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UK Circling the Drain – Crisis what Crisis?
CST Research
It is now almost five years since the start of the COVID event. The public was told there was...
WATCH: Was Bitcoin A Government Operation & Can It Still Be Used To Fight Back?
Long has the origin of Bitcoin been a topic of discussion, debate, and even drawing lines in the sand....
WATCH: Living Fiat Free – #SolutionsWatch
On the latest edition of #SolutionsWatch, James Corbett is joined by Aaron Day, a liberty activist who hasn’t used...
Tyranny by the Numbers: The Government Wants Your Money Any Way It Can Get It
John & Nisha Whitehead
The government wants your money. It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any...
The digital ruble: It’s finally here!
Riley Waggaman The wait is over! The Bank of Russia’s centralized, programmable digital token officially received the State Duma’s blessing on...
Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame – Part 2
Iain Davis In Part 1 we noted that “money” is no more than a medium of exchange. If we cooperate...
Western Oligarchy
Simon Elmer One of the obstacles to understanding the managed and apparently deliberate destruction of the small and medium-sized...
New Normal Newspeak #5: “Recession”
Our new series of micro-articles deals with the newly everyday occurrence of the modern media simply changing what a...
Economic Devastation: The Real “Long COVID”
Colin Todhunter Audio Version New Feature! There is a terrifying prospect that in excess of a quarter of a billion more...
Localization: An Alternative to the New Normal
Colin Todhunter ‘World Localization Day’ will be celebrated on 20 June. Organised by the non-profit Local Futures, this annual coming...
‘We the People’ Are the New, Permanent Underclass in America
John & Nisha Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute Audio Version New Feature! “We are now speeding down the road...
Is Russia the REAL target of Western sanctions?
Kit Knightly
The first tweet I saw when I checked my timeline this morning was from foreign policy analyst Clint Ehlirch,...
Economic Restructuring, Democratic Deficit and Locking Down Liberty
Colin Todhunter Remember how the notion of freedom was spun by the ideologues of neoliberalism for decades prior to...
Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 2
Iain Davis Audio Version New Feature! “The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension on...
Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 1
Iain Davis Audio Version New Feature! The people who none of us elect, who ultimately control international finance, all...
Amazon, “Economic Terrorism” and the Destruction of Competition and Livelihoods
Colin Todhunter Global corporations are colonising India’s retail space through e-commerce and destroying small-scale physical retail and millions of...
WATCH: Meet the World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum does not run the world, but in this time of The Great Reset and The...
Old Normal vs New: From 1980s Neoliberalism to the ‘Great Reset’
Colin Todhunter Sold under the pretence of a quest for optimising well-being and ‘happiness’, capitalism thrives on the exploitation...
WATCH: The Markets are Rigged
At base, the markets are a con game where the rich and powerful employ a raft of confidence men...