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Five Years On: The OPCW-Douma Deception Continues
Dr Piers Robinson
On 7 April 2018 reports emerged from a suburb of Damascus, Douma, claiming that a chemical weapons attack had...
Douma: Three Years On
Eva Bartlett May 20 marked the start of the 2021 Syrian presidential elections. Syrians around the world outside of...
Douma Incident and Forensic Architecture – The Emails
Philip Watson With the launch of “Declassified UK”, an “Independent” media outlet that will, apparently, act as an outlet...
Syria’s War of Self-Defence
David Macilwain Continuing in efforts to get the OPCW fraud exposed to the Western mainstream media’s sheltered and blinkered...
TRANSCRIPT: Parliament House OPCW Presentation
Yesterday the OPCW released the results of their “independent investigation” into their leaks. The finding is that the two...
OPCW Report (Predictably) Smears Whistleblowers
Kit Knightly
The OPCW has released a briefing note summarising the recent “independent investigation” into their recent Titanic-sized leaks. (You can...
WATCH: Former OPCW Inspector Testifies at the UNSC
Yesterday the UNSC held a special panel to discuss the reliability and impartiality of the OPCW, most specifically regarding...
WATCH: Wikileaks Documents Further Discredit OPCW
This video, made by RT, is a great rundown on the current state of the OPCW’s “official report” on...
Crimes of the century – truth, perception and punishment
Kevin Smith “You didn’t think that one through, did you, @eliothiggins sweetie? You’re not in the ladies’ lingerie trade...
As official Douma narrative crumbles, mainstream already constructing backstop
Catte Black The official narrative on the OPCW’s deception about the alleged ‘chlorine gas attack’ on Douma, Syria, in...
WATCH: OPCW Leak Explained
TomoNews US just released the above video summarising the OPCW leak and its implications. It is neat, clear and...
How the OPCW Leak Makes Trump a War Criminal
Eric Zuesse On May 13th, Tim Hayward of the Working Group on Syria made public on his website an...
The OPCW, Douma & The Skripals
In view of the latest revelations from the leaked report, which seem to prove that at least some elements...
The Hospital They Didn’t Bomb
When I first set eyes on Douma Hospital a year ago today, it came as...
UPDATE: OPCW Confirm Leaked Report is Genuine
Kit Knightly
The report, titled “Engineering Assessment of Two Cylinders Observed at Douma Incident”, came to public prominence a few days...
Leaked Report: Douma “Chemical Attack” Likely Staged
Kit Knightly
An apparent classified internal report from OPCW suggests that the Douma chemical attack – which allegedly took place in...
Douma “Chemical Attack”: Still Waiting for an Apology
As in so many of Australia’s military forays around the world, the legal basis for the Syria involvement is...
False Western Narratives Have Caused a Real Russia-West Split
Tony Kevin We have a situation now in which two major world governments, UK and Russia, both nuclear powers...
Lying by Omission: Mainstream Media’s Distortion of the OPCW Report on Douma
Within hours of the release of the Organisation of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons report from their fact-finding mission...
Op-ed: The west closes its ears to Douma testimony
Jonathan Cook writes in his blog The response from the US, UK and France to a briefing on Thursday...