Covid’s IFR just keeps DROPPING
New study says the infection fatality ratio of the "deadly virus" has fallen from 3.4% to 0.15%...that's plummeting 95% in less than a year
Kit Knightly

With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most recent data review, published in late March, puts the infection fatality ratio (IFR) at 0.15%.
That is, once again, pretty much the same as a normal flu season.
The new paper is the work of Dr John Ioannidis, whom you likely remember. He is an eminent epidemiologist and statistician who publicly urged the need for “good data” last spring.
Do you remember last spring? The blissful days of never having even heard of “infection fatality ratio”? (I do. Fondly.)
The phrase really rose to prominence last year, after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the IFR of the scary new virus was 3.4%.
This is not, in and of itself, especially high. But it is significantly higher than most cold/flu viruses.
Around the same time, somebody (or multiple somebodies) actually edited the Wikipedia page of the Spanish Flu, to change its IFR and make it seem like Covid was just as dangerous. Who did this remains a mystery, although why has become fairly obvious.
At the time, many experts (such as those listed in our 12 Experts article) predicted the actual IFR of “Covid” would be much, much lower than the WHO’s estimate, and that this would become clear as new data were gathered.
Dr John Ioannidis was one of the most vocal on this point, he was featured on our list and was also the first interview in the Perspectives on the Pandemic series. All the way along he has urged the need for cool heads and good data. His first a study, last April, found the REAL IFR of Covid19 was 0.27%. Then he did another in October that found it may be even lower at 0.2%.
And now, this most recent study found 0.15%. Right in line with seasonal influenza (which has, conveniently enough, dropped off the face of the planet).
That’s a reduction of 95% of the WHO’s estimate, in less than a year. It’s also right along the same lines as the WHO’s (accidental) admission, made last October, that around 10% of the world had likely been exposed to the virus, rendering an IFR of roughly 0.14%.
And remember to bear in mind the ridiculous way national governments collate their so-called “Covid deaths”. Even with the official death statistics being “substantial overestimates” the IFR is still low. Very low.
Now, let’s couch this with all the usual disclaimers: Yes, the virus may not ever have been isolated, and thus has not as yet been proven to exist. And yes, even supposing it does exist, it has not been proven to cause the disease known as “Covid19”.
But, increasingly, the distinction between “no virus” and “a virus that isn’t dangerous” seems entirely moot, doesn’t it?
As the real IFR of Covid is revealed to be lower (and lower, and lower) than the original estimates, it moves further and further into line with the basic background risk of just being alive.
Still, don’t forget to take that experimental gene-therapy “vaccine”. We don’t know if they’re completely safe yet, because long-term trials won’t finish for two years, and the technology has never been used on humans before, but still…you’ve only got a 99.85% chance of survival without it.
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Well one thing we can say about the …ahem! “science” around covid is that it is most certainly not being conducted in an objective way. Here is an item that seems to be getting flagged up by Agent Orage and Robbobobo:
David Gorski MD, PhD, FACS is not happy at all about John Ioannidis especially when the latter conducted “a prolonged attack on a graduate student”. This would be one Meyerowitz-Katz. Doctor Gorski frets,
“I’ve never seen such an attack in a peer-reviewed journal article ever, and I’m not alone”
Gorski is about to get his mummy on to you!
Here is Ioannidis:
“Meyerowitz-Katz is presented professionally as an “epidemiologist”, but apparently he has not received yet a PhD degree as of this writing and he is still a student at the University of Woolongong in Australia. Neither he nor his co-author of the evaluation (apparently another PhD student) had published any peer-reviewed systematic review or meta-analysis on any topic prior to the pandemic.”
Since Gorski himself refers to Meyerowitz-Katz as a “graduate student” then I would have thought Ioannidis was simply being accurate here. Ioannides then pays Meyerowitz-Katz a compliment by noting that the graduate student’s “Twitter account has interesting, smart content with strong advocacy, often supporting worthy causes”.
However, Ioannidis goes on to note, “the same account has also been generating tweetorial content reviewing various COVID-19 papers, including many critical/highly negative comments on my papers, e.g. on the IFR evaluation.”
So Ioannidis didn’t start it then! But he’s big enough to say,
“For fairness, readers may consult these Twitter criticisms of Meyerowitz-Katz and of another prolific Twitter critic with highly similar views as Meyerowitz-Katz (Atomsk’s Sanakan [64,200 tweets as of January 19, 2021], self-described as “Christian; Science, Denialism Debunked, Philosophy, Manga, Death Metal, Pokémon, Immunology FTW; Fan of Bradford Hill + Richard Joyce”, also supporting several worthy causes, e.g. debunking denialism).”
I always think that “debunking denialism” or indeed even the mention of “denialism” is a giveaway. To talk about “denial” is to suggest that something is so absolutely established that to doubt it at all is a sign of insanity. In short, he word “denialism” is a totalitarian word. It serves a similar function to the word “unbeliever” in the good old days of the Inquisition.
And it’s no surprise wen Gorski then expands this charge to “COVID-19 minimizers/deniers”.
We also read of the Great Barrington Declaration, that “at the time the Declaration was published, there was as yet no safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19, while now there are at least four.”
No need to waste time wating for results there, then!
We also hear of one Marty Makary (a surgeon according to my searches) who seemingly “of late has joined the COVID-19 minimization crew”. So, it seems sides are being drawn!
Gorski gets upset with ad hominems. Well how about this?:
“However, the assumption underlying Ioannidis’s analysis seems to be that there must be “bolts out of the blue” discovered by brilliant brave maverick scientists. It’s all very Randian at its heart.”
“Randian”! Excellent! Any (alleged) advocate of Ayn Rand is bound to stir up the wrath of the designated Left.
And this:
“Maybe the problem with Prof. Ioannidis was there all along, and I just didn’t see it until the pandemic amplified it for all to see. He seems, dating back at least to 2012, have had the belief that conventional science is too “safe” and “conformist,” perhaps with a bit of a self-image of himself as being the “brave maverick doctor” or iconoclast. Maybe that’s why, during the pandemic, he was so easily drawn to being a “rebel” or a “contrarian,” whose findings bucked the existing consensus, and maybe that’s why he can’t give that up. After all, it’s happened to greater scientists than he.”
Ooh meeaow! And after all there is indeed this “existing consensus” around covid which seems to have spring up remarkably quickly. Although those naughty “mavericks” and “Randians” are threatening the good health of the citizens!
There is no virus though George so it’s really a lot of hot air from both sides. It’s all sound and fury signifying nothing.
And what is your proof that there is no virus Petra?
You’re applying double standards and grandstanding. Simply quoting MSM sources, and not disclosing your alleged ‘non-MSM’ sources, and then calling others to account as if you’re an authority or arbiter, is simply not good enough.
I’ve seen this a lot, a tactic often employed by trollers etc. It is attention seeking, hypocritical and disruptive.
OffG’s Comment Policy states “If you are alleging facts back them up with data.” Therefore, please provide solid data sources (not MSM, opinion pieces or sensationalist medical shock-journalism) for your claims that:
Since you are filling up the comments section with unsourced, combative material, if you fail to start backing up these claims with data and continue to grandstand in this way, I will take steps to limit your unsourced inflammatory posts.
Thanks, A2
Thanks A2.
Many of the commenters here do not produce any evidence and any evidence they produce is secondary, quite often self quotations from non-scientific publications. When you state:
“OffG’s Comment Policy states “If you are alleging facts back them up with data.” Therefore, please provide solid data sources (not MSM, opinion pieces or sensationalist medical shock-journalism) for your claims…”
But you exclude MSM whilst yourself quoting opinion pieces from blogs that cannot be verified. This is not a level playing field.
The crisis in India is well documented by admittedly MSM but those as varied as RT, a website from India and the BBC. If you wish to limit quotes from the MSM altogether then I understand that you wish to state that only those views allowed by you should be voiced.
I do understand that this is your blog post and you are at liberty to limit discussion to what you deem to be the truth, which according to your logo, is sacred. But in so doing you are appointing yourselves and your commenters who purely agree with you as the arbiters of ‘facts’ and ‘truths’.
Good luck.
Hi Orage,
Don’t worry, it’s nothing personal. It’s certainly nothing to do with what you’re saying, which doesn’t upset me at all.
Honestly, many commenters aren’t fully engaging because it’s impossible to engage with someone prosaically parroting the MSM narrative, which has been disproved again and again. Perhaps unaware of this, your attempts at showboating are actually creating an information vacuum which can be misleading, disruptive and not all that interesting. Perhaps if you could provide a little more actual content?
BTW you were the one challenging people for evidence, while citing none yourself, I’m simply calling for consistency. Thanks, A2
PS. perhaps I was a little humourless in my first post to you. Do accept my apologies.
Dear Admin2 Sam
I do very much appreciate that you have taken the time to answer me in your blog space and to explain why you object to my writings.
First my motivation. You make statements amounting to innuendos that I am trolling. You of course have the ability to know that I am not because I have contributed here before and I have visited your website and followed it for a long time, and in the past admired its ferocious attack on imperialism and capitalism. It really is not my place to try and influence what you publish but recently your website seems to abandon all issues in favour of trying to prove that there are many intertwined hoaxes regarding the SARS cov2 virus, questioning the quite solid science behind the existence of the virus and claiming that the PCR is inaccurate. You also claim that nothing in the MSM is to be believed. You also require all critics to have a much higher standard of evidence than your followers. As a result your commenters are mostly one sided and it has become a sort of echo chamber.
So for the sake of brevity I shall concentrate only on some of the issues:
Does SARS cov2 exist:
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that a novel coronavirus has been isolated and characterized in December 2019 in Wuhan, that causes in some patients a severe picture of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This occurred in a much higher frequency than occurs with other respiratory diseases and together with other characteristic features, led scientists to look for a new virus. Now It is at this stage futile to reference all the data about SARS cov2 on a comment in your blog. But if you or anyone is interested, I will refer you to a large repository of data PubMed. Just enter that into Google and there are headlines within that website to direct you to the various aspects of what is known. This is not MSM, it is a repository of science and scientific writing. Just as an example, here is a scientific paper that summarizes our current knowledge:
History of the COVID-19 pandemic: Origin, explosion, worldwide spreading | Elsevier Enhanced Reader
So for some of your readers to just state that the virus does not exist or has not been isolated is just nonsensical, and if every time I say that the sun rises from the east, I have to give references, then no progress about what happens in reality can be made.
