How unnatural does it need to be before we humans realize this environment is not one in which a human animal will do well in, yet alone even survive?...
The heavy rains are rich with life in the Spring. Even when the lilacs have died and the wafting scent of lily-of-the-valley has faded. Summer will come very soon,...
Johan Eddebo On January 13, this Saturday, Taiwan’s presidential and parliamentary elections are simultaneously held. There’s a lot at stake. The independence movement is facing off with Koumintang and...
VN Alexander I’ve never wanted to be able to control any of my devices with my thoughts. I am perfectly happy to use a physical interface that I can...
Simon Elmer So-called ‘smart phones’ — far more accurately described as ‘dumb phones’ — combine a mobile phone with a watch, with a road map, with a tourist atlas...
Edward curtin It is comical how easily one can be ignored for pointing out that new technology is dangerous and fetishistic. So-called “smart” cell phones are a prime example. ...
Sylvia shawcross Well, we all get these stray thoughts sometimes. They are orphaned from our lives and our doings and just appear quickly like the flash of a trout...
Todd Hayen In Dr. Mattias Desmet’s insightful book The Psychology of Totalitarianism he posits that one of the primary problems of today’s culture is that many people believe they...
John Whitehead “He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows when you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness’ sake!” “Santa Claus...
Todd Hayen Look at all of the wonders that technology has brought us! I am certainly not going to start listing them here; it would take volumes to come...
Author and sociology teacher (and regular OffG contributor) Edward Curtin joins Jesse Zurawell on the most recent episode of Perspective from TNTRadio. The pair discuss Ed’s recent piece At...
John Griffin Abstract Global dissemination of a zoonotic virus pandemic narrative by the WHO, government and university scientists, the media, and the general public, has enabled the trialling of...
Ryan Matters There is a willingness in this world for people to adopt new things because they are told to do so. There is also a willingness for people...
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead Audio Version New Feature! “The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem and very often makes the problem...
Dustin Broadbery Part 1: Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth As the digital revolution was underway in the mid-nineties, research departments at the CIA and NSA were developing...
Edward Curtin “Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni” Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno Audio Version New Feature! Try to look ahead and see if you can see what’s been coming...
PrivacyToGo On June 30th, 2021, the Google Developers blog announced the launch of vaccine passports in Android through its Passes API. Less than 24 hours later, the European Union, long mired in...
Edward Curtin Etymology – from Greek, etymos, true, real, actual (the study of roots) Life is full of slips. Words slip out of our mouths to surprise us. Thoughts...
CNN's recent report that the US' security services are considering contracting the services of so-called “researchers” as a legal workaround for spying on average Americans confirms that Biden's dystopian...
David Perez Hardly a day goes by without news of the multi-sided impact of the digital world, how it shapes our individual lives and our collective future. Curse and...