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Big Bangs Can Not End The War On Afghanistan – Admitting Defeat Will

from Moon of Alabama 5667 days after the beginning of the war between the mightiest military of the world and local Afghan farmers, Pentagon reporters were excited to report:...

VIDEO: The Syria Strikes: A Conspiracy Theory

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the Syria Strikes from the truth-telling truth-tellers in the truthful government and true mainstream news!…in under 5 minutes!!

MIT Professor says White House claims of Syrian chemical attack “cannot be true"

Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology and National Security Policy in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT, has made some preliminary responses to the four-page report...

Strategic Engineered Migration as Weapon of War

by Leonid Savin, Voltairenet, November 5, 2015 After reading the title, you may think it is describing the phenomenon that Europe has recently been facing: the hundreds of thousands...

VIDEOS: Kucinich & Savage on the likelihood Idlib was a false flag or fakery

Two videos presenting contrasting but equally sceptical views on the alleged chemical attack in Idlib on April 6, which was the avowed incentive for Trump’s ill-advised missile attack on...

A multi-level analysis of the US cruise missile attack on Syria and its consequences

by The Saker, 11 April 2017 The latest US cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase is an extremely important event in so many ways that it is important...

The Impending Clash Between the U.S. and Russia

by Mike Whitney, 7 April 2017, UNZ Review President Donald Trump’s missile attack on the Shayrat Airfield in Western Syria was a poorly planned display of imperial muscle-flexing that...

Five Top Papers Run 18 Opinion Pieces Praising Syria Strikes–Zero Are Critical

by Adam Johnson, FAIR Five major US newspapers—the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and New York Daily News—offered no opinion space to anyone opposed...

Afghanistan – ‘Small’ Western Propaganda Lies, Huge Impact

by Andre Vltchek Ask anyone on the streets of Kabul about the revolutions that have in recent years transformed huge parts of Latin America, and the chances are you’ll...

Only fools and liars will blame Assad

Joe Hargrave in Fort Russ: So, here’s how it is. 1) There is still no evidence – that has been presented to the public – that Assad ordered a...

The Western media refute their own lies on Syria

by Michel Chossudovsky, 7 April 2017, The Western media refute their own lies. Not only do they confirm that the Pentagon has been training the terrorists in the...

Evidence Calls Western Narrative About Syrian Chemical Attack Into Question

by William Craddick, 6 April 2017, Disobedient Media The April 4th, 2017 incident at Khan Sheikhoun has provoked an emotional response around the world after images began to emerge...

Chemical Attack in Idlib — Duplication of Eastern Ghouta Scenario

by Mariam Alhijab, Syrian Media Center On April 7, two U.S. Navy battleships USS Porter (DDG-78) and USS Ross launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield in...

Guardian’s new low of journalistic abdication

The world stands on the brink of global conflict. Nuclear war is currently a serious possibility. The US launched an attack on a Russian ally state based on completely...

Is the sarin also a lie?

by Catte Imagine the Cuban Missile Crisis – only the Cuban Missiles may not even exist. The most important aspect of the latest Syrian crisis is the one getting...

Philip Giraldi says IC-Military Doubt Assad Gas Narrative

via Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer and Director of the Council for the National Interest, says that “military and intelligence personnel,” “intimately familiar” with the intelligence, say that...

VIDEO: Footage from Al-Shayrat Airbase, Syria and the aftermath

by Sophie Mangal, Syria Media Center edited April 8 to add working video link On April 7, between 3.42am and 3.56am, a massive rocket attack was carried out from...

Russia Reports Discovery of Rebel-Held Chemical Weapons at Site of Idlib Gas Attack

This frame grab from video provided on Tuesday April 4, 2017, by the Syrian anti-government group, the Edlib Media Center, shows victims of a suspected chemical attack, in the...

Demonizing Russia: The Psychology and Consequences of Neo-Mccarthyism

by Stormcloudsgathering, March 28, 2017 This article is not intended to alter your position in regard to Donald Trump in any way. Whether you love him or hate him...

Trump Doesn't Intend to Keep Any of His Campaign Promises on Syria

by Anja Unger, Syria Media Center Apparently, having forgotten his campaign promises, Donald Trump has recently toughened his foreign policy, especially in Syria, where he went much further than...