The next question that needs to be addressed is: Is the PCR a valid test for diagnosis of the presence of the virus. The PCR test is designed to be extremely sensitive and extremely accurate if used properly. Accuracy depends on what is called the primers that are designed to be used. These are manufactured in such a way that if you choose the right sequence the primers will only combine with the unique sequence from that piece of DNA or RNA. These sequences are determined for all organisms that can replicate, but of course there are some sequences that overlap in related species. So that there may be sequences relating to corona viruses that will pick up many coronaviruses, but by designing your primers they can be highly specific to only one of them. The specificity can be further increased by using more than one primer. With proper primers you will pick up say 100% of virus A and 0% of closely related virus B. The sensitivity of the PCR is then enhanced by the number of cycles used to amplify this reaction. This can be a problem if the sample is contaminated, as tiny amounts of contamination can carry over but most laboratory processes will prevent this cross contamination within the lab, although contamination at source would be difficult to control. Further, test batches are always carried out with positive and negative controls. One thing that is not understood by non-scientists is how the number of cycles in any one test is determined. In fact what you do is get the cycling done on say a batch of tests and end your reaction say at 40 cycles. But the majority of the tests that are positive will become positive at a much lower level depending on how much virus RNA is present. This can also be used in a semiquantitative way, the lower the number of cycles, the higher the virus load. If the cutoff is set at 40 cycles it does not mean that all the tests are run into 40 cycles to get a positive result. You can read more about it here, but it takes some scientific knowledge
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Fact Sheet (
But what exactly does a positive PCR tell you? It tells you that you have detected a sequence that is unique to an organism with a great degree of certainty. For example, it is now used in forensic medicine and used to convict on the basis of a positive PCR. What the PCR does not tell you is what the state of the organism from which this DNA or RNA came. So people who have the virus and show no signs of infection, will be positive, so will those convalescing and so will those who have serious illness. All it tells you is that there are markers of the presence of the virus, but does not diagnose disease. To do so, you will need to look at the clinical picture: does the patient have Covid-19 (the disease) or just came across the virus and did not get the disease?
In this sense Mullis, much quoted before is of course right, the PCR is just one part of diagnosis and is not the only factor, although it is an important one.
But these are two basic scientifically established and much referenced tenets of the novel coronavirus. If each time you need to prove this, no progress will be made. What is now paramount is discussing whether the response to the virus has been adequate, appropriate, misguided, over the top, opportunistic… and so on. The response of the governments of the UK and US have been abysmal, but because of the ideological discussion in these pages about challenging scientific facts, have been lost. Very little discussion centres about how China got over the Pandemic and other countries like New Zealand and Taiwan and South Korea are never mentioned. In other words, instead of dissociating the public health and scientific issues of these pandemic, from the political one and attacking both, great disservice is being done to the majority of mankind. We should be discussing vaccine inequalities for example and we should be discussing how sanctions against countries like Venezuela, Iran and Syria are crippling these countries and their efforts to combat the pandemic.
No, no we should not. Read some of these articles, acquaint yourself with some of the real science and questions surrounding it (why you are ignorant of these pieces since you claim to have followed OffG for a while I don’t know), and incorporate this into your future long screeds. If you fail to do this, after 12 months, you’re not contributing meaningfully to OffG, you are spamming platitudes.
I am glad George, that you are also reading other blogs that take a different approach to yours. That is encouraging.
First: Myerowitz Katz may have criticized Ioannides on his self published twitter feed, that is a personal decision, but the kind of criticism that Ioannides launches against MK are not really of any scientific merit and should not be published in reputable journals, I hope you see the difference.
Second: The blog contains a plethora of detailed scientific reasoning as to why Ioannides is wrong. First he cherry picks which publications to use for his analysis, out of 1085 or so who picks 5 publications, then he arrives a figure which pf an IFR which has already been exceeded in real life. There is ample criticism of Ioannides first study based on rathe inaccurate serological test, which strangely enough, those who do not accept the extremely high accuracy and specificity of thee PCR, accept as an act of faith, as being accurate. Second he is highly selective in how he recruited his subjects. As pointed out, these very flawed methodological errors would have led to this publication being rejected but was not because it carried the name of the great man.
Yup as Petra said, hot air.
“….not really of any scientific merit …” (Not “really”?)
“…has already been exceeded in real life…” Since the argument is all about figures, this is a bit of divine intuition?
“There is ample criticism …” I’m sure there is ample everything.
“rathe (sic) inaccurate serological test” How “rather” is “rather”?
“… strangely enough, those who do not accept the extremely high accuracy and specificity of thee PCR, accept as an act of faith, as being accurate.”
No acts of faith from you! You already KNOW that the PCR embodies “extremely high accuracy and specificity”.
I assume the “thee” is a typo and not you going all Biblical?
And then the mysteriously impersonal workings of the”Scientific” deity:
“As pointed out, these very flawed methodological errors would have led to this publication being rejected but was not because it carried the name of the great man.”
Critics of John Ioannidis, while they admit he is a great epidemiologist and extremely knowledgeable about medicine…cannot get past the fact that he apparently insulted a graduate student. Even, they say…I want to make sure you’re ready for this…making fun of his appearance!!!
Hey, I know! Let’s ‘Me too’ him right out of existence. By God, anyone who makes fun of graduate students…should not be allowed to practice medicine!! Whatever knowledge he may possess is absolutely worthless if he can’t be kind.
And away goes the hue and cry, chasing after moonbeams and other liberal values. John Ioannidis’s apparent lack of tact has nothing whatsoever to do with medical research, and he is either right or wrong on COVID’s IFR.Spell out the errors in methodology, please. Because his contention is the opposite view – that pro-vaccine medical researchers cherry-picked regions and locations which suffered very high death rates, such as industrial Northern Italy where poor air quality already invites a host of respiratory problems, so as to boost the overall IFR.
I’m seeing a pattern here, one that holds only doctors who support global vaccination, and believe COVID-19 is so dangerous that we must abandon our way of life to protect the elderly, are allowed to be heard. Those who dissent are ‘spreading disinformation’.
When reading about this mess I have to keep reminding myself that the ‘total number of deaths,’ even if remotely accurate, are spread out over two influenza seasons.
And as noted elsewhere, influenza has apparently been beaten, without a technology jab.
The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths. source
I may be wrong but it strikes me that a lot of discussions in this website mention countries like Sweden in the context of how you can be successful in terms of not shutting down the economy but at the same time keep Covid-19 deaths down. But the death rate from Covid-19 is not exactly very good, at over 1300 per million infections [that is an IFR of 0.13% or a 99.87% survival rate – so pretty ok and about the same as flu – ed], and rather poor in relation to other Scandinavian countries. Even more striking is what has happened in countries like China, Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia. Why I wonder are these countries not mentioned and their achievements and low death rates noted? Are there any lessons perhaps we can learn from these countries with proper approaches to lockdown?
Coz it’s all invalid bullshit, and the discrepancies from country to country (even in the same countries) makes it clear it is fraud, with policies dictating how much statistical “fudging” is involved, along with the enormous amount of bullshit regarding testing, protocols, worthless and damaging masks, lockdowns, vaccines, medications and treatment protocols. That is, aside from flu vanishing, murder of the elderly (like say, in britain, spain, some other areas), covid being synthesized, the enormous amounts of conflicts of interests, the fact that viruses aren’t and can’t do what’s claimed, etc.
How about you go compare what happened in areas, say, in america, where lockdowns and mask policies were enforced vs some other areas there (sometimes even those same areas, without lockdowns and mask policies). Lockdowns, masks and vaccines simply worsen health, anywhere.
[But the death rate from Covid-19 is not exactly very good, at over 1300 per million infections, and rather poor in relation to other Scandinavian countries.]
And somewhat better in relation to other fellow European countries.
But that does not fit your narrative now, does it?
[Why I wonder are these countries not mentioned and their achievements and low death rates noted?]
By “achievement” I assume you also include the devastating social and economic impacts?
Or does that not fit your narrative as well?
[Are there any lessons perhaps we can learn from these countries with proper approaches to lockdown?]
Yes, the “proper” approach to lockdown is to locdown continually and practically isolate your (typically geographically isolated) country almost without end.
And in between that you “lockdown” even harder every time some more people strangely, out of nowhere it seems, has the awful, dreaded, apocalyptic COVID “disease.”
So while that “proper approach to lockdown” goes on, also put your hands on your ears and sing la-la-la-la-la when anybody mentions (say) Florida, or Texas, or Georgia etc.
May your narrative be with you and keep you strong, Luke Orage-Walker!
Where is the devastation in China, SK, Taiwan NZ and Australia. Haven’t seen or heard of any, or does that not fit the narrative?
I noticed you mentioned something about issues in India…
So, hey, btw, can you tell me when and which vaccines were administered in India recently?
Along with that, have you done a comparison of disease issues before and after? Particularly among the vaccinated.
I guess you could ask the Indian Health Ambassador to help you with that.
Haven’t you noticed? Scamdemic/plandemic schmucks need to keep themselves in a state of continual hysterical panic. Stephen Fry, a well known bipolar personality, observed that if there were a cure for that ‘disorder’ (manic exuberance and energy one day or week or month, deblitating and even suicidal depression and lethargy the next) he wouldn’t take it. Slightly different derangement but same overall character for depressives–even suicidal depressives–or ‘self harmers’, etc. Take away their ‘illness’ and they feel bereavement. That doesn’t cover every scamdemic/plandemic poster here, of course. Some of the more reprehensible of the others are here to echo, feed and reinforce the afflicted’s delusions for various–mostly shabby, almost always covert–reasons of their own.
Whilst the MSM continues to ensure that everyone else is kept in a state of continual hysterical panic.
Why did the WHO previously recommend that lockdowns were to be avoided if at all possible? Actually, that’s not quite true – nobody had even heard the term ‘lockdown’ then as applied to voluntarily shutting off the economy, and it was a term used only to apply to prison procedures. What they said was that interruption of the population’s ordinary routine should not be interrupted to the extent it could practically be avoided. But I think you can see the parallel.
Comes to that, why would anyone listen to the present-day WHO administration? They have gone back and forth on COVID so many times that trhey could not truthfully be said to have a position on the issue. Fauci said there was no need for healthty people to wear a face mask. Then he claimed everyone should wear one. Then he said it was ‘only common sense’ to wear two – double up for twice the protection. Then he said there was actually no data to support that. Then he said children should wear masks even outside.
When Ohio’s Jim Jordan ripped him a new assholeon the issue of ‘lockdown’ states having higher – sometimes double or triple – the number of infections of open states with no mask mandates, he claimed it could be explained by ‘lockdown’ states having disobedient citizens who did not follow the direction on restrictions. And that made them have more infections than states which had no restrictions?
The mainstream narrative on COVID is simply not believable. It makes little sense, claims to be supported by science when it demonstrably is not and cites ridiculous reasoning for its approach not working. On the contrary, the floundering attempts to defeat the virus through suppression are making the ‘pandemic’ last longer.
