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A Hostage Drama in Istanbul: Radicals Killed by Police

ISTANBUL, TURKEY, RT.COM. Turkish security forces cut short a standoff with a far-left group that captured prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz, when they launched a storm on an Istanbul court....

When will the War in Donbas Flare Up Again?

By yurasumy, 25 March 2015 Yurasumy is a Ukrainian blogger. His life as a political activist began as a self-described “Bandera follower.” Eventually Yuri from the city of Sumy...

American People Should Hold War Lobby Accountable for Libya Debacle

They enthusiastically, even gaily, blew up another country, only to blame the rescue personnel for not showing up fast enough. By Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, the Cato Institute, via...

VIDEO: Nikolayev residents boo Ukrainian soldiers

“Murderers! Shame!” — Nikolayev people booing the Ukraine Armed Force’s 79th Nikolayev AMBr [Airborne Brigade] at the anniversary of the WWII liberation of Nikolayev [on March 28 1944]  (people are holding...

A ‘Conspiracy Of Silence’ – HSBC, the Guardian and the defrauded British public

From Media Lens The corporate media have swiftly moved on from Peter Oborne’s resignation as chief political commentator at the Telegraph and his revelations that the paper had committed...

‘Reuters lied’: MH17 witness says reporter falsified testimony — RT News

From RT A Lugansk Region resident, whom Reuters cites as saying he saw evidence of a surface-to-air missile launched from rebel-held territory on the day MH17 was downed, told...

BREAKING: Car Rams NSA, One Dead, One Injured

By An SUV truck drove into the gates of the National Security Agency headquarters on Monday morning. One of the two alleged attackers was shot dead at the...

Soros: EU Should Give $50 Billion To Ukraine To “Confront Russian Threat”

From Stop NATO KYIV: American billionaire and philanthropist George Soros believes that the EU ignores the financial condition of Ukraine. He urged Brussels to allocate additional funding to Kyiv....

Brzezinski calls for “accommodation” with Russia

… Interviewer: You wrote, I think in 1997, in your book about The Grand Chessboard … this same phrase which I wrote down about Russia with Ukraine is an...

Avakov: We should have blown up separatists at the outset

Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov told Ukrainian television Thursday that Kiev had made a mistake when it didn’t blow up the regional administration centers in Donetsk and...

Yarosh speaks out against Kiev “occupiers”

Regnum reports: Right Sector is ready to officially be part of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but only under the condition of preserving its independence from the General...

VIDEO: captured drone shows UAF violation of Minsk2

NAF forces downed a UAF UAV over their positions and captured it. In its memory they’ve found videos revealing UAF positions around Donetsk airport area (near Spartak settlement)

Minister: Ukraine pension fund bankrupt

Ukraine’s reports: The Pension Fund is bankrupt, lacking 80 billion hryvnia for pensions – Social Policy Minister Rozenko     … The Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine,...

Odessa fire investigation update

RT in Russian reports: Alexander Balinskii, member of the expert public commission to investigate the tragedy of May 2, said that he knew the main reason why there were...

Ukraine’s Chief Anti-Corruption Offical Fired after Uncovering Millions Stolen – Russia Insider

… “Corruption schemes in Ukraine are headed by the government of Yatsenyuk,” – said Gordienko, the chairman of State Financial Inspection In particular, he noted that corruption schemes were...

Yarosh offered post at Ukrainian MoD

Right Sector’s leader Yarosh was offered a post by Poroshenko as adviser to Ukraine’s MoD Chief of Staff. … This was stated by Anton Heraschenko, Advisor to Interior Minister, on...

The Moor Has Done His Duty

by Anatoly Karlin, The Russian Reaction Blog Russian Opposition Journalist Andrey Babitsky Discovers Western Freedom of Speech Andrey Babitsky was the quintessential Russian democratic journalist. A correspondent for the...

Ukraine receives first batch of US Humvees

Kiev (AFP) – Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday took delivery of ten US armoured vehicles, two days after American lawmakers voted to urge President Barack Obama to provide...

“Cynical Banderas”, War-Deprived Right Sector and the Langley Partisans

As much as some would deem it a fatal political disability, Petro Poroshenko’s empathy skills are undeniable. Shedding an honest tear for an SBU agent killed by Kolomoisky’s thugs,...

Kolomoyski tweets, more news

Kolomoyski tweets:  Now I’m just an unemployed Ukrainian. —————— Right Sector will not obey the decision of the authorities to dissolve the volunteer battalions, if one such decision is...