tissues. Additionally, electron microscopy neatly allows the visualization of the spike-crowned virus (hence the name coronavirus) in the diseased organs.
“Coronavirus images as observed by pathologists in human tissues may be seen in the articles by M. Ackerman [sic] et al. (NEJM 2020)[6], I. Colmenero et al. (Brit J Dermatol 2020)[7], V.G. Puelles et al. (NEJM 2020)[8] and Z. Varga et al. (Lancet 2020)[9], among others.
In this section we’ll deal with the assertions about monoclonal antibodies by Health Feedback and the ESP officials. In the section on Error #4 below we’ll address their claims that pathologists have detected viral RNA in tissues and have used electron microscopy to visualize the virus.
If they’re correct and the novel coronavirus in fact has been found and is the causative agent of the deaths attributed to COVID-19, there should be monoclonal antibodies that are specific to it and only to it.
That’s because SARS-CoV-2 supposedly is distinct from every other virus, including its cousin SARS-CoV. So monoclonal antibodies used to detect the novel coronavirus should be specific to only the novel coronavirus.
But none of the five references cited by Health Feedback – References 1-4 and Reference 10 – prove the existence of such monoclonal antibodies.
One of the papers (Reference 4) doesn’t even mention monoclonal antibodies. Three of the others (References 1, 2 and 10) involve monoclonal antibodies to SARS-CoV rather than to SARS-CoV-2. And the fourth (Reference 3) uses two antibody tests, but neither has been shown to be specific to the novel coronavirus — or even to be accurate at all.
Also, the five papers’ authors also don’t provide any other objective verification that the novel coronavirus truly is present.
The details of my examination of those five references are in Appendix One.
During a June 25 ESP webinar, Dr. Zsuzsanna Varga, a senior attending physician in the University Hospital of Zurich’s Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology which Dr. Moch heads, gave a presentation on the methods to detect the virus in autopsy tissue.
She said (at 13:19 in the video of her presentation), in discussing a paper claiming to detect the novel coronavirus using among other methods monoclonal antibodies via immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence (which as it turns out is Reference 10 in the Health Feedback review), that few if any groups have been able to replicate these findings:
The problem that I see at the moment is that many pathology institutions face unspecific background stain and unspecific stains,” said Dr. Varga “…. We tried several clones [monoclonal antibodies] to get such nice and reliable signals [as the paper’s authors] [but] we are at the moment not at that step where we can say we have a good antibody and we have reliable signals.”
The details of this are in Appendix Two’s section on Reference 8. And I discuss Dr. Varga’s presentation some more in the section on Error #4 below.
Another problem with the assertion that monoclonal antibodies for the novel coronavirus have been produced is that none of them appear to have undergone objective and thorough antibody validation.
In this article providing a framework for robust antibody validation the authors state that “for commercially available antibodies, it is clear that what is on the label does not necessarily correspond to what is in the tube.”
The authors also emphasize that “for antibodies, one must demonstrate that they are specific, selective, and reproducible in the context for which they are used.”
And by the way, in case you haven’t guessed, the sale of monoclonal antibodies is highly profitable. It’s so lucrative they comprise the majority of the biopharmaceutical market. See for example this article and this paper on the booming monoclonal-antibody business.
Error #3 – Claim 3
The review asserts that Patrick Corbett and I were inaccurate in the way we described monoclonal antibodies.
This was our description:
The body forms antibodies specific to pathogens it encounters. These specific antibodies are known as monoclonal antibodies and are a key tool in pathology.”
The review points out that in fact the body produces what are known as ‘polyclonal antibodies.’ These are an array of antibodies that differ from each other. They state that polyclonal antibodies are used for the production of monoclonal antibodies, and that this can only be done in laboratories, via cloning of cells that produce specific antibodies.
I concede that our description could have been clearer. But the essence of our description is accurate.
As I wrote on July 6 in the comments section of our article:
what Dr. Alexov is saying and what we’re explaining is that mAbs [monoclonal antibodies] are necessary for verifying the presence of pathogens in tissue and that no such mAbs exist for the novel coronavirus. Obviously that’s because there have not been any antibodies found that are highly specific to the novel coronavirus; these are needed to produce mAbs.”
Error #4 – Claim 4
Health Feedback refutes the statement in our article that, because no monoclonal antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 have been identified to date, pathologists can’t verify whether the virus is present in the body and whether the disease or diseases attributed to the virus truly were caused by it.
In an attempt to show that our statement is wrong, Health Feedback cites this part of the ESP leaders’ statement:
Monoclonal antibodies able to identify different components of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are certainly available. They are used by pathologists to demonstrate the presence of the virus in body tissues with immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence studies.”
We dealt with this in Error #2, above.
They also refer to another part of the ESP leaders’ statement:
Other techniques (such as in situ hybridization and RT-PCR [polymerase chain reaction]) can detect viral RNA in tissues. Additionally, electron microscopy neatly allows the visualization of the spike-crowned virus (hence the name coronavirus) in the diseased organs.
“Coronavirus images as observed by pathologists in human tissues may be seen in the articles by M. Ackerman et al. (NEJM 2020)[6], I. Colmenero et al. (Brit J Dermatol 2020)[7], V.G. Puelles et al. (NEJM 2020)[8] and Z. Varga et al. (Lancet 2020)[9], among others.
In Error #2 above I addressed the assertions about the monoclonal antibodies. In this section I’ll address whether the virus in fact has been visualized.
I carefully examined References 6 to 9 cited in the ESP statement. I found that none of them can truly claim to describe the imaging of the novel coronavirus. Appendix Two gives the details of my findings.
On top of that, Dr. Moch himself has cast doubt on whether the novel coronavirus has been imaged in autopsy tissues of people said to have died of the novel coronavirus.
At 6:58 in the first of the six publicly viewable videos from the May 8 ESP webinar — in talking about “viral-like particles” shown in an electron-microscopy figure accompanying a Lancet Respiratory Medicine paper — he says that while many researchers claim to have imaged the novel coronavirus:
at the moment it is relatively controversial if [whether] these are true viral particles.”
The Health Feedback article also states, “the ESP webinar that the article refers to included a specific session dedicated to methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in human tissue. This session showed that pathologists are using a variety of techniques to determine whether a person was infected with SARS-CoV-2, including molecular techniques such as in situ hybridization (ISH).”
They’ve made another error there – the ESP webinar they’re referring to took place on June 25; it isn’t the May 8 ESP webinar that we discussed in our article on Dr. Alexov.
And as I mentioned in Error #2 above, in that June 25 ESP webinar Dr. Varga does discuss methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in autopsy tissues.
However, she concludes, when discussing a paper she and Dr. Moch co-authored along with other papers published to date on electron-microscope images that claim to show viral particles (and which is Reference 9 in the Health Feedback review), that visualizing the virus, via electron microscopy is:
demanding [and] time-consuming, and searching for virus takes sometimes several hours.”
Dr. Varga also notes that it requires a lot of expertise, because other structures and fixation artefacts can be mistaken for viral particles. The latter are distortions created during the processing of tissue sections for examination.
She suggests that, to be sure whether the viral particles are present in autopsy tissue, further study is needed with immune electron microscopy, which is even more painstaking – and expensive – technique.
(See Appendix Two for more on these quotes and other information on imaging viral particles, PCR, in situ hybridization, and visualizing the virus’s RNA and protein.)
Note also that Torsten Englebrecht and Konstantin Demeter asked teams of scientists who had claimed to have purified and sequenced the novel coronavirus whether the electron micrographs in their published findings showed purified viruses.
The scientists’ responses were essentially “No.”
The pair reported this in a June 27 Off-Guardian article. (I note this also in the section on Error #5, below.)
It’s striking that a virus which is supposedly a constant threat to all of us and overwhelms the bodies of hundreds of thousands of its victims is so extremely elusive. It should be easy to detect the virus in autopsy tissue, particularly the target tissue of the lungs, because viruses replicate until they’re present in large enough quantities to kill a person.
Based on all the evidence, the only logical conclusion is that it’s very uncertain whether these “viral particles” are the novel coronavirus.
Error #5 – Claim 5
The review also states that our claim is false that “novel coronavirus has not fulfilled Koch’s postulates.”
I stand by my and Amory Devereux’s June 9 Off-Guardian article in which we demonstrate that the novel coronavirus has not fulfilled Koch’s postulates.
I also stand by Torsten Englebrecht and Konstantin Demeter. As I mention in the section on Error #4 above, the duo asked scientists who had claimed to have purified and sequenced the novel coronavirus whether the electron micrographs in their published findings indeed showed purified viruses. The scientists’ responses indicated that they did not show this.
And oddly, the Health Feedback review first asserts that the Koch’s postulates are obsolete – and then it states that a microbiologist and epidemiologist Dr. W. Ian Lipkin “told Health Feedback that many published studies have already demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 fulfills Koch’s postulates” (with References 14-16 to support this).
And Dr. Lipkin again cites References 14-16 in this shot later in the article:
Conspiracy theorists are not persuaded by data. There are many studies of SARS-CoV-2 that fulfill Koch’s postulates.”
But one wonders who in fact isn’t persuaded by data: while References 14-16 describe monkeys developing COVID-19 symptoms after being injected with the novel coronavirus, among other defects in the papers is the lack of proof that the substance injected into the monkeys was purified novel coronavirus.
And by the way, a whole article could be written on Dr. Lipkin alone.
For example, the web page on him from Columbia University where he’s a professor gives clues regarding his allegiances. It includes the following (verbatim from the web page with bolding added for emphasis):
Dr. Lipkin serves as co-chair of the Steering Committee of the National neurology biosurveillance Advisory Subcommittee and as Director of the Northeast Biodefense Center and the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center on Diagnostics, Surveillance and Immunotherapeutics for Emerging Infectious and Zoonotic Diseases, the only academic WHO Center focused on diagnostics and discovery. He has ongoing collaborations and projects with the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, USAID PREDICT, US Department of Agriculture, US Food and Drug Administration, Agilent Technologies, Pfizer, Roche 454 Life Sciences, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Google.org, Institut Pasteur, and OneHealth Alliance.
And the Wikipedia page on Dr. Lipkin notes among other things that he’s a proponent of gain-of-function research on pathogens.
[Note: For a rundown on gain-of-function research and how it applies to weapons programs, watch this interview with independent journalist Sam Husseini – ed.]
Error #6 – Claim 6
The review states that it’s false to claim that “no one has died from the coronavirus.”
It uses as support these two sentences in the ESP leaders’ statement:
As discussed in the two ESP webinars on the subject (May 8th and June 25th, 2020), the striking autopsy findings seen in the lungs and other organs of COVID-19 patients are unexplainable as the effect of any concurrent disease and support the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as the cause of death in these cases.”
There is evidence of a specific COVID-19-associated coagulopathy that can cause deadly thromboembolism.”
However, as discussed in Errors #2 and 4 above, the autopsy findings published to date have not conclusively shown that the novel coronavirus is present in the tissue of people deemed to have died of COVID-19.
Also, in the May 8 ESP webinar, during the Q&A at the end, a participant asked, “When we deal with the statistics, do we know who died of and who died with COVID-19?” Dr. Moch responded:
In principle we cannot say; we cannot tell. Because every COVID-19 patient has an individual cause of death. In my opinion, we should do autopsies and derive from the autopsy findings if a patient died with or because of COVID-19.”
(He added that “of course” the virus plays “a leading role” in intensive-care patients with very severe clinical symptoms. “But we have to better understand the disease course in patients that die at whom;” he said, because some patients arrive at hospital with very mild symptoms and within a week develop severe blood clots [thromboemboli in their lungs].)
Also, when leaders of the May 8 webinar were asked a few minutes later what autopsy differences there are between patients with COVID-19 and those with usual seasonal flu, Dr. Moch — after a period of silence and asking the question to be repeated — said:
It’s difficult to answer. We have very poor[ly] described morphology images [i.e., pathology findings] from the seasonal flu cases.”
(Dr. Moch then held up a thesis that he said is titled “The Spanish Flu in 1918 and 1919” and contains autopsy reports from more than 970 people who died the Spanish flu. “So I’m convinced these findings get a new emphasis in the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.)
