Eagle campaign caught out in self-serving lie

by Kit The anti-Corbyn coup, launched simultaneously across the press and PLP, hasn’t had much go their way. Corbyn refused to resign. The public are largely behind him. The...

Chilcot: Internal memos show Syria may have been on the agenda since 2001

The Chilcot Report was released On Wednesday, and a hard copy can be yours for just £767 (though I would suggest reading it free online here), and while there...

Clinton e-mail scandal: Deconstructing the FBI's report

by Kit The FBI have finally revealed the results of their investigation into the private e-mail server Hillary Clinton was using to store important state documents, and/or carry out...

Has Brexit triggered an anti-democractic "Color Revolution"?

The Prime Minister didn't want it. The Chancellor didn't want it. The Queen didn't want it. The opposition didn't want it. The President of the United States didn't want...

Female politicians (sometimes) receive more abuse than male counterparts, apart from when they don’t…

Kit Knightly The Guardian have tried their hand at statistical analysis again – after resounding failures the last two times, you have to at least salute their determination. As...

New Labour emerges from hibernation sooner than expected…and unready

The unwillingness, on behalf of the Labour right, to unite with the rest of the party and attack the Conservatives at a time when they are politically divided and...

Guardian Watch: Insults fly in post-Brexit hysteria

The world is still reeling from the referendum results - there is uncertainty in the air, real uncertainty, a rare creature in the modern era of controlled media consensus...

Nick Cohen: "Brexiteers are fascists, liars and charlatans whose only recourse is name-calling,"

Mere days after the Guardian published no less than four different editorials criticising the tone of the debate, the poisoning of the atmosphere, and the contempt we have for...

Guardian wastes no time in turning tragedy into politcal capital

Less than 24 hours after the violent death of the Labour MP Jo Cox, the Guardian has unleashed two editorials that seek to pin the blame, not on the...

The Agenda is Set: Elect the War-Hawk for the Sake of "Progress"

With the democratic nomination now officially all but certain (Sanders, quite obviously, never had a chance), the Guardian has thrown their full editorial weight - such as it is...

Welcome to the Future: Your ABC Guide to Newspeak

In these hectic, shifting modern times it can be hard to keep track of exactly what modern journalists are trying to say. As we move beyond the archaic idea...

AUDIO: Stephen Cohen – "Unprecedented NATO Mobilization – Looks Like War With Russia"

via Russia Insider The large-scale US-NATO amassing of military force on Russia’s Western borders, NATO’s “Eastern Front,” is unprecedented and creates the impression of preparation for actual war Nation...

The Web They Want: How a twitter wordsearch justifies internet censorship

Kit Knightly Earlier this year the Guardian launched their new campaign – “The Web We Want”. It’s an agenda driven campaign to suppress free speech and protect the ancien...

The Observer Calls on the Benign Empire to Fix Syria

The “Observer view” wants Obama to “knock heads together” and sort out the Syria crisis. The anonymous editorial is not just a government issued press release, and you are...

Guardian Editor Weighs in on War on Free Speech

Kit Knightly Katherine Viner has waded into fray, waving a battle standard, The Guardian, she says ultra-po-faced, admits to having a “problem with abuse”. She is lying. Their own...

Censored on CiF: Is this what they mean by "abusive"?

Last night a reader sent us a comment he left on Viner’s article about how censorship is good for free speech. If that is the case then hollowaytoad got...

Freedland: "I, for one, welcome our Corporate American Overlords"

American lawmakers are a global force for good, one for which we should all be grateful…according to the Guardian. Too often, according to Jonathan Freedland, the term “self-appointed global...

Panama Papers: Revealing details live in the gaps between the lines

Certain species of lizard - when threatened, cornered or in danger of being eaten - have the ability to "drop" their tail. This process, "Autotomy" (from the Greek, auto=self,...

Panama Papers cause Guardian to collapse into self-parody

You'd be forgiven for thinking, given the above picture, that the Panama Papers had something to do with Vladimir Putin. Maybe he was a kingpin of the whole thing....

Syria: The Guardian View on…Things they Just Made Up

The Western MSM are all a flutter: Russia are pulling out of Syria (sort of). They can't quite decide if it's a victory, or a defeat. They don't know...