OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous
Kit Knightly

Image source - New Yorker
The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be.
Two weeks ago the New York Times ran a long opinion piece endorsing it (we covered it in This Week).
Last week economist Jeffrey Sachs endorsed it in his 2-hour interview with Tucker Carlson,
and yesterday RFK jr endorsed it as part of his presidential campaign:
Three years ago, other dissidents and I told the public that Covid-19 likely originated in a lab leak. Public health officials, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, said that our concerns were unscientific, that they were “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories.” Now, Congress, the…
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 11, 2024
Isn’t it amazing how quickly it has phased from “racist conspiracy theory” to the theory of choice for the fake-alternative?
And somehow – despite publication in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post and the BBC and the Guardian and pretty much everywhere else – the “lab leak theory” is still sold as some kind of alternative.
It’s not. At all. It’s the mainstream narrative in different wrapping paper.
As we always told you it was.
We’ve refuted it a thousand times already. The theory is illogical based on what is already known, immaterial given the “pandemic disease” was never unusually deadly, and dangerous to endorse because it supports future lockdowns, vaccinations and God knows what else.
We fact-checked the logic of the theory in 2021:
What, exactly, is the point in a bioweapon which is no more deadly than common flu viruses? Why go to the trouble of creating a pretty much harmless virus in a lab?
Supposing you were interested in creating a pandemic, would that be a good way of doing it? Would it be worth the expense? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just make-believe there was a plague through fear-porn and statistical sleight-of-hand?
After all, an imaginary pandemic can infect whoever you want, spare whoever you like, start and stop at your convenience, obey any rules you care to make up and be cured instantly as long as everyone pays you for your “vaccine”.
[T]he lab-leak theory does serve the Deep State agenda in one fashion: it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.
Fear is fear, and whether it’s of a zoonotic virus or a bioweapon, it can be used to bend a population to your will.
We pointed out how it serves a fake binary cold war narrative in 2022:
…two apparently oppositional camps are springing up – the West is laying the groundwork to blame China for the pandemic, whilst China (and probably Russia, down the line) blame the USA.
This is a textbook fake binary.
What you need to notice is that both these allegedly opposing sides agree on the most important aspect of the pandemic lie – that Covid is a unique new and dangerous disease which needs be treated with masks, lockdowns and vaccines – and only disagree violently about where this “real and deadly new disease” might have come from.
You are supposed to take your cue from them.
They want you to forget “covid” is just a meaningless new name for an old familiar cluster of “seasonal” symptoms. They want you to forget the whole thing was a scam – and to instead take a “side” in a scripted & noisy & totally phony “origin” debate.
The minute you sign up for it they have you – because by agreeing to debate where “it” comes from you have accepted “it” – ie a deadly new pathogen – exists & needs to be dealt with.
And that is all they want from you.
And we summed it up in 2023:
In some ways this is a symptom of the failure of the Covid narrative. The greatest propaganda push of all time ran out of steam just two years in, and is suddenly fighting defensively simply to hold itself together. Because the “lab leak” debate is very much a fallback position. A retreat in good order, protecting – at all costs – the fundamental lie of “Covid”, viz – there was no new disease.
There were the old flu symptoms, there was a new name, and there was a crappy test.
And that is all.
This is the one admission the establishment will never make, because it totally breaks their narrative.
Kills it stone dead.
Every other “admission”, debate or idea – “lab leak”, early treatment, government panic, “we underestimated natural immunity”, “the vaccine trials were misleading” – can eventually be brought back around to justifying lockdowns and other authoritarian “public health measures”.
If not for Covid, then for the next “pandemic”.
That’s our final word on the lab-leak: It never happened. And the more they try and force it down our throats as the acceptable face of Covid skepticism, the more obvious that becomes.
More on the “lab leak” from our archives:
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9/11 demonstrated the extremely sophisticated wheels-within-wheels model taken by these huge manipulative scare operations. 9/11 itself involved a lot more initial risk with the attacks which had to be physically staged to at least a certain extent. So the physical planning would have created a few headaches. But the media/psychological management was well worked out in advance with very single reaction to the “attack” considered – this producing labyrinthine cells within cells. I have no doubt that “The 9/11 Truth Movement” had already been planned well before 9/11. And the ultimate demonstration of this fore-planning is Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, possibly the very first to turn up with a “dissenting book”. He was “our hero” … until the point where he started sneering at “conspiracy theorists” and had the cheek to even advertise his connections with govt/militarist groups. After 2020, his appallingly vicious attacks on covid sceptics “sealed the deal”.
So I have no doubt that the covid operation was decked out in similar long term info management plans. (The “event” itself was far easier to manage since it consisted of simply putting a spin on mundane happenings that happen all the time.)
Thus re: covid, we had “The Left” all signed up as the main propagandists, “The Right” initially permitted a little bit of scepticism that wasn’t really scepticism cf. Toby Young’s “Lockdown Sceptics” – whose very title gives it away, and which in any case soon morphed into the flaccid “Daily Sceptic”. Now is the phase of the “lab created virus”.
Ahmed was never a significant person in the truth movement once it really got going in the mid-2000s. By then, everyone knew his work was a limited hangout at best.
If a high-security bio-lab couldn’t stop it from getting out,
then a mask couldn’t stop it from getting in you.
The “lab-leak theory” is absurd on its face.
Virus? What be that?
Brilliant article, well said.
Some great comments.
Well, Kit, what do you think virologists who report to work in BSL4 labs do every day? Just pretend to work with viruses? What do you think they were doing in Wuhan with all that EcoHealth money? Making doughnuts?
It’s crystal clear to me that something was circulating and making people sick. I have a family member who still can’t smell anything nearly three years after her infection. My own symptoms were batshit bizarre and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced (mild though it was). Does flu do that?
What you suggesting is needed to be honestly investigated because many people have different exeriences, people who do not wear masks, which were not vaccinated and were not doing anything what government was forcing like swabs had no symptoms at all. BUt there are some people who had symptoms like you mentioned and noobody is able to explain them, virus too is not an explanation to those symptoms because it is very wide variety of them and long lasting effect. I do not believe in viruses at all. There is no single scientific proof that viruses ever exist. Also there is no good scientific evidence about spreading of ilnnesses like flu. Flu is believed to be contagious because many people seems to get ill in the same time but this is true even with pollen alergies and we do not saying that pollen alergies are contagious. But symptoms which you are mentioning are real without doubt and it needs to be investigated but if you think that medical establishment and institutional science will bring answers i think you will be disappointed, because many people with those symptoms were vacinated and were doing all the things which medical estabslihment was claiming that will protect them. And about viruses and virologist they doing something but it is easy to fool yourself that you doing something scientificaly right when you are fooled too by previous presumptions and literature. Like we today all think that there is year 2024 and we work with this date because we honestly believe that this is real date. No it is not, In history there were 3 differnet callendar systems and non of those calendar systems is pointing out that today is year 2024. According to old byzantine callendar we today have year 7532 from the creation of world. I only want to point out that is possibke for people to fool themselves that they are doing something right even if they do not have any real evidence that think exist or is real. People do it only they only do it out of inertia, it is like with culture and habits. No one is able or want to question historical foundation for such claims or things we consider now as fact or truth. So we doing things we consider reasonable but they are in reatity not.
“132:48 next slide please this is
132:52 what source code v2 looks like and if
132:54 and i will i will send you the video so
132:55 you can show it
132:57 of the side on the right shows it goes
132:59 up and down and you can see the actual
133:01 source corona
133:02 cov2 virus uh with its spiked proteins
133:06 in its corona shape i’ll send that to
133:08 you so you can play that
133:10 it’s it’s incredibly important because
133:13 there are people out there that are
133:14 actually of the opinion that
133:16 sars cov2 doesn’t exist and has not been
133:19 isolated
133:20 these individuals not only have
133:22 demonstrated they don’t understand
133:23 viruses
133:24 but they interfere with the with the
133:26 serious discussion going on with this
133:28 virus “ ?
So, your evidence is that you have a family member who can’t smell anything and your own experience of batshit bizarre symptoms. Uhm, that is not a disease caused by the same virus, that is either two seperate symptoms of poisoning, a general common effect of mass famine (starved of nutrition not necessarily food products in general) or two very different dieseases.
Disease within the human body is understood through patterns of similar symptoms and it has been by all cultures from the beginning of time; yet magically in the 21stC of marxist madness and corporate tyranny the whole concept of disease is suddenly completely turned on its head and that’s an intelligent conclusion is it?
The theory of the lab leak is much more realistic and convincing than the theory that viruses don’t exist. And while the leak theory incriminates authorities for their very real, deadly and illegal bioweapons research, the no virus claim only helps governments vilify and ignore citizen critics as ‘anti-science nutters’. No virus advocates forget reality: no matter how often they dictate their settled ‘science’ on viruses, there’s absolutely zero chance of shifting global belief in viral contagion. Their rhetoric is a damaging distraction, dead end and own goal for the resistance movement
As we all know (or not) there has no virus ever been isolated allowing for tests of pathogenicy. All attempts to infect people by exposing them to supposedly “infected” failed. Not only regarding SARS-Cov2.
This is quite obvious and has been broadly documented by Thorsten Engelbrecht and Stefan Lanka. BTW, Kary Mullis himself researched a lot into HIV and ended up admitting he had not found any proof of HIV.
These are facts – whether you consider them “credible” or not. Truth does not need credibility. Credibility only depends on your degree of understanding of the matters. And that’s usually limited and determined by your consumption of so called “credible”, means generally accepted, information sources.
There is just one issue difficult to understand for me:
What are they really doing in bioweapon research labs?
Or, to go the first step first: is there any proof that bioweapon labs exist?
If positive: what are they doing there? Creating viruses can’t be the objective – that doesn’t work. What certaily works, are poisons, chemical weapons.
So, are they developing chemical weapons there which they could liberate for harming people? I guess, they could. Then it’s very likely, they already do it.
Then, in which regard would this be less dangerous than a “true” epidemy?
On other words: I see not real good reason to stop worrying, even if there is no virus, they can easily create virus-like poisons which harm people’s health and give justifications to drastic cuts of liberties.
No, the greatest fear and weapon they have is so-called food that contains no nutrition, vitamins or enzymes, it’s dead food and most of the food sold in nations like the UK is this dead food. Essentially the British people are in a famine, not from lack of food products but a severe lack of nutrition which causes mass illness and early deaths over time.
