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Who Knew: We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here
Edward Curtin My title comes from a song sung by soldiers as they marched to hell in the trenches of World...
Lest we forget…
Philip Roddis
And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap...
A Biden Adminstration Makes the Lessons of WWI Newly Relevant
Kit Knightly
Whatever Trump may be, there's no denying he's been the least militarily aggressive president in recent memory. For the...
Green Fields of France
OffGuardian has covered the first World War at length. We have a category for it. We have deconstructed the...
Wearing Your Heart on Your Lapel
W Stephen Gilbert We’re entering the poppy season again. Soon we’ll be able to play the game of spotting...
WATCH: “The WW1 Conspiracy – Part 3”
The third part in James Corbett’s documentary series analysing the roots, and myths, of World War I. A week...
WATCH: “The WW1 Conspiracy – Part 2”
The second part in James Corbett’s documentary series analysing the roots, and myths, of World War I. The Lusitania,...
WATCH: “The WW1 Conspiracy”
James Corbett offers his view on the hidden origins of WW1 What was World War One about? How did...
World War I: An Illustrated Guide to Propaganda
Terje Maloy These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and...
Armistice Day & the Resurrection of the Old Lie
Kit Knightly
In a profoundly dishonest society, the shared grief of World War I is one of the few things we...
Building Bridges vs. Buying Bombs
China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” is famous as an extension of their domestic infrastructure investments, but Russia is also...
The Christmas Truce 1914
The unofficial Christmas truce of 1914, year 1 of the Great War, saw German, British and French soldiers ...
VIDEO: Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next "Great" War
In the early 20th century, the world’s dominant superpower looked warily on the rise of a competitor to its...
America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed
by Paul Craig Roberts One hundred years ago European civilization, as it had been known, was ending its life...