Error #7 – Claim 6 (continued)
As part of the assertion that it is false to say that “no one has died of the novel coronavirus,” Health Feedback claims that the higher number of deaths in 2020 compared to previous years in the US means there have been excess deaths with COVID-19. It cites one of their own review articles, published on May 22, 2020.
It also mentions an April 26 Financial Times article that indicates excess mortality has been observed in 14 countries.
The review draws the conclusion that, “The excess mortality observed across the world in 2020 can only be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, as there is no other factor which can explain this sudden increase in mortality compared to previous years when COVID-19 was not present.”
But that assertion is very unscientific: it isn’t backed up by any truly independent analyses of whether these deaths were due to the novel coronavirus or instead to other causes.
Here are a few of the many lines of evidence that challenge the underpinnings of the COVID-19 peak.
First, the PCR test relied on for COVID-19 case counts is highly inaccurate.
Also, it’s now well-known that the cases are highly over-counted. Several countries finally are admitting this. See for example this July 17 article by Off-Guardian editor Kit Knightly.
Second, Ontario Civil Liberties Association researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt performed an analysis indicating that the ‘COVID-19 peak’ of deaths occurred during the winter, which is when deaths peak every year.
However, he found the COVID-19 peak wasn’t consistent with any other peaks of all-cause mortality. The spike in COVID-19-attributed deaths in the US only occurred in a few hotspots such as New York City (and it didn’t take place in states that did not have lock-downs); was only four weeks long; and was almost entirely due to excess deaths in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities.
Rancourt concluded that:
the ‘COVID peak results from an accelerated mass homicide of immune-vulnerable individuals, and individuals made more immune-vulnerable, by government and institutional actions, rather than being an epidemiological signature of a novel virus, irrespective of the degree to which the virus is novel from the perspective of viral speciation.”
This fits to some extent with my May 26 article that suggests governments may have deliberately put in place the conditions that led to the high care-home death rates.
Third, there are many other major factors that could be linked to deaths but that haven’t been taken into account by Health Feedback, its masters the WHO and other ‘authorities’ such as the CDC.
Here are seven of those major factors:
- Serious medical conditions ranging from heart disease that are listed as mere underlying comorbidities on COVID-19 death certificates but that in fact are very likely to be the true killers;
- Officials may well have deemed many deaths from influenza as being caused by COVID-19.
And as noted in Error #6 above, when leaders of the May 8 ESP webinar were asked what the differences are in autopsy findings between patients with COVID and those with the seasonal flu, Dr. Moch answered: “It’s difficult to answer. We have very poor[ly] described morphology images from the seasonal flu cases.” - There were huge numbers of people barred from seeing a physician or getting life-saving surgeries and treatments during the shut-downs;
- There also have been higher rates of suicide due to the very large-scale job loss, social isolation and other pressures associated with the draconian measures undertaken on the premise of combating COVID-19;
- In addition there has been much more domestic violence due to those measures;
- There was heavy air pollution in areas deemed to have high numbers of deaths from the novel coronavirus;
- There are increased rates of vaccination in countries such as Italy where it is mandatory, leading to higher rates of death in the elderly.
An eighth fatality factor possibly could be tuberculosis (TB). TB has long been a true pandemic; according to the WHO it kills about 1.5 million people a year (although the ‘pandemic’ label has disappeared from the WHO’s description of the state of TB around the world). And TB’s symptoms significantly overlap with those attributed to COVID-19.
This highly contagious disease has been ignored during the COVID-19 crisis and therefore it may be spreading unchecked and deaths from it being attributed to COVID-19 instead.
For example, in the WHO’s Q&A for tuberculosis, under “What is the potential impact of COVID-19 pandemic on essential tuberculosis services?,” it states:
Modelling work suggests that if the COVID-19 pandemic led to a global reduction of 25% in expected TB detection for 3 months – a realistic possibility given the levels of disruption in TB services being observed in multiple countries – then we could expect a 13% increase in TB deaths, bringing us back to the levels of TB mortality that we had 5 years ago.
This may even be a conservative estimate as it does not factor in other possible impacts of the pandemic on TB transmission, treatment interruptions and poorer outcomes in people with TB and COVID-19 infection (Predicted impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global tuberculosis deaths in 2020, P. Glaziou). Between 2020 and 2025 an additional 1.4 million TB deaths could be registered as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic (Stop TB Partnership analysis).
Also, in March three of the four TB clinics in New York City were closed, even though TB rates in that city are double the national average. And other countries such as Canada have not been monitoring for TB, or screening immigrants or visitors for it, for years. The phenomenon of neglecting TB over the previous months and years appears to be nearly world-wide.
Error #8 – Claim 7
Health Feedback said we were wrong when we wrote in the July 2 article that “the inability to identify monoclonal antibodies for the virus suggests there is no basis for the vaccines, serological testing and immunity certificates being rolled out around the globe at unprecedented speed and cost.”
First the review states that novel-coronavirus-specific monoclonal antibodies have been identified. I demolish this in the section on Error #2.
Second, they note that the body produces an array of immune responses, from polyclonal antibodies to T-cell-mediated responses.
But that completely misses the point.
The serological tests developed to date all are based on antibody detection. And as I demonstrated in the section on Error #2, even the monoclonal antibodies produced to date are not specific to the novel coronavirus.
Therefore there’s a very low probability that tests based on far less-specific entities such as polyclonal antibodies would be able to pick out the novel coronavirus and not other viruses.
And would a vaccine that’s not specific for the novel coronavirus help combat it? That’s very unlikely. After all, researchers have been trying for 17 years to create a vaccine against SARS and have failed.
Add to that the fact that viruses mutate. For example, the best that the Ontario Ministry of Health can muster on their website promoting influenza vaccination is that:
When the vaccine is well-matched to the flu strains circulating in a particular flu season, it can prevent the flu in up to 60% of the overall population.”
So the dice are loaded against a novel-coronavirus vaccine being any use at all. Instead, we’ll be subjected to “side effects” unaccompanied by any benefits.
The review also asserts that “immunity certificates are not being ‘rolled out around the globe’ at the moment,” citing articles from April 10 and May 21. But this much more recent piece — a June 26 MintPress News article — credibly suggests the COVI-PASS is rolling out very soon in 15 countries.
[NOTE: The World Economic Forum was promoting the “immunity passport” app as recently as July 30 – ed.]
Error #9 – Claim 8
The Health Feedback article says we were incorrect when in our July 2 article we wrote, “Among the myriad ways the WHO is creating [worldwide] chaos is by prohibiting almost all autopsies of people deemed to have died from COVID-19.”
The review states that the WHO hasn’t prohibited COVID-19 autopsies. The review also cites the June 25 ESP webinar as proof that autopsies have been performed on COVID-19 victims.
And it claims that “several studies on COVID-19 autopsy findings from countries such as the US, Germany and China have been published.” It uses four papers to support their claim (References 17-20).
The review seem to be right about part of this: I searched for and found no such explicit pronouncement from the WHO.
However, there’s ample evidence that many countries simultaneously stopped doing autopsies. This in turn strongly suggests that behind the scenes the WHO — or perhaps some other powerful world body, but no organization has had the same global reach during the COVID-19 crisis as the WHO — was urging the cessation of autopsies on people deemed to have died of the novel coronavirus.
And this, in fact, is supported rather than refuted by the four papers Health Feedback cites.
The first of the four papers (Reference 17) was published in the June 2020 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Pathology. It describes two – count ‘em two – full autopsies done by April 4 in the state of Oklahoma of people who had tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
The second reference (Reference 18) was published on June 4, 2020, and describes the first 80 consecutive full COVID-19 autopsies in the German province of Hamburg. The authors state in the introduction that:
Contrary to the initial recommendation of the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) to avoid autopsies of COVID-19 deaths if possible [1], this institution has recently changed its recommendation and currently acknowledges the benefits and value of autopsies in the context of pandemic control.”
This explicitly shows that some sort of autopsy prohibition was indeed in place, but that the authors pushed back and conducted autopsies anyway. (And the results were very revealing. More on this paper shortly.)
The third reference (Reference 19) was published in the May 2020 issue of the Journal of Clinical Pathology. But it isn’t a study of autopsy findings — it’s a guideline written by four UK pathologists on how to perform autopsies in people who are suspected of having died of COVID-19.
The fourth reference (Reference 20) was published on June 30, 2020 in Virchow’s Archives, which is the official journal of the ESP. The authors from the University Hospital Ruebingen in Germany describe the four autopsies they performed between March 20 and April 18, 2020. A whopping four autopsies.
There’s also other evidence of a coordinated, widespread move to minimize the number of autopsies.
For example, in early February the UK’s Royal College of Pathologists issued a briefing paper stating that:
In general, if a death is believed to be due to confirmed COVID-19 infection, there is unlikely to be any need for a post mortem to be conducted and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death should be issued.”
The subsequent dearth of COVID-19 autopsies was the subject of media attention in the UK.
And as I wrote in my May 26 article on care-home deaths:
COVID-19-attributed deaths are deemed ‘natural’ by new rules released by the chief coroner [for Ontario] on April 9. In all but an extremely small number of cases, natural deaths are exempt from any further investigations or post-mortems.”
Also, as noted above, the high-profile Robert Koch Institute in Germany urged that autopsies not be conducted. Their near-prohibition was the subject of pushback by some physicians’ groups. Finally in late May the institute reversed course.
The few published studies on COVID-19 autopsies show that they can yield critically important information. For example, Hamburg pathologists found in the study described above (Reference 18) that among the first 80 consecutive full COVID-19 autopsies in that German state, only two of the deceased did not have serious comorbidities.
The remaining 78 may well have died from those comorbidities instead of the novel coronavirus. And it’s entirely possible, based on the information I’ve revealed in this rebuttal, that the autopsy information on the other two didn’t actually prove that they died of COVID-19.
Health Feedback’s masters the WHO, and in turn WHO’s financial backers Bill Gates and Big Pharma, wouldn’t be too happy with these facts, would they?
With files from Patrick Corbett. Some points are explored in more detail in Appendices 1 and 2, which you can view as PDFs here and here.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her other Off-Guardian articles and follow her on Twitter.
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An Italian friend just emailed me this April 29, 2020, medical paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7190281/#CR5 ‘The autopsy debate during the COVID-19 emergency: the Italian experience’
It provides more support for my contention in ‘Error #9 – Claim 8’ that there was a very widespread prohibition against conducting autopsies in people deemed to have died of COVID.
Interesting, isn’t it, that the Health Feedback folks didn’t cite that medical paper.
Here’s the relevant sentence in that paper:
“On April 1, the Italian Ministry of Health published an official document on autopsies during the SARS-CoV2 epidemics [5]. Below is a summary of the main indications:
For the entire period of the emergency phase, autopsies or post-mortem diagnostic studies should not be performed in full-blown cases of COVID-19.”
Thanks a lot for your work!!! I just want to ask you a question: May you please tell us something about the catholic fact checker that Pope Francis began in january 2022?
I really enjoyed both your articles. I sent the link alobg to a friend, and he was very skeptical and sent me these links to prove how wrong you are:
Can you comment on these? Have they actually found monoclonal antibodies for COVID 19?
AKM, may I suggest you read my article thoroughly if you haven’t already? My article gives you all the information you need to debunk those two links (and all others).
My brother-in-law, who had a mild case of atrial fibrillation, so mild he didn’t know he had it, was put on statins and warfarin. He developed thrombo embolism about 18 months ago. His medical specialists were mystified as to how/why since warfarin should have stopped clots. He can’t do a lot now, his lungs are damaged and he is gradually getting worse. How do we know how long this strange thing has been circulating? I have read of other quite fit people getting ill with a severe flu long before anyone heard of COVID19.
