latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order

What about the Auvergne? Is Russia engaging in strategic disinfo to avoid being drawn into trap?

Catte According to an a analysis offered by Joaquin Flores on Fort Russ the recent bizarre events unfolding over Syria may have been an attempt, not simply by Israel,...

No, the UN did NOT report China has “Massive Internment Camps” for Uighur Muslims

by Ben Norton and Arjit Singh, via Grayzone Project,  August 23, 2018 Media outlets from Reuters to The Intercept falsely claimed the UN had condemned China for holding a...

The BBC and transgender children

by Sarah Cooksley, via Liverpool Resisters, August 16, 2018 Over the past few years, many parents have begun to take note that the BBC is becoming ever more blatant...

Open Thread – Russian Plane Brought Down in Syria

Last night, a Russian IL-20 military surveillance plane went missing over Syria, presumably shot down. Fifteen Russian personnel are presumed dead. This took place during an (illegal) attack by...

Three Point Failure: The Guardian’s racist campaign against “dirty Russian money”

Kit Knightly Since the initial press hysteria over the Skripal case, the major political parties of the UK have been clambering over each other in an effort to scale...

Washington’s Long War on Syria Isn’t About to End

by Stephen Gowans, September 10, 2018 The United States has a new strategy for Syria, according to The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. The new direction, however,...

Dutch government faces legal trouble after aiding terrorists

by FWMstaff, Free West Media The “moderate” rebels in Syria were not moderate at all, the recent scandal in the Netherlands has demonstrated yet again. Faced with mounting legal...

Pope Francis and the Battle over Cultural Terrain

by Gary Olson, September 14, 2018, via CounterPunch “… [W]e should not be fooled: Much of the organized opposition to Francis has nothing to do with how we care...

When Social Networks Care About National Security

Harry Bentham Controversies surrounding online fake news, having alarmed political activists in Britain and the US, are prompting social media companies to be more active in combating the alleged...

Amazon Censorship of 9/11 Unmasked?

Edward Curtin On September 10, 2018, I published a laudatory review of the new book, 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation by David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth....

P is for Phosphorus and for Projection

Hope K On Thursday September 6th, US Ambassador Nikki Haley warned Syria and its allies Russia and Iran that the US will act if chemical weapons are used against...

Conspiracies Are Not All Theoretical

Alison Broinowski Before the 2016 election, candidate Donald Trump told voters he would ‘find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.’ His promise may turn out to...

Open Thread: Skripal Suspects Interviewed on RT

For those of you who missed it - the Skripal suspects came forward, approaching RT to tell their story. The whole interview is available here...

Those Permanent War “Progressives”

Joe Giambrone Get out of here, you lowlife scum!” Sen. John McCain to anti-war protesters, January 29, 2015 One unexpected revelation, that John McCain’s death has shown us, is...

WATCH: 9/11 War Games

James Corbett’s latest documentary investigates the War Games and military exercises scheduled for the morning of 11th September 2001. When we remember the events of 9/11, we are often...

Guardian Continues Shameless Misinformation Campaign Against Nicaragua

Camilo E. Mejía In its September 7 article, the once progressive newspaper reports that Nicaragua was brought to a standstill by a general strike called by the Civic Alliance, one...

9/11 – A Firefighter’s Perspective

Here we are, at the 17th anniversary of the event which shocked America--and most of the world--that was protected by massive lies still in use today. I am going...

Where’s the Rest of our Country?

Phillip A Farruggio In the 1942 epic film King’s Row actor Ronald Reagan ( of all people ) played a down and out working stiff (Drake McHugh) who just...

Book Reviews: 9/11 Unmasked

Every year, at about this time, OffGuardian likes to cover the anniversary of 9/11, the most important “catalysing event” in modern history. And this year is no different. As...

Intelligence Veterans Warn of US-Russia Conflict in Syria

A group of veteran intelligence officers calling themselves the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, have composed an open memo to President Donald Trump, warning of the very real possibility...