The Ioannides paper referenced above giving a mortality rate of 0.14% is indeed interesting. It is interesting in the first place for those who are so skeptical about the diagnosis of Covid-19 and SARS cov2 infections in general or whether the virus exists at all, to give credence to a report by someone who does. But let that pass. Then is serology so much more reliable in diagnosing an infection (incidentally of a non-existent virus) than this highly dodgy PCR whose very inventor decried its use for diagnosing anything? Maybe, who knows.
But then let us look at the substance of the paper. Under 3.1
1084 items retrieved from PubMed and BioRxiv.
1075 excluded after screening titles and abstracts
9 potentially eligible articles
4 excluded after reviewing full articles
1 additional report included after communication with experts
6 totally eligible.
So really we have to make some allowances her for how definitive this data is as selecting 6 out 1086 articles could be interpreted as over selection that can itself lead to bias.
To give the author credit, he does discuss these limitations in his conclusions.
So this study focuses on IFR and so does the article above. But meanwhile it is an unescapable fact that there is a huge increase in hospital admissions reported in many countries. [context and citation needed -ed] The sickness from the virus, not leading to death must not be ignored. It has been well documented that it causes a strain on health services because of the high infectivity of the virus. This cannot be denied and the current crisis in India with shortage of oxygen supplies is very real and is not due to panic or make believe, unless you are like those in the middle ages who thought that malaria was cause by bad air, miasmata, and also like those religious extremists who believe that good Christians do not catch HIV.
Mr Orage. You are evidently a paid troll, so I’m addressing my comments not to you, but to any reader foolish enough to be taken in by your verbose crap. The normal flu season, as you well know, produces a lot of hospital admissions. This has been a normal flu season, though we’re now told the flu, which has visited mankind every winter since the human race began, just disappeared this year.
Your answer does not present any facts or attempt to counter my argument. This kind of comment is meaningless and betrays the lack of intellectual approach to the problem. I should reflect on what you say in future in order to avoid embarrassing yourself. Good luck.
Flu disappeared and Con-19 appeared with same symptoms and same IFR. HMGov is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Evidently a paid troll? So where’s the evidence (not counting simple contradiction of your opinion)?
“It has been well documented that it causes a strain on health services because of the high infectivity of the virus.”
Different from previous years in what way?
“… the current crisis in India …”
According to who?
Take a hike!
Can you present some coherent intelligent counter to what I write. A 10 year old child can do better.
But what you write is meaningless copy pasting of a fraudulent narrative and you don’t even address fundamentals, ever. Then again, what you cite is also copy pasting, by MSM. So.
I mean, you’ve been absent from any actual discussion about the enormous instances of fraud, conflicts of interests, contradictions, negative results, the basics of viruses not existing or functioning as claimed, never shown to be contagious, never “isolated”, covid being synthesized, vitamin D, RTIs and seasonality, flu disappearing, how people don’t get immunity to those RTIs, coz you can’t be immune to vitamin D deficiencies, ANY death being classified as covid based on a fundamentally broken fraudulent extrapolatory tool which is run far beyond reasonable specification EVEN for research purposes’ suggestion which also required among other things “massaging” the result with human chromosomal material and for a supposed virus with a spike protein that has homology to Nagalase (which is only found in the MMR vaccine and synthetic), supposed deaths attributed to covid having an age above life expectancy and that sort of miinor detail.
But hey, when you stand just outside a shop and a mask is somehow not meaningful there and never associated with any lowered disease, magically…beyond that door, the mask is absolutely crucial, right…even though it cannot potentially stop the mythical “viruses” (which have no motile function, cannot reproduce because, importantly, it doesn’t even have internal energy capabilities, like say ATP function)? But hey, it makes complete physical sense believing that.
The impression I get is that your knowledge of viruses is rudimentary and somewhat skewed.
Ha ha….baiter in full flight….no one but you has the facts….no one but you knows….totally no use disputing you all hero with all the knowledge…best of luck to you….
[Can you present some coherent intelligent counter to what I write. A 10 year old child can do better.]
What you had written was sufficiently countered.
When you could not counter back you responded with the “10 year old child” ad hominem.
There are some very bright 10 year old kids!
But you are not one of them, you’re trolling with MSM copy paste shit of narrative.
Why are the anti-covidians so fond of excrements?
Seriously, why do you bother? Do you think anyone here finds your laughable amateur “objections” to an article by one of the biggest names in meta-analysis and epidemiology interesting? What can you possibly contribute here?
As opposed to your highly intelligent remarks?
I contributed to this discussion by pointing out your laughable and amateurish “objections” to the article as just that: laughable and amateurish. You’re nowhere near qualified to assess the methodology behind the material at hand and you’re grasping at straws to “discredit” someone who is a world-leading authority in this field just because you don’t like the conclusions. So to answer your question: Yes, it should actually be fairly obvious.
And you are a professor of what exactly?
Do you need to have a certificate of indoctrination, as a professor, institutionally controlled with zealous allegiance parroting stagnant outdated, obsoleted garbage and a very drone-like narrative, to be able to “think”?
And of course, that predicated on the validation by said institutions so that you can derive the supposed worth of your egotistical moronic homogenized being. Coz what you “learned”, is entirely propagandist projection for establishment to enslave…
As Mencken said…
“It is the classic fallacy of our time that a moron run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will thereby cease to be a moron.”
And I gotta tell you, I have seen MANY morons parroting the same instructed garbage because of their interests.
But hey, if I ask you about the association of vitamin D with genetic regulation, hormonal balance, “immunity”, mental function, the seasonality and the empirical evidence of it being associated with every RTI, like clockwork in winter or low light conditions…because I’m not a professor, that’s no longer relevant, right?
[It is interesting in the first place for those who are so skeptical about the diagnosis of Covid-19 and SARS cov2 infections in general or whether the virus exists at all, to give credence to a report by someone who does. But let that pass.]
Of course let that pass, since the reason it in interesting to many here is quite obvious that it confirms what they long suspected: that the “pandemic” was overhyped.
Sometthing else that is interesting to me is that I suspect you may be the type of person who is a gullible sucker for overhyped narratives.
You need to comprehend how to present a case without embarrassing yourself.
He is VERY obviously trying sarcasm for the purpose of ironic reflection. He essentially uses the weakest “high-level” arguments the narrative presents, without addressing fundamentals, having willful ignorance, deflection, to make it clear just how much bullshit it is.
It’s “bad cop” sort of shit.
I daresay it “is an unescapable fact that there is a huge increase in hospital admissions reported in many countries” which “causes a strain on health services because of the …”
Ah but here we must pause:
“…because of the high infectivity of the virus”?
How about: because anyone with any ailment at all, if also testing positive for covid, gets a free pass into a hospital that has been completely restructured to allow for enormous resources to be commandeered for this …um peculiar virus and therefore results in less access for treatment for every other possible ailment.
Well no wonder there’s a strain. And no wonder that in India they are burning bodies in pyres.
Covid is a handy little bugger, a veritable gremlin of expedient hypochondria.
That’s all excellent news Kit. You have cracked it. Virus, if it exists, has mortality less than seasonal flu. But this headline is very worrying:
Covid-19: Delhi hospitals run out of oxygen supplies
Ah sorry forgot this is the BBC part of the grand conspiracy. But wait, what is this?
Multiple hospitals in India’s capital run out of oxygen as city struggles with massive coronavirus spikeFrom RT, not known to be an arm of imperial control, or is it?
Is also part of this conspiracy?
SOS: Delhi Hospitals Gasp For Oxygen As Many Report Acute Shortage, Several Run Out | See List HereWhat is worrying about all this is that conceding that SARS cov2 and Covid-19 do not exist, there is a major killer out there in India of totally unknown cause, very very worrying don’t you think?
What’s it like believing MSM?
MSM not monolithic when considering that these are publications from three different countries. Do you have any reliable source of infomation about what is happening in India? If so please let me know.
Virtually all of the media, throughout the world, is owned by about five or six billionaires, or didn’t you know?
Really ? RT owned by which particular billionaire may I ask?
RT (formerly Russia Today) is a Russian state-controlled[1]international television network funded by the federal tax budget of the Russian government.
Russia also manufactures vaccines against Con-19 the hype-othetical virus, for export as well as for internal consumption.
“Do you have any reliable source of infomation about what is happening in India?”
Like you I haven’t …
“MSM not monolithic when considering that these are publications from three different countries.”
MSM in different countries are oh so different, not at all fond of fear mongering et al …
It is easy to write unreferenced nonsense and keep crying out MSM and fearmongering without any evidence. Does hiding their head in the sand make ostriches any safer?
[Does hiding their head in the sand make ostriches any safer?]
Oh, how snarky. Insidiously implying that people who do not agree with your “truth” are behaving like ostriches.
You are such a nice person…. not.
Nothing wrong with ostriches. Also it has nothing to do with agreeing with me. At least the three wise monkeys keep it to themselves.
There is no similarity at all. I quoted three references from totally unconnected sources. You have no source at all, so we are really like chalk and cheese when it comes to being informed
rrrrrrrrrRRRRR – TISH!
Was that a sneeze George? You ought to get a covid PCR test quickly.
Not worrying at all. It’s just another “imaginary hobgoblin from the endless series of them, to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety).” Even if the hospitals in India do run out of oxygen, it’s caused by the mass hysteria, not any new disease.
Have you got any evidence of this? I am genuinely interested.
one ”covid” death PER MILLION PEOPLE in India. A calamity for sure. You’re another Brigade 77 loser ! Crawl back under your rock. Covid is a scam and MILLIONS KNOW and there is NOTHING you can do about it !
Actually the death rate so far in India is 136 per million, fairly low compared to other countries. But this may change rapidly with this breakdown of health resources. Also it is also possible that deaths from Covid-19 have been underreported from India.
As to your statement regarding brigade 77, your approach makes you more likely to belong to that sort of outfit than me. The rock under which the creepy crawlies thrive is more like your habitat, whereby to shelter from realities.
WRONG in the sense that is a CUMULATIVE TOTAL AVERAGE not DAILY as i prior posted. Regardless the 136 per million this is waaay less than UK (1869), Israel (690), Finland (163), Russia (739) (with same size population) and many others. You’re an idiot, plain and simple by your own admission from your last post PROVING my point. lol
Insults reflect more on your lack of emotional intelligence I am afraid.
yes, indeed, and what does that say about you if i outed your nonsense ?
From Pfizer’s gene therapy Fact Sheet/Insert, last time I checked:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that appeared in late 2019. It is predominantly a respiratory illness that can affect other organs. People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms may include: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea.”
Death is not included.
However, further below we see death mentioned thus:
“The vaccination provider is responsible for mandatory reporting of the following to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
vaccine administration errors whether or not associated with an adverse event,
serious adverse events* (irrespective of attribution to vaccination),
cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and
cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death.
Complete and submit reports to VAERS online at For further assistance with reporting to VAERS call 1-800-822-7967. The reports should include the words “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA” in the description section of the report.