There’s lots to digest in that and too much that non specialists will not be able to make a lot of use of. Still, It’s good to see someone non establishment (or relatively non establishment) push back against the establishment – which is ruined, mentally and spiritually. I had it out with my GP here in Toronto. He’s not willing to let me have my opinions. We are oil and water. When he asks me to explain myself (when I disagree with him), he then shouts me down, cuts me off and disparages me with the label of conspiracy theorist. I feel assaulted when I talk to him. If you read this comment Rosemary, I live in Toronto and would love a fellow Torontonian who knows GPs in Toronto to recommend to me some whom I could visit for the purpose of discussing switching over to one of them. I doubt if I’ll ever find a GP (unless I switch to the homeopathy field) who completely accepts my views but that’s not what I require. I just don’t want to feel assaulted when I attempt to actually have a discussion, two-way that is, with my doctor.
“An eighth fatality factor possibly could be tuberculosis (TB). TB has long been a true pandemic; according to the WHO it kills about 1.5 million people a year (although the ‘pandemic’ label has disappeared from the WHO’s description of the state of TB around the world). And TB’s symptoms significantly overlap with those attributed to COVID-19.” Very, very interesting that.
As for the WHO, I find it very revealing that they changed the definition of pandemic in 2009. I wish more bloggers and journos would report that. See “WHO Changed The Definition Of Pandemic In 2009” / https://app.box.com/s/4mkszk2u5mjrsydn90296u9tydy1zx4f
Arby, if you wish you can message me via Twitter re a GP.
I will do that. Thanks! I do do Twitter, so I’m not familiar with it. I guess I can join in order to do this and then quit it. I don’t do social media. Later…
Rosemary. I did that, I think. Maybe you’re busy. But I also am lost on Twitter. I find Twitter to be too busy and bewildering. It doesn’t help that the buttons don’t have helpful text pop up when you hover over them. Even the help section needs a help section, in my view. Regardless, I appreciate very much your reaching out. (Your re-tweet about Ontario outright faking numbers of covid deaths was interesting. I don’t know whether that’s on a regular website, but that’s what I could use.)
Under Error #7 – Claim 6 (continued), major factor #7 states: “There are increased rates of vaccination in countries such as Italy where it is mandatory, leading to higher rates of death in the elderly.” There are two links included that unfortunately cannot be used as support for this statement.
In the first link, which deals with Italy’s mandatory vaccination program, ALL the mandatory vaccinations in Italy are for children. At the present time, there are no mandatory vaccines for older people.
The second link refers to a study in Great Britain, NOT Italy, which says that mortality and hospitalisation rates do not decrease for vaccinated adults over 65. It does NOT say that either mortality or hospitalisation rates significantly INCREASE due to vaccination.
As sympathetic as I am to Frey and Corbett’s arguments, the obvious lack of rigour with respect to this point, where I happen to have a bit of knowledge, reduces the trustworthiness of the remainder of their work. Which is a shame.
Thanks for finding these apparent errors, klipfisk. I didn’t at all intend to deceive (although I don’t think you’re saying I was intending to deceive readers), but I do seem to have been sloppy on that point. I worked hard to cover a lot of ground and get everything right (and linking to my sources, primary sources as much as possible), but looks like this one slipped through the cracks.
I’ll look into it further. I’ll do more research on this point and report back in the next day or so on whether there are better references(s) to support this point or whether I was completely incorrect.
Thank you Rosemary, and of course I did not think that you had any intention of deceiving us. Your integrity is very much appreciated!
Hi klipfisk,
I’ve checked and indeed you’re correct – I can’t find studies that back up my assertion that higher mortality in elderly in Italy was linked in some way to higher rates of vaccination in that population. I’ll ask the editor if he can put some sort of note / correction in the article.
“Italians are still trying to understand why Bergamo is the epicenter of the epidemic. One factor may be that the city was vaccinated en masse, not once but twice, in the 2 months preceding the outbreak there.” – Alexis Bugnolo (writer) c. 2020-07
I don’t have the link.
I found the link for that quote:
It continues:
In the fall, according to records 141,000 doses of vaccine against the winter flu were administered by the local health board. Of those, 129,000 were Italians over 65 years of age. Of those, 129,000, 70% had grave heart problems.
…It is reported that the anti-influenza vaccine administered at Bergamo was Vaxigrip Tetra, a product of Sanofi Pasteur, the same pharmaceutical company which is working on a vaccine for coronavirus! Vaxigrip Tetra is referred to in the Ministry of Health’s Publicity for the winter flu vaccine as a quadri-potent vaccine containing 4 strains of H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses
…It remains, therefore, of scientific possibility, that Bergamo, the epicenter for the Coronavirus epidemic, in Italy, and currently in the entire world, was prepared for susceptibility, wittingly or unwittingly.
…The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has their fingerprints on every aspect of the Corona epidemic. And yes, their Foundation on October 29, 2013 announced a collaborative effort with Sanofi Pasteur to develop faster methods for vaccine Research and Development.
A very belated thanks very much Clem!
Flu vaccine:
There is no evidence that it prevents the *transmission* of or complications for flu. The evidence seems to discourage vaccination in healthy adults as a routine public health measure [Cochrane Collaboration meta-analysis of published studies, 2010 which it reiterated in 2014]. In fact, repeated annual vaccination reduces resistance to at least certain variants [US CDC research 2014-09].
The overwhelming majority of published research shows that getting an annual flu vaccine can actually increase your risk of contracting flu or flu-like illnesses. The vaccine increases the risk from covid-19 [US military “study: 2020-01].
The vaccine increased transmission of the virus by >6 times through breath [research in US PNAS, 2018-01-18].
The vaccine is sold with warnings on potential effects: immune, allergic, muscular, respiratory, skin, vascular, neurological and psychiatric diseases. E.g. convulsions, narcolepsy and Guillen-Barre Syndrome. Cochrane Collaboration emphasised the lack of evaluation for GBS.
The warnings mention the lack of safety studies for pregnant and nursing women. Yet, US CDC recommends the vaccine for pregnant women.
The vaccine is exempt from placebo studies required of other medicines. According to a 2010 HHS-funded study, US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System detects <1% of resulting injuries. Flu vaccines account for nearly a quarter of compensation paid from US Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund.
Naturally acquired immunity is superior at reducing mortality over multiple flu seasons, even in the aged [US NIH research 2005]
– Robert Kennedy Jr., childrenshealthdefense.org, 2020-05-09
Rosemary, under Error Eight, Claim 7 you quote the Ontario Ministry of Health: “When the vaccine is well-matched to the strains circulating in a particular flu season it can prevent the flu in up to 60% of the overall population”.
But flu vaccines are nowhere near as helpful as that. The Ontario Ministry of Health seems to have confused absolute and relative risk.
For instance, from a 2018 Cochrane Systematic Review, “Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults” (link at end):-
“Healthy adults who receive inactivated parenteral influenza vaccine rather than no vaccine probably have a 1% lower risk of experiencing influenza over a single influenza season (2.3% versus 1%) (moderate certainty evidence).
That is, the *absolute* risk reduction is just over 1%. Basically, in this scenario, if you don’t vaccinate you can expect 2.3% of people to come down with flu; if you do vaccinate everyone you might expect only 1% to succumb.
Looking at relative risk, however, 1% is forty three per cent of 2.3%. That’s the sort of figure the Ontario Ministry of Health was using but it doesn’t mean you are going to stop 43% (or 60%) of the population from getting flu (though that seems to be what they were suggesting).
Please tell me if I’ve got this wrong – I’m no mathematician!
I don’t know what data the MOH use to arrive at their 60% figure. It doesn’t seem, though, that they got it from that Cochrane Review paper. Because saying ‘it can prevent the flun in up to 60% of the overall population’ is very different than saying there’s a reduction from 2.3% to 1% (for a relative decrease of 43%).
I wrote that section of the article fast because I was under a time crunch, and also because there’s so much that’s already been written about the problems with vaccines in general and with the vaccines ostensibly being developed against Covid in particular.
If I’d spent more time I could’ve found a stronger statistic to show the uselessness of flu vaccines, and also would’ve added info on how the dangers of flu vaccines far outweigh their benefits.
Heart-breaking. Things have become so evil, it feels unreal. Thank goodness for Whistle Blowers.
Health workers and government are conspiring to kill grandma, not to save her.
Under cover of applauding the NHS and flattening the curve to protect the elderly, the agenda was always to get society comfortable with euthanasia.
Killing people by starvation and dehydration or by stopping their breathing. How progressive and technocratic.
This lady calls it murder. I agree.
I used to be a care worker with the elderly back in the 1980s. It sounds schmaltzy, but it was a great honour to spend time with them and hear their rich life stories, to assist them in their daily lives, and generally just to be around them. It was over thirty years ago, and there were well over fifty ‘clients’ as Social Services called them back then, but I still recall each and every one of them. This breaks my heart.
Sadly these staff and officials are doing exactly what Bill Gates described in one of James Corbett’s videos:
Summing up the cost of those few extra years of life – and deciding those people aren’t worth it. David Rockefeller could have six heart transplants because, I guess, he paid for it. So he bought his right to a few extra years.
Just watched the video. Let me get this straight – care homes are being used as killing factories and the modus operandi is controlled neglect. Subsequent deaths are recorded as death from coronavirus?
It’s beyond comprehension.
Remember these parts of the capitalist mantra: productivity, efficiency, cost-cutting. The inmates are not productive.
Is this video saved on other sites?
It’s on BitChute. Also found another vid on the subject from the same woman, a lawyer called Clare Wills Harrison.
No one on the planet has covid (a concept) as far as I’m concerned. My Mom (83 or 84) went into the hospital last night. She has unbearable pain in her stomach. I’m feeling queasy about that. I hope she’s not terrified. I don’t think she knows enough to be terrified, thankfully. Regardless….
Further insanity. Now from the Philippines.
Prolongued use of face masks may lead to gum disease
OT – What’s next for cultural programming?
Is Covid and social distancing the death blow to Electronic Dance Music.
If Festivals join my No No Square, then who, what, where?
What does the CIA have in store for the next counter cultural youth movement?
EDM afficionados see soft drugs and music forming a mind-expanding musical movement, one world, one love. All the references to mind control and a New World Order are ironic.
From outside, it’s a capitalist, computer-generated commodity in 57 Varieties of same-but-different; the beat and chord structure feed dissociative processes as in spiritual trances and military marching. With laser shows projecting globalist symbolism, it’s a form of mind control.
Critical thinkers see parallels with the Counterculture and LSD… incompatible claims that it expands minds, while focusing on the self; psychotropic drugs; corporatist control behind the youthful smiles. The likely role of the CIA in creating the counter culture has been documented by authors like Dave McGowan and Tom O’Neill.
Fade to Black
EDM relies heavily on festivals for its revenues, which is how DJs earn their income. But their pay’s been falling for several years now. The International Music Summit said by 2018, EDM had already shrunk to just 3% of the music market in the US in 2018.
Yet it remained the face of popular music, heavily promoted by the Corporatist Media. Until now.
Is the Corporatist Media preparing us for the the next shift in popular tastes?
Suddenly EDM is not progressive: The grievance industry has taken aim at the gender-imbalance in EDM: Less than one-in-10 DJs is a woman. BLM may finally kill off the fashion for feathered headdress so popular among the festival crowd.
Billboard – Gay Black Men Helped Create EDM. Why Do Straight White Men Dominate It?
EDM Struggles: White DJ Goes Black Face, Calls Himself ‘Slave’
Insomniac – Women Produce 9% of Electronic Music
Chicago Tribune – EDM is a big, lucrative world, but not for women DJs
Ebay – Indian Headdress For Sale
But the real damage is economic – to the bottom line:
DMN – DJ Earnings Plunge to a Five-Year Low as EDM Revenues Continue to Slide
NPR – The Mainstreaming Of EDM And The Precipitous Drop That Followed
Esquire – Coronavirus Might Kill The Music Industry. Maybe It Needed To Die
ABC – Tasmanian live music industry in crisis as COVID-19 clampdown rolls on
Music Week – MixMag Pauses Print Edition
MixMag (2015) – Is the EDM era finally coming to an end?
MixMag (2020) – Will coronavirus really collapse the live music industry?
The Diplomat – Can Wuhan’s Punk Scene Survive the Coronavirus? 🙂
UNESCO – https://en.unesco.org/news/culture-covid-19-impact-and-response-tracker
So what next, in music – or popular culture in general?
