US Policymakers Openly Plot Against Venezuela

by Tony Cartalucci, via Land Destroyer Report The US media has been paying increasing attention to the unfolding crisis in the South American nation of Venezuela. As the US...

Alleged suicide bomber’s father arrested as he expresses doubts over son’s involvement

According to various outlets, including article in Reuters Ramaramamdan Abedi, the father of Salman Abedi expressed astonishment his son could be responsible for the alleged bomb attack in Manchester...

All Power to the Banks: The Winners-take-all Regime of Emmanuel Macron

by Diana Johnstone, via Counterpunch A ghost of the past was the real winner of the French presidential election.  Emmanuel Macron won only because a majority felt they had...

State Dept.: “Bad guy did bad things, we saw it from space”

by Ricardo Vaz from InvestigAction After the previous hit singles, “Russia hack 2016: take our word for it” and “Assad used sarin: bomb first, never ask questions”, US government...

Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention

by Daniel McAdams, for RPI Here’s what the media and politicians don’t want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who...

Nicolas Sarkozy: “No Way To Let The French Colonies Of Africa Have Their Own Currencies!”

by Matthew, via How Africa In an interview with the BMTV television channel, [former president of France] said that the best way to preserve the health of the French...

'Sorted' by MI5: How UK government sent British-Libyans to fight Gaddafi

by Amanda Thomas-Johnson and Simon Hooper, with contribution by Areeb Ullah, for Middle East Eye Fighters say government operated ‘open door’ policy allowing them to join rebels, as authorities...

ISIS Terrorist Attack in Manchester? 17 Days Before Crucial UK Elections

At the end of a pop concert by US singer Ariana Grande in Manchester, an enormous ‘controlled’ explosion killed at least 22 people and injured 59, as reported by...

Who goes home?

by W Stephen Gilbert It’s true that opinion poll failings – and poll successes in anticipating election results more or less accurately have been thin on the ground –...

Escaping the Iron Cage of Hopelessness

By Edward Curtin Specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines that it has attained a level of civilization never before achieved” Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and...

Why so much "fake news" about Manchester “terror attack”?

Buzzfeed and other sources have a running tab on the huge amount of alleged fake news erupting around the alleged terror attack in Manchester. We don't need to...

VIDEO: thousands across UK flock to hear Corbyn speak, ignored by MSM

While May dodges questions and makes limp speeches to tiny pre-selected audiences, Corbyn’s campaign is attracting large crowds all over the country. The news cameras are there, the journalists...

BBC goes full Big Brother in recent announcement

Brought to our attention by Mark Doran, a new BBC document dated May 2017 contains this bizarre threat to its licence-payers: 9. Offensive or inappropriate content on BBC websites...

Reflections on the counter-revolution in France

ne of the more significant features of the recent French Presidential election was the widespread predictability of the outcome. It was taken for granted that the establishment, cardboard cut-out,...

VIDEO: Prof Stephen Cohen: Media/Intelligence Assault on Trump is 'Beyond Belief'

Stephen Cohen, Professor of Russian studies at Princeton and NYU, interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News …You and I have to ask a subversive question, are there really...

What is Needed is a Progressive Vision of National Sovereignty

by Thomas Fazi, via Green European Journal The last year has seen the Right and extreme Right capitalise on the dissatisfaction and despair fostered by neoliberalism – and usher...

VIDEO: How May will finish off the NHS

Needs no explanation or development. Whatever you think of Corbyn or Labour and their manifold shortcomings on foreign policy etc, if you want to keep universal healthcare free at...

US coalition bombs pro-govt convoy in Syrian “deconfliction zone”.

“Inherent Resolve” have announced on Twitter their forces just attacked a pro-government convoy “advancing in a de-confliction zone”. May 18 #Coalition struck #Syrian pro-regime forces advancing in a de-confliction...

VIDEO: Monsanto Employing Troll Army To Silence Online Dissent?

Ever encountered oddly persistent commenters insisting they’ve been eating Roundup for breakfast for the last fifteen years and feel just great? Ever wondered why it’s hard to find online...

VIDEO: Mark Steel on: Toby Young and I, Daniel Blake

British comedian and political commentator Mark Steel takes on Toby Young’s criticisms of the film I, Daniel Blake