The vaccination provider is responsible for responding to FDA requests for information about vaccine administration errors, adverse events, cases of MIS in adults and children, and cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to recipients.”
So according to Pfizer, Covid-19 does not cause death, but patients with Covid-19 may die if injected with their experimental therapy.
I suspect not including death as caused by Covid-19 may have to do with legal liabilities (as in, it doesn’t).
Check it out. More interesting facts, including a clue (mentioned by Kit) as to when the Emergency may end
Sweden with minimal interventions had and excess of 1.5% and the USA with lots 12.9%, Canada with lots 6%
So, why did Anfers Tegnell accept a BBC interview later last year, where he seemed remorseful for his policy till then? Was there some persuasion?
Sweden death per million of population 1,368
Canada 627
USA 1,757
But let us look at some countries who did proper lockdown:
China 3 per million
Taiwan 0.5 per million
New Zealand 5 per million
Australia 35 per million.
Do these figures mean anything to you?
Source of data.
COVID Live Update: 145,398,517 Cases and 3,087,230 Deaths from the Coronavirus – Worldometer (
“Do these figures mean anything to you?”
Yes, they show me what the agenda is regarding social control and how people peddle fundamentally fraudulent shit to try and convey a malicious message.
Let’s forget that covid was synthesized, let’s forget the deaths relating to lockdown and “care” policies (in the UK, spain, italy, for example), the death and disease associated with the vaccines, the non-existence of the virus, the fact that lockdowns and masks physically only damage, that flu has disappeared, that autopsies were completely ignored, that the PCR test is meaningless and used beyond specification, that deaths are clearly misattributed, that deaths are associated with numerous underlying factors and the average age of supposed covid death is higher than life expectancy. Let’s forget event 201, let’s forget the association of the CDC, Fauci, Wuhan, Robert Langer, Slaoui or whatever, etc. Let’s forget operation lockstep, let’s forget Blackrock and “going direct”, let’s forget crashed bonds bought by them after having been assigned by the FED (Blackrock became “trillionaires” overnight in 2008 because of similar sort of shit, btw). Let’s forget sunlight, seasonality and the fact that people don’t get immunity to RTIs (because vitamin D deficiency symptoms happen to be somewhat consistent), despite enormous amounts of supposed “exposure”.
Let’s also continue ignoring fundamental essentials, like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and such, things that are necessary for your body to filter toxic shit and even function, at all, so that it doesn’t continually RESULT in what’s claimed to be “infectious contagious” viruses, and it does that purely internally.
But hey, there still isn’t an example of contagion for any virus anywhere ever.
I like most of this post, but I believe we can catch viruses or ‘bugs’ from others, as this can be seen to happen. Epistemologically. For example, my kids both caught chicken pox. I did. My sisters did. I also believe the environment to contribute to whether this happens, and to whether symptoms may be problematic. I would like to know why most here regard you as a troll – is that true? What are your motives?
I was a philosophy student, so I went through the Cartesian revolution in my mind – it made me realise whether the table really exists or not is really a moot point. It may as well exist, as I can put my plate on it everyday reliably.
And these numbers are based on what reliable test etc?
Read the website it has very comprehensive information on the subject. I am sorry unable to spoonfeed at the moment.
[But let us look at some countries who did proper lockdown:
China 3 per million]
China did not do proper lockdown.
They allowed national and international citizens to travel from Wuhan in large numbers.
[USA 1,757
But let us look at some countries who did “proper” lockdown:
Australia 35 per million.]
[Do these figures mean anything to you?]
Yes, it does. Since the actual mobility data indicates that people in the USA and Australia were very similarly restricted, the figures mean that LOCKDOWN PLAYS HARDLY ANY ROLE.
Are you actually suggesting we lock down the world and potentially destroy millions of lives in order to increase the survival rate of this ordinary coronavirus from 99.87% to 99.99%?
why is death from covid worse than death from flu, or any other respiratory virus?
why have you been happy to see 0.13% of the population die from flu every year but find it totally unacceptable the same number should die with covid?
and why do you not even trouble to set this against the thousands killed by lockdown policies?
I look forward to you ignoring me and continuing to present manipulated and false arguments.
“Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever” by Christine Massey (which I’m sure that OG is aware of)
This video clip was posted earlier by moneycircus
Apr 22, 2021 3:15 AM
Pfizer vaccine zoom in with microscope – Live organisms?
It is an interesting clip… Perhaps the vaccine contains pubic hair and rancid floor sweepings from the laboratory rooms of Emergent BioSolutions. >
FDA Slams Troubled COVID Vaccine Manufacturer Over Quality Control Issues as Shareholders Sue Company • Children’s Health Defense (
This would be funny if it weren’t so deadly serious. No one seems to be considering how humanity will stuff the magical genie back in the bottle…
Contamination is an old issue. Even worse, most of the ingredients are secret, some are known poisons, the promoter determines the quality of the trial, and government is complcit in all this.
As for the video itself, I only saw moving specks. They could be a result of shaking the vial – as required by at least 1 vendor. They could even be bubbles. Remember, even the target virus is mythical.
“Even worse, most of the ingredients are secret, some are known poisons”
If you go look, pretty much EVERY ingredient in ANY vaccine is a known toxin.
Do you know what makes it clear? Inflammation, cytokine, chemokine, t-cell responses, antibodies resulting. All of those are PURELY signs of cellular and systemic toxicity.
There was a TV advert in which the butch handyman brusquely stated-” It does what it says on the tin”. Of course the implication was that most things don’t. Have people forgotten this? Anyone who has actually WORKED anywhere at anything knows that mistakes are made, corners are cut and often total dishonesty are rife in the workplace. People get tired,distracted by personal animosities to co- workers, bullied etc etc. So many people work in offices, in the civil service, academia and myriad non physical jobs where everything is just mental imagery and they seem to think that the world conforms to these idealised forms. And there’s the world of advertising on the screen where we started, more time seems to be spent there than outside where we miss buses, get wet and trip over curbs AND good grief, I’d almost forgotten, catch colds, get headaches and loads of small illnesses and some bloody awful serious ones. You’d think we weren’t used to it.
Book now for John Ioannidis’ latest motivational lecture tour “Journey Through the Center of the Earth: In Hole? Have Spade? Keep Digging”
Thanks Rob
That is a great article.
If you’re a fanatical zealous insane soulless qlippoth shell and peddler of toxic degenerate pharma fraud shit, then, certainly. is known for that.
I have not displayed any fanaticism, but those who insult and threaten damnation and rant are more likely to be frenzied fanatics. Have you looked in the mirror recently?
“Thanks” Rob.
That is a “great” article – like a screed is.
But what was the point of all this? I am hard pressed to find anyone who believes any of it at all.
If it was a depopulation agenda I would understand. That makes sense but it just seems to be a giant muck about.
Trust your initial thought: it is a depopulation agenda,
You just trying to cheer me up. Thank you!
As the Russians say, “it is better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie.”
Middle class professionals like Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi are telling us precisely this: the aim is to kill us off. No one taking the vaccine cannot say they were not warned.
I like that you said yeadon and bhakdi are frauds. As those “middle class professionals” they have shit to sell, based on half-truths, amirite?
They certainly don’t want to address fundamentals, that’d be bad for their “business”.
IMO, it’s ultimately stupidity (Hanlon’s razor). Yes there is also malice, profiteering, conspiracy, fear and so on, but even these can be adequately explained by good old human stupidity.
It is not stupidity. People believing the shit, some of that is stupidity, some of the things done kinda stupid.
“Yes there is also malice, profiteering, conspiracy, fear and so on, but even these can be adequately explained by good old human stupidity.”
Absolutely can’t agree with that, that’s like trying to deflect from the malice, profiteering, conspiracy, etc. Never mistake malice for stupidity. Billions of people are fooled like that.
And the thing is, malice is inherently stupid (though not in the sense most people understand the term “stupid”). You can have stupid without malice, but you can’t have malice without stupid, and we can see malice…so.
“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”
― Mark Twain (1835–1910)
I just tuned into the news and the first thing I heard was, “Scientists say….” and I knew the rest was going to be crap. And so it was. To the accompaniment of pictures of industrial chimneys belching out smoke, the solemn voice intoned about President Biden making decisive strides forward in the greening of the world and the saving of life on Earth. Just as with the fight against Evil Covid, the West has found its pathway to redemption, the rulers are going to sacrifice themselves and we the people have now established heaven on Earth. And how do I know this? Because Scientists say!
Leading experts say…a team of fact finders say…leading doctors say…pioneering scientists say…Simon says…top professors say…
…they’re all in agreement and have a consensus opinion of what an industry funded study suggests, even though it has flaws in the goddamned title, is truth.
And the Abstract would shame Escher. Or make Rorschach proud.
Yankee salesmanship: “Scientology”, “Church of Christ Scientist”,“Scientists say….” etc etc.
Herman Melville, “The Confidence Man”, published in New York on April Fool’s Day 1857
Alright then. Now what?
As a heads up, some observations from the South of South America. Where there are now fever checkers at every supermarket. Perfect for people who can’t afford to buy one.
If one idiotmask is good – two or three got to better even yet. So, you can see people wearing three idiotmasks on a bicycle on a sunny day. The elderly lady at the store entrance doesn’t take any chances. She comes with triple idiotmask and a faceshield. Because you never know, don’t you?
Generally, it can be observed, that the more of a neo-liberal shithole a place is, the more idiotic are its people. The pipe dream of “critical thinking” will never come true and Earth would fare better if there would be some sort of thinking, any sort of thinking going on – yet the dumbed down fearful masses will not take up whatever chance to get smart.
In the end, it turns out that all had been bull/bulkshit to distract the degenerated folks from what is in reality doing them in. This mindset is reminiscent of a little gem from Bavaria of old. Highly regarded as an indicator for things to come:
Crows the cock on the dung – the weather changes, or it remains as it is.
(Kräht der Hahn auf dem Mist – ändert sich das Wetter, oder es bleibt wie es ist.)
Crows the cocksucker in parliamental bliss – lockdown changes or it remains as it is.
Saw the recent interview with Whitney Webb on The Last American Vagabond just how draconian things were in Chile, and how most people are blindly complying.
Call me naive, but I thought countries like Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, etc that had seen fascist military junta’s in power (Bordaberry was more a figurehead) but given the history, you would think more people would be highly sceptical of the scamdemic narrative. Yes?
Obviously from what you’ve said, and from other sources, the opposite seems to be the case. Your point struck a chord tho: “the more of a neoliberal shithole a place is, the more idiotic are its people”.
Here in Australia, I’ve been dumbfounded that many intelligent people I know have fallen for the covid scam, hook, line and sinker. And it doesn’t matter what evidence to the contrary I’ve waved in front of them… their response has been “stop going on dodgy conspiracy sites” “that’s fake news” “you’re wrong” etc.