More here: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-new-normal-will-change-music.html
Bad news from sunny France: from the direct experience of friends, people are wearing masks outdoors, even where it is not compulsory yet (more and more towns are making them compulsory outdoors, but its still in most of the country the mask is only compulsory indoors, not outdoors), even in villages.
The mask is making people disconnect from their surroundings, so people are not seeing whats around them, they dont see you, they dont see signs you may be putting up against the measures, they just past them. They are living in their own little bubble, which has become restricted to their bodies.
The problem in France is all dissenting people are being oriented to one site, and there is no voice that has clearly stated there is no pandemic. That site (which is likely controlled anti-narrative) and the general anti-narrative attitude is mainly: there was a pandemic, and its for the moment not there, and not coming back.
So nearly the whole population believes there has been a pandemic and if you’re convinced of that, evidently you’re going to keep on taking precaution. Also this makes both those voices and the general population unlikely to be able to take a clear stand when they will clear romp it up (which they have begun doing, slowly increasing day by day) and say the pandemic is back.
Indeed these voices are upset with the measures, but if there is a pandemic then its hard to argue strongly against the measures, it then becomes a matter of mere opinion as to their efficacy and to their goodness or evilness.
Those who didn’t lift a little finger to inform themselves (and tv doesn’t count) deserve the ruined lives they are now living. The problem for the minority who care (and caring is knowing, as I always say) is that we now have to endure their abuse as they proceed to fill up their empty lives with covid 19, becoming amateur government (fascist government) agents, in Randolph Bourne’s words.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
That reminds of me of the dutch women who had their heads shaved and were tarred and feathered for sleeping with German soldiers at the end of the war.
Antifa is pro fascist. Only in Covid 1984! But really, Those women should not have been there, supposing that they were for real.
Have you got any reason to suppose they weren’t “for real”?
I didn’t say they weren’t. Give me a reason to suppose that they are for real. That’s what I’m asking for.
I’ve seen a lot of fake stuff over the last decade or so, but these two women look real to me. And there were a lot of people with cameras so it would have been difficult to control any sort of fakery. Here’s a different camera:
Re: “Those women should not have been there.”
Apparently, it’s where they live. It’s THEIR neighbourhood.
Neighbors confront destructive Portland protesters, get splattered with paint
Aug 7, 2020
KGW News
On the second night of vandalism outside the Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct, two neighbors stood up against protesters responsible for the destruction.
Thanks for the info.
The woman’s heart is in the right place and her courage is inspiring, but she’s misled about BLM.
A government report provides an estimate of the how many people died (and will die) as a result of the lockdown measures. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/907616/s0650-direct-indirect-impacts-covid-19-excess-deaths-morbidity-sage-48.pdf
The authors of the report are, for obvious reasons, at pains to minimise the lethal effects of the lockdown. Yet, they cannot but acknowledge that the lockdown measures killed tens of thousands of people and will continue to kill people into the future. Moreover, they also are forced to acknowledge that the lockdown measures were more lethal than the virus when measured by the standard quality adjusted life years.
The report is dated 15 July 2020, but like the earlier 8 April 2020 report, it has been kept very quiet.
There is no evidence of a pathogenic virus so how can a fantasy have caused any deaths? Deaths were caused by the injection cult poisoning people and causing terror.
I don’t need entertainment. I need information. If one comes at the expense of the other… I am not a fan of Alex Jones’s type presenters. I’m not saying being robotic. You can always quip and smile and frown, etc.. But it’s like spice. Is a food super spicy so you can’t tell how bad it is or because the chef just really likes spice? I don’t want to have to guess.
I was not aware of this and very surprised they would have bothered with a extensive report on the lock down consequences.
As I see it’s 188 pages and needs a bit of time aside to comb through the pertinent stats but what’s the simplified conclusion?
Have they included in the likely hood of excess deaths from hospital surgical appointments and cancer patients and potentially people unable to get diagnosed as of a result of the cancellations?
Any ball figures of the Numbers of dead potential that they are guess-timating from the lockdown specific?
Changes to emergency care estimated to cost QALYs 147 000.
Care homes estimated at 10 000 deaths.
Changes to mental health estimated to cost QALYs 21 000.
Changes to primary care estimated to cost QALYs 3 500.
Impact of social distancing estimated to cost QALYs 134 000.
Impact of reduced economy estimated to cost QALYs 157 000.
Yes, the COVID “holding pattern” is keeping firm i.e. the permitted stage for public inspection has shrunk to a tiny little corner. All attention on the “safest” mask to wear, how to tie them, how – and how often – to wash various parts of your anatomy, how close to go towards people, how many people you are allowed to meet, how many items of regular media discourse can be refashioned for “COVID presentation”, what items of regular media discourse will have to be forever relegated to the dustbin etc.
Meanwhile – lots of shuffling going on in the background – but move along now, there’s nothing to see here!
what ‘new world order’ Tobias?
“Congrats to Dame Barbara Woodward – our new Ambassador to the UN.
She brings formidable experience to the role – not least from her recent appointment as our Ambassador to China.
This is a critical time for the UK to push the UN to urgently adapt to the new world order”
he’s a traitor!
A growing number of missing children on the Big Island is causing concern – Hawaii, Jun 20, 2020
At least 15 cases of missing and runaway children have been reported over the past two months, the latest being three siblings from Pahoa. On Monday, June 15, there was a report of an incident at a Na’alehu gas station where two men allegedly tried to get into a truck with kids in it while their sister was inside the store.
A Facebook group called Watch Your Kids Hawaii has over 18,000 members where people post incidents and the latest news.
The BBC turns our attention to the past, and to China. But the reality is that child kidnapping is here and now. ‘It took 32 years, but I finally found my kidnapped son’
Reports Of Child Exploitation, Trafficking Increase During Pandemic, CA, Jun 23, 2020
In April of 2019, there were 287 reports in the county [mostly involve sharing illicit photos of minors]. This April, the number shot up to more than 850, the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office. data show. The local numbers mirror a trend happening nationwide and across the world.
In April 2019, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Alexandria, Va. received about one million reports of child exploitation online. This April, the Center received more than four million reports.
The San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force, which focuses on sex trafficking cases in the San Diego region, conducted 12 rescues between March and May of this year, more than double what they did during the same months last year.
Center For Missing Children Records 1,000th Recovery After Native Wyoming Kids Saved, Jul 24, 2020
This is at the centre of the nightmare.
OMG! This is terrifying. I hope she’s OK. I have faith in Germany to do the right thing.
She was detained for 24 hours and after the initial rough treatment was treated well enough. She was interviewed about a week ago and spoke of how traumatised she was by the whole event, but she’s otherwise well and working through the experience.
Toby, thank you so much for your reply. That’s a huge relief. Goodness will prevail.
I read this in a different article:
[The lawyer was charged for incitement yesterday, with her attorney sounding the alarm bell over her treatment.
“I shouldn’t have to add Bahner’s claims of very grave abuse have untoward connotations of the darkest chapters of German history,” he said.
“The mere fact she claimed to have been so badly abused was what prompted me to write to you. Bahner is in the company of over 50 well-known experts in criticising the nationwide lockdown; I would be glad to furnish you with a list of their names. If it really is the case lawyers critical of government measures can now be intimidated using the state legal apparatus or psychiatry, and can be professionally and socially destroyed, then it is five minutes to midnight in this country.”
Bahner has won three cases in the Federal Constitutional Court and written five books on German medical law.]
She’s a heroine of the highest order.
I remember this when it first happened.
And had read up on her.
She is a very powerful threat to the establishment with her accolades and academic knowledge of the medical law.
They had to scare her into silence.
We are dealing with malevolence.
Since this COVID thing began, the media have gone into a “holding pattern” whereby real news has been marginalised or even blocked. Somewhere out there the real world is proceeding with all manner of changes thanks to COVID and yet these changes have been relegated to a kind of “privileged space” where the “professionals” will decide what happens. In the meantime, the public has been transformed into a completely inert mass who are called on to just sit tight and obsess over the minutiae of face mask protocol etc. And the cherry on the cake is that “the Left”, who you would usually expect to be the first to object and recommend definite action, are the first to fully back up this COVID protocol. Indeed, the moment anyone queries the situation, this “Left” leap on them and denounce them for being “Right”!
I do believe you are quite correct!
I am seeing it daily…the detractors are denounced as the “right” while the conformers are the “left”.
Is this how the Stasi was formed?
The “left” is now the neoliberal progressives?
The germ theory is based on politics. For the right the germ is the left and for the left the germ is the right. The public are pursuaded it it is the germ that is the problem rather than their own actions or inactions. That they choose to read and watch obviously dodgy media with nothing beneficial to offer. That they participate in the abuse of animals and eat cooked stodge devoid of life force. That they hand over money to sponsor wars killing children. It is the terrain that is what matters not the outer delusions of germs. People can very easily learn how to live in paradise and take control of their own health and future.
That, then, is a fake Left. Which means that those people are rightwing.
But the professionals who decide what happens still enjoy their very large salaries and super – especially the public health officials and politicians. How can they possibly understand the terror of a future where just to pay the rent and buy food will be an enormous challenge?
Military To ‘Joint Venture’ With CDC To Distribute Coming Vaccines
HCQ = prophylactic = “vaccine”
Do not get the test, proof of nasal vaccine.
The police state in action in Melbourne. It’s all for a “virus”. Fuck you, covidchok halfwits . . .
I have a morbid fascination with this video. Just as the protestor Fanos Panayides starts quoting “The Mark of the Beast” the police lunge at him, arms outstretched like zombies.
The symbolism is striking, the message: don’t speak those words. The come at him like the living dead. If COVID don’t getcha, the police will. They know they are being filmed. It was all over the web.
Who is listening and who instructs police to pounce? In my experience from student demonstrations years ago, police never listened. Somebody probably took names and monitored – but now certain words trigger police incoming. Just like the trolls online.
Do the Organs of State Security, as the Russians called them under the Tsars, monitor political speeches in real time, then order police to stop that mouth?
Is Australia a testing ground for the limits of police intrusion in the West, just as China was for lockdown, facial recognition and social credit? Zero tolerance for free speech? Victoria Police intervened to quash a planned gathering of anti-mask coronavirus conspiracy theorists at a gym in the Melbourne suburb Cranbourne on Saturday night.
A family member of one of the event’s organisers told The Age she contacted police to warn them it was happening. “We were trying everything possible to get the meeting stopped,” she said. “We’re all just trying to do the right thing.”
The right thing.
To keep us safe.
That’s the echo from the corporate media and the behaviour of the lemmings.
Is this the chance of a lifetime in an increasingly fractured society for the heroes to do the right thing?
To yearn and lust for retribution?
What has led to this state of affairs?
What has happened to our Australia?
Who are these officers of the law?
Well said Ergo.
Thanks Grafter, Im near to tears of anger over that video.
Yeah the police lunge at him as if they don’t expect to catch him. And he isn’t even running.
Moneycircus, one main issue here is the woman who alerted the police. No one forced her to, but she did. If you read how Germany became a police state in 33, you see the same thing as today: the police, or Gestapo, were very few to begin with, and did not have to power to coerce people. Basically the people did more than they were asked to do, they all denounced each other, schoolteachers, headmasters and so on took it on themselves to change the behaviour of the people. And the other thing is as laws changed, whatever particular persons may have thought of the policies, they abided the law, because its to do the ”right thing” to abide the law. Hitler’s coup d’état did not require force. The later coercive state could come into being precisely because the vast majority participated in some way in bringing it about. That I think is the main point we need to understand.
Today you are getting the same thing is much worse: educators, pseudo-scientists, especially psychologists, taking it upon themselves to change human behaviour in a far deeper and grander scale; people denouncing one other, calling the police. Or simply like this neighbour of mine, who however painful she is finding the measures, applies them to the letter, because it is the law, even though there is no police around to force her to do so. People like in the 30s are not realising that a ”peaceful” change of laws IS a coup d’état.
And there is another dimension which was not there to this extent then, if at all in th 30s. Basically there are millions who for money, not conviction,
are manipulating those of us who think differently, possibly by controlling opposition, by controlling even the anti-narrative discourse, and when necessary by directly trying to destabilise those individuals who have the capacity to analyse and debunk the narrative not just superficially, but its very basis, and who have the means to reach out to the public. Its a complete industry Im told, who are extremely well trained in psychology. Unfortunately in some countries they are being successful.