What were the results of the so-called pandemic? Financial devastation for many, fear caused by the govt. with the PCR test, fear caused by endless public counts of cases and deaths, deaths from iatrogenic causes (typically rewarded monetarily by Medicare) and the so-called “vaccine”, impaired childhood education, censorship, social and family stresses. All in all, a miserable time was had by the public.
What fun to revisit your take on the COVID story.
Personally, I do not think there was a virus, manmade or natural. And there was no novel disease – COVID was simply a rebranding of winter flu.
What there was – was a massive effort to confine the public and kill us off with inappropriate medical treatment. We’ve been lied to and censored since 2020, and this abuse shows no end.
Our goal is to get a grip on our government. And, possibly, get medicine out of government.
So you believe flu exists?
The lab leak theory is just a way of impressing on the gullible that Chinese scientists are shifty, devious and incompetent. This image is best portrayed by the elephant shrinking ray experiment in the cartoon movie “Despicable Me” — its a cartoon but then propaganda is essentially a cartoon.
This doesn’t preclude individual Chinese scientists being shifty, devious and/or incompetent, of course. The Chinese are people just like the rest of us with all their variability (although, again, propaganda depicts them as a faceless mass of automatons). Overall, though, the Wuhan viral research facility is a world class operation that actually acted very promptly when it identified a problem virus, sequencing it and publishing the results. Many other studies were done on the virus such as its transmissibility, longevity and so on. But geopolitics demanded that a different picture needed to be painted. In fact Reuters recently published a news article about how our (US) Department of Defense sponsored a misinformation campaign to undermine global confidence in Chinese work and in particular their Sinovac.
(The next, and most obvious question, is “Why?”. What purpose could this serve, who proposed it, budgeted for it and oversaw it? Answering these questions could reveal a lot of truths about our society.)
How and why the c0vid scam started and developed (video)
The myth of man-made pathogen
25 min.
The “virus” never left the computer.
“The digitally constructed SARS-CoV-2 genome
The genome of SARS-CoV-2 was assembled from a large number of very short gene sequences derived from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). This genetic information, an extensive mixture of human and microbial sequences, was broken down into extremely short sections of 21 and 25 bases. Due to the lack of isolation of a pathogen, their exact origin remains unclear. The result is a composition (assembly) of these fragments that contains both human and microbial elements. It is a purely mathematical and fictitious model!
🗣 Geneticist Dr. Pieter Borger: “With so many overlaps, you don’t even know what you’ve put together.”
The idea of the spike protein
When the virologists invented the idea of corona viruses, they incorporated a protein that they found in their cell cultures into the virus model as spike proteins. This protein, syncytin, later turned out to be typically human, which virologists and critics alike keep quiet about. Because this protein and its nucleic acids are always detected in cases of “alleged damage caused by mRNA”, critics claim that it is the spike protein of the corona viruses. If they had carried out control experiments with “healthy tissues”, they would have found this protein or its nucleic acid everywhere too.”
( Next Level)
As for gain of function that is the allowed alternative narrative and even popular with some critics and politicians:
“The fictitious construction of genetic material strands through a process such as sequence alignment and sequence assembly (alignment of many short RNA sequences) does not reflect reality in any way.”
If you don’t find a “virus” in nature, you can’t make one in the laboratory. That’s really all you need to know! “
( Next Level )
Basically if a unicorn can not be found in nature you cannot produce it in a lab.
No one knows what they are actually doing in the labs , making up stuff on computers and culture cells and possible money laundering where part of the millions of funding disappears in thin air.
David Icke was the first one to say loudly and clearly there is NO VIRUS
They quickly shut him down with the press putting out false headline like Icke claims 5G causes Covid . They followed that up by denouncing anyone that questioned the official narrative. At the time it was barbaric Wet Market where animals are killed in sight and the meat is butchered and sold fresh as apposed to being killed in some abattoir out of sight and stored who know how. Before being packaged with other ingredients and preservatives and colouring and flavouring for a civilised ready meal. Then there was the bat caves and then the lab leak .
Then the gain of function and don’t forget the labs in Ukraine. Plus remember the ‘R’ number and al the rest of the bullshit. Yet not once remembering the 2009 Swine Flu debacle and fake pandemic. While quietly side stepping the inconvenient Not High Consequence Infectious Disease due to Low Mortality. While still much controversy and push back about genetically modified food. Genetically modifying Vaccines no problem. As for the No Virus well that’s for the birds.
OffG was probably about the first to question the reality of the pandemic fear porn. We were doing that back in January 2020 when most outlets were still sharing the official story with little question.
Lab leak started in the US – DOD lab shut downs due to breaches.
China is in cahoots that got out of hand.
Just a scare tactic to mislead and test public responses.
Flu/covid vaccines drives mutations in flu viruses.
Flu vaccines restrict immune response to those antigens in the vaccine(s) and
limit the response to other pathogens.
These are different from tetanus and TB vaccines.
ALL vaccines have the potential to worsen infections – Vaccine Enhanced Disease.
I don’t take any of these vaccines – I designed vaccines and studied antibody responses for 10 years. Even the Novavx vaccine is highly flawed.
Might I suggest an alternative: that is that all seasonal flu’s have been fake for a while now. Perhaps since the 80s when they were also mucking around with AIDS.
Produced by Fauci’s chemistry set. He could have been running a racket like this for years to sell conventional flu vaccines, and to kill the burdensome old for the insurance industry.
This might explain its mildness, and more importantly, for me, why I got something like a flu in early 2020.
It also might explain why these labs exist at all. on the scale they do. They may well have refined the art of producing weak flu like seasonal viruses.
Even if COVID is real and lab generated, that still doesn’t discount the litany of fakery surrounding it, such as deaths and illness being falsely attributed to the virus and phony PCR tests. Its value as a psychological weapon needn’t be understated by the possibility of its tangible existence.
History is never immaterial: The bat woman of Wuhan and the origin of COVID
Xi Jinping totally overreacted to this story by locking down the PR of C into a societal & economic wreckage. He believed it to be dangerous.
Good for the neighborhood, as the PLA was getting very expansionist.
The virus is real. Electron microscope and Sanger sequencing document it.
Does it cause the disease attributed to it? Now that’s a whole other rabbit hole.
The virus was the excuse. It didn’t work worth a damn so they had to rely on injecting everybody. Hence the massive pressure and coercion to get everybody shot up repeatedly.
It is not a bio-weapon like people have been conditioned to think of from movies, tv, etc. It wasn’t designed to kill billions at once. That would be hard to explain and messy to clean up.
The injections are delayed onset, slow kill bio-weapons causing dozens of conditions to worsen. It was designed to knock a couple of decades off life expectancy, not to kill everyone at once. Looks like it’s working as planned.
Irrespective of virus ontology, a fake one would be far cheaper and with propaganda one could achieve the same level of hysteria and control as with a real one; a state or NGO could use the money not spent on R&D towards more publicity, bureaucracy and enforcement. It really doesn’t matter whether _this_ particular one exists or not; the important thing is that most of us blinked and jumped and completely forgot ourselves and our rights in the process.
In regards to your link, Steve Kirsch seems unwilling nor able to reply to many of the legitimate challenges to his case in the comment section, especially (but far from limited to) ones of the ‘true cause of death’ and ‘conflict of interest’ nature. In fact, throughout the entire page, I see an almost complete dearth of actual responses to any of the objections; merely a set of stipulations which respondents must meet before their answers be taken seriously. One has to admire his single mindedness, but the steadfast abandonment of any persistent line of inquiry throughout the threads cannot be ignored. I would expect a more credible narrator to at least deign to offer some education to those of us among the less gifted and less caught-up, not complete abandonment of some very pointed and valid questioning. The Kaufman dialogue did not distinguish him any more effectively from what I understand. Regards.
I agree with you mostly. Except to say that they knew the virus wouldn’t be as wide spread as they would later make it out to be, because vicious viruses don’t spread fast and wide as this one was purported to do. It did the job exactly as they expected to do. The rest was the fake rollout. The vaccine was the plan all along.
Q (team Trump) white hats said the labs are real as there making Adrenochrome and where shut down to save and rescue the children in underground bases that the demoncrats where feeding on.
The vaccine was saline so that is why Team trump launched warp speed.
Trust the plan. 5 D chess.
We are all aware of the fake nature of the pandemic rollout, the statistical chicanery, fear inducing mind-control, mockingbird media, oppressive government policies, lethal gene-editing disguised as vaccines, ad nauseam. It’s evident from the comments and it’s enough for some of the knuckle-shufflers haunting these comments. They persist in plastering their views as if they are informing the choir of something new.
Well done.
We all have opposable thumbs.
Now the trick is engaging in fine motor control.
A lab-leak and a fake rollout are not mutually exclusive just as terrain theory and germ theory are not and never have been mutually exclusive.
As Dr James Giordano, the neuro-psycho at DARPA explains:
“We spoke earlier about a technique that’s become very well known, Crispr cas9, that allows us to literally modify bugs in a variety of different ways so I now may be able to take a relatively harmless microbiological agent, bacterium or a virus, use some gene-editing editing and make this thing far more morbidly viable, make it far more virulent, and in some cases even make it far more lethal.
But I don’t want lethality, at least not necessarily, what I want is high morbidity. I want people to complain, so what do I do?
I go to Des Moine, ……., I infect a couple of sentinel cases in Des Moine, I go to Seattle, I infect a couple of cases there, I go to North Carolina, I go to Wisconsin. What I’m doing, I’m using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases with a highly morbid condition.
These individuals complain …….., and then what I do, the real bug that I use is the internet, I take attribution for that, yes, I’m a terrorist group, “and I have done this by infecting with a highly-lethal agent, and the first signs and symptoms of lethality are X, Y and Z. These people are really sick with this but then I say “others who are also infected will show subdromal, predromal signs of lethality and with that will be anxiety, sleeplessness, agitation.
What I have now done is I’ve got every individual who is diagnostically hypochondriacal, and I’ve got every individual who is the worried well flooding the public health system banging on the door. The CDC comes back and says nonsense, that’s not real, I come back and say – “that’s fake news”. And as a consequence of doing that is I create a schism between the polis and the public health system. I fracture the integrity of trust and reliance upon the population and its government.”