Nice to hear from you again Not✌️ We do what we have to do to get through this Kafkaesque madness.
Hi Gezzah.
I’m guessing you’ll be pleased you can now hop on a plane back to see your buddies in New Zealand with only your passport passport*, and a mask to wear inflight. Once you’re there you can take it off and wander around where you want, kissing however many people you want, in crowds of any size you wish, whenever you want, without restriction except for wearing a mask on mass public transport (i.e. excluding taxis, Ubers, etc., where you can wear what you like, e.g. your underpants (or not)).
They’d like you to use their tracking app or keep your own record of where you’ve been, but either are entirely up to you.
You’ll even be able to pick up one of the discarded COVID-deniers’ fake government-issued mask-wearing exemption cards for asthmatics and others with breathing difficulties off the train and bus floors where the poor, sad sheeple who don’t like being patronized by your buddies have dropped them. Unfortunately, no-one gives you any sort of vaccination certificate if you do a Pfizer behind your buddies’ backs, either. It is noted in your health records but only you and your doctors can access those.
Your sort of country, no?
* Actually, I’m not sure if New Zealand citizens need even a passport passport to re-enter.
P.S. The Army hasn’t taken over the country yet, either.
It may all seem wondrous and free in NZ right now, but the signals are there that the worst is yet to come.
Specifically, what signals are they, darling?
This can change. Billy Goats has only to snap his fingers and the transvestite will lock the whole place down.
You mean Judith Whatshername, leader of the oppostion?
Yes, possibly, if she or her replacement gets in at the next election. But Gates will have no influence over either despite what the sad, delusional devotees of the Church of Clinical Paranoia tell you. It will be the local equivants of UK Tories snapping their yesterday’s business-uber-alles-as-usual fingers that do it.
Oh, and it won’t be locking anything down they’ll be snapping their fingers for. It will be unlocking everything up (especially unrestrained economic predation-as-usual).
Unless he lives in Wester Australia which has just declared a 3-day lockdown, prompting paradise Covid-free NZ to cancel quarantine-free travel from WA.
Or if NZ government decides to lock down whenever they decide to lock down.
As Ardern said, New Zealand will reimpose temporary unilateral withdrawals of reciprocal open borders with Australia or anywhere else they might exist (in the same way that they impose temporary travel restrictions between different locations in New Zealand) if and when and for as long as any outbreaks occur and remain epidemiologically unresolved, even explicitly using the injunction ‘traveller beware’ (c.f. ‘caveat emptor’).
You want someone with a bell wandering the length and breadth of Australia doing the old ‘hear ye hear ye’ stuff? This is 2021: don’t listen to announcements in the newspapers, on radio, tv and on the Internet then don’t get the news.
You won’t get any covid-passport crap from the current New Zealand government but you will get sound and consistent infection control (airlines and other countries may have their own legal-butt-covering covid-passport shit but the New Zealand government didn’t get elected by voters in other countries or on airline boardrooms. So get real.
Brother, I don’t really get how your reply challenges my comment in a way to merit a “Get real”. If anything, it backs up my comment.
I also, if I may, do not think we are at a level of familiarity to allow for a “Get real”. In fact, I believe this is the first time we interact. I hope I have not upset you in any way to grant for such ordering around. If I did, please accept my apologies, brother.
All the best.
I’m sorry to be so slow reporting this piece of bad news, Diego. but I’ve only just received an email telling me about it: after going through all the relevant epidemiological data, New Zealand reinstated its open border with Western Australia on Wednesday. I think that makes the break only six days long. Please accept my deepest sympathy for the sense of loss that such a brief cross-Tasman response to the Perth/Peel outbreak must be causing you.
Sorry to be late bringing this piece of bad news, Diego, I’ve only just received an email telling me about it. After assessing the ongoing epidemiological data from Perth and Peel, New Zealand reinstated open borders with Western Australia a day or two ago. I can only guess how distressing the brevity of such a short closure–only about six days–must be for you. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
In South America you have on one side the Catholic Church and on the other Soros sponsored agitators. Both prongs are controlled by the banksters. There is no way to motivate the sheeple.
Decades of dumbing-down educational institutions, infantilizing television, politicized intellectuallism and self-deception will do that to any population.
With the Juntas, the Bordaberrys, the Pinochets or with the Kirchners, the Mujicas, the Bachelets or any other red, pink, white or green muppet.
You got to be in my neighborhood…
From the ta side of the river, but on the island with the most consistent surf in the world.
“Most consistent surf in the world” sounds great. Reminds me when I lived in walking distance to “Jaws” on Maui. That’s one of the most consistent toe in surf spots I witnessed.
But I actually thought of a ‘mental neighborhood’ – based on Your understanding of what South America entails politically. It’s one humanity despising continent. Very sad, but to be expected – considering how many churches there are.
Aloha Gezzah. Thank You for Your chiming in. As You said, I was also under the impression that the time in office by Pepe Mujica was a time of societal change towards a more informed and more intelligent society. The truth is painfully different. The guy legalized cannabis – under the guise of Monsanto growing GMO weed to be sold at farmacies. Restrictions remain decrepitly high for organic growers. The neo-liberal (financial fascism by any other name) policies have created a country that is utterly pathetic in its treatment of the non-rich. And here is, where the Stockholm Syndrom kicks in. It us the only explanation for the collective subservience of the majority.
While still in Hawai’i and in good company with likeminded anti-GMO activists, studies showed the impact of GMO products on the intestines – causing leaky gut syndrome – which in turn leads to chemicals passing the brain barrier and (no other way to put it) render people increasingly stupid. Maybe “stupid” is not politically correct, but “unintelligent” would imply thatvthere was intelligence in the first place. Eating GMO crap does not strike me as very intelligent to begin with. Lots of people don’t even know what GMO is. Not kidding.
It is fair to say, that any form of critical thinking has been eradicated. What is flourishing though, is xenophobia, racism, deception, discrimination, abuse and a proclivity to lie about everything. It’s a tragedy I wanted to leave behind last year, but was denied boarding. The latest nightmare is a person that has a yard service company and is well reputated in the neighborhood. I ask him if I could borrow his ladder to get on the roof. He tells me it’s not his ladder, but he can take a look at the roof. I knew the roof was bad and leaky. He tells me it needs to be done new. The workers that came on behalf of the property management simply applied one coat of ‘membrana liquida’ (liquid membrane) and that was it. So, the young man tells me that he could do it. He did that many times before and he will give a guarantee of remediating free of charge any leaks.
He quotes me with a reasonable price and Intell him to do it. I need a roof that does not leak before this nasty and murderous winter begins. Next thing, he rips off the entire old roof. Then he tells me that he needs much more material. We are already talking about three times what I was quoted. He smears an asphaltic emulsion on the roof and tells me that has to dry a day. Next day there is a storm and it leaks at various locations. This is Moldistan – everything starts to mold in a whiffy. My walls started to sprout mold after two days. More material is needed to finish the job. When he tells me that it’s done, I can see it’s not. Since I don’t have the appropriately sized ladder, I wasn’t able to get on top of the roof. I rigged a table with my ladder and got on top of the roof.
I almost puked. This was the work of someone who never did this before – it was the worst botch up I have ever seen. Paid a shitload of money for the shittiest job ever. And still unfinished, still leaking. I had to buy more material and worked it over. I have pictures to document this nightmare.
And this is not an isolated case. It is the rule.I talked to my neighbor yesterday – because they are installing a new septic tank. I tell him the roof story and he (Uruguayan) responds: “You have to watch every move these fuckers make. They will fuck things up to get more work/money.” He is Uruguayan and I met a number of them that have a deep sitting contempt – for their own people.
So, yes, it us definitely based on decaying mental abilities. Soccer is more important than anything else. They rail against the “Gringos”/”Yankees” and all they eat is shit coming from there. GMO chips, GMO soda, GMO bread and eating out at McGarbage. These people are incapable to see the irony behind their actions. Uruguay has everything a country aiming at self sufficiency would need. The obedience to the neo-liberal lifestyle makes any real progress utopian.
Sure, with my Aspergers I am more sensitive to idiocy and hypocrisy of any kind. But here, the most hardened mind will go insane. Their excuse for this depravity is “No es facil” (“It’s not easy.”). And of course: “God’s in control.”
I long stopped filling in people about what that does to the brain. Regarding Chile, Argentine and Brazil – of whom Uruguay is heavily depending on: there is movement. There are movements against the depravity of neo-liberalism. Demonstration on a daily basis with people getting more determined every day to change their countries to the better. Clashing with the regimes’ henchmen. And the Argentines already have victories to show for. They kicked the corrupt MoFo out of office and have now someone standing up to the neo-liberal Meschpoke the likes of the IMF and Worldbank.
In Uruguay, the rich install new high voltage security systems. More armed guards (especially the money worshipers with their small military units to guard their armored vehicles) instead of changing their society to the better. An old notion comes to mind, that “You can’t fix stupid” and it shows its painful veracity.
The only thing I have on my mind now is to channel a number of great minds and buy an island in Fidji. They are having a sale right now. Let me know if You, or people You know are interested. I wish You the best possible situation.
“Here, the most hardened mind will go insane”. You should try Australia Not. That would blow your mind completely!
And, yes, I know first hand what Neoliberalism has done – this cancerous fascism that has utterly hollowed out “society”.
I see it every single day when I’m out selling the Big Issue homeless street mag. The blatant callousness and contempt I receive just because I’m wearing that uniform.
It’s sad, and it’s an indictment on modern Australian society, but it pays my rent for the little cabin I live in, and electricity, puts food on my table, and I do have a brilliant music collection, and a large movie collection. A commenter here made this astute comment a while back: “Australians sold their souls for the good life a long time ago”.
But it’s not easy being out there nearly every day. Still, I do meet some really caring people who also see what has happened to this country – and every country where Neoliberalism has taken hold.
It’s like people have lost their humanity and basic empathy and compassion for those less fortunate. But this is what Neoliberalism does anyway. Remember Gordon Gecko: ‘Greed is good’.
I agree with you about the astounding lack of critical thinking, especially with the scamdemic. People I knew were very intelligent have fallen for the covid narrative and become fully fledged covid cult members (as CJ Hopkins would say)
I’m really sorry to hear about your roof, and you being so blatantly screwed over like that. What a bastard.
I can vaguely remember 35 – 40 years ago where it all seemed so different, where people seemed so different (and human!) and things like what happened with your roof were unheard of.
It’s past my bed time – hava good weekend✌️🙏
Excellent article. They still wouldn’t believe it if you rolled it up and hit them with it.
I feel it is only appropriate that this is comment 474…
Considering this graph…
Oh piss off. Now it’s comment 475…
I believe the vaccine is there to give off the illusion the virus “is back” come the next flu season.
