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Guardian wastes no time in turning tragedy into politcal capital
Less than 24 hours after the violent death of the Labour MP Jo Cox, the Guardian has unleashed two...
The Agenda is Set: Elect the War-Hawk for the Sake of "Progress"
With the democratic nomination now officially all but certain (Sanders, quite obviously, never had a chance), the Guardian has...
VIDEO: Google Manipulating Searches to Favor Hillary Clinton
Very enlightening video that shows just how deep the corporate endorsement of Hillary Clinton goes. Google is clearly concealing...
Welcome to the Future: Your ABC Guide to Newspeak
In these hectic, shifting modern times it can be hard to keep track of exactly what modern journalists are...
Silencing America as It Prepares for War
Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the silence. I have covered four...
The Web They Want: How a twitter wordsearch justifies internet censorship
Kit Knightly Earlier this year the Guardian launched their new campaign – “The Web We Want”. It’s an agenda...
The Observer Calls on the Benign Empire to Fix Syria
The “Observer view” wants Obama to “knock heads together” and sort out the Syria crisis. The anonymous editorial is...
Guardian Editor Weighs in on War on Free Speech
Kit Knightly Katherine Viner has waded into fray, waving a battle standard, The Guardian, she says ultra-po-faced, admits to...
Censored on CiF: Is this what they mean by "abusive"?
Last night a reader sent us a comment he left on Viner’s article about how censorship is good for...
Freedland: "I, for one, welcome our Corporate American Overlords"
American lawmakers are a global force for good, one for which we should all be grateful…according to the Guardian....
Panama Papers: Revealing details live in the gaps between the lines
Certain species of lizard - when threatened, cornered or in danger of being eaten - have the ability to...
Panama Papers cause Guardian to collapse into self-parody
You'd be forgiven for thinking, given the above picture, that the Panama Papers had something to do with Vladimir...
Syria: The Guardian View on…Things they Just Made Up
The Western MSM are all a flutter: Russia are pulling out of Syria (sort of). They can't quite decide...
"Shakespeare Loved Refugees"
by Kit In one of the more bizarre incidents of agenda pushing that I can recall – even by...
VIDEO: Robert Stuart's presentation on BBC's "Saving Syria's Children"
In his presentation for Frome Stop War, Robert Stuart provides an overview of all the many pieces of evidence...
NATO Branch Chief: "The Russians are coming, my cleaner says so!"
by Kit You might think that an article that alleges that the Kremlin is masterminding unrest in Europe by...
Propaganda as “News”: Ecuador Sells out Indigenous and the Environment to China
by Stansfield Smith The end of January a news article appeared, “Ecuador To Sell A Third Of Its Amazon...
Aleppo: The Corporate Media Credibility Gap
by Bryan Hemming Less than four years ago, Aleppo was a prosperous and beautiful city. Christians and Muslims lived...
Syria’s President Assad Amnesties Syria’s Draft-Evaders
by Eric Zuesse Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad, issued on February 17th, a decree: …granting a general amnesty for military...
How a Candidate’s Mega-Donors Get Served After the Election
by Eric Zuesse An example will be described here of a way in which corrupt Presidential candidates load up...