He’s DARPA so he’s disinfo. What he’s implying is that he and the US government have the ability to do something they don’t: Create bioweapons. He’s telling you he uses the internet (which DARPA created) to generate the fear campaign (truth) but he’s salting the truth with the lie – that he made a bug that can do x,y,z.
All he did is run cover for toxins that caused symptoms that could have been induced by environmental toxins, radiation, vaccines or Rx.
He’s running cover for the fiscal and legal responsibility of government agencies that allow and enable poisonings to occur, as a for profit business model, and their partners in crime, PhRMA and industry.
Doesn’t mean you ignore what he is saying. It’s only your biased opinion that they can’t create bioweapons and nothing else.
He’s not telling you he uses the internet as a for the fear campaign, he’s putting himself in the position of the terrorist group he suggests may be responsible for such a maneuver. We all know the terrorist group is in fact the supra-national deep sate.
I’ve ignored the rest of your biased no-virus babble because that’s all it is.
There’s no deep state, only “The State”.
I’ve read the patents and research papers and understand what they’re doing (propaganda, IoT, IoB, racketeering, self assembling nanotech in the fake tests and poison injections) and not capable of. The “babble” is emanating from those who prefer superstition and “beliefs” over facts.
The DoD can’t re-engineer or modify an imaginary molecule (virus) that’s never been found or even proven to induce illness. Just like “The State” never had any weapons grade “anthrax”, yet another hoax to cover for poisoning.
“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”
More babble and nothing else.
….and, in the nick of time, comes this little piece–
What this talks about is a Pentagon initiative to paint Covid as a Chinese invention etc. So it turns out that it wasn’t Covid that was a psyop but the entire anti-Covid rumor campaign was.
Funny old world, isn’t it?
This is merely one example of how they always control or manipulate all sides of every narrative to their advantage. It should be anticipated that the psychopaths would have their agents (cue, RFK, Jr.) running the anti-vax movement as well as their pro-vax counterparts.
It also looks to be a form of damage control, since it deflects blame or skepticism onto a single boogeyman for the virus and scamdemic response and away from other parties equally culpable (i.e., the U.S. and every world government complicit in the scamdemic).
< Pentagon initiative to paint Covid as a Chinese invention >
“Let’s call it the Chinese Virus” — POTU$ Trump, 2020.
Made in the U$A at Military Bio Lab Fort Detrick, MaryLand, circa 2016. One of the few advanced technology research projects still being funded by Uncle $cam.
And now the bedtime Story and then I’m out.
The Off G writer says something rather important but nobody, fast scanning last comments, did react on the last part of the 2022 text block which says
The minute you sign up for it they have you – because by agreeing to debate where “it” comes from you have accepted “it” – ie a deadly new pathogen – exists & needs to be dealt with.
And that is all they want from you.
Seeds need nutrition
Like comments below
You “have us”
Patents: the most important question not asked by OffG — in spite of reminders by readers such as Judith at 12.53pm June 13:
How come the Covid-19 Spike Protein carries a GMO Binding Site? (Patented by Moderna in U$A 2016)
“This virus is a test tube baby” — Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize for Molecular Virology, on examining the RNA sequenced by Chinese and French researchers in 2020.
It’s all distraction and narrative reinforcement. All the leaks, public patent applications etc – all just adding verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.
This is proven by Event 201 and by the total and complete absence of any evidence for any plague, virus, germ or symptom any different from the usual stuff we get every “flu season”.
It’s bullshit, a shadow show, a psyop, a big game of pretend. A big fat zero of nothingness surrounded by a screaming babel of fake noise.
That’s no answer to the central question:
Where did that Bat virus get its Human Spike Protein GMO insert — the one patented by Moderna in the U$A four years before the outbreak in China?
The central question, around which Kit, Catte and their thousand OffG kittens pussyfoot silently on padded paws.
Same place they got the magic bullet and all the other official garbage and fake science and bogus ‘leaked docs” they use to convince the gullible their lame bullshit has legs.
Montagnier was a fraud. When Kary Mullis asked him for the papers proving the suppossed discovery of the Aids “virus” he couldn’t produce them.
Soo, no one here knows what it was? You point out the illogical and dangerous and believe and think. Papa will tell you:
The Corona plandemic was agreed in UN in 2006 between most countries as a Global emergency test . So now you KNOW what it was.
You will deny your own blindness. You will ignore this my comment and jump around like cockroaches. Making 250 new “wise” comments and never admit what it really was. Because you cant admit that all of you have been clowning around because we cant distrust our government cant we.
These government guys thus knows your common sheeple Milgram test reaction and wanted to figure out how to handle a global situation like the one nuff said.
Reference to a similar “world leaders” planned test, which the commentators here also blindly will deny, happen in front of your nose. .–preparedness–response-and-resilience .
Its like “Artificial Intelligence”. Its standing just in front of you, FALSE INTELLIGENCE, and you are shining all over your face assuming this is real intelligence. But its not.
Artificial Intelligence is Artificial intelligence, and the sheeple love it…………LOL.
….and the Deep State behind it was the criminal Drug Cartel century old WHO who gives work to the MIC. This puzzle brick fits into the puzzle.
Ref. David Martin
Yes; this was a worldwide coordinated event, but planned long before 2006. SARS HK 2003, was a test run for lockdowns. And the staged Cole incident and the 9-11 demolitions were also planned predecessors to the 2020 psyop.
But every pandemic is a manufactured psyop, and runs cover for toxic chemicals, vaccines deaths, Rx damage, and radiation increases.
Forget Martin. He works for them. He’s going to misdirect this to an imaginary faction, rather than the worldwide slavery system that’s been operational for millennia.
More than just the Milgram experiment. The Substacker “bad catitude” has a VENN diagram that explains what was done to us very accurately.
but that is not all and just repeating this statement does not make it true, it just causes the majority of the public to ignore you.
Because the effects on the sense of smell at least were NOT “the old flu symptoms”. People could feel there is something weird with this flu EVEN IF IT WAS MILD.
Your simplistic analysis overlooks the possibilty that some kind of chemical or radiation was somehow dispersed among urban populations to mimic the effects of a respiratory disease. ( 5G does not seem to fit)
Bioweapons do not work ( like nuclear weapons) and they probably need a false flag attack soon, so they need to cultivate fear of bioweapons in the population.
They will not try another big covid scenario at this moment- it is obvious that war is what they have in mind next ( UK AND German politicos mumbling about conscription for the first time in decades)
The flu and a cold and other illnesses can affect your sense of smell.
That’s why you lose your appetite, and everything tastes like crap.
Actually loss of taste and smell is an officially acknowledged symptom of ‘flulike illness’ and has been for years.
I had flu before…. we are NOT talking about loss of sense of smell but a freaky alteration that has never been experienced before by myself and many others.
some people here are so traumatised that they cannot think for themselves and see enemies and shills everywhere.
You can print whatever you like on a website, some people know what they experience in their bodies and will simply ignore any website or person for trying to tell them what they experienced.
for those who have not see other comments by me : I am 100% opposed to the 2030 agenda , WHO, WEF and the rest of the parasites, but I know that “we” will not win this war with half-arsed theories that deliberately ignore people’s lived experience.
i knew from day one that the WHO was lying, did not muzzle up or take ivermectin and generally ignored al the bulsshit.
That didn;t stop me form expereincinfg that “flu” and the weird smell like burnt metal or burnt chemicals which replaced the smell of strong flavours like mayonaise or vinegar and perdisted for about a week. Other anti-pandemic folks had this and all agreed it was not a normal flu. I don’t buy any virus theory and believe it was probably a chemical.
I believe this also – I think some sort of toxin was spread around in places like Seattle, NYC, Houston, Chicago, Italy etc. Then it went down the path that Goirdano explains. The media takes over and does the bidding of the DoD to get it all rolling. I think about how poison ivy can be spread from person to person…..
I’m not so sure that “they will not try another big covid scenario at this moment.” Disease X was named by medical authorities like WHO and WEF (!) to prime the pump. Now it appears that the fake Bird Flu is being positioned as Disease X, which we will all fear and do as we are told. Why is no one laughing their head off at this story?
Your hypothesis that there was not a special virus only becomes credible if at the same time you can answer the question how the reaction of China with their massive lockdowns can be explained (possibly as a theater), why the false pandemic was created and why the pseudovaccins where manufactured and injected.
Many argue it was a global psyop, some people say mass psychosis, and many others argue it was something between the two, straddling the boundaries of real and unreal. However, the epidemiology never substantiated the claim there was an unusual rate of sickness going around. That’s offg’s stamce and has been since April 2020. A2
I’ve seen a video with Marc Van Ranst (Belgium) giving a seminar about how to get as many people indoctrinated to accept vaccins- Fauci and an impressive amount Political Europe were attending. There were rnore of these meeting and I don’t mean simulation 201.
Further a couple of Countries have already admitted that more than 80% of the registered sick were “on the edge” by something else and they did not mean 5G.
Oh, and I forgot: these people during the siminar had fun.
Psy- op my donkey. Like a Game where you murder a group opponents (still representing People) your Goal is the next level.
Rewarding, more fun.
And more fun: human incarceration ovens, Endless rows of Ambulances, Docters Icu’s family and hallways overloaded.
Most of these movies originated from before 2020 but used to pump up the hype.
The People who created this did it for fun.
With AI and the coming pandemic fun will be substituted for a sincere feeling of being proud on what kind of art they are able to create.
In part there was theatre which one can stage anywhere and pretend it was China or somewhere else, but the main thing with China, especially Wuhan was that lockdowns meant that the excessive pollution was substantially reduced, improving health as one would expect.
They are trying to permanently damage human genetics so as to create a slave race. This is the purpose of ALL vaccines (vaca=cow).
Human cattle.
Plus permanent damage to health so as to create a permanent dependency on synthetic medications.
Cancer, autism, “auto-immune disease” all come from vaccines.
I do agree with that. I believe there is a conscious effort on the part of a small percentage of psychopaths to damage us genetically. I think it encompasses slavery, but goes beyond. Psychopaths are driven to destroy. However they can. Even if it is just with fear or hysteria, and all of it’s possibilities and implications. I think the GMO pathogen or whatever it was, failed for that motive, or as an advertised “product”. The vaccine is more dangerous, although solvable. It’s nice to feel invincible and deny that any material thing cannot really harm one. And maybe, truly, nothing can harm US. But bodies can be harmed. Off G can have its’ last word. It’s fine, and I’ll listen and consider. My last word is my own. And, by the way, I lost my sense of smell too. I had the flu many times in the past. I never lost it before. I never get allergies either. I never get colds. Something was different. I will ALWAYS be a proponent of medical freedom. ÀND freedom to move. AND freedom to live. It is true that hyping up biowarfare fear can be used against people. But so can ANYTHING. Water. Give too much people can drown – geoengineering has been used to create floods. Give too little and people die of thirst and dehydration. Scaring people for vested interests is nasty and inhumane. Awareness, on the other hand, and the ability to discover what is and confront it, is valuable.
