Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”. Now, we don’t need to get into the personal...
Dr Malcolm Kendrick “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.” Edward Grey Several years ago, I wrote a...
With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most recent data review, published in late March, puts the infection...
Daniel Jeanmonod MD I have chosen to write this text in addition to our two earlier contributions because of the development of the “second wave” which came afterward, and...
Michael Lesher You know how it goes: if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, et cetera…? Suppose an entire society goes to smithereens, while...
Gillian Dymond In the morning, the world is as the world should be. The sun rises, as predicted for this part of England in early December, at around twenty...
Gavin Phillips This is the largest interference with personal liberty in our history” Lord Sumption Virtually overnight our world has turned into a wasteland of closed towns, deserted streets...
Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University has released the results of a serology study done on a sampling of Santa Clara County residents. He sat down with John Kirby...