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The Gates Foundation and the War on Cash
Colin Todhunter Back in November 2016, the Indian government decided to remove all 500- and 1000-rupee notes from circulation...
Dependency & Distress: The Story of Bt Cotton in India
Colin Todhunter In the early 2000s, genetically modified (GM) Bt insecticidal cotton was being heavily promoted in India on...
BT Cotton: Cultivating Farmer Distress in India
Colin Todhunter This month, India’s Supreme Court will hold a lengthy hearing on the commercialisation of genetically modified (GM)...
Why Food Systems Are Breaking Down Across The World
Colin Todhunter Fast food nations and global nutrition Daniel Maingi works with small farmers in Kenya and belongs to...
Can GM crops really “feed the world”?
Colin Todhunter A common claim is that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are essential to agriculture if we are to...
GM in India: Faking it on the Astroturf
Colin Todhunter According to a recent report in The Hindu Business Line, India’s intelligence agencies are investigating the role of a...
Capitalism and the Gut-Wrenching Hijack of India
Colin Todhunter In India, the ‘development’ paradigm is premised on moving farmers out of agriculture and into the cities...
Hunger Games: Food Abundance and Twisted Truths
Colin Todhunter The world already produces enough food to feed 10 billion people but over two billion are experiencing micronutrient deficiencies (of which...
Asia-Pacific Trade Deal: Trading Away Indian Agriculture?
Colin Todhunter On the back of Brexit, there are fears in the UK that a trade deal will be...
Copenhagen: Life in the Slow Lane
Colin Todhunter Indian cities are in crisis. Spend any length of time in a large city there and you...
GMOs: Magic Seeds and Broken Promises
Colin Todhunter Political posturing aligned with commercial interests means that truth is becoming a casualty in the debate about...
India’s Tryst with Destiny
Colin Todhunter Today, we are in the grip of a globalised system of capitalism which drives narcissism, domination, ego,...
Encouraging Illegal Planting of Bt Brinjal in India
Colin Todhunter In February 2010, the Indian government placed an indefinite moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal....
Illegal Bt Brinjal In India
Colin Todhunter What is the point in central government orders and carefully thought out regulatory norms if government officials...
Bt Brinjal Illegally Growing in India: Who Is Really Pulling the Strings?
Colin Todhunter In February 2010, the Indian government placed an indefinite moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal....
As the 2019 Indian General Election Takes Place, Are the Nation’s Farmers Being Dealt a Knock-Out Blow?
Colin Todhunter In 1830, British colonial administrator Lord Metcalfe said India’s villages were little republics that had nearly everything...
Indian Manifesto Demands Indefinite Moratorium on GMO
A new ‘Political Manifesto’ has demanded an indefinite moratorium on the environmental release of GMOs in India pending independent...
India’s Agrarian Crisis: Dismantling ‘Development’
Colin Todhunter In his 1978 book ‘India Mortgaged’, T.N. Reddy predicted the country would one day open all sectors...
Capitalist Agriculture: Putting Soil on a Diet of Snake Oil and Doughnuts
Colin Todhunter In their rush to readily promote neoliberal dogma and corporate-inspired PR, many government officials, scientists and journalists...
GM Cotton – Reckless Gamble
Colin Todhunter The dubious performance (failure) of genetically engineered Bt cotton, officially India’s only GM crop, should serve as...