We have always been a slave race. “The earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property. -Charles Fort.
It’s time to wake up!
Hey Jef,
Stolen History guru !
No human history before ca 1400 ?
Nobody told me I had to validate everything myself when I was young.
Funny old world.
Some leaders were not in on the Covid-Opp: apart from Trump it looks like Xi Jinping wasn’t. Fauci was fully in but the Chinese bat lady wasn’t. These leaders are nationalists, not globalists. Even Putin is a nationalist first. They fell for the “science” plot like most ppl. Xi Jinping’s China suffered massively under the lockdowns, economically and psychologically. Once the cat was out of the bag, Xi Jinping stopped the Covid nonsense in no time.
How can you claim Xi wasn’t in on it when China kicked off the entire game of pretend? It was their totally bogus story about a “new” type of pneumonia and a “new” virus that started the whole shit show. Xi was in it up to his billionaire arse, just like every other world leader bar the ones who got murdered for failing to comply.
And the central question: Why this “novel Virus Covid-19” and the “RNA Vaxx” against that virus — both the Vaxx and the Virus — contain the same patent GMO Spike Protein. That GMO modification — which turned a Bat virus into one that attacks Humans — was patented by U$ Vaxx company Moderna in 2016 — four years before the outbreak of Covid-19 at Wuhan.
“This virus has seen the inside of a test tube” — Remark by Nobel Prize virologist Luc Montagnier as early as 2020, on reading the viral RNA sequences from bodily fluids of Covid-19 patients.
A year later that same dodgy “GMO RNA” sequence was found to have been patented by Moderna four years previously! How did that Moderna patent get into Novel Virus Covid-19?
This central question is never asked — not by the MSM, and not by OffG. I’m beginning to think that OffGuardian and the Guardian are “all in it together”.
– mRNA results in spike proteins even more than a year after the jab.
– All sorts of diseases have been increased, including turbo cancer, autoimmune disease, neuro-degeneration and infections; 30% suffer myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue.
– Japan has admitted 2,134 deaths the jab caused.
– This is an evil practice of science, causing deep concern even about democracy.
-Dr. Masanori Fukushima (oncologist), 2024-04
It’s so regrettable, but also revealing, that this excellent article refuting the nul lab leak theory gets an attempted hijack below the line by disinfo agents peddling the ‘viruses don’t exist’ distraction.
Yes, I do bite.
I have a degree in electronics and I read a lot.
Russia, Zionism, Toxins, Supplements, Health, Metabolism, climate, CO2 and a lot of other things I’m interrested in improving building SMTP’s and food database techniques.
The latter was for my wife to keep her kidney’s for two years in the last stage from decay. In March. 2001 She get her new kidney while corona was “raging” around us we, without vaccin, and my wife with immune suppressors did very well.
I spoke about toxins and stuff causing RNA/DNA replication and nothing about vires not existing.
I know things about how to minimize replication with supplements and food and deliberately exposing yourself for training purposes.
Where my friends and family got 5 shots at least and got sicker I got 70.
My wife and I are in great condition
Don’t feel distracted.
I give you a thumb up
Yes, I do bite. I have a degree in electronics and I read a lot. Russia, Zionism, Toxins, Supplements, Health, Metabolism, climate, CO2 and a lot of other things I’m interrested in improving building SMTP’s and food database techniques. The latter was for my wife to keep her kidney’s for two years in the last stage from decay. In March. 2001 She get her new kidney while corona was “raging” around us we, without vaccin, and my wife with immune suppressors did very well.
I spoke about toxins and stuff causing RNA/DNA replication and nothing about vires not existing. I know things about how to minimize replication with supplements and food and deliberately exposing yourself for training purposes. Where my friends and family got 5 shots at least and got sicker I got 70. My wife and I are in great condition Don’t feel distracted. I give you a thumb up
I like to give AI a hard time to struggle through my errors
This reading above looks like another catchy limited hang out hang out. I can make up of one or two fairytails myself.
The first one is movie material:. Let’s call it “a bat flew over a Wuhan nest”.
Dracula like blood thursty US soldiers with Pangolin camouflage. Since 2015, US gov. owned spike-proteine-viral-Pangolin/Bat attachments patents came on the market for anyone with money to do some expiriments. Around September 2019, the US Army came out 32st in a Wuhan , China international combat tournament.
Not exactly the famous US army winner mentality. First I thought it had something to do with the then rapidly gowing Woke mentality (Oh dear, Oh dear I think I shot Johnny!) but clouds disappeared after announcements that a vaccin was not far away of being authorised, I But even that was a gas, because all the primates they had tested their earlier SARS concoctions on had passed on a anafylactic shocks after being re-exposured to what they called “virus” The brillance of the Re design of that killer proteine now is that it kills instantly the genetic distorted just within the time span of being so called “not vaccinated” because the M(od)RNA has not been fully changed your body into a functional virus factory.
It Skips people without an aguired immune system (babies) and attacks the ones with a deteriorated immune system, (the old wood). And after 5 years lots of the inocculated devellop vascular or mental disorders like altsheimers caused by prions.
Eugenicistsss wet dream.
Anyway, the hookup of vulnerables (according protocol) to be pumped up by a compressor and otherwise with a humain exterminator like midozalam or so to extract one from family has brought in lots of taxpayers money too.
The second one is shorter is a more comploat like teeorie I give it a fair chance it all began with the idea about how to turn a bunch of colonists into genocidal killing machines by means of inocculants. But why that only works in the Middle-East puzzles me though.
DONE. Ps FoodForThought.
Suppose virusses do not exist but are instead toxins annoying your Cell-recycling mechanism. Normally about 100.000 times a sec a cell is reused this way with the mRNA from another healthy cell. A functional immune system covers all the weak spots and holes in your body and starts a fight when it learns it is attacked by an unknown possible threat.
So why should you have yourself inocculated with toxins where:
a) these are applied far from your natural protected area.
b) no one knows how those toxins work on the long run. c) no one knows how they interact with other not yet materialised toxins.
d) and after how many irregularities does this mix start to be critical. No one knows better than your own body in evaluating incoming disturbances, to deal with them, and learn / remember how to fight better the next load.
The Punch line is: If you have to deal with dirt, learn from it.
“The ruling class is replacing democracy with a global technocracy” | Interview David Hughes
A UK academic’s Covid-Opp critical book managed to pass peer review ?!?
A neo Marxist who takes this as a class war or the 0.1% vs the rest: materialism as pinnacle.
I take it as a power war of the 0.1% globalist’s mono world rule vs 150 diverse nations: souls as pinnacle.
Its the same only with different labels.
voting is so real!!
The hidden hand is always misdirecting with their controlled ops (= alt media lOw g frav wannabe president fake elect R2-D2 junior) to a scapegoat likes of Fauci or Bill gates. If You think Fauci or Bill gates did this on his own you deserve another jAB-The alt media viewers are so damn gullible.There is no lab leak. There is no gain of function. There is no contagion. There is only fear porn spread via alternate and MSM media.
Watch the next few article in a week or so time re sell the ‘leak’ fantasy as its selection seasons.
Exactly this kind of bullshit is created if a worm tried to eat your brain but starved. But there is no excuse for believing such kind of pathetic antivaxxer bullshit propaganda!!!
Turn off your TV and wake up Holly. (Wood?).
‘Holly’ is the same ‘person’ (an AI ‘bot’, more like) who used to post the exact-same stuff (phrased exactly the same way…) as ‘Jeff the —– ‘ (I can’t recall the last bit of ‘his’ user-name).
Thanks Christine, thought ‘she’ seemed familiar.
‘Jeff the beast’? maybe.
Yes, that’s it, ‘Jeff the beast’! I remembered the last bit, some time after I’d posted my short comment yesterday!
We have the right to be antivaxxers because we live in a democracy, and we wont allow YOU to destroy America and get rid of our Constitution!
I expect that if one takes multiple untested jabs and then finds out how stupid one has been, one might respond as you did.
No point taking the jab Holly. You got got. Good luck with that.
You know what, Holly is right,
The Spike proteine has a branch wich consist of a PRRA, a HIV, and a PLD end.
The HIV peace is causing VIAIDS eating the Igg1 and Igg3 immune parts and blows up Igg4 which has to compensate for the lack of protection.
The PLD end stands for PRION Like Domain and causes brain decay Like in JC (Jacob Creutzfeldt).
So this worm is real.
There is also the phenomenon of PEG shedding which is something like moving the Spike Proteins from person to person by means of the glycol based containers the spike is stored in.
AntiVaxxers might be unwillingly exposed.
Therefor, the creators of the spike proteine made a miscalculation.
Humble Pie
The spike protein exists in your brain only.
In an ideal world one theory (in reality a hypothesis) such as Germ Theory can be replaced by another such a Terrain Theory or another altogether. However, disproving one without proving another leaves the door open to the majority being swayed and manipulated in a new direction or being left confused.
There is so much unlearning required across so many topics, since humanity has been indoctrinated and lied to about many things that are generally accepted as true.
Much of history is a complete fabrication or a twisting of reality.
I live in hope, however slim, that more people will organically start to reject much of the programming and it will be exposed brick by brick until suddenly the whole wall just collapses.
The nine eleven truth movement got lost in the weeds with the minutiae of details and arguing about the ‘how’ it was done rather than sticking with it being an inside job. Obviously infiltrated it effectively became impotent and ended up at war within each group and between the various groups. It went round in circles for 20 years.
Every single time this happens, infiltrators and controlled opposition are set to work to misdirect, cause strife and herd sceptics in a certain direction.
Many people who rejected the cull juice didn’t know why, they just knew not to take it. This was down to intuition, an inner knowledge without having all the facts available. For that reason, those with less formal education (indoctrination) fared better in this ‘IQ test’ than those with Bachelors and Masters level education. In terms of high educational achievement only PhDs did better, since their type of learning requires formulating their own hypotheses rather than rote learning.