As for the mark of the beast trigger, do you think Moneycircus that it has anything to do with the microchip or vaccine? I mean the ”mark of the beast” can be taken as an allegorical way of talking about the microchip. (Im not a Christian, but if you were microchipped, you would lose your humanity, and you would I guess in Christian imagery become a creature of the beast). So the question is:
to what extent is the microchip becoming a reality?
So then this would tie up with the hypothesis which you know about the testing being possibly a means of introducing something.
hope, the “Mark of the Beast” quotation is a warning against tyranny. It may be historical, it may be allegory, it may be prophecy but its meaning is clear. That makes it powerful.
Whether or not you believe in God, those words have a clear meaning in our present circumstances. The Mark of the Beast is common in popular culture. The quote is an Internet meme. It is no longer some obscure religious text. It exists beyond and outside the Book of Revelations.
A non-believer will interpret the words in the same way as a maker of microchips or an authoritarian. The words are powerful because they animate people.
Furthermore, we know that many in power are occultists and members of secret societies. We don’t have to believe in Satanism ourselves to know that other people take it very seriously. That includes members of the military and the intelligence services.
That quotation is threatening to authority who have discussed schemes to ‘number’ people, to track them, to control their ability to buy and sell. To score their social credit and use that to limit our freedom.
It seems the “Mark of the Beast” quotation triggered the police action. That was the moment they chose to intervene and they went straight for the speaker, Fanos Panayides.
There is a video from a wider angle here: https://www.facebook.com/271891950146963/videos/1075805442801728
Regardless of the fact I discarded my roots, I am fascinated by the book of Revelation. I have read that there is a belief John, exiled on the Isle of Patmos, was under the influence of some mind-altering substance when he wrote it, and it is not difficult to imagine that upon reading it. We are likening this current situation to 1984, but perhaps Revelation is not so far from the truth either. Flee to the hills, I say again!
… under the influence of some mind-altering substance…
That is a commonly stated viewpoint. It might be asked though, what other comparable works of literature have been produced by that method? But I suppose for an unbeliever to accept the book’s opening statement (that it was the “Revelation of Jesus Christ”) would not really be an option.
You might have to ask Timothy Leary about other writings under the influence of LSD. And of course believers attribute this to a divine hand: I am not disputing this. I don’t think I have come across an atheist’s opinion – e.g. Richard Dawkins.
There certainly is something going on. Since these people do not possess the requisite testicles, they don’t have the guts to come right out and tell us what they are really up to. We can safely put the cronyvirus story to bed. It was a crock of shit from the beginning.
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if The Age just made up that quote from that “family member”.
Now that’s a good point.
The corporate media could indeed incite the readers with an underhanded fake quote from a “family member”
How mundane and edible is that?
Indeed, everything is possible given they’re now using people to control the dissent, and the anti-narrative. This would then be a means to create the behavioural change that we denounce one other, and to make people abide the law without realising that a legislative change can in itself be a coup d’etat.
Thanks Hope,
The OG articles are moving along swiftly but I am still on this one which has caught my attention.
The question of who can I now trust really?
How the psyops has penetrated to the level where I am becoming quite vigilant and very careful what I say to whom.
This is the climate in the Victoria Oz..
I say this again and again.. Don’t the police, the military and politicians have kids too? Is this the kind of world they want for their own friends and families?
Yes it’s very eerie and like you the outstretched arms are like the body snatchers, a flesh eating character from a video game.
I would love to know exactly what type of psychology training these type of police Force go through?
Pavlovian conditioning definitely with their trigger words to act and react
Its hit fever pitch down here Reg. Full on Blitzkrieg. All the sheeple are bowing to kiss the hand of Dictator Dan Andrews. I know people in general are stupid, but to this level, scares the shit out of me.
That’s why the controlled opposition is so intent on defending the virus theory. If its not covid then the flu is for sure caused by a virus. They need to maintain the fear that gets people to forget all other considerations and the virus fantasy is at the core of maintaining that fear.
Rappoport on the surreality of this nondemic . . .
That’s one of his best!
It flows rapidly with the pace of his increasing discombobulation.
Very entertaining.
What was once surreal analysis now sounds commonplace.
Mark Devlin & Isaac Weishaupt – Adrenochrome Symbolism https://youtu.be/–piTG3g5xA
Weishaupt is a pst-pst-pseudonym 🙂 of the author of this site.
Thanks for the reference to the excellent fact checking work on HealthFeedback.org, Rosemary.
‘We are the fact checkers. We decide which facts we are going to check up on and which factoids we will let slip under the radar. We are very mindful of the fact that our funders will not appreciate us showing any of them up in a bad light, so opinions which are critical of our funders will always be subject to ascerbic ‘fact checking’.’
That is about the long and the short of it.
Gates funds the fact checkers, he funds the UK Government advisors who have been so cretinously incompetent. He funds the WHO, which has modelled its Covid19 actions on the IPCC’s ‘settled science’ approach to politics.
So who out there is NOT funded by Gates who is prepared to fact check every assertion, right and often wrong, put about by that billionaire who equates his monetary power with competence in healthcare?
It is not exaggerating to say that Gates’ prior actions in healthcare spheres should have led him to experience life imprisonment.
It says much about the lack of fact checkers, the lack of lawyers willing to prosecute a criminal multibillionaire that all his multifarious actions funded in Africa are ‘just one of those things’…..
Gates seems to have bought every UK politician too, including Nicola Sturgeon.
Non-stop sales pitch is what you get from these creeps. They realized in the early 2000’s that these engineered pandemics meant the creation of an entire constellation of economic opportunity- that’s the story and it’s out there for anyone who wants to look.
Can someone fact check this interview:
When nobody else has any integrity left, Rhys, your own integrity must be in eternal doubt on every single assertion you may care to make.
“There were 61 new cases in Preston in the week to August 4, the equivalent of 42.6 cases per 100,000 people – up from 21.7 per 100,000 in the previous seven days.”
That’s not even half of 1%. Total insanity.
‘Cases’. Were they actually ill, or just testing positive for some coronavirus or other using antibody- or PCR tests?
A ‘case’ can mean someone who feels perfectly healthy. Yet someone who’s dying of cancer will be neglected.
I did have a bird called ragieregdub. Very sexy bird, I used to launch her from my feet, She used to lay eggs, She could fly and was a lot faster than “Whisky” my cat..then some idiot opened the window, and she flew off determined to find a male budgie and make more budgies.
Personally, whilst Breadfan is very good, and well I reckon Geddy Lee copied at least some of Burke Shelley – both play bass guitar and both sing really well…
My wife on hearing this, just walked into my coven – my back room with all the toys and the mess…
She says her favourite is
“In For The Kill” – I said they won’t like that.. We are going to Wales soon
Geddy Lee and Burke Shelley are still alive too. Geddy is almost exactly the same age as me. I thought he was about 10 years younger
Excellent article! Thank you!
microbiology of masks – in French
French ?
ah, oui – but there are subtitles
Although it is obviously spanish and not french.
PART ONE – UK Column News – 7th August 2020
Qui tacet consentire videtur. He who is silent is taken to agree.
(He who is stuck in awaiting for approval gets reposted)
Prof Sarah Gilbert and Sir John Bell, both of Oxford University, give information to the House of Commons Select Committee that T Cells are more important than antibodies. Studies from Oxford University and Singapore suggest the T-Cells provide natural immunity. This undermines the need for a vaccine. https://www.arabnews.com/node/1698871/world
Patrick Henningsen says the scale of Event COVID has surprisingly revealed information that governments did not expect. How will they react to this information – by ignoring it in the financial interest of Big Pharma? Just as they ignored Hydroxychloroquine.
Governor of the BoE Andrew Bailey said “It’s important that we move forward and not keep people in unproductive jobs”. This suggests they plan to close parts of the economy down.
The Agenda that was already in place to reset the economy, is now being announced under cover of COVID. A whistleblower told UKC some months ago that the government was debating whether to restart some sectors of the economy. Mark Carney, the former governor, previously explained that the New Green Deal does not allow any sector that is not carbon neutral, or working towards it, to continue.
The Bank of England publishes a bunch of cheery headlines but fails to back it up with data in its latest monetary policy report
The BOE predicts massive bounce in Q3, up +18% after a fall in Q2 of -21% and Q1 -2.2%, with inflation staying well below target despite the unprecedented printing of money. https://www.niesr.ac.uk/latest-gdp-tracker
Sectors fared differently: Staples remain steady but work-related, social and delayable (discretionary, white goods?) items are well below normal.
Looking forward, investment intentions have fallen sharply.
UKC Comments:
Retail sales from physical stores have fallen massively, and online sales only partly offset them. Likewise consumer confidence has improved but from what level?
Governments are doing nothing to save the economy. Rather they are using the elderly as an excuse to shift the economy and government into an authoritarian mode.
Yes, the BBC chooses to use H.G. Wells’ dystopian novel as the title for its report:
In this BBC projection of future life, the fictional employee Laila goes to work and has a temperature and facial recognition test to gain entry – UKC: presumably masks are not a long-term problem.
Start times at the office are staggered. No buttons in the lift. Voice activation only. Corridors have been widened so she can socially distance. Desks of antimicrobial material to repel bacteria – UKC: so not viruses, then.
She chats at a distance while she makes coffee in the kitchen. The UV light is on permanently to kill bugs. Screens between desks will be removable and easily stored, though in the BBC image, the model uses pot plants instead of plastic.
She lives in a suburban house, with a stand up desk – UKC: this is not the countryside, it is an expansion of the city.
The BBC gives no thought to what happens to the immune system when the air is purified, you don’t touch people, you use sanitizer all the time. There are implications for distance working. Does the company have access to the home office? What about those distracted by children?
New Labels for Government and State-affiliated Media Accounts
Seemingly neutral, the rules target foreign countries while ignoring the propaganda role of domestic, state-owned media outlets like the BBC and NPR.
Mike Robinson says the distinction between British or Chinese outlets is moot. Maybe the Chinese are imposing news on their broadcasters. Maybe the BBC employees choose to reflect the government and intelligence agencies agenda. The outcome is the same.
Patrick Henningsen asks what Twitter considers to be independent media. Twitter is lying that independent media does not advance a political agenda. Is The Guardian independent when it runs fictional stories by Luke Harding about Paul Manafort visiting Julian Assange in the Equadorian embassy? That served a government agenda. And it is standard fare for The Guardian and the Murdoch Press.
For Twitter to presume to be the referee… is ridiculous… when it will restrict people from search. That, Henningsen says, is stepping over a red line. People have the right to find information, if only to criticize and deconstruct it.
Anyone worried about their position should check the FAQs on https://www.defundbbc.uk/
Oversold has been spy and would be 50-somethig prettyboy Christopher Steele (sorry, my take) pops up in a BBC story claiming “more must be done to stop Russian interference”.
Moscow aims to create polarity, great partisanship and divisions within political life, the likes of which we have not seen in democracies before.”
Mike Robinson asks isn’t that what Christopher Steele and Britain’s Mi6 did tho the U.S. when it created the fake dodgy dossier, or pee-pee dossier, that launched the fake Russiagate campaign against President Trump?
Mi6 and Christopher Steele interfered in a foreign election – exactly what they accuse Russia of doing. Even though Steele has been utterly discredited, is being sued for libel, the BBC still thinks he is a credible source on Russia.
1997 article from NYT shows how epidemic was suspected after faulty tests – hospitals were emptied, 1,000 healthcare workers were sent home, thousands given antibiotics and a vaccine — eight months later they realized the whole thing had been a false alarm based on a faulty, quick and highly-sensitive molecular test.
Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasnt – https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html
Express tests have a bad history of false positives, from Whooping Cough to HIV AIDS. These cannot diagnose an active virus.
They are thus useless as an indicator of prevalence of COVID.
Oestrogen pills for men against COVID – fake news shocker.
UK telly has a daily avalanche of COVID experts. ITV’s Good Morning Britain show promotes Dr Amir Khan, a GP who runs a Bradford surgery.
