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Die Führer Show Their Hand
Martin Hanson
By the ‘Mussolini definition’, New Zealand is a fascist state, as are many others. But while in theory, such...
Fascism comes to New Zealand
Martin Hanson
It’s the abuser’s Swiss army knife for the empty-headed. Multipurpose, its meaning has near-infinite elasticity. You can be labelled...
WATCH: Navigating the River of Lies
Last year, New Zealand activist Billy Te Kahika interviewed James Corbett for a documentary he was creating about the...
Jacinda Ardern: Saint or Psychopath?
Martin Hanson While still at the height of her popularity, “Jacinda Ardern: Leading with Empathy”, a biography of the...
Dangerous Precedent: NZ court orders baby removed from “anti-vax” parents
Kit Knightly
A court in New Zealand has awarded temporary custody of a baby to medical professionals, after the parents insisted...
WATCH: New Zealand to move all “covid cases” to “Quarantine Centres”
The New Zealand government announced yesterday that ALL cases of Sars-Cov-2 infection “are to be managed in a quarantine...
Military Intelligence?
Hugh O’Neill For no important reason, I was thinking about the Royal Navy’s new aircraft carrier, HMS “Queen Elizabeth...
‘Lone wolf’ myth covers up possible Mossad role in New Zealand terrorist attack
Max Parry Ever since the news broke on March 15 of two consecutive mass shootings at the Al Noor...
Captain Cook’s “Discovery” 250 Years On
Hugh O’Neill CAPTAIN COOK Abridged from a lecture by Professor Bernard Smith (1916-2011) The evil that men do lives...
More than Cognitive Dissonance
James O’Neill The dilemmas in Canberra go beyond the respective roles of the American alliance and the China trade....