Greta Thunberg to testify before Congress as Biden kicks off climate summit – live
Testifies about what? Being a know-it-all at 12, turning 18? How’s about which vaccines damaged her as a child?
That’s an interesting point about vaccines damaging Greta. This would not surprise me.
And the award for Unintentional (?) Irony goes to the Graud:
“Fifth of UK Covid contracts ‘raised red flags for possible corruption’”
So how does a movement that is utterly corrupt in it’s very foundations become “possibly” corrupt?
Does the word prion trigger the “spam check” ?
Anything triggers it. Resorting to a VPN. It’s bloody useless whatever it is.
Such bs the Fraudian has felt compelled to move in and try to cover for it lest it discredits the vaccine and the MSM’s reporting of it:
That headline is hilarious. So you get a vaccine and 32 are in hospital. What is the Covid hospitalisation rate ? isn’t it about 1%? So in reality we have 3200 vaccinated who have caught covid. That’s 3200 super spreaders because they are neither symptomatic nor asymptomatic. They are “v-asymptomatic” high viral load carriers who don’t know it.
Eight Ways The “Vaccine” Can Kill You
Only Dr Bart Classen talks about prions. The mRNA creates spike proteins. Who says these proteins are going to be perfect and not folded the wrong way ? There needs to be more discussion on this. The controlled and censored internet has made Classen an unperson. No photographs, videos, transcripts of interviews. A mass outbreak of Creutzfeld Jacobs disease would be worse than a massive solar flare with it’s disastrous effects on the infrastructure.
Dr J Patrick Whelan told FDA December about microthrombi from these mRNA spike protein generators…
This has been discussed in some detail by others such as Bhakdi. But prions are another and even grimmer possibility.
All fits nicely with my worries about the impact of eclipse on Algol later this year and then in a couple of years when Uranus gets to its position…think I am already seeing someon doing the delayed over 3 weeks reaction…sever unexplainable headache and high inflammatory markers…
A massive solar flare means extinction as 500 nuclear reactors go into meltdown within a week. Thousands of tons of uranium burning. We are sitting on a time bomb with no off switch.
Yes, it’s amazing how nobody takes this threat seriously. I’ve said for a long time that nuclear power generation bases itself on the assumption of geological stability (for loooong term storage of waste) and no climate stability (no more Carrington-type evente). All assumptions without foundation. A ticking time bomb indeed.
And with the nauseatingly phony camaraderie of this ceaseless attempt to generate solidarity against the “horrific” covid plague, I wonder about previous expressions of public empathy. The two world wars now seem ever more clearly to be enormous bloodthirsty circuses staged with the unrefusable participation of the masses. And I am sure the propagandists are busy spinning out every conceivable variation of the COVID epic including of course how “history” will remember it.
After reading everything here, there won’t be any history. We’ll be dead or AI slaves. If there is an interventionist God, now is the time I guess 🙂
Bones for the dogs. Britain to introduce vaccine passports by May 17, says Telegraph.
“The advanced state of the plans emerged after The Telegraph learnt of details of a telephone call between government officials and industry figures.
The call took place on Wednesday afternoon between members of the Tourism Industry Emergency Response Group and involved discussion of the latest thinking on border reopenings.
A government official on the call is understood to have said: “We aim to give people the ability to prove their vaccine status by the time international travel restarts where other countries require it. The earliest that will restart is May 17.”
Despite the government vehemently denying it this has always been the plan.
The government couldn’t give a f**k about people’s freedoms & liberties. The lockdowns proved that.
The only way this can be stopped is for enough people to refuse to participate in any activity that requires these.
But will they….I’m not confident.
It’s clear there will be passports – hopefully only internationally. That may in fact be sensible on some levels, if bio warfare is generally under way.
It all seems like a blur since February last year… and we were all joking about toilet paper. And now we’re on the brink of these bloody things being rolled out. Australia was planning to have a digital travel card operating by October this year, with of course the capacity to upload your vaccination and test records onto them.
As I refuse to get tested or jabbed, I won’t be returning to New Zealand I guess, unless this whole scamdemic collapses.
Yes, I’ve been trying to sell up in Cyprus and return to my native Britain, but I wonder if that will ever be possible now. Still, there are worse places to be trapped.
I lift my mug to a “scamdemic collapse”.
From Australia you can now just put on a mask, hop on a flight, take the mask off and disappear into the crowd. No quarantine or tests required. I’m not sure what Australia or the airlines want. Don’t want the mask? Hire a private jet? Row across?
COVID Shots to “Decimate World Population,” Warns Dr. Bhakdi – The New American
Spelling error. (The brothers) Grimm’s surname has two ‘m’s.
I have never believed in the corona farce. Now RT is publishing doom and gloom from India–what is up with that?
It’s cases, not deaths. Cases can be created by simply changing the testing protocols (e.g. more cycles on the PCR test). The article gives deaths as an absolute number and not as a percentage nor in any sort of meaningful context which are always red flags.
Why might the Indian authorities want more cases? “India’s record-breaking Covid figures come as the country works to create its own locally-developed coronavirus vaccine”. Well, who can’t add two and two togethere here?
Well for starters, RT is not to be trusted for anything, any time. So, there’s that.
If you look at the News Now website, the US, Germany & UK are blasting media with this story. Indian news platforms are not making the same deal. It won’t be long before they do I’d predict. Remember, India said they’d roll out Pf Va if that company allowed them to conduct studies alongside. Pf refused. They are in the news for the same reasons as M*g*f*li. Not playing ball. Had their oxygen supplies compromised to stick the knife in too. Fire in an ICU in India yesterday, killing 13 C patients. Unusual news. Never heard this happening before – it happens in India now.
No other presidents have died since C – Tanzania and is it Burundi? – not as lucky as we’ve been in the WHO affiliated nations.
US, Germany & UK = biggest nation contributors to WHO.
News Now still censorship compromised, but plenty to read between the line there.
Meanwhile the WSW denounces a Spanish Trotskyist rival group for condemning police militarisation and curfews. According to WSW this is “reactionary”.
Marxists, Trotskyites or otherwise are fake opposition.
3 of the Socialist Equality Party members who I knew while I was helping with their Julian Assange campaign all live within 2 kms of my cabin. I think one of them is only a few hundred metres up the road.
If I meet any of the pricks at the local shopping centre, they’ll know exactly what reactionary is all about.
I’ll be reacting like Mt Vesuvius erupting. There will be choice words said, and I’ll probably ask them how much they’re getting from the CIA. I managed to read about 4 paragraphs of that garbage.
I have probably said it before but you are pretty unlucky to live near them, as they are a tiny group and only really have a footprint on the Internet.
Ah the dear old WSW!
“While the state of alarm was in itself vastly insufficient to stem the contagion …”
The screaming fear porn was “vastly insufficient”!
“…the pandemic is far from under control.”
How the WSW would define “under control” is a point of considerable interest since previously they intimated that even a single CASE would be enough to justify a lockdown.
After which the usual number crunching with an assurance that the “official death toll is a significant underestimate, as excess death totals indicate that more than 100,000 people have lost their lives in Spain as a result of the pandemic.”
I don’t have an argument with that as long as we apply the appropriate scare quotes to “pandemic”.
And “the only measure proven capable of halting the contagion”? A “fully funded shelter-at-home policy for workers”! Force them to fully fund you by staying under your beds!
But it appears that one Trotskyite group has the affront to suggest an actual movement OUT FROM UNDERNEATH THE BEDS! SHOCKING! Don’t they understand the coming horror of numberless deaths from the next twenty waves?
Well it is clear that THIS particular “Trotskyite” group (the WSW, mirror image of the MSM) will never let go of the voodoo figures.
And the biggest irony of all is that this WSW wankery is appended with a link to an article entitled “What is the Pseudo Left?” I think you have already answered that with the most devastating example!
The WSW scream of rage when the other group complained of curfews (enforced by the police) is revealing. The WSW actually like the police state, it would seem.
Fellow posters will find this covers familiar ground but the small-c conservative approach makes it a good wedge into the minds of the masses.
Publisher of the New American Dennis Behreandt, interviewed by Alex Newman: Should you take the mRNA jab.
It’s a McVirus, whichever way you look at it.
For all the theories and possible plans and depopulation agendas and and this and that…in the end, chances are…high…that it all boils down to a good old fashioned heist.
War-gaming a future viral outbreak:
Kinda interesting that their game involves a vaccine causing neurological damage 6-12 months after vaccination. See p.22 for most of the writing about this although there are other references dotted about (hope that makes Mr. Roddis happy if he’s reading!). Also of note is that one of their future visions for how the world will be is dubbed “solitary confinement”..
These war games (or drills if you prefer) make amusing reading. They read like Hollywood scenarios where they can implant into the narrative how they’d like it to be. Here their new virus has a conveniently long asymptomic period and particularly strikes the young. The first case strikes in St. Paul and give it its name – just a coincidence that it’s named after a leading figure in Christianity of course! Christianity = illness and death! Does it need saying that at the same time they virtue-signal about toleration of diverse viewpoints?…
The whole thing is strikingly not about medicine but about counter-intelligence, about how to counter-attack information they don’t control.
“Covid-19 in India: Why second coronavirus wave is devastating”
Leads straight into personal tragedy story which is a curiously ambivalent matter.
Rajeshwari Devi’s “CT scan showed that she had developed severe pneumonia” but “without her Covid report the hospital refused to admit her”. So it seems that it was the COVID hysteria that actually killed her.
After which you eventually get to THE MEAT: cases, cases, cases I.e. the little voodoo boxes. And how do they relate to, you know, REALITY?
Well you have to plow through “tsunami” and then another “tsunami” and then there’s that curious shortage of hospital beds again. Signifying….what precisely? We hear about “infections”. So I’m guessing “an infection” is one of those plentiful positives who also displays symptoms of some illness or other. And no matter what the ailment, the patient will squeeze other – dare I say it? – more needy cases out.
Then another curiousity:
“Bhopal had reported only four Covid-related deaths on that day. But Mr Gupta was surprised to see dozens of funeral pyres burning. Additionally, several bodies were lined up to be cremated in the electric furnace.”
Hmmm… only four “Covid-related” deaths BUT LOTS OF FUNERAL PYRES”!
“…many people are dying at home because they are not getting hospital beds or they are not being able to get tested for Covid. So, they don’t find a place as a Covid patient in the database managed by different states.”
Here’s a radical thought: maybe they DIDN’T have COVID?
After which, and clearly the writer is running out of desperately manufactured bullshit, we are into those sinister variants.
Perhaps even in the drearily psychotic media, there is a law of diminishing returns?