The Plandemic was based on pseudoscience – relatively easy to expose. If the religion of so-called experts and pseudoscience can be broken in the public consciousness then it will hold less power over a growing number of people. Once this trust is lost it will be harder to regain.
A critical mass of humanity just needs to get to a point of ‘knowing’ without necessarily knowing exactly how and why. The how and why can come later when the dust settles.
The above comment is a repost adjusted to get around pending.
FYI – both your iterations went into pending. I just approved the more recent version, so whatever you ‘adjusted’ didn’t work 🙂
Thank you. I thought I was being clever in thinking I had spotted the trigger phrase in numerals, so changed it to letters. Clearly, I was wrong…it still didn’t work! 😂
While I completely agree with you about the ridiculous infighting within/between 9/11 truth movement groups that I always found self-destructive as I lived through it, this had nothing to do with why 9/11 truth never became mainstream. 9/11 truth was only ever going to become mainstream if the masses cared about it, which they did not. Even the most united front wouldn’t make a difference when the vast majority are indifferent to the truth.
9/11 truth can only become mainstream when there is a revolutionary change in the power structure, obviously including the wholesale abandonment of the establishment media, because the truth is so damning to the ruling class. Until the masses are willing to demand the truth and struggle for these revolutionary changes, which they probably never will, the truth will never be openly acknowledged. That is the harsh reality and it applies to covid (and even JFK) as well. No revolution, no truth.
A democratic power structure replacing the oligarchy through nonviolent means would open the door to the truth about these events.
Australian ‘health’ authorities are thinking of slaughtering
500,000 chickens because, they allege, there’s been “an
outbreak” of ‘bird flu’ …
The number of alleged ‘infected’ chicks is not revealed…
So – how many ‘infected’ chicks is there in “an Outbreak” ?
Is it one ? Two ? Twenty ? Is your guess as good as anyone’s ?
Is “Outbreak'” one of those words which have a fluid meaning,
words whose meanings change to suit the occasion ?
(If you break-out in a rash is that also ‘an outbreak’?)
Yeah, so how can it possibly be a better time to explain to farmers they are being deliberately sent broke by governments using scientific fraud and fake tests for a non existent disease allegedly caused by a never found entity? It couldn’t be more crucial to alert everyone to this scam, when the animals aren’t sick, don’t have a disease and don’t need to be destroyed.
Yet Tilly and the other virus and contagion shills want to omit pertinent facts pertaining to this bird flu scam and every other future “virus” scam.
you give me reason to believe Darwin.
When birds have to bread a better race by hammering leaky vaccines applied by Aussies it might be worthwhile to start with the root of the problem.
Or did I miss something and has the slaughtering of Aussies already started?
The chicks didnt behave. Thats the REAL reason for “the outbreak”. Learn the lesson les online.
It wasn’t about a virus. It was an IQ test.
EQ test: the fear factor dominant or not.
Trust in the divine or in big pharma ‘science’.
And a Far Q test.
Perhaps the PCR ‘tests’ were in actuality the manufacturing protocol to produce the ‘vaccine’ which in reality is the ‘virus’…
The nasally assaulted are likely carrying the same magnetic tracking nanotech as the injected. Minus the cancer cells, aluminum salts and other “adjuvants”.
There was something extremely suspicious about shoving the swabs up people’s noses. Unnecessarily invasive and potentially harmful.
I’m sceptical about this claim after having that thing shoved up my nose on two occassions. I was told the lab had messed up the first test so It had to be done again. It was either accept the BS (I knew it was BS) or that medical investigation I had waited two years for would have been cancelled.
From my constant awareness to things that were going on around me in 2020/2022 I could only come to the conclusuion that it was all a game to drive you down and make you give up. One example is the cancelled appointments you had sat hours waiting for, but your name was never called even though you’d watched many people go in and out the surgery door to see the same Doc.Yeah, the same one you had the appointment with. So your the last person waiting, frustrated, only for a Nurse to appear and tell you you appointment will have to be rescheduled.
Another tactic was telling you they couldn’t find your appointment and another would be made. The increased security suggested they expected people to lash out.
It wasn’t incompetence, It was all well planned to provoke a violent reaction.
These situations were common during the big C-Con but people just couldn’t see the game being played at the expense of their sanity, and possibly their lives.
Same experience.
Had to get the test in preparation for surgery. I regret that I did not figh it more. But was in so much pain, and it was so stressful dealing with docs and admins setting up the dates, etc.
Surgery was Friday. Arrived, sick with migraine because I couldn’t drink or eat, only to be told that surgery was cancelled due to emergency. Rescheduled for following Monday.
Pouring rain outside. Cab home. Crawl into bed.
Phone rings. Cheery somebody calling to schedule my cvid test for surgery on Monday.
“I am not getting out of this bed all weekend. I live alone. I am not at risk. I am not getting tested again.”
Arguments all day.
Cancelled the surgery.
Ultimately had to reschedule. Another swab.
Show up for rescheduled surgery only to be told my swab was incomplete.
Needed another one.
I gave them as much grief as I could. But, again, was in pain and felt I needed the surgery.
I will never take another test.
I hate them for what they did.
And I was lucky.
How did people fall for getting swab after swab so close to the brain in drive by parking lots????
Who was actually doing the swabbing? I think mine was a teenager.
It was a sick joke Judith nothing more, but we came through 🙂
I was handed the first swab to do myself. The second was carried out by someone claiming to be a scientist with spare time on his hands. He could have been the local store assistant for all I know. Madness.
I never got tested. Dont know how I succeeded to avoid even a single test.
Whiskey, cigars and girls, they are the keys to worlds.
If you have someone test for a Bluetooth MAC address in you, you’ll know that you’ve been dosed. And that there was never any “test”.
Yeh I saw that. No MAC address in my head, not sure about the jabbed out there though.
Plus, they had to be specially ordered. No normal swabs were allowed. So…..where DID they come from and what was on them? Yeah. Very suspicious.
There’s a documentary on it. The WEF even talked about chipping with implants in 2016. The “swabbed” are in denial.
Drosten (German), virologist, concocted a virus anology from an ultrafat dieased Chinese and Koopmans (Dutch) made 3 primers, for the rt- PCR test to go with (referrence) .
Running PCR . Cycles over 25 (maximum advised by Mullis, the PCR inventor) was trying to prove you have the DNA of a Mercedes Benz .
25 cycles means 33 million DNA amplifications while 43 cycles comes to 88000000000000 amplifications.
Something many governements used to scale up the Pandamics.
Further, If you test 100 million healthy people with a test tolerance of 10%, you send 10 million home.
The swab was an Obedience Test
Because Science
Meaning there is still 40 mio left on food stamps…………LOL. The glass is half empty.
Just for you:
Mr Jackal and Mr Hide (sic).
Ha! Duper’s delight.
Scientists and doctors have disputed the fraud ever since it was first peddled by Robert Koch.
Élie Metchnikoff and Max von Pettenkofer both drinking Vibrio cholerae, separately and neither becoming ill should have been the end of this lie.
Mike Stone has a good expose – the Germ Hypothesis Parts 1 & 2 on his site, ViroLIEgy.
I applaud the clever way he has misspelled virology to include the word ‘lie’.
Quite a few ‘establishment’ Covid skeptics have and/or are building cottage industries on the ‘lab leak’ mythology.
These individuals and institutions that are proliferating the lie that there ever was a pandemic- and I’m speaking about those within the self described “health freedom movement”- have done and are doing an incalculable amount of damage.
Those who reify this lie by stating there was a “mismanaged pandemic” (RFK e.g.) or that there was a need for “early treatment” (see: Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and many others) or that there was some “lab leaked” pathogen that swept across the globe in Spring 2020 (too many to name off here) cover up the crimes of what actually happened in the hospitals and nursing homes, cover up the staged events that created the illusion of a medical emergency and provide cover for those who designed and executed this operation.
By eagerly getting people to chomp on the obvious “lab leak” bait dropped into the discourse they hook people into doing exactly what they want: reify the entire false foundation of the fake pandemic.
Perpetuating the lie that there was a pandemic (all pandemics are fictions) justifies the “pandemic preparedness industry” through which Big Pharma Corporations and their investors can keep siphoning trillions from taxpayers via public/private partnerships- the public foots the bill, the private sector reaps the profits.
The insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed and paves the way for future crimes
It could just be a continuation, or the continuation of said crimes.
Which are quickly forgot I might add in today justice system.
What justice system?
Tales of lab leak and bio-weapons were a small part of the global campaign to deflect from deadly jab and other ongoing mass murder/harm. The dissidents you mentioned were left to sustain this campaign.
The governments themselves blamed
-. delayed treatment, stress, inadequate activity, austerity and pollution – though they were directly responsible for all these
-. the dread disease (the propaganda goal of the 2020 mass murder), escape/breakthrough variants, long covid, nocebo (delusion), air passengers not flexing their legs, “low living standards”, poor food, narcotics, bad weather and anti-jab disinformation.
Tales of lab leak and bio-weapons were a small part of the global campaign to deflect from deadly jab and other ongoing mass murder/harm. The dissidents you mentioned were left to sustain this campaign.
The governments themselves blamed
-. delayed treatment, stress, inadequate activity, austerity and pollution – though they were directly responsible for all these
-. the dread disease (the propaganda goal of the 2020 mass murder), escape/breakthrough variants, long covid, nocebo (delusion), air passengers not flexing their legs, “low living standards”, poor food, narcotics, bad weather and anti-jab disinformation.
My local “leaders” in the health freedom movement seem to be leveraging their Covid activism into political careers (within the local and state GOP). It could be simple opportunism, chasing the gravy train, and/or I suspect that they are playing a role that they auditioned for years ago.
Hi OffG, I ‘liked’ the following comment and it registered at the time of ‘up-voting’, but when I leave the OffG website and then come back, the voting for that particular comment is back down to zero upvotes/likes? I repeated this and it happened again?! Can you explain this for me? Cheers.
“Edward Bernaysauce
Jun 13, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to Tilly Petersen
“It wasn’t just another virus, or just another fake virus or whatever. It was something new and it was used to kick off a new dystopia. That’s what we need to focus on atm.”
Well then – do you not reckon that once people are aware that there is no virus (lab or ‘wild-type’) and that Virology is as a pseudo-science (fraud)…that they might be inclined to investigate further as to what really went down?