Birth Control Pills could be effective against the virus, even for men, he said. When Patrick Henningsen retreated that Tweet – it went viral. UK Good Morning Britain took the video down.
UK Column News – 7th August 2020 https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-7th-august-2020
UK Column is about the only show I know worthy of the term “journalism”.
They are not the government. Just a bunch of thugs causing trouble.
BREAKING: Preston extra restrictions.
From midnight tonight Preston residents
•Cannot have others in your homes and gardens
•Cannot visit other people’s homes or gardens, even if they are in an unaffected area
•Are not permitted to mix with other household in indoor venues
your on it thanks
matt hancok got his ass kick on air the other day Manchester news
a lot of what you just posted it what Matt cock could not work out, so now they used that car crash interview and fucked the people up there even more
but you can still go to the pub and restaurants..?
The DHSC said that restrictions in those areas will remain in place for another week.
– Which areas are affected?
The new restrictions come into force in Preston from midnight on Friday.
Restrictions will continue to apply in Greater Manchester, including the City of Manchester, Trafford, Stockport, Oldham, Bury, Wigan, Bolton, Tameside, Rochdale and Salford.
They also apply to Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale in Lancashire, and Bradford, Calderdale and Kirklees in West Yorkshire.
– Why have restrictions been imposed in Preston?
The DHSC said that Preston was added to the list of areas under restriction at the request of the local authority.
It has been added to Public Health England (PHE) and the Joint Biosecurity Centre’s watch list as an “area of intervention”.
The rate of new cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 population in Preston has jumped from 21.7 in the seven days to July 28 to 42.6 in the week up to August 4, according to new PHE data.
It has reported 61 new case in the seven days to August 4.
Lancashire’s director of public health, Sakthi Karunanithi, said the “two main reasons” for the rise in infections were people meeting others in their houses and households coming together in venues such as pubs.
lol no. there is no such thing as covid so how can there be covid restictions? absolute nonsense. There is social closening regulations to help recover from the lockdown crime.
These are just drills to get everyone sufficiently prepped for the upcoming compulsory vaccination purge.
When the population has been completely reprogrammed and made obedient then restrictions will lift and vaccinations will be sucked up by the braindamaged victims.
An easy intro to the psyop on this site.
We knew they would be be doing this ever since the “lockdown” meme started. Their plan is blatantly obvious and the longer this aberrant behaviour continues the more people will realise that this is indeed a scam fabricating their *deadly virus” agenda . The sheep will begin to realise what awaits them when the roundup begins .
Clare Wills-Harris-Harrison is a Lawyer who works here: https://www.willsjacobsen.co.uk
You can find other videos she has been uploading about this in the last four months, here:
this caught my eye:
Clare Wills – Harrison
Yesterday at 9:29 AM ·
I’m going to be really rude now.
To all the absolute fucking idiotic fucktard people that have the absolute front to call themselves human beings and STILL in the face of top doctors, top epidemiologists, top virologists, whistleblowing lawyers, ambulance drivers, paramedics, nurses doctors, and care workers, in the face of the evidence of skewed stats and skewed test figures, in the face of the evidence of DNRs on people in care and hospitals, the cases of people starving to death in care due to end of life protocols, the tragedy of what has been done to education by lockdown, what has been done to finances by lockdown, the absolute shit load of in your face irrefutable on the NHS own website figures of those who have died OF Covid (1363 last time I looked), just get the fuck out of my life and away from me. I mean for good. Please just fuck off.
You are a danger to all free people. You call us conspiracy theorists. No I’m afraid you are the ones relying on a made up story told by this govt and you have bought into their sage psyop messaging, and now think it’s ok for people to suffer and die as long as you do as your told. So you are in fact the only conspiracy theorists that exist because you base your utter shit show of existence on an absolute pile of bullshit. You are the ones living in fantasy land. And you are the ones denigrating and abusing any free thinker. So now you can have my abuse.
Please know I’m not looking to wake you up, I don’t care if you dont like me, or if you laugh at me. The only thing I care about is that you stay the fuck away from me and anyone I love.
Keep your shitty scared world with your pathetic made up nonsense rules. Dont talk to me, dont come near me, and dont even look at me. Stay the fuck out of my life, and away from those I love and care about.
That meditation went well then
They won’t take any notice from me, and I ain’t far off 70.
On the plus side, I think I will last longer than them.
The stupid b@stards won’t move. They are glued to their TV screens “40% of their waking time” They don’t get any exercise. They don’t go outside.
They don’t need any 5G – that won’t have much effect. and much to my embarrassment, I am beginning to agree with Gordon Duff, and I reckon he nicked my graph. I posted it here first. The next day I saw it on his blog, and I have never recommended Veterans Today – I have not posted there in years – a lot of it is bollocks, but you have got to read between the lines. Oh Sh1t.
I still think it was a nuke, but I have only personally told one person, and he didn’t seemed the slightest concerned, nor the slightest surprised. I told my Son. He is a clever boy.
We are going sailing with him after a few days camping.
When the subliminal message comes over the TV screen which you don’t see
..It is probably repeated numerous times, without you seeing it.
Well as because amost all our family have given up TV, we probably will not see the subliminal programming – hardly at all over the next few weeks
I seriously recommend, Not Watching TV.
The internet is O.K. It’s not as fast as the TV, and the signal gets far more compressed and degraded, and you can shout back at it, if you have got a new Android TV
I’ve tried it, but she refused to put Black Sabbath on, so I asked her if she would play Led Zeppelin – and she did.. – Straight out of the box. My wife turned up from shopping – and I said you try it….this thing is bloody amazing.
My wife’s telly went weird. It is still awaiting collection.
She’s O.K. though. I almost always agree with her, and sometimes, if its a good idea, do what she says.
We kept the Androud Telly. Whoever might be listening to us , and maybe even watching my wife and I and our family.. might get an Education.
We did not choose to do this.
We are Innocent. We are Normal.
We haven’t done anything wrong – we make loads of mistekes, but we can’t lie. We are absolutely useless at it. We are not actors.
If we try and lie….they know..might be a bit of facial reaction or other body marks or changes in colour – my wife went cherry red, the first time I saw her..and it was not a Groundhogs Gig. I hadn’t met her then. She is still here with me, and Tony McPhee is too…and he is 76.
His wife Joanna Deacon is lovely.
We have met them a few times over the years
Thank Christ for the Bomb!
I am not far off that view myself.
Starting to really resent collective stupidity
And I make it worse to say ‘oh it’s not their fault, it’s the biggest psychological operation ever, they’re being used’
It’s a cop out to not feel so much frustration for myself.
Most of these folk are doomed and think if there’s any real long term damage from this through Vaccines or lockdown o mental health
It’s your own fault.
This is survival of the fittest
You don’t get a manual to tell you all the death traps and deceiving and gaslighting that’s being used.
You use your intuition and intelligence to figure that out.
And you don’t need to have doctorate’s or esoteric insight to acquire this.
Common sense and a good deal of skepticism, which im shocked in Ireland as we had centuries of practice when the Brits had us beaten down with their rape pillage and murder campaign had made such a hard breed and took a lot to fool a real Irish soul, now it’s just willingly compliance and try be the EU’s class lick arse.
Im proud to be Irish
But im ashamed of ireland right now.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading that, Bob. Thanks.
At last we are going for a few days peaceful camping, where no loud music is allowed at all, and you are only allowed to talk quietly around the campfire after 10pm – which is allowed – they will even sell you the wood…(we have been there before)
So if I am in the mood to do it, on the final morning, at about 9:00 am , as we are packing to leave, if I am feeling wicked, which I probably will be, if I see anyone wearing a mask, I may put this on extremely loud. Even I am amazed at the undistorted volume of the sound system, that came in my old car. I am not allowed to do this at home..
This is LOUD. It’s The Heavy from Bristol. The intro to this song has been banned by youtube. I have no idea why..These are the lyrics
“The House That Dirt Built”
“If you value your sanity don’t go in the house
If you believe in evil don’t go in the house
Because the people who live there
Aren’t people anymore
Don’t go in the house
But if you do, don’t say we didn’t warn you”
Excellent article but unfortunately it’s structure in most part precludes it from becoming effective deprograming tool for those millions who are slowly waking up from torpor, making their first baby steps out of matrix of COVID cult and out of believing in COVID dogmas.
Much more effective way to achieve such a goal than precise rigorous and tedious scientific elaboration only few can grasp in such concise form presented step by step destroying credibility and legitimacy of COVID cult “revealed” assertions would be blatant attack on self declared blanket credibility, legitimacy of rendering authoritative judgment in supposed interest of public , and expertise on all subjects including COVID phenomenon claimed by fact checkers and pointing out huge irreconcilable conflicts of moneyed and ideological interests making Fact Checkers merely proxies for representing vested interests of COVID propagandists in politics, Wall Street and medical establishment far from what they claim to be, neutral observers or impartial judges in this critical for welfare of population medial debate.
Instead of moving on with long details repudiating specific lies, absurdities, straw man arguments, meaningless tautologies, logical and bandwagon fallacies and/or false dichotomies (COVID exists or does not exists) etc., few of those newly COVID awaken cult members would be able to absorb, they should be first exposed to repudiation of central COVID dogmas like extraordinary lethality of Corona virus and supposed unprecedented, unique horrific toll of pain and suffering and death that COVID supposedly brings to people. They should be told that threat of death from COVID for people below 65, according to official data, is hundred to thousand times smaller than from for all other reasons combined and hence with mask or without they should watch out when crossing the street.
To deprogram a cult member one must first break instilled by cult programming panic, confusion, fear of imminent death or harm and absolute trust and submissive dependency on cult elite’s words and deeds.
This article if it is to be aimed at former COVID cult members or those starting on such journey should preserve first 25% of background about social media censorship scheme Fact Checkers perpetrate, their utter bias and ignorance leaving actual response to smear, lies ad hominem attacks and misrepresentations of OFFG articles moved to appendix and current appendices moved to references with nested references to scientific articles and media for those who are ready to examine evidences of COVID lie in detail after they have been deprogrammed out of COVID cult dogmas enabling faculty of human reasoning and healthy skepticism blocked by emotions nurtured by COVID cult leadership.
In no way responses to Fact Checkers’ mostly baseless allegations of inaccuracies or false conclusions should be dignified by directly and specifically responding to them without first totally delegitimize fundamentally deleterious precepts of their purpose, function and self-proclaimed authority.
Any notion that “fact checkers” could be persuaded by hard facts and strict reasoning must be totally rejected as nothing but implicit recognition of their prerogatives and submission to their authoritarian dictate.
I have consciously tried numerous and varied tactics. The one that has worked the best by far is to open up with a question, listen to their answer and then give what is the actual answer for in virtually every encounter the answers given are way off target.
I do this numerous times a day and the one fact that currently seems to be working to open up eyes and mind is the average age of “death from Covid” and how this exceeds normal longevity in the countries mentioned. I open up by asking what they think the average age is and the answer normally given is around 50-60 years old. When I tell them (and list off countries) that it is 81 with 2 or more comorbidities they are always surprised and most often curious. This opens up more pathways.
If I were to go into, “Does Covid even exist, PCR tests are a fraud” or other more complex discussions it would lead to dead ends- I’ve tried these too.
Judging from this and other articles I’ve read, plus a video by James Corbett specifically refuting the “Fact Checkers,” I get the impression both “fact” checking and refutations of “fact” checking is more about form than content. It all seems to boil down to a “He said, She said” controversy, with the actual “facts” being discussed coming in a close second.
Perhaps that’s how it must be; but the lay person comes away thinking “I still don’t know any more than I did when I started.”
Why are the police exempt from wearing face masks?
I’m glad of this, personally. Imagine how inhuman they might become.. I’m quite sure many of them see this for the farce it is.
What scares me most, is that most people know this is a fake ‘plandemic’.
80% of the people I’ve chatted with when I’ve been out have voiced the same opinion: “the masks thing is garbage” said one. “This is a giant hoax” said another.
The Gov knows we know, but is pushing ahead with fascism regardless. And the fake Left who’ve spent decades waving their socialism flags (George Galloway, Owen Jones, The Morning Star, the SWP, WSWS, the Labour Party, the unions) have gotten into bed with the commandants.