Looking at that report again, I am taken aback by the blatant admission of a scam “hidden in plain sight”:
“…many people are dying at home because they are not getting hospital beds or they are not being able to get tested for Covid. So, they don’t find a place as a Covid patient in the database managed by different states.”
Implication : ONLY the COVID positives are considered worthy of notice. Well no wonder there are holocaust level scenes of burning pyres!
This is indeed a cull sanctioned by the code word “COVID”!
9 million people die every year in India, that is 25,000 people a day, about 1 in 9 from pollution
In most countries, you can estimate the value accorded to a life as the inverse of the population – though I would not extend this to China. One can only allude to the poverty, bigotry, corruption, etc. in India using superlatives. Electricty itself is so unreliable that most enterprises and buildings depend on private generators. This plus low-quality diesel makes the national capital one of the post polluted cities on the planet. Even their Supreme Court tried to act, but has failed. The PM is in a fundamentalist fantasyland.
I am still surprised by this unexpected turn in clearly ‘benevolent’ international concerns re mortality rates abroad.
It will decimate India because all their doctors are in Australia.
“because all their doctors are in Australia”.
Perhaps that will decimate Australia?
For sure
The conditions are ideal for (a) diverting government allocations (b) explaining away the repurcussions, including the victims.
Off topic – but related… On rising each day i have a cup of coffee, and another, and by the time i’m on my third cup, a few hours later, my breathing has shortened… Dont need no Expert to tell me the coffees w sugar = the breathlessness..
According to Bill Sardi the coffees strip the body of Thiamin (vitamin B1). Bill has previously pointed out how the symptoms of covid-19 are the same as beriberi, a vitamin B1 deficiency condition…(LewRockwell site 22.4.2021)…
So B1 joins with vitamins D, C, etc deficiencies as responsible for the breathing difficulties blamed on ‘covid-19′..
.Alcohol also depletes the body of vitamin B1 etc (had a neighbour who loved his drink, though his liver was shot… B1 jabs in the arse allowed him to keep on drinking ’til The End)…
Sardi’s articles are worth checking out…
Thanks for that. Been short of breath lately, and loath to go back to long walks. So I’ll just try less beer and more bread in my teatime snack.
did you say ‘bread’ ! during the milling of the wheat berry its’ thiamin (B1) is destroyed…
in Australia health laws required thiamin to be added to bakers flours , so it was not uncommon for ‘thiamin enriched’ to be included in promotions of a makers bread…
that was back when bread was a staple, and health authorities still remembered beriberi was a result of thiamin (B1) deficiency…
they say the healthiest breads are the sourdoughs… there’s now mass produced sourdoughs made with vinegar, instead of ‘ starter’… like ‘organic’, the meaning has been corrupted – for commercial purposes…
Fermenting foods can boost thiamine content by as much as 300%.
BUT, it’s tricky, it has to be yeast fermented, at around 24c and doesn’t work for just anything. The more lactobacillus (which is very common in fermenting vegetables), the less thiamine results (typically).
Good beer actually has quite a bit of thiamine. I drink lots of beer and make some, myself (though it’s difficult to call it beer, as it’s like 1 day ferment of random shit).
I guess the thiamine and alcohol kinda cancels out, but at least the beer I drink is fairly weak.
People eat FAR less fermented food these days, than they would’ve say, a century ago. And it has a number of effects, particularly microbiota variety, vitamin K2, PQQ being some factors increased in fermentation.
I was a stentorian coffee drinker to the point where it affected my behaviour. I now have one a day… mind you it’s a treble Turkish.
Buckwheat for Thiamine.
That’s my bread: buckwheat aka kasha.
Interesting to look at the statistics for deaths and births in the UK. In terms of highs there was a significant spike in 1975, 680 thousand followed by a long decline but an uptick for all the deaths between 1975 and 2020, but another spike in 2020, 695,000 souls departed this life. But it should be borne in mind that there was a growth in population between 1975 and 2020 which needs to be factored in to the statistics. Population growth was due largely to immigration and a rise in crude birth rates to 732,000 which exceed deaths. The population of the UK has actually been rising Coronavirus notwithstanding, and to the mortal dread of the eugenicists!
As covered in an article here before, the total deaths from flu in 2019 was below average, so they may have reduced ‘the cull’, in preparation for a bumper 2020 flu (covid) death rate.
Or the sadly botched, half-assed, mindless, pathetically uncoordinated and too often stupidly contested on some sort of shit-for-brains ‘principle’ (thus, but only thus) totally useless ‘official’ anti-virus measures, ranging from draconian to dweebish, that have far too patchily slowed the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to date, also caught the flu virus?
Of course, the mentally deranged who only want one predetermined conclusion to any enquiry will promulgate only that one–directly, indirectly or by implication–regardless.
I was hoping your highlighted terms “thus” and “only” might lead to links that would allow me to decipher your typically cryptic (i.e. though sadly very obvious in one way: condescending wankery) comment. Alas no.
The defensive supercilious balloon of the academic Left has been burst but the rasping fart of the deflation will echo for some time yet.
We all need to ponder the composition of the USA and what drives it, it is so crucial to our own lives.
In my view the US elections are not two political parties appealing to the people of America to work in their interests. US elections are two mafia groupings or teams auditioning to the forces of the US military deep state & the surveillance industrial complex to back their program of domestic subjugation and overseas expansion and control, where both sides offer a different flavor of treachery, but share a common respect and loyalty for each others aims, based on their shared puritanical Protestantism, white supremacist, xenophobia, and their adherence to a Corporate fascist capitalism system heavily dependent on an imperial exploitative looting of the world.
In that Context I ask……… Are the Russians linked to the Alt-right in the USA? Are the ‘right’ trying to flesh out some common interests with them? ……………I don’t believe a word of the attacks on Trump regarding his links to Russia, there was nothing of any substance in those accusations, but is it possible that the Alt-right wing of the deep state view an alliance with Russia, as a desirable aim, in the greater project to destroy China, and are they really flirting with that as a policy direction?
Whilst the Blue team are in power, no…. But generally yes………. I think the Alt-right are flirting with the idea, which is what ‘team democrat’ is repeatedly signalling, indirectly and obtusely.
I think team Democrat, the blue team are flagging an idea that they know the Red team are sniffing around, and that is a greater alliance with Russia, A union of two criminal states who share, albeit briefly, common interests. The looting and break-up of the EU, the weakening of China and closer ties between their respective oligarchies. The reality of this alliance would be similar to the treacherous alliance made by Hitler with the Russians prior to his invasion of Poland in 1939, but even that strategic move, the Blue team, for some reason seem unable to tolerate, which is a window into their world view.
I say this as a Russia-gate denier, but someone who smells some truth in the accusation that the far-right are comfortable around Russia, for many reasons.
No it’s not moot at all. 0.14% is a huge number given that people can in theory be “infected” more than once and this can continue year after year. It basically means everyone can eventually be killed by “covid” or any number of other alleged viruses with their own 0.14% fatality rates. To make such a claim with any % at all provides a cover story for genocide. It is the very opposite of moot but fundamentally different. one position undermines the criminals cover story and the other claim provides them with a cover story. There is inserts in the medications that freely admit that the drugs can lead to death. These people who have died likely have a cupboard in their homes filled up with these drug packages with some of them being 10 or more years old. They have been going to these allopaths for decades and been given endless packets of these drugs. There is no reason to look any further for a cause of death when it is admitted in black and white on the drug inserts for the medications they have been given.
I don’t agree with you that Kit’s virtual amalgamation (no virus/harmless virus) is wrong. But you make a good point with respect to the larger narrative surrounding “pathogenic” viruses (falsified by virologists such as Stefan Lanka and biologists such as Maximo Sandin). Because this concept can be endlessly recycled. So if it;s not good old Sars CoV-2, then it will a series of “variants” or something else entirely. I’m compiling a list of the most prominent scientists and physicians who are rehabilitating the much maligned virus. In the meantime, though, i liked the following article for its typology of the distinct scientific dissident positions on “Covid-19”. Quote:
The typology we are pointing to is not exclusive among the subtypes it presents and is by no means complete, but it sufficiently accounts for a heterogeneity that cannot be reduced to one category (denialism), as the totalising media crudely claim.
Soon they will only be testing for a vaccine, as they are doing in Israel, so the presence of a virus, real or not, will become an academic question, and yesterdays news.
We may even get vaccine ‘cases’, as a measure of our health, then the madness will be complete.
Australia’s under attack from a’ Double Mutant’ !!! Cant figure if that means it’s two-headed. or what…….send help !!!
The media itself has mutated into forming a new language where any amount of febrile fantasy a la Lovecraft can be injected at any point.
It’s Norman Swan constantly peddling this nonsense. time he was sent for a holiday, Manus Island will do
Always hated that smarmy twat. The guy has spent more time in the make up chair than in any clinic.
I recommend Bjørnøya:
I think they probably like to use the word “double mutant”. Sounds twice as dangerous, doesn’t it? I suspect it means varies twice from the original virus. I did hear that viruses mutate all the time, so nothing particularly significant here.
Heaven help us if a triple mutant comes.
Personally, I stopped giving a shit about this particular virus, whether the fucking thing exists or not, sometime late last spring when it became obvious that this sheer lunacy is a crock of shit. Or is it that this crock of shit is sheer lunacy?
As an added benefit, I’ve since stopped giving a shit about all other viruses, alleged or not, and germs too. In that regard, my life has improved considerably.
Fuck all this infection shit, me says.
Meanwhile, sheeple have accepted all of the idiotic measures and restrictions as an integral part of life. The CV-1984 lunacy has become an integral part of just about everything, laws, corporate guidelines, sports laws. Who knows what else is coming, i.e. the buildup of tensions between NATO and Russia.
There are brave people around the world who continue to resist and fight this crap, but can this monstrosity, this hijacking of people’s bodies, be unraveled? Can the world be purges of the gigantic corruption the permeates just about every aspect of human existence, most notably areas that can be used to fuck people over?
I wonder.
In Summary: I don’t care, some people believe it & some people don’t.
Thanks Aristotle for sharing that.
Jacques… according to Dr Ryan Cole “There is no such thing as cold and ‘flu season. There’s only low vitamin D season.” (LewRockwell 7 April)…
President John Magufuli of Tanzania (murdered) found coronavirus on goat, pawpaw fruit..
Summit News reports today ‘a man claims PepsiMax, milk, and mango chutney all tested positive for coronavirus’ …
so it’s surprising we aint all dead by now…
Frankly, all fucking doctors can kiss my ass.
I’ve listened to so much horseshit about viruses, flus, colds, germs, and antibodies, that I don’t need to hear any more for the rest of my life.
There are other, much more important things, to worry about than viruses, namely the woke fascism that’s spreading through the world like a wildfire.
A French writer recalls that life used to be much simpler before M.Pasteur invented his microbes (Marcel Pagnol, La Gloire de Mon Pere).