I personally think Terrain, or ‘No- Virus’ position is a gateway that opens onto the path that leads to further dismantling of the illusions that keep people cowed and controlled.
Also I tried to up-vote the following comment and it said I had already voted for it when I am 100% certain I did not vote for it – can you explain that problem for me too. Thanks in advance:
“Edward Bernaysauce
Jun 13, 2024 7:55 PM
Reply to Sam – Admin2
Rosenau study of ‘contagion’ would be a good starting point…“
I believe I’ve explained before, but we can’t control the voting our side, only turn it on/off globally. We sometimes get huge anomalous upvotes/downvotes, often coinciding with certain topics, which we think is clear evidence of vote gaming to try to slide the forum. I don’t know what’s happening with you. The system logs votes by IP. If you are using a generic vpn, installed in a browser for example, it might be that. A2
PS. don’t multipost the same comment.
PPS. I notive this wasn’t your last comment today as you stated. That’s fine, lol, but if you’re quite done throwing shade here 😉 perhaps we can call this subject settled. I do not know what your problem is there, and that’s my honest answer. I wouldn’t know how to begin fixing it without turning off voting globally.
Has anyone heard of the “It came out of nowhere” the oh ?
COVID was the flu re branded. The same flu that happens each and every winter. They never has the COVID virus for testing because there never was one.
And there’s no such such thing as the influenza “virus” (flu) either.
People’s respiratory symptoms can be likened to diarrhoea – the body is chucking out what is toxic.
I still refer to the cold and flu, but just as a catch all of common symptoms people get (mostly) in the winter.
Please give a professional refutation of the following article and all referenced articles therein:
In this article, electron micrographs of Influenza Virus virions are presented, after purification of viral particles using ultracentrifugation.
The plethora of articles referenced in the quoted article are, presumably, in your eyes, all fraudulent, all fakes?
You goad someone to refute what mainstream science considers “settled” via debates in the Off-G comment section?
There is someone who has taken on that challenge, though in book form. That is Daniel Roytas in his book Can You Catch a Cold? He unpacks study after study, showing the lack of controls and assumptions made. He has an appendix over a 100 pages long with details on each study claiming to give people the flu or cold. You want to debunk something, debunk that book.
Thanks for mentioning Roytas’ book. I have it and found it thorough and analytical. Germ theory has never been proven, contagion has never been proven, there are alternative explanations for the appearance of contagion.
You are welcome! From March 2020 onward, I am open to any argument, any “revision” of history as long as it is well made, convincing and well documented. I find it a paradox that people who don’t believe the Official Narrative TM for WWI, WWII, the Cold War, 9/11 or for Covid, find it beyond the pale that one could even question germ theory or that vaccines aren’t the greatest medical invention of all time.
(And, may need to be censored for the greater good!)
Great stuff!
Btw, Paul Weston is back after a long absence – sorely missed.. and he hasn’t been twiddling his thumbs. He has been doing fab research..
Paul Weston (
here is Paul Weston’s youtube page
Paul Weston – YouTube
I hope I never see the lab leak theory on this website again.
By not dismantling the entire contagion theory/virus theory myth,all you’re doing is refuting ONE “bioweapon” story, keeping us vulnerable to the next one.
And, hmm, didn’t you practically endorse RFK Jr for president, running several articles by writers praising him?!!
Seems to me you and the anti-germ brigade are all barking up the wrong tree.
I totally accept virus theory is unproven. BUT SO IS TERRAIN THEORY. And the fact is that our society is built on accepting many unproven theories as fact, up to and including Relativity and Evolution.
It’s not the big knock-down reveal you think it is. It’s just another example of how tenuous our understanding of the world is.
And no, ‘revealing’ viruses may not exist won’t stop the next pandemic. The ptb will just go with the flow and claim it’s a “terrain” pandemic caused by some bullshit they made up.
No-virus just IS NOT the way to get across the message of what covid was. In fact it detracts from getting the message across because it robs the covid psyop of its uniqueness and makes it just another ‘unproven’ virus.
Probably that’s why the ‘germs don’t exist’ claim is so popular with trolls and 77th. Whether it’s true or false it totally distracts from the unique and horrible thing that “covid” was.
It wasn’t just another virus, or just another fake virus or whatever. It was something new and it was used to kick off a new dystopia. That’s what we need to focus on atm.
Debating the pros and cons of virus versus terrain gets in the way of putting that important message across just as much as the lab-leak diversion does – imo
The no-virus narratives are likely pushed by the “intelligence” agencies so as to discredit the anti-vax/anti-pandemic/anti- new normal movement and put them in the same box as flat earthers.
The correct refutation is that there is NO PROOF that WHAT THEY CALL VIRUSES causes disease but this is being obscured by the easy to knock down “no virus” statements.
The fact is the medical parasites have particles photographed with their scanning electron microscopes that they can point to and say : “here’s the virus, duh, you’re insane!”
They don’t even have a photo of “sars cov2 ” though do they?
That’s because it is a computer model based on made up data and “theories”!
Show us where i said “no virus”!
‘No photo of SARS-CoV2 virus = no influenza virus exists’ is equivalent to saying ‘my wife had a headache last night’ = ‘no sex for you for years, buddy boy!’
As soon as people like you say ‘floods in Florida means global famine’ you lose all credibility as an arguer.
I don’t know if you are capable of reading the professional biomedical literature, but unless you are, it’s extremely difficult for you to claim that you can refute thousands of man years of research just on influenza virus, let alone all the other viruses that you claim don’t exist…..
The particles are dna snippets. Nothing more. Further, they come from a soup of disparate ingredients, so the particular dna snippet cannot be clearly determined to have come from any particular entity or organism.
Remember the African leader who sent swabs of papaya, coca-cola and some animal or other. in to a lab for testing for “Covid” and the tests came back “positive”?
Yea, that absurd.
The Covid PCr tests were run at such high cycle thresholds they returned huge numbers of false positives. Making the tests meaningless. The viral assays used could well have been meaningless too.
The principle of indexing, detecting a larger whole using small snippets as a unique finger print, might not be an argument against virology. It’s the principle that Mullis used when he invented PCR. It’s a sound concept applied across many fields of science, I believe. A2
There are no true positives. Any test for SARS-CoV-2 relies upon finding short segments of nucleic acid as put forth by computer models, and these models have never been authenticated with a whole virus which has been physically isolated and purified. Because no such entity has been proven to exist, as admitted by 222 public health agencies around the world. The idea that there are “false positives” assumes there are are true positives, and this idea is unsustainable
And this IS an argument against Virology, because it is entirely reliant upon the creation of computer models. No virus has ever actually been physically isolated and purified. (Sorry, bacteriophages have never been demonstrated to be viruses).
You really do need to acquire some humility about your total lack of knowledge about virology research. Virus research started 60+ years before even the most rudimentary DNA sequencing technology appeared in the 1970s and computer modelling based on DNA sequences didn’t become mainstream until the 21st century.
For you to say that animal viruses weren’t involved in the most basic biological science discoveries of the 20th century is plain lies.
You also need to learn another lesson. You asserting things doesn’t make them true. It just means that it’s what you think.
I personally worked with researchers who had proven (before I started research in 1986) that an animal virus could be isolated from benign bovine tumours, the creation of those tumours could be induced in experimental cows after purification of those viruses and scarification of cow tissue and rubbing that tissue with virus inoculums, but not when the cows were simply scarified.
Those researchers purified viral particles. They purified DNA from those particles which was proven to be circular and double stranded. They cloned that 8-9kb of DNA sequence in bacteria and spent 2-3 years sequencing it in the days before DNA sequencing was anything remotely resembling a high-throughput factory. They identified sequences representing potential proteins encoded in the virus, made antibodies against such proteins and proved that such proteins existed in the virus particles they had isolated. They proved that a variety of proteins predicted from the DNA sequence were produced in cells exposed to viral particles in the lab, but were not produced in cells which weren’t exposed to such viral particles. They isolated RNA from cells infected by virus and created a map of the way that the virus produced RNA molecules to produce the proteins.
Now if you want to lie about all this, go ahead.
You just want to say that ‘I say that the only way to prove a virus exists is by isolating it in such a pure form that no-one has ever done it to my satisfaction and if they haven’t, then viruses don’t exist’.
Your logic is faulty: all you are saying is that ‘to your satisfaction’, viruses have not been isolated.
The question you have to answer is this: who made you the sole arbiter of truth on this matter and, apart from you, who thinks that you are right?
I want you to say how viral RNA is produced in cells which I say is infected with viral particles in a lab, if the virus doesn’t exist? You have to tell me where the circular DNA in animal tumours came from, what the particles visualised on electron micrographs actually are if they aren’t viruses and how circular DNA ended up in laboratory cell cultures if there was no infectious agent containing either DNA or RNA in the soup that those cells were exposed to?
The RNA and DNA were definitely in those cells: that’s non-negotiable. All the work was done before PCR had been invented. They were detected using Southern blots and Northern blots. Proteins were detected using western blots and ELISAs.
You don’t have any basis to say that those biological molecules could be detected using those techniques if no viruses exist, because their sensitivity is sufficiently low that the only alternative would be absolutely 100% fraud, committed right from the start. The DNA was detected, the RNA was detected, the proteins were detected.
Those scientists were like potters working clay with their own hands. They were highly skilled artesans.
You’re trying to make out that bacteriophages aren’t viruses, when they have the same charateristics as viruses which infect animal cells, except they infect bacteria, their cycles of replication can be completed in 24hrs, not 4 weeks.
You’re not going to win this argument, you know…..
Show us these isolated viruses. Yeah, virology goes back to the work of Pasteur, admitted in the not-for-public-viewing version of his autobiographical notes to be based on fraud. That version got released years later by a descendant of his. And to the work of Robert Koch, who admitted none of his 4 postulates were ever satisfied. And to the invention of the cell culture procedure by John Franklin Enders in 1954, supposedly finding the measles virus, but admitting that a control experiment got the same result as the one with the extract supposedly containing the virus. Fraud all the way down and back.
Mark Bailey, a Farewell to Virology, 9/15/22.
Straw man. Let’s first demonstrate that isolation is pivotal to virology.
