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Frank Lee During the early years of the Thatcher regime, Conservative MP, Sir Ian Gilmour, served as a member...
Agrochemical Apocalypse
Colin Todhunter The renowned author and whistleblower Evaggelos Vallianatos describes British environmentalist and campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason as a “defender...
Can the US beat China in a “trade war”?
Andre Vltchek It is very popular these days to talk and write about the “trade war” between the United...
Asia-Pacific Trade Deal: Trading Away Indian Agriculture?
Colin Todhunter On the back of Brexit, there are fears in the UK that a trade deal will be...
Deeper meanings of the Hong Kong protests
Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarević Does our history only appear overheated, while it is essentially calmly predetermined? Is it directional...
India’s Tryst with Destiny
Colin Todhunter Today, we are in the grip of a globalised system of capitalism which drives narcissism, domination, ego,...
The EU’s other Periphery
Frank Lee We’ll start with the 10 per capita poorest countries in the whole of Europe. In rank order:...
Beyond Liberalism: The emergence of new identity politics
Shahzada Rahim Liberalism emerged as the most enduring philosophy of the enlightenment era but since the dawn of the...
REVIEW: Pounding the road with America’s elderly workers
Tony Sutton Now here’s something to ponder as you munch your morning cornflakes: If the US economy is booming,...
The Fall and Rise of Racket Capitalism
Frank Lee Delving back into the history of Economic Thought[1] perhaps the most important contributions were made by the...
Eurasianism: The struggle for the multi-polar world
Shahzada Rahim Three decades ago, American pragmatic commentator Francis Fukuyama wrote The end of History and the Last man,...
From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate and Doctrines of Consent
Colin Todhunter There has been an on-going tectonic shift in the West since the abandonment of the Bretton Woods...
Encouraging Illegal Planting of Bt Brinjal in India
Colin Todhunter In February 2010, the Indian government placed an indefinite moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal....
REVIEW: Generations apart – high hopes and stolen dreams
>There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when the English fishing town of Grimsby proudly lived up to...
Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet
by Jordan Engel, 13 June 2019, via Films for Action “The earth is not dying, it is being killed,...
The Miners’ Strike: Renewed Class Struggle in Chiatura, Georgia
Sopiko Japaridze via Transnational Social Strike Platform Over 3,000 workers in the manganese mining town of Chiatura (Georgia) started...
The Neoliberal Disaster of US Healthcare
Imagine if a political party in the UK included in its manifesto a pledge to increase public spending on...
WATCH: Seizing the Means of Production
Unicorn Riot, via Economic Grassroots Organizing [CC – Greek, English] Workers have successfully self-managed the production of environmentally-friendly cleaning...
“Only little people pay taxes.”
The Wheel of History Turns To understand the present, we must understand the past, and possibly the future direction...
WATCH: Costas Lapavitsas Discusses the EU
Labour Leave Costas Lapavitsas, former member of the Syriza government, is a professor of economics at the School of...