Life was simpler. You could blame disease outbreaks on bad humours, witches or Jews…
Hey is there any evidence to say Magulfi RIP was murdered? Like Princess Di there is a whole heap of contrivance and coincidence and motivation. But is there not just a chance an old bloke died?
He was only 61. Hardly ‘old’. The guy looked as fit as a butcher’s dog, as the saying goes…
and how quickly was he replaced!
No, “How quickly he was replaced”
It sounds more, operative. Like a plan that went according to plan.
There are few currencies as valuable and hard to find as “Real Evidence”. And even though you find some it has been inflated to the core by the massive printing of its fake sibling currency “Fake Evidence” , so it is almost useless to try to use for any trading of thoughts.
Thus I started to use a better trusted currency , namely “Coincidence”. You have to work a bit harder to fill your your account but in the end it´s much more reliable.
I have always seen COVID as a sheer psy-op in which real medical details were irrelevant. I am no expert on viruses but I would guess that there are flu mutations every year. Since the vast majority of the public have no idea what the average death rate is for anything, you can highlight the “shocking” numbers and with the hysteria and any number of changed definitions and symptoms which are conveniently mundane and of course the ever present mass of hypochondriac dumbasses etc. you can whip up any number of pandemics.
I suppose this or something like it had to happen to find out if there’s a better version of human society that thoughtful people would pursue and embrace.
I feel so disillusioned by (ahem!) “Science” that I have been musing on the kind of world I would like to see and it would be a world where somebody like Graham Hancock would have tenure in a university studying evidence for extra-terrestrial life. Well why not? It would be less harmful than the pharma funded hacks usually resident.
Who needs a disinfo agent like Hancock when Klaus Schwab is going to find evidence of alien life by the end of the decade?
Better examples might be if Suzanne Humphries could teach medicine at Johns Hopkins or Gerry Docherty teach history at Oxford.
You’re far into cloud-cuckoo land, E, if you seriously think that Graham Hancock is “a disinfo agent”. That’s silliness beyond childish.
It would be pointless to have a marginal figure like Hancock as a disinfo agent. Icke perhaps. He is after all a figure who commands a vast audience and I have often wondered if his role is to “taint” good stuff with the outrageous sci-fi type material. I am however prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Selective science. Where the selected science is that which fits an agenda. True science where all views and opinions are on a table for argument and debate is censored. The true scientists are the ones we talk about here who are being ignored by the MSM and government.
In Ireland they even admitted the figures were a load of tripe early on…
Leo Varadkar, 3’40” in, last summer!–Of-Covid-Deaths-Incorrect-Hugo-Talks–lockdown:c
“We counted suspected cases even when there wasn’t a laboratory test…”
Confirmed on his twitter back in July 2020, as the sound doesn’t sync with the film…
Why don’t people wake up? Are there too many happy to get fat on furlough, enjoying the good life and don’t care about the rest of us?
The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts:
“We received 288 death reports in proximity to vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination), 64% of those were men.”
“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year. In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.”
“There is a high correlation between the number of people vaccinated per day and the number of deaths per day, in the range of up to 10 days, in all age groups. Ages 20-49 – a range of 9 days from the date of vaccination to mortality, ages 50-69 – 5 days from the date of vaccination to mortality, ages 70 and up – 3 days from the date of vaccination to mortality.”
The US VAERS data that I have been reporting on this site represents only a small fraction of total “adverse events” since it is a voluntary system. The above is the first confirmation that I’ve seen that events and casualties may be much, much higher in US population as well as in Israel and elsewhere. Is there any other non-govt reporting anywhere else in the world?
Much as I like Gilad, he is a musician, not a medical person. He keeps banging on about ‘mutant variants’, and ‘leakage’, and despite his best intentions, buys into the basic claptrap about this stupid arsed virus that keeps this shitshow rolling. If he could only concentrate on the vaccinations, and the damage they do, he would be much better off.
He IS talking about vaccinations, and he is quoting a civilian Israeli group that is putting statistics together. Do see the link: During the peak of vaccination, there was notable excess mortality!!
I guess being a musician doesn’t blind one to numbers.
Everyone who watched World War Z with that nitwit Brad Pitt KNOWS that the virus makes people crazy…crazy and dead…and that it’s SUPER contagious and all you have to do is find some ethnically trendy, slightly kooky wackily intelligent…brilliant even…doctor to use his almost autistic…but likeable mild autism to sniff out a vaccine and HEY PRESTO! Crisis averted.
Shame on you all for not bowing down to World War Z and taking your predictive programming seriously! Coz now…sniff…sniff…we are all in this world health war together…sniff…sob…sniff…!
I thought the scene where the IDF guy says we are trying to save the poor Palestinians and letting them in through our barrier ( that was built to keep them out when there was no zombie apocalpyse virus) was particulary hilarious
The entire cast and production crew should be ashamed of themselves.
Good interview with Dolores Cahill yesterday on Richie Allen’s podcast here…
about 1 hr 2 mins in….
And in the latest chapter of blood clot gate, it seems that clots can not only be caused by COVID, but also by the contraceptive pill:
Any day now: “Eating Corn Flakes Can Cause Clotting!”
Glyphosate was initially a chelating agent to clean pipes. So, with GM corn, what are the chances of survival (IFR)?
sanitized link:
Or “Considering vaccines can cause clotting , can cause clotting!”
A Stand In The Park Interview 13.04.21.
No placards ? How would anybody know what you are protesting ? How would they know the dangers that face the world ? We need boisterous marches. Standing in the park and “flash mobs” are no good. Mass hunger strikes perhaps.
Instead, I think people should just not give a shit about covid crap (I mean, inform where you can), though minimizing your compliance…otherwise, I figure it’s better like just doing constructive stuff as far removed from “covid” as possible and you know, more environmentally oriented.
Maybe helping local hobos and giving them food, old clothes, instead of masks and sanitizer (coz you know they’re just gonna drink that, anyway) while telling them covid is fraud. Maybe grow some plants in your area.
Generally, anything that doesn’t aid their narrative. Like me, I’m sitting here drinking beer, without a mask, and I’ve not even bathed in the past week…AND AND…my focus has been on solar signals rather than covid. And just before that, I woke up from having passed out because I ate a lot of weed. So then after I woke up, I had to have some kratom+”beer” pretty much instantly (coz pain), which is pretty good. Then, I went to harvest some weed, and then I started drinking that beer. And at no point, did covid feature.
None of the so-called public health experts are saying a word about healthy eating, exercising, sleeping habits. Building up the body’s already intelligent immune system.
Textbooks, tenures and research funds for academia come from the med. industry. Where is the profit in healthy living and eating?
The figures – if one accepts them – are looking more like the Hong Kong flu of the late 1960s. Remember that – economy devastated, NHS effectively closed lockdowns…
Yes our prime minister was born that year….I keep thinking he has a subliminal fear of flu because of it…groan
Were the lockdowns about health or greed?
Thousands of Doctors and scientists in North America and Europe have been banned, blocked, censored, and de-platformed for criticizing the fear propaganda and the push for mRNA vaccines which many are calling dangerous gene therapy shots.
The WHO has stated the first line of defense in its fight against the Covid-19 pandemic is self-isolation, distancing, masks, and ultimately vaccinations. In a contradictory move, the WHO approved Ivermectin as a cost-effective treatment against Sars Cov 2 infections. But, it practically demonized the use of hydroxychloroquine though hundreds of doctors disagree and see Plaquenil with a zinc supplement as a very effective treatment for the Coronavirus.
Instead WHO favored Antony Fauci’s very costly drug Remdesivir. Most of WHO’s funding efforts 80 to 85 % have been reserved for mass vaccinations with these next-generation experimental mRNA vaccines. the WHO has also allied itself with CDC in America and the U.K.’s National Health System.
The WHO has also allied itself with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Gates’ GAVI initiative. The question is, could WHO’s standards be dubious? It has been accused of conflict of interest with private drug companies and philanthropic organizations such as the Gates Foundation.
The National Review called the WHO scandal-plagued, with wasteful spending, utter disregard for transparency, pervasive incompetence, and failure to adhere to even the basic Democratic standards. The WHO’s level of incompetence under General Tedros Adhanom has resulted in serious misinformation about pandemics and medical risks of mRNA vaccines. WHO has repeatedly kowtowed to China’s demands and accepts whatever statistics and statements the CCP provides. 700,000 signatories have demanded the resignation of the current WHO director, General Tedros Adhanom who has no medical training. Some have even labeled him a former Marxist terrorist.
Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso has stated that the WHO should be renamed the China Health Organization for favoring China’s policy to stall and obstruct international investigations. In fact, many believe the WHO orchestrated the Covid Pandemic panic and pleased more than a few Oligarchs by rewriting their criteria for the definition of a pandemic by removing the reference to a pathogens severity. Also, the estimates of covid cases are based on the RT-PCR test which according to WHO in a rare occasion when they told the truth is totally unreliable.
Yet, this test is still used and gives flawed estimates of positive cases. The tests in effect are meaningless. Moreover, the estimates of Covid-19 deaths are inflated as well as many estimates are fakes.
To find out who is behind this despicable project, I believe one need only follow the money.
Why do you talk about bill gates or the WHO, who no advise against lockdowns?
When the Amazon/uber/ Lockdowns will have increased their market share by hundreds of billions, if not thousands of billions throughout the world. Add to that the other US internet services like Google and Apple who are in the process of looting not only our our location Data but also the very valuable health data from perhaps a billion people.
Sure there is a pharmaceutical heist going on, but it is one of many being carried out by the USA. You people are always deliberately looking in the wrong places and pointing at the wrong bodies and people.
Yes it has been so easy for them to pull the heist
Who has contradicted itself many times in the last few years? The WHO along with the CDC and other government health agencies around the world cover their asses by telling the truth in a statement they disregard later. A good example is Antony Fauci’s flip-flop several times about masks and the severity of the so-called pandemic. And, if you think Bill Gates isn’t making a huge profit from this scamdemic, you need to have your head examined. And, the same goes for the criminally compromised General Tedros Adhanom.
Look I agree with the KK overall about how appalling the corporate media is presenting this ‘flu like pandemic’ and being ironic and sarcastic is warranted, but your last paragraph goes too far in my opinion.
You advise taking the present vacine; your being ironic of course, however when readers have to reinterpret irony they may not come up with what the writer intended and at worst take you literally.
There is enough expert medical opinion against taking the vacine, and it is too dangerous in my opinion to jest that they should.
Great article, Kit. I wonder if media can be sued for spreading fear and misinformation, and, along with politicians, for accelerating youth suicides, domestic violence, etc. Doesn’t matter how many emails I write pointing out their misleading figures, they won’t change their tune and it’s all about vaccine rollouts ad nauseum.