Virology rests upon 3 pillars:1. cell culture procedure demonstrating Cytopathic Effect (CPE), the death of the cells used as the medium to grow the virus.2. Electron microscopy of the fluid created in step 1 supposedly showing the viral particles. 3. Transgenomic sequencing done using the contents of the fluid. Without isolation and purification, part 3 cannot be authenticated. Experimenters have demonstrated parts 1 and 2 can be falsified, obtaining CPE and images of certain viral particles such as SARS-CoV-2, HIV, measles, by doing the procedure but without any extract allegedly containing any viruses, and using cell tissue much hardier than what’s usually used (which is green monkey kidney cells).
(Start that part at around 50:00)
Refutal of virus “isolation” / existence:
Expert Edition of entire Essay
PCR is not a test it is a replication device.
All SARS-CoV-2 PCR results are meaningless as are the results from the lateral flow assays.
That’s what Kary Mullis said. He should know, he got a Nobel prize for its discovery. And he said it can’t be used to diagnose disease. But it is highly very useful in making up the severity of disease.
Mullis himself stated PCR is not and never was intended as a diagnostic tool, period. While PCR is a valuable tool for scientific inquiry it cannot diagnose disease. His words, paraphrased if you will, but his, not mine.
I don’t disagree. I don’t think admin has stated anything that contradicts this. A2
Your comment does support the argument that the PCR “tests” are useless and unscientific in diagnosing any disease but in order to refute the existence of pathogenic viruses the tests are irrelevant.
The processes involved in how viruses are supposedly isolated and patients then being exposed to the end resulting goup are the relevant issues when it comes to refuting virology.
Who has demonstrated that isolation is key to virology? Shouldn’t we do that? I haven’t seen anyone demonstrate that. There are other ways to observe the action of particles without isolating them, aren’t there? A2
Im happy I cant participate in discussions like these.
As I have no knowledge and never got a PCR test, never get flue, and never smelled any coffee during the Covid campaign like under so many other MSM campaigns.
I must be “a lonely wolf”, another media campaign slogan, public label and box.
My papaya got sick from coca cola. It had been grieving for months over the loss of Kerry Mullis, so that could have had something to do with it. It IS easier to get sick when one is sad. But don’t reach for that psychotropic med cause that will REALLY do one in. The real virus is an unethical Big Pharma and it’s henchmen “legal” drug dealers.
Sounds like you think you know enough about no-virus to conclude that it is pushed by “intelligence” agencies, but you’re somehow not aware of the countless published rebuttals to the point-and-declare EM-image based “virus” claims. If you find people who say “here’s the virus, duh, you’re insane!” difficult to respond to, you haven’t grasped the fundamentals yet because it’s one of the easiest claims to rebut.
Also, it sounds like you’ve somehow missed the many failed attempts to demonstrate contagion or even transmission of illness via injection and the many MDs who have pointed out, throughout the history of “germ” nonsense, the many examples of “contagious” illnesses not being contagious.
Yes if someone considers my astrology office to be an “intelligence agency.”
It’s obvious the virus shills work for the Intel agencies because they promote toxic meds for a non existent disease, they promote fake tests, they also promoted other “vaccines” before the scamdemic, which were always poison.
They also promote voting for the fake uniparties, another psyop. And every other Hegelian Dialectic, divide and conquer meme and hoax the unlawful governments run. Such as the obvious state sponsored and hoaxed terror ops in the STRONG CITIES networks.
Virus and contagion shills are the gatekeepers for every fraud in existence.
The intelligence community (not sure why they are called that because there is often not too much there) doesn’t want people to know about the labs and what they are doing in them. Do you know how many labs there were in Ukraine before the current military operation? US labs. There is a Level 4 lab in the country of Georgia. Many universities are doing Level 4 lab work. Very dangerously unsupervised.
“It wasn’t just another virus, or just another fake virus or whatever. It was something new and it was used to kick off a new dystopia. That’s what we need to focus on atm.”
Well then – do you not reckon that once people are aware that there is no virus (lab or ‘wild-type’) and that Virology is as a pseudo-science (fraud)…that they might be inclined to investigate further as to what really went down?
I personally think Terrain, or ‘No- Virus’ position is a gateway that opens onto the path that leads to further dismantling of the illusions that keep people cowed and controlled.
Bingo. It’s the door that opens the whole can of lies.
I think you and those agreeing with you fundamentally fail to understand something about our world – viz Almost everything we currently believe about nature is definable as ‘pseudoscience’ in that it’s a theoretical model constructed to explain observed phenomena rather than a collection of proven fact.
To that extent virology is in the same boat as Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Gravitation, Evolution and much else.
Exposing it as ‘unproven’ is just not the big deal you all seem to think. Almost everything we teach in schools today is unproven. Hence defined as ‘theory’ rather than ‘law’ (eg the Theory of Evolution). Most people are happy to accept unproven claims as truth. They do it every day. Virology is no exception.
If you just focus on the failings of virus theory (and sure there ARE failings), you are simply and conveniently diverting away from everything that makes ‘covid’ a unique, dangerous ongoing psyop, into a general, and ultimately unsettled science discussion.
Which is obviously a good thing for those who don’t want the covid psyop exposed.
Somebody gets it -100%, same as flat earthers, FE & globe are both THEORIES ffs. Its classic dialectics or negative thinking, also called “critique” as in “critical thought” or “critical race theory”, or… in the words of Karl Marx: “The ruthless criticism of all that exists” – everything is deconstructed so only the wizards claim to know the “true” interpretation on any subject.
if the globe is a theory, how come I can use that theory to tell you when the Sun will set over Anchorage on Aug. 12 and get it right, to the degree and minute? Using the globe model. Pretty good theory.
THERES NO COVID SO STOP USING THAT WORD. You are shilling for criminal fraud and too lazy to use a caveat? How disingenuous and dishonest.
Wow – that does not seem a very honest response to an honest point.
Yes, I know there’s no covid. That’s why I keep saying there’s no covid. However you can’t say ‘there’s no covid’ without using the word covid. As YOU YOURSELF just did.
So, are you trying to make a point or just diverting from the one I was making?
What do you think of what I actually said?
Yes, you’re right. You wrote the word ‘covid’ in quote marks, thus demonstrating that you know full well that it doesn’t exist.
The person who posts under the name ‘Researcher’ wrongly abused me (a few weeks ago) in the exact-same way (re. a different subject) as she’s wrongly abused you, above. She wrongly accused me of being a ‘shill’ simply because she didn’t understand that when one puts a word in quote marks it changes the meaning of the word/s.
Thanks, Christine. I don’t know why she/he is hating on me when I basically agree with most of what she/he says.
Is it anger issues?
You conflated. Straw manned. Made unsupported allegations. And you have been disengenous and dishonest about what the “no virus” camp’s position is, when it was only you (and the other virus peddlers) who continually bring up the ter-rain issue as a straw man.
I just want the authors and commenters to be scrupulously honest in discussing alleged, unfound entities, alleged unproven diseases, and use appropriate qualifiers, disclaimers and caveats.
The fact you *and* they don’t is extremely suspicious.
You are just making generic accusations. Why do you not want to address the specific points I make?
Yes almost everything that is taught in schools and what most people believe IS based on pseudoscience.
Once you have eyes that see, you can see it in almost everything.
I agree. The focus should be on the human rights abuses. The refutation on the right of bodily sovreignty. The right to move and live freely. Medical freedom. The right to work and contribute and make a living. The right to denounce criminals who are harming one or putting one in harms way. The right to think and speak freely and counter or utter on the thoughts and speach of others. That was the real threat of covid, the loss or suspension of our rights. The right to hold people equal under the law and to not be forced to follow imaginary and unjust laws.
Covid was just a narrative. Not a virus, not an illness. Just a story. A horrible story pushed onto a gullible and unsuspecting public.
Exactly. So let’s focus on exposing that rather than getting diverted into general discussion of contagion/virus theory, which just serve to hide the unique threat and danger behind the covid psyop.
What have YOU exposed? I’d like to know because I see a whole lot of hand waving with zero results and no facts.
Again with the needless antagonism. I’m agreeing with almost everything you say, I just disagree that focusing exclusively on attacking virus-theory is the best way of exposing the ‘c-word’ scam.
I think the best way of exposing the c-word scam is to point out its uniqueness not bury it in the bigger issue of whether all viruses are real.
That’s all. Why hate on me for that??
It does not mean I don’t think that question should be discussed. It certainly should be discussed, and any fraud exposed.
Just let’s not turn EVERY discussion of the c-word into a wider discussion about viruses. If we do that we risk losing the unique status of the c-word psyop, which is ongoing and deadly.
And I think that’s why some dishonest parties turn up to encourage us to do that.
Who are the dishonest parties? Where are they?
The only dishonesty I see are those who fail to include caveats, disclaimers and qualifiers. And those who deliberately straw man as you have done.
I see you as being dishonest, actually. Your shrill overreactions and aggressive tone are harrying, rude and unpleasant. Plus they seem unnatural and forced. It makes me question whether you have honourable intentions here, or whether you’re trying to spoil and discredit an otherwise interesting conversation. You also stepped up this routine when Sociopath stopped posting. Quite regardless of whether I think you are connected with that entity (how do I know), you’ve clearly seen an opportunity to become head bully, or lead classroom disruptor, and I really hate bullies and meanies. I’ve warned you before about this.
Anything more aggressive, shrill or rude goes in the bin. Communicate like an adult, thank you. A2
Lol. That’s rich. This is what people think of you.
it’s not what ‘people’ think, it’s what that little group claim to think or want other people to think.
It’s not what I think, and I’m a ‘people’ too.
I think the Admins do a hard job here and do it pretty well most of the time considering the provocation and trolling that goes on.
Are they perfect? No, but who is?
Not me. How about you?
What I find amusing and ironic about that link is that it’s a group of people all uniting to complain about supposed censorship on OffG, but I see many of the same names freely posting comments, often quite negative ones, on here on a regular basis, without being censored, whereas the one or two dissenting voices on that blog Researcher links to appear to have had the text of their comments removed! 😂
I wonder how that group would deal with the aggressive negative criticism that’s permitted here every day? Seems they can dish it out but can’t take it.
Impressive! (The link)
You are so right in what you say re. ‘Researcher’. Her posts are most definitely “shrill overreactions and aggressive in tone”, and emphatically are also “harrying, rude and unpleasant”. She subjected me to vile, wholly unwarranted abuse (in a very similar way to the way she’s now doing to Tilly Petersen) a few weeks ago. She is definitely a “bully”.