I spoke with an old mate earlier who said he knows he can get an exemption from wearing a muzzle on the bus cos he’s asthmatic but he does it anyway to make people feel better… I don’t wish to argue with such an old friend.. I’ve sent him info… it’s depressing there is nothing you can say to some people.. all one can do is keep uncovered and smile. It takes a lot of energy.
PS the MU were quick to support musical silence in support of BLM (including the support of a list of various organisations including trans activists, natch, etc.) and similar because Wiley said something terrible apparently… no-one canvassed memebers for their opinion… and they never replied to my message months ago about when they were gonna stand up to the tyranny which basically made being a live musician illegal.. that’s just the unions.. essays could be written about the likes of Owen Jones…
Just to tediously point out my usual:
There is no evidence of isolation of SARS-CoV-2
There is no evidence of any virus causing COVID-19
This is a psyop (which would never in a million years have any use for a real virus) and the evidence points to it from a number of different angles loud and clear.
I don’t mean to suggest people aren’t getting sick or dying just that it’s from all the usual reasons, not any special virus.
There is/was a virus, but it is nothing more than an ordinary virus that is now measured and of which the positive result is called ‘Covid19’, while we used to call that flu or common cold. For the rest I am in full agreement with you (that Covid19 is used as a psyop)
Where’s the evidence of a special virus, Willem, if:
— there is no evidence of isolation of SARS-CoV-2
— there is no evidence of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 causing the infectious disease, COVID-19?
There is no special virus. There is a new technique (quite faulty, yet with some sensitivity) of testing for common cold/flu. That’s all.
Hasn’t been isolated properly yet
Or met the 4 Koch postulates yet
Great way to put it, Willem.
PART TWO – UK Column News – 7th August 2020
Qui tacet consentire videtur. He who is silent is taken to agree.
Victoria declared a State of Disaster – Massive lockdown in Melbourne and other cities. Under the slogan: “Staying Apart Keeps Us Together”
Measures include 8 p.m. curfew, mandatory masks, 1 hour of exercise a day, within 3 miles of home. Pubs, cafes, restaurants will stay open as hospitality is regulated, but you can’t meet friends at home because the government doesn’t trust you to behave. The Australian Defence Force will knock on doors to see if people are home when ordered to quarantine.
Cash for people in insecure work: $300 payments available if you take the test, $1500 payment if you test positive
What kicked off the FTF?
A surge of 671 new cases as a result of massive testing.
As for deaths in Victoria at the time of the announcement:
1 woman in 50s
2 men in 70s
2 men and 1 woman in 80s
2 women in 90s
All were in care homes.
Johns Hopkins University deaths per 100,000
UK 69
U.S. 48
Australia – Victoria 2.6
Australia 1.0
Governments and media play along with use of “denier” to draw comparisons with religion.
Conspiracy theorist Eve Black dramatically arrested in Melbourne – Eve Black filmed herself refusing questions at a border crossing between provinces. Police had no choice but to smash her car window after she refused to roll it down.
Mask protestors arrested ahead of crime – for organizing a protest about masks.
Is Australia a testing ground for the limits of police intrusion in the West, just as China was for lockdown, facial recognition and social credit?
Coronavirus: Anti-masker meeting in Melbourne shut down by police
UK Column News – 7th August 2020
From 11 minutes https://youtu.be/aErt3j3W8bA?t=656
‘ He who is silent is taken to agree.’
I agree. But I also agree with ‘when the truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie’
Isn’t it the problem that opinion that challenges the narrative (and there is plenty of that) is silenced?
I also agree with ‘actions speak louder than words’
Remaining question: what type of action is needed? So far, my action is
– not to follow the narrative,
– boycott all institutions, colleagues and friends who are with the narrative (since I already gave them plenty of homework by means of sceptical Covid articles for institutions, and sceptical questions about the covid mania for friends and colleagues).
– make friends with anyone who is not taken in the covid scam (plenty of people to chose from)
But that works in NL for now. Not sure what to do if you live in Melbourne…
Impossible to leave without a watertight reason as all the state orders are patrolled by power hungry police who mean business.
“Staying Apart Keeps Us Together”
Orwell must be spinning so fast he’ll be burrowing towards the centre of the Earth!
All of the above is fascism. The woman who snitched on the anti-mask protest might have doubts herself when she’s forced to take vaccines for life or risk losing her liberties and rights.
Hi Moneycircus
Pubs, cafes and restaurants are not open. 6 week closure except for takeaway. These businesses basically haven’t been open fully for 3 of the last 4 months.
The only businesses open to the public are:
Grocery stores
Bottle shops
Petrol stations
Newsagencies (propaganda outlet)
Post Offices
UK Column News – 7th August 2020
Qui tacet consentire videtur. He who is silent is taken to agree.
Prof Sarah Gilbert and Sir John Bell, both of Oxford University, give information to the House of Commons Select Committee that T Cells are more important than antibodies. Studies from Oxford University and Singapore suggest the T-Cells provide natural immunity. This undermines the need for a vaccine. https://www.arabnews.com/node/1698871/world
Patrick Henningsen says the scale of Event COVID has surprisingly revealed information that governments did not expect. How will they react to this information – by ignoring it in the financial interest of Big Pharma? Just as they ignored Hydroxychloroquine.
Governor of the BoE Andrew Bailey said “It’s important that we move forward and not keep people in unproductive jobs”. This suggests they plan to close parts of the economy down.
The Agenda that was already in place to reset the economy, is now being announced under cover of COVID. A whistleblower told UKC some months ago that the government was debating whether to restart some sectors of the economy. Mark Carney, the former governor, previously explained that the New Green Deal does not allow any sector that is not carbon neutral or working towards it will not be allowed to continue.
The Bank of England publishes a bunch of cheery headlines but fails to back it up with data in its latest monetary policy report. https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/report/2020/monetary-policy-report-financial-stability-report-august-2020
The BOE predicts massive bounce in Q3, up +18% after a fall in Q2 of -21% and Q1 -2.2%, with inflation staying well below target despite the unprecedented printing of money. https://www.niesr.ac.uk/latest-gdp-tracker
Sectors fared differently: Staples remain steady but work-related, social and delayable (discretionary) items are well below normal. Retail sales from physical stores have fallen massively, and online sales only partly offset them. Likewise consumer confidence has improved but from what level? Looking forward, investment intentions have fallen sharply.
UKC Comment: Governments are doing nothing to save the economy. Rather they are using the elderly as an excuse to shift the economy and government into an authoritarian mode.
Yes, the BBC chooses to use H.G. Wells’ dystopian novel as the title for its report:
In this BBC projection of future life, the fictional employee Laila goes to work and has a temperature and facial recognition test to gain entry – UKC: presumably masks are not a long-term problem.
Start times at the office are staggered. No buttons in the lift. Voice activation only. Corridors have been widened so she can socially distance. Desks of antimicrobial material to repel bacteria – UKC: so not viruses, then.
She chats at a distance while she makes coffee in the kitchen. The UV light is on permanently to kill bugs. Screens between desks will be removable and easily stored, though in the BBC image, the model uses pot plants instead of plastic.
She lives in a suburban house, with a stand up desk – UKC: this is not the countryside, it is an expansion of the city.
The BBC gives no thought to what happens to the immune system when the air is purified, you don’t touch people, you use sanitizer all the time. There are implications for distance working. Does the company have access to the home office? What about those distracted by children?
New Labels for Government and State-affiliated Media Accounts
Seemingly neutral, the rules target foreign countries while ignoring the propaganda role of domestic, state-owned media outlets like the BBC and NPR.
Mike Robinson says the distinction between British or Chinese outlets is moot. Maybe the Chinese are imposing news on their broadcasters. Maybe the BBC employees choose to reflect the government and intelligence agencies agenda. The outcome is the same.
Patrick Henningsen asks what Twitter considers to be independent media. Twitter is lying that independent media does not advance a political agenda. Is The Guardian independent when it runs fictional stories by Luke Harding about Paul Manafort visiting Julian Assange in the Equadorian embassy? That served a government agenda. And it is standard fare for The Guardian and the Murdoch Press.
For Twitter to presume to be the referee… is ridiculous… when it will restrict people from search. That, Henningsen says, is stepping over a red line. People have the right to find information, if only to criticize and deconstruct it.
Anyone worried about their position should check the FAQs on https://www.defundbbc.uk/
Appear in BBC story claiming “more must be done to stop Russian interference”.
Moscow aims to create polarity, great partisanship and divisions within political life, the likes of which we have not seen in democracies before.”
Mike Robinson asks isn’t that what Christopher Steele and Britain’s Mi6 did tho the U.S. when it created the fake dodgy dossier, or pee-pee dossier, that launched the fake Russiagate campaign against President Trump?
Mi6 and Christopher Steele interfered in a foreign election – exactly what they accuse Russia of doing. Even though Steele has been utterly discredited, is being sued for libel, the BBC still thinks he is a credible source on Russia.
1997 article from NYT shows how epidemic was suspected after faulty tests – hospitals were emptied, 1,000 healthcare workers were sent home, thousands given antibiotics and a vaccine — eight months later they realized the whole thing had been a false alarm based on a faulty, quick and highly-sensitive molecular test.
Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasnt – https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html
Express tests have a bad history of false positives, from Whooping Cough to HIV AIDS. These cannot diagnose an active virus.
They are thus useless as an indicator of prevalence of COVID.
Oestrogen pills for men against COVID – fake news shocker.
UK telly has a daily avalanche of COVID experts. ITV’s Good Morning Britain show promotes Dr Amir Khan, a GP who runs a Bradford surgery.
Birth Control Pills could be effective against the virus, even for men, he said. When Patrick Henningsen retreated that Tweet – it went viral. UK Good Morning Britain took the video down.
UK Column News – 7th August 2020 https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-7th-august-2020
HealthFeedback.org are amongst a growing number of well-funded mouthpieces of vested interests that try and obscure facts in the way Big Tobacco once tried to obscure the links between cigarette-smoking and lung-cancer.
One of the newest is NewsGuard (newsguardtech.com) which certainly guards you against news – and guarantees pure, genuine propaganda!
The facts around covid no longer matter the myth has been sold to the sheeple . That fiction is fully serviced by our rulers and their minions . It will only become more draconian as the fall flu season approaches.
Could people be so gullible? That is a question for me, but also a question for them!
Anyone who takes 2 minutes for himself can shred the covid narrative in 1000 pieces. That must trouble the narrative makers..
Was it Einstein who mused “one should never underestimate the limits of human stupidity” ?
I don’t think it troubles them at all. They wouldn’t have made the narrative if they had thought it might cause trouble. They know their sheeple well.
My personal hunch is that countless millions of people know this is all baloney, but they don’t dare to rock the boat by speaking out.
I agree but people need to start speaking out now.
They must speak the truth and back it up with facts.
Once people stop complying the madness stops.
Isn’t the problem that the people who could effect change are not listening to people who speak the truth? How can we change THAT?
The facts are indeed the facts, but our parasitic so-called representatives don’t want to look at them.
The self proclaimed Fact Checkers are on their face dishonest. They claim to be checkers of factual accuracy, but what they actually do is decide issues of judgement, rather than matters of fact. And issues of judgement are just that: reasonable people, who do not disagree about any relevant facts, can (and often do) disagree about the judgement that one reaches on the basis of the relevant facts. If the fact checkers were just fact checkers, there would be no problem and they would be providing a valuable public service. But the fact checkers could not care less about actual facts; what they care about is bolstering official narratives.
