Now, I could write about the way the leaves on the maples are beginning to fall without that cold snap at night that drapes the forest in colours. I...
We’re only three days into Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, and yet the propaganda cogs are whirring fast as lightning, churning out “news”, opinion and content grist for the...
Vanessa Beeley After three years of a fragile ceasefire and a campaign of assassinations of Syrian government ‘loyalists’ by embedded fundamentalist armed groups, the Syrian flag has once more...
Vanessa Beeley A recent sting operation carried out by the Commission for International Justice and Accountablity (CIJA) entrapped an unsuspecting academic member of the Working Group on Syria Media and Propganda (WGSPM) into...
Whatever shape this fallout takes, spare a thought for the people of Lebanon. Because no matter how it starts, crowds on the streets demanding NATO members "take action" never...
A massive explosion has taken place in Beirut, Lebanon, destroying buildings and sending up huge clouds of smoke. Social media has been flooded with eye-witness videos and cell-phone footage:...
Andre Vltchek Good bye, Lebanon, metaphorically and truly. Good bye to a country which, many believe, actually has already ceased to exist. For five long years I have been...
Andre Vltchek Tires are burning, smoke is rising towards the sky. It is October, the 18th day of the month, the capital city of Lebanon, in the past known...
Donald Trump's decision to "withdraw" from Syria has kicked up a lot of dust - there's sympathy for the poor Kurds, concern for the stability of the region, fear...
Andre Vltchek After the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the Middle East has found itself in the midst of undeclared war. Almost everyone in Lebanon appears...
Andre Vltchek On August 25th, 2019, Israel attacked Lebanon. It has done it again. Just as it attacked Syria, the same night. RT reported the same day: Israeli drone...
Andre Vltchek Dedicated to my friend, a philosopher, John Cobb Jr The West likes to think of itself as a truly “peace-loving part of the world”. But is it?...
Text and Photos by Andre Vltchek Do you think it is that simple to travel around the Middle East? Think twice! Ask Palestinians, about trying to get from a...
From Lebanon, text and photos: Andre Vltchek It came unexpectedly, rapidly and with great force: on 21 July 2016, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Syrian army from their side,...
Text and Photos: Andre Vltchek, first published on New East Outlook Palestinian refugee camps are up in flames, across the country, a result of the disputes between the rival...
by Souad SharabaniCounterpunch, November 25, 2015 Lebanon’s stability is hanging on by a thread. There is war raging on its border; Syria, the economy has all but collapsed, the...
by Eric Zuesse Some of the world’s top Al Qaeda operatives were freed from a Lebanese prison on Tuesday December 1st, to rejoin the U.S.-led war against Syria’s Bashar...