I remember seeing your warning to her at that time.
I disagree. What would be the point in exposing lies, if the people still think that viruses are real they can ever be CON-TROLLED.
What “unique threat and danger” is that?
You don’t think 2020, the fake pandemic, global lockdowns/forced incarceration, forced DNRs, mass abuse of ventilators was a unique threat and danger?
You don’t think the subsequent fast track rollout of the new normal is a unique threat and danger?
I just don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve right now.
I’m not accusing you of anything. I agree with you there was no new deadly virus in 2020. I agree that covid was a total lie. I even agree that virus theory has many problems that need exposing.
I just think that turning every single discussion of ‘covid’ into a discussion of virus theory is counter-productive. Because it blurs the vitally important fact of the scamdemic’s uniqueness.
And this plays into the hands of those who don’t want us talking about that – imo
The problem with some untenable theories being foisted upon us is that they are used to justify draconian measures. That’s my litmus test for a deliberately fake theory.
In terrain theory and those who follow it, no-one would want to enforce any particular measure onto the population, just perhaps to teach those who would listen to live more healthily to avoid symptoms.
Actually, I’ve argued elsewhere that nocebo (the terrain theory explanation for what we perceive as contagion) could be weaponised in a population very easily.
“Don’t kill granny. Shield vulnerable people from your nocebo effect. Wear your face covering. Stay indoors when you’re ill. We’re in a phase of record high nocebo effect. Take your government mandated health tonic injection if you wish to travel”.
There is much more to the terrain-based thoughts on that topic than simply nocebo effect.
The essential vehicle for the spread of the nocebo effect is the mass media. It is a social contagion. When was that last time you saw Dr. Tom Cowan or the Drs. Bailey’s on CNN?
When was the last time you saw Cowan or Bailey produce controlled studies? Lol Sorry, these double standards, this dishonesty, needs to stop. You’re being so dishonest it’s just trolling.
Apart from the enormous costs involved in conductimg double-blind randomised and controlled clinical trials – so only BigPharma can afford to do them – they are also fairly useless, since they do not reflect what happens in real life. Thus the distinction between a drug being efficacious (producing the desired effect in a lab situation – corruption notwithstanding) vs effective (in real life).
Moreover this:
It’s long since been known that the degree of efficacy of most conventional treatments have been misrepresented (and side effects downplayed).
“…only 15% of medical interventions are supported by solid scientific evidence…(and)…only 1% of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound…many treatments have never been assessed at all…”
(Smith R. Where is the wisdom…? The poverty of medical evidence. Editorial. British Medical J 1991;303(Oct 5):798-799)
Full article: Where is the wisdom:
This suggests that 99% of published trials, or at least the reporting of them – cannot be relied on.
“…only 5% of published papers reach minimum standards of scientific soundness and clinical relevance…” and that “…in most (medical) journals the figure is less than 1%”.
(O’Donnell M. Evidenced-based illiteracy: Time to rescue “The Literature”. The Lancet 2000;335:489-491).
“…Only 6% of drug advertising material is supported by evidence…” (British Medical Journal, February 28, 2004, p. 485 P Rome)
Further, the randomised clinical trials “evidence-based” medicine is so proud of are only required to be so large because they study clinically insignificant effects; the larger the number of people enrolled, the greater the effect appears.
And the reviews/meta-analyses of studies undertaken, though considered to be the gold standard for establishing evidence in medical science, are biased:
“The number of reviews indicating that the modern biomedical interventions show either no effect or insufficient evidence is surprisingly high. …. a surprising degree of subjective interpretation involved in systematic reviews. Where patterns of disagreement emerged between authors and readers, authors tended to be more optimistic in their conclusions than the readers. Policy implications are discussed.”
All Cochrane and similar meta-analysis reviews should be issued with the following warning:
“CAUTION: This review is a selective interpretation of the available data and incorporates the bias and prejudice of the reviewers. The effects it describes are only valid as aggregate statistics of large groups and should not be used by doctors or members of the public for making decisions about individuals.”
And last but not least there’s corruption, coercion, falsification of date, hidden, undesirable data, paid advertising dollars to the scientific journals that print the research, etc.
So, no, the Baileys have not produced any RTCs, thank god.
So there’s no benefit to the scientific process because you’ve demonstrated, to your satisfaction, that some of it is corrupt/incorrect? Or it’s a bit expensive?
So we just abandon science when it comes to contagion alternatives, but keep criticising virology and genetics etc. for its bad science…
Why bother being consistent, eh?
”bias and prejudice” cuts both ways. Yours is on full show. A2
I think that’s dangerously naive, Veri Tas. ANY theory, philosophy or moral concept has the potential to be exploited by powerful interests.
Virus theory is being used to sell the covid lie because it happens to be part of the currently accepted model of reality. If it gets discredited and replaced by terrain theory then that will be used in future psyops instead.
Like Admin says, you just adapt your narrative to fit the new ideas about what sickness is. Terrain theory can be exploited to sell lies just as easily as virus theory.
Which is why this entire diversion is welcomed by the lie-makers. It ultimately does nothing to help expose the covid psyop.
Iatrogenisis the number one killer of humanity. And the virus shills in the faux freedumb movement who won’t address the fraud of never found viruses, or unproven contagion, perpetuate and enable murder by injection.
All viral tests are fake, which you’d know if you’d bothered to read VIRUS MANIA or any of half a dozen free books explaining clearly, the obvious criminal fraud and racketeering.
There’s nothing divisive or distracting about the truth. It sets people free from the fear narratives and mind control. And allows them to take personal responsibility for their own health.
That’s the last thing the fraudulent, criminal governments want.
I don’t disagree with the claim modern western medicine contains a lot of nonsense, fraud and racketeering. I don’t suggest investigation of virus theory shouldn’t be done.
I am saying that if you take every discussion of the covid psyop and turn it into a debate about virus theory you are, intentionally or not, obscuring the unique and dangerous nature of the ‘covid’ lie and the agenda attached to it.
I suspect this is often a deliberately encouraged thing, for obvious reasons.
I’m not saying don’t ever discuss the shortcomings of virus theory – it’s a valid debate and needs to be had. I’m saying don’t divert EVERY SINGLE discussion of the unique covid psyop into being about viruses in general, because this is not helpful.
We’ve reviewed the evidence and we’re not convinced the case is strong enough to dismiss all contagion as ‘myth’ just yet. By all means link to opinions, or better still affirmative studies, but let’s not treat this matter as settled in the comments, please. It is deeply contentious.
Would you prefer not to have a range of opinion?
We don’t all have to attack and denounce offg and admin. You know Offg is a very rare place, a one of a kind, so let’s try to respect this community. We won’t always agree, sometimes we’ll disagree strongly, but we can all do our part to stop this toxic undermining culture BTL and start to heal the community that you are a part of.
I’m putting out these calls to action to try to get support behind this forum and what it represents, since bashing it has become de rigueur. This forum community symbolises your home in alt. news, a place you’ve published over a thousand comments, and we all have a responsibility not simply to criticise frommthe sidelines, but to help make this forum everything we want it to be. We’re not perfect at offg, our tools are primitive to run a news site and comment forum this busy, we do make mistakes sometimes, but we have good hearts, and you have been welcome here.
Thanks for listening, A2
Rosenau study of ‘contagion’ would be a good starting point…
Thanks to OffG and your (cat herding) Admins, having been an admin years ago I can appreciate the difficulty involved in keeping this forum from total chaos and on topic.
There is no perfect forum out on the net that I have ever seen.
Years ago Liberty Forum came very close…
Kudos to all of you!
Much appreciated, thank you Thom 9! 😀
The research has been done that contagion is a myth or, rather, a lie used to push toxic vaccinations.
Here’s one collation of such research having been done over the past 100+ years:
Book: Can You Catch a Cold? by Dan Roytas
Why won’t anyone look into the research already done?
I understand covid had much hocuspocus behind it, but your link isn’t very strong evidence to call this whole discussion about contagion settled. I think you may know that actually.
I’m afraid I can’t let anymore of these stubborn and false statements of fact that viruses are fraud through. It’s just not in line with the available evidence and it ruins the conversation. It amounts to shouting people down, arguing by repetition and false assertion.
Here’s a prime example of where the community can choose to back me up, or choose to stay silent. I’m not stopping anyone saying their opinion or linking to their evidence, I’m just putting a stop to an unfair debating practice. If you disagree with my call, explain why briefly below, but skip long lectures, we’re all busy people. I wonder, will the community stand by as admin gets criticised and piled on and called names?
This is your community, readers and commenters. Please make admin’s job easier by showing your agreement, if and when you agree. Thanks, A2
Again, you misunderstand the scientific method. Those assert contagion and viruses are real have needed to prove both these hypotheses, by induing contagion via controlled experiments, and by isolating and purifying viruses. They have done neither, so far. Demonstrate otherwise, please.
Offg does not accept as a valid argument assertions about isolation if those assertions are not placed in context with virological evidence as a whole.
Offg rejects your straw man argument that isolation de facto disproves (or removes all proof from) virology, unless you can demonstrate with good reasoning that it does.
Offg rejects all pseudoscience masquerading as science, and that includes the huge double standards employed in this discussion by adherents of ‘terrain’ and ‘toxicology’, both of which are scientifically unproven.
Offg rejects your definition of the ‘scientific method’ which doesn’t even attempt to take account of the above.
Offg rejects as a valid argument you appealing to your own mathematics credentials, while failing to make consistent sense of the above points.
Offg rejects argument from repetition as valid. If we don’t make any effort to engage with others, argument by repetition can become a cynical, bullying practice.
You’re welcome to argue virology however you want on your own forum, but on Offg we think your repetitive interjections which consistently fail to address the above points amount to trolling,
If you resort to the same tactics in future your posts will be removed as trolling.
This appears as a shot across the bow of those challenging germ theory.
Thing is, if you were going to be biased (and we all are to some extent), you should be biased in favor of those challenging germ theory, as – should it be discredited in the eyes of the general population – the entire medical-military-intelligence-pharma complex would collapse. It would free people from the 24/7 fear porn propaganda we currently endure and would eliminate the most powerful tool for top-down societal control the ruling classes have. People would begin to see that their health is in their own hands – that’s empowerment. But you don’t even want to entertain that?
Are you stating Sam, that Off-G intends in the future to censor germ theory-critical views from this website?