Thanks for this, especially the revelations about who is funding science fact-checkers. I should have guessed! My own account takes a different tack: I fact-checked the individual scientists who freely volunteer their expertise to ClimateFeedback.com (a subsidiary site of fact-checkers ScienceFeedback.com) after a close friend used them to rubbish claims by expert critics of ‘climate crisis’. In 2019, about 600 climate experts officially petitioned the UN to listen to sceptics and not just constantly platform alarmists like teen activist Greta Thunberg. They provided cogent reasons and arguments why talking about ‘crisis’ is absurd. But Climatefeedback experts claimed these knowledgeable experts and their message that ‘there is no climate emergency’ were either fools or frauds. Not once did they condemn the teen activist with no scientific training and whose parents and friends are all firm believers in extreme left group Antifa. Suspicious, I analysed all scientific stories rubbished by Climatefeedback (around a hundred back in March) and discovered that they never ‘fail’ any reports or research which supports alarmist theories of climate change. The bias is complete. Only sceptics get labelled as fake science, a ridiculously unscientific practice. Then, if you fact-check the fact-checkers personal profiles and publications, you will see that all of them reject any criticism of human-caused global warming. All assume humans threaten nature and climate, never the reverse. In other words, they assume their own scientific work to be truth rather than opinion, completed science that will never change. These alarmed climate scientists have all forgotten that science is “belief in the ignorance of experts” (Feynman) and so see themselves as mere channels of true knowledge. Believing in our doom, they can then slander experts of different opinion and tacitly support teen fear-mongers instead. Madness. But I think what posters should most understand is that the experts and the lay-people who trust them are BOTH dupes, innocent fools who prefer to trust authority rather than adopt the endless scepticism on which science depends. They thus become anti-science, spread real fear of a climate crisis which may not exist, and reject all questioning, as did the medieval clergy who even burned those saying Earth revolved around the Sun and not the reverse. By assuming certainty, these anti-scientists close their minds to progress and challenge. They cannot be wrong. This is why fact-checkers are both the unwitting villains and the naive victims of the ‘truths’ they peddle. The best liars believe their own lies. You can read my fully referenced account here:
Climate crisis and COVID-19 “pandemic” are diametric opposites which should never be lumped together. The creme de la creme of ALL “facts” being floated by the media and checked by any and every one is the always noted but never refuted “Follow The Money” (to which, of course, one may add “And The Power”).
Global elites have already profited handsomely from the “pandemic” (in the US alone to the tune of trillions) – and it’s still in its infancy. But apart from the Green New Deal scam, there is if anything the potential to lose money, not gain it, from the climate crisis. Fossil fuel is the premier culprit; but until the “pandemic” replaces Big Oil with Big Pharma as Numero Uno in the world, Big Oil still rules the roost. (I refrain from allotting the Military Industrial Complex top place simply because it subsumes almost every other industry.) Therefore, I conclude there is no possibility Big Oil (and Coal and Gas) will become the sacrificial lamb for the sake of the climate – which leads me to, in turn, conclude the climate crisis to have validity.
As a side note, I would point out how quickly climate’s David (Ms Greta Thunberg) to Goliath (Big Oil) has faded from the public’s perception. The global elites, it would seem, have stated a decided preference for Big Oil over little Greta.
The climate crisis has validity because big pharma hasn’t taken over from big oil yet? Not quite resounding proof methinks. Big Money owns them all, including Big Climate. They don’t care what they put their big money into as long as they have all the money and can make anything they want Big.
Big Money proposes; nature disposes. For years, decades, centuries, even millennia humans have ravaged the planet. It is naively optimistic to presume such ravaging has had no effect on planetary cycles. It matters not what Big Money, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Climate say or do; all that matters is the accumulated effect on the planet.
If one accepts that human activities are so benign and insignificant as to pose no problem, then of course one must reject not only the tenets but also the gauged readings of climate science. If, however, one accepts that human activities are anything but benign and insignificant, then one must reject the notion that there’s nothing to see here.
More than 2000 nuclear devices have been test exploded. If radiation were essentially insignificant, then it would seem Earth’s magnetosphere is Much Ado About Nothing. Whereas the magnetosphere can keep solar radiation from entering the atmosphere full force, it cannot keep nuclear radiation from entering.
Guaged readings of climate science? If you had a look at Tony Heller’s Real Climate Science, you’d see how “guaged” they are. Raw data, not cherry picked and 20th century newspaper article reproductions tell the story.
Have you realised government policy is being determined by the unproven alarmist lobby in science?
The thing is, government policy is neither proof nor disproof of any particular phenomenon. Any sane person understands, e.g., that dumping toxic material into waterways is bad – yet the current government policy in the US is to allow such dumping.
Government policy is determined by lobbyists only to the extent that the lobbyists represent the wishes of the ruling class.
The Independent SAGE Report 7 …….
“Deadly virus”, and not one statistic relating to age groups and co-morbidities. The insanity is laid bare when public servants begin the groupthink mentality and assume that instant death is inevitable if we stray from the duplicitous narrative. Interesting to note that a vaccine solution is not mentioned ….yet.
Nazi style totalitarianism in Melbourne. Draconian measures enacted around the world. Politicians silent. The ruling class are testing the waters.
When will socialists wake up and realise lockdown is not about public health?
I am a Socialist in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs. I am here. Unfortunately there are not many of us left.
Same here.
While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong.
Eugene Debs
I often claim to be the last king of Scotland , unfortunately few agree with me , unless I’m buying their beer..
From what I’ve read and him, Eugene Debs was impressive. That he was an American within the ‘American Dream’ is all the more remarkable. I’m not surprised he was thrown in jail by the establishment.
At times i believe i’m the last king of Scotland unfortunately most folks don’t share my opinion ?
Not claiming to be royalty.
PS That also is against the Socialist principle of EQUALITY.
People are, however, not equally stupid.
That fact has to be reckoned with.
Socialism was never about Equality in any of socialisms various iterations . It is simply an improvement of capitalistic management systems , which produce an illusion of equality in unionized workplaces.
When will they wake up and realise that those who say HCQ offers great hope (and prove it with masses of evidence) are not in fact Satanic or evil Trump supporters?
I know people who would rather die than be cured by hcq stuff just because Trump suggested it. Actually they would sneak some when no one was looking,I bet.
The CORPORATE FASCISTS are doing this because THE PEOPLE are not fighting them.
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857
Unfortunately Eugene and Fred aren’t sacrificing billions of dollars to save them from the Apocalypse Virus of Satan which is going to turn them inside out.
Do you dislike the fascists more than the people?
It appears that so called socialist leaders are leading the charge on the vicious shared delusion that covid is deadly and extraordinary. Which to me belies another fiction , that socialism actually exists as a form of opposition to capitalism ?
Socialist leaders? Name one
Jeremy Corbyn if English Bernie Sanders if American .There are millions on that particular bandwagon.
You seriously call that socialism?
Corbyn and Sanders are both decent men, but the socialism which once existed goes much further than they ever could.
“Socialism-Lite” serves no purpose whatsoever, while Thatcher and Blair destroyed the blueprints for the real thing.
The” no true scotsman defense” , hardly original or helpful at this point? Socialism as you seem to envision it has never been successfully implemented ?
I am making no attempt to be “original”, but I considered it might indeed be helpful to remember what socialism once was, and no longer is.
For a start, my comment is no “defense”, as you call it, since I am not being attacked in any way, and therefore have nothing to defend myself against.
And I don’t understand how your last sentence relates at all to my comment. I most certainly did not say that.
The “no true scotsman defense” is a rhetorical device employed by fractious scots, mainly against each other, for centuries. ? I generally agree with your assessment of both Mr Corbyn and Sanders .But I have no idea how you would then define a modern socialist?
I was born very near Scotland, and know their ways well.
When it comes to defining a modern socialist, however, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing.
Money, and the pursuit of it, have turned what could have been decent socialism into just another form of capitalism – at least as far as any partisan representatation is concerned.
But then most political “isms” get completely wrecked by the undermining of individual thought which results from their particular “ism”. People then lazily let the political group do their thinking for them, and that inevitably leads in a reverse evolutionary direction – one which is of no use to individuals at all and discourages them from pursuing their particular talent.
There are few political groups today which can see clearly enough to be able to modify either socialism or capitalism to the point where they could serve actual human beings well.
Corruption is the reason. It completely takes over all meaningful discussion, and famously knows only “the cost of everything and the value of nothing”.
Anyone who had followed politics in Vermont since the 1970’s knew what Bernie Sanders was. He was the waterboy for Benny and Jerry’s and Tony Pomerleau. Murray Bookchin even wrote a piece about him in 1986, “The Bernie Sanders Paradox: When Socialism Grows Old.” What a hack.
Amen! 😉
I don’t disagree but many would . I was responding to Basher in kind to his dismissive response.
Nevertheless Mr Sanders represents a flavor of socialism to millions of Americans in the context in which i referred to him. .
Neither are ‘leaders’ of anything. I guess you’re backtracking if you can’t actually think of one ‘Socialist leader…leading the charge on the vicious shared delusion that covid is deadly and extraordinary”
I’m in France though, maybe you could enlighten me as to who my Socialist leader “leading the charge on the vicious shared delusion that covid is deadly and extraordinary” is then?
I’d guess you are wrong and auditioning for the role of socialisms apologist as you define it ?
You made the comment. Just name ONE socialist leader.
In fact name one country, that is playing ball with WHO etc over this covid BS, that has a socialist leader. Just back your comment with evidence. Please. Just type the words….
I did not make that statement I responded to it and named 2 modern era socialists ! In fact I see no operational differences between modern socialists or capitalists , be they disciples of the redefined versions of Adam Smith or Karl Marx. Ms Thatchers TINA declaration is somewhat true it appears.
“so called socialist leaders”
Beware of fakes. Langleyland-CIA sites or operations spouting Corporate Fascist Propaganda BIG LIES but mixing in a little Marx, Engles, Lenin or Trotsky with “their spoutings” are not Socialist. They are charlatans and frauds.
MASK NAZIS of the World take off your masks and breath in the fresh air, as NATURE had intended. Send the children back to school. Do not mess up their minds or their futures.
Historically and logically, socialism can only exist after capitalism, never before it. This is because it is a political system and ideology that produces no wealth itself, only policies and laws to control those who do produce wealth. As far as possible, socialists take command over the means of production and the fruits of our labour, which they redistribute according to socialist ideals of the collective good. By contrast, capitalism can exist and thrive without socialism, because it is an economic system in which freely-agreed trade to mutual advantage is the foundation. It needs trust and freedom to function, and imposes no political agenda or ideological visions on the producers of wealth. How people use the wealth they create is their business, not the government’s. In sum, socialism is necessarily derivative of capitalism and dependent on it. Socialist regimes control and feed from our economic activity, but they never do and never can substitute it. In the crudest sense, capitalism coerces no-one, while socialism coerces everyone except the ruling socialist elite. And because that elite must exist in order to enforce equality, it denies its own dream.
Your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post? Both socialism and capitalism are aspects of materialism , now melded as a new global religion , based on the ideas that unlimited growth is possible and that the purpose of humanity is profit seeking through servitude . The notion that the masses must serve the few, aka slavery is the most stable state of human existence is taken for granted even by Marx..
When will revolutionary socialists, Marxists wake up to realize that lockdown is not about public health but about preemptive counterrevolution. It is about unifying oligarchic class via unprecedented FED bailout and powerful counteroffensive in class war waged by ruling elite for decades which only just a few years ago spurred unprecedented international working class struggle for unity in their class interests and self defense amid deliberate collapse of mainstream economy by Wall Street parasites and capitalism itself, trying to invent itself in a form of Green or COVID capitalism preserving calcified power structures and financial dominance while praising phony political radicalism.
All that is veiled by ideology of postmodernism, reducing politics to identity politics of division and neo-feudal socioeconomic relations of forced dependency on financial capital via commodification suffering of humanity.
I suspect WSWS, and many others are infiltrated and exist as controlled opposition and narrative management.
Years ago a number of people cautioned me about SEP. I sluffed it off to “sectarian rivalry.” Their website appeared reasonably intelligent, well written and following along the lines of the writings of Leon Trotsky. Although, they did not take critique or even mildly divergent views or discussion very well.
In light of the present situation, perhaps those who cautioned me about them were not that far off the mark after all. But in all honesty, PSL and Workers World are more or less lock step behind the corporate fascist viral infection pandemic BIG LIE as well. One may as well be reading pages from the Economist. Sad.
Mr Stalin a full time tyrant, who at times claimed he was also a socialist, had Mr Trotsky and millions of other dissenting voices silenced.
That was certainly Chestertons somewhat tongue in cheek estimation revolutionaries in the Victorian era