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New study blames VAXXED deaths on the UNVAXXED…because they cause anxiety. Seriously.
Kit Knightly
I mean, the headline says it all really. A study published in August in the Journal of BioMedicine actually...
More “sudden heart attacks” …with a “climate change” twist
Kit Knightly
Anyone following the news cycle since the Covid “vaccines” rolled out has seen a simply remarkable uptick in the...
Rash of blood clots caused by…the heat?
Kit Knightly
Perhaps you’ve heard about the rash of blood clots in young healthy people, recently? Well don’t you worry your...
Another predicted spike in heart attacks (but it’s still nothing to do with the vaccines)
Kit Knightly
This past week saw two high-profile Australians – cricketer Shane Warne and Labour senator Kimberley Kitching – both die...
Increased energy prices could “cause heart attacks and strokes”
Kit Knightly
Our UK readers will be familiar with the press coverage of the cost of living crisis in this country,...
Aortic Stenosis: The latest heart attack scapegoat
Kit Knightly
In only our second article of this new year, This Year in the New Normal, OffG predicted that a...
This YEAR in the New Normal
Our first “This Week” of 2022 doesn’t just look back over our shoulders, but forward too. What were the...
“Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”…seriously?
Kit Knightly
Yes, all the major Covid vaccines are known to have cardiac-related side effects, and yes, some doctors are now...
This Week in